Guiding Light Transcript Thursday 3/29/07
Provided by Boo
Proofread by Tanya
Josh: I love you, Cassie. I won't ever stop loving you. No amount I would not pay if someone could only take me far away.
Nurse: Your blood test came back negative, Mrs. Spaulding.
Beth: No... what?
Nurse: I'm sorry. You're not pregnant.
Beth: Great. Look, I just went to see my husband-- I mean, ex-husband-- and he wasn't in his room. Do you have any idea why they moved him?
Nurse: Mr. Spaulding was sent up to three for tests.
Beth: Has there been a change in his condition? You can tell me, I'm family.
Nurse: You ought to talk to his doctor.
Beth: Rick.
Rick: Hey, Beth. What is it? You want to talk about something?
Beth: Well, I just... Alan, he's worse, isn't he? My baby may never know its father now.
Harley: All right, where did you steal these muffins from?
Gus: I didn't steal them. The guy knows when I take them, and he puts it in his little book. He writes down "Muffins for Aitoro."
Harley: Daisy is going to be late for school. Daisy, you're going to be late for school!
Daisy: Good morning.
Harley: Wow, this is either a new fashion statement or you're not planning to go anywhere.
Daisy: Yeah, whatever.
Harley: Don't "whatever" me. Come on, come on, you're going to be late for the bus.
Daisy: Would you please tell her that I'm not going to take the bus?
Harley: Don't do this thing with him, where you talk to him through me. Just talk to me, I'm right here.
Daisy: Tell her that I wouldn't have to take the bus if she would let me get my license, which, by the way, everybody else my age has.
Harley: You're not responsible enough to drive.
Daisy: That's your opinion.
Harley: I'm your mother. Mine's the only opinion that counts. Now, get off of my counter and go upstairs and get ready for school. Now! Ooh, I could just...
Gus: Well, you're not going to.
Harley: Because if I had a...
Gus: No, you don't have one of those.
Frank: Hey, I just happened to be in the neighborhood, and I just wanted to know if you heard anything about Alan.
Harley: Why? What happened?
Frank: Because it's not good, actually. I'm sorry. He's very unstable, and he may not make it. Which is really bad news for Josh, too.
Harley: Isn't his sentencing today?
Frank: Yeah. And if Alan dies...
Harley: Josh will spend his life in prison.
Cop: I'll be right outside. Mind your time limit.
Gus: Have a muffin, Frank. They're stolen.
Frank: No, I'm okay. Thanks, Gus.
Harley: You okay, sweetie?
Gus: Yeah. Frank, did anybody say anything about when or how exactly he took a turn for the worse?
Frank: Well, I'm sure Reva’s little joy ride with him didn't help much.
Harley: I have to tell you, I always thought he'd pull through. He always had in the past. The man has nine lives.
Frank: Yeah, well, maybe he has run out of all of them.
Harley: Let's hope not.
Frank: Yeah. Hey, listen, Gus, I'm sorry.
Gus: Yeah, yeah. No.
Frank: I've got to get going, you guys. I'll talk to you later then.
Harley: Thanks.
Frank: See you, sis.
Harley: Well, he sure knows how to light up a room and leave, huh?
Gus: ( Laughs ) Yeah.
Harley: Maybe... we don't know, maybe Alan will rally and pull through.
Gus: It's nice of you to say, considering... considering I know how much you hate him.
Harley: After what he's done to me, to us? That man has done more to hurt more people than anybody I know.
Gus: Well, that's his legacy.
Harley: The truth is, if he wasn't one of two people who knows who shot him, I'd be hoping the bastard was dead before lunch and put us out of our misery. I can't believe I just said that to you. I'm sorry.
Gus: It's okay. You're being honest. That's how you feel.
Harley: That gun is in that house. I know it, okay? So it's really, really important that Alan stays alive. I've got to go. I told Cassie that I would have coffee with her. Listen, honey, do you want to do me a favor? Could you try to get that girl out of the house? Use a crowbar if necessary. I love you.
Gus: That's what I was going to say.
Harley: Call me if you hear anything about Alan, okay?
Rick: So, as we're both aware, Reva detached the I.V., and Alan is very lucky to make it here alive.
Beth: So what are you saying? Are you saying that he can't be saved?
Rick: Well, that may be the case, Beth. What?
Beth: No. It's just even at a time like this I have to think about how life is going to go on.
Rick: Beth, I have been there many times.
Beth: So, Rick, is it true? I mean, are you and Mel going to go through with it?
