GL Transcript Wednesday 3/28/07

Guiding Light Transcript Wednesday 3/28/07


Provided by Boo
Proofread by Tanya

Mallet: ( Groaning )

Dinah: Don't you hate couples like that, all cuddly and happy? I mean, don't they know the world we live in? There's hunger and war and pestilence. What is pestilence?

Mallet: Mm. Hi.

Dinah: ( Laughs ) Hi. You see what I mean? It's so cute it's disgusting.

Mallet: Mm. You look so hot.

Dinah: ( Laughs )

Mallet: You're hot. Why don't we...

Dinah: And a little dirty, too. Good dirty. Playful dirty. ( Laughs )

Mallet: No, you can. Go ahead, have your way with me.

Dinah: ( Laughs ) Oh, I can’t.

Mallet: What?

Dinah: You'll be late.

Mallet: Who cares?

Dinah: The Chief, the Governor, the free world.

Mallet: Yeah, the Governor's Commission On Crime.

Dinah: Crime, as in busting international jewel thieves like Cyrus Foley, who, by the way, is walking around after I busted him with that box of jewelry, turned it into the police.

Mallet: Don't worry about that jerk. The box doesn't nail him-- I've got to take this-- he'll be arrested soon enough.

Dinah: Not soon enough for me. Okay, I got it. Pestilence: It's a disease, a really bad one, that destroys everything it comes into contact with. And that's Cyrus the virus for you. Trying to eat through everything I've worked so hard for. I can't let that happen.

Mallet: Dinah, I just got off the phone with Frank.

Dinah: Did they open the box? Did they find the jewelry from the robbery?

Mallet: Yes. They found rocks.

Dinah: Diamonds?

Mallet: No, rocks as in Fred and Barney Flintstone rocks.

Dinah: That freak! He set me up.

Cyrus: There's a little box about yay big hidden not far from here. A little box with a lot of jewelry inside.

Dinah: So you want me to do it?

Mallet: I know what you're thinking, babe.

Dinah: Yeah. I'm thinking Cyrus would look good as a piggy bank with a hole in the center of his forehead.

Mallet: Hey, please don't worry about this guy, okay? We will get him. Hey, look at me. I'm going to solve this, okay? Don't worry about this guy.

Dinah: Okay.

Mallet: Do you trust me?

Dinah: Completely.

Mallet: Good. I will see you at the ceremony. I love you.

Dinah: I love you, too. All right, don't you dare say it. You think I've tempted fate, don't you think? Jinxed my perfect little life by going on about how great Mallet and I are together. Well, let me tell you something. It's going to take a hell of a lot more than a shady ex-con to ruin me.

Mallet: Cyrus still inside?

Marina: Go nail him.

Mallet: Yeah. Yeah, I think I'll have a chat.

Cyrus: Oh, good day constable Mallet. What brings you to this neck of the woods? A stolen bicycle, perhaps, or a little kitty cat stuck up a tree?

Mallet: Huh. Let's get something straight here. I will not allow you to screw up Dinah’s life. She's worked too hard to turn it around, and she's worked too hard to forget fungus like you.

Cyrus: Well, I'm pretty unforgettable. But that's beside the point.

Mallet: Get out.

Cyrus: Excuse me?

Mallet: I think you heard me. Get out. Cyrus, I know why you're here. You want to pay Dinah back for sending you to prison.

Cyrus: What? I'm very fond of Dinah. I told her I'm even willing to forgive her for those long, miserable years I spent in shackles. But then, I'm just a forgiving sort of guy, I guess. So what say you and me just shake like two gentlemen and let bygones be bygones.

Mallet: Well, I'm just not making myself clear here. You see, this is my town. The chief of police, Frank Cooper, he's a good friend of mine. Actually, he's my best friend.

Cyrus: Well, it's nice to know you have someone. Now, tell me the truth. Dinah still fancies me, doesn't she?

Mallet: I'm going to say this one time, okay? So I want you to listen very carefully. Are you listening? Are you listening? Good. You have 24 hours to leave Springfield. If you don't, I will send you packing myself.

Dinah: Maybe you think I'm exaggerating when I say how great Mallet is. It would make things a lot easier if he was as messed up as me. Less to live up to. Nah. Actually, I never wish that. He's the best thing to ever happen to a screw up like me. What do you get a guy for being named to a commission? Tulips? Daisies? Oh, maybe daffodils. Or posies. Oh, or a potted plant. Yeah, that's bigger. These are beautiful. They're perfect.

