Guiding Light Transcript Monday 4/2/07
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Proofread by Tanya
Marina: So who is she?
Remy: Who?
Marina: Whoever it is your seeing. You're never home anymore.
Remy: I'm home. We just keep different hours.
Marina: Yours are like those of a vampire.
Cyrus: Detective? Hi. Should I come a little closer so you can plant another tracking device on me?
Remy: Who is he?
Marina: Just your friendly neighborhood degenerate criminal.
Mallet: No regrets?
Dinah: No. Just shut up. ( Knock on the door )
Mallet: Come back later!
Dinah: We're not available.
Mallet: It's a honeymoon. Oh, gosh. It's our honeymoon.
Dinah: Oh! ( Knock on the door )
Dinah: I'm coming! Oh, this so better be good. I'm done.
Deliveryman: Delivery for Ms. Dinah Marler.
Dinah: It's actually Dinah Mallet. That's my husband over there. We're on our honeymoon. Thanks.
Mallet: That's a lot of food. Who's that from?
Dinah: Actually, it's an admiring fan. Huh.
Alan-Michael: Good stuff's in the safe.
Ava: I thought you had a meeting.
Alan-Michael: I know you've been waiting for me to leave so you can sneak in here and get your stuff. And then you were going to wait until I left for lunch before you tried to make it to your car.
Ava: Stop.
Alan-Michael: Ava, hate me all you want, but don't walk away from this job.
Ava: You expect me to stay after what you did? You may be able to walk, but you're still crippled here.
Alan-Michael: Okay. So you don't want anything to do with me.
Ava: I don't want anything to do with you. I'm leaving.
Alan-Michael: You can’t. Step out that door, and you lose.
Cassie: 15 years.
Doris: Hope you like older men. Josh will be quite distinguished when he gets out.
Cassie: You're enjoying this.
Doris: Yes, I am. And if Alan dies, your boyfriend will be facing murder charges, a life sentence, if I can swing it.
Reva: Come on, Alan. Wake up, sleeping beauty. What do you need, a kiss? Come on, Alan, wake up and tell everybody who shot you. And tell the world that it wasn't Josh before they lock him away. Guess what? Doris found your humidor, and she is smoking all of your Havana’s. Wake up, Alan, the stock market's crashed! Spaulding's bankrupt. Lizzie saw the murder weapon in the Spaulding study. It was someone in your own family who wanted to see you dead. How does that make you feel?
Rick: Nurse, could you give me the blood test for Alan Spaulding, please?
Cassie: Don't you even care that an innocent man just went to prison.
Doris: Look, justice was served. You and I both know if Josh didn't do it...
Cassie: He didn’t.
Doris: Then you did. You know you are just so smug and so self satisfied with the “we are so wonderful hospital project”, but you know what? You are no different than the rest of us.
Cassie: We’re different. When your huband murdered my daughter...
Doris: You came to my wedding with a gun and either you or your boyfriend used it on my husband. And you being the ex-princess that you are thought that you could get away with it, well guess what, it’s not San Cristobel.
Cassie: No, it's not San Cristobel. Because if it were, you would be the one in jail. You would be the one in jail because of the deal you made with Alan.
Doris: I know you find it hard to believe that Alan could love me.
Cassie: Oh yeah, very hard.
Doris: Well, he does. And our marriage is based on mutual respect and desire.
Cassie: Uh-huh. And I know exactly what you desired.
Doris: You don’t know me at all.
Cassie: Josh didn't pull the trigger, Doris.
Doris: Well, one of you did. Now you're both paying the price. The way I see it, I got everything I want.
Ava: What are you doing?
Alan-Michael: Sit. How does that feel?
Ava: It feels like a chair.
Alan-Michael: It's custom- made, plush, to announce to the world that you're somebody. You want to be somebody, Ava?
Ava: I am somebody.
Alan-Michael: Not the somebody you want to be. Not yet. I offer no excuses. But what you have, which is your job.
Ava: Thank you, but I quit.
Alan-Michael: I can't except your resignation. This company is under attack. Doris is fighting hard, and I need loyal employees. I need you.
Ava: You need? What about what I need? Are you just trying to make things worse?
Alan-Michael: Look, people think you're an innocent pushover. And you are sweet, but you also are ambitious. Why did you leave that small town you grew up in?
Ava: I needed a change.
Alan-Michael: College. You wanted to go to Springfield U. You borrowed money from a loan shark, risky, but you wanted to succeed.
