Guiding Light Transcript Tuesday 4/3/07
Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Tanya
Alan-Michael: Good ol' Dad. You woke up, and what was the first thing you thought? Place blame.
Dr. Belford: Are you a member of the family?
Alan-Michael: I'm his son, Alan-Michael.
Dr. Belford: Scott Belford. Your stepmother, Doris, asked me to take over your father's case for Dr. Bauer.
Alan-Michael: Oh, uh... so what if she decide to do about using L-dopa to revive him?
Dr. Belford: It's not her call to make.
Alan-Michael: She is his wife.
Dr. Belford: The person your father entrusted with his life and death decisions is his son. It's you, Mr. Spaulding.
Jeffrey: I know this is a little strange. Okay, very strange, you know the three of us here. Acting like a...
Ava: Like a family?
Jeffrey: Yeah.
Olivia: Get to the point. Why did you ask us here?
Jeffrey: I was with Josh yesterday, as you know, and I watched them tear him away from Cassie and everything else that was important to him and... well, I'm just glad that I'm still here, you know.
Ava: Well, I'm glad that you're glad.
Olivia: Is this a bonding thing? Are we going to pile into a van and go to an amusement park or something?
Jeffrey: Would you like that?
Olivia: This is a joke, right?
Jeffrey: I just thought maybe some coffee and lunch. I thought that's what you wanted.
Ava: That is what I wanted until you started bossing me around and telling me who I can and can't date.
Jeffrey: Oh, and was I wrong about Alan-Michael?
Olivia: I hate to admit it, but he has a point.
Ava: Like you haven't made mistakes in your life!
Olivia: I've made a lot of them, that's why I can see it.
Ava: You are so judgmental of me.
Olivia: I'm not judging.
Jeffrey: All right, stop, stop! Please. All right, look, I'm sorry. I thought this could work, but obviously, I was wrong. I rescind the offer.
Ava: No, no, no. Wait, wait, wait. There's one thing you can help me with. You're both very good at it.
( Cell phone ringing )
Dinah: Stop calling me.
Cyrus: Well, I wouldn't have to if you returned my messages. What progress have you made with mommy dearest?
Mallet: Dinah, did you-- sorry. Sorry.
Dinah: I'm on my honeymoon.
Cyrus: Did he hear that?
Dinah: Yeah.
Cyrus: So did you figure out how to cipher money from Vanessa and Matt's company to give to my favorite charity?
Dinah: I'm working on it.
Cyrus: Well work harder. Otherwise I'll have to sell the dirt I have on your new hubby to the highest bidder. Then his crime-fighting career with the new governor will be over.
Dinah: I'll get back to you.
Cyrus: Tick-tock, tick-tock.
Mallet: Who was that?
Dinah: It's just A... investor from Findyourlight.Net. I have a meeting with him.
Mallet: Not right now I hope. Right now? Oh, come on, can't it wait? ( Sighs ) I keep thinking about Cassie yesterday, asking me about Josh being in prison. Me trying to put a good spin on it. Well, you know what it's like to do time.
Dinah: Yeah, I do.
Mallet: And you know what? They were all set-- all set on getting married.
Dinah: You know something? I know how lucky we are. And I would not take for granted you or it. I would do whatever it takes to hold onto you. I hope you know that.
Lizzie: You know, I don't want to talk about it. I told Harley exactly where to find Josh's gun in the house. It's not my fault if someone beat her to it.
Marina: Uh... Lizzie, I'm just trying to say hi to my dad. It's family poker night.
Lizzie: Oh.
Frank: Hi, baby, baby.
Marina: So, you ready for me to clean you out?
Frank: Keep dreaming.
Buzz: Would you two stop your macho posturing and get over here. Coop's out. He had some seminar he had to attend at school or something.
Marina: He is choosing his education before poker night? What's wrong with him?
Waitress: Hi, you waiting for someone?
Lizzie: Oh, um-- no. It's just me.
Alan-Michael: There must be some mistake. He would never put me in charge of his care.
Dr. Belford: I guess your father trusted you above everyone else. And I'm afraid the decision you have to make now is a difficult one.
Alan-Michael: The L-dopa treatment. So what kind of odds are we talking about? Is there a chance he could wake up on his own?
Dr. Belford: It’s pretty rare for a patient to spontaneously revive when he's been comatose this long.
Alan-Michael: So, he could just stay like this forever?
