Guiding Light Transcript Tuesday 3/20/07
Provided by Boo
Proofread by Tanya
Reva: Well, it's long enough. Two years away from our kids and R.J. and Cassie. Yes, I understand why Josh would take the deal, but... when? Well, there must be something... tomorrow? No. I'll talk to you tomorrow. I don't know. I'll talk to you whenever.
Daisy: Reva? Are you okay? I'll get some...
Reva: Oh, no. No, sweetie. No, no, no. I'm fine.
Daisy: You don't look fine.
Reva: I just... I got some bad news.
Daisy: Are you sick again?
Reva: Oh, no. No, no, no, no.
Daisy: No?
Reva: I'm here to pick up a prescription.
Daisy: Okay. Well, then why do you look so upset?
Reva: I love you, kid.
Daisy: Okay, but Reva, what's wrong? I mean, can I help?
Reva: You just did. I need more of this.
Gus: Are you coming in here?
Harley: Why, is Alan asking for me?
Gus: That's cute. That's very cute.
Harley: I'm on hold.
Gus: Why don't you just have her paged?
Harley: I don't want her to know I'm looking for her.
Gus: You are looking for her. That's exactly what you're doing.
Harley: I know, but I don't know what's going on. I don't know if she's on probation. Is this part-time? Is it full-time?
Gus: Do you need to know exactly how she got the job?
Harley: I'm her mother. I have questions.
Gus: Okay, okay, okay. I don't know, maybe he's faking it.
Harley: Well, there's one way to find out.
Marina: Police. Hands in the air. Now turn around slowly.
Cyrus: Hello again.
Marina: You. What are you doing here?
Cyrus: Would you believe me if I told you I was the fire inspector?
Marina: That depends. Would you believe me if I told you this gun was loaded with paint balls?
Cyrus: Well, this is a new shirt. I don't think I'll take my chances.
Marina: Good idea.
Cyrus: Can I at least put my hands down?
Marina: Sure. Put them on the table where I can see them.
Cyrus: You mind pointing that gun somewhere else? Your hands look a little unsteady.
Marina: Oh, they're steady enough.
Cyrus: For you, maybe.
Marina: I don't think I'd come any closer.
Cyrus: Want to shoot me now, missy?
Marina: You really think that your finger can stop the bullet?
Cyrus: I'm pretty fierce.
Marina: I'm sure you are.
Cyrus: You know, this really isn't necessary, Officer...
Marina: Detective Cooper.
Cyrus: Detective? Impressive.
Marina: And you're Cyrus Foley.
Cyrus: Do I know you?
Marina: Interpol sent over your resume. It's pretty impressive. You're practically a legend, a regular Clyde Barrow.
Cyrus: Bonnie and Clyde, right? I always liked that film.
Marina: Didn't end so well for him.
Cyrus: Oh, I don't know. They go down in a hail of bullets. There are worse ways to go.
Marina: Like what?
Cyrus: Rotting in prison. I won't go back.
Marina: You say that like you have a choice.
Cyrus: There's always a choice, as long as you're willing to get paint balls on your new shirt.
Marina: How do you feel about handcuffs, Cyrus?
Cyrus: They're not really my thing, but...
Marina: You're under arrest.
Cyrus: For what?
Marina: Oh, robbing a jewelry store. And I just caught you in the act, breaking and entering.
Cyrus: No, no, I'm a guest. My friend Didi-- excuse me, Dinah Marler-- lives here. I was just leaving her a note.
Marina: Oh, you were writing it with that piece of jewelry, then?
Cyrus: Oh, you're clever. What's your first name, Detective?
Marina: I don't see why that matters.
Cyrus: Then why not tell me?
Marina: Marina.
Cyrus: Marina. I like that. I'm ready for my handcuffs now, Marina.
(Cell phone ringing)
Dinah: Come on, let it go to voice mail.
Mallet: Hold on, it might be the station.
Dinah: No, I challenge you. Please. Mallet! Stop. Don't do that.
Mallet: You don't call. You don't write.
Dinah: What?
Remy: You hired me to visit your pal from prison, okay?
Dinah: Yeah, well, I unhired you. Plans changed.
Remy: Well, last time I saw you, you...
Dinah: Something came up.
Mallet: Is he still a threat?
