Guiding Light Transcript Thursday 4/5/07
Provided by Boo
Proofread by Tanya
Alan: You're not going to shoot me, Ashlee, so give me the gun and don't do anything stupid.
Ashlee: I'm not stupid! I'm your stepdaughter. You're supposed to care about me. Why can't anyone care about me? (
Alan: Will you please stop being melodramatic and go back to the reception?
Ashlee: My mother said that you were supposed to love me and care for me, be my father and my friend, and you're none of that.
Alan: I will never be your father or your friend. And with you holding that gun on me, it gives me leverage against your witch of a mother.
Ashlee: No!
Alan: And, oh, I can blackmail with the best of them. So enjoy the mansion while you can, because as soon as I get back, I'm looking forward to kicking you and your mother right out the door. (Gunshot)
Ashlee: (Sobbing) Mom!
Alan: I remember. I remember everything.
Dr. Belford: Mr. Spaulding, you're awake. I'm Dr. Scott Belford. I've been treating you.
Alan: How long?
Dr. Belford: You've been unconscious for several weeks. We injected you with something called L-dopa and now...
Alan: Here I am.
Dr. Belford: Yes. Your family's been very worried about you. They were all just here. I sent them home. I'll have the nurse call and let them know.
Alan: Doctor, no, not yet.
Doris: I'll save the real estate section for you.
Beth: Don't get too giddy just yet.
Doris: Well, as Alan’s widow...
Beth: Oh, please, he's not dead yet.
Doris: Well if you listened to what the doctor said...
Alan-Michael: Doris is right, Beth. We have to face the distinct possibility that Alan won't make it. Champagne?
Buzz: Work?
Harley: Yeah, I wish. That, I could get away from.
Buzz: Daisy?
Harley: It's a deceivingly sweet name, isn't it?
Buzz: Okay, what's going on?
Harley: We had a major fight yesterday. She pushed me and then I slapped her. Not in that order. She said that Sydney was lucky they took her away from me before I screwed up another kid.
Buzz: Ouch.
Harley: Still, I shouldn't have let her get to me like that.
Buzz: Well, you know, it's easier said than done most times.
Harley: Her drug counselor called this morning. She missed her meeting.
Buzz: Did you talk to her?
Harley: Not yet. I was tempted to drag her out of school, but then I took a deep breath and I rethought it and I took the mature road: I searched her room.
Buzz: Did you find anything?
Harley: No. That doesn't mean there isn't anything.
Daisy: What happened?
Gus: Oh, I spilled something on myself, that's all.
Daisy: You want many to do a laundry load?
Gus: No I'm all right, thanks.
Daisy: Um, so what are you doing right now, besides spilling on yourself?
Gus: Nothing, I was just going to watch telly.
Daisy: Well, how about you make good on your promise and teach me how to drive?
Gus: Yeah, I wanted to talk to you about that. I made this little agreement with your mon.
Daisy: Okay, so you and Harley made this agreement, but you made me a promise.
Gus: Okay. Well, first of all, we can't tonight because it's too dark. I mean, you can only learn how to drive in the daylight and that's even in the rules, trust me.
Daisy: So do you always go back on your promise or is this just a thing you do with me?
Gus: Don’t... don't even do that.
Daisy: Oh, right, I forgot, you are a Spaulding.
Alan-Michael: To Alan Spaulding. God knows I've struggled to understand him. And yet despite his faults, there will never be another man like him.
Dr. Belford: I want to run some tests. The L-dopa treatment jolted you out of the coma, but sometimes the result is only temporary.
Alan: Doctor, we can do that later, but right now I need to...
Lizzie: Granddad! You're... the drug worked. You're awake. It's a miracle. Do you remember what happened? Do you know who shot you?
Alan: No, Elizabeth. I'm completely blank.
Gus: All right. Now, I'm not doing this because of what you said to me.
Daisy: What did I say?
Gus: You said that I'm a Spaulding and I don't keep my word, I don't keep my promises.
Daisy: I didn't say that.
Gus: Yeah, that's what you said. That's exactly what you said. Now, remember, after this lesson, your ma is going to take over, right?
Daisy: Yeah, fine, right, whatever you say.
Gus: That's what I said. When I said it I meant. No whining later on the road about it.