Dr. Belford: Weeks or months-- even years could go by. At some point he'd fall prey to infection or his vital organs could begin to fail.
Alan-Michael: Years just lying here. But if we give him the injection, he could just wake up.
Dr. Belford: He could. But there is a substantial risk involved. L-dopa is a synthetic dopamine. It sends impulses to the brain. I've seen it act like a shot of adrenaline to the heart.
Alan-Michael: Dad's heart.
Dr. Belford: Yes, I'm aware of your father's cardiac history. And I see here on his chart that he had an episode recently.
Alan-Michael: Yes. So if you give him an injection, it could cause a heart attack and he'd die.
Dr. Belford: It's a distinct possibility.
Alan-Michael: I don't suppose there's a third treatment available?
Dr. Belford: The L-dopa is the best and only treatment to bring your dad back to consciousness. And I assume that's what you want.
Alan-Michael: Of course it is. Of course.
Frank: So, what new jerk are we dating today?
Marina: I'm sorry to report, there are no new jerks in my life.
Buzz: Too, bad. You need one.
Marina: A new jerk?
Buzz: A new anybody.
Marina: Hey, fighting crime is my boyfriend.
Buzz: And fighting "Onassis" is mine. Sounds like a bad book title.
Frank: Don't be blaming this on your job, okay? You've got plenty of off hours. Let him reassign your job. It's not my fault you're spending all of your time trying to solve the sudden jeweler's robbery.
Buzz: Is that the one when where she busted the wrong guy?
Frank: Now she's obsessed with busting the right guy.
Marina: Hey. Just play your cards, okay. And I'm not obsessed; I'm just focused.
Frank: She's so focused that she has absolutely no life.
Marina: I will have one just as soon as I put this snake behind bars.
Buzz: What snake?
Frank: Where are we now? Who's doing what?
Cyrus: Nice hand, Detective. Is this a private game?
Marina: Yes, yes it is. Go away.
Buzz: No. Pull up a chair.
Dinah: Why did you become a cop?
Mallet: I liked to watch "C.H.I.P.S" as a kid. I thought Ponch was very, very cool.
Dinah: Oh, come on. Be serious. Why? I mean, you could have chosen to do so many other things. Why police work?
Mallet: Maybe I played cops and robbers too much as a kid. I hated bullies growing up. Maybe I just wanted to help people, I guess.
Dinah: ( Laugh) You help people every day. You do. I mean you do. And now that you're on the Crime Commission, you're going to help even more people.
Mallet: Are you writing a song about me?
Dinah: No. I was just thinking about how you helped me. How you found me, this horrible mess, this reclamation project.
Mallet: Reclamation project? That's not what you were.
Dinah: Well, I was one bad burrito from a broken sombrero, whatever that means. And you forgave me for things that I wasn't even ready to forgive myself for.
Mallet: Are you all right?
Dinah: Yeah.
Mallet: You don't seem all right?
Dinah: No. I'm fine. I mean, we're a team now, right? We help each other and we forgive each other. And whatever mistakes or problems one of us has, it's both of us are now dealing with, right?
Mallet: Uh-huh. Is there any particular problem or mistake you have in mind?
Dinah: No. I was just kind of just thinking about how the world-- you never know what it's going to throw you. You look at Cassie and Josh, and they would do anything for one another, and I would do anything for you, anything.
Mallet: I would do anything for you, too. So why don't you cancel that meeting and stay here with me?
Dinah: That I cannot do. I can't do that because I have to really solve this. I have to solve this. But I'm going to be back, though, very soon. I promise.
Mallet: And then we can get back to our honeymoon.
Dinah: Yeah. You're not going to be able to get rid of me.
Olivia: Did she say she was picking up the tab?
Jeffrey: That's what it sounded like.
Olivia: She's buttering us up.
Jeffrey: No doubt about it.
Ava: Okay, have you decided what you want? Good. I'll turn this off. No interruptions. Here's the deal: I need your help.
Olivia: Yeah, we got that.
Jeffrey: The question is: With what?
Ava: You are so intelligent and sharp and creative, and you're fearless.
Olivia: It's worse than I thought.
Ava: And you, you are a great businesswoman. You're tough and you're focused and you're sharp.
Jeffrey: No, no. You can't use sharp. I'm the sharp one.
Olivia: Can't I be sharp, too?
Jeffrey: What is it that you need from us?
Ava: It's about the Spaulding’s.
Jeffrey: You want to get out of the contract, of course.