Rick: I signed the divorce papers, Beth.
Beth: I see.
Rick: You're smiling.
Beth: I just... you know... you know how I feel. You're an excellent diagnostician.
Rick: Yeah, and I'm a free man, too. And regardless of Alan, Beth, you're a free woman. I mean, let's not forget, he dumped you. You're not married to him anymore.
Beth: Yeah, no, I know that.
Rick: My offer to you still stands. You and me. Beth, I love you. And you know that I'd be a wonderful father to that child you're carrying.
Beth: I know that.
Rick: I also know that you've got these feelings that you're navigating with Alan, and I understand that. And I will wait. I'll wait.
Beth: Rick... Rick, do you have a few minutes before you see your next patient?
Rick: Sure. You want to talk about something?
Beth: Something like that.
Cassie: I miss you so much already. I can't sleep. I can't eat.
Josh: Well, what have you been doing then?
Cassie: Don't joke, Josh. Don’t.
Josh: Cassie...
Cassie: There's nothing funny about this. You're in here in this... your wrists are raw from handcuffs...
Josh: Cassie, you have to take care of yourself, okay? Promise me that.
Cassie: I'm fine. You're the one I'm worried about.
Josh: How's R.J.? He doesn't think that I've abandoned him in some way, does he?
Cassie: No, he doesn’t. No, of course not. I explained to him that you'll just be away for a while.
Josh: Yeah, for a while. I got a message from Jeffrey this morning. Evidently Alan has taken a turn for the worse.
Cassie: What?
Josh: He may not make it.
Cassie: What the hell are those doctors doing in there?
Josh: I'm sure they're doing their best. Today, at my sentencing, the prosecutor is going to bring in a medical expert who will testify that Alan will most likely never come out of his coma.
Cassie: Oh, come on. They do not know that.
Josh: The point... the point is that it's going to make what they've convicted me of look more like murder than attempted murder.
Cassie: Which means then the judge will hand down an even stiffer sentence.
Josh: 20 years, maybe 25.
Cassie: No, no, no.
Josh: More if Alan doesn't make it.
Cassie: Stop it, Josh. Stop it!
Josh: Cassie, I can't promise you that everything is going to turn out okay here, okay?
Cassie: Then what are we going to do?
Josh: Well, I've been thinking about that since they put me in that jail. And there was something about Jeffrey’s call today that made it all clear for me. I know what we have to do now.
Cassie: Okay, tell me.
Josh: You have to promise me that you'll do as I say.
Cassie: I'll do anything.
Josh: Good. We have to call off the engagement. I need to let you go.
Cassie: So you're breaking up with me? Just like that?
Josh: It's for the best.
Cassie: It's for the... ( sighs ) Do you remember... do you remember this little item, Josh, do you? Do you remember why you gave it to me? I'll give you a hint: It had something to do with the two of us being together for the rest of our lives.
Josh: Cassie...
Cassie: Not for now. Not for when it's convenient. Forever. Or you didn't mean that, and you lied to me when you said that?
Josh: No, of course I meant it, Cassie. I just...
Cassie: So what's the deal? You're giving up? You have second thoughts?
Josh: I just told you, I may be going away to prison for 25 years.
Cassie: Yeah, and...? What is the secret message that I'm not getting here? Is it that I can't handle it? You think I can't wait that long?
Josh: I'm trying... I'm trying to...
Cassie: Protect me?
Josh: Yes.
Cassie: Keep me from pain and anguish and suffering?
Josh: Yes.
Cassie: Well, it's too late for that, Josh. I'm already suffering. And you giving me the boot isn't going to make that go away. But I'll tell you something. I can handle it. I handled losing Hart, I handled losing Richard. I even handled losing Tammy. And I sure as hell am going to handle this situation.
Josh: Cassie...
Cassie: And I know you're trying to protect me. I know that's what you do and that's who you are. And it's a big part of why I love you in case you didn't know.
Josh: I just feel so helpless.
Cassie: Well, then, you can't afford to ditch someone who is going to fight for you, now can you? That would be really dumb. Especially because I'm not anywhere even close to throwing in the towel. If I have to break into the Spaulding mansion and look for that gun myself, I'll do it. If I have to torture every last member of that miserable family to find out who put it there in the first place, I'm going to do it. I'm here for the long haul. That's what this here means to me. Am I making myself clear?
Josh: Nothing has ever been more clear to me.
Cop: Time's up, ma'am.
