Guiding Light Transcript Tuesday 3/27/07
Provided by Boo
Proofread by Tanya
Dinah: What the... honey? Honey, wake up. It's going to be a good day.
Cyrus: Promise?
Dinah: Oh. Oh, okay, it's not morning. It's in the middle of the night, and I'm asleep, because this is a dream.
Cyrus: If you say so.
Dinah: It has to be. You in this bed, this bracelet back on my wrist. This is not real. None of this is real.
Cyrus: I'll tell you what isn't real: Your life.
Dinah: Oh, I'm going to wake up now.
Cyrus: You haven't made a new start. You're not a TV personality engaged to a cop.
Dinah: I'm going to wake up and you're going to be gone.
Cyrus: You're my Didi, the wildest, most dangerous chick I know and a bloody good criminal. At least you were till you turned me in.
Dinah: Oh, that's it.
Cyrus: You can't run away from me, not anymore.
Dinah: Let go.
Cyrus: Not till I get what I deserve. You owe me, Didi.
Dinah: Mallet? Mallet?
Mallet: Huh? What?
Dinah: Honey, listen, I've got an idea, okay?
Mallet: What?
Dinah: I've got an idea. I want us to just... I think we should get out of town for a while. All right, I'm serious. I think we should get out of town, and I think that we should go far away. As far as we can, okay? And it's just you and me. How about it?
Cyrus: Five down: To follow someone surreptitiously; also, what a horse uses to swat flies. I know-- "tail."
Marina: I'm doing the sudoku.
Cyrus: Well, if you're as lousy at that as you are at tailing me, I'd give up.
Marina: I don't know what you're talking about.
Cyrus: You're not a very good liar, either. Detective, I've been watching you watch me for days. See anything interesting so far?
Marina: Look, I know that you stole the jewelry, and I know that you hid it somewhere. And if I just sit back and relax and keep my eyes open, sooner or later you're going to retrieve the loot and try to sell it.
Cyrus: Did you just say loot?
Marina: Yes, I did.
Cyrus: ( Laughs ) No wonder you're a cop.
Marina: A cop who is watching you.
Cyrus: So, where I go, you go, right?
Marina: Till you get busted.
Cyrus: Well, seeing as we're going to be together so much, might as well join me for breakfast. Do you like pancakes?
Olivia: Stick that in there.
Buzz: You know, who would've thought me packing a care package for Josh Lewis to go to jail.
Olivia: Yeah, well, I think the jury was on drugs.
Buzz: Or on the Spaulding payroll.
Olivia: I thought that they would let him off when they saw the videotape of Alan-Michael faking his paralysis.
Buzz: Alan-Michael’s a Spaulding. Come on.
Olivia: Yeah, I was a Spaulding a couple of times.
Buzz: Yeah, and you were lucky to get out in one piece.
Olivia: No, I was lucky I ended up with you.
Buzz: Luck had nothing to do with it. Here, help me.
Olivia: I know how to do that.
Buzz: Good, all set. No? ( Laughs )
Olivia: Well, you know what? I couldn't help Josh, but at I accomplished one thing.
Buzz: What's that?
Olivia: I drove Ava away from Alan-Michael. Hopefully, maybe.
Buzz: You don't seem too thrilled about that.
Olivia: Yeah, well, I think it was the right thing to do, but, you know, it probably broke her heart in the process.
Buzz: We're about to find out.
Olivia: Hi.
Ava: Hello.
Olivia: So, you here to shake my hand or slap my face?
Alan-Michael: The conference call with the board set up?
Assistant: They're all waiting for you on the phone.
Alan-Michael: Good morning. I'm sure you've already heard what happened at Josh Lewis' trial-- the shocking revelation that my paralysis was not real-- so I'll get right to the point. It was not an error in judgment. It was a carefully calculated maneuver that I do not regret for one second. I do not regret any of my recent actions. They led directly to the conviction of the man who shot my father. But the acting is over now. No more hiding, no more pretending. I am at full strength and so is Spaulding Enterprises. My father may never recover, but I assure you that I am in control of this family and I will eliminate anyone and anything that gets in the way of the Spaulding’s.
Olivia: Are you going to say something?
Ava: I just have one question. Why?
Olivia: Why?
Ava: Why did you do it? Why did you go to so much trouble to bust Alan-Michael, and in open court?