Daisy: Absolutely. I promise.
Gus: All right, good. Get in the car. And you can uncross your fingers, because I'm not an idiot.
Daisy: How...
Gus: All right.
Daisy: Keys.
Gus: Wait a second. Hold on a second.
Daisy: How am I going to learn if you don't let me drive?
Gus: Wait a second. This is the lecture part.
Daisy: I took Driver's Ed. There is nothing you could possibly say to me...
Gus: What are you thinking, the minute you get behind the wheel, what are you thinking? What's going through your mind?
Daisy: I'm thinking put on your seat belt.
Gus: No, you have to be a defensive driver.
Daisy: I've heard it.
Gus: There's a lot of idiots and morons out there. You have to be ready, you have to be prepared.
Daisy: Idiots, morons, prepared, got it.
Gus: You've got to be ready for them. You've got to be ready.
Daisy: I'm ready.
Gus: You have to realize that your mother's not out there to make your life miserable.
Daisy: What?
Gus: I just thought I'd throw that out there. I'm just saying.
Daisy: Okay. And it is thrown. Now throw me the keys.
Gus: It's just about being a grown-up. It's about being responsible.
Daisy: All right, yeah, I get it. I do. I'm more grownup than you think.
Harley: Don't judge me.
Buzz: Who's judging?
Harley: Frank was so right when he said I'd get it all back one day.
Buzz: Well, I can only imagine.
Harley: I was hell on wheels. But I never did drugs. That's a whole other ball game.
Buzz: It's one you've been through not too long ago.
Harley: Yes. So now I know how to deal with it. And if it means ransacking her room every single day that is what I am going to do. What?
Buzz: I just... you know, don't forget about the trust thing.
Harley: Trust? No, you have to earn my trust. And missing your drug counseling sessions, that's not going to do it.
Buzz: I hear ya.
Harley: I mean, I want your opinion, Dad. Do you have a better idea?
Buzz: Maybe you should talk to Frank about this. I never raised a teenager.
Harley: No, I want to talk to you. I am talking to you.
Buzz: That's the point. I'm not the person to go to for parenting advice.
Harley: I don't want your advice, I want your support. No, I don't even want your support, I just want you to tell me I'm right.
Buzz: You're right. You're right.
Harley: Thank you. I lie awake at night and I'm thinking about this thing and I'm imagining how much worse this thing can get. I am sleeping with the phone in my hand. I'm scared, Dad.
Buzz: Do you really think it's that serious?
Harley: Yes, I do. And I'm telling you, this kid starts taking drugs again I am locking her in the house.
Buzz: You didn't find anything.
Harley: You know how good drug addicts are at hiding their stuff.
Buzz: I hate to see you go through this.
Harley: I'm going to lose her. If I don't do something drastic, I am going to lose her.
Coop: So, did you do it?
Ashlee: What? Um, no, I... um...
Coop: Did you read the stuff?
Ashlee: Oh, yeah...
Coop: You asked me to give you the papers that I had written, and you wanted to read them.
Ashlee: Yes, it's really good. It's really, really descriptive.
Coop: You didn't read them, did you?
Ashlee: I did. I did.
Coop: That's fine, if you didn't read them...
Ashlee: I did. They were really, really good.
Coop: The one about the guy who kills...
Ashlee: I read that one. Thanks for letting me read that.
Coop: By the way, do you want to get some food? Are you hungry?
Ashlee: I don't always have to eat.
Coop: I didn't say that.
Ashlee: Well everyone always thinks that...
Coop: Look, Ashlee, I'm hungry, okay? I was going to get some food. I just thought that perhaps you want to...
Ashlee: I'm sorry. I... I'm... I guess I'm a little sensitive because of all my mother's comments.
Coop: I'm starting to think she needs a muzzle.
Ashlee: (Laughs) Starting?
Coop: Yeah. You're not hungry then, are you?
Ashlee: Well, I could split something or something.
Coop: Okay. That's cool. Come on, why don't we get some food? We'll eat, and then after we finish eating you can tell me how good my stories are.
Ashlee: Don't hate me.
Coop: What?
Ashlee: But there's something I have to tell you. I don't want to lie to you.
Coop: Okay.