Dinah: I don't want you worrying about him. I will call you. I promise.
Mallet: Why are you going to call me? I'm right here.
Dinah: Because I've got to leave.
Mallet: Why?
Dinah: It's cold, hon.
Mallet: What's up, Remy? Here, take my jacket.
Dinah: No, I don't want your jacket. No, I want to go home. It doesn't match my outfit. Now, come on, take me home, and warm me up there.
Mallet: All right. Oh, Remy, Frank just called. He's looking for you.
Remy: Did he say why?
Dinah: Yeah, ask Frank. Bye, Remy.
Daisy: But there must be some other way out of it. I mean, it's Josh.
Reva: Yeah, it's Josh. Two years in jail. It's going to be hard on Cassie.
Daisy: It's going to be hard on you.
Reva: Yeah. Look at you. You look like...
Daisy: A peppermint?
Reva: No, no. You look darling. I just... this isn't exactly something that I would think you'd go in for.
Daisy: Yeah, well, guess whose idea it was?
Reva: Of course.
Daisy: Yeah. Yeah, she throws me in jail, and then she forces me to get this job that pays nothing. I think I liked it better when she was a long-distance mom.
Reva: No, you don’t. I like the outfit.
Daisy: Really? I think it's humiliating.
Reva: No, it's noble. Besides, you never know, you may pick up one of those hot young doctors around here.
Daisy: Oh, yeah, or I might just pick up some horrible infectious disease.
Reva: Now, there's the spirit. I like that, and I love you. And I've got to get running, so... oh, you know what? Actually, I have something that I've been carrying around with me that I meant to give to you, but I really didn't know when I might get the chance to spend time with you again. So here, that's for you.
Daisy: Oh, pictures.
Reva: Yeah, I downloaded a bunch of those from that web site. They are of your dad and of your cousins at holidays, Christmas, special occasions, that sort of thing. I just thought you might like it.
Daisy: Yeah. Yeah, I do, thanks.
Reva: Could you not mention to your mom that we were hanging out together?
Daisy: Why?
Reva: Well, just because it's been kind of tense between Harley and me. And I don't want to give her any ammunition that might make her think that I'm coming between the two of you.
Daisy: Yeah, sure, no problem.
Reva: Yeah, see you later.
Daisy: Bye.
Gus: Honey, I don't really think that Frank would appreciate us if he found out that we were trying to stab a man who's lying here in a coma.
Harley: There's no us. I'll protect you from this. Here, hold this.
Gus: What are you doing? What are you doing?
Harley: I'll just use something a little duller.
Gus: What did I just say to you? What did I... what were the words that just came out of my mouth?
Harley: Sorry. Is it wrong to stab your father if he's in a coma?
Gus: It doesn't even feel like my father lying here right now.
Harley: I know, sweetie. Ah!
Gus: He's good.
Harley: He's good.
Gus: I hope that didn't leave a mark.
Harley: You know, I wouldn't blame him for faking a coma, because a coma is a nice, safe place to be when your family is falling apart and...
Gus: Maybe him waking up and then going right back to sleep meant nothing. Maybe everybody's right. Maybe Rick was just trying to stabilize his condition.
Harley: Those are possibilities, and I'd like to talk to Rick more about that, but he's avoiding my calls. We should go.
Gus: Yeah, I'll be right there.
Harley: Gus Aitoro, my love.
Gus: Yeah, I'm coming.
Harley: Hi, Daisy. Anything new?
Daisy: Can you ask her what she means by that?
Gus: Just how the job is going and, you know, what kind of hours do you have, and who do you report to? You know.
Daisy: Tell her that it's the head nurse, and it's full-time.
Gus: Full-time?
Daisy: Yeah-- well, basically any time that I'm not in school.
Gus: That's great.
Harley: That's great.
Daisy: Can you ask her what's so great about it?
Gus: What's so great about it?
Harley: Because it's her first job, you know? She learns some responsibility. You could learn more about yourself. Honey, you could decide you want a career in medicine. We could look up premed schools-- or not. Anyway, it's going to help you get direction. That's the most important thing.
Daisy: Yeah, but what about the outfit?
Harley: Adorable.
Gus: I think you look good.
Harley: Love it.
Gus: It's attractive.
Daisy: Really? I hate stripes. Prison stripes, candy stripes. I mean, don't touch that.
