GL Transcript Friday 3/23/07

Guiding Light Transcript Friday 3/23/07


Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Tanya

Alan-Michael: Dad? He's home!

Butler: Mr. Spaulding? How did you...? Let's get you inside.

Reva: I don't mind if I do.

Josh: Hey, roadrunner.

Billy: You know, you should think about running with me someday, instead of following me in your car. It might do you some good.

Billy: No. I just wanted to make sure on your first day of trial you weren't running away.

Josh: I just wanted to clear my head, that's all.

Billy: Look, if you cleared your head a few weeks ago, you wouldn't be in this mess. You wouldn't have admitted to something that you didn't do.

Josh: Hey, you know, why don't you just say that a little bit louder, Billy, really?

Billy: She's not around you, okay?

Josh: What do you want me to say? You want to see Cassie go to prison?

Billy: No.

Josh: Is that what you want?

Billy: No, I don't want to see either one of you...

Josh: Then keep your mouth shut about what you think you know and tell Reva to do the same and let me do this my way, okay?

Billy: Look, self-defense isn't going to work, okay? The ballistics evidence says...

Josh: I know what the ballistics say. Jeffrey is going to handle it.

Billy: Yeah, but what if he doesn't?

Josh: Bye.

Harley: I've got a ton of precedents here, similar cases.

Frank: You're not a lawyer.

Harley: And the judge still won't give me a warrant.

Frank: Even if you believe Lizzie, what makes Lizzie so sure that the gun she saw in the Spaulding house is Josh's?

Harley: It's a very distinctive gun, Frank. Frank, are you going to help me or not?

Frank: I'll try, but don't forget that Doris Wolfe is the D.A.

Harley: I know, but you can go around her. And Judge Parker's clerk always had a little thing for you, remember?

Frank: Cindy. Yeah, Cindy. You know, maybe I'll go by the judge's chambers before I go to the trial anyway. Don't get your hopes up, or Josh’s.

Harley: Frank?

Frank: Yes?

Harley: Don't forget the pass.

Frank: I'll do what I can, all right?

Harley: Hey, Lizzie.

Lizzie: Hey. Yeah...see ya.

Harley: You just got here.

Lizzie: I was going to get a coffee, but I changed my mind. I drink way too much coffee.

Harley: Well, I just want to talk to you for a second.

Lizzie: About what?

Harley: I'm not going to play any games with you.

Lizzie: Okay, what games?

Harley: Well, you know, I could butter you up and we could make some small talk, and then I could go in for the kill. But I think we both know each other a little too well for that. So I'm going to cut to the chase. Is there something that you want to tell me? Is there something hidden somewhere involving a criminal investigation?

Lizzie: Reva told you.

Harley: Of course she told me. Now, why don't you tell me everything you know about how that gun wound up in your house?

Jeffrey: We appreciate your questions, but my client has no further comment at this time. Okay, guys. Here's the way it's going to go- - the prosecutor is going to come at you pretty hard. And then after that, well, you know all of the witnesses-it's going to go pretty fast.

Josh: Okay, well, when it's our turn, just make sure you put me on the stand first, because I am ready, okay?

Jeffrey: Josh, I don't think it's going to be in your best interest to take the stand.

Josh: What are you talking about? It's self-defense. I have to tell my side of the story.

Jeffrey: Not necessarily.

Cassie: Jeffrey actually has a different strategy.

Josh: A different strategy?

Cassie: Yeah.

Josh: What... what...?

Billy: Hey, you are going to tell him -- look, I was going to tell you before, but I -- you took off.

Josh: Okay, somebody want to tell me what's going on here?

Billy: Reva and I have a little bet as to which one of us can look more guilty. So when you get me up on the stand, you give me plenty of rope to hang myself with, okay?

Josh: Billy, what...?

Cassie: Look, you know I want you to fight this, but we need to give you something to fight with.

Jeffrey: Self-defense is not going to cut it this time, Josh.

Cassie: He's right, but making the rest of us look like viable suspects, that just might.

Josh: No, no, no. This is not going to happen.

Jeffrey: We can muddy the water, okay, that's all.

