GL Transcript Friday 3/30/07

Guiding Light Transcript Friday 3/30/07


Provided by Boo
Proofread by Tanya

Gus: Breaking news. How can it be breaking news on Josh's sentencing if he hasn't been sentenced yet? I don't get it.

Harley: Well, Alan waking up and naming another shooter-- now that would be breaking news.

Gus: You know what? I don't want to stay around the house all day. This is my day off. Can we get out? Can we do things?

Harley: Uh-huh.

Gus: Look at this. It's all over the papers, too -- "Josh's sentencing today".

Harley: Well, give me that. I'll check the movie listing.

Gus: Can you see if they've got that little penguin movie where they dance around on their feet?

Harley: Sure.

Gus: (Laughing) I'd like to see that. I don't know if it's still in the theaters.

Harley: Zach and Jude are at a play date today, so...

Gus: All right, so it's just us?

Harley: Just us. And Daisy, if she even wants to go.

Daisy: We just connected again-- Gus and I. I mean, this time, it wasn't a kiss. That kiss... well, Gus, he wanted to talk about his dad. I mean, he didn't say so, but I could tell. And I was right. An he just totally opened up about everything. It was so sweet. Harley had no idea what he needed. But I did. I know that I said it was wrong to feel this way about my mom's husband, but I don't know... I mean, maybe it's not. Really. I mean, maybe Harley doesn't deserve someone like Gus. Maybe he needs me just as much as I need him.

Gus: Hey.

Daisy: Hi.

Gus: You want to go to the movies?

Daisy: Yeah, sure.

Harley: Great. We'll even let you pick.

Ashlee: Thanks.

Doris: Ashlee, it's mother. Ashlee, it's your mother. Ashlee, it's your mother.

Coop: What is that?

Ashlee: It's my mother.

Coop: That's your ringtone?

Ashlee: Yes. Yes, she programmed it in herself.

Coop: Uh-huh. Ashlee, that’s... that's awful.

Ashlee: I know, I hear it in my sleep. She wants me to go to the courthouse.

Coop: For Josh's sentencing. Why?

Ashlee: Well, yeah. To make us look good, to... you know, the role of the grieving stepdaughter will be played by Ashlee Wolfe.

Coop: Seriously?

Ashlee: Yeah, that's how she operates, but, um... I'm not going.

Coop: Good. Because I want you here, actually.

Ashlee: Wh... um, why?

Coop: Well, who's going to run the place when I can't? Ta-da! Put that on right there.

Ashlee: What?

Reva: Hey, anything?

Josh: We're just waiting.

Reva: Jeffrey, is this really necessary?

Jeffrey: I'm sorry.

Josh: It's okay, Reva.

Reva: At least in the hearing room, please.

Doris: He's a convicted felon. We like them locked up.

Jeffrey: Not now, Doris.

Reva: Are you happy now, Doris?!

Doris: Happy now that my husband's in a coma? No.

Reva: You're sending an innocent man to jail.

Doris: Well, not according to the jury.

Reva: Well, that's something you're going to have to live with for the rest of your life.

Doris: I think I can handle it.

Reva: Wait a minute!

Billy: Reva, Reva...

Reva: Billy, what?

Billy: Reva!

Reva: What!? Sorry. Where's Cassie?

Josh: I don't know.

Reva: She's not here?

Josh: Maybe she's on her way, or maybe this is just too much for her. I don't know.

Reva: No. She wouldn't leave you now.

Cassie: This one is from the Lewis family lawyer. This one is from my lawyer. Copies are going to the" Springfield Journal", as well as to Vanessa Reardon at WSPR.

Haynes: Mrs. Winslow, I don't think...

Cassie: So you can see, Dr. Haynes, I've done my homework. Either the hospital complies or you will be seeing this face all over town. I'll go to the state level. I'll go national.

Haynes: What is it you're asking?

Cassie: I want this man injected with a dose of L-dopa immediately, stat-- whatever it is you people say around here. I want you to wake him up so he can clear Josh Lewis.

Haynes: He's in a coma. The doctor assigned to this case hasn't authorized...

Cassie: You know what? The doctor assigned to this case is a walking, talking, conflict of interest. You're the Deputy Administrator, are you not? Surely, you can override Rick Bauer.