Cassie: ( Sighs ) All right. I'll see you soon.
Gus: Hey, look at you in your pajamas, not ready to go to school or anything.
Daisy: Oh, I'm not going to school.
Gus: You're not?
Daisy: Uh-uh.
Gus: Why not?
Daisy: It's a huge waste of time because today we have this like day-long school spirit thing. It's just like one long pep rally, and I have no school spirit, so I thought I would just, you know, stay home and catch up on some homework. Is that all right with you?
Gus: Well, I guess so. I mean, if there is really a prep rally...
Daisy: Pep rally.
Gus: Pep rally. Well, if there is really one of those, then, you know...
Daisy: Would I make up something that lame? Besides, I know you're going to call and check on it anyway, so.
Gus: Well, do I have to call? I'm just going to stick around here and supervise.
Daisy: Okay, I mean if you have to. But, hey, could you help me with these? English AP essays are so hard.
Gus: Yeah, sure.
Daisy: Okay.
Gus: So, what they ask...
Daisy: Yeah, here and then...
Gus: Okay. Well, what they're asking for over here... what does AP stand for?
Daisy: AP is advanced placement.
Gus: Right, okay. Okay, so... I don't think I can really...
Daisy: I don't think you can help with this...
Gus: You know what you do? You read it a lot and... and familiarize yourself with it, and, you know, take your time with it.
Daisy: Okay. Is that yours?
Gus: Do your homework.
Daisy: Just asking. You want to talk about it?
Cop: Not much time left, sir.
Billy: Okay. How you doing?
Josh: I got no complaints.
Billy: We have to talk.
Josh: Yeah, there are some favors I need you to do for me.
Billy: Yeah, well, the biggest favor I've already done. Look, come here. You don't have to do any jail time.
Josh: What are you talking about?
Billy: You're not guilty. I've got the Lewis jet fueled up. It's sitting on the tarmac out at the airport.
Josh: What?
Billy: Here's the drill: I'm going to go pick up R.J. and Cassie. I'm going to take them out to the airport, I'm going to put them on the plane. You, meanwhile, are going to have a little episode. You're going to have a heart attack, you're going to faint or something. The EMT guys are going to come and put you in the ambulance, take you over to the hospital... wait, Josh, they're not going to take you there. They're going to take you to the airport. I've already paid them off. You get on the plane, the pilot buttons it up, and you are out of here before anyone even realizes you're gone.
Josh: Going where?
Billy: Go to Venezuela. Start with Bill.
Josh: Billy...
Billy: Wait, Josh, no. Listen. This is a done deal. All you have to do is say the word and you are out of here.
Josh: You've bailed me out a dozen times, Billy.
Billy: That's what big brothers do. And I haven't been doing it too well.
Josh: But you tried. And you're still trying.
Billy: You're the one who's bailed me out. I mean, you bailed me out with Bill. You bailed me without Sheila. You bailed me out with drinking. I'm here to bail you out this time when it really counts.
Josh: Well, yeah, that's true. It does really count this time. It's been happening so fast. I mean, you know, one minute I'm signing a confession to get Cassie off the hook, and the next minute it's like there's a trial and convicted, the whole thing.
Billy: Convicted of something you didn't do. Don't forget that part.
Josh: Billy...
Billy: No, Josh, wait. You got me to sit on my hands before. I am not going to sit around silent. I'm not going to do it.
Josh: Billy, I'm not going to run off to the air field, okay?
Billy: I am not going to let you take the fall for a slime ball like Alan Spaulding.
Josh: You told me it was my call.
Billy: Why do you have to be so stubborn?
Josh: Gee, maybe it's in the family genes. What do you think?
Billy: Okay, look, I understand you wanting to take care of Cassie, but I am not going to let you be a martyr.
Josh: Well, I can't let you do the same thing for me then, Billy. I appreciate the idea, I really do. But if I let you put me and R.J. and Cassie on that plane and take off, then you're the one that's going to get caught. You're the one that's going to go to prison, Billy.
Billy: But Josh, I've done it before. I can do it.
Josh: I know, I know. And I remember what it did to you inside. You know, there's no more un- Billy Lewis-like place on earth than a prison cell.
Billy: Well, that doesn't mean that you should be the one that goes there.
Josh: I can't take the risk, Billy. How would I live with myself if I knew that something like that happened to my brother?
Billy: Holy Christmas, Josh. What... I've been asking myself the same question.
Rick: We cannot forget, Beth, that I work here.
