Guiding Light Transcript Wednesday 4/4/07
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Proofread by Tanya
Lizzie: Do it, Alan-Michael. Be the leader he knew you could be.
Alan-Michael: Doc, give him the shot. Bring him back to us.
Lizzie: Yes! Thanks.
Doris: Stop it! What are you doing?
Lizzie: Doris, stay out of this.
Doris: You're giving him the L-dopa injection. He just had a cardiac scare. What if it ends up killing him?
Alan: My God, I've gone to hell, and hell is Company.
Buzz: What would that make me?
Alan: I wonder.
Buzz: Relax. You're not in hell. You're still living. You're in a coma.
Alan: I'm in a coma, I'm alive, and I'm having a bad dream, and you're in it. Why?
Buzz: Maybe it's my sparkling personality. Maybe I'm a figment of your imagination. See what you made me do. Stop that. Or maybe... maybe I'm something stirred up by your injection, like your conscience.
Alan-Michael: Dad.
Lizzie: Granddad.
Alan: I keep hearing voices, Elizabeth and Alan-Michael.
Buzz: Well sometimes coma patients can hear the outside world. We've got some work to do. We need some answers.
Alan: What kind of answers?
Buzz: Well, for starters, who shot you. You were writing something, the letter "A." What did that mean?
Alan: I can't remember.
Buzz: Well, that's something we're going to have to fix. When we find out who, then we'll find out why, and then maybe you'll wake up. Or not.
Alan-Michael: Like it or not, Alan left me in charge.
Doris: This is a life or death decision.
Lizzie: It is the right thing to do.
Alan-Michael: Everybody out.
Doris: I am not going to leave Alan in the room with you.
Alan-Michael: I'm his son.
Lizzie: Granddad, can you hear me? It's Elizabeth, you really need to wake up now, okay?
Alan: Elizabeth. I'm so glad to see you.
Buzz: I don't think she's glad to see you, because you destroyed her one chance to happiness.
Alan: I did no such thing.
Buzz: Well, you killed the father of her child and you killed her child.
Alan: Stop, that's not what happened. It's not my fault what happened to little baby Sarah. I was just trying to save Elizabeth from throwing her life away. I never meant for that baby to die.
Buzz: And yet she's dead, and it's your fault. And I don't think, as many times as you can say you're sorry, she'll forgive you.
Alan: Then why are we here? I thought we're trying to figure out who shot me.
Buzz: We are.
Alan: Cigar, a little fresh air. That's all I need.
Lizzie: You have a lot to answer for, Granddad.
Doris: The injection isn't working.
Lizzie: How on earth would you know that?
Dr. Belford: These things do take time.
Doris: No, no. Give him something else.
Alan-Michael: Like what?
Doris: Something to make the L-dopa stop killing him.
Alan-Michael: We could up the dosage. Would it help him come out of the coma?
Dr. Belford: Theoretically, it is possible, but his heart rate is already accelerated.
Alan-Michael: It's too late to turn back now. Give him more.
Alan: Now, Elizabeth, I don't want you to worry about a thing. I know I owe you and the family a great deal for putting up with this marriage to Doris Wolfe, but I can assure you she is my wife in name only, sweetheart.
Lizzie: She's your wife.
Alan: Yes, but only temporarily. You see, when I get back, I'm going to clean house. And she and her daughter, Ashlee, will be a memory very soon.
Lizzie: Hmm. Yeah, you do have a way of getting rid of people, don't you, Granddad.
Alan: Look, I know you are upset. This wedding has hurt a lot of our family members. I think maybe you and I need to get a little fresh air and talk some more, okay? It would help if you could be nice to Doris. Nice. You're already friends with her daughter, correct?
Lizzie: Kind of.
Alan: She seems like a nice enough girl, although I don't like the way she sings or the way she looks at me. But what you need to do is pull them into your confidence, and Doris will drop her guard, and I will drop the hammer and kick them both to the curb. How does that sound?
Lizzie: It sounds like the greatest lesson you ever taught me, how to deceive people to get what you want.