Josh: This is your plan? You're going to sacrifice yourselves for me? You're going to implicate yourselves so you go to jail, and I don't have to go to jail? Let me guess, who's brilliant idea was this? Reva's?

Reva: Gun, gun? Where the hell is the gun?

Butler: Mr. Spaulding...

Alan-Michael: Dad! When did you get out? How did you get here? Dad?

Jeffrey: Everyone in this town wanted to see Alan Spaulding dead. Josh, who's to say one of them didn't try to make that happen?

Josh: Me.

Billy: Josh, don't be stupid about this.

Josh: Oh, I'm the one who looks stupid, Billy, really?

Cassie: He is stubborn and reckless, but...

Josh: Okay, you know what, I kind of... I kind of get... could you get me a bottle of water, please?

Cassie: Sure. I'll get that.

Josh: Thank you. I appreciate that. What the hell are you guys doing? You know... you know what I have to do.

Billy: Yes, I do.

Jeffrey: The self-defense angle is not going to work, Josh. The D.A. has forensic evidence that directly contradicts your version of the shooting.

Billy: They offered you a deal of ten years. If you get convicted, you'll do twice that. You'll be an old man when you come out. Now, tell me how that helps R.J., Cassie, and even your kids?

Josh: It beats the hell out of Cassie implicating herself.

Jeffrey: Now, hang on. It's not going to be just Cassie. It's going to be Billy and Reva, and anyone who even looked at Alan Spaulding cross-eyed. Josh, you're paying me to help you. You've got to let me help you.

Josh: Not if it hurts Cassie, I don’t.

Jeffrey: I know it's hard for you to trust me on this, but just stick with me through the prosecutor's case. After that, if you still have doubts, then we can re-evaluate, okay?

Josh: Okay. Here's the deal: You can put Billy on the stand or Reva on the stand, but Cassie is off limits. She does not go up there. And you do nothing, nothing to implicate her. Otherwise, I find myself another lawyer. Are we clear?

Jeffrey: We're clear.

Cassie: What did I miss?

Josh: Billy and Jeffrey talked me into it. We're going to do it your way.

Lizzie: It's cold outside. I've got to go.

Harley: Lizzie, just a few questions and then you can go.

Lizzie: I told Reva everything I know, Harley. Just ask her.

Harley: Okay, okay, but why?

Lizzie: Why what?

Harley: Why tell Reva anything? If that gun is in your house, it could mean somebody in your family shot Alan.

Lizzie: Or Josh could have planted it there.

Harley: Yes, that's very possible. But why risk it? Why not keep your mouth shut like a good little Spaulding?

Lizzie: I thought about it, okay, and right about now I'm kind of wishing that I had. If Josh is innocent, he could go to prison for a long time.

Harley: Yes, and that would be wrong.

Lizzie: There has been a lot of pain and loss, but Tammy and Jonathan... and with Sarah, and I know that it was partly my fault. I got the wheels going, but...

Harley: You... you had no idea it would go as far as it went.

Lizzie: I started it. Okay? And with all the lying and the covering up and protecting people, it just has to stop, doesn't it? Coop reminded me of what I used to want, and I just felt like somebody needs to stand up and just say the truth.

Harley: You're right. And I'm so glad it's you. You are doing the right thing. I know what this is costing you?

Lizzie: I'm not so sure I know yet.

Harley: Well, I'm very proud of you. There's just one little thing I need you to do for me and for Josh.

Lizzie: What?

Harley: Give me permission to search your house...

Lizzie: No, Harley.

Harley: Just give me permission to be on the premises so I can find the gun. You can just sign this paper...

Lizzie: No. No, no, no, Harley, I can't do this. My family would freak out on me.

Harley: Listen to me, Lizzie. Listen to me. Don't you want to know who really shot your grandfather? Don't you want to find the real culprit and make sure they pay? And if you say no, that cycle of covering up and protecting people, that's going to go on and on, and you will get caught up in it again. And you will never break free, Lizzie, never.

Reva: All those times you bailed me out, Joshua, well, it's my turn to save you. There is such a thing as being too selfless and too heroic, you know?

