Guiding Light Transcript Monday 3/26/07
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Proofread by Tanya
Jeffrey: Would it be fair to say that you had a contentious relationship with Alan Spaulding?
Reva: No secret there.
Jeffrey: And don't you hold him responsible for the death of your son and your grandchild?
A.D.A.: Objection, leading the witness.
Judge: Sustained.
Jeffrey: Okay, I'll rephrase. Did you have reason recently to be furious with Mr. Spaulding?
Reva: The situation is a little more complicated than that.
Jeffrey: What did you think about him getting married?
Reva: I didn't care.
Jeffrey: You didn't care? It didn't bother you that the man you hold responsible for the death of your son and your grandchild was moving on with his life and was having parties, getting married, finding love?
Reva: Bother?
Jeffrey: Bother. Yes, bother. Bother you enough to want to lash out at him. You were there at the hotel the night of the shooting, weren't you, Reva?
Reva: Yes.
Jeffrey: Why, Reva? Because you wanted to punish him? Because you wanted to get back at him?
A.D.A.: Objection.
Jeffrey: Nothing further, your Honor.
A.D.A.: You admit you were angry with Alan Spaulding.
Reva: So? Who isn't? I guess it's kind of your point, right? Who wouldn't want to shoot the guy?
A.D.A.: You've known Josh Lewis for a long time. In fact, having been married to him, you probably know the defendant better than any witness we could call, wouldn't you say?
Reva: I guess so.
A.D.A.: Well, would you say that you know Josh Lewis probably better than anyone in this room? Yes or no?
Reva: Yes.
A.D.A.: Then I have to ask you, do you think Josh Lewis could have shot Alan Spaulding? Answer the question. Do you think the defendant could have shot Alan Spaulding?
Alan-Michael: Beth. Good to see you, too.
Beth: Is it?
Alan-Michael: Come on, Beth. Would you really expect me to just hop in the sack with you and risk everything I'm building with Ava?
Beth: Only if you have any sense and care about the future of your family.
Alan-Michael: You should be having this conversation with your daughter.
Beth: Lizzie? Why?
Alan-Michael: She saw us with Josh's gun. She told Reva, who told Harley.
Beth: Did they find the gun?
Alan-Michael: No. I took care of it before they found it.
Beth: You see? We are in this together.
Alan-Michael: Yes, we are. But not the way you want it.
Beth: You're making a mistake.
Alan-Michael: Beth, I'll take my chances.
Ava: Okay, just... Ava, stop being a three-year-old. Just go in there and ask her the question. Be an adult about it for a change, okay? She's probably already gone.
Olivia: Are you spying on me?
Ava: No. Yes.
Olivia: Why?
Ava: Because I knew that this was going to be a really bad idea.
Olivia: Talking to me?
Ava: I was going to ask you --ask you for some advice.
Olivia: Advice? From me.
Ava: I guess so, about...
Olivia: Alan-Michael.
Ava: How did you know?
Olivia: I can tell.
Ava: It's not really about Alan-Michael. It's more about you and me.
Olivia: What'd I do?
Ava: It's about what you've passed on to me. I need to find out who I am.
Lizzie: I should be at that trial, but I thought that maybe I would stop by and ask you why it is that every time I try to do something right it goes all sideways on me, it just goes bad. I thought that telling Reva that the gun was in the house might make things better. All I did was hurt us. I shouldn't have done anything. I shouldn't have even cared.
Coop: You're wrong about that, you know. Lizzie, it's good that you care. I almost thought that you lost that.
Reva: You're just giving it all up.
Josh: I'm doing what needs to be done, just like you did, and I'm completely at peace with it. Just like you. Are you going to help me or not?
A.D.A.: It's a simple question, Ms. Shayne. Do you think Josh Lewis could have shot Alan Spaulding?
Reva: Yes. I absolutely think he could have.
Olivia: The power, the Spaulding power and people wonder why we'd want to be with them.
Ava: I just think that they assume they know why we're with them. Some people think I'm with him because of the money.
Olivia: Are you?
Ava: No.