Olivia: Can you get out of her contract?
Jeffrey: Well, if she signs a non-compete clause and agrees...
Ava: I don't want to get out of my contract.
Jeffrey: Yes you do.
Ava: No, I don’t. I don't want to get out of Spaulding. I like my job. I don't like the idea of working with Doris Wolfe, which is what is going to happen if she takes over the company. I need you guys to help me figure out how I can keep her from doing that.
Jeffrey: Well if you are going to stop Doris Wolfe, it means you're going to help Alan- Michael.
Ava: Business is business.
Alan-Michael: Hey, Ava, it's me. So I guess I'm in charge of my father's care now. And I've got a major decision to make, life and death. Now I realize you don't trust me anymore, but the thing is, I still trust you. You're the only one I trust. I could really use your input on this. Could you give me a call? Thanks.
Lizzie: Ava is the only person that you trust? Ava, the one who dumped you two seconds after she figured out that you weren't perfect?
Alan-Michael: Don't start, Lizzie.
Lizzie: No. You made me feel horrible about telling Reva about the gun. You told me I didn't put my family first. And the only thing you care about is the latest girl you've been chasing.
Alan-Michael: You're wrong.
Lizzie: Am I? Am I? Then please, straighten things out for me. Why was the gun in the house?
Alan-Michael: Why don't you tell me?
Lizzie: Did you use it to shoot granddad? Or were you hiding it to protect whoever did? And do you feel even the slightest bit guilty that an innocent man could spend years and years in jail?!
Alan-Michael: Who says Josh is innocent?
Lizzie: Okay. Maybe he isn't, but let's find out. I know that you know where that gun is. Give it to the police and let them figure out who shot granddad.
Alan-Michael: You know why I hid that gun? Because your mother found it in here and she was scared to death that you put it there, that you pulled the trigger.
Lizzie: Me? I didn’t. I swear to you that I didn’t.
Alan-Michael: That's great. I'm thrilled. Neither did I, and your mother claims the same thing, but to the cops, we all had motive.
Lizzie: I didn't shoot granddad!
Alan-Michael: I heard you. I don't know how it got into the house. Maybe Josh planted it.
Lizzie: Really?
Alan-Michael: Why not?
Lizzie: Why wouldn't you have told me this? Why didn't you just come and tell me?
Alan-Michael: Because I thought you were guilty! Now do you understand?
Lizzie: Yeah.
Alan-Michael: Good. In the future, maybe you can give me the benefit of the doubt.
Marina: Shouldn't you be somewhere, like in front of a speeding train?
Cyrus: Or sharing another beer with you.
Marina: We did not share a beer. We merely were in the same place at the same time. There's a difference.
Cyrus: That should count for something.
Buzz: You two know each other?
Marina: Oh, let me tell you about how we know each other.
Cyrus: No, no, no. Allow me.
Buzz: Okay.
Cyrus: I met Detective Cooper a few weeks back when she was responding to a call.
Marina: That's one way of putting it.
Cyrus: I just happen to be in the vicinity.
Marina: Gee, I wonder why.
Cyrus: And she interviewed me as a witness, and I was very impressed with her. Things just sort of blossomed from there. How long have you known her?
Buzz: Oh, for a while now. She's my granddaughter.
Cyrus: Oh, it's good to meet you. You must be proud of her.
Marina: You know, we own this place, so we have the right to shoot you and bury you in the backyard.
Buzz: We don't do that often. It's bad for business.
Marina: Having him here is bad for business.
Cyrus: Has she always had such a temper? You know, I've heard that red heads have this reputation--
Marina: Go! Vamoose! Leave!
Frank: Excuse me. Haven't I seen you some place before, though? Um... Foley. That's right, you're Cyrus Foley. You're the guy at the jewelry store.
Cyrus: And you're the chief of police. But more importantly, Marina's dad. It is fine to finally meet you, sir.
Vanessa: Hey, sweetheart.
Dinah: Mom, you look beautiful.
Vanessa: So do you. Come here. What's up? I thought this was your honeymoon.
Dinah: Well, I wanted Mallet to miss me. I think absence makes the heart grow fonder.
Vanessa: He couldn't be any fonder of you than he already is.
Dinah: I know.
Vanessa: That's a good thing.
Dinah: Yeah, yeah. It's um... well, I don't know I guess it’s...
Vanessa: Dinah, stop. Don't worry. You're not going to do anything to screw it up. Maybe in the old days, but not now. I'm so proud of you. I wish your daddy were here. He would be so proud of you, too.
