Guiding Light Transcript Thursday 3/22/07
Provided by Boo
Proofread by Tanya
Lizzie: Good morning. It's a beautiful day outside. Josh Lewis is going on trial for attempted murder. I think I am supposed to feel relieved but I don’t. I just feel sad for Josh and his family. It's so confusing. I just... I wish that I could block them all out.
Harley: Hey, what are you doing?
Gus: A little something-something for you and Daisy.
Harley: Oh, honey.
Gus: Yeah.
Harley: That's so nice. Aren't you on duty?
Gus: I took a little break. Putting a little album together. I'm tired of you walking around with the same three of four pictures in your wallet. And you've got those other pictures of Daisy from four or five years ago. We've got to put them in. I don't want her to feel left out.
Harley: Did she say she felt left out?
Gus: No, no. Not exactly, no. Cute.
Harley: She's so lucky to have you. I'm lucky.
Gus: I think it's about time she started making some friends her own age, you know?
Daisy: Hey.
Gus and Harley: Oh!
Daisy: What?
Gus: Nothing.
Harley: It was supposed to be a surprise for you from Gus.
Daisy: You did this for me?
Gus: It's something I'm working on. It's easy, I'm learning the hang of it.
Daisy: Oh, thank you.
Gus: You're welcome. You're welcome.
Daisy: Oh.
Gus: I was going for your cheek.
Daisy: Yeah. It's okay.
Gus: No, I'm sorry.
Daisy: It's okay.
Gus: We should... we should go home now.
Daisy: It was no big deal, Gus. Okay.
Harley: No, no, stay like that. Get in close.
Gus: All righty, so...
Billy: This is what we wanted, for Josh to go to trial.
Reva: It's just so frustrating, you know? Josh is lying, Cassie can't remember-- how can Josh save himself and still protect my sister?
Billy: Well, we've got to keep the faith here. We put our minds to it, we can win.
Reva: I just can't help thinking that the truth is out there somewhere.
Beth: You, too, huh?
Alan-Michael: Don't do that.
Beth: Lock the door next time.
Alan-Michael: Yeah, I should know better.
Beth: Nothing to worry about, I suppose. We're the only ones who know Josh's gun is in this house.
Alan-Michael: You're forgetting about the person who planted it in the first place, assuming it's not you.
Beth: Or you. So why were you checking on it?
Alan-Michael: Just making sure no one took it.
Beth: Any plans for the gun?
Alan-Michael: Not if Josh Lewis' trial goes the way it should.
Beth: And what if it doesn't? You'll plant it somewhere.
Alan-Michael: That's not your problem. Just relax. Faking a pregnancy takes a lot out of you.
Beth: Almost as much as faking paralysis.
Alan-Michael: I am just protecting the family. If Josh Lewis has to take the fall, so be it. You're okay with that?
Beth: We both want the same thing.
Alan-Michael: No second thoughts?
Beth: Only about you.
Ava: Hey, have you seen Alan-Michael?
Lizzie: You're his assistant, don't you keep tabs on him?
Ava: I'm not his assistant. Good talking to you.
Lizzie: Wait, don't go in there.
Ava: Why not?
Lizzie: Because I was wondering, um... what are you doing at the company?
Ava: Why?
Lizzie: I was curious because I was thinking of working at Spaulding.
Ava: (Laughs) Well, I'll put in a good word for you.
Beth: Ava! He had a knot.
Lizzie: Oh, I'm sure he did. Under a lot of stress, right Alan-Michael?
Alan-Michael: I do have a lot to think about.
Lizzie: You see, it's very, very stressful protecting our family.
Beth: Lizzie...
Lizzie: I've got to go.
Beth: ... Is something... wait, wait, no, no. What's going on?
Lizzie: Why don't you tell me? Obviously you're very busy here. I won't keep you.
Beth: Did I get it? I mean, the knot. I've been told I have magic hands.
Alan-Michael: Thank you, Beth. Ava can take it from here.
Beth: Oh, I'm sure she can. With a poor man learning how to walk again, we all have to do our part.