Cyrus: Careful of those thorns. You double crossed me.

Dinah: It's all how you look at it.

Cyrus: Well, you gave the box I asked you to retrieve to your copper boyfriend. No surprise there. I knew you would.

Dinah: You know, about that box...

Cyrus: Shh, it's okay. You'll always be the same, the girl who'd do anything to score what she wants.

Dinah: I don't have what you want.

Cyrus: Mommy does. What about that development company she and Matty are starting? They're building this huge new complex just outside of town. Serious investors, I hear, millions and millions of dollars in seedmoney just waitng to be planted in my hands.

Dinah: I can't steal from my family.

Cyrus: Your decision, babe. Or, if you like, I could expose A.C. Mallet for the man that he really is.

Dinah: Oh, really? Mallet's a cop. He has a past that is squeaky clean, except for a few sleep- arounds.

Cyrus: You sure about that? Good, honorable men can be pushed to the edge sometimes, Didi. They can go too far. How sure are you, really, that Mallet doesn't have something in his past to be ashamed of, a dirty little secret or two that, should it come out, could destroy him? That's what I thought.

Dinah: Get lost.

Cyrus: Here, allow me.

Dinah: No. No.  That’s okay. You know, it is one thing to go after me, but now you've crossed the line going after Mallet. And if you make up one more lie about him, you will find yourself messing with the wrong girl.

Cyrus: Oh, she thinks she loves him.

Dinah: Oh, I do love him.

Cyrus: More than me?

Dinah: I am so tired of your games, and it's over. And you will be over if you do not leave Mallet alone.

Cyrus: Hey, look on the bright side. At least now you and Mallet will be more even. Take some of the pressure off, I should think.

Dinah: Don't let him get to you, whatever you do. Don't let him get to you.

Mallet: Are these for me?

Dinah: ( Laughs )

Mallet: What was that for?

Dinah: For not being Cyrus, for being you. Because you're incredibly handsome. I couldn't resist. You excited?

Mallet: Yes! Yes. This is, like, the best day of my life. I have it all. I have you, I have a job I love, I have an appointment I've always wanted ever since I knew that it existed. I can't think of anything I don't have. That's it? A nod? Usually I can't shut you up.

Dinah: I'm fine. I'm fine. Listen, is mom here yet?

Mallet: Yeah, she's over there with Matt. Let's go say hello.

Dinah: Okay. Hey, guys. You wouldn't mind if I embezzled a couple of million from your dream business, would you? Hi, Matt. Hi, Mom.

Vanessa: Hi! I'm glad you're here. The ceremony's about to start.

Matt: Yeah, where are you?

Dinah: Just having a little chat about stealing all your money. Buying some flowers.

Mallet: For me. Isn't that sweet?

Frank: Excuse me. Excuse me, everyone. Excuse me, everyone. I need your attention, please. If you could all be seated, that would be great. Thank you. Okay. We're gathered today to honor one of Springfield’s finest. Actually, the man needs no introduction whatsoever. You probably recognized him as the star of "The Law." Detective A.C. Mallet. A.C., come on up. ( Applause ) A few years ago, the governor of this fine state created...

Dinah: Look at him up there. The whole town loves him. Might as well throw him a parade. He couldn't have done anything shady. He's Mallet. Then again, no one's totally perfect. I mean, look at me. Doesn't everyone mess up now and then? Even great guys like A.C. Mallet?

Frank: A.C. Mallet, do you solemnly swear to bear allegiance to the task and faithfully discharge the duties of the office upon which you are about to enter?

Mallet: I do.

Attorney General: Welcome, Detective. Congratulations.

Mallet: Thank you, sir. Thank you. ( Applause ) Thank you. I want to thank Frank and, of course, our Attorney General, Bob Halstead, for this incredible honor. I love being a cop, and now I get a chance to do more. But not alone. But I'm not alone in that. Dinah Marler, you are the best thing that's ever happened to me, and I want to say publicly right here and now that I love you.

Dinah: ( Laughs ) He loves me! Well, I know he loves me, but to say it right there on stage!

Vanessa: That's so nice!

Dinah: ( Laughs ) Holy crap!