Dinah: It's terrible, Mom. I just-- I wish dad were here, too. I miss him every day.
Vanessa: Well, why don't we toast him? Let's get some champagne and toast him. How do you like that idea?
Dinah: It's good. That's good. I like that. You know we could also toast something else.
Vanessa: What is that?
Dinah: Your new business venture with Matt.
Vanessa: Oh, yeah, it is, especially to Matt.
Dinah: It sounds like you guys are working on some very big money.
Vanessa: Oh, yeah.
Dinah: Well, Mom, I want to hear all about it.
Jeffrey: It's bad enough to want to stay on with Spaulding, but to actually help Alan-Michael against Doris.
Ava: It's his company, not hers!
Jeffrey: That's for the board to decide, Ava.
Ava: This is not about you helping Alan-Michael. It's about you helping me, your daughter.
Olivia: Okay, help you with what?
Ava: Help me with my life, improve my life. Look, I learn at Spaulding. They let me sit in on some important meetings with the execs. And, actually, they ask my opinion. And you know what? They've used a couple of my suggestions.
Olivia: They must have pretty good suggestions.
Ava: Oh, please. I know you don't believe me--
Olivia: I do!... Believe you. I believe you. I wish I had that kind of shot when I was your age.
Jeffrey: You're encouraging her?
Ava: Yeah, and I feel like if I stay on at Spaulding, it'll be great for me. I just have to play my cards right. And what's the point? I'm going to leave because Alan-Michael’s a jerk?
Jeffrey: The point is if you stay on there, Ava, you're going to give him another chance to hurt you.
Ava: Never again.
Jeffrey: You know what? You're young; you'll find another job.
Ava: Not like that one I won’t.
Jeffrey: Maybe that's a good thing, okay? Maybe you don't want to get sucked into that world. There's more in life than wanting to get ahead in your career.
Ava: Yeah, like you and your busy personal life.
Olivia: Ooh. ( Clears throat ) There's nothing wrong with ambition. Jeffrey, come on.
Jeffrey: And were you really happy, all those years you were back stabbing your way to the top. Would you rather trade that in for what you have now with buzz and with Emma?
Olivia: You have to keep priorities straight, Ava.
Ava: Hello? Okay. I'm not saying that I want to become a Spaulding. I'm just saying I've worked really hard to get to this point and I don't want to give it up. I mean, what's the big deal? I'm not afraid of Alan-Michael. What's he going to do with me?
Jeffrey: I don't know. Ask him if he shot his own father.
Lizzie: You really have to make this decision today?
Alan-Michael: He left it to me. Go figure.
Lizzie: I'm not surprised. If you want to do something, you just do it. Like the decision with the gun, the way you protected all of us.
Alan-Michael: He never trusted me with anything-- not with the family, not the company...
Lizzie: He trusted you with his life.
Alan-Michael: Why?
Lizzie: Maybe he believes in you more than you think.
Alan-Michael: He always told me I'd never be a true Spaulding.
Lizzie: Is that what you want to be?
Alan-Michael: Do you?
Lizzie: I was just down at Company, and there they were, Frank, Buzz, Marina, they're having poker night. They're playing cards, just hanging out. Have we ever done anything like that?
Alan-Michael: It's not in the plan.
Lizzie: What is the plan?
Alan-Michael: I came here to take over the company, to show him that I'm more of a leader than he is. And now that I'm here, and I've gotten everything I thought I wanted...
Lizzie: He's not here.
Alan-Michael: It feels hollow.
Lizzie: Explain this to me again. The doctor said that if granddad does not get this drug...?
Alan-Michael: He could stay in the coma forever.
Lizzie: And if they do give it to him?
Alan-Michael: It could wake him right up. It could also kill him. I'd have to live with his death for the rest of my life.
Frank: Eight dollars on the table, you want to try to take it?
Cyrus: Tempting. No thanks.
Buzz: So you're a thief? My wife was a thief. Maybe you knew each other.
Cyrus: Well, we don't usually have conventions. Was she any good?
Buzz: She was the best. She's not around anymore.
Cyrus: Sorry to hear it.
Marina: She stopped being a thief.
Cyrus: So did I.
Marina: Really? When? After you robbed the jewelry store?
Cyrus: If you think I did it, Marina, why did you hire me?
Frank: Wait a second, you hired him?