Olivia: Well, I... I was married to Josh and wanted to help him.
Ava: Right. That's so your style.
Buzz: Ava, give her a chance.
Ava: She's had plenty of those. Okay, so why don't you tell me the real reason now?
Olivia: Would you believe me?
Ava: Give it a shot.
Olivia: I don't think so. I don't want to get into it.
Ava: I do. I would love to get into it.
Olivia: All righty then. I did it for you. I did it for you. Jeffrey and I, we both did it for you.
Ava: The both of you?
Olivia: Yes. He called me and I did what I did. So, did you confront Alan-Michael? What?
Ava: I don't think that's any of your business.
Olivia: Oh, wait a minute. you came to me. You wanted to know who you were, what you were. You brought me into this conversation.
Ava: That was a huge mistake.
Olivia: Oh, no, I think going back to Alan-Michael was the mistake. Look, Jeffrey and I just thought that we needed to step in.
Ava: And mess up my life?
Olivia: Save it. Save it, because there's no doubt you would've been hurt.
Ava: You are such a coward.
Olivia: What?
Ava: Playing tricks, humiliating him and me in public-- is that what you think being a mother is all about?
Olivia: Oh, my, you are so...
Ava: "So" what? What am I? Say it.
Olivia: Okay, here's the deal: I'm good at contracts. I'm very good with Spaulding contracts. So is Jeffrey. We can get you out of yours, if that's what you want. More importantly, we can get you away from that family.
Ava: As a matter of fact, I moved into the Beacon myself. I don't need your protection. I don't need anyone making decisions for me. I've had enough of that for a lifetime.
Olivia: Fair enough. So tell me what it is you do want.
Ava: I want to... I just want a friend. Obviously, I’m not going to find it here.
Assistant: Your next quarter's projection.
Alan-Michael: Forget the projections. There's more important work to be done. I want you to dig up piece of dirt, every detail, every vulnerability of the following people-- write this down-- Jeffrey O’Neill, Buzz Cooper, Olivia Spencer.
Marina: Ladies first.
Cyrus: You're a hostile little thing, Detective.
Marina: Maybe because I'm a cop and you're a crook.
Cyrus: Well, I prefer "reformed sinner." I did my time.
Marina: I hope you enjoyed it, because you're going back.
Cyrus: It must be the stress of being a lady trying to make it in a man's world that's got you wound so tight.
Marina: I can handle my job.
Cyrus: Maybe you're just suited to something different, like restaurant work. I'd love to see you in apron.
Marina: I'd love to see you behind bars.
Cyrus: I told you never again. Men's room. Feel free to come along.
Marina: I'll wait right here.
Cyrus: Good to know.
Mallet: Babe, just slow down. I mean, we just got out of bed and now you want to get out town?
Dinah: It's just what we need.
Mallet: What's going on?
Dinah: Honey, nothing. Nothing at all. We just need a little change of pace, you know? I mean, we can't get stale. ( Cell phone ringing ) Don't answer that.
Mallet: No, I got to see who it is.
Dinah: Whoever it is, don't answer it.
Mallet: I got to see who it is. I've got to take it, it's the governor's office. Governor's office? A.C. Mallet. Yes, sir, hi. Uh-huh. Uh, excuse me?
Dinah: ( Whispers ) What?
Mallet: Are you kidding me? I understand. Yes, sir. Thank you, yes, absolutely. Thank you. Okay. Whoa!
Dinah: What? what? What?
Mallet: Wow, you're looking at the newest member of the Governor's Crime Commission.
Dinah: ( Laughs )
Mallet: Yeah, I guess I got a fan in the state house. I mean, wow.
Dinah: You got it, honey.
Mallet: I'm being sworn in tomorrow. I got it! Whoa! I got it. It’s... oh, no, it's tomorrow, though. Can you make the ceremony? We got to put off our getaway. You're going to be there, right, the ceremony?
Dinah: Sure, honey. Of course. Of course I'll be there. I'm going to bring my TV crew to cover it.
Mallet: You okay? What's wrong?
Dinah: ( Cries ) I was just thinking about the letter that daddy left you. He said you were a good man. He said you were a good man for me and I wish he could be here to see you right now.
Mallet: Me, too. Me, too. Are you okay?