Mallet: Thank you, Dinah, for being in my life. Okay, maybe I'd be getting this appointment if you weren't in my life. I don't know. But I do know that it wouldn't mean a damn thing without you. I realized this morning when I woke up that this is probably one of the proudest days of my life. I also realized this morning that there is one more thing that I could make this day even more special and me even more proud, and that would be to stand up here in front of everyone, in front of all my friends and people in my life and all of Dinah’s friends and the people in her life. It would be to stand up here in front of everyone and ask Dinah Marler to be my wife.

Dinah: What did he just say?

Mallet: I know that we've tried this before, but I've got a really good feeling. So why don't we get married today before both of us get cold whatevers and screw up the best thing that's ever happened to either one of us.

Vanessa: Honey, he just asked you to marry him!

Dinah: I know! I know!

Matt: You should... you should probably say something.

Mallet: I can get down on my knee again. Dinah Marler, will you or will you not marry me? Going once, going twice...

Dinah: Okay! Okay!

Mallet: Yes?

Dinah: Yeah! ( Laughs ) I'm so sorry I doubted you even for a millisecond. ( Laughter )

Mallet: No running away this time?

Dinah: No running away. I promise.

Mallet: You hear that, everybody? I've got myself a wife.

Dinah: ( Laughs )

Dinah: You talkin' to me? Are you talkin' to me Cyrus? I'm gonna tell you... I must be talkin' to you 'cause you're talkin' to me. I'm the only one here. You want to mess with this? Don't want to mess with a bride on her wedding day nothing happier, nothing meaner 'cause I'm getting married I'm getting married I'm getting married, I'm getting married... ( laughter )

Vanessa: Come on, Grace. Give me a hand. ( Laughter )

Dinah: Ma?

Vanessa: Yes?

Dinah: Is this the best day ever? Can you believe it's finally here?

Vanessa: Well, I'm just happy you're happy.

Dinah: I'm very happy. I really am. Listen, do you like the hair up or should it be down?

Vanessa: Well, I think it depends on what dress you're wearing.

Dinah: I'm wearing this.

Vanessa: That?

Dinah: Yeah, Ma, this is the dress I'm wearing, okay? This is going to have to do. It's not a fancy shindig.

Vanessa: Look, this is your day, and I think we both know that underneath everything, you're saying you would really like to look like a princess.

Dinah: Ma, no, I've already done the princess thing.

Vanessa: No, you've done Princess Cassie. You haven't done Princess Dinah. You stay right there.

Dinah: Mom!

Vanessa: Yes! Okay. Get in there.

Dinah: ( Laughs )

Vanessa: Open it, your highness.

Dinah: What is this?

Vanessa: I just hope you like it.

Dinah: What?

Vanessa: Uh-huh.

Dinah: Oh, Mom! Oh, no!

Vanessa: It's from wardrobe.

Dinah: Where did you get this? Wardrobe?

Vanessa: Yes.

Dinah: Oh, it's beautiful.

Vanessa: It is, and I think it's going to fit you perfectly.

Dinah: Oh, Mom, thank you so much. ( Laughter ) This is better than, like, a fairy Godmother.

Vanessa: Well, yes. And who likes those nasty little mice, anyway? ( Laughs )

Dinah: Come here. Thank you.

Vanessa: Oh, sure. Now don't ruin your mascara.

Dinah: Oh, no, no, no. I don't care about that. Oh, Mom, I know that it took us a long time to get here, but you are a wonderful mother to me. You have believed in me. But I didn't make it so easy for you to love me.

Vanessa: Nonsense. Nonsense. You're just a little complicated, that's all. You're never unlovable.

Dinah: Really?

Vanessa: Absolutely. Mallet knew that the minute he saw you. He knew he had a jewel. Oh... excuse me. I... I have something for you.

Dinah: Something borrowed?

Vanessa: No, this you get to keep. It's from your father.

Dinah: What?

Vanessa: He... he always thought that he should give this to you on a very special day, so I think today's a special day, don't you? It’s... these are from his mother.

Dinah: Oh. Daddy.

Vanessa: Yeah. Well, you know, he always adored Mallet.

Dinah: Well, everybody likes Mallet.

Vanessa: What do you think? It's going to work with the dress?

Dinah: Oh, I think it's going to be perfect.

Vanessa: Oh, good.

Dinah: I think it's going to be absolutely perfect.

Vanessa: Do you need help?

Dinah: No, I think I've got it.

Vanessa: Okay.

Dinah: I think I've got it. Yeah.

Vanessa: Oh, it is. It's beautiful.

Dinah: Do you smell that?

Vanessa: What?