Alan: Elizabeth, please.
Lizzie: You taught me almost everything under the sun, except how to love and be loved.
Alan: You learn to love by example, I love you with all of my heart, Elizabeth. Doesn't that count for something?
Lizzie: Your love is, and always has been, conditional, Granddad. Always about what the other person can do for you. Anything I learned about true love I learned from Jonathan.
Alan: Jonathan is a common thug.
Lizzie: Jonathan was a little rough around the edges, and had to do everything his own way, but he loved me and Sarah, something you could never understand. And you destroyed them.
Alan: I tried to save you from a life of misery. Some day you will thank me for that.
Lizzie: Thanks for nothing. You want to know what I owe you? ( Gunshots )
Buzz: Alan, you don't look so good.
Alan: I don't know what is happening to me.
Buzz: What has that damn doctor done to you.
Alan: It's not the doctor. It's Elizabeth.
Buzz: Lizzie? Is Lizzie the one that shot you?
Alan: No, no, that's not the way it happened. I... Buzz, I'm caught in this nightmare, and I can't seem to wake up.
Alexandra: Alan!
Alan! Wake up, Alan. You gave him the full dose? Well, let's head long into the reading of the will now.
Alan-Michael: I'm trying to do what I can to bring him back to us, Aunt Alex.
Alexandra: Well, do you think you might avoid killing him in the process?
Buzz: Wake up, goal boy! Once you understand why someone could hate you enough to shoot you...
Alan: It's not hard to understand, Buzz. There are many jealous and spiteful losers in Springfield.
Buzz: I know. I'm looking at their patron saint.
Alexandra: Alan.
Alan: Who keeps calling my name? What is this, my own personal groundhog day? Cigar, a little fresh air, that's all I need. Well, Alexandra, what can I do for you?
Alexandra: Shut up. And I'll make this sort and sweet. Every office pool and town has me as the number one suspect.
Alan: Why, we've always been so close, you and I.
Alexandra: Ah, yes, and it has never stopped us before from hurting each other. You mysteriously write the letter "A" on a little pad. Obviously, my name begins with an "A."
Alan: Yes, and so does half of our family. Why would you shoot me. You have no motive?
Alexandra: You just send away my only two sons. You shoot a successful son, and you successfully order a hit on your own granddaughter and her daughter. And then you marry so far beneath you, Alan, I can only imagine you found this woman on the bottom of your shoe. Doris Wolfe is going to ruin this family.
Alan: Will you stop being so dramatic.
Alexandra: I won't allow it, Alan. Enough is enough.
Alan: Alexandra, wait. Don’t... don't shoot! Why do you need glasses?
Alexandra: Because, darling, I want to see you very clearly the moment you croak. It should be quite a spectacular view.
Alan: You know, you're really demented.
Alexandra: Look who's talking.
Alan-Michael: Some people kiss the bride. Me, I kill the groom.
Doris: Give him some air, Alexandra.
Lizzie: Okay, okay, could we just kill for a second. This is not a competition. You know the doctor is right, you're going to give him a heart attack.
Alan-Michael: Dad, I know you can hear me. It's Alan-Michael.
Alan: Alan-Michael.
Buzz: What's going on.
Alan: Did you hear that?
Buzz: It's just the outside world intruding again. Ignore it.
Alan: I can't ignore it. It's my son.
Buzz: Oh, you never had any trouble ignoring Alan-Michael before.
Alan: No. Buzz, did you...
Alan: You don't want to shoot
me, Alan-Michael.
Alan-Michael: Shoot you? That's a good idea. Why not?
Alan: Because it's not your nature. Never has been.
Alan-Michael: Don't say that.
Alan: I know you, Andretti.
Alan-Michael: You haven't called me that in 20 years.
Alan: Andretti, because you like to play with the little red sports car. I believe that was Phillip’s first.
Alan-Michael: No, that was mine.
Alan: No, it was his. He gave it to you because he liked to play with guns. And here you are threatening me with a gun. Why is that, because you always hated to see me play with Phillip? It doesn't mean I don't love you, too.