Alan-Michael: I saw that movie.

Reva: What movie?

Alan-Michael: "Weekend At Bernie’s". Pretty funny. But sneaking my unconscious father out of the hospital as a decoy, that's sick, Reva. Not to mention illegal.

Reva: No, no. I didn't sneak anyone out of anywhere. Actually, I was visiting Alan and he started stirring, and I thought he was going to wake up, and I thought what the... you should thank me, because I thought, where would the best place for him to be if he were to wake up? In the bosom of his family, you know...

Alan-Michael: Very considerate of you. I'm still calling the cops.

Jeffrey: You know, you have a family that would do just about anything for you.

Josh: Yeah, I'm getting that.

Billy: Where's Reva? She should be here by now.

Cassie: Well, Frank looks thrilled to be here.

Billy: Yeah, I guess it's a hazard of the job, especially in this town.

Cassie: Hey, got a minute?

Jeffrey: We're going to start soon.

Cassie: So...

Josh: So...

Cassie: This is it?

Josh: This is it.

Cassie: Josh, I want you to take this ring back. I want you to change the inscription-- not two years from now, not two months from now. The second you get out of this courthouse, we are getting married because that is when you'll be a free man.

Josh: Cassie...

Cassie: I have no doubt about it.

Balif: All rise. This court will come to session. Docket number 75233, Honorable Judge Davis T. Forbes presiding.

Judge: Please be seated." The people versus Joshua Lewis," attempted murder in the first degree.

A.D.A.: Sometimes my job is easy, if I don't have to play tricks or invent scenarios, not when the defendant, Josh Lewis, confessed to the crime; not when he threatened the victim, Alan Spaulding, in public; and not when his story of self defense does not hold up to forensic evidence. Josh Lewis purposely pulled the trigger that night with the intent of killing Alan Spaulding. And I'm confident that after you've heard the case, you will have no choice but to convict.

Judge: Mr. O’Neill?

Jeffrey: Thank you, your Honor. Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, very simply, my client didn't do it. Thank you.

Josh: Nice work.

Lizzie: Okay, this is where I say good-bye. Bye.

Harley: Lizzie...

Lizzie: Haven't I already done enough? Do I actually have to go in? Come on, this is really hard on me.

Harley: You don't have to go in. I was just going to say thank you. You did the right thing.

Alan-Michael: That was fast. Arrest her.

Harley: Why don't you tell me what happened, first?

Alan-Michael: Where to begin? Reva got my unconscious father out of his hospital bed and into a wheelchair, and then brought him here, risking his already shaky health.

Harley: You brought Alan all the way here from the hospital?

Alan-Michael: I think the word is "kidnapped," Detective.

Reva: No, not kidnapping, no. See, what happened is I thought he was waking up, that he was coming out of his coma. So I thought he should be here with his family. My bad.

Harley: All right. Thank you, Alan-Michael. I'll handle this. Can I... can we...?

Reva: Sure.

Harley: Uh... it's Cooper. Would you cancel that dispatch to the Spaulding house, please? I'm on scene, I'll handle it. Thanks. Are you crazy?

Reva: I am resourceful.

Harley: You could have killed that man.

Reva: No, he's fine. Besides, it got me in the house, but I still haven't been able to find out where the gun might be.

Alan-Michael: Are you arresting her or not?

Harley: Her story is credible. However, I do feel a more thorough investigation is required.

Alan-Michael: She broke in here.

Harley: Did she... did she take anything?

Alan-Michael: I don’t... I don't know. I haven't had a chance to look yet.

Harley: I think maybe I should check that room thoroughly. Actually, why don't we all check it? How's that? 

Lizzie: (Screams)

A.D.A.: So there's only one vintage Lugar registered in Springfield. To whom is that gun registered, Chief?

Frank: To the defendant, Josh Lewis

A.D.A.: The same Josh Lewis who, according to the witnesses we've heard, threatened Alan Spaulding in the days prior to the shooting? The same Josh Lewis who was present at Towers at the time of the shooting, and subsequently confessed to the crime?