Marina: So I could keep an eye on him.
Frank: Here?
Marina: The station.
Frank: Whoa, whoa, my station? Hey, listen, Foley-- that is your real name, isn't it?
Cyrus: No, call me Cyrus. Your daughter does. We've become quite well acquainted.
Frank: Well than I'm sure my daughter told you I don't like thieves setting up shop in my town.
Cyrus: I'm retired, Chief. No worries.
Frank: No worries. Well now that he's said it, I'm sure everything will be fine.
Buzz: He said he's mended his ways. Let's give him the benefit of the doubt.
Marina: There is no doubt. If you don't believe me, you can ask his ex-partner, Dinah Marler.
Cyrus: That's Dinah Mallet now actually. Beautiful wedding, you should have been here.
Vanessa: So, we're going to be developing both residential and commercial properties. We've got binders out on let's see-- well, we've got bids on three and binders on the fourth.
Dinah: Uh-huh. Where did you guys get the money for all this?
Vanessa: Oh, Matt's been very busy. He's been lining up investors. But we're going to be doing most of it off-shore.
Dinah: Europe?
Vanessa: No. Uh-uh, the Caymans. As a matter of fact, I should be hearing from Mr. Finch-- he's our banker down there-- pretty soon because I told him to call me when this big deposit cleared because we wanted to wire the money up here.
Mallet: Dinah?
Dinah: Oh.
Mallet: Hi Vanessa.
Vanessa: Hi.
Mallet: I thought you had a meeting?
Dinah: Well, I decided to run some things by my mom and get something to eat. Hi.
Mallet: Hi.
Vanessa: Come, sit down. I told her she didn't want to see her mother on the second day of her honeymoon, but I'm always glad to see my daughter-- and you.
Mallet: Thank you.
Vanessa: I've been telling her about our new business venture.
Mallet: Oh, yeah, I've heard about that. How's that going?
Vanessa: Great. We made some mistakes in Europe and we lost some money. And I kind of got cold feet, but not Matt. He's going full steam ahead.
Mallet: Yeah?
Vanessa: Yeah.
Mallet: Well, good. Good luck with that. Don't forget the people who knew you when.
Vanessa: Don't be silly. You're the hot shot around here. Not everyone gets appointed to the governor's commission.
Mallet: It's something I've always wanted. It's great. Hopefully I'll be able to make a contribution.
Dinah: You know what, I need to take my husband home and finish that honeymoon.
Mallet: Pre-honeymoon. We are gonna have a real one someday soon.
Dinah: We are.
Vanessa: Sweetheart, no, if you are going for your wallet, don’t bother. This is on me. I didn’t get to give you both a real wedding, so the least I can do is lunch. Find someway to spend some money on you. I’m so happy for both of you. I really am. I’m so glad that everything is going well. For all of us.
Ava: Let’s get something clear, I’m not here for advice about my life. Only business, can you help me?
Jeffrey: You mean help Alan-Michael.
Ava: And get rig of your good friend, Doris Wolfe in the process.
Olivia: You know it’s not the easiest thing to separate working for Alan-Michael from the rest of it.
Ava: I can do it.
Jeffrey: Can you?
Ava: Yes, I can.
Olivia: I believe you.
Ava: Ok. So, Jeff, can we take out Doris?
Jeffrey: Doris Wolfe is as dangerous as they come, Ava. But she will never be as much of a threat to you as much as Alan-Michael is. Excuse me.
Alan-Michael: What’s this about, Dad, putting me in charge? Some kind of test, some kind of punishment? I have all of the power now, it’s all up to me. Your whole life is right here.
Dinah: They didn’t have it in my size.
Mallet: Was that the studio again?
Dinah: No, no, it’s just this silly little surprise that I’m working on for our honeymoon. Want to go to a movie?
Mallet: Uh, yeah, sure, what do you want to see?
Dinah: It doesn’t matter as long as we are in the back row by ourselves in the dark.
Mallet: It sounds goo, let’s go get some tickets.
Dinah: Ok, just have to make one more phone call about that surprise.
Mallet: Yeah, yeah. What are cooking up Mrs. Mallet?
Dinah: Oh, I'm not going to tell you.
Mallet: Uh-huh. Uh-huh.
Dinah: Arnold, yes. It's Vanessa Reardon. Yes, pardon me, I have a cold. I was wondering, did that large deposit clear my account that Matt and I were waiting for. I was rather anxious for it.
Arnold: Well, I can check.