Harley: Why, what is it?
Daisy: It's nothing. It's a gift from Reva, just family photos. With everything going on...
Harley: Why, what's going on?
Daisy: She just wanted me to know that I'm loved.
Harley: That's what Reva said, that she wanted you to feel loved?
Daisy: Pretty much.
Harley: Well, pretty much, or that's what she said?
Daisy: That's what she meant.
Harley: What were the words that she used, that came out of her mouth?
Daisy: It was something very similar to that. I wasn't taking notes.
Harley: Wait. Listen to me. Wait. We have a lot to talk about, and since you are actually talking to me at this moment, why don't we go somewhere where we can get everything out in the hope?
Daisy: Will you tell her that I can't, because of this job that she stuck me with? I'll be late, and then I'll get fired, and I don't know what the prison time for that is, but I should really get going.
Harley: Daisy...
Gus: Wait, wait, wait. Can you hang out for a little, or do you have to work right now? What time do you...
Daisy: Yes, right now. This place is just full of sick people, and they all need their bed pans cleaned.
Gus: Bed pans.
Harley: I don't know what to do. I mean, this girl is impossible. Nothing I do is right.
Gus: I'm going down to the station, and I'm thinking maybe you should come with me and we'll hang out. We'll have a coffee, we'll kick some ideas around, try to make some plan of things we haven't tried.
Harley: We had a plan. We tried prison, and that didn't work.
Gus: Yes, we tried prison. I don't know.
Harley: I can't stay here. I've got to go.
Gus: Is that a no? Hello?
Remy: Hey, Diaz. Nice. Tammy's dead, and Josh goes to jail. I shot Alan myself.
Cop: What's going on here?
Frank: Get him out of here. Lock him up.
Diaz: I got him.
Frank: Get in there. Are you all right?
Remy: Yeah.
Frank: Thanks.
Remy: Mallet said you're looking for me?
Frank: Yeah, I talked to the Commissioner the other day, and after I tell him about this, it shouldn't be a problem.
Remy: What?
Frank: About getting your job back.
Remy: Keep it.
Dinah: See? Wasn't that better than a movie?
Mallet: Well, it's getting better than a movie.
Dinah: You know what? Housekeeping could have left that open. Okay, I'm going to go tell someone.
Mallet: No, wait, wait, wait.
Dinah: No.
Mallet: We could be getting robbed.
Dinah: I'm going to call the cops.
Mallet: For the love of Pete, I am the cops.
Dinah: Well, we're going to talk to a backup. Come on. No, I don't want you going in there.
Mallet: Okay. Everything's in place, right? Nothing out of the ordinary?
Dinah: It's good. It looks good.
Mallet: All right. So maybe it was housekeeping. Did we leave it open?
Dinah: Sure. I mean, it could have been us. Yeah.
Mallet: All right.
Dinah: Okay. Where were we?
Mallet: We were going up in the elevator.
Dinah: Yes, we were. (Knocking at door) I can't believe it.
Mallet: No, it could be the hotel. They want to apologize.
Dinah: Okay, they're forgiven.
Mallet: It could be more mints on the pillow. It could be more towels in the bathroom. They will owe us.
Dinah: Oh, you and your mints.
Marina: This one belong to you?
Mallet: What is this?
Marina: I caught him in your room. He was going through Dinah’s stuff.
Cyrus: I wasn't doing anything that...
Marina: Hey. That right to remain silent? I was taking him down to the station, and we saw you guys in the parking lot. He won't shut up about knowing Dinah, so I brought him up.
Mallet: You know this guy?
Dinah: I don't think so.
Mallet: I know this guy.
Dinah: You do?
Marina: Yeah, it's our friend, Cyrus Foley. Just got out of prison, wanted for crimes on three continents.
Cyrus: Suspected. I'm not wanted for.
Mallet: Interpol sent us his file. Wow, Marina, good job. Take him down to the station.
Dinah: Cyrus. Cyrus. I can't believe it. I didn't recognize you. Come here, you nut. It's been years.
Cyrus: Ages.
Dinah: Don't mess this up form me. I can't believe you're here.
Cyrus: I'm here.
Dinah: I mean, it's been so long. It took me a second.
Cyrus: Yeah, well, I changed my hair.