Ashlee: Your stories, they're... they're not very good, actually. I'm sorry, but you don't know what it's like to be a killer.
Alan-Michael: I think it's time to start making the funeral arrangements.
Doris: I'll do it.
Beth: Oh, for pete's sake, you were married to Alan for what, ten minutes? I'll do it.
Alan-Michael: And he left me in charge. I'll do it.
Beth: Alan-Michael, if you need any help.
Alan-Michael: No.
Doris: Alan-Michael, my offer still stands as well.
Alan-Michael: Why don't you two fight over the silver or dad's Jag? Just do it somewhere else, all right?
Beth: I just... I just want to say that I'm sorry.
Doris: Don't listen to a word she has to say.
Beth: I did love your father. Despite everything, I did in my own way, and I just want you to know that.
Alan-Michael: It doesn't matter now, Beth.
Beth: Yes, yes, it does. Because regardless of our dysfunction, we are family and we have... we have feelings and regrets. Well, I want to be there for you as... as a friend.
Alan-Michael: There is something you can do for me. Keep an eye on her. I don't have the time or the energy, but I sure as hell don't trust her.
Beth: Does that mean that you trust me?
Alan-Michael: I'll get back to you on that one.
Doris: Do you really think that he'll save your pregnant carcass from eviction?
Beth: You know, did I ever tell you about the trapdoors in this place? Hit one wrong button and, poof, someone disappears forever.
Ava: Did your father...
Alan-Michael: No. But he's close, and so are the circling vultures.
Ava: Doris and Beth. I'm sorry, that's the last thing that you need when you're trying, too.
Alan-Michael: Did you need something from me?
Ava: I'm just getting ready to leave.
Alan-Michael: Oh, yeah.
Ava: Look, I know things with your father have been complicated.
Alan-Michael: Yeah.
Alan: Who sent me those pretty flowers over there?
Lizzie: Let's see.
Alan: They're beautiful.
Lizzie: Oh, Matt and Vanessa Reardon.
Alan: That was very thoughtful of them. Remind me to send them a thank you card. Elizabeth, you are radiant. You are a true sight for sore eyes, Elizabeth. You know, Buzz was right, I do have a second chance.
Lizzie: Buzz? Did the doctor talk to you about the effects of the medication? Because...
Alan: Yes, but that doesn't matter. The only thing that matters is that I'm alive.
Lizzie: I have to call everyone.
Alan: Not now, Elizabeth, not yet. I have something that I want to say to you. You know, the closer you get to death, the more you realize that life is very precious. I want to apologize to you because it was my actions that led us to lose Sarah.
Lizzie: Oh, Granddad...
Alan: I have so much to make up for-- to your mother, Alan- Michael, Alexandra, even... even Ashlee.
Lizzie: Ashlee?
Alan: But you know how much I love you, Elizabeth. You know that. I promise you, some way, somehow, I will do everything in my power to make this up to you.
Lizzie: (Crying) You're up. Sorry I fell apart like that.
Alan: You had reason to. We all do. But from now on we're making a fresh start.
Lizzie: Okay. But I have to call mom now, Aunt Alex, Alan-Michael.
Alan: Soon. I want to see my family very much, but there's another place I want to go first.
Buzz: Are you really sure about this?
Harley: Yeah. It might actually save daisy's life. Have you talked to this guy?
Buzz: No, but if he's the same guy he was in the service, he's the guy who will administer discipline to Daisy, and you'll get what you're looking for.
Harley: Sending my daughter to boot camp.
Buzz: Talk to Paxton. Call him before you have her dragged off.
Harley: Thanks for making it sound loving.
Buzz: I'm just saying what it is. The guy's a corrections officer. He's going to whip your girl into shape.
Harley: You trust him, right?
Buzz: With my life.
Harley: Good. It might have to save hers.
Buzz: Honey, look, I never could make these tough decisions. I'm glad you're not me. I'm proud of you.
Harley: I am you, Dad.
Buzz: No, you're not.
Harley: Thank you, though. Now for the fun part.
Buzz: What's Gus going to say?
Harley: I'm her mother.
Gus: All right. Very good driving, Danika.
Daisy: Yeah? Even the parallel parking?