Alan-Michael: You have a funny way to show it.
Alan: I always try to teach you the reality of things.
Alan-Michael: Like telling me I can't run this family. I'm running this family better than you thought possible.
Alan: I don't think so. I always tried to tell you never let your emotions dictate business.
Alan-Michael: This is business, Dad. Nothing personal.
Alan: Murder in a family is always personal, Alan-Michael.
Alan-Michael: Is that what you called it when you were arranging Jonathan’s death, and then when Tammy died instead. Did you turn yourself in? No, you kept right on going. You're a danger, Dad, to everyone. You're a danger to yourself. It's time that someone put a stop to this before more people get hurt.
Alan: And then you will have Spaulding all to yourself.
Alan-Michael: Yeah, there’s that, too.
Doris: He's having a heart attack. Are you happy now? You're killing him.
Beth: Why is the heart monitor going crazy like that?
Doris: Well, Alan-Michael decided to give him the maximum dose of L-dopa.
Beth: His heart. Are you going to do something? Oh, my God.
Dr. Belford: He's arresting.
Doris: Alan, I'm right here, Alan.
Dr. Belford: Nurse! Clear.
Alan: My chest. I've been shot.
Buzz: Do you know who did it? Who shot you?
Alan: It wasn't Alan-Michael, was it?
Beth: Why? Why did you do it?
Alan-Michael: The injection?
Beth: You knew the risks. The doctors told you that this could happen, and still you just went ahead...
Alan-Michael: I did what I could to bring him back to us.
Beth: Is that what you thought?
Alan-Michael: Lizzie and I did what we thought...
Beth: Lizzie?
Alan-Michael: I was the one who made the final call.
Beth: You're the one calling the shots. You're the one sitting in the big chair.
Alan-Michael: Someone has to.
Beth: Is that why you ordered another injection, so you could stay in the big chair?
Alan-Michael: I want him alive. I do not want to kill my father. I want him back so he can clean up the mess he made with you and Doris, starting with Doris.
Beth: Me? I tried to fix things.
Alan-Michael: Really? By seducing me?
Beth: That's right. But I decided you couldn't take your father's place in the board room or the bedroom.
Alan-Michael: What happened to the person you were?
Beth: She got tired of being walked on.
Alan-Michael: Well, you got walked on one more time. Brushed aside, pushed over. You call me the guy with the motive? Who has more motive than the bitter ex-wife?
Buzz: Alan, you know you're ticker was never too good even in the best of times.
Alan: Look who's talking.
Buzz: But I'm not really me.
Alan: That's right, you're
Jiminy Cricket.
Buzz: And your nose is about that long from all of the lies you told.
Alan: Alan-Michael did not shoot me. It's not his nature.
Buzz: Oh, really. Were you so tentative of a father that you knew the nature of your kids.
Alan: Buzz, never underestimate what my family means to me. I would die for Alan-Michael, and he knows it.
Buzz: Do you... do you really know who you are?
Alan: Of course I do. Cigar, a little fresh air, that's all I need. Fool me once... hmm.
Beth: These things will kill you.
Alan: Yes, but at a thousand dollars a box, it would be a very honorable death.
Beth: And is there any such thing for a man like you?
Alan: Beth, I realized I hurt you terribly when I divorced you and married Doris Wolfe.
Beth: You think?
Alan: But it was the only way to keep me out of prison. I know it was very painful for you. What's a little pain for a moment compared to a lifetime of happiness, huh?
Beth: Oh, so we're going to be together for the rest of our lives?
Alan: Well, that's the plan, isn't it?
Beth: ( Laughs ) You really are something, you know that?
Alan: Something good or something bad?
Beth: ( Laughs ) You've got a whole line of people who want to see you dead, and you still don't get it.
Alan: Get what? You don't want me dead, do you?
Beth: Oh, no, Alan. I want you alive so I can have the pleasure of killing you myself.
Alan: ( Laughs )
Beth: You remember that trip we took to Venice?