Jeffrey: Your honor, we understand that Mr. Hornsby is partial to the sound of his voice, but is there a question in there somewhere?

Judge: I'm wondering the same thing.

A.D.A.: I'm merely reminding the jury of previous testimony, your Honor.

Judge: Move forward, please.

A.D.A.: Chief Cooper, when Josh Lewis confessed to you, how did he describe the shooting?

Frank: He said it was self defense. He said he and Alan were in the elevator, they struggled for the gun and it went off.

A.D.A.: Now, the ballistics report says that Mr. Spaulding was at a distance of several feet away. Does that sound like a pointblank struggle to you?

Frank: I can't say. I'm not an expert in that area.

A.D.A.: No, but you have investigated multiple homicides, correct?

Frank: Yes, I have, but I have not been specifically trained in forensics or ballistics.

A.D.A.: Still, if you had to give an opinion...

Jeffrey: Your Honor, if Chief Cooper does not feel qualified to answer the question, then he shouldn't have to answer the question.

A.D.A.: I'm merely asking the Chief his opinion as an experienced investigator. The jury can make of it what they please.

Judge: I'll allow it.

A.D.A.: Chief Cooper, do you personally believe that the circumstances of this shooting are consistent with Josh Lewis' claim of self-defense? Chief Cooper?

Frank: No, not in my opinion.

A.D.A.: That's all we needed to know. Thank you. No further questions.

Judge: Mr. O’Neill?

Jeffrey: Thank you, your Honor. Good afternoon, Chief Cooper. Chief Cooper, you testified to the court that Josh Lewis confessed to you that he shot Alan Spaulding. Is that correct?

Frank: That is correct.

Jeffrey: And did he say this to you verbally, in his own words?

Frank: That's right.

Jeffrey: And where were you when you took Mr. Lewis's confession?

Frank: At the police station.

Jeffrey: Was anyone else present?

Frank: No.

Jeffrey: Mr. Lewis didn't have an attorney present?

Frank: Not at the time.

Jeffrey: But you asked him if he wanted one. Isn't that correct?

Frank: What are we talking about, right at that exact time?

Jeffrey: Right at that exact moment, yes. That's how it works, isn't it, Chief Cooper. You... you read the suspect his rights a you make sure he is aware of them, that he understands them, and then you proceed. Isn't that what you did for Mr. Lewis?

Frank: It was a very unusual situation. Mr. Lewis, he just blurted out his confession. I mean, it was totally unexpected. He was at the police station, he started talking about how the whole thing went down. He was on a roll, and I didn't want to stop him.

Jeffrey: Oh, but you did stop him. You stopped him long enough to make sure that the conversation was tape-recorded, but you didn't have time to read him his rights?

Frank: No, I did mirandize Mr. Lewis... afterwards. He repeated his confession, and then we typed it up. See, if you read the confession form, you'll see there are boxes there that the suspect needs to check off before he signs his statement. The boxes say that he's has been read his rights and that he understands them. Mr. Lewis checked off both boxes. And he signed the form. I followed procedure.

Jeffrey: Not according to "Roland versus Pennsylvania", your Honor. A circuit court ruled that when a written confession is obtained solely on the basis of a prior verbal confession, while the suspect is in police custody without counsel present, without anyone witnessing it, then that suspect must be read his rights prior to that verbal confession. Otherwise, the entire confession is inadmissible. Now Chief Cooper just admitted that he did not properly mirandize Mr. Lewis prior to his verbal confession. Therefore, the entire confession is inadmissible and we move that it be suppressed and stricken from the record. Thank you, your Honor.

A.D.A.: The Roland case bears no resemblance to this case whatsoever, your Honor.

Jeffrey: Read it and you'll see that it does. Your Honor...

A.D.A.: The circumstances of this case have always been very narrowly interpreted.

Jeffrey: Well, perhaps we can interpret it a little bit more broadly, given that my client's future and, indeed, his life is at stake here.

Judge: It's precedent.

Jeffrey: Thank you, your Honor.

Judge: The motion is granted, Mr. O’Neill. Mr. Lewis's confession is hereby stricken from the record. The jury will disregard it. We'll recess for 20 minutes.