Dinah: Yeah, I just... oh, you know, things are going so well for us.
Mallet: And that makes you cry?
Dinah: I just don't want those things to get screwed up, you know? I don't want... I don't want to see them get screwed up. You love your job, I love my job. We're the best we've ever been, you know? Hell, I'm even getting along with my mother these days.
Mallet: Hey, there's no reason that all of that just can't keep getting better and better, right? Is there?
Dinah: No.
Mallet: Okay.
Dinah: No, I'm just worried about finding an appropriate outfit. I need to go shopping.
Mallet: Okay. Well, pick something out, you know, that shows off that new bracelet I got you.
Dinah: Hon...
Mallet: Yeah?
Dinah: That's gone.
Mallet: What?
Dinah: Well, what I need to tell you right now is very difficult for me.
Mallet: Okay.
Dinah: The bracelet had a loose catch and I needed it to go to the jeweler, so I dropped it off.
Mallet: Okay, that's no big deal. I mean, I'm driving to the police station right now, so I'll swing by the jewelry store and I'll pick it up.
Dinah: No, no, no, I'm going to do that.
Mallet: No, come on, I don't mind.
Dinah: No, honey, listen, I'm going to do it. That's not a job for my big crime commission man.
Mallet: Well, I'm not a big shot until tomorrow. All right, I've got to get to the station. I've got to get some stuff done so I'm free for the swearing in.
Dinah: Okay, just go on down there and I'll go shopping and I'll meet you.
Mallet: Pick up that bracelet.
Dinah: Yeah, yeah, I will, I will.
Mallet: Hey, you know what?
Dinah: What?
Mallet: Things are good. This is good. We're really clicking.
Dinah: Yeah. You know, that's all I want, is just a normal life, for things to work out for us.
Mallet: You want normal? You got normal. You got it.
Dinah: Not yet I don’t.
Buzz: The ladies' room is around the corner.
Marina: I'm working on a case.
Buzz: What, the case of the disappearing soap?
Marina: No, I'm watching a perp.
Buzz: He's in there?
Marina: Yeah, and he's taking his dear, sweet time, too.
Buzz: Who is it?
Cyrus: Cyrus Foley. I'm sure you've seen him around. He's got this really stupid accent.
Buzz: I don't think so.
Marina: Hey, wait, do me a favor. Go in there and see what he's doing.
Buzz: I can give you a good idea of what he's doing without even going in there. Okay, okay. Well, I think you better try the ladies' room because there ain't nobody in there.
Marina: Very clever. Mm-hmm, he went out the window. How original. But, see, this is what makes me good cop.
Buzz: Letting a guy give you the slip?
Marina: Oh, no. I slipped a little tracking device in his pocket when I pulled the old "reach for the creamer" technique. He'll never get away from me this time. I hope you're going after those jewels. ( beeping ) Oh, I'm sorry.
Mallet: I'm sorry. It's my fault. What you doing? Watching video clips of yourself from "The Law"?
Marina: Cute, but no. I'm actually working, kind of.
Mallet: You want to flesh that out for me a little bit?
Marina: I put a mini-G.P.S. transponder on Cyrus Foley so I could keep track of him, but the signal has gone wonky.
Mallet: Aha. Who authorized that?
Marina: Someone from the P.D. Okay, so I'm doing it for myself. But I'm doing it for you and Dinah, too.
Mallet: Does vigilante end in "e" or "ie"?
Marina: Mallet, this guy is fresh out of prison and he has already pulled another heist.
Mallet: Right, so you still think Cyrus Foley was the one that hit that jewelry store.
Marina: I'm absolutely positive. And if I can catch him trying to pick up the loot, I can put his butt back in prison. Mallet, this guy is a criminal. And worse than that, he is a potential threat to you and you dear beloved.
Mallet: Tell you the truth, I'm not really worried about Cy- Fo.
Marina: Cy-Fo?
Mallet: Yeah, Cyrus Foley. I just made that up. Do you like that?
Marina: No. No, I don't like any of this.
Mallet: I have decided to let this part of Dinah’s past go.
Marina: Well, her past is back and he's eating chocolate chip pancakes at Company and he's winking at me with this look that is... ugh. Never mind.
Mallet: We all have histories. We all have secrets and mistakes, regrets, things we wish we could've changed.