Olivia: Well, you must be thinking about it otherwise you wouldn't be sitting here talking to me.
Ava: My feelings for Alan-Michael are real. I'm not that kind of person. I don't really think about money. Do I?
Olivia: Say it isn't so! I'm like my mother.
Ava: No, I'm not saying that!
Olivia: No, it's okay, you're worried about it. You're here. You want to know if you're like me.
Ava: I don't think that's a bad thing.
Olivia: Yeah, you do. It's okay. I used to be that kind of girl before Buzz came into my life.
Ava: I hate the fact that I... I like the things that he has to offer-- the job and the perks-- and I hate the fact that I feel that way. But it is kind of nice.
Olivia: Yeah, it's nice! What's wrong... you're allowed to like those things. There's nothing wrong with that. You're not a gold digger, okay? And you're certainly too pure to sleep your way to the top so if you say you have feelings for Alan-Michael then you probably do.
Ava: ( Laughs )
Olivia: What?
Ava: I'm just kind of surprised that you're saying this.
Olivia: Trust me, I wish you were in it for the money.
Ava: Why?
Olivia: It would be easier. Because as it stands now, being in love with Alan-Michael you're just... get away from him before he breaks your heart. How's that for motherly advice?
Cassie: Do you realize how bad that was? Why the hell would you say that?
Reva: I don't know.
Judge: Mr. O’Neill, your next witness.
Jeffrey: Yes, your honor. The defense calls Beth Raines Spaulding.
Doris: Baby! What a nice surprise! What are you doing here?
Ashlee: Oh, well I'm working as a high-priced call girl.
Doris: What?
Ashlee: You need to chill out, Mom. I'm just here to see Dinah about some work I'm doing for before Josh Lewis' hearing.
Doris: Isn't it a happy day? Do you want to go with me to see Josh Lewis get nailed to the wall?
Ashlee: Why would I want to do that?
Doris: Because he shot your stepfather, dear. Don't you want to see justice served?
Ashlee: No.
Doris: Why not?
Ashlee: Well, I mean Josh seems like a really great guy. You know... you know, once, actually, I was serving him coffee and he invited me to sit down and have one with him.
Doris: Well, a lot of people seem like a lot of things, Ashlee.
Ashlee: Yeah, but we don't know if this guy's guilty.
Doris: There's a lot of evidence that proves he is. Besides, I would have thought you would want to see him punished to... for the good of the family.
Ashlee: Oh, yeah, the family. Those people who hardly know who we are.
Doris: They know who we are.
Ashlee: Yeah and none of them showed up to my party. But then again, neither did my mom.
Doris: Hey, I told you, I got hung up.
Ashlee: No, it's fine. It's fine, really. I mean, I'm sure I'll turn 18 again. How long have you been 35?
Doris: Ashlee, I am merely trying to stress the importance of showing up for family.
Ashlee: Oh, yeah, it's fine. It's fine. Because I feel like if the Spaulding’s took a vow of poverty and each member was forced to live and work with the poor children in Africa, I'm sure you'd get a divorce so fast that your...
Doris: Ashlee! What do you want me to do? Ignore the fact that I'm married to the most rich and powerful man around?
Ashlee: Fine, be married, just leave me out of it.
Doris: Well, I can't do that. You're my daughter. I did this all for you.
Ashlee: I'm sorry, how can you say that? I never wanted any of this. All I wanted was a real family and real friends, people that might actually come to a party.
Doris: Well, we will have another party.
Ashlee: I don't want another party. I may not have had the Spaulding’s or any of Lizzie’s snobby friends, but I had one friend, one person that was there: Coop Cooper. Henry Bradshaw Cooper. Coop was there because he wanted to be. He was my one friend and that was enough.
Lizzie: You know, sometimes I want people like you to like me.
Coop: People like me?
Lizzie: Uh-huh. You know, good, kind, un-Spaulding.
Coop: Okay.
Lizzie: But sometimes I just want to be...
Coop: Alan Spaulding’s granddaughter?
Lizzie: Most of the time that means living a life that's pretty damn cool. You only have to think about yourself.