Josh: Nicely done. Counselor, thank you. (Laughs)

Jeffrey: Excuse me.

Billy: Yeah.

Jeffrey: Mr. Hornsby, without the confession, you've got nothing. So let's stop this embarrassment in open court and get Doris to drop the case.

A.D.A.: I'll take it under advisement.

Cassie: Wasn't Jeffrey brilliant? Josh, when we go back in there, you could be a free man. This whole nightmare could be over for good.

Josh: Let's not get ahead of ourselves, okay?

Cassie: Come on, without your confession, their case is shot.

Josh: Cassie...

Cassie: They're going to fold.

Josh: Like I said, let's just not...

Cassie: And even if they don't fold, Jeffrey is going to rip them apart with reasonable doubt. We are winning this thing. You are coming home.

Josh: (Laughing)

Billy: Don't you just hate people that say "I told you so". (Laughter)

Josh: Okay, that was kind of gooey. I think I'm going to go to the restroom. I'll be back.

A.D.A.: You must be feeling pretty good, Mr. Lewis. Without a confession, we don't have much on you.

Josh: Whatever.

A.D.A.: But we still have plenty on your girlfriend. Motive: Revenge. She thinks Alan Spaulding killed her daughter. Means? Seen on tape with a gun in her hand. And she still can't account for her whereabouts that night, can she?

Josh: You got something you want to say to me?

A.D.A.: My boss, Doris Wolfe, wants a conviction. If you walk today, you can bet I'll be going after Ms. Winslow tomorrow.

Cassie: Hey, everything okay?

Josh: Yeah, everything's fine.

Alan-Michael: I told you, Harley, this really isn't necessary.

Harley: Well, you reported a possible burglary. It's my duty to investigate.

Alan-Michael: I was wrong. I misunderstood Reva. You can go now.

Harley: Not until I search every inch of this house, Alan-Michael.

Alan-Michael: I don't want you to. You don't have my permission.

Harley: Actually, I don't need your permission.

Alan-Michael: You either need my permission or a warrant.

Harley: No, I have somebody else's permission to be in the house.

Alan-Michael: Who's?

Harley: Alan-Michael, why don't you save me a lot of trouble and save yourself all of this tap dancing, and just tell me where it is.

Alan-Michael: Where what is?

Harley: The gun used to shoot your father.

Alan-Michael: Excuse me?

Harley: Yeah. We had a tip, an anonymous tip, that it's in this room.

Alan-Michael: That doesn't make any sense. Josh Lewis said he threw it in the lake. What would it be doing in this house?

Reva: Good question.

Alan-Michael: Look, are you arresting her or not?

Harley: You just told me you didn't want me to.

Alan-Michael: I'm calling my lawyer.

Harley: Should do that. Where, where? Is this where you think it is? Where?

Reva: Well, that's what I thought. Oh, Harley, look at the time. Josh's trial, I'm so late already.

Harley: Go, go. You should go. I'll stay here, I'll find that gun, believe me. He was pretty upset...

Reva: He looked really nervous.

Harley: I thought so, too.

Reva: Thank you so much for this. I mean, I know things have been tense between us over Daisy and all of that night, after what I did with Alan...

Harley: Hey, don't say anything. Just go, just go!

Lizzie: Do you think it could have hurt him, being moved like that?

Nurse: We won't know until the doctor checks him out.

Lizzie: I hope it didn't hurt you, Granddad. You know, I really do want you to wake up, so that you can make up for what you did. Especially to Cassie. Then we can all have some peace. I'll be back after the tests. Just take care of him, okay?

Nurse: I need a doctor in here, stat!

Reva: Josh, hey...

Billy: Well, look who decided to show up.

Reva: No, no, no. There's a perfectly good reason why I'm late.

Josh: Uh-huh.

Reva: I found your gun. It's at the Spaulding house. Lizzie Spaulding saw it there in the study. I told Harley...

Cassie: She's at Spaulding’s?

Reva: Yes, she's searching for the gun right now.

Jeffrey: She got a warrant?