Ava: And I would have, with or without you.
Alan-Michael: You love a challenge. Well, working here with me, you hate me. I can't think of a bigger challenge.
Ava: I don't hate you. I just don't trust you.
Alan-Michael: So what? Who cares? Don't do it because of me. Don't do it because I'm asking you to. Stay because you and I both know you want to.
Remy: The guy really gets to you, doesn't he?
Marina: I hate it when people make me feel like a girl.
Remy: Well, you'd rather feel like a boy?
Marina: No. He makes me feel like I can't handle him. Like I'm incapable.
Remy: Wait, you not capable? We started the force at the same time, remember? Now, you made detective, and I'm out of a job.
Marina: No, you chose to be out of a job. My dad did offer you your job back, but--
Remy: Let's not get into that.
Marina: Not get into what, Remy, whether or not you should have taken the badge back? Why not do something with your life rather than sitting around doing nothing?
Remy: Maybe I like doing nothing.
Marina: I know you better than that.
Remy: Thanks for the pep talk, but I have parents I don't listen to.
Mallet: What the...?
Dinah: Put them on. Button up.
Mallet: Why are you in a rush to get me out of here?
Dinah: I don't want to be late for work.
Mallet: It's our honeymoon. It's our honeymoon. Where's the wedded bliss?
Dinah: Buckle your belt.
Mallet: That's the last thing I thought I'd hear on my honeymoon.
Mallet: What's going on?
Dinah: I bought a book that says we should spend a lot of time apart to build up the anticipation.
Mallet: We just got here.
Dinah: I don't want you to get tired of me. Now you take that big revolver of yours and you go to work.
Mallet: Does this book say it's okay for me to kiss my wife good-bye?
Dinah: It says to make them wait and that way they'll appreciate it twice as much when they come back. But in your case, I'm breaking the rules.
Mallet: Come on, I'll take you to work.
Dinah: Thank you, but I have to use my car 'cause I have to run some errands today.
Mallet: Okay, okay. I'll see you tonight.
Dinah: Okay. I love you. You have to wait.
Mallet: Nobody would ever accuse you of being predictable, that is for sure.
Dinah: I know. Whoa, hey!
Mallet: Good-bye.
Dinah: Good-bye.
Cyrus: How's the honeymoon?
TV reporter: Businessman Josh
Lewis was escorted out of court
in shackles.
How did the respected
businessman turn cold-blooded
And was Lewis coerced by
girlfriend Cassie Winslow?
Mallet: Oh, God, I'm sorry, Cassie. You okay? Let’s get out of here?
Reva: Come on, Alan. You owe me. ( Gunshots )
Alan: You!
Doris: Waiter, waiter!
Ava: They hate it when you yell like that.
Doris: Yeah, well, I hate it when my food is colder than the leftovers on the Titanic. Do you work here?
Ava: No. You have Alan-Michael running scared.
Doris: As long as he is running, that's fine by me. Waiter.
Ava: I quit my job and he begged me to stay.
Doris: What did you say?
Ava: I told him I want to be on the side that is going to win.
Dinah: You crashed my honeymoon. Most women would have a problem with that.
Cyrus: But not you?
Dinah: No, I'm a professional.
Cyrus: Biscuit?
Dinah: No. I'm watching what I eat these days. I decided this situation between us will be handled like a business deal.
Cyrus: Just like the dirt I have on your boyfriend may seem a wee bit personal to you.
Dinah: Husband. Now, you came to me with a business deal. Cyrus, all business is negotiable.
Cyrus: Where did you get these?
Dinah: I called in some favors on three continents.
Cyrus: Conchita Maria Hernandez Orozca Holly Roche.
Dinah: Uh-huh. The black widow of Spain. Lord Goodman Howe, isn't he--
Dinah: Uh-huh. And I think he is going to find you irresistible.
Cyrus: Whoa! The Duchess.
Dinah: Play any of those marks, and you will get twice as much money as you asked me to steal. With almost no investment of your time or your money. What do you say?
Cyrus: I'd say you're quite the business woman.
Mallet: It's going to be a little rough for him. It's going to be hard, especially the first night.
Cassie: As in dangerous?
Mallet: It's prison.
Cassie: And this is a bad one?
Mallet: He's going to make it through.
Cassie: How can you be sure of that?
Mallet: Because he has you. And him knowing you love him like that is all he needs.