Coop: ( Clears throat )
Lizzie: What you said to me the night of Ashlee’s party, it meant something. It's made me think about who I am and what I've been doing with my life.
Coop: And then you tried to help Josh.
Lizzie: I did. That didn't work. ( Laughs )
Coop: The point is, at least you made the effort, Lizzie.
Lizzie: There was a time when I would have been like cool, did my part, see ya later. Yeah, uh-huh. But I don't feel like that anymore. So maybe you could tell me, Henry, what are you doing to me? What are you doing to me?
Coop: Stop, stop! It's not my fault.
Lizzie: ( Laughs )
Coop: Sorry.
Lizzie: You know, I think that the laughter makes him feel better.
Coop: You know, I used to really love you, Lizzie.
Lizzie: I know. And it was really nice to be loved like that.
Coop: Uh-huh. Well, I had never loved anyone like that before.
Lizzie: Or since.
Coop: What?
Lizzie: You know, you're supposed to say "I've never loved anyone like that before or since."
Coop: Oh. Do you miss Sarah?
Lizzie: A lot.
Coop: I'm really sorry.
Lizzie: Thank you. That does mean a lot to me.
Coop: Good. Well, it must be kind of weird, you know, being back in that house and now Alan’s not even there.
Lizzie: Yeah, and now we have Doris and Ashlee and Ava.
Coop: Yeah, yeah. See, now the old Lizzie, this is where she'd probably chime in and say, "I told you not to trust Ava."
Lizzie: Yes, but how about I just say that I'm sorry, too?
Coop: Thank you.
Lizzie: You know what the weird thing is?
Coop: I have a feeling you're going to tell me, yeah.
Lizzie: That after all these months we're both free at the same time.
Alan-Michael: Should I come back later? You look like you've got a lot on your mind.
Ava: I am so transparent.
Alan-Michael: Come here. What's up?
Ava: Us. I was talking with Beth.
Alan-Michael: About what?
Ava: Motives. My motives. Or motives of anyone who's like me, you know, getting together with someone like you. I mean, we're getting close, you know? Things are progressing.
Alan-Michael: So let's keep it going.
Ava: What if I'm like my mother? She's been with Spaulding men and now I'm... I'm with... hanging out with a Spaulding man and...
Alan-Michael: So what?
Ava: So what? I mean, I was happy with Coop. I was happy with him and, what, I dump him the first chance I get when a rich guy comes in my life?
Alan-Michael: Ava, you are not Olivia. I know how you feel about me.
Ava: Really?
Alan-Michael: I love how you feel about me.
Ava: Really?
Alan-Michael: Really.
Ava: Are we right together?
Alan-Michael: We're perfect.
Jeffrey: Why are you here, Ms. Raines?
Beth: You issued me a subpoena. But I would have wanted to testify anyway.
Jeffrey: Really? Why is that?
Beth: Because I wanted to clarify some of the issues surrounding the shooting of my ex-husband Alan Spaulding.
Jeffrey: Yes, Mr. Spaulding. Mr. Spaulding recently left you for the district attorney, Doris Wolfe, did he not?
Beth: Yes, he did.
Jeffrey: Weren't you pregnant at the time?
Beth: I didn't know that yet.
Jeffrey: Well, that must have been horrible, really. Yet you still showed up to their wedding.
Beth: I've been involved with the Spaulding family for some time. I have a pretty thick skin now.
A.D.A.: Objection, your Honor. Where is this going?
Alan-Michael: Touching you, feeling your skin, sometimes I can't think about anything else.
Ava: Then don't stop.
Beth: It wasn't me, if that's what you're asking.
Jeffrey: But you had every motive in the world to shoot Alan, didn't you?
Beth: Yes, but that doesn't mean that I did it.
Jeffrey: You were angry at him, weren't you? Furious, really. And that's why you went there to begin with, right? You wanted to get Alan alone because you wanted to show him just how angry you really were.
Beth: Yes.
Jeffrey: You were so angry-- angry enough to kill him, weren't you?
Beth: Yes. But somebody beat me to it.