Beth: Shhh, okay, okay, listen. We both needed that. Okay, shhh.
Cassie: Am I missing something? Alan isn't sleeping. We can't just walk in and wake him up.
Harley: What if we can? Then he can tell us who shot him.
Cassie: But he's in a coma. He may be dying.
Harley: Yeah, I know. That's the only reason I'm even suggesting what I'm suggesting.
Cassie: Which is what?
Harley: Okay, so that show that I was watching about these poor people in comas, almost no recovery, you know, vegetative states until they were shot up with this called L-dopa. It's like a rush to the brain.
Cassie: So it just wakes you up, just like that?
Harley: Sometimes. Sometimes it's only temporary. And then other times-- rare instances-- it can kill people.
Cassie: Wow. Well, I guess I'm willing to take that chance.
Harley: Okay, good. You know we're going to have to get Alan’s family to consent to this, though.
Cassie: Oh, great.
Harley: Well, I told you it was a long shot. The only alternative is to let Josh rot in jail for the next 25 years.
Cassie: Rick, I need to talk to you.
Rick: Hi, Cassie, what...
Cassie: Right now.
Harley: Beth. Beth, Beth, Beth, my Beth. We need to have a chat about a gun.
Beth: I don't know what you're talking about.
Harley: The gun. The gun that you and Alan-Michael used to shoot Alan and then you hid from the police. That gun.
Cassie: And this drug, L-dopa, can actually jolt coma patients back into consciousness.
Rick: I just want a chance to tell you...
Cassie: Now, I hear it doesn't work 100% of the time, but really, if you think about it, what does work 100% of the time?
Rick: Cassie, please... Cassie, stop. I know all about L-dopa.
Cassie: Then why haven't you used it?
Rick: Because it's very risky and unpredictable. There's no way the Spaulding family would sign off on that procedure. There's no way.
Cassie: Well, have you asked them? I mean, have you told them it could save Alan’s life?
Rick: Or end it.
Cassie: One of them tried to shoot him. I mean, the gun that shot Alan was found in their house. So, unless you ask them, really, how are you going to know what they're willing to sign off on?
Rick: Cassie, I know you're trying very hard to clear Josh's name and that's understandable.
Cassie: Rick. Rick, tell me something. When your heart was failing and there were no transplant organs to be found, were you worried about risky procedures? No. You just wanted to live. Am I right?
Rick: That's right.
Cassie: And who gave you your life back? It was Richard’s heart, the husband I lost.
Rick: You're not playing fair.
Cassie: I'm just telling you that I would expect you'd be the one person to understand why I cannot lose another man and why my son cannot lose another father. You came this close to dying, and you got your life back, thanks to Richard, and it was a miracle. Well, I want my life back. I want my miracle.
Gus: You actually remember Alan from when you were small?
Daisy: Well, the last time I lived in Springfield, I was just a kid, so I remember being like really scared of Alan.
Gus: Well, you don't need to be a kid to be scared of Alan. Although, in many ways he's kind of a big kid himself.
Daisy: Well, I guess nobody is all bad. I mean, at least that's what I think.
Gus: That's a good way to think. Actually, Alan’s probably had a lot of bad things happen to him, especially when he was little. That's how the Spaulding family is, they try to mold you and toughen you up, especially towards all of the men in the family. I think he probably learned how to shut his heart off so he wouldn't feel any pain if he loved too much, or if he loved at all, in fact.
Daisy: That's sad.
Gus: It is sad, because he ends up being the man that ends up causing so much pain for so many people.
Daisy: Alan must have a heart buried in there somewhere, or else he never... he never could have had a son like you.
Gus: Thank you.
Daisy: You're welcome.
Gus: That's a very sweet thing... sweet thing to say. All right, up, up, up, up, and you got to get back to work. Do your English.
Daisy: I'd rather talk to you.
Gus: I'm sure you would. But you've got to do your homework, okay? You'd rather do anything but do your homework.
Daisy: No, that's not what I mean.
Gus: That's the way I see it.
Daisy: No, I just... I'm just glad you just told me about your father because, I mean, Harley doesn't get it.
Gus: She doesn't get what?
Daisy: Well, the fact that you still have some sort of feeling for Alan, and I understand. I guess because we have so much in common.
Gus: Yeah, do we?
Daisy: Yeah. Well, I mean, we were both... we were both raised by adoptive parents we love. Mine were the best, and I miss them so much.
Gus: I understand.