Harley: Look at Zach. There, see? Now don't ever tell me that you don't feel like part of this family.
Daisy: We make a good team, don't we, partner?
Gus: Yeah.
Daisy: Ever had a better one?
Harley: You know, about that...
Daisy: What, are you upset, Harley?
Harley: You did a great job, you know, sneaking into Alan’s room and stealing a chart. It's definitely something I would've done.
Daisy: Gee, thanks.
Harley: But, sweetie, I think you need to focus more on A.P. Calculus and Western Civilization and a little less on criminal justice, not that Rick is a criminal.
Daisy: Would you ask my mother how many A.P. courses she took in school? Or, no, better yet, ask her what A.P. stands for.
Harley: Yes, I didn't do well in school and I probably didn't attend as often as I should. But you are a lot smarter now than I was at your age.
Daisy: So I'm supposed to make up for my mistakes and yours? I don't know if I'll live that long.
Harley: I think this is progress. The fact that you insult know my face now...
Gus: Girls, girls, we could do this all day. Honestly, I've got work to do, all right? This issue, the gun that was used to shoot my father is still missing. The thing with Rick, did he really try to keep my father from waking up? I mean, I've got to get back to work, all right, honey?
Daisy: Well, yeah, I want to know, too. I'm going to grab a coffee and then we can go...
Gus: No, no. I'm talking to your mother. Your mother's the detective here, okay? I just...
Daisy: But I can help. I know that I can help.
Gus: No, no. No.
Daisy: Come on, please?
Harley: He said no. And it's study time for you.
Gus: Or it could be fun time maybe.
Harley: What?
Gus: Well, I made a little plan for you.
Daisy: Plan?
Gus: Yeah. Just, you know, so you'd feel more like part of this family.
Billy: I think it's a great idea Gus has putting us together with our favorite granddaughter.
Buzz: Are you free for the afternoon?
Daisy: Yeah. Yup, I think so.
Billy: Well, that's good because we cleared our whole afternoon.
Daisy: You didn't have to do that.
Buzz: Well, you know, we haven't had a chance to see you since you got back, so we thought we'd make a day of it, huh?
Daisy: Oh, yeah. Yeah, okay.
Buzz: So, you like bowling?
Daisy: You know, I have not been bowling in the longest time.
Buzz: But do you like it?
Daisy: I guess. (Laughter)
Billy: Come on, wait, she doesn't want to go bowling with her grandfathers.
Buzz: Why not?
Billy: Can you believe this guy?
Buzz: Okay, what plans do you have?
Billy: I thought we'd see a movie.
Buzz: Oh, that's a great idea. We all sit together in the dark and don't talk to each other. That sort of defeats the purpose, don't you think?
Billy: Hey, John Wayne festival.
Buzz: Oh, my...
Daisy: Who's John Wayne?
Billy: Du.. Jo... John Wayne’s the duke. You're going to love him.
Buzz: It's going to be a long nap in a squeaky chair.
Billy: What's wrong with you?
Daisy: Okay, guys...
Buzz: I happen to be living in this century, that's what's wrong with me.
Billy: Oh, right, bowling, very hip. Very hip.
Buzz: You're afraid, aren't you? You're afraid I'm going to embarrass you in front of your granddaughter.
Billy: You couldn't even pick up a 6/7 spare.
Buzz: You and balls, it's always the problem.
Daisy: Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, okay, what time's the movie.
Billy: That's my girl.
Buzz: What movie is it?
Buzz: We're going to see "The Searchers."
Buzz: Of course.
Billy: It's a western classic.
Daisy: What's it about?
Billy: Well, it's about a pilgrim girl who gets captured by the Comanche and she gets taken away from her family.
Daisy: Lucky girl. (Laughs)
Beth: We're the only ones who know Josh's gun is in house.
Alan-Michael: You're forgetting about the person who planted it in the first place, assuming it's not you.
Beth: Or you.