Jeffrey: I beg your pardon.
Beth: I didn't get a chance to be alone with Alan because of what I saw.
Jeffrey: What did you see?
Beth: His son Alan-Michael Spaulding.
Ava: Alan-Michael, Alan-Michael, wait, wait.
Jeffrey: Alan Michael? Alan-Michael was in the hospital the night of the shooting. He was confined to his bed unable to use his legs, so how could he be...
Beth: Make it all the way across town fast enough to be at that wedding?
Jeffrey: It doesn't sound possible.
Beth: It does if he was faking his injuries. Alan-Michael got to Towers that night on his own two feet.
Cassie: Hey, this is almost too good to be true. I mean, if... maybe the reason I don't remember shooting Alan is because I didn't do it.
Josh: I honestly don't know what to think at this point.
Cassie: Think you have hope.
Josh: Okay.
Jeffrey: Your Honor, the son has a very rocky relationship with the father to say the least. All we're asking for is time to investigate this possibility.
A.D.A.: It's only a possibility because you want it to be. This is a waste of the people's time.
Judge: I'll give you some time, Mr. O’Neill.
Jeffrey: Thank you, your Honor.
Judge: Court stands in recess while we investigate the validity of Ms. Raines' testimony.
Reva: Did you know she was going to do that?
Jeffrey: No, that was a bonus, a big one.
Buzz: Woman, you look so fine coming and going.
Olivia: Well, while you're back there, do you mind?
Buzz: My pleasure.
Olivia: So Ava was here, she needed help.
Buzz: She came to you? Great.
Olivia: No, she just wanted to make sure she was nothing like her mother, make sure that nature won over nurture.
Buzz: She's wrong about you.
Olivia: I don't know. I mean, present company excluded, I was the kind of gal that went after the wrong guy for the wrong reasons.
Buzz: Well, present company is all that matters. We sort of have an agreement here, don't we?
Olivia: Yeah, it's great. It's more than I ever dreamed.
Buzz: Good, good. So would it be possible... would it be possible for there to be no more excuses, no more lies about plans with Jeffrey? Kind of like we're in this together?
Olivia: Wait, just hold that thought. Hello?
Jeffrey: It's me.
Olivia: Hey, Jeffrey, what's up?
Jeffrey: I need your help. I need someone who tends to think like I do and that would be you. Beth claims that Alan-Michael lied about being paralyzed and, well, I need you to help me prove it.
Olivia: Well, who do I... Ava? You want me to use my daughter?
Jeffrey: No. I'm asking you to help me save her.
Olivia: Yeah, okay. Buzz...
Buzz: What can I do to help?
Lizzie: I need you to sit down.
Coop: What? Why?
Lizzie: It is very important. Sit down. There is something I have really needed to do and I just... I hope that you're okay with it.
Coop: Okay.
Lizzie: Coop, I need to feel your head.
Coop: You know what, you...
Lizzie: It's the buzz cut, it looks so soft.
Coop: Fine, make it quick. Hey.
Lizzie: I could do this all day long.
Coop: Well, please don’t.
Lizzie: You know that if you had stayed with me, Ava would have never dumped you.
Coop: Who says that I was dumped?
Lizzie: Dumper, dumpee, doesn't really make a difference, you're alone. ( Laughs )
Coop: Lizzie, that's not...
Lizzie: Relax, relax. All I'm saying is that, I don't know, maybe now we could be friends. I do miss being your friend.
Coop: Sure. We can give it a shot.
Lizzie: Really?
Coop: Why not? Well, there are a lot of reasons why not, but we can...
Lizzie: Coop, Coop, would you like to get coffee?
Coop: Sure. But your treat.
Lizzie: What? Why?
Coop: What do you mean why? You're Lizzie Spaulding, you're rich. I'm Coop, I'm still a starving writer.
Lizzie: Oh, still, I was going to ask you about that. Why is it that you're not famous yet?
Doris: Lizzie, I thought you would be at the trial.
Ashlee: Hi, Coop. Lizzie.
Coop: Ashlee, hey.