But, first, I need to ask you
the security questions.
Dinah: Security questions, sure, sure. Go ahead.
Arnold: Now, tell me what was
your mother's maiden name,
Dinah: Leggett, two G's, two T's.
Arnold: And what's your
Dinah: Dinah.
Arnold: Yes.
The funds are in the account
and they are available for
Dinah: Well, good. That's great. I'll get back to you. Thank you. Everything's all set.
Cyrus: Well, I'd love to stay and get to know you a little better, but I'm sure you're all eager to talk about me about my back. So, I'll see you later, Chief. Never mind. Detective?
Marina: Only if there are bars between us.
Frank: What the hell are you doing talking to that guy?
Marina: I was trying to get rid of him, but someone kept egging him on. My wife was a thief.
Buzz: I was trying to build rapor.
Marina: He's a criminal.
Buzz: Okay, if you say so. Well, where were we?
Marina: What is that supposed to mean?
Buzz: What?
Marina: What you just said, followed by that cute little smile of yours.
Buzz: I thought you might be a little attracted to him.
Frank: No, no. She's not attracted to him. Are you?
Marina: No, of course not.
Buzz: Well, if you were, I would understand.
Marina: Why because he is so good-looking? Please, and that accent. I am so not one of those girls.
Buzz: I'm glad to hear that.
Marina: You know there's a such thing as being too good looking.
Buzz: Is there? Is that right?
Marina: Yes.
Buzz: He is sort of your type, you know.
Frank: No, he's not.
Frank: Come on, please-- Danny, Alan-Michael. She doesn't take teachers.
Marina: Maybe I should.
Frank: Yeah, maybe you should.
Marina: Okay, we're not having this conversation anymore.
Frank: Oh, God, here we go.
Marina: I'm a cop, he's a thief. The cop is trying to put the thief behind bars.
Frank: Here we go, here we go.
Marina: Would you stop saying that.
Frank: Stop making me say it.
Marina: What am I making you say?
Buzz: The look on your face.
Marina: There is no look.
Buzz: Do you ever wonder why you don't win at poker?
Marina: Because you cheat.
Buzz: No, because your face gives you away.
Marina: What does this look say?
Frank and Buzz: You have bad cards.
Buzz: And there's no such thing as too good-looking.
Ava: So when did Jeffrey become such a goodie-goodie?
Olivia: He doesn't want to see you get hurt. I've had a lot of experience with the Spaulding’s.
Ava: Which is why you'd be great to help me out.
Olivia: You're tenacious.
Ava: Yeah.
Olivia: Is that the double press perfecting powder?
Ava: Yeah. Rose.
Olivia: Yeah, I love it and I can't believe they discontinued it.
Ava: Oh, you can buy it on the internet, actually. It's cheaper and the shipping's free.
Olivia: Oh, good to know.
Ava: What?
Olivia: I can noodle with this Doris situation with you, but you have to swear it's not about you know who.
Ava: I know who. It's not. I'm completely over Alan-Michael, and I know he cannot be trusted.
Dr. Belford: Mr. Spaulding.
Alan-Michael: Dr. Belford.
Dr. Belford: Did you have a chance to review the materials I gave you?
Alan-Michael: Yes, I've read about all the risks.
Dr. Belford: And?
Alan-Michael: I decided I don't want him to get the injection.
Lizzie: What?
Alan-Michael: This is my niece, Lizzie, Dr. Belford.
Lizzie: I came here to support you because I thought you were making the right choice.
Alan-Michael: I've thought a lot about this.
Lizzie: But this could be our only chance to get him back. How could you say no? What are you so afraid of?
Dinah: Can we get a big bucket of popcorn?
Mallet: Big, like the biggest? Okay, that's a deal. That was an odd, odd phone call you just made?
Dinah: Oh, it was a trick that uh... my mom has taught me. She says, you know, speak slow and low, and they have to listen.
Mallet: Hmm. I'll have to try that. It's good that you and your mother get along so well.
Dinah: Yeah. Yeah, you know, I spent a lot of time being angry at my mom, and I think that has been just a big waste.
Mallet: We've all got stuff, right?
Dinah: Yeah.
Mallet: Well she loves you. That's obvious. Vanessa would do anything for you.
Dinah: Yeah. If I ever was in trouble, she would move heaven and earth for me. She really would.
Mallet: Well, we don't have to test that their theory, do we?
Dinah: No.