Reva: Worried? Are you kidding? I'm glad you finally came out swinging. I mean, it's about time. And with everybody in your corner, you're going to flatten Doris Wolfe and her flunky. I am confident and you should be, too, Joshua. Okay. Well, tell Cassie I said hi.
Lizzie: I didn't mean to...
Reva: It's okay. I'm just...
Lizzie: Scared?
Reva: Yeah.
Lizzie: I thought Josh cut a deal. It's over, right?
Reva: Yeah, well, things change. The deal now is ten years and so if he loses the trial then...
Lizzie: You could lose the man you love forever.
Reva: He's with Cassie now.
Lizzie: That doesn't change your feelings. I mean, Jonathan was my ex and I still miss him and Sarah every day. I'm sorry. Wow, okay, I shouldn't have brought that up. You have enough to worry about without me adding to it.
Reva: Lizzie...
Lizzie: I just feel so guilty, you know? So responsible.
Gus: (Whistles)
Harley: Honey...
Gus: That's right. Here you go.
Harley: What about work? What about Josh's gun? What about the mysterious sedative? We could split up. We could actually accomplish something.
Gus: How many times are we actually kid free, huh? Kid free!
Harley: Not often.
Gus: That's right. So, I'd like to take full advantage of the situation. I was going to take that.
Harley: Don't you feel at all guilty?
Gus: Guilty? The station got me a free hotel room for the night. Are you kidding? I'm going to splurge, I'm a cop.
Harley: We have beds at home. We have multiple beds all over the house.
Gus: And at home we have been interrupted, right? Interrupted because people know where we are. Nobody knows that we're here.
Harley: Nobody?
Gus: Nobody, know what I'm saying?
Harley: That's a very good point.
Gus: Thank you very much, I appreciate that. (Door slams)
Harley: Honey? You know, if we had Sydney, there's no way we could...
Gus: Why are you going to bring that up? Hurt my feelings?
Harley: No, no, no...
Gus: She's got a good family...
Harley: She's in a great family...
Gus: ...She's in a great place...
Harley: ...She's in a great place.
Gus: ...Going to be raised well. Who could ask more than that?
Harley: I could. I could ask for a small thing.
Gus: Like what?
Harley: Like a daughter that doesn't hate me.
Gus: Your daughter doesn't hate you. She loves you.
Harley: Like a prisoner loves her guard. Like a beaten dog loves her owner.
Gus: Did you bring the handcuffs?
Harley: Hon, I've got to... I need to...
Gus: I understand. But, you know, the time, we've got an objective to meet.
Harley: But I can't reach my objective unless I vent. You know how I get distracted and then I can’t...
Gus: Go ahead. Vent, vent, vent.
Harley: The thing is I feel like Daisy has been unsupervised for way too long. That's my fault. I should never have sent her away to school. Big mistake.
Gus: Yes, but she got an education and she became very responsible.
Harley: Please don't make jokes now, this is my session, right?
Gus: No, right, I understand. Okay. Well, she's going through a phase, teenage phase.
Harley: I know plenty of teenagers who don't give their parents a lick of trouble.
Gus: Uh-huh. Name one. Hmm?
Harley: Tammy Winslow. Great kid, that Tammy.
Gus: Tammy Winslow married her juvenile delinquent cousin. That's not good. And at the end there she was at her mother's throat for months.
Harley: Marina. That's a bad one.
Gus: Uh-huh.
Harley: But the thing is Daisy has such a good relationship with you.
Gus: That's because I'm good times Gus. You're mommy.
Harley: You want to trade?
Gus: I ain't got no hips.
Harley: So you're saying I'm just going to have to wait this out? Is that what you're saying in? No matter how long it takes I'm just going to have to wait the whole thing out.
Gus: Not that long. Ten or 20 years.
Harley: Ten or 20 years?
Gus: Ten or 20 years. Honey, look at the time. We have the objective to meet.
Harley: Oh, God.
Daisy: See, wasn't that more fun than bowling or seeing a movie?
Buzz: Oh, fun.
Billy: I'm telling you something, girl, you can really shop. I mean, you put your Aunt Melinda Sue to shame.
