GL Transcript Monday 3/12/07

Guiding Light Transcript Monday 3/12/07


Provided by Boo
Proofread by Tanya

Marina: I'm such an idiot.

Mallet: Idiot's pretty harsh. Clueless, maybe.

Marina: No. Idiot. Definitely idiot.

Mallet: Okay, so this guy, this guy here with a big, long criminal record, Cyrus Foley, he was your good samaritan outside the jewelry store?

Marina: Yes... no.

Mallet: Okay.

Marina: He robbed the store, but he was outside helping me.

Mallet: His pockets were probably stuffed full of stolen merchandise.

Marina: See? I'm an idiot.

Mallet: No, no, not an idiot. As long as we find the guy.

Marina: Okay, let's do it.

Dinah: The hotel is swarming with security.

Cyrus: You mean old Pete with gray hair?

Dinah: You know, he's been a cop for, like...

Cyrus: 80 years?

Dinah: You know all I have to do is scream.

Cyrus: I bought Peter a beer at the bar, so he won't hear you.

Dinah: I can call the cops.

Cyrus: And begrudge me the chance to see my old partner? Who, by the way, is more sexy than I ever remembered.

Dinah: You just got out of prison. A day trip to the nursing home would excite you.

Cyrus: You're doing alright for yourself, aye?

Dinah: Don't get any ideas. I pay half the rent. What are you doing?

Cyrus: Yeah. I heard you got yourself a new mark.

Dinah: He's not my new mark. He's my boyfriend.

Cyrus: Boyfriend? Oh. Did he take you to his prom and buy you a corsage?

Dinah: He's a cop, so if you're smart...

Cyrus: If I was smart, I wouldn't have trusted you. Then maybe I wouldn't have spent the last few years of my life rotting in that stinking prison. Aren't you going to offer me a drink?

Alan-Michael: Hunting for small game? Or have you already downed your target?

Beth: I found this.

Alan-Michael: Before or after you shot my father?

Beth: I did not shoot Alan. Josh confessed.

Alan-Michael: Then how did his gun get here? That is his gun, isn't it? H.B. Lewis's rare colt?

Beth: I'm telling you, I found this in the house.

Alan-Michael: So you think Josh broke into our house and planted it?

Beth: No. I don't think Josh is the one who had it, but it wasn't me, either.

Alan-Michael: Well, someone in this house did.

Beth: Yes, someone.

Cassie: I'm glad you called. Have you heard about...

Reva: That he's in jail? Yeah, I heard. I went to see him.

Cassie: And how did he seem?

Reva: Like a man who's been locked up who could be there for a while.

Cassie: I hate this, Reva. It's killing me.

Reva: Uh-huh.

Cassie: I do not believe that he shot Alan. I mean, we have to do something.

Reva: Here's an idea. You do something. Because we both know the only reason he's there is because he's lying to protect you.

Cassie: You think I want this, Reva? You think I wanted Josh to confess?

Reva: I only know what I saw.

Cassie: What you saw was a stubborn, proud man.

Reva: Yeah, a man who needs to be protected from himself sometimes.

Cassie: You blame me for this.

Reva: I didn't say that.

Cassie: You didn't have to. You realize that he would do the same thing if it were you. This is who Josh is.

Reva: The hero.

Cassie: Yeah.

Reva: Yours, mine, anybody that he loves.

Reva: He is ruining his life.

Cassie: I am not going to let that happen.

Reva: Well, I don't see what you can do to stop it unless... you don't remember anything about the night that Alan was shot, anything?

Cassie: You know, I could make something up if you like. I'm sure that would be easier for you, right, if I were the one in jail? Because then you have a free shot at him again.

Reva: That is not what this is about.

Cassie: Are you sure? Because, you know, I could confess to attempted murder even though I have no idea whether or not I pulled the trigger, but, hey, you know, your problem's solved.

Reva: I don't blame you for Josh wanting to protect...

Cassie: Well, go ahead and blame me.