Lizzie: You know, Doris, not everyone thinks of human suffering as a spectator sport.
Doris: Why is he here?
Ashlee: Alan kind of looks like he has some color in his face today, doesn't he?
Doris: Ashlee, don't do that. Don't move his pillow.
Ashlee: I wasn’t...
Coop: Ashlee, Lizzie, would you mind stepping out of the room for just a second? It will be really quick.
Lizzie: All right.
Coop: Thank you. Doris, this is not about me being here. It's about you not liking your daughter very much and the fact that she deserves so much better than you.
Lizzie: Ashlee, I'm sorry about your birthday party. I'm sorry none of my friends showed up.
Ashlee: Yeah, okay. Yeah, great.
Lizzie: They're just not that reliable, you know?
Ashlee: Yeah, that's not it. You didn't even invite them.
Lizzie: Ashlee...
Ashlee: Lizzie, I know who you are. Yeah, you wanted to hurt me, but that’s... that's fine because you know what? I don't need you, and I don't need your phony friends, and I had the most perfect time without you, the most amazing time.
Alan-Michael: Come here.
Ava: Thank you.
Alan-Michael: For what?
Ava: For waiting for me.
Alan-Michael: It wasn't easy.
Ava: Getting something worthwhile never is.
Alan-Michael: ( Laughs ) Well, you'd better be worth it.
Ava: You better be worth it.
Alan-Michael: Oh, I am. I promise. ( Knock on door ) ( louder knocking )
Alan-Michael: Hold on. What?
Jeffrey: Oh, great. Perfect timing. I hope I'm interrupting. Get dressed.
Alan-Michael: What do you want?
Ava: What are you doing here, Jeffrey?
Alan-Michael: A subpoena?
Jeffrey: Yeah. Time for you to testify, come to do your part to exonerate a good man.
Alan-Michael: A man who shot my father.
Jeffrey: Do you really believe that?
Alan-Michael: You stay here. I'll clear this up.
Cassie: I have to call and make sure R.J. got out of school all right. Okay?
Josh: Thank you for what you did on the stand.
Reva: Well, I wish I could say you're welcome, but I hated having to say that about you.
Josh: I know.
Reva: You are going to let Jeffrey go after Alan-Michael, aren't you?
Josh: If it will free me and protect Cassie then... I just... I can't even go there right now.
Reva: I'll be praying for you.
Josh: No matter how this turns out, thank you for being there for me.
Reva: ( Laughs ) Payback's a bitch, isn't it? You're going to beat this, Bud. You have to.
Lizzie: I don't get it. Alan-Michael, my mother, Alexandra, me. None of us can stand your mom and no one has made it easy for you to move into the house. I totally jacked you up on your birthday.
Ashlee: What's your point?
Lizzie: If being a Spaulding has caused you so much grief, why are you trying so hard to be one of us?
Ashlee: I guess I don't give up that easy. And you bunch of freaks are the only family I got.
Lizzie: Well, I guess there's always hope.
Ashlee: What are you doing, Lizzie?
Lizzie: Me?
Ashlee: Yeah, Lizzie. You have so much and yet you don't even know it and what I don't get is that you're not able to share. You've suffered through so much, gone through all of this stuff and yet you still want to hurt people.
Lizzie: I told you that I was sorry about your birthday party.
Ashlee: I'm not talking about my birthday party. I'm talking about Coop.
Lizzie: What about him?
Ashlee: Just leave him alone. All the lies you told him, you just need to let him go.
Lizzie: I am trying to be his friend.
Ashlee: Yeah, well, we all know what a good friend you are.
Coop: You know what? If you stop dogging Ashlee and actually just listen to her for once, you'd realize how funny she was, how smart she is, how interesting she is. But you know what? You don't even see it. Doris, you're missing everything.
Doris: I have to be in court.
Alan-Michael: Why am I not surprised?
Beth: I warned you.
Jeffrey: You do realize, Mr. Spaulding, that you are under oath.
Alan-Michael: Yes.
Jeffrey: Well, then I'll ask you again. Were you paralyzed, or were you able to walk the night your father was shot?