Marina: Even you?
Mallet: Well, I'm not naive, okay? I know Dinah comes with a lot of baggage. The idea is to keep it stored instead of dragging it around. And I guess at this point in my life, I'm more interested in the present and the future, you know, not the past. I just want a normal life.
Marina: With Dinah?
Mallet: You're too young to be so cynical. You know, they laughed at President Kennedy when he said we would put a man on the moon.
Marina: Did they? See, I wasn't born for a couple more decades, so I don't quite get that reference.
Mallet: Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Don't drive yourself crazy just because this Foley character has ties with Dinah, okay? I'm not. It's not driving me crazy. I'm onto bigger and better things, like, starting tomorrow.
Marina: What do you mean?
Mallet: Well, this guy here got a call from the governor's office. This guy here is going to be on the Crime Commission after all.
Marina: No frickin' way!
Mallet: Yeah.
Marina: Oh gosh!
Mallet: Yeah, the swearing in's tomorrow.
Marina: I am so happy for you.
Mallet: Thank you.
Marina: That is awesome.
Mallet: Thanks.
Marina: Does Dinah know?
Mallet: Are you kidding me? She's already out shopping for something to wear to the ceremony, like a normal girlfriend.
Marina: Normal girlfriend. You keep saying that now and you're starting to freak me out a little bit. ( Beeping ) Ah, I got it. The signal's back. I got to go. Later.
Cyrus: Whoa, whoa, back inside. Back inside.
Dinah: What the hell is wrong with you? Oh, my goodness. Are the cops are after you again?
Cyrus: One cop is. Well, a detective. Pretty, young, highly motivated. Ring a bell?
Dinah: Marina Cooper?
Cyrus: She put a tracking bug on me.
Dinah: What?
Cyrus: I threw her off, but she'll catch up with me soon enough.
Dinah: Well, then get out of here. I don't want her seeing us together.
Cyrus: I guess I better talk fast then, huh?
Dinah: What is your problem? Why can't you just leave me alone.
Cyrus: Didi, you must have some smarter questions than that.
Dinah: Do you know every time I think I can actually breathe and get my life going in the right direction, something slimy from my past grabs my ankle.
Cyrus: Well, whose fault is that?
Dinah: You love this, don't you? This entire thing is a game to you.
Cyrus: If it was a game, I wouldn’t care who wins. Listen, you were the one who sold me down the river way back when, babe. Did you honestly never consider that a) I'd get out of prison eventually and b) I'd catch up with you.
Dinah: Pretty dumb, wasn't I?
Cyrus: Shortsighted.
Dinah: I can understand why you're mad at me. I mean, if the shoe was on the other foot...
Cyrus: You would've already blown my brains out. You and your guns.
Dinah: You know, no matter how insane I would get or how crazy things would be around me, you know, I'd always end up with a second chance.
Cyrus: What can I say? You lead a charmed life.
Dinah: Yeah. So why don't you let me pass on the good karma and let me help you do the same?
Cyrus: Give me another shot at the proverbial happy ending?
Dinah: Yes. Yes. You say that you want a clean start, you want something new and that feels good. Well, then, let me help you get that started.
Cyrus: Somewhere else?
Dinah: Anywhere else.
Cyrus: No there's the Didi I remember. The straight-shooter, especially when it's saving her own behind.
Dinah: Look, I think that this would be good for both of us.
Cyrus: Believe it or not, I agree with you. And there just may be something you can do to speed up my exit.
Dinah: You'd leave Springfield forever?
Cyrus: We both want the same things, Didi: Freedom, a new start, all that jazz. We can have it, too. You just have to be willing to be my partner again for a little while.
Buzz: Oh, dear. ( Sighs ) Where's Olivia? What happened?
Ava: I don't know. You tell me, she's your fiancée. Buzz, is that a fresh pot?
Buzz: It's got your name on it.
Ava: This is exactly what I'm talking about.
Buzz: Darling, you haven't said anything yet.
Ava: I don't really think it's that hard, to be honest with you.
Buzz: Okay, I'm lost.
Ava: To be supportive and generous and helpful. You do it all the time, every day. You don't even think about it. It's automatic.
Buzz: Well, it's good for business.
Ava: No, it's respectful and it's having decency. And you know what? I wish there were more people like you.