Reva: She didn't need it because Lizzie gave her permission.

Josh: Lizzie's sure it's my gun?

Reva: Positive.

Cassie: Jeffrey, I mean, talk about reasonable doubt!

Jeffrey: Well, assuming that she actually finds it.

Cassie: Why wouldn't she?

Jeffrey: Well, whoever hid it could have moved it.

Cassie: Since this morning, no.

Jeffrey: Anything can happen. This is the Spaulding’s we're talking about.

Billy: Yeah, well, even if Harley doesn't find it, Lizzie saw it. She can testify to that.

Jeffrey: Do we trust Lizzie?

Cassie: It's all a reasonable doubt, all of it. You know, we might not even need it. We could go back in there and the case could be dismissed.

Reva: What did you just say?

Billy: Oh, yeah, you missed Jeffrey’s stellar moment. He was superb when he cross examined frank.

Cassie: (Laughing) Yeah, he actually got Josh's confession suppressed.

Reva: Suppressed?

Cassie: Yes.

Reva: You mean...

Cassie: Tossed, as in the other side can't use it.

Reva: Oh, my God.

Billy: Yeah, and now we're thinking they don't have very much on Josh. So, when we go back in there, they may just have to throw in the towel and I'll be buying this guy a champagne cocktail.

Reva: (Laughing) This is great. Josh...

Josh: Yes, it is, it's great. We should get back inside.

Jeffrey: Reva, before you go in, could you give Harley a call and see if she's found anything?

Reva: Absolutely.

Jeffrey: Thank you.

Cassie: Can you believe this? I just have so much hope now.

Josh: Yeah, me, too. But give me a minute with Reva, okay? I'll be right in.

Cassie: Okay.

Josh: Just a second. Do you love me?

Reva: What?

Josh: It's a simple question. I need a simple answer. Do you love me?

Reva: Of course I love you. Why are you asking me this now?

Josh: I need you to do something for me.

Reva: What?

Josh: If this trial continues and Jeffrey puts you on the stand, don't follow the plan. Don't try to make yourself look guilty. Make me look guilty.

Reva: No, but if we all make ourselves look like alternate suspects, then they've got to acquit you.

Josh: Yeah, and R.J. will lose his mother. The A.D.A. pulled me aside earlier and he told me Doris wants a conviction, any conviction. If she can't get me, she'll go after Cassie.

Reva: He said that?

Josh: Yes, exactly that. And they have a strong case against Cassie, Reva. They have video of her holding the gun. She doesn't remember what she did that night. If they go after her, she will go down for this, I'm sure of It.

Cassie: You believe it, don't you? That Josh could be set free? Come on, you believe it?

Jeffrey: We'll see.

Cassie: Thank you for everything you've done for Josh, and for me.

Jeffrey: I owed you. Josh is a good man.

Cassie: Yeah, he is.

Harley: You guys really need to change up your secret hiding spots in this house. Especially with the turnaround in here.

Alan-Michael: I never knew that was there. What a neat little hiding place.

Harley: It is. It's almost the perfect size for a gun.

Alan-Michael: I'd say it's better for my journal or the family jewels.

Harley: It's a joke to you.

Alan-Michael: No. It's a joke that you're here. That you believe anything that Reva says.

Harley: Okay, I could get a warrant to search this entire house, Alan-Michael.

Alan-Michael: On what grounds?

Harley: Doesn't it bother you that Josh could serve serious jail time for this?

Alan-Michael: Not as much as it bothers me that my father may never wake up.

Harley: So that's what this is about.

Alan-Michael: What?

Harley: You're honoring your father by turning into him.

Alan-Michael: You can go now, Harley.

Harley: Thank you. Oh, we're... we're not dropping this.

Alan-Michael: No, we're not. Lizzie!

Lizzie: Yeah?

Alan-Michael: I was just wondering, have you had any heart to heart conversations with Reva lately?

Reva: You remember that set of handcuffs, the plastic ones that Shayne used to have?

Josh: Um, yes, I do. I... I... yeah, he used to sneak up behind you, and if you weren't paying attention, the next thing you knew you were handcuffed to the dining room table or something like that.