Alan-Michael: What proof do you have to support such a ridiculous claim?
Jeffrey: Just answer the question.
Alan-Michael: Do you know that Beth Raines has a vendetta against me? She'll do anything to discredit me.
Jeffrey: Beth Raines is lying?
Alan-Michael: Of course. Subpoena my doctors, the nurses at Cedar. Or you could ask my associate, Ava Peralta. She's here in court. Your Honor, up until a few days ago, I couldn't walk. The night my father was shot I was lying in a hospital bed helpless to do anything to protect him.
Jeffrey: Why would Beth Raines lie?
Alan-Michael: She's a bitter, spiteful, hateful woman who had been dumped by my father. She was cut off from the Spaulding family and the Spaulding fortune. She tried to seduce me and I turned her down.
Beth: That's a lie!
Judge: Order, please.
Jeffrey: So you're saying she wants to get back at you?
Alan-Michael: In the worst way.
A.D.A.: Your Honor, the defense is reaching. There's no proof this man can walk. This is all a desperate gamble.
Judge: Mr. O’Neill? Do you have proof to support this claim?
Jeffrey: Well, actually, your Honor, we were...
Judge: Can I help you?
Olivia: Yes. Excuse me, your Honor, but I have videotape proof that Alan-Michael Spaulding walked out of the hospital on the day his father was shot.
Judge: And you can verify time and date of this footage?
Cop: The time and date stamp are correct. Nobody uses the back door unless you're trying to sneak out of the hospital.
A.D.A.: Objection. This witness can't testify to intent.
Judge: Sustained, let's just watch the footage.
Ava: Oh, my God.
Jeffrey: We have tape, your Honor, also of the witness going back in through the same door an hour later, plenty of time for him to get to Towers, shoot his father, and get back to the hospital. Especially if he was running. Now, we can see that you have good use of your legs here. How about that trigger finger?
A.D.A.: Objection.
Judge: Mr. Spaulding?
Alan-Michael: I could walk that night. I left the hospital, but I went to save my father, not kill him.
Jeffrey: So you're saying that you knew that someone else was planning to kill him?
Alan-Michael: No, I wanted to save him from marrying Doris Wolfe, but I went by the Spaulding offices first to change passwords and upgrade security just in case she did end up becoming Mrs. Alan Spaulding. I was at Spaulding Enterprises when he was shot.
Jeffrey: You can prove that?
Alan-Michael: I swiped my key card and logged on to my computer. That can be verified.
Jeffrey: We can't know that it was you that actually logged in, can we?
Alan-Michael: Then why don't you check those security tapes? I'm obviously photogenic.
Judge: Bailiff, I want those tapes. See to it now, please.
Bailiff: Yes, your Honor.
Josh: We still can't prove that he actually did it.
Cassie: We don't have to. We only have to make them wonder if you didn't do it.
Olivia: I am so sorry.
Ava: You said something was going to happen, and I didn't want to believe you.
Olivia: They're Spaulding’s. They always end up hurting you.
Judge: Mr. Spaulding, we're not done with you yet.
Ashlee: Nobody has ever stood up for me like that. Especially not to my mom. She's really scary.
Coop: Well, I've seen worse.
Ashlee: When?
Coop: Okay, maybe I haven’t.
Ashlee: ( Laughs ) Fair enough.
Lizzie: Coop, you still want to grab coffee?
Coop: Um, Ashlee, how are you getting to work?
Ashlee: Well, since my mother bolted, I'll be walking.
Lizzie: Here, take mine.
Ashlee: Wait, your hot new sports car?
Lizzie: Yeah, the limo will come get me later, and don't touch the presets.
Coop: Lizzie, you know what? I'm going to take a rain check on the coffee. I'm going to drive Ashlee to work.
Ashlee: Cool. I'll use the car later, though.
Alan-Michael: And this is me leaving the building well after the crime was committed.
Judge: You may step down.
Olivia: She's gone. She's gone.
Alan-Michael: You don't want to mess with me right now.
Olivia: You destroyed her. All that love and energy and time...
Alan-Michael: Shut up!