Daisy: Well, thanks, you guys because I needed summer clothes like crazy.
Buzz: And it's just three months away!
Billy: Now, Grandpa, stop it.
Buzz: You fell asleep when she was in the changing room.
Billy: I was resting my...
Buzz: Your mouth was open and you were drooling.
Daisy: Okay guys, just a couple more stops.
Buzz: Hey, you know what? Why don't we take an ice cream break.
Billy: Good. Sounds good to me.
Daisy: I can’t. I've had my sugar for the week.
Buzz: No, we've got sugar free. I could use some.
Billy: Yeah.
Daisy: What is this?
Billy: It's a little something I got for you when you weren't looking.
Daisy: Did you see me looking at this?
Billy: Did I? Yeah, I did.
Daisy: Thank you!
Billy: I know you don't want to be out shopping with us old fogies. That's just something to take your mind off while you're out here.
Daisy: What are you talking about? I love hanging out with you and Buzz.
Billy: Oh, come on. If you had your choice...
Daisy: Well, I'm here, aren't I?
Billy: Good girl.
Daisy: I wish Harley felt that way. She won't let me do anything. She won't even let my do my driving test.
Billy: Well, maybe she's just looking out for you, that's all.
Buzz: Here you go.
Billy: Oh, geez!
Buzz: Oh, sorry.
Billy: You scooped on my shoe.
Buzz: Yeah. Tracy has a rag over there. It's like I never waited tables before here. Watch it.
Daisy: Well, nobody's perfect, right? (Laughs)
Buzz: I don't know, I think you come pretty darn close.
Daisy: Yeah, right, even after all that stuff that happened?
Buzz: You make mistakes, you move on.
Daisy: Well, I wish Harley felt that way.
Buzz: She wants to trust you, you've just got to earn it.
Daisy: And when that's going to happen? When I'm 50?
Buzz: Look, you know right from wrong, do your best, she sees you trying and that's that.
Daisy: Grandpa knows best, right?
Buzz: Once in a very blue moon. Eat up.
Daisy: Okay.
Alan-Michael: Your timing couldn't have been better.
Ava: Oh, I don't know. Looked like you and Beth were spending some quality time together.
Alan-Michael: Please.
Ava: She looked like she was enjoying herself.
Alan-Michael: Can I help it she has excellent taste?
Ava: P.R. sent this over. I looked at it, I just need you to sign off on it.
Alan-Michael: Okay.
Beth: I seem to have lost an earring. Ava, would you mind giving me a hand looking for it?
Ava: I haven't seen it.
Beth: Well, I was by Alan-Michael's chair. Alan-Michael?
Alan-Michael: No, I don't know.
Ava: Maybe it's in the hallway.
Beth: I looked. But a second set of eyes would really help.
Ava: I'm really busy.
Alan-Michael: It's okay, I'll be a minute with this anyway.
Beth: I'd really appreciate it.
Ava: Of course. You had it all along.
Beth: What did you say to Lizzie? She seemed upset.
Ava: Nothing, and why didn't you ask me when we were in there?
Beth: Because I was afraid you'd create a scene and, quite frankly, I wasn't sure you'd tell me the truth.
Ava: Maybe Lizzie’s upset with you for groping your son-in-law.
Beth: Former son-in-law.
Ava: Are you finished?
Beth: No. Ava, I'm assuming now that Alan-Michael is walking again that you'll be moving out.
Ava: It's really none of your business, but he did ask me if I wanted to stay on.
Beth: And you're going to?
Ava: Yes.
Beth: You're very brave. I don't know, you know, being the topic of all that gossip at work.
Ava: Gossip?
Beth: Yes. Yes, well, you know how people hate it when you work the boss. I don't know if I could take it.
Ava: Why are you threatened by me?
Beth: I'm not. I was you once-- young, innocent, dazzled by all of this. People have a tendency to underestimate you.
Ava: Thank you for your concern.
Beth: I'm sure it won't change you.
Ava: No, it won’t.