Reva: I remember one time dragging a desk chair around for about an hour chasing after him.

Josh: I remember a time when I had a very important meeting in the morning, and I was waiting there at the kitchen sink for my English muffin. And the next thing I knew, bang, I was handcuffed to the drawer and I couldn't get the handcuff off.

Reva: You were so mad. (Laughing) I think he was afraid to come anywhere near you.

Josh: I wasn't that mad.

Reva: Do you remember what he said when he finally showed up with the key?

Josh: Yes, I do. He said he didn't want either one of us to leave ever again. He was locking us up so we'd stay close.

Reva: Where are those cuffs when we need them?

Josh: I have to do this, Reva.

Reva: Harley is going to find that gun. Any minute now, she's going to call and she's going to tell me she found the gun.

Josh: What if it's not enough and they go after Cassie? You love your sister, right?

Reva: You know I do.

Josh: And you say you love me, so I'm asking you, I'm begging you, please, do not help me if you end up on that stand. Help Cassie instead.

Reva: You're throwing your life away.

Josh: I'm... saving hers.

Reva: Don't do that. Don't pull that selfless routine on me. I tried it, remember. I didn't tell you about my cancer, because I wanted to spare you. I pushed you into the arms of my sister. But I still fought. I had operations and I had chemo and I fought. I fought! And you're just giving it all up.

Josh: I'm doing what needs to be done, just like you did. And I'm completely at peace with it, just like you. Are you going to help me or not?

Reva: It's too much. It's too much!

Josh: It's never too much, Reva.

Balif: Court's about to resume. Let's please take your seats. All rise.

Judge: Be seated. Mr. O’Neill?

Jeffrey: Yes, your Honor. Your Honor, it would appear that my client's confession was the linchpin of the prosecution's case. And since that confession has been stricken from the record, may I request at this time that all charges against Mr. Lewis be dropped?

Lizzie: Why was Harley here looking around?

Alan-Michael: I wonder. And I wonder if I looked at the security footage, if I would see her coming in with you.

Lizzie: Okay, how come every time something goes wrong around here, you always blame me?

Alan-Michael: So you didn't tell Reva you saw a gun in this room?

Lizzie: A gun?

Alan-Michael: Lizzie...

Lizzie: Okay, if I had seen a gun and I did say something, would that really be so bad? What is so wrong with wanting to see the right person get punished for shooting granddad.

Alan-Michael: Maybe the right person is.

Lizzie: Okay, who would put a gun in here?

Alan-Michael: It's not really our problem.

Lizzie: It could be anybody who lives here or works here.

Alan-Michael: Or visited or snuck in or wanted to set us up.

Lizzie: You really okay with all of this?

Alan-Michael: No, I'm not okay with any of it.  Alan lying in that bed; our people talking the way they do, like Harley and Frank.

Lizzie: Well, what are you going to do?

Alan-Michael: Do?

Lizzie: They know about the gun?

Alan-Michael: They'll never know it was here.

Lizzie: But...

Alan-Michael: You will forget what you saw, you will not say another word, and you will remember who you are.

Judge: I anticipated your motion, Mr. O’Neill, and after careful review, I've decided to deny it. The trial will continue. Mr. Hornsby, do you have any more witnesses to call?

A.D.A.: No, your Honor, the people rest.

Judge: Then you're up, Mr. O’Neill. Are you ready to proceed?

Jeffrey: Yes, your Honor.

Judge: Call your first witness, please.

Jeffrey: The defense calls Reva Shayne, your Honor.

Bailiff: Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help you God?

Reva: I do.

Next on "Guiding Light"...

A.D.A.: I have to ask you, do you think Josh Lewis could have shot Alan Spaulding?

Alan-Michael: Do you really just expect me to just hop in the sack with you and risk everything I'm building with Ava?

Jeffrey: Alan-Michael was in the hospital the night of the shooting.

Beth: He was faking his injuries. Alan-Michael got to Towers that night on his own two feet.

Ashlee: You're talking about Coop. Just leave him alone.

Lizzie: I am trying to be his friend.

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