Haynes: It's not that simple.

Cassie: Yes, it is that simple. Alan Spaulding is the only one who can tell the whole world who shot Alan Spaulding. And all you have to do is sign off on it. And not just because it's the right thing to do, but because I will take you and the entire hospital down if you don’t.

Harley: Didn't you want to see that horror movie?

Daisy: No.

Harley: Or that other one... the, um...

Daisy: I told you I couldn't go.

Harley: The one with the guy from the pirate movie-- what's his name?

Daisy: What part of "no" don't you get?

Gus: Are we going to the movies or are we not going to the movies?

Daisy: I... no, I forgot, I have a study group.

Harley: Really?

Daisy: Uh-huh.

Harley: What... what study group?

Daisy: Class project.

Harley: What class?

Daisy: Oh, my God!

Harley: I'm just curious.

Daisy: It's science... science class, okay? Yeah, and school's out, pep rally is over, so I've got to go meet them.

Harley: Well, wait, wait, I thought...

Daisy: People are waiting for me. I'll see you later.

Gus: So what movie would you like to see, huh?

Daisy: Well, any movie that you want to see, because I know I'll like it, because we're always on the same page.

Gus: Yes, we are. And that's nice, isn't it?

Daisy: Yeah. You feel it, too?

Gus: Of course, I feel it too. We've got something really nice going here.

Ashlee: You listen to me, Coop Cooper...

Coop: It's Bradshaw.

Ashlee: Look, I can't be manager. I'm not qualified.

Coop: Like I was?

Ashlee: Well... I know, but the last thing I was in charge of was the A.V. Club, and I totally bankrupt them. Don't ask. Don't ask!

Coop: Ashlee, sorry, but you're it, okay?

Ashlee: Well, just wait, just wait. I'll... I'll ruin this whole place and run your family out of business.

Coop: Well, you are a Spaulding, that is true. Come on, Ashlee, I mean, look at us. We're a pretty tough ship here. I think we can handle.

Ashlee: Yeah, meet your iceberg.

Coop: Stop. Okay? Would you just stop? You are going to be great at this. You know why? Because I need you to be. I'm getting ready to start my student teaching year very, very soon, all right? I'm going to have lots of class work that I need to go over...

Ashlee: Coop, you're really doing it, aren't you? You're going into teaching.

Coop: Yeah. Well, I mean, you said I was going to be good at it, right?

Ashlee: The best.

Coop: All right. Now, I need you to have that same faith in yourself. All right, please? Because I have that faith in you. Well, look, I have got to run over to Company to get a few things, so...

Ashlee: Oh, no.

Coop: So I will see you later, Manager.

Ashlee: No, no, no, no. Not starting now.

Coop: No, not starting now. Starting about ten seconds ago, actually. Bye.

Jordan: You don't look sick-- skanky but not sick.

Daisy: Now, that's really original.

Madison: Why did you skip school, Rose?

Daisy: It's Daisy.

Jordan: Maybe she woke up and remembered nobody likes her.

Daisy: How was the pep rally? Did you cheer for all the guys you slept with?

Madison: Got better clothes for her in there? We're doing charity work.

Daisy: Hey!

Jordan: Is there a picture of your imaginary boyfriend in here? ( Laughing )

Ashlee: Leave her alone!

Madison: Lay off, coffee wench.

Jordan: No, don't!

Ashlee: I'm sorry. What did you call me?

Reva: When others quit, Josh hung in there. Because he knew that, when all hope seemed lost, there was still the chance of recovery. He stayed up nights, he brought in the best people, nurses and doctors. But in the end it was his love and his commitment that made it all happen.

Jeffrey: Could you tell us about the veteran's hospital, Mrs. Lewis.

Reva: Well, because of the veteran's hospital, hundreds of veterans and their families have already been helped. And Lewis Construction was never in it for the profit or the glory. Joshua Lewis wanted to help people because that's the kind of man he is, not the kind of man that would shoot another in cold blood.

A.D.A.: Your Honor...

Judge: Mrs. Lewis, restrict your answers to the question.

Reva: Well, that's what I thought I was doing.

Judge: Mr. O’Neill, next question.