Buzz: Uh, people?
Ava: People like my mother and my father, Alan-Michael and- -I'm sorry-- Coop. They're all looking out for my best interests and they care about me and they want what's right for me and they love, which is great, but how come they can't just do it instead of trying to control me?
Buzz: I think I see where this is going.
Ava: I feel like every time someone looks at me, it's like they flip the switch on and they have this overpowering sense of, like, changing me into something that I'm not, someone that I'm not.
Buzz: Everybody's making you their personal project.
Ava: Yes, that's exactly it. A personal project and I'm just so sick of it. I don’t...
Buzz: Can I ask you a question?
Ava: Okay.
Buzz: Okay, and this is going focus on Alan-Michael. Not...just because he's the person that's stirring you up the most.
Ava: Okay.
Buzz: Okay?
Ava: Mm-hmm.
Buzz: This man has lied to you, has used you, has made you feel weak and stupid. So tell me, when you think of this man, how does that make you feel?
Ava: Olivia has lied to you over and over and over again. And how do you feel when you think about her?
Buzz: I thought so.
Olivia: You going to work out some of that nervous energy? Or resentment?
Alan-Michael: I bet this is the only room in the house you haven't slept in. Or maybe "slept" isn't the right word.
Olivia: Well, it doesn't cover all of it. Actually, I brought Emma for a play date with James.
Alan-Michael: Isn't that sweet?
Olivia: Well, he is the only Spaulding that I actually trust. And I thought since I was in the neighborhood, I would drop in.
Alan-Michael: To watch me strip?
Olivia: Chat. Here, sit. I'm sure we can think of something to do. I'm worried about Ava.
Alan-Michael: Spare me the concerned mother bit. I don't buy it.
Olivia: I'm a good mother.
Alan-Michael: Maybe to Emma.
Olivia: Ah, okay. Yeah, I've let Ava down. I've failed her, even, but I want to make that up to here.
Alan-Michael: Right.
Olivia: Hey, I owe her protection at the very least. I've been tangled up in this family. I know what it's like, the pull and how hard it is to disengage.
Alan-Michael: Disengage. You make it sound like a military maneuver.
Olivia: I don't think I'm that far off, Alan-Michael. You've been through it.
Alan-Michael: I thought we were talking about Ava.
Olivia: Okay. You know what it's like when you get around the Spaulding’s. As a person, you lose your judgment, your morality, even your humanity. Isn't that why you stayed away, so you could preserve some sense of yourself?
Alan-Michael: I'm a Spaulding. That's what I am.
Olivia: You're not Alan, okay? You have decency. That's why I'm here. I thought maybe you could understand what I'm trying to say.
Alan-Michael: What are you trying to say, Olivia?
Olivia: Stay away from Ava. Alan-Michael, let her go. Don't bring her into this.
Alan-Michael: Okay, message received. See you.
Olivia: She doesn't have the survival skills that you and I do.
Alan-Michael: She has me. That's enough.
Olivia: It's over.
Alan-Michael: It is not. I'm going to get her back.
Olivia: What are you going to do? You're going to destroy her. Do you understand? Because that's what happens. A Spaulding falls in love and then that object of desire, it's not a person any more. It's a possession. The possession is going to break. You're going to break her.
Alan-Michael: You've been through it before. Twice. You look like you're in good shape to me.
Olivia: It almost killed me.
Alan-Michael: Ava's tougher than she looks. She is your daughter, after all. I want to give Ava everything that she deserves-- a home, security, a career, whatever she wants.
Olivia: Alan-Michael, I will do whatever it takes to help my daughter put you behind her and move on.
Alan-Michael: And here I thought you came here to seduce me. Mothers do make sacrifices.
Olivia: Would it have worked?
Alan-Michael: We'll never know.
Dinah: I think it's best for both of us if you leave town.
Cyrus: Bartender, new starts all around.
Dinah: If you tell me what you want me to do, then I will do it.
Cyrus: No questions asked? No knives in the back?
Dinah: As long as you are gone in the end, no.
Cyrus: You have changed.
Dinah: You said that you didn't have a lot of time. Talk.
Cyrus: There's a little box about yea big hidden not far from here. A little box with a lot of jewelry inside.
Dinah: You did hit that store.
Cyrus: Well, let's just say I happened upon a number of shiny, expensive things that could be turned into some easy travel money.