Daisy: Yeah, and, you know, even though they can be so great, you still have this connection with your biological mom or dad, and it's just hard to let it go.
Gus: Yeah. Yeah. You know, your mom might be hard on you. And you might think she's judgmental and stubborn, you know?
Daisy: Yeah, keep going.
Gus: But, you know who she's exactly like? You. She does it because she loves you.
Daisy: Oh, gosh, no, don't say it's because she loves me, please.
Gus: She loves you. Let me explain something to you. Frustration and love, they're not mutually exclusive. If there is one thing I've learned in the last five years of being with your mother, that's the thing. That's one of the things.
Daisy: Oh, wow, that doesn't sound like much fun.
Gus: No, it's not. It’s... I can't even describe what your mother and I have. It's indescribable. It's not about being fun or not.
Daisy: Right.
Gus: What?
Daisy: I just wish that Harley would learn to trust me, let me get my license, at least let me learn how to drive.
Gus: I'm going to make you a deal.
Daisy: Huh?
Gus: I'm going to teach you how to drive, all right? And it will be like a secret. Not a secret-- like a surprise for your mom. And then when she finds out that you know how to drive, she'll see how responsible you are. What do you say, is it a deal?
Daisy: Well, when do we start?
Beth: Harley, I'm warning you, back off.
Harley: Or what? It's too late to throw me to the wolves, like you did Alan-Michael on the stand, because the trial's over.
Beth: Okay, I'm serious. I've had a really bad day.
Harley: It's just suspicious, you know? It makes me wonder if you're covering something up.
Beth: Did you read the newspaper today, Harley? Because Josh Lewis, the man who committed the crime, he's being sentenced this afternoon. That means it's over.
Harley: Hey.
Cassie: Hey, there you are. Good news. So, Rick agreed to talk to Beth about the L-dopa option.
Harley: Okay, now, Cassie.. Cassie...
Cassie: Now, I know... I realize that it's probably going to be Alan’s wife, Doris, to make the final decision. But, you know, if Beth gets behind it, maybe she can put some pressure on her, and ultimately she'll agree, too.
Harley: I hope you're right.
Cassie: I know, I probably shouldn't get this excited so early, huh? It's just that this is the first time since Josh's conviction that I felt that anything even resembling hope at all.
Harley: I hope it works out for you, okay? Just take care of yourself, okay?
Cassie: Hey, this was your idea, so don't jinx it.
Harley: I'll call you.
Cassie: Thank you, Harley. Coffee.
Beth: Thank you, Rick.
Rick: You're welcome. I'm glad I could help.
Beth: You always do.
Josh: And I need you to take all of the current project files and transfer them to your office, okay? That's got to happen quick, so you might want to have Wanda help you with that. Are you listening to me at all?
Billy: Josh, this isn't right.
Josh: Yeah, well, you asked me, you know... you said you wanted to help me, and this is how you can help me, Billy, okay? By keeping things moving forward...
Billy: By pretending like you're still here and you never went away. I got it, yeah.
Josh: Yeah, well, the world's not going to stop turning because I'm going to jail, to prison, okay? It's going to keep on spinning, so there are things, details and people that need to be taken care of.
Billy: Right, details and people, okay.
Josh: The vets that are at the H.B. Center, I want you to make sure they continue to get the best care possible. And I need you to keep an eye on Marah and Shayne as well, okay? Stay in touch with them. Make sure they come home to visit Reva as often as possible.
Billy: Yeah, okay, I will. I hate this, Josh. I hate it.
Josh: Yeah, I hate it, too, Billy. I do, I hate it. There's one more thing. I need you to keep an eye on Cassie and R.J. for me. Make sure they're doing okay.
Billy: Yeah.
Josh: Cassie is going to fall in love again. It might not be for a year or two years or ten years, but it's going to happen. And I need you to...
Billy: Josh...
Josh: ...And I need you to... listen, listen, listen! Listen to me, because this is the most important thing. I didn't put myself in this position so Alan could mess up my life, take away Tammy’s life, Jonathan’s and Sarah’s, and then on top of all of that, take away Cassie’s life. She deserves to be happy. As much as it pains me to say this, when she finds the guy, whoever that may be, who makes her happy, I want you to be the one to tell her...
Billy: Going to run him out of town...
Josh: I want you to tell her it's okay to not feel guilty about it, that it's natural. It's normal. Billy, I need you to do this for me, okay? You have to tell Cassie that she... that it's okay for her to move on because I can't go with her.