Jeffrey: I'm sorry?

Judge: Do you have anymore questions for Mrs. Lewis?

Jeffrey: Um, nothing further, your Honor.

Josh: Nothing further. Cassie's message said to stretch as long as you can.

Jeffrey: Yeah. Any idea why?

Josh: No.

A.D.A.: In your testimony during the trial, I asked you if you thought Mr. Lewis could have shot Alan Spaulding. Do you recall your answer?

Reva: I do.

A.D.A.: I have the transcript right here, I could...

Reva: That won't be necessary. I know I said that I thought he could have done it. But I don't anymore.

A.D.A.: Now that he is convicted.

Reva: No.

A.D.A.: No further questions.

Judge: Mrs. Lewis, you can step down.

Reva: He's an innocent man, your Honor. The gun is not at the bottom of the lake. It's in the Spaulding house. One of them did it. One of Alan’s own family members, and now they're hiding it. No, you can't do this to him. He is one of the most wonderful, caring, thoughtful, patient, generous men I've ever known.

A.D.A.: Your Honor --

Judge: Mr. O’Neill, could you control...

Jeffrey: I apologize, your Honor.

Reva: We need him here with us, your Honor. He is good-- he is a good man. He would never do this to anyone. Please, please, don't ask us to go on without him. I'm so sorry, Joshua.

Cassie: Finally. When can he get the shot?

Doris: Don't you think Alan has been shot enough? Look, I knew something was up when you didn't show up at the courthouse. Thank God I found Dr. Haynes.

Cassie: Josh is innocent and Alan knows it. There is nothing I can do to stop the hearing, but there is something that I can do about him.

Doris: What, finish the job that your fiancé started?

Cassie: Josh isn't the one who shot him, Doris.

Doris: Look, murdering my husband with some lethal injection isn't going to win you any favors in court.

Cassie: And what if he dies all on his own? Then he takes the truth with him.

Doris: It's Russian roulette.

Cassie: It's an acceptable risk.

Doris: To you?

Cassie: Do you know that lots of coma patients have responded to this drug? This could actually help him. Unless you don't want Alan to wake up.

Doris: Thank God. What took you so long?

Cassie: What? Doris, what the hell... where are you taking me? Get your hands off of me.

Doris: Thank you, Doctor. Just rest, darling. And if you find that... well, that you just have to give up this fight, well, I don't want you to worry about us, okay. We'll muddle through somehow.

Ashlee: You okay?

Daisy: Seven years of bad luck.

Ashlee: ( Laughs ) Well, maybe it's retroactive.

Daisy: What do you mean?

Ashlee: Like maybe you already had your seven bad years.

Daisy: Try 17.

Ashlee: Okay, fair enough.

Daisy: Oh, I didn't order this.

Ashlee: Oh, no, I know.

Daisy: Thank you. I should be buying you one.

Ashlee: Well, I work here. I get them for free.

Daisy: Oh, cool. Thank you for before. I don't even know you.

Ashlee: I'm Ashlee. And I actually think that I'm your distant... you know what, never mind. I'm the manager here. And you're...

Daisy: Infamous.

Ashlee: Um, well, yeah.

Daisy: So wait, why did you do that before?

Ashlee: Well, I know them. I mean not, like, those girls, but I know their type. They've been breaking my mirrors since I was 13.

Daisy: ( Laughs )

Ashlee: What?

Daisy: I just... I wish you would have poured the coffee on their clothes.

Ashlee: ( Laughs ) I so wanted to.

Daisy: Their face...

Ashlee: I'm so glad they backed off because I don't think I could have done it.

Daisy: Oh, no, you totally could have.

Ashlee: Really?

Daisy: Yeah. I mean, I bought it.

Ashlee: ( Laughs ) Well, that's really weird, actually, because I'm not very good at standing up for myself.

Daisy: Really?

Ashlee: Well, yeah. I don't know. I've never been really good at that. But, actually, you know...

Daisy: What?

Ashlee: Well, it's just that someone just told me to have more faith in myself. So...

Daisy: Well, thank whoever it was for me, and thank you for the latte and everything.

Ashlee: Oh, it's no problem. Wait, Daisy... I overheard what they said about an imaginary boyfriend.