Alan: I certainly do.
Beth: Not that part. We were window shopping, and you fell in love with that 16th century letter opener.
Alan: Yes, I remember that.
Beth: Guess what?
Alan: What?
Beth: I've got it for you, sweetheart. Enjoy!
Alan: Well, you don't have to, Beth. Ahh!
Buzz: Oh, oh, let me get that for you. Oh, stabbed in the back. Are you surprised?
Alan: Beth.
Buzz: Ah, yes.
Alan: If she stabbed me, she is perfectly capable of shooting me.
Buzz: So Beth shot you?
Alan: No. Because from the moment I married her, she became my Spaulding, Spaulding. After all, she was married to Phillip, remember. She knows the ropes. She settled right into the line of ex-wives of Alan Spaulding. You know what I'm talking about.
Buzz: Oh, don't drag Olivia into this. Open your eyes! I'm trying to help you here.
Alan: Yeah, you're trying to help me right into my grave.
Buzz: No, I'm trying to help you avoid that.
Alan: Since when did you become my guardian angel, Buzz?
Buzz: I must have drawn the short straw.
Alan: Well, I'm not buying it, Buzz. You can forget about me apologizing because we both know where nobility and virtue will get you. Nowhere. Take your son, for example, Coop. He did everything he was supposed to do, and look what Ava did. She blew him off for Alan-Michael, the spoiled rich kid.
Buzz: Ava?
Alan: Yes, Ava. Just ask her the next time you see her. Ava... "A"-- Ava? No, Alan, it couldn't be Ava.
Dr. Belford: He's stable for now.
Lizzie: Can we tell if the injection is working?
Dr. Belford: It's too soon to say.
Doris: I'm going back in.
Beth: Doris...
Dr. Belford: I really do think it would be better...
Lizzie: Is it working? ( Yelling ) Granddad, it's Lizzie, can you hear me.
Alexander: We're all here, Alan, please.
Lizzie: He's trying to say who shot him.
Alan-Michael: Dad, can you tell us who shot you?
Alan: Ava.
Lizzie: He spoke, did you hear him?
Beth: Yeah, he said that Ava shot him.
Alan-Michael: Dad, it wasn't Ava who shot you, was it?
Lizzie: Doctor, is there anything we can do?
Dr. Belford: Unfortunately, I think what we saw was a temporary reaction to the drug.
Alan-Michael: But he could come back?
Dr. Belford: Yes, but for now that's all we can do now.
Beth: How do you like that? Of all of the people who could have killed Alan, it's your favorite ex-waitress.
Alan-Michael: But she had no reason. Alan is delirious. He doesn't know what he's saying.
Buzz: Alan, I know it's hard to believe, but a bowl of chili is guaranteed to bring you back from the dead.
Alan: Unless you put me there in the first place.
Alan: Ava comes back, don't let her in?
Buzz: Alan, that's paranoia talking. Ava is like a daughter to me. There is no way someone that sweet could have possibly shot you.
Alan: That damn elevator. Excuse me, ma'am, but I think you dropped your glove. Ava?
Ava: I've been looking for an excuse to get you alone.
Alan: Really? Are you already bored with my son?
Ava: Did I say that?
Alan: No, you didn't have to. But I think any woman worth her salt is always looking for a man of more experience.
Ava: And I suppose that man is you?
Alan: Yeah. Care to find out?
Ava: Do you realize your hitting on me just minutes after you said, "I do."
Alan: Well, I'm married, but I'm not involved. If you want to trade up, I'm your man.
Ava: Do you really think I'm that shallow? Date the son and then date the father?
Alan: Well, it's been known to happen in Springfield before.
Ava: Don't underestimate me. I'm not like Beth.
Alan: Are you like your mother? Do you want a car, a boat, or just some cold, hard Spaulding cash?
Ava: See, you're underestimating me again. I started taking orders at a restaurant, and then I started giving orders in the board room.
It was a hop skip and a jump until I landed myself and the bedroom at the Spaulding mansion. With you out of the way, the sky is the limit.