Dinah: Oh, that's it.
Cyrus: That'll be it.
Dinah: That's it.
Mallet: How well do you know this guy?
Cyrus: Very, very well.
Dinah: Well, not like that. (Laughs)
Marina: What do you want me to do?
Mallet: Come on in.
Dinah: He means we were partners.
Cyrus: In crime.
Mallet: Great.
Dinah: Ages ago.
Cyrus: Yeah, ages.
Marina: So you've said.
Dinah: We knew each other in Europe when I was on the run, before I was arrested. Mallet knows all about that.
Cyrus: Mallet, we haven't been properly introduced.
Dinah: This is my boyfriend Mallet.
Cyrus: I would shake your hand, but...
Mallet: Keep him cuffed.
Cyrus: All right then.
Dinah: Mallet has helped me turn my life around, and I have been on the right side of the law ever since. I have been there, and I am planning to stay there.
Cyrus: It's a shame, really, someone with your kind of talent just walking away?
Mallet: That's not the kind of talk we like to hear from international criminals.
Marina: Especially people straight out of prison.
Dinah: Mallet's a detective. He's very good at what he does, Cyrus.
Mallet: Yeah. And she's my police partner.
Cyrus: Oh, you're partners, we're partners.
Dinah: Were partners.
Cyrus: These are chafing.
Marina: Don't want cuffs? Don't steal things.
Cyrus: Well, I'm here more as a guest now, aren't I?
Dinah: Cyrus, you know what? Let's get to the point.
Cyrus: Right. Well, what I was saying about Didi-- sorry, Dinah-- was more out of professional respect. You know, I won't make a run for it. I'm sure she's told you how good she was.
Dinah: No, I didn’t. I wasn't that good.
Marina: Hey, smiley face.
Dinah: What about the smiley face?
Marina: You know the rumor, that evil smiley face that we saw, the one that was on Dinah’s file? I found one at the store.
Mallet: Yeah, right, when her bank account was hacked.
Cyrus: I wouldn't know anything about that.
Mallet: Nobody said you did.
Marina: Yet.
Mallet: Okay, right. Okay, so tell me, Cletus-- I mean, Cyrus-- what are you doing here?
Cyrus: Well, can we get rid of these cuffs first?
Mallet: No, no, no. What is it you want from here?
Cyrus: Your girlfriend.
Gus: Look at you, lying there all helpless. You know, I just stopped Harley from stabbing you. I hope you appreciate it. I'm not here trying to protect you for some reason. It's funny how parents just screw you up. But then, I guess none of us got enough love as children.
Daisy: Gus.
Gus: What are you doing in your street clothes?
Daisy: I...
Gus: You just told you mother and me that you were working.
Daisy: I did?
Gus: Yes, you did, yeah.
Daisy: Huh. My bad.
Reva: Hey.
Harley: Hey.
Reva: What's up?
Harley: I was just getting something to eat.
Reva: Yeah, me too. Okay, well...
Harley: Reva. Reva, I'm so sorry about Josh.
Reva: Oh, yeah, well, we'll see what happens.
Harley: If there's anything Gus and I can do, you know that.
Reva: Thanks. I'll be sure to let Cassie know that.
Harley: I'm thinking of him in jail, because of Alan.
Reva: Yeah, well, we'll see what happens between now and tomorrow. Are those pictures of the kids?
Harley: Yes.
Reva: Oh.
Harley: I was going to put together one of those little tiny photo albums.
Reva: Oh, look at that. You know what? You should get a picture of Daisy in her uniform. She looks so adorable in that. You know, she puts on a good show, but I really think that she's looking forward to tomorrow.
Harley: What's tomorrow?
Reva: Her first official day on the job.
Harley: Oh, no, no, no. That's today.
Reva: Oh. No. She told me it was tomorrow.
Harley: She... she lied to me. No, she lied to me. She lied to me, yeah, because I asked her to come out with me so that we could talk about things, and she said she had to work today. So she lied to my face. I'm a detective, and I didn't pick up on that.
Reva: Maybe I got the day wrong.
Harley: Oh, no, I'm sure she told you the right day.
Reva: Let me buy you a drink.
Harley: It's not going to help.
Reva: It can't hurt.
Frank: You’re making a big mistake.