Dinah: Get them, sell them, take off.
Cyrus: I would, but I can't go near the box. Not with that Cooper girl popping out of the woodwork every time I turn around. So...
Dinah: So you want me to do it.
Cyrus: I want you to want to do it.
Dinah: And if I get caught with that jewelry?
Cyrus: You can't be that rusty.
Dinah: One condition: You give me my bracelet back.
Cyrus: No deal.
Dinah: Why?
Cyrus: It's finders keepers on that one, baby. Just think of it as a token of our reunion and down payment on what you owe me.
Dinah: Why don't you take something else?
Cyrus: I'm keeping the damn bracelet. Just be glad that's all I'm taking.
Dinah: Fine. Why don't you just tell me where the box is.
Cyrus: That's the spirit. Do it today, I'll be gone tomorrow.
Marina: I should've known that you would've been back here to hassle Dinah.
Cyrus: I'm just making a friendly visit, that's all.
Dinah: Marina, tell this creep to get lost. He didn't listen to me.
Marina: You want to tell me why you were trying to ditch me?
Cyrus: Just for the fun of it.
Marina: You're a real fun guy, aren't you, Cyrus?
Cyrus: I'm not even trying.
Marina: Well, enjoy it while you can, because guess what? Even though you're out of prison for the time being, it's not all fun and games all the time. Even us non-criminals have to work sometimes, so what do you say? Can I give you a lift back to the station? Your broom's waiting.
Dinah: Whoop-dee-do. You brought me right back to the police station, didn't you, Cyrus. It's good. It's good. You're going to mess with me? I'm going to mess with you.
Cop: Hey, Dinah!
Dinah: Hey, Keegan. My goodness, you scared the heck out of me. You should go undercover.
Cop: Something I can help you with?
Dinah: Actually, yeah. Yeah, have you heard of the Frammis case?
Cop: Frammis? No.
Dinah: Yeah, super, super famous case about 20, 30 years ago. My dad used to talk about it all the time. I thought it would be an interesting thing to cover on my show. You know, dig up old perps, find out if they'd turned their life around. You know, just kind of get the facts. Do you think maybe you could dig up that file for me?
Cop: Sure, no problem.
Dinah: In the basement. It's probably in the basement, right?
Cop: Yeah, probably.
Dinah: Great.
Cop: I'll go look.
Dinah: Great. It's Frammis, two "m"s.
Cop: All right.
Dinah: Thanks, Keegan. Oh, man, I don't believe it.
Mallet: Oh, hey, what are you doing here?
Olivia: Buzz?
Buzz: Whoa! ( Laughs ) I give you a week to stop that. Hey, are you okay?
Olivia: I don't know.
Buzz: Did you have a run-in with Ava?
Olivia: No, no. The weird thing... I want her to toughen up for her own sake. I want her to be more like me, but I think that I'm turning into her.
Buzz: How so?
Olivia: I'm feeling things.
Buzz: Well, that's not such a terrible thing.
Olivia: Ever since I was a teenager... ever since what hap... I'm comfortable stuffing my feelings down. I don't need sadness and fear and all of that. I just want to move on and go out and get what I want.
Buzz: Well, that's a handy skill, up to a point.
Olivia: I think I've reached that point, because things are changing.
Buzz: Well, it's your daughter. I mean, she has a way of opening people up. Sure, you're her mother, so you're going to have there...
Olivia: I think it's you.
Buzz: Moi?
Olivia: I'm just a big marshmallow when I'm with you.
Buzz: I'm nuts for marshmallows.
Olivia: I'm serious.
Buzz: I'm nuts for you.
Olivia: ( Laughs ) You've made me vulnerable and soft.
Buzz: I have? That's not so terrible.
Olivia: It's just scary. I spent my entire life, you know, just doing things for the wrong reasons. But it toughened me up. Now everything's turning around and I have to be tough for the right reasons.
Buzz: To help Ava.
Olivia: It's a scary concept.
Buzz: Are you sure she's looking for that kind of help?
Olivia: She needs that kind of help.
Buzz: You sure?
Olivia: She needs it. Come on! I was a Spaulding. I was loved by one of them. It's the kiss of death. And things are going to get worse, far worse than she realizes.
Buzz: Where have you gone today?