Beth: Maybe you'll turn out just like Olivia.
Reva: I can't even imagine what it's like to see them lead Josh away in cuffs.
Lizzie: He's a really good guy, huh?
Reva: The best. There should be more like him. The world would be a much better place.
Lizzie: Instead there's only a few Josh’s.
Reva: And a lot of people like us.
Lizzie: And my family.
Reva: You get used to it, you know? Having someone there to take care of you when things go so wrong.
Lizzie: My dad used to do that. That's why it was so scary when he was the one that needed help.
Reva: I think about them, our kids, and Cassie and everything she lost.
Lizzie: You know, I miss Tammy, too. I mean, I know that you guys probably don't believe that, but I do.
Reva: No, I believe you.
Lizzie: You know, I think about what I did and I never wanted her to get hurt and I could have stopped it or I could have tried harder. But I love my granddad. But Josh...
Reva: Lizzie, do you know something? Something that could help him?
Lizzie: I don’t... I don't know what I'm saying.
Reva: I think you do. Lizzie, you helped me keep my secret when I was sick because you understood.
Lizzie: Yeah, because you loved him. And you still do.
Reva: Yeah, and I want to save him this time.
Lizzie: You know, I wanted Jonathan to love me like that.
Reva: What's important is that you loved him that much. It's not your fault that he loved Tammy just like it's not in my place to tell Josh he shouldn't love Cassie.
Lizzie: Okay, but what if I'm not as good as you are? What if I'm too selfish?
Reva: Lizzie, there's always another chance. Another chance-- you have it in you, I've seen it.
Lizzie: I want to try. I don't want to end up like my granddad, shot by...
Reva: Lizzie?
Lizzie: The gun that shot my granddad, Josh's gun, I know where it is.
Reva: You saw Alan-Michael and your mother with a gun?
Lizzie: The gun, the antique one. It was silver with a brown handle.
Reva: H.B.'s gun?
Lizzie: Yeah.
Reva: Josh said he threw hit in the lake.
Lizzie: I don't know. I mean, he would have said anything if he thought he was protecting Cassie, right?
Reva: I don't know. None of this makes any sense unless...
Lizzie: My mom didn't do it!
Reva: I know, I'm not saying that.
Lizzie: I don't think that Alan-Michael did it, either.
Reva: The gun is in your house. I'm not trying to accuse anyone, but...
Lizzie: Maybe... maybe Josh hid it there.
Reva: You know he didn't shoot Alan.
Lizzie: Okay, Cassie. Oh, I shouldn't have even said anything. I don't even know. I don't know what I'm talking about. I might be wrong.
Reva: But you don't think you are.
Lizzie: I don't want to hurt my family.
Reva: Lizzie, if it was somebody in your family who shot him, wouldn't you want to know?
Lizzie: I'm not sure.
Reva: You did the right thing.
Lizzie: I'm not sure about that, either.
Reva: No, you did. This was a difficult decision. It was. But you know that you didn't hide that gun. You didn't shoot your grandfather and neither did Josh. And if this... if this helps us get to the truth, then you need to be proud of yourself, Lizzie. You need to. I am. I'm so proud of you. Thank you. Thank you.
Gus: (Laughs) Whoo!
Harley: Okay, work can wait.
Gus: Yes. You know, research shows that cops do their best work after a little break in the action.
Harley: (Laughs) What research is that?
Gus: Research I'm conducting right at this moment. (Cell phone ringing)
Harley: I don't see anything.
Gus: One ringy-dingy. Two ring... if you answer that, I will kill you. I will kill you.
Harley: Get it. What if it's about the kids? Hello?
Billy: Harley?
Harley: What's Daisy done now?
Billy: Nothing, she's been a real sweetheart.
Harley: Oh, I'm sure she has.
Billy: You know, I think she just needs a little encouragement.
Daisy: What do you think?
Buzz: Very cool. Of course, I helped pick it out.
Daisy: Oh. Well, then, you have good taste too.
Buzz: I have good taste. I got something for you from myself here.