Daisy: Yeah, they were just messing with me. I mean I could have a boyfriend... I mean, I did have a boyfriend, but he was a... never mind.

Ashlee: Well, I was going to say go for it.

Daisy: What?

Ashlee: Like, if there is some guy you like.

Daisy: Oh.

Ashlee: Well, is there? I mean because I don't want anyone telling you that he's not in your league.

Daisy: Okay, Ashlee.

Ashlee: No, seriously. I mean, what do you have to lose?

Daisy: Well, I don't know, dignity and stuff.

Ashlee: Well, yeah, but what if he likes you back? Then you can shove it in every face of every unworthy skank that ever pushed you around.

Daisy: Yeah. Yeah, I guess that would be cool.

Harley: She's going out to see people? What people? I want some names.

Gus: Babe, she was in a rush.

Harley: She doesn't want to hang out with me.

Gus: Maybe it was me, because I said I'd teach her how to drive, and...

Harley: You told her you'd give her driving lessons?

Gus: Yeah.

Harley: You know what, I'm sure she was thrilled with that.

Gus: Well, maybe she's not thrilled with it, because maybe she thought I was going to take her driving right then, and I didn’t. Instead, we're going to do something else.

Harley: I think maybe you should leave that stuff up to me.

Gus: What?

Harley: The driving lessons, you know, all that kind of stuff. It's not you. You're good with her. Maybe too good with her. That's why she always goes to you. Nothing is going to change unless she is forced to deal with me.

Gus: All right. I'll tell her you'll teach her how to drive, you're better with the car... you're a better driver. I'll say... and I'll say the whole thing is my idea. It's all right. Come on. Can we please go see the movie?

Harley: Go see the movie.

Gus: Oh, my goodness.

Harley: I'll check online.

Gus: Get out of the house.

Harley: If I can figure out her browser. Hey, look at this. She's got her own page.

Daisy: No, don't!

Harley: Okay, I was just checking movie listings, that's all.

Daisy: What, I can't have anything in this house that is just mine? Like your head is going to explode or something?

Gus: Would you just calm down?

Harley: No, no, no. We'll figure this out.

Daisy: What? Figure what out? What?

Harley: How about the way you talk to me? The way you are choosing to talk to me, that is.

Daisy: Will you relax? I just want some privacy.

Harley: Some privacy? You exploited that right with your piercings and your doing drugs and your boyfriends who are criminals.

Daisy: I don't do that stuff anymore, okay?

Harley: Great, fine. Then you should have no problems showing me what's on your page.

Jeffrey: And how about Josh's track record here at home?

Billy: Well, there's been reconstruction projects, like down on Fifth Street, that he's helped with. He donated time and he... you know, your Honor, do you have a brother?

Judge: Mr. Lewis, I'd advise you to...

Billy: Look, I could go on about how he used the company to help a lot of people. I mean, but he doesn't just run a company. He runs a family. I'm the older brother, I'm the one that should be running it, but, no, Josh is the one who takes care of everybody. He saw me get sober. Matter of fact, I'm probably alive because of him. Now, I know he's been convicted, and if you ask me, that's the real crime.

A.D.A.: No one asked, your Honor.

Billy: Look, I know that he has to go to jail. You can't do anything about that. But you can choose how long he has to go. Springfield... when you think of Springfield, the first thing you think of is that big lighthouse and it's shining down. It lights the way for people. That's the way Josh is. Josh is that way for our family. He's a beacon of decency. And in this town, we need a lot more of that right now. He's a good man. I mean, that's it. He is a good man.

Cassie: Rise and shine, Alan. I am going to wake you up, even if it kills me. Or you.

Reva: What'd you do, Cassie...

Cassie: Hey...

Reva: ...Go to med school when I wasn't looking?

Cassie: Let me do this, Reva. This could wake him up.

Reva: Cassie...

Cassie: We don't have time to talk about this. This could save Josh.

Reva: No. What is in this?

Cassie: It's synthetic dopamine. They say it can revive coma patients, even if it's only temporary. Sometimes it works; sometimes it doesn’t.

Reva: And if it doesn't?

Cassie: It could kill him. But there is no other way.