Dinah: My God, that's daddy's cologne. Maybe... maybe... maybe... you don't think he's here, do you? No, maybe I just want it too bad.

Vanessa: Well, I'd like that, too. I mean, you know, he... he always knew that the Dinah who's standing right here in front of me was always tucked away in there somewhere, just... just hiding out behind all that anger and fear. And it was just a matter of when.

Dinah: When I find my way home.

Vanessa: Yeah. And you have.

Dinah: A little too late.

Vanessa: No. No. Just that we lost him too early. But...

Dinah: Hey...

Vanessa: I know he'd be very, very proud of you, of everything that you've accomplished, and most particularly of how you've... you've really been able to leave the past behind.

Dinah: He wouldn't be so proud if he knew I had to choose between my mother and my man.

Vanessa: Okay. Ready?

Dinah: Yeah. I just need some help with my shoes, that's all.

Vanessa: Okay. I'm going to go find Matt. You find your shoes, and then we'll go get married.

Dinah: Okay. Okay. And you can go to... well, you know where you can go, Cyrus.

Marina: You're a tricky one. You didn't even tell your partner.

Mallet: Well, I figured if I told somebody, then I would jinx it, and then it wouldn't happen.

Marina: Nah, I think this time it might actually might stick.

Mallet: Well, I just know you're not really a member of the Dinah Marler fan club.

Marina: No, but you are, and that's all that counts. All right. You look like a penguin. How do you feel?

Mallet: Like a penguin in a sausage casing.

Marina: Good. Good luck.

Mallet: Thank you.

Marina: Okay, go. Go get married.

Mallet: Okay, okay, go, go, go, go.

Frank: Mallet, get over here, man. You look sharp, buddy. You look sharp.

Mallet: Oh, good.

( Knock on door )

Dinah: Mom, I need your help. I can't find a pair of shoes. ( Knock on door ) Mallet? You can't see me on my wedding day. It is bad...

Cyrus: Luck. Oh, playing dress-ups, are we?

Dinah: I am getting married this afternoon.

Cyrus: To who?

Dinah: What do you mean to who? To Mallet, that's who.

Cyrus: Need me to walk you down the aisle.

Dinah: Get out.

Cyrus: You can be a little bit more accommodating, seeing as I can ruin your fiancé's life.

Dinah: You know what? Get a grip, okay? Mallet is the most decent man on the planet. And you know what? If you decide to smear his name again, I will come after you with both barrels loaded.

Cyrus: May I come in? I didn't think so. Here.

Dinah: What is this?

Cyrus: Open it.

Dinah: Well, la-de-da. Where did you get this? Did one of your old forgers mark this one up for you?

Cyrus: You really think I wouln’t do my research first?

Dinah: This is a lie. This is a lie. You're lying! You're lying!

Cyrus: Double-check me if you must, hire a P.I., do whatever you have to. But I'm telling you, it's the real deal, Didi. The real A.C. Mallet.

Dinah: No.

Cyrus: Did I burst your bubble? Ruin the perfect image you had of your hubby-to-be?

Dinah: You know what? I don't care. I don't care what's in that file, Cyrus. I don't care what he did. I don't care what he did in his past. It doesn't matter because I love him. I love Mallet, and I don't love the fantasy of that. I don't love the prince that never existed. I love him. So I don't give a crap what you or Jeffrey O’Neill or anybody does or says. I am not stopping, and you are not getting in the way of my wedding. I am marrying him.

Cyrus: Touching. But it doesn't change the facts, does it?

Dinah: You know what? Get out get out! Get out!

Cyrus: One more word, if I may. This file is just a file until it gets faxed to the Governor, which it will be unless you dip into mommy's little startup fund.

Dinah: You wouldn’t.

Cyrus: I would. ( Laughs ) And then your prince, your one and only... well, let's just say he'll curse the day he ever laid eyes on you. Now, let me help pick the shoes. You know, I've always been a fan of the strappies, and you've got such great ankles.

Dinah: Damn it. Cyrus, come on, you're ruining my life.

Cyrus: Like you ruined mine? I'm going to get going now, but you keep the file just in case you need something to read on your honeymoon.