Mallet: Come on, I don't want to miss the previews.
Dinah: Okay, I just have one more phone call to make. Save me a seat and I'll be right in, okay? Give me the ticket.
Mallet: Married one day and already she is bossing me around.
Dinah: Okay, mom will do anything for Matt, and I will do anything for Mallet. All right. Arnold, yes, Vanessa Reardon again. I wanted to ask you one other thing. I'm sorry I was so short before. How soon can I get that money?
Marina: Yeah, pay up, you losers. I guess I have a good poker face after all. ( Cell phone ringing )
Frank: No, no, no. No phone calls during the game here.
Marina: You need a break anyway. Hey, Mom. Oh, nothing, just hanging out with all of the fun kids in town, dad, grandpa. Yeah, just a second. Don't start without me.
Frank: Don't tell me I see what I'm seeing.
Buzz: What do you see, Frank.
Frank: My daughter falling for another bad guy.
Buzz: Cyrus the reformed jewel thief.
Frank: Why can't she fall for a nice guy like Andy? What's his name?
Buzz: The mailman?
Frank: What's wrong with him? I like him.
Buzz: Oh, tell her that, Frank. It'll send her flying into his arms.
Frank: Maybe I should send for someone.
Buzz: Like a nice Greek boy, Frank? Come on. She leads with her heart. She going to love who she's going to love.
Frank: That's what I'm afraid of.
Buzz: Frank, we've got her back. She's off the phone. Let's get her back and take her money.
Olivia: The first thing you want to do is befriend Doris. She is basically a lonely woman.
Ava: I already did that.
Olivia: Good. And give her something. Give some information about Spaulding--
Ava: I already did that.
Olivia: Maybe you don't need me.
Ava: No, I do. You're the only one I can talk to about it.
Olivia: Well, maybe we should get together and come up with some ideas. You should come up for dinner some time. Emma has been asking about you.
Ava: I miss Emma. Yeah, that would be great. Thank you for believing in me and giving me the courage...
Olivia: I believe in you. But Jeffrey is right about one thing: You can never underestimate the Spaulding’s.
Dinah: Oh, I'd appreciate that. I need access to that money as soon as possible. Great. Thank you, Arnold.
Cyrus: Hi, Didi.
Dinah: Good-bye, Cyrus.
Cyrus: What's the rush?
Dinah: My husband in a dark movie theater.
Cyrus: How's that project coming along?
Dinah: Good, real good. I'm on it because I really want you out of town as soon as possible.
Cyrus: Don't worry about me. I really like this town, and family poker games. I'm sure there's a Saturday night bingo somewhere to be found. Wouldn't it be fun I thought to settle down and stay here in Springfield.
Dinah: Yeah, yeah, it would be great.
Cyrus: Well, hold that thought.
Dr. Belford: Would you like me to leave?
Alan-Michael: No. Lizzie and my father are very close. She's a little emotional right now.
Lizzie: No. I'm always emotional. That's why granddad didn't choose me to oversee his care. That's why he chose you. Because you think like him.
Alan-Michael: If we give him the injection, it could kill him.
Lizzie: He's already dead. Is he ever going to walk or talk? Or sit outside in the sun and listen to the opera? This isn't living.
Alan-Michael: There is a small chance things could turn around.
Lizzie: I've read the research. You don't want to make the choice that might kill him, so you're making no choice. But that's not why he chose for you to speak on his behalf. He chose you because he thought you would take action.
Alan-Michael: Sometimes the best action is to wait things out.
Lizzie: You are afraid of being wrong.
Alan-Michael: Lizzie what if we give him the shot and he does wake up and he's not himself, he is confused and he is in pain? Who knows how he'll act, what he'll say.
Lizzie: You know what he will say? Thank you, Alan-Michael. Thank you for taking the risk that you know that I would have taken. Do it. Be the leader he thought you could be.
Alan-Michael: Doc, let's give him the shot and bring him back to us.
Lizzie: Yes. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
Next on "Guiding Light"...
Doris: I'm not going to leave Alan in the room with you.
Alan-Michael: I'm his son.
Alan: When I get back, I'm going to clean house, and she and her daughter Ashlee will be a memory very soon.
Buzz: When we find out the who, we'll find out why.
Alan-Michael: It is too late to turn back now. Give him more.
Alan: We're trying to figure out who shot me.
Buzz: We are.
Lizzie: You want to know what I owe you?
Alan: Liz--
( Gunshot )
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