Gus: You are living proof that I could even teach a monkey how to drive.
Daisy: I don't know. I saw you a couple times pushing the fake brake.
Gus: You had a couple of moments there, but all in all your instincts are amazing. I think your mother and your teacher are going to be very proud of you.
Daisy: I don't know.
Gus: Yeah, a little practice in traffic... in fact, I think you should play in traffic right now.
Daisy: Right now?
Gus: No, I'm kidding. We've got to pick up your brothers, and your mother should be home any minute. In fact, your mother, maybe she'll take you out for a lesson tomorrow.
Daisy: You know, I'd really rather you teach me.
Gus: We had a deal.
Daisy: You had a deal, and I don't want Harley to be my teacher.
Gus: No, we had a deal. I guess you're not going to be driving anytime soon.
Daisy: Wait, hold on. Can't you just explain to Harley that you would be a better teacher and it's a safe driver she wants anyway.
Gus: You need to go with your mother, okay? Trust me when I say you're going to be thanking me later on.
Daisy: I doubt that.
Gus: She's your ma. You know, we only get one ma, and you spend all your time fighting her for what? For what? For memories of yourself fighting with her? Look, she's not going to be around forever.
Daisy: You think I want to be fighting with her? I don’t. It's her that makes it impossible.
Gus: Can you just ask your mother to maybe let you drive her to the store later on or something?
Daisy: Why? So she can say no? Whatever, okay, so I don't get my license. That's fine. It's not like I have anywhere to go anyway.
Gus: Hey, hey, hey. Is this about the girls at school?
Daisy: What girls?
Gus: Well, I spoke to Ashlee.
Daisy: Uh-huh. And?
Gus: Well, she told me about the mean girls shakedown that you had there. And I was just wondering, is it because you're the one that has to take the bus to school or something?
Daisy: Look, don't worry about it, I don’t.
Gus: Is it because you don't fit in?
Daisy: I've always fit in, until now.
Gus: Look, you're going to get your license. It's going to be fine. Why don't you tell me what else you've got to do to get these girls to shut up and I'll help you.
Daisy: Hmm, older boyfriend.
Gus: Well, no, you tried that. Remember what that got you.
Daisy: I know, but I'm only looking for good guys this time.
Coop: Here you go.
Ashlee: Thanks.
Coop: So let's see how bad it is. You edited it?
Ashlee: Well, no, I just put my thoughts down on the page.
Coop: Yeah, no offense, Ashlee, but...
Ashlee: You let me read it. What am I supposed to do, just, like, kiss your butt and tell you how good it is?
Coop: No, of course not.
Ashlee: Well, I guess that's what everyone else does so that's what...
Coop: No, look I don't know. I mean, for example, I don't know what it's like to be a killer? What is that?
Ashlee: I'm not saying that you have to research it, or, like, shoot someone. I'm just saying that it just didn't feel real to me. Like it didn't feel...
Coop: What? It didn't feel like it was not real inorganic, it wasn't natural?
Ashlee: Exactly. Exactly, yes. I don't know. I just.
Coop: What?
Ashlee: It's not that I know what it's like to kill someone. I'm just saying maybe it's like louder and shakier and not like the movies. It's not like James Bond. It's like... I don't know.
Coop: Look, it’s... it’s... not like that. You're right, it's not like that at all. So I appreciate your honesty, thank you. Are you okay?
Ashlee: Yeah.
Coop: What's up?
Ashlee: The doctor said that Alan might die tonight.
Coop: Oh.
Ashlee: He's not your favorite person.
Coop: Um, well, I know that he's kind of your father now. He's not my most favorite person in the world, you're right. But I certainly wouldn't wish this on him.
Ashlee: Yeah, me either.
Buzz: Alan?
Alan: Hello, Buzz. Is that your famous chili?
Lizzie: No! No, that's a terrible idea.
Alan: Don't worry, I'm not going to eat that. I'm going to have a piece of toast and milk, something gentle on my stomach.
Buzz: When?
Lizzie: Just now.
Buzz: And you came here?
Lizzie: He insisted.
Alan: Yes, I insisted.
Lizzie: I'm going to let him explain.
Buzz: You came out of the a coma and the first place you came to is here, to see me?