Dinah: Please, please, please listen to me. Listen to me. Okay, I know... I know where you're at. I understand it and it's called revenge, and I know. I wanted revenge against Cassie when she stole Hart from me, and I wanted that so bad, so I understand that feeling. I understand the rage, and I understand the dark obsession. But you know something? It's not going to get you anywhere because it's going to eat you up from the inside out. And it's not going to hurt the person you want to hurt, it's going to hurt you. It's going to destroy you as it nearly destroyed me. Now, why do you want to do that? Why do you want to go there? Why, when your life could be so much more, when you could really turn it around and it could actually mean something like mine means something! Please, I know that somewhere in the world, there might be someone you care for, maybe somebody that you love. I know somebody worth changing your entire life for. But... I know you were... somewhere in your heart, you care for me. You care for me. I was your friend, at least a little bit at one point. And I am asking you, I am begging you, will you please, please stop punishing me for Matt and my mother for loving me? Don't, please.

Cyrus: Excellent speech, Didi. Tender, passionate, a few well placed tears. But you learned from the best, didn't you?

Dinah: Do you realize the choice you're asking me to make?

Cyrus: Of course I do. But you shouldn't have a problem with the whole betrayal thing. After all, you're an old pro.

Dinah: Oh, God.

Vanessa: Okay, flowers for the bride. Flowers... where's Dinah?

Marina: I thought she was with you.

Vanessa: Me? No, I left her in the powder room.

Frank: Oh, Vanessa, you left her alone?

Vanessa: Yeah, well...

Matt: Here we go again. Does she have bus fare?

Vanessa: Just be quiet.

Mallet: No, it's okay. It's okay. She will be here. I'm sure of it. You are absolutely worth the wait.

Dinah: Thanks. Ask him. There's got to be an explanation, something Cyrus doesn't know.

Vanessa: It's time to get married.

Dinah: Okay. ( Laughs ) Just a second, honey. I want to talk to you.

Mallet: Uh... uh-oh.

Dinah: No, no, no, no, no. My feet are warm.

Mallet: Okay.

Dinah: I want to marry you more than anything in the world.

Mallet: But?

Dinah: But do you remember when we said that how now is all that matters and what happened before is just that, before?

Mallet: That's right.

Dinah: But sometimes it can come back. Sometimes you can't put it behind you.

Mallet: I guess we're not 18 anymore, and we probably both have things that we'd like to forget.

Dinah: What kind of things?

Mallet: But it's over, and what has come before doesn't matter because as of today we're starting over and it's a blank slate.

Dinah: Yeah. Yeah, I know, I know, I know. What I'm saying... what I'm saying is just that, um, if there's anything that we need to talk about, okay, we can do that, and we're going to deal with it and we can handle it, okay? If there's anything at all.

Vanessa: ( Clears throat ) Now, he loves you; you love him. Shall we? Shall we? It's time to get married.

Dinah: Oh, did you see how he avoided answering me? Why would he do that? Why would he do that unless everything in that file is true?

Matt: Oh, no you don’t. This is my last shot at walking you down the aisle, and you, my dear, are going.

Dinah: Matt, do you believe that love can conquer all?

Matt: When I think about your mother and everything we've been through, I'd say just about everything.

Dinah: I can do this. I can and I will. Mallet loves me the way I am, and that's the way I'm going to love him, too. If it's possible, I even love him more now because of what I know. Mallet's the one, and no one is going to ruin this for me. Watch this, Cyrus. I'm doing it. I'm getting there. Just a few more steps and I won't end up alone with a cat on New Year's Eve. I do.

Attorney General: Well, the bride's on board.

Mallet: So far so good.

Dinah: ( Laughs )

Attorney General: I know this isn't the first time friends and family have gathered to watch these two get married, but I've got a good feeling about this wedding. I think these two are ready now to take that extra step and commit their lives to each other. That said, and before there's an earthquake, tornado or some other cataclysmic event to stop this union, let's jump right in. If you want, we can skip the vows and go directly to the...

Mallet: No, no, no, no. That’s... I mean, I've already proposed to her in public.

Frank: Twice, actually.

Mallet: Twice.

Dinah: ( Laughs )

Mallet: Thank you, Frank. Twice. And there's just something I haven't said before. I believe that you and I have finally made it. We've hurdled a lot of speed bumps, most than people face in a lifetime. We've walked through fire, literally, to be together, and... and here we are. You finally made it. And I'm just very excited at the prospect of growing old with you. And I don't expect a miracle. We might even have a little fight before the honeymoon begins. But even in the middle of all that, I will stop and I will think and I will wonder and I'll ask myself, how did I get so lucky? I want to be with you even when you drive me crazy, more than anyone else in the world. I love you, and I'm honored that you want to be my wife.