Reva: Josh needs you with him, not here. If Alan dies, it goes from attempted murder to the real thing. You will be adding years onto his sentence.

Cassie: And if Alan wakes up and can name another shooter, there won't be a sentence at all.

Reva: You can't take that risk.

Cassie: Give me the needle.

Reva: We're leaving.

Cassie: Reva!

Reva: No, we're leaving.

Cassie: That gun did not get into the Spaulding house all on its own. I can't just stand by and watch while they take him away.

Reva: Well, you'll have to.

A.D.A.: The people call Doris Wolfe Spaulding. Mrs. Spaulding, I know this has been a very difficult time for you.

Billy: Are those tears in her eyes or dollar signs?

A.D.A.: What would you like the court to know about your husband?

Doris: Well, first, I would like the court to know a little something about me.

Jeffrey: Of course.

Doris: I am here today not as District Attorney of Springfield, or as the anguished spouse of the victim, but the only reason that I left my husband's bedside today, while he lay there comatose in a hospital fighting for his life, was because I know Alan would want me to, so that he could have a voice here today.

Billy: ( Coughs )

Doris: I know all of you are very concerned about what Josh Lewis deserves. But what about the victim? What does Alan Spaulding deserve? Doesn't he deserve justice for an attempt on his life that may prove fatal? Now, your Honor, I am asking you to put Josh Lewis away for as long as you can so that he doesn't destroy anymore innocent lives.

Ashlee: Oh, hey, Gus.

Gus: Hey.

Ashlee: I could have gotten that for you.

Gus: That's all right, I don't mind. I got it.

Ashlee: But, you know, there's no family discount.

Gus: Why do you say that?

Ashlee: Well, it's my first shift as manager, and I can't be giving out free coffee. I mean, I gave some to Daisy before, but that was only because she was really bummed out. And hers was a medium, and... and yours is a large. And I just... you just don't look bummed out enough for a freebie.

Gus: ( Laughs ) Well, first of all, I'm glad you're the manager because this place has been losing money. Why did she need cheering up?

Ashlee: She was here a little bit earlier and some girls were giving her a hard time.

Gus: Hmm. Why were they giving her a hard time? About what?

Ashlee: I don't know, they were just teasing her and looking through her bag and stuff, but I took care of it.

Gus: I'm going to go talk to my wife, okay?

Ashlee: Okay. I... I just... just bring back the cup and I guess a free one's okay. I haven't been giving out free coffee. You know what, I think that you can dock my pay, and take your badge back. Here.

Coop: You said you were scared to be manager. Ashlee, I go away for like a half hour, and I come back and you're like a superhero. What is that?

Ashlee: Oh, no, I'm not. Really?

Daisy: Leave it alone.

Harley: Why don't you tell me what's on here?

Daisy: No. What is your problem?

Harley: We cannot keep doing this!

Daisy: You are doing this.

Harley: I just want to know what's on here. I want to know what's up with you. You post things for your friends. I can't see them? ( Telephone ringing )

Daisy: It's Gus. Aren't you going to answer it?

Harley: Not until we figure this out.

Daisy: But it's Gus.

Harley: I don't want to bring him into this.

Daisy: What?

Harley: You are through playing us against each other.

Daisy: I'm not playing you guys against each other...

Harley: Yes, you are. You do the same thing with me and Reva.

Daisy: Oh, my God, you're paranoid. He's just going to call back, you know?

Harley: He's not bailing you out this time.

Daisy: I didn't even do anything. What are you... just leave it alone.

Harley: Give it to me.

Daisy: Don't!

Harley: You know, what, kid. You may hate me...

Daisy: I do hate you!

Harley: ...But you will respect me in my house.

Daisy: You're on a freaking power trip.

Harley: I am so tired of this. I am so tired of you turning your back on me and walking out the door all the time. And you change everything when Gus walks in. You're all smiles all the time.

Daisy: That shows how much you know.

Harley: What? What don't I know?

Daisy: You... you don't even begin to understand me. That's what you don't know.

Harley: What? I'm the problem? I'm the problem here?

Daisy: You are!

Harley: Well, too bad, kid. I am your mother. I'm all you've got. You are my daughter.

Daisy: Well, thank God they took your other daughter away from you before you screwed her up, too.