Alan: Yes, Buzz. I came here to thank you for saving my life. And to ask you to help me.
Buzz: Are you on drugs? I mean, this medication...
Alan: No, no, not at all.
Buzz: Am I on drugs?
Alan: Buzz, I... I had this dream, and you were in it.
Buzz: I was?
Alan: Very prominently.
Buzz: What was I doing?
Alan: You were giving me words of wisdom. You were my guide, my guardian angel.
Buzz: Okay, what is this? Is there a camera? What's going on? What is this?
Alan: No, no, no, no. I'm very serious. You asked me to change my perspective on life and try to understand why people hated me so much.
Buzz: And how's that working out for you?
Alan: Do you believe that men can change?
Buzz: Oh, absolutely. I'm living proof of it. But you... you had a near-death experience and you said you saw the light, and we saw how long that lasted.
Alan: Yes, but I didn't internalize it then.
Buzz: So you're saying it's going to be different this time?
Alan: Yes, I... I know it is.
Buzz: So this time you're going to do the right thing?
Alan: Yes, I am rejuvenated. I am a changed man, Buzz. But I am entering into uncharted territory in my life, and I don't know if I'll be able to maintain it.
Buzz: Well, you're going to have to change, you know. I mean, for real this time. You know, you've made life hell for a whole lot of people. You can't do that anymore.
Alan: I know, I know. It's all because of my need to control, and it's going to be very difficult for me.
Buzz: You asked.
Alan: I don't know. Maybe... maybe I should go into therapy or some kind of...
Lizzie: Granddad, are you ready to go back now?
Alan: No, I am not going back to that hospital. Not on your life.
Lizzie: Dr. Belford said...
Alan: This is the best medicine for me right now. Ladies and gentlemen, your dinner and drinks are on me. So please eat up. Make sure I get the bill tomorrow morning, huh?
Buzz: Yeah, sure. Sure thing.
Alan: Well, thank you very much, Buzz. Elizabeth, it's time to go see my family.
Lizzie: Okay.
Coop: So, where will you go now?
Ashlee: I don't know, I guess back to the apartment. Mom wants to say in the mansion, but I don't know... about that.
Coop: That sounds kind of weird, don't you think?
Ashlee: Well, yeah, I mean, it's kind of weird because I never felt like I belonged. On the other hand, I never felt like I belonged anywhere, so...
Coop: Well, probably you didn't feel that way because you're too good for that place.
Ashlee: Stop that. Look, I...
Coop: What?
Ashlee: I didn't lie to you about your writing, so you don't have to lie to me.
Coop: No, I'm not... Ashlee, I'm not lying here.
Ashlee: Okay.
Brendan: Hey, Coop.
Coop: Brendan, what's going on, man? Brendan, look, this is Ashlee Wolfe. Ashlee Wolfe, this is Brendan.
Ashlee: Hi, I'm going to get us some coffee.
Coop: Thanks.
Brendan: We're getting a game together at S.U.
Coop: Yeah, look, I... I can’t. I've got some stuff I've got to do.
Brendan: Can't you just have her close up for you?
Ashlee: Come on, Coop, you should go. Have some fun. I can close up.
Coop: Um...
Ava: This is it.
Alan-Michael: All right. Good-bye.
Ava: Good-bye. What are you doing?
Alan-Michael: Oh, funeral arrangements.
Ava: I can help if you want.
Alan-Michael: You don't have to do that.
Ava: I know I don't have to, I want to.
Alan-Michael: Okay. Thanks. Dad actually planned most of this himself. He wanted it to be properly grand. But I just have to make a few phone calls and set things in motion.
Ava: It doesn't make it any easier, does it?
Alan-Michael: Had your mom...
Ava: She knew she was going to die.
Alan-Michael: I can't tell you how many times I dreamt this, even wished for it a few times, but now...
Ava: But now you wish you had more time. He put you in charge. That must say something.
Alan-Michael: You hate my guts right now, and you're trying to prop me up. You're amazing.
Ava: No, I'm... please, nothing has changed between you and I.
Alan-Michael: Yeah.
Doris: Well, thank you, Margaret. Thank you for calling.
Alan-Michael: Margaret Connell?
Doris: Oh, yes, what a thoughtful woman.