Remy: Really? I thought beating up Gillespie was my big mistake.
Frank: In case you missed it, I'm offering you your job back.
Remy: And I don't want it, not from you. You stabbed me in my back, just like everyone else here-- everyone except Marina.
Frank: You got yourself suspended all by yourself.
Remy: Tammy is dead because of Alan. And what did you do? What did anybody do? Nothing. No, Springfield P.D. just let them go, let him cut a deal with the D.A., and he just walked off.
Frank: We didn't have enough to hold him.
Remy: So what, you just give up? You know, thank God for the Josh Lewis' of this world. The man deserves a medal.
Frank: The man is doing two years in the state pen. Is that what you want?
Remy: Treating me like a perp, Chief, like some criminal. Why would I want to come back to this?
Frank: Because you need a job, and you're a good cop.
Remy: Where did that get me?
Frank: Remy, you took this job because you wanted to make a difference, to do the right thing, and you did.
Remy: Tell that to Tammy, okay?
Frank: Remy, it's just one case.
Remy: A case? Last time I checked, Tammy was a person.
Frank: You don't think I know that? I knew her ever since she was a little girl. I hate that she's gone. But I didn't say to hell with the law and take the law into my own hands.
Remy: I'm not coming back.
Frank: Good.
Remy: What was that?
Frank: I said good, because the deal is off the table. I need cops around here are passionate about their jobs, and that's just not you anymore.
Mallet: You do realize, my little traveling friend, that you are not exactly in a position of power?
Cyrus: Yeah, I'm getting that.
Mallet: But yet you seem to be here trying to start something.
Cyrus: You misunderstood. I want the help that your girlfriend can provide me with.
Marina: What kind of help?
Cyrus: Please, I'm harmless-- and handless.
Marina: You know, I'm really getting tired of hearing that, Mallet.
Mallet: Yeah, me too. Just go ahead.
Cyrus: Thank you, Marina.
Marina: Detective.
Cyrus: Detective Marina. Hope this doesn't ruin my piano career.
Mallet: So what exactly is the kind of help the kind of help you need you're looking for from my girlfriend Dinah?
Cyrus: Well, like any bloke just out of the pen, I want to clean up my life. I want this straightened out. Like Dinah. But, you know, opportunities are scarce for someone like me, so I thought that maybe... wow, now, that's what you wear on a wrist.
Dinah: It was a gift from Mallet.
Cyrus: Good work, man.
Mallet: Yeah, I'm good like that. So you were saying?
Cyrus: Well, Dinah has got herself this fine job with the local television station. I caught your show. Loved it. And I would love the opportunity to be a part of it.
Mallet: They're not hiring. Cutbacks.
Cyrus: You didn't mention anything about cutbacks.
Marina: I have a job for you.
Cyrus: You do?
Marina: Yeah. Tiny window of opportunity, though, so we should really get rolling on it before someone snatches it up. If you guys are finished here...
Mallet: Absolutely.
Dinah: Yeah.
Cyrus: I'm not.
Marina: Awesome. Great, we'll go-- unless you're not serious about seeking lawful employment.
Cyrus: I'm looking forward to it.
Marina: Great.
Cyrus: You look fantastic. And you are admirably tall.
Mallet: Tick tock, Cy.
Cyrus: Right. Lead the way, Detective.
Dinah: Wow. Talk about a surprise.
Mallet: Yeah, we could talk about a surprise, but I don't think it was a surprise-- not for you, anyway. Ah. I thought so.
Harley: Ugh. What is that stuff?
Reva: Brilliant. It's brilliant, that's what it is.
Harley: That's strong. Where's my father been hiding that?
Reva: I can't have another, though.
Harley: I can’t. It's burning a hole in my stomach.
Reva: Pulls you right out of whatever funk you're in.
Harley: This one hates me.
Reva: Or puts you even deeper into one. Harley, snap out of it. Daisy doesn't hate you. She's your daughter. She's a teenager.
Harley: Jonathan was your son. I mean, that's not... you know what I mean.
Reva: It's fine. It's fine. But you know what? It’s... he was the same way. He came flying into town just like Daisy did, hell on wheels, getting into all kinds of trouble.
Harley: He wanted to hurt you.
Reva: He did hurt me.
Harley: I know.