Daisy: I can't believe you...

Harley: No, I'm sorry. Wait, wait, wait. No, you listen to me.

Daisy: I hate you!

Harley: What are you thinking? What can you be thinking? You cannot live your life like this. You want some respect? You will show me some respect. It is not always Daisy's world!

Daisy: What? No, it's your world, definitely, and it's hell. Get off of me.

Harley: Wait, listen to me. Listen to me.

Daisy: What?

Harley: I have to turn you into somebody who has half a chance in this world. It's my job as your mother. Daisy, I can't fail.

Daisy: What if you already did? ( Door slams )

Ashlee: And so I told her to find herself a boyfriend. You know, find some nice guy and just ask him out.

Coop: What did Daisy say to that?

Ashlee: I think she thought I was kidding. But she needs to know that she doesn't have to settle. That, you know, those girls were trying to make her feel like she had to.

Coop: It sounds like you were standing up for her.

Ashlee: Well, yeah, you know, it's kind of hard to stand up for yourself. I remember that from school.

Coop: Oh, sounds like you had a couple of cat fights yourself. ( Meows )

Ashlee: ( Laughs )

Coop: Hey, look, I understand. Women can be... well, rather, girls can be rather harsh to each other, you know?

Ashlee: Men can be just as bad. I mean, guys like you... I mean, not like you you, but, you know, like normal guys, hot guys.

Coop: Yeah, yeah, I'm smokin', right?

Ashlee: Well, you know what I mean. The quarterbacks and the prom kings of the world.

Coop: They said stuff to you, too?

Ashlee: No, actually nothing at all.

Coop: Okay, so how is that bad if they don't say anything? You know, I've been rejected myself and I know how that...

Ashlee: Yes, you've been rejected. That means that someone recognizes that you exist. It hurts ten times worse when someone just looks right through you like you don't even deserve a rejection. I don't know, if I were to ever go back to school and do it again...

Coop: What?

Ashlee: I don't know, I like myself more now, I guess. I don't know, maybe it's from hanging out with you and your family. I don't know, school might not have been as traumatic.

Coop: Might have even been fun, too.

Ashlee: Fun?

Coop: Yeah.

Ashlee: Oh, only prom kings have fun.

Coop: F.Y.I., they didn't have that where I went to school.

Ashlee: Oh, loser.

Coop: Stop, be nice. Maybe you would have had a better time.

Ashlee: Huh?

Coop: In school. If you were the you that you are now, but back then, because the you that you are now is the only you that I know. Does it make sense?

Ashlee: Wolfe, Ashlee Wolfe.

Coop: What?

Ashlee: I'm sorry, that was weird. I just... I didn't see that before. ( Laughs ) Yeah, I really love those movies.

Coop: Yeah, I do, too. You lost me there for a second.

Ashlee: Yeah, I know. So I really love the James Bond films.

Coop: I know.

Ashlee: What's your favorite?

Coop: In my book, there is only one Bond. Yes

Ashlee: ( Laughs ) Do you want to go?

Coop: Huh?

Ashlee: To the movies with me?

Coop: I've got so much I have to do here. I have to go buy books after this. I'm just... I'm, like, swamped with all of this... no. Hey, no, no, no, no, no. I didn't mean it... wow, this is me being one of those guys, isn't it?

Reva: Josh chose you, Cassie. Do you get that? He chose you. Not just for the good times, but for the bad times, too. Especially the bad times. And this-- this-- just go. Go now.

Judge: I have considered all of the testimony, and certainly Mr. Lewis has much to be proud of. He's responsible for many fine contributions to this community, and beyond. However, a man lies near death just across town, and Josh Lewis is responsible for that as well. Mr. Lewis, please rise. No doubt you're an important man, Mr. Lewis. But Alan Spaulding is no less important. You shot him willfully and with pre-meditation, and I have found no evidence of remorse. Therefore, it is my duty to give you the strictest penalty under the law: 15 years maximum security. Sentence will begin immediately.

Billy: This is ridiculous.

Jeffrey: We're appealing right away, Josh.

Coop: Ashlee, look, I am sorry.

Ashlee: You didn't do anything wrong.

Coop: No, you invited me to go to the movies with you, and I just completely blew you off.