Dinah: I love you, too.

Attorney General: Dinah?

Dinah: Oh, okay. Well, I don't really know what to say, but, really that I didn't think that this day was ever going to come. ( Laughs ) You know, I didn't think that I would have the kind of love that would make me so happy to wake up every morning to such a wonderful man and be so excited to lay next to him at night. I... I have not trust... I have not trusted easily, and that's because I didn't really want to be disappointed by anybody else. And I have been drawn to danger and trouble, and really I have been lonely. But you have changed all that. You have just been my answer. You have saved me from myself. And you have taken me by the hand like a child, and you've brought me to the safe side of the street. And you are-- and I know sounds corny, but you are my hero and you are my knight and... son of a bitch!

Mallet: Dinah, are you okay?

Dinah: Yeah. Yeah, of course I'm okay. I'm more than okay because I'm marrying you.

Attorney General: Perhaps we should...

Dinah: No. What I'm trying to say here... I'm not finished yet. I'm not finished. What I'm trying to say here is that you have always protected me. You have kept me in line. You have taught me how to walk the straight and narrow. You've kept me in line. And when it's my turn to save you, you can bet the crown jewels of England that I'm going there for you. And whatever it takes-- and I do mean whatever it takes-- so that we are together until death do us part. And when I say until death, I don't mean somebody else's death, I mean ours. Okay? I mean ours. Okay. Can I have my ring?

Attorney General: Who has the rings?

Frank: That would be me.

Marina: Scram, before I taser you.

Cyrus: The wedding isn't over.

Marina: For you it is.

Cyrus: I'd like to stay and wish the couple well, but if you insist...

Marina: I do. And as my mother says, I'm going to count to three.

Cyrus: What happens on three?

Marina: Then I tackle you to the ground and I drag you out the door.

Cyrus: Tempting. I'll wait.

Marina: Then I'll stick my father, the Chief of Police, on you for trespassing.

Cyrus: Good old dad.

Attorney General: With the power vested in me by the state of Illinois, I now pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss the bride again!

Dinah: ( Laughs )

Matt: Mallet, welcome to the family. I hope you have as much happiness with Dinah as I have with her mother.

Mallet: Thank you.

Matt: Vanessa?

Vanessa: Hmm? Oh, I was just thinking that... you really have grown up. I mean, my... my little girl's grown up, and so it's great and you look so beautiful.

Dinah: Ma!

Vanessa: Okay. ( Laughter )

Matt: She's right, Dinah. You look great.

Dinah: Thank you.

Vanessa: Come here. I'm just so glad for you, so happy that everything's worked out.

Dinah: I just don't ever want to hurt you guys, you know?

Vanessa: What?

Matt: What do you mean?

Vanessa: Where in the world did that come from?

Dinah: Champagne. ( Laughter ) Let's get some more champagne. Oh! ( Laughs ) Oh, my God! Oh, are we home yet?

Mallet: No, I kicked in Matt and Vanessa’s door. Of course we're home, Mrs. Mallet.

Dinah: Mrs. Mallet? Honey, you make me sound like a baking soda!

Mallet: Really. Dinah Marler Mallet. Say that three times.

Dinah: Oh, that's worse. ( Laughs ) That's worse, but does it matter, right? What's in a name? It's all in the man.

Mallet: No, you know what? I'm going to dance with my wife first.

Dinah: Okay. Oh, I like the sound of that. ( Music playing ) Oh, that's nice.

Mallet: Mrs. Dinah Marler Mallet?

Dinah: Okay.

Mallet: May I have this dance?

Dinah: Yes, it would be my pleasure, Mr. M. I'm a fake but you know it when I break...

Dinah: I know. You're shocked that I made it, that I didn't run or get stood up at the altar or set my wedding dress on fire. Well, that was the old Dinah, Dinah Marler. The new Dinah, Dinah Mallet, knows better than to let anything come between her and her prince, because that's what he is, no matter what anybody says. My knight in shining armor. Mom, I'm so sorry. I love my husband. I love my husband.

Next on "Guiding Light."

Nurse: I'm sorry, you're not pregnant.

Beth: Do you have a few minutes before you see your next patient?

Rick: Sure. Do you want to talk about something?

Beth: Something like that.

Frank: I just want to know if you'd heard about Alan?

Harley: Why? What happened?

Josh: He may not make it.

Cassie: Which means then the judge will hand down an even stiffer sentence.

Josh: 20 years, maybe 25.

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