Cassie: I could have helped him. I had a chance to help him, Mallet, I did, but I let myself be talked out of it. And now there is no chance. There's no chance.
Reva: Come on, everybody, clear out!
Alan: Why am I here?
Rick: Why are you here?
Alan: Yeah.
Rick: Well, you had yourself sort of a bad day, Alan. You got shot at your wedding reception. You had been in a coma.
Alan: Yes.
Rick: Yeah. You know, Alan, you need to really calm yourself down.
Alan: My family needs me.
Rick: Your family is fine, Alan. In fact, they've been here to see you just about every single day. You don't deserve it, but they've been here.
Alan: But they need to know who shot me, Rick. I-- what-- what are you doing?
Rick: I'm just trying to help you out a little bit, here, okay. This is going to slow your heart down and give you some rest.
Alan: No-- no--
Rick: What? I know, I'm just... I just can't have you die on my watch, Alan, because I've had a very bad year, and I don't want you to make it worse. Everybody would blame me, Alan.
Alan: Shot... shot?
Rick: I gave you a shot. It probably will save your life. You know what, you can thank me when you wake up. L-dopa?
Reva: Wake up, Alan. Wake up! Did that drug have no effect at all?
Doris: Why should I trust you?
Ava: You shouldn’t. I'm more like my mother than I thought.
Doris: Your mother?
Ava: Olivia Spencer.
Doris: Oh, right, yet another honorable citizen of Springfield.
Ava: She was more ambitious than me. Alan-Michael was my ticket out of mediocrity. I hope that doesn't sound cold.
Doris: Not at all.
Ava: I want to prove things, maybe even to Olivia, that I'm worth something.
Doris: I know the feeling.
Ava: I thought you might. That's why I thought we could help each other, I mean if you're not interested...
Doris: I didn't say that. But I want insurance.
Ava: Will this do?
Doris: Where did you get that?
Ava: Alan-Michael’s briefcase. He was hiding it from the board.
Doris: Okay, the truth. What do you really have against Alan-Michael?
Ava: He's a scum. He betrayed me, and I want revenge.
Doris: How far are you willing to go? Alrighty, then. Consider me your avenue to success.
Ava: You're leaving?
Doris: Work. I'll be in touch.
Ava: You won't be sorry.
Doris: If I am, you'll be sorrier.
Alan-Michael: Scum?
Ava: What do you care? She bought it.
Reva: If you can hear me, but you can't talk, then just move something. Move something. Anything! Damn it, Alan, wake up! Wake up, Alan!
Rick: Reva, what are you doing to him?
Reva: Josh... Josh is being sentenced today.
Rick: Yeah, I know. I heard. I'm sorry.
Reva: And Alan is the only one who can clear him. I thought if I talked to him, maybe he would wake up...
Rick: Oh, that's what you were doing, talking to him.
Reva: Okay. So I shook him a little.
Rick: Well, did you get a response?
Reva: No, not even about the gun and that Lizzie saw it in the Spaulding study. That could prove Josh is innocent. But now the gun is missing again... it's disappeared.
Rick: And Alan is the only person who knows what really happened?
Reva: Yes. And I was praying he might respond to the sound of my voice and wake up. I um... I should probably go.
Rick: Well, before you go, Reva, you should probably take this with you. So what were you doing, Reva? Were you giving him some drugs in the hopes of reviving him? You could have killed him.
Reva: What makes you think--
Rick: I don't think. I know, Reva. This could have stopped his heart. He could have died. So why don't you tell me what you were thinking?
Reva: I was thinking about Josh. So I took a chance.
Rick: You took a very big chance. This medication used the wrong way could kill somebody.
Reva: All right. I went overboard. But what if I didn't try? What if Alan dies, I'd kick myself for not even trying. Look at him. I mean he's still breathing, nothing changed.
Rick: Reva, you're lucky nothing has changed or I wouldn't let you leave this hospital. When I was in here earlier--
Reva: You were in here and nothing changed?
Rick: Nothing changed. So you probably ended up giving him the wrong dose.
Reva: Just my luck.
Rick: You should be grateful.
Reva: Yeah, grateful really isn't the word that comes to mind.
Cassie: This was taken a month ago, the day Josh taught R.J. how to drive a tractor. He's a lot tougher than he looks, you know?
Mallet: R.J.?
Cassie: But you always hear these horror stories, these nightmares, about how prison can be.