Ashlee: No, no, you were counting and...

Coop: No, my head was buried in the books. I didn't even look at you.

Ashlee: Some people can't, um, chew gum and walk at the same time.

Coop: Ashlee, you... we were... we were talking about those guys, you know, the ones that used to treat you like dirt. Or wouldn't treat you like anything because they would just look through you.

Ashlee: Yes, I know, I was there.

Coop: I am just trying to say that I am sorry. Can I just apologize for...

Ashlee: You have nothing to be sorry for.

Coop: Can I not apologize even right... the right way?

Ashlee: No... will you just stop? Stop.

Coop: I'm just saying I thought I was a jerk.

Ashlee: ( Laughs ) Coop Cooper, come on.

Coop: Right. Done. Are we cool?

Ashlee: Yes, of course we are.

Coop: Okay. Good. I'll tell you what, why don't we get some of this work done because obviously you're going to need to learn how to do it, seeing as how you're taking over as manager.

Ashlee: Yeah, okay.

Coop: Okay?

Ashlee: Yeah. You want to do it now?

Coop: Well, yeah, if the two of us get it done, that means it will be done faster, and we can actually make it to the movies then.

Ashlee: What about your books?

Coop: The books will be there later. But Bond waits for no man.

Ashlee: ( Laughs ) Fair enough.

Coop: Fair enough. Okay.

Ashlee: But you don't have to do this.

Coop: I know.

Ashlee: Because if this is a pity invite, I...

Coop: Ashlee, stop. This is me just asking you if you want to go to the movies with me. But if you have some place else you'd rather be...

Ashlee: Well, maybe.

Coop: Uh-huh, like maybe the courthouse with your mom or the hospital with Alan.

Ashlee: You know, he never really wanted us to be a part of his life. If he had tried just a little bit...

Coop: Well, you know what? He's missing out on one heck of a stepdaughter, that's for sure. But forget about him, okay? You-- give me that-- need a bit of a break. And I am actually a pretty good slacker.

Ashlee: Liar!

Coop: Stop. All right, come on, why don't we get this work done because I hate missing the trailers at movies. Come on.

Harley: I hit her. She brought up Sydney and...

Gus: Well, she shouldn't have done that.

Harley: ...Set me off.

Gus: Maybe it's because she had this little incident on Main Street, and, you know, she walked in that door, she would have had a fight with anybody.

Harley: Don't give me an easy way out, you know? I get so mad at myself because I don't know how to deal with her, and then I take it out on her. You know, I never have this problem with Zach and Jude. I never have to figure out how to be their mother. With her, I'm always planning and strategizing my next move.

Gus: All right. Well, this is a big lesson in patience. Okay?

Harley: That's not my strong suit.

Gus: ( Laughs ) I know. We're going to figure this out, okay? We'll figure it out together, just the two of us. Okay?

Daisy: Hi... hi, it's me. Call me. It's not an emergency or anything. It's just... look, I know I was a brat the last time you were here, and I understand if you don't want to talk to me, but I think you need to come back. You made Harley really happy, and I think she needs you here. Don’t... don't tell her I said that because she would hate it. But, okay, now I'm just rambling. But, yeah, just call me. Okay, bye, Dylan.

Cassie: No, you can't go!

Josh: Jeffrey got your message.

Cassie: I just wanted to help you. I was... I don't know, I was some place I shouldn't have been trying something. I just wanted to help you.

Josh: Listen to me, you need to be strong for R.J., all right? You tell him I love him. You tell him I'll be home soon, all right? As soon as...

Bailiff: It's time, let's go.

Josh: I love you, Cassie.

Cassie: I love you.

Jeffrey: I'll get started on the appeal, Josh.

Cassie: Josh! I love you! I love you!

Next, on "Guiding Light"...

Remy: Who's he?

Marina: Just your friendly neighborhood criminal.

Mallet: Who's that from?

Dinah: Actually, it's an admiring fan.

Ava: You need? What about what I need?

Alan-Michael: I can satisfy those, too.

Mallet: Going to be a little rough for him.

Cassie: As in dangerous?

Mallet: It's prison.

Reva: It was someone in your own family who wanted to see you dead. How does that make you feel?

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