Reva: Many, many, many, times. But you know what else? He loved me. He loved me. Nothing's black and white. I need another one of these.
Harley: I shouldn't have brought him up. I'm sorry, Reva.
Reva: No, Harley, I'm glad you did. I love talking about him. I do. And you know what? We wouldn't have gotten... we never would have gotten where we got to in our relationship if I hadn't pushed him every day from the very beginning. That's what you have to... they test you.
Harley: I know.
Reva: This is what they do. They test you and they test you and test you because they want to find out what their boundaries are, because they think you're going to give up on them again. Don’t.
Harley: I won’t. I know you must miss him.
Reva: Yeah. Yeah, I miss him. I miss him every day. My kids are away, and tomorrow Josh could be gone for a long time, too, and it's going to be a very lonely time.
Harley: And I'm sure you're going to be looking to fill that void.
Gus: Hey! What are you doing? You just... you're lying to your mother again.
Daisy: Well, what was I supposed to do? I didn't want to talk to her.
Gus: Yeah, but you say to me all the time that she doesn't give you a chance, and now she just gave you a chance, and now you just blow that chance off?
Daisy: What chance?
Gus: A chance-- a chance to talk to her, to vent.
Daisy: A chance for her to pick everything I say apart, and then tell me that I'm wrong.
Gus: You know, why don't you turn this thing around, and why don't you think about it with the shoe on the other foot and maybe give your mother a chance?
Daisy: You've known her how long, and you're telling me that she's not obsessive or demanding?
Gus: Well, I don't know if those... if I'd use those words, obsessive and demanding.
Daisy: That's a yes.
Gus: That is not a yes! Hey. Hello, hello? Look, if your mother's being obsessive and demanding...
Daisy: If? If she is?
Gus: You know, not everybody is perfect, okay? But if she's being obsessive and demanding, it's because she loves you from the bottom of her heart. She just loves you, and she just wants you to be happy. That's all she wants.
Daisy: Well, I'm not happy.
Gus: What are you doing?
Daisy: What?
Gus: Are you kidding?
Daisy: Oh, come on. Just because she made you quit...
Gus: All right, you know what? Give me the whole box, because now I'm the one who's being demanding and obsessive, okay? So how do you like that?
Daisy: (Laughs)
Gus: That's funny to you?
Daisy: Yeah, that's funny, because you're not demanding or obsessive at all. Maybe it's just like a birth mother thing. I don't know. Have you ever met yours?
Gus: Yeah, yes.
Daisy: Was she like that?
Gus: She was a nun.
Daisy: Oh.
Gus: Well, I mean, I don't think she was a nun when she... you know, when I was being conceived. Why are you making me think about that? I don't want that picture in my head, thank you very much.
Daisy: See, I can talk to you. You get it.
Gus: You see this little book here, this little thing? Wouldn't it be a nice idea if you make up with your mom, right, and then the whole year's worth of memories, you can just put them in the book and make a nice, big, fat little book there?
Daisy: Hm. I think I will stick with the past. Thanks, though.
Gus: What?
Daisy: Well, none of these are of me, not one of them. I'm not in any of them.
Gus: Well, you weren't around when they were taken.
Daisy: Well, yeah, I know I wasn't here, but I thought at least one maybe might have me. I'm not in here. I'm really not in this family.
Gus: Well, you're not in this silly little book, but you're in the family. You're part of the family.
Daisy: Yeah, this family, they've done just fine without me. See, Daisy who? Do you have a pen? Maybe I can just draw myself in right here. Maybe then I can pretend that I belong. This stupid...
Gus: I think you're getting yourself too worked up, okay? You're taking this stuff too... you're taking this stuff too hard. Really.
Cyrus: I thought this was about a job.
Marina: It is.
Cyrus: We're at the police station.
Marina: We are.
Cyrus: You're still arresting me?
Marina: I'm not.
Cyrus: Well, I can't be working here.
Marina: Why not?
Cyrus: Because I am... I was a felon.
Marina: Well, that's okay. We take all kinds. I'm going to need you to do a sweep of the place.
Cyrus: I suppose I could do that. I'll need some equipment to find the listening devices.
Marina: Oh. I've got your equipment. Janitor quit last week. You said you wanted a job, and you wanted to clean up your life?
Cyrus: Well, I didn't mean literally clean.