Mallet: We also only hear the worst cases, you know? Here you go.
Cassie: But you know-- you know what it's like on the inside. You know the prison system.
Mallet: Well, I did. It's been a couple of years.
Cassie: But you still know people, right?
Mallet: Running the prison? Yeah, a few.
Cassie: So maybe you could call in some favors? You know, just call somebody and ask them to look in on him, to watch over him, and make sure he doesn't get into any trouble. Mallet, he didn't do it. He doesn't belong in there.
Mallet: I'll make some calls.
Cassie: Thank you. Thank you. What is this?
Mallet: Oh, I guess you didn't hear about that. Dinah and I got married. But it's no big deal.
Cassie: Yeah, it is a big deal. You don't have to downplay it for my sake. I mean that's-- that's really wonderful news. I'm happy for both of you. Congratulations.
Mallet: Thank you.
Cyrus: I'm impressed. You really did your homework.
Dinah: It took hours.
Cyrus: So while you were working on this, your husband was watching the wedding video? I thought it was your honeymoon. What happened to the honey?
Dinah: Let's focus on the issue. Now, you wanted money. I can help you. Do we have a deal?
Cyrus: No.
Dinah: No? I thought that you said--
Cyrus: Yeah, money is great. But it doesn't fill the hole in my heart, Didi. Only making you pay can do that.
Dinah: I have paid you back. That's what those are for.
Cyrus: They're fun, adventure, daring little scams. And as much as I would love to pull off every single one of them, I wouldn't get my due. I asked you to rob your mother because I knew it would hurt the way I hurt for years in that hell of a prison. I want you to feel the pain, Didi. Badly.
Dinah: I can't do it. I can't do it. And I won't do it. You have gotten everything out of me that I am ever going to give you.
Cyrus: Well, I'd reconsider.
Dinah: I'm not going to steal from my mother.
Cyrus: Is that your final decision?
Dinah: Yeah. What the hell do you think?
Cyrus: I think with what I have on Mallet, you'll be hurting just the same. Oh, the jam and biscuits were lovely. I'll catch you later.
Ava: Ooh, the special looks good.
Alan-Michael: You meant all of those things you said about me, didn't you?
Ava: I mean most things I say. I want to be successful. You helped me realize that, which is why I decided to stay on.
Alan-Michael: We're good together. Even if you're mad, we make a great team.
Ava: Until you blew it. I think you need to take your own advice and scram before someone sees us together.
Alan-Michael: Thank you for hearing me out. For not rejecting me outright. For working with me against Doris.
Ava: Alan-Michael?
Alan-Michael: Yeah.
Ava: Get out of here.
Marina: What's going on?
Remy: Nothing. Just two guys having a beer.
Marina: No, no, no. Something is going on. What are you up to?
Cyrus: About a pint-and-a- half, I'd say. You want to join us.
Marina: I told you, the guy is a perp.
Remy: And I told you, I don't need another parent. I know you don't like the guy, but I take people as they come.
Marina: Yeah, he comes with a rap sheet--
Remy: I don't judge.
Marina: I do?
Remy: You're disappointed in me.
Marina: Do you still have your wallet, or did he lift it?
Remy: Thanks for the beer, man. I've got to get going.
Cyrus: Another time.
Marina: Leave him alone.
Cyrus: Why? You jealous, Detective Marina? I knew you'd come around.
Cassie: My keys, what did I do with my keys?
Mallet: I'll drive you home.
Cassie: No, Mallet. I've asked enough of you today.
Dinah: Cassie, I'm sorry about Josh.
Cassie: Oh, here they are. Dinah, I'm sorry. What did you say?
Dinah: I said I'm sorry about Josh. It's terrible.
Cassie: It's not just Josh I'm worried about. It's R.J., too. He's been through a hell of a lot. And he looked at Josh and me and thought finally things would be stable and secure.
Dinah: And that he would be safe, and nobody would touch him anymore?
Cassie: Yeah. Well, I've got to get home to him. Oh, Dinah, I almost forgot, congratulations.
Mallet: I told her we got married.
Cassie: Hold onto him. Hold onto him for dear life, that's my advice.
Dinah: I will. Thank you.
Cassie: Oh, where did you come from?
Reva: I was at the courthouse. I thought I would get there in time, but somehow Jeffrey wasn't able to stall, and Josh-- you were there. What happened?