Alan-Michael: She's a snake. Why did she call you?
Doris: She and some of the other board members are throwing together an emergency meeting. They asked me to be there.
Beth: Over my dead body.
Doris: Oh, Beth, one funeral to plan is enough. But I'll pencil you in.
Alan-Michael: Why wasn't I informed of this meeting?
Doris: I'm sure you will be, considering it does involve the future of the company.
Alan-Michael: A future that doesn't involve you.
Doris: I'm a lawyer, Alan- Michael. You want to bet on that?
Beth: I'll take that bet.
Doris: Look, Beth, this has nothing to do with you... (all talking at once)
Lizzie: Hey, hey, guys. Hello?
Alan: Well, it's nice to see that nothing's changed. It's good to be home.
Beth: Alan, thank God!
Alan: Hello, Beth. Hello, everyone.
Doris: Why didn't you tell me the moment my husband woke up?
Lizzie: Your husband didn't want you to know. Or anyone else. He wanted it to be a surprise.
Alan: Surprise!
Alan-Michael: Dad, are you all right?
Alan: I am wonderful, and very rested.
Lizzie: The doctor said that...
Alan: Yes, the doctor said that the medication that he's giving me could cause an unnatural state of euphoria, but that's baloney.
Beth: Baloney?
Alan: Yes, if I'm experiencing a euphoric state right now, it's because I'm with my family.
Alan-Michael: That's great, Dad. Do you remember what happened? Do you remember who shot you?
Alan: No, and I'm fine with that.
Doris: Alan, I want you to know that I'm personally on the case of the shooter.
Alan: Well, I appreciate your attention to that, Doris, but I'm not interested whatsoever in revenge.
Beth: Euphoria.
Lizzie: Yeah. Well, the coma seems to have affected him.
Alan-Michael: No kidding.
Alan: I have a new lease on life, Alan-Michael. I'm happy to see all of your faces.
Doris: Including mine, of course.
Alan: Of course, Doris. Ava, I trust that your boss is being very good to you and you're enjoying your new position?
Ava: Yes, thank you, Mr. Spaulding. It's nice to see you up and about.
Alan: Well, it's good to be up and about.
Beth: Alan, you've been through so much. What did Dr. Belford say? Shouldn't he be resting?
Lizzie: The doctor said that he should be in the hospital bed, but you know granddad.
Alan-Michael: Dad, we should get you back.
Alan: No, I am not going back to any hospital bed. This is the best medicine that I could wish for, to be here with my family. Now, speaking of family, where is my sister, Alexandra, huh?
Alan-Michael: She's upstairs resting.
Alan: Well, then don't disturb her. No, I'm just glad that you're still here, Beth.
Doris: Well, I've allowed Beth to stay considering she is pregnant with your child. Or so she says.
Alan: Beth?
Beth: Well, I wanted to tell you in private.
Alan: Well, I knew there was a reason I was going to have a second chance.
Brendan: Ready to roll?
Coop: No, look, I can't, man. I've got to stick around here. Ashlee is my friend and I said we would hang out. So here, another time. Thanks. Catch you later.
Ashlee: You don't want to play any hoops?
Coop: I'm good here.
Ashlee: Well, you made me manager, Coop Cooper, I can close up on my own.
Coop: This is not about closing up. This is about the notes you put on my paper and our little debate.
Ashlee: Hmm, debate, huh?
Coop: You don't think I'm just going to stand here and let you tear up my papers and not put up a fight, do you?
Ashlee: Well, I do have some other problems now that you mention it.
Coop: Really? Problems, huh? What are they?
Ashlee: Like why don't you ever use exclamation points?
Coop: Because! I don't like using exclamation points, okay?
Ashlee: (Laughs) Okay.
Coop: Come on, let's go home. I'll take you home.
Ashlee: Home? All right. I guess what other choice do I have?
Daisy: I got 100 on my driving test thanks to you.
Gus: Holy pequeno. That's fantastic. I'm so proud of you. Your mother's going to die.
Harley: Of what?
Gus: Hey, babe, she got 100 on her test. Isn't that amazing? Oh, and she had something she wanted to ask you, okay?
Daisy: No, I'll ask later.
Gus: Go ahead, go ahead, go ask. Go ahead.