Daisy: What?
Buzz: Group. Quarterback.
Daisy: (Laughs) I think you mean Nickelback.
Buzz: Close enough. Do you want to go?
Daisy: Uh, yeah.
Billy: Hold on a second. I think Daisy would make a good driver.
Harley: Did she put you up to this?
Billy: Hey, if you're worried about the car, I'll buy it, no problem.
Harley: Yes, problem. No car, no driving, no driving lessons. Not until she proves herself to be responsible. I already told her that. Now I'm telling you that. Now you tell her that. Hey, I'm really stressed out here. Come on, let's get busy.
Daisy: Oh, thank you, you did really good with these tickets. You know, I'm just not sure you're going to really like them.
Buzz: Maybe you'd rather take a hot guy from school, is that it?
Ava: Okay, I just need you to initial right here.
Alan-Michael: So official.
Ava: You know I take my job seriously. (Laughs) Ow!
Alan-Michael: Me, too.
Ava: (Laughs) Oh, Mr. Spaulding, what would people say?
Alan-Michael: You don't really care, do you?
Ava: Well, Beth seems to think I should.
Alan-Michael: You're listening to Beth now?
Ava: She didn't give me much of a choice.
Alan-Michael: Well, look, forget about her. She's just bored, stirring up trouble is her only way of getting attention.
Ava: She's really good at it, too.
Alan-Michael: She wasn't always that way.
Ava: Do you think this place-- this family-- changes you?
Alan-Michael: What are you talking about?
Ava: Nothing. I was just joking around.
Alan-Michael: Did Beth say something to you?
Ava: No, I'm just being silly. Never mind.
Beth: Lizzie, what's going on? I'm worried about you.
Lizzie: Mom, I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry.
(Cell phone ringing)
Harley: Wait. Honey, wait. Wait. I've got to get that. Daddy?
Buzz: I was talking to Daisy and...
Harley: I said no! Where were we?
Gus: Get dressed.
Harley: Where were we?
Gus: It's over.
Harley: No!
Gus: Yes.
Harley: Oh, no.
Gus: Uh-huh. Next time, baby.
Harley: When will that be?
Gus: I don't know. I'm going to have to ask my wife. Okay. Love you. Whoa! Hey!
Reva: I need your help.
Gus: Yeah, well, I'm running but Harley, she's right there. I told you nobody knew we were here.
Harley: How in the world did you find me?
Reva: Never mind that. Josh's gun is at the Spaulding house.
Harley: Wait, the gun that Josh used to shoot Alan is at the Spaulding house?
Reva: Let's go get it.
Beth: Tell me what's going on.
Lizzie: Okay, Mom, I can't, okay? You'll hate me.
Beth: No, I won’t. You're my daughter, I love you. You know that.
Lizzie: Okay. People are supposed to tell the truth, right?
Beth: Yes, yes.
Lizzie: And that hasn't come so easily for me.
Beth: Well, you've gotten better at it.
Lizzie: Are you kidding?
Beth: You've tried. That's what's important.
Lizzie: Okay, well, I did more than try this time, okay, and it's horrible and I may have ruined everything.
Beth: Lizzie, what did you do?
Lizzie: I thought that I could make the terrible things go away. I thought that I could feel better but I don’t. I feel awful. Oh, my God, what have I done? I ruin everything that I touch. I'm toxic. This has to be genetic.
Beth: You just need to calm down and tell me what's going on.
Lizzie: I miss Jonathan and Sarah so much, Mom.
Beth: I know you do.
Lizzie: I just wanted all of the guilt and all of the pain to go away.
Beth: Okay, okay, I want you to stop right there.
Lizzie: Mom, I have to...
Beth: No, no, no. Don't say anything else to me, not now. We have all made mistakes, that's not what is important. What is important is how we rebound and I'm going to keep you safe, okay? I'm not going to let anyone push us aside-- not Doris, not Ava, not anyone. We are the family, you and me and your brother. And I'm going to do whatever I have to do to protect you. I love you. I love you so much. Don't you worry about anything. Don't you worry.