Cassie: I just got there at the very end. I just got there at the very end to see the judge pass the sentence and they take him away.
Reva: So he is already--
Cassie: In prison. I know, Reva. I can't believe it, either. One day we were making plans for our future, and the next he is making a confession, and talking deals with the D.A., and fighting for his life. It is sort of like watching a car wreck in slow motion. Everything is spinning out of control, and knowing there is nothing you can do to stop it. And just feeling so responsible.
Reva: Maybe that's because you are responsible.
Cassie: Excuse me?
Reva: What's happened to Josh happened because he was protecting you.
Cassie: I would have given anything--
Reva: Anything, Cassie? You could have stopped it. You could have stopped him. You were the only one. But instead you were willing to let Josh confess to a crime he didn't commit, and now we've lost him. He's gone! Do you have any idea how frustrating these past few weeks have been?
Cassie: Oh, I think I have a pretty good idea.
Reva: I had to stand there and watch and wait for you to say something, only you never did. How could you let Josh take the blame?
Cassie: Josh told me he shot Alan. I didn't believe him. I questioned him repeatedly. But he swore it was the truth. And I don't remember what happened that night, so how would I know?
Reva: You had to know, Cassie. Deep down inside. You had to know. If you know him, you would have to know he is not the kind of man who could ever have pulled that trigger. Josh loves you so much, that he set himself up to go to prison for you. And you loved him so much that you were willing to let him do it.
Cassie: That is not fair, Reva. You know I would trade places with him if I could.
Reva: Then do it!
Cassie: You want to talk about blame, Reva? How about looking at yourself? Josh got the maximum, 15 years to life, why? Because the judge was treating it like a murder case. Because Alan’s condition took a turn for the worse. How did that happen, Reva? Oh, I know that somebody put him in a wheelchair and took him for a fieldtrip. The man was half dead and you tore out his I.V.
Reva: I was trying to help.
Cassie: That's what I was trying to do. That's why I brought the syringe into Alan’s room. What if it had worked?
Reva: It didn't work.
Cassie: You injected Alan?
Reva: Rick found the vial.
Cassie: Oh, my God, you got caught?
Reva: It doesn't matter. Alan is the same. There is no change at all.
Cassie: Oh, my God. So that's that?
Reva: Yeah, that's that.
Cassie: I wonder what Josh is doing right now.
Reva: I know what he's doing. He's, um, he's being strong because he knows that's what he has to be for us. And he's thinking about you.
Cassie: He's thinking about all of us, Reva. He's thinking about you, he's thinking about me, and he's thinking about Billy and Marah and Shayne, and R.J.. God, I just... R.J. doesn't know yet, and I'm dreading telling me. How am I going to tell him, Reva? He worships Josh.
Dinah: You know what, let's order takeout.
Mallet: That's a brilliant idea. You're so brilliant.
Dinah: I know.
Mallet: You, my little butterscotch cupcake, why don't you lock that door--
Dinah: ( Laughing ) I can’t. ( Cell phone rings )
Cyrus: Yep.
Dinah: It's me. I'll do it.
Cyrus: I knew you would.
Dinah: Just for the record, I hate your guts.
Cyrus: Duly noted. I'll be in touch.
Dinah: Mama, I'm so sorry.
Marina: Planning another heist?
Cyrus: You make me laugh.
Marina: Why?
Cyrus: I'm out of the robbery business.
Marina: Oh, yeah, right. Too. I'm out of the cop business, too.
Cyrus: I'm serious. There comes a time in every jewel thief's life where he has to step aside and let others do the dirty work.
Alan-Michael: Hi, Dad. The doctors say it's just a matter of time. Is that true? Are you really just...
Rick: I'm glad you stopped by, Doris, we need to talk about Alan.
Doris: Yes, we do. This isn't working out.
Rick: What? If you're referring to his treatment--
Doris: No, I'm referring to you. You're friendly with Beth, and it's a conflict of interest. I'm bringing in a specialist. I don't think you're understanding me. Alan is no longer your patient.
Alan-Michael: You've been busy.
Next on "Guiding Light"...
Dr. Belford: The person your father entrusted in his life and death decisions is his son, you, Mr. Spaulding.
Cyrus: Is this a private affair?
Marina: Yes, it is, go away.
Buzz: No. Pull up a chair.
Lizzie: Why didn't you just tell me?
Alan-Michael: Because I thought you were guilty, that's right.
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