Olivia: Paid Alan-Michael a little visit. He's not going to give up on her, okay? I can't afford to be soft and vulnerable right now, not if I'm going to get Ava through this.
Buzz: It doesn't have to be an all-out war.
Olivia: It's the Spaulding’s. Let me ask you something.
Buzz: Okay.
Olivia: It could get very ugly. I may have to be tougher than I've ever been in my entire life. Maybe even ruthless. So, you going to stick by me?
Buzz: What do you think?
Alan-Michael: There you are.
Ava: Yeah, well not for long. What?
Alan-Michael: Ava...
Ava: You move pretty fast for guy who was paralyzed up until a few days ago.
Alan-Michael: Ava, I...
Ava: I have nothing to say to you.
Alan-Michael: So you just pack up your stuff, move out in the middle of the night, that's it? That's the end of it, not another word?
Ava: Yeah, right.
Alan-Michael: I have something to say to you, Ava. I think you'll want to hear it.
Alan-Michael: Olivia came to see me today.
Ava: Really?
Alan-Michael: She's worried about you. She thinks I'm poison to her little girl, being a Spaulding and all.
Ava: Well, Olivia has had some experience with your family.
Alan-Michael: It's time you fight your own battles.
Ava: I don't know what there's left to fight about.
Alan-Michael: Just hear me out, please, and then you can decide.
Ava: I made my decision last night.
Alan-Michael: Damn it Ava, I love you. I love you.
Ava: Don't do this.
Alan-Michael: I look at you and I see everything that I want. I can't give that up.
Ava: It's not about you.
Alan-Michael: Am I ambitious? Driven? Focused to the point of obsession sometimes? Yes. But you know why I let myself love you? Because I thought that you could know me and accept me for who I am.
Ava: I tried.
Alan-Michael: Keep trying. You knew going in I was not like Coop. I'm not a nice guy. I'm Alan-Michael Spaulding, my father's son. If there's a tough choice to be made, I'll make it. You knew that. And you also knew that I did what I did after Alan was shot to protect my family. You helped me protect them, Ava.
Ava: I helped you. I trusted you.
Alan-Michael: This isn't over, Ava. You can run from it, but you can't hide from me. I will find you and make you see that we belong together.
Ava: This is insane.
Alan-Michael: I'm going to fight for you-- I don't care how long it takes-- and I will win you back.
Buzz: You know, I've taken on the Spaulding’s a couple times before and I'm still here to tango, baby. Couple heart attacks later, but...
Olivia: Oh, Buzz, see? Uh-uh.
Buzz: The point is, if that bunch comes down on you, you're not going to have to fight it alone. I can be a pretty tough guy, you know?
Olivia: Yeah, a one man wrecking crew.
Buzz: A cook, too. Look, the Spaulding’s don't scare me. You don't even scare me anymore. But that lady up there waving the menu, she scares me.
Olivia: Ooh. Hey, Jeffrey, it's me. Listen, we need to talk. There's a problem.
Dinah: I've got to get out of here. I got to get to the shops.
Mallet: What... what's in your jacket?
Dinah: Nothing. Nothing but this. No, no, no, don't spook him.
Mallet: What is this?
Dinah: This is it. This is where Cyrus put the jewelry. It's in here.
Mallet: Are you serious?
Dinah: Yeah. Open it and see.
Mallet: That's going to be kind of hard. This is like an industrial strength lock box.
Dinah: It doesn't matter. Open it and bust it, okay? Get the prints off of the jewelry, all right? And then you can put him into jail for good.
Mallet: How did you find out this is where the stash was?
Dinah: It doesn't matter. It doesn't matter, okay, because when you start that new incredible job, you're going to have one more case solved.
Marina: Here. What's wrong?
Cyrus: Nothing I didn't expect. Here, take your broom, I quit.
Marina: What?
Cyrus: I got another job to get to.
Next, on "Guiding Light."
Dinah: That freak. He set me up.
Cyrus: It's nice to know you have someone. But tell me the truth, Dinah still fancies me, doesn't she? Millions and millions of dollars in seed money, just waiting to be planted in my hands.
Dinah: I can't steal from my family.
Mallet: That there is one more thing that could make this day even more special and me even more proud, it would be to stand up here and ask Dinah Marler to be my wife.
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