Olivia: Face it, Alan-Michael, you're as scummy as the rest of them.
Alan-Michael: I can find her.
A.D.A.: Despite all the drama here today, the simple truth is the same as it ever was: Josh Lewis tried to kill Alan Spaulding.
Alan-Michael: Ava! Ava... look...
Ava: Go away.
Alan-Michael: Let's go back to my room and...
Ava: Go away. There's nothing you can say.
Alan-Michael: Let me explain.
Ava: Go! Stop it.
Alan-Michael: Stop.
Ava: Stop it.
Alan-Michael: It's okay.
Jeffrey: Ladies and gentlemen, the prosecution has shown that Josh Lewis did not get along with Alan Spaulding and... well, that's about it. Now, the defense has shown that a great number of people did not get along with Mr. Spaulding and also had great opportunity and motive to commit this crime. One of them succeeded and it was not Josh Lewis. My client didn't do it. Now, there are so many agendas here, it's kind of hard to keep track of them all. So the important thing to remember are the facts, and the facts are that there are no witnesses that saw Josh shoot anybody. There are no fingerprints on any gun, there's no evidence of any kind to convict Josh of anything. Now, this case should be about justice, but it appears to be about a D.A. who is blind with revenge and for some reason wants to convict an innocent man. Josh Lewis is a man who has served his community for years. Do not make the mistake of taking the years that he has left and throwing them away. Let true justice be served and acquit Josh Lewis. Thank you.
Reva: That was great.
Jeffrey: I just hope it's enough.
Cassie: What next?
Jeffrey: We wait. Jury's back.
Cassie: Already?
Reva: They've barely had time to deliberate.
Cassie: But that's a good thing, right?
Josh: Let's hope so.
Ava: Let go of me!
Alan-Michael: Just listen to me, please.
Buzz: Go!
Ava: Stop it! There's nothing you can say.
Alan-Michael: Ava, I was using the wheelchair...
Ava: You were using the wheelchair.
Buzz: Get out of here!
Ava: Buzz, it's okay, it's okay. I can do it myself.
Buzz: You sure? I'll call the police.
Ava: Thank you.
Alan-Michael: I needed to get an edge of Doris. I wanted her to think that...
Ava: Then why didn't you let me in on it? Because you wanted to use that to get me into your house, to get me into your bed. I thought you were different. I thought you understood me. My life was blowing up in my face every five minutes and you were there. You didn't need to save me. You didn't need to be heroic or noble or anything; you just needed to be honest with me.
Alan-Michael: I know. I know, and I wanted to be but I wanted...
Ava: I'm moving out tomorrow, okay?
Judge: Has the jury reached a verdict?
Juror: We have.
Judge: Will the defendant please rise? In the case of the People Vs. Joshua Lewis on a count of attempted murder carrying a minimum sentence of ten years and a maximum of 25 years, what is your verdict?
Juror: We the jury find the defendant Joshua Lewis guilty.
Judge: Joshua Lewis, sentencing will commend at your next hearing, which will be scheduled at a later date. Court remands you to the Springfield county jail to await sentencing. Court is adjourned.
Jeffrey: I'm already working on the appeal.
Cassie: This is crazy, this isn't happening.
Josh: Cassie, it's going to be all right. You just take care of R.J., take care of yourself, you understand me?
Cassie: I will not let you rot in prison. Josh? I will not stop until you're free. Do you hear me? I will not stop until you are free.
Bailiff: You're going to have to let go.
Cassie: I can’t.
Josh: It's going to be okay. I can do this.
Cassie: I don't want you to. Josh, I will never...
Josh: I love you, Cassie. I will never stop loving you.
Next on "Guiding Light"
Cyrus: We both want the same things, Didi. We can have it, too. You just have to be willing to be my partner again.
Alan-Michael: And here I thought you came here to seduce me.
Buzz: When you think of this man, how does that make you feel?
Alan-Michael: I will eliminate anyone and anything that gets in the way of the Spaulding’s-- Jeffrey O’Neill, Buzz Cooper, Olivia Spencer.
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