Reva: ...It's just that after the choices that I have made... none of this is helping Josh, you know? We need to deal with this and figure something out.

Cassie: Believe me, I am trying. I have tried since the minute he confessed. And he just keeps insisting that he did it. I know he didn't, but he doesn't even want me to come visit him.

Reva: Well, this isn't just about Josh.

Cassie: No, it's not. It's about our whole family. It's R.J...

Reva: He has kids of his own! Kids who still need him.

Cassie: So how the hell are we going to change his mind?

Reva: There are other ways to clear him.

Alan-Michael: Does anyone else know about the gun?

Beth: Nope.

Alan-Michael: But that secret hiding place isn't so secret in this house.

Beth: I know. You knew where it was.

Alan-Michael: Are you saying that I brought the gun into this house?

Beth: You're lying about being paralyzed. It's a great alibi.

Alan-Michael: Anybody could have had the gun, Alex, the staff, Lillian. And let's not forget...

Beth: Don't you say it.

Alan-Michael: You and I both know Lizzie had good reason to hate Alan.

Beth: And so did you.

Alan-Michael: And you.

Beth: Nice throw, old man. The question is, what do we do now? If the police knew that the gun that shot Alan was in this house...

Alan-Michael: They'd probably cut Josh loose.

Beth: Exactly. And refocus their investigation on this family, on us.

Alan-Michael: Well, especially on Lizzie.

Ava: Hey, I'm all moved in.

Olivia: So did you speak with Ava yet today?

Jeffrey: It's only been a day. We got to give it some time.

Olivia: I don't have time, all right? I postponed getting married to Buzz. I'm risking my relationship with him. If your stupid little plan doesn't work.

Jeffrey: It's going to work. Okay? It has to. We have to keep Ava from making the biggest mistake of her life. Trust me on this.

Olivia: Trust you on this? You're kidding me, right? Just go into the systems folder and change it to the special rate.

Jeffrey: What?

Olivia: Yeah, and then get back to me, okay? Just leave a voicemail. I may not be able to pick up.

Buzz: Good-bye, Jeffrey.

Olivia: What makes you think that was...

Buzz: Don't, don't ever lie to me again. Is this the reason we're not flying to Las Vegas? Is this the reason we're not getting married, because of Jeffrey O’Neill?

Mallet: All right, I'll tell you what, we will circulate his picture. We'll tell all the uniforms to keep an eye open, but I'm telling you, the chances are...

Marina: I will keep my eye out for him. This is my case. Our case.

Mallet: I'm telling you, chances are with a pro like this, he's long gone. Anyway, you and I are working the Spaulding case.

Marina: That's okay. I can multitask.

Mallet: That's good coffee. I thought you just said you were an idiot.

Marina: I'm sorry, are you looking to get yourself tasered?

Mallet: All I'm saying is attempted murder? Stolen tennis bracelets. Attempted murder? Oh, no, where's my mood ring?

Marina: Oh, okay, fine! No, if you're okay with not upholding the law, letting some hot Crocodile Dundee wannabe wandering the streets, taking whatever he wants, making us look like a bunch of idiots, I'm fine with it. It's cool.

Mallet: You're pretty obsessed with this whole thing.

Marina: Obsessed? No. No. He played me. He turned on his little charm...

Mallet: You didn't tell me about the charm part.

Marina: It's because I don't like being made a fool of.

Mallet: So he was charming? He was pretty charming? Just how charming was he?

Marina: Let's just hope his future cellmate doesn't find him that charming.

Dinah: You've been tormenting me for weeks. What have you done? You're coming to do this in person? You know something, sweetcakes, I've got news for you. It's over. It's over. What happened? How did you get out of prison? Your release date is tomorrow.

Cyrus: You knew my release date? I'm touched.

Dinah: Yeah, well, I wanted to be prepared.

Cyrus: I'm sure you did.

Dinah: Get out of here. Don't you come back.