Alan: I won't be that easy to get rid of. In fact, I think I'm going to call Alan-Michael and tell him what kind of woman he has living in the house. I'm not eating that slop.
Buzz: Oh, Alan, it won't kill you.
Alan: How do I know. You're plotting like someone else, even sweet Ava.
Buzz: Just because you spent a lifetime plotting, doesn't mean the person who shot you didn't do it in a moment of pain and confusion caused by-- wait for this-- you.
Alan: Why is it that everything that goes wrong in this town is my fault, Buzz, even... even your love life, huh? It was my fault I was shot. It was my fault I was in a coma. Everything is my fault.
Buzz: Whoever pulled the trigger did it because they felt they had no choice, because you pushed them over the edge.
Alan: Yeah, well they're not going to get away with it. Because when I wake up, I'm going to tell the whole world who shot me.
Buzz: You tell me. You tell me first who shot you. Come on, the whole world is out there waiting for you. Your worst enemy is right out there. So you go. The person who caused you all of this misery is just outside that door. Go.
Alan: You want a piece of me? Okay, give it your best shot. Come on!
Dr. Belford: You all might as well go home. I don't think Mr. Spaulding will be waking up any time soon.
Lizzie: We don't know that. He could wake up any minute.
Alan-Michael: Lizzie, we have to face it. It might not work. We gave it our best shot. I'll give you and Aunt Alex a ride home.
Doris: I'm going back to be by Alan’s side.
Beth: Cut the crap, Doris. Everybody knows what you are really after.
Doris: Then people won't be surprised when I get it. I'm going to stay right here.
Alexandra: If either one of you had a shred of dignity for the man you would both leave him alone.
Ashlee: Is everything okay.
Doris: What are you doing, Ashlee?
Ashlee: I just came by to see if Alan was okay. Is there anything I can do?
Doris: You can't get Alan out of his coma, can you?
Ashlee: No.
Doris: Then you're not needed here.
Lizzie: You want to know what I owe you.
Alan: I always preferred Phillip over you.
Beth: Alan, you're mine. Enjoy.
( Voices talking over each other )
Alan: Ava?
Beth: So I could have the pleasure of killing you myself.
Ava: Was looking for an excuse to get you alone.
Ava: You would never understand. The sky is the limit.
Alan: I remember now.
Buzz: You know, don't you? You remember who shot you.
Alan: Cigar, a little fresh air, that's all I need. What are you doing out here. You should be up at the reception like everybody else. I know I should be up there, too. You're smart enough to realize this whole wedding is a joke, aren't you? A sham. And Doris Wolfe as the bride, she's making a pathetic spectacle of herself.
Ashlee: We were supposed to be a family.
Alan: A family. We are a laughing stock. It's a joke.
Ashlee: We are not pathetic or needy. So you need to take it back.
Alan: And if I don't?
Alan: I remember. I remember everything. You're not going to shoot me, Ashlee, so give me the gun and don't do anything stupid.
Ashlee: I'm not stupid. You're supposed to care about me. Why can't anyone care about me?
Alan: Will you please stop being melodramatic and go back to the reception.
Ashlee: My mother said that you were supposed to love me and care for me, and be my father and my friend, and you're none of that.
Alan: I will never be your father or your friend. And with you holding that gun on me, it gives me leverage against your witch of a mother.
Ashlee: No!
Alan: Oh, I can blackmail with the best of them. So enjoy the mansion while you can. Because as soon as I get back, I'm looking forward to kicking you and your mother right out the door.
( Gunfire )
Ashlee: Oh, no. No! ( Sobbing )
Alan: Ashlee.
Buzz, it was Ashlee.
Next on "Guiding Light"...
Alan-Michael: We have to face the distinct possibility that Alan won't make it. Champagne?
Dr. Belford: Mr. Spaulding, you're awake.
Harley: Her drug counselor called, she missed her meeting. She's not in her room. If I don't do something drastic, I am going to lose her.
Ashlee: There is something I have to tell you. I don't want to lie to you.
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