Harley: I need speak to Judge Parker now. Well, when will he be back? I'll try then. Yes.
Reva: You didn't get it?
Harley: He's at lunch.
Reva: Well, so call another judge. We need that search warrant.
Harley: No, I have a really good relationship with Judge Parker, okay? That's our best shot here. A half hour isn't going to make a difference, Reva.
Reva: You hope!
Harley: Listen to me, I have to prepare you. This might not turn out the way that you're hoping. Lizzie is not the most reliable witness in the world. And don't forget, the D.A. is now a Spaulding.
Reva: I'll track the judge down.
Harley: And do what? Threaten him? Seduce him?
Reva: Well, what am I supposed to do, Harley? I need to get a look in that house.
Harley: Calm down, okay? You're supposed to... calm down, talk to Jeffrey and Mel, tell them everything that you know. I'll talk to Frank and we'll figure this out.
Ava: Perfect. Thank you. I will just fax this over right away.
Alan-Michael: Ava, I want you to be sure about us. I'll do whatever it takes.
Ava: Okay. How about we start with the date we missed at Ashlee’s party.
Alan-Michael: Yeah, we can do that. I've got physical therapy this afternoon. Why don't you meet me in my room afterwards, we'll leave from there.
Ava: That sounds great.
Gus: Well, if Lizzie knows where Josh's gun is.
Harley: Then the shooter could be somebody in your family, if we believe anything Lizzie says.
Gus: Why would she lie about something like that?
Harley: Why would she do most of the outrageous entitled spoiled things that she does?
Gus: I'm going to need to talk to her.
Harley: Good, you talk to her, I'll talk to the judge.
Gus: Yeah. (Sighs)
Harley: If the shooter is somebody in your family, hon...
Gus: If the shooter was somebody in my family that would make perfect sense.
Harley: Perfect sense.
Gus: Thank God for you and the kids. You're all the family I need, baby.
Daisy: So you think that Buzz is really going to teach me how to ride his motorcycle?
Billy: You know, I'll teach you to drive a car and I've got to choice of two. What do you think about that deal?
Alan-Michael: You're early. I figured we could have a little pre-date celebration before we go out.
Reva: I will not let you and your screwed up family take Josh's life away from him. I won't let you.
Gus: Hey.
Daisy: Hi.
Gus: How you doing?
Daisy: Good.
Gus: How was your... oh, hi. Yeah, I've been on hold... I'm sorry, I forgot what I was on hold for. My partner, Detective Cooper, called over there looking for Judge Parker about an hour ago and he was at lunch, I was wondering if he got back yet. Yeah. Yeah. Uh-huh.
Lizzie: Pour me one of those while you're at it?
Ava: Please?
Lizzie: I'll do it myself.
Ava: Do you remember when my mom used to live here?
Lizzie: (Laughs) How could I forget? She made our lives a living hell, first with my granddad and then with my dad.
Ava: I'm not like her.
Lizzie: Yeah, well, I'm not like mine, either.
Beth: I knew you'd come around. We have so much in common: Our shared secrets, our love/hate relationship with Alan, our determination to save this family at all costs.
Alan-Michael: Damn it, Beth! There's never going to be anything between us.
Beth: If you're worried about Alan, if he comes out of the coma, we can still remain loyal to him while we...
Alan-Michael: There is no "we." Now, please, get out of here.
Beth: I can be so much more than a lover to you. And do you really want me as an enemy?
Alan-Michael: Spare me.
Beth: I hope she's worth it.
(Doorbell rings)
Reva: Okay, Alan, this is it, you're my ticket into that house and hopefully Josh's ticket out of prison.
Next on "Guiding Light."
Alan-Michael: Dad? He's home.
Reva: Don't mind if I do.
Lizzie: Reva told you?
Harley: Of course she told me. Now why don't you tell me everything you know about how that gun wound up in your house?
Josh: Are you going to sacrifice yourselves for me? You're going to implicate yourselves so you go to jail and I don't have to go to jail?
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