Harley: Wow, I haven't seen that brief case since you went back on the force.
Gus: Yeah. It was in the closet.
Harley: And you were thinking about Alan?
Gus: You know, it's crazy. He could have died within the last half hour, and I wouldn't even know. Nobody would've told me.
Harley: He's not dead. He's not.
Gus: I always thought he'd be around so that I could, you know, be mad at him.
Harley: I've been thinking about him a lot myself lately.
Gus: Wondering if he died, who you'd have to hate?
Harley: I have a really big mouth.
Gus: You don't think I know that?
Harley: I mean, honesty's one thing, but respect for the person you love, that's something else.
Gus: It's okay. He caused a lot of people grief and pain.
Harley: And you wish you could save them. Here.
Gus: What's that?
Harley: That is the number of a specialist in Chicago. I think you should call him.
Gus: What's that going to do?
Harley: Maybe give you the peace of mind that you did everything humanly possible for him. Daisy didn't take her books to school.
Gus: Daisy didn't take herself to school today.
Harley: What?
Gus: I said she could stay home because they had this prep rally thing and...
Harley: Gus!
Gus: What, what? I figured she'd stay home and do work. I, I...
Harley: Well, I don't see her working. I don't see her here at all. You know, at the rate that kid is going, she is never going to drive, and I will make sure of that. Oh, my gosh, do you hear me?
Gus: Yeah, yeah, I hear you.
Harley: You know, forget I said that. I don't care if she's home. If she wants to stay home, that's fine. The more important thing is, do you think she still hates me? I mean, I know she hates me. Do you think she hates me less than she hated me?
Gus: I think she's come a long way. I really do. It’s... they grow up so fast, you know?
Daisy: Something totally just happened and I had to talk about it right away, like while it's still fresh and stuff. We just connected again, Gus and I. I mean, it wasn't a kiss this time. ( Sighs ) That kiss. Anyway, well, see, Gus wanted to talk about his dad. I mean, he didn't say so, but I could tell. And I was right. Yeah. He just completely opened up. It was so sweet. Harley had no idea what he needed, but I did. I know I said it was like wrong to feel this way, you know, about my mom's husband, but, I don't know, maybe it's not. Maybe Harley doesn't deserve a guy like Gus. Maybe he needs me just as much as I need him.
Cop: Okay, time's up.
Billy: Look, just give me a second, okay? I'll meet you in the court, okay?
Josh: I can hardly wait.
Billy: Look, Josh, if you want to change your mind about what you said before, just let me know.
Josh: I am not going to change my mind, Billy. Thank you, but I think I have to leave this to fate. And I have to pray that somehow Alan will wake up and tell the world who really shot him.
Beth: The nurse said that the tests that they're doing on Alan are still going on.
Rick: You know, Beth, you're just all over the place.
Beth: What?
Rick: Nothing. It'll probably take another hour.
Beth: I don't know why I'm so anxious about him. They're just going to say what I know they're going to say, which is that he's as bad off as I think he is.
Rick: Well, then, at least you know what to expect then, wouldn't you?
Beth: Come on, Rick, there's not something that you can do?
Rick: Beth, I've pretty much tried everything that I can do. There's no miracle cure here.
Beth: And that leaves what?
Rick: To make him as comfortable as possible. I wish I could tell you I could offer him more, but I can’t.
Beth: Well, you're the doctor. I guess I'll have to trust your judgment.
Rick: Well, what I think you need to do is prepare yourself for the next thing.
Beth: What do you mean, the funeral?
Rick: No, Beth. What it is that you want from your life.
Beth: Rick, I know how you feel about me, and you know how I feel about you. But Alan...
Rick: Beth, I don't want to talk about it anymore. I need to get back to work.
Cassie: Liar! You didn't say a word to her. But I imagine you wouldn't, would you, because you want Alan to stay unconscious so you can have Beth all to yourself.
Rick: Cassie, I don't want to see Josh go off to jail, but it's not my call.
Cassie: I am going to wake that man up with or without you.
Next, on "Guiding Light"...
Reva: Where's Cassie?
Josh: I don't know.
Cassie: I want this man injected with a dose of L-dopa immediately.
Doris: And if you find you have to give up the fight, well, I don't want you to worry about us, okay? We'll muddle through somehow. I know all of you are very concerned about what Josh Lewis deserves. But what about the victim? What does Alan Spaulding deserve?
Cassie: Rise and shine, Alan. I'm going to wake you up even if it kills me.
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