Harley: No, she's right. She can ask later.
Gus: No, it's about the driving test because now that she passed the written part she can take the test and although we started a couple lessons...
Harley: Wait, you started her driving lessons?
Gus: It's not that big a deal. Kind of like just a little spin around the block.
Harley: We discussed that.
Gus: Yeah, but...
Harley: Are the boys home?
Gus: No, they’re still at the neighbors house.
Harley: Would you do me a favor? Would you go next door and get your brothers?
Gus: I'll get them.
Harley: No, you and I need to talk first. And then you're next. Zach and Jude, please.
Daisy: Okay. But don't blame Gus.
Gus: Go on, it's all right. I got it.
Harley: Gus is a big boy. He can take care of himself.
Gus: 100. Honey, it was... it was... like, I didn't even get out of the driveway with her.
Harley: Don't worry. Don't worry. I'm not upset.
Gus: Come on, it wasn't a big deal. Nothing.
Harley: Honey, she's manipulating you. She's playing us off each other. Dividing us. But it's okay. I'm going to take care of it.
Zach: What are you doing?
Daisy: Where's Jude?
Zach: Next door.
Daisy: Well, go get him.
Zach: Are you mad?
Daisy: Yeah, you could say that.
Zach: I know what can make you feel better.
Daisy: Yeah, what?
Zach: A slushy makes me feel better.
Daisy: You know, you might be onto something, Zach, and I can drive us there. Doesn't that sound like fun?
Zach: Yeah.
Alan: Beth, have you prepared the nursery?
Beth: Alan, it's too soon.
Doris: Nursery, please, how about preparing a paternity test?
Lizzie: Don't you have a bone to chew on or something?
Alan: Ladies, please.
Alan-Michael: Dad, it's been one cat fight after another, not enough testosterone.
Alan: There's not enough love around here.
Beth: Alan, this is too much. It's way too much. I'm going to take you upstairs so you can get some rest.
Alan: No, no, no, I don't need any more rest.
Lizzie: Granddad, mom is right.
Doris: The man has been sleeping for two months, and all you want to do is make him go back to sleep.
Beth: Oh, Doris, shut up.
Doris: I will not. I'm his wife.
Ava: I'm getting a headache.
Alan-Michael: Don't leave, not yet.
Beth: Alan, if you won't let me take you upstairs, at least let me call my mother so she can check you out.
Alan: Oh, great, I'd love to see Lillian.
Beth: I'll call her right now. Rick, look, something's come up. I can't meet you when I said that I would. I'll call you later.
Alan-Michael: Oh, I wouldn't be so quick to dismiss old Rick. When dad finds out you're faking the pregnancy...
Beth: What about you faking your paralysis?
Alan-Michael: I did that to protect this family.
Beth: And that's what I was doing, too.
Alan-Michael: How about the part where you tried to seduce me? Love for dad? You better come up with a good answer.
Beth: You say anything about that, and so help me God, you're going to be sorry.
Alan-Michael: Really?
Ava: Alan-Michael...
Beth: Oh, Ava, not now!
Alan-Michael: Hey, we're done here, Beth.
Ava: I'm leaving.
Alan-Michael: You don't have to...
Ava: No, I do. I'm really happy for you.
Doris: I've missed you, Alan. I was at the hospital every day.
Lizzie: Oh, yes, she was. Right after her daily manicure...
Alan: Beth, did you get a hold of your mother?
Beth: Oh, I left a message.
Alan: Alan-Michael, is something bothering you? Where was Ava going with a garment bag?
Alan-Michael: I'm fine. She had to leave. But it's you we need to be concerned about.
Doris: Well, how about another toast?
Lizzie: I don't think he should be drinking.
Alan: No, and neither should Beth now that she has a little bun in her oven.
Doris: Well, I'll get another bottle.
Ashlee: Oh, I'm... Alan, you're alive!
Alan: Well, Ashlee, what perfect timing. I was hoping you would come.
Next on "Guiding Light..."
Gus: What?
Harley: She took the car!
Ashlee: So when I saw the gun...
Alan: You thought, "This will make him stop."
An old friend of yours, Vinnie Salerno.
Cassie: Josh, oh, my... are you hurt?
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