Marina: Hey. Two birds, one stone. And there's a bonus.
Cyrus: Yeah?
Marina: Oh, yeah. You'll be surrounded by cops all the time. What better way to keep on the straight and narrow, you know? No way of falling into your old habits-- breaking and entering, grand theft. Am I missing something?
Cyrus: Nope.
Marina: Trash bags. Trash bags are in the closet.
Mallet: Wow. You couldn't get me out of there fast enough. Normally I'd chalk that up to an extraordinarily high sex drive.
Dinah: Thank you, honey.
Mallet: But now I know that it was just really about Mr. Down Under.
Dinah: Why would I bring you here if I knew Cyrus was here?
Mallet: Because you didn't think he was here. You thought he was out there. And then he just caught you by surprise just now. He caught you off guard. Did you know he was in town?
Dinah: Yes.
Mallet: And I'm guessing he's the one that messed with your credit cards and your bank accounts?
Dinah: Good guess.
Mallet: Dinah!
Dinah: What? This is why I didn't want to say anything to you.
Mallet: Why? Why?
Dinah: Because you, you're overreacting.
Mallet: You think this is overreacting? You think I'm overreacting?
Dinah: Things ended badly with Cyrus and me. He went to jail. I want to the bank. He had a legitimate beef with me, but it's over. And I know why you're upset right now.
Mallet: I'm not upset.
Dinah: Yeah, you are. Because I didn't tell you. Now, I know I'm right.
Mallet: I'm not upset. I'm not upset. Just tell me you're through with this guy, right?
Dinah: Yeah, I'm through. I'm through. (Telephone ringing) Station?
Mallet: Yeah, probably. Yeah.
Dinah: Well, I'm not going anywhere.
Marina: Hey. You've got to roll up your sleeves, really put some muscle into it.
Gus: Are you all right there?
Daisy: Yeah.
Gus: You know, you don't have to be in the picture to be in the picture. You know what's funny about this little photo album thing that you're upset about, is that I know something that you don't know. There's a picture in there of your mother that I took at Christmas, and I happen to know what she's thinking, because when I took the picture, she was talking about you. She always talked about you. That's how I got to know you. That's how I got to love you before I even met you. Just like your mom loves you.
Daisy: Oh.
Gus: I was going for the cheek.
Daisy: Yeah. It's okay.
Gus: No, I'm sorry.
Daisy: It's okay.
Gus: We should go home now.
Daisy: It's no big deal, Gus. Okay.
Reva: Do you have something to say to me?
Harley: I said it.
Reva: Yeah, and it wasn't the first time, either. You seem to be so concerned about how I'm filling my void.
Harley: Well, when you're using my daughter to plug the hole, yeah.
Reva: Excuse me?
Harley: I found the photo album.
Reva: You were going through Daisy's things?
Harley: I wasn't going through her things. She dropped it. I picked it up. She wasn't happy I picked it up.
Reva: Well, of course, because I didn't want her to know... I didn't want you to know that...
Harley: Why?
Reva: Because, Harley... please, this is so old. I buy my granddaughter a dress. I give her a family keepsake, and all of a sudden, everything is such a big deal to you, everything. It shouldn't be.
Harley: You never forgave me. After Dylan got me pregnant and I didn't tell you, you never forgave me for that.
Reva: Oh, no, Harley. Come on, please.
Harley: Yes?
Reva: That was years ago.
Harley: I remember.
Reva: A lot has happened since then between us.
Harley: Absolutely. So what about now? What do you think about me now? What kind of mother do you think I am now?
Reva: I don't know. Is there a right answer to that? Because whatever I say, I lose.
Harley: What makes you think that?
Reva: Because we're not so different.
Harley: Thanks for the drink.
Next on "Guiding Light"...
Jeffrey: A night of freedom, courtesy of the D.A.?
Josh: My father taught my the fine art of the bluff.
Billy: You told me you shot Alan Spaulding. The only person you shot was yourself, and it was in the foot. You're an innocent man.
Josh: Yeah, the only people who know that is us, Billy. So if you...
Billy: Wait, wait, wait. What about Alan? Hey, do you think if he wakes up, he's going to point the finger at you or Cassie?
Reva: You're doing this for love. I know that. And love isn't crazy. Love is everything.
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