Cyrus: Did you get my flowers?

Dinah: The ones addressed to Didi? Yeah, I got those. I threw those out quickly.

Cyrus: I paid 130 bucks for those.

Dinah: Yeah, of my money.

Cyrus: Well, a woman needs to, you know, treat herself every now and again.

Dinah: Stop calling me Didi, you hear me?

Cyrus: I always loved it when you got rough.

Dinah: Okay, what part of cop/boyfriend do you not understand?

Cyrus: All of it. Does he know about you?

Dinah: Of course he does.

Cyrus: Does he know about us?

Dinah: There's no us. There is no us! What do I have to do to get rid of you? Do I have to throw you off the balcony?! It's over, Cyrus! It is over. There is nothing except bad memories.

Cyrus: Not all bad.

Dinah: Really? You ended up in prison, and then I was hauled off just a few months later.

Cyrus: I didn't say it ended well. But the way it started...

Dinah: That was a long time ago, and you know it. And that girl, Didi, she's gone. She's gone. She's not coming back.

Cyrus: Pity, I liked her. Loved her, even. Does detective loverboy appreciate those?

Dinah: Don’t...

Cyrus: What?

Dinah: Manipulate me. I know all your tricks. You remember?

Cyrus: I remember. I remember everything. We could still fit as a team, you and me.

Dinah: You know what? We were never a team, Cyrus. We were together because we survived together. It was a business arrangement. That was all.

Cyrus: Well, maybe we have more business together.

Dinah: What do you want? Do you want my money? Is that it?

Cyrus: Amongst other things.

Dinah: Okay, you know what? I'll give you my money. Here, take... this is all I've got. Take it.

Cyrus: A woman with her own TV show, you must have an agent.

Dinah: Do you think I'm rich? Really? I mean, you've seen my savings account. You've seen my credit limits. What did you do? Did you buy yourself some suits?

Cyrus: Barely.

Dinah: Well, then, good. Good, you see, you bled me dry. I didn't have anything and now I have more of that. So really, I think you're wasting your time. I think you're wasting your time dealing with me. Or you know what? Why don't you start a scam? Why don't you pull a heist? That's what you do best, because really that would be more lucrative than this, than all of this, because if I owe you, which is up for debate, I am all paid up.

Cyrus: Wrong, Didi. I taught you everything I knew. Not just how to make a good life for yourself, but a certain kind of life filled with excitement and adventure and all the toys you could ever want. You wouldn't have survived without me. And after all of that, what did you do? You sent me to prison.

Dinah: I made a deal, and you would have done the same thing.

Cyrus: Wrong. I treasured you, protected you. And you turned on me. Not nice.

Dinah: What do you want? You want revenge? You want me to suffer? Is that what you want?

Cyrus: It's a start.

Buzz: Okay, we'll do this. We'll leave this here. That way you don't have to worry about me walking in and catching you in a lie.

Olivia: Oh, no, I did not-- I didn't lie. I just didn't tell you everything.

Buzz: There's a difference?

Olivia: All right, you're angry.

Buzz: Well, yeah!

Olivia: I didn't tell you because I knew you would get angry.

Buzz: You just, you don't get it, do you? I'm not angry about Ava. I'm not angry about Jeffrey. I'm angry because you felt you needed to lie. I'm a parent. I got it. I know. A kid needs you, you're there.

Olivia: All right.

Buzz: Okay, but for God's sakes, be up front about it.

Olivia: You're okay with me spending time with Jeffrey O’Neill?

Buzz: Yeah. What, you think I'd be jealous? You think I'm jealous of Jeffrey O’Neill? No. Well-- I-- trusting him, there, I might have a problem.

Olivia: No, I think the problem is he gets under your skin. He gets under my skin, but that doesn’t...

Buzz: Do what you have to do!

Olivia: Don’t. I don't want this to come between us, please.

Buzz: Well, it won't, if you're just honest with me, okay? All right? You have a child that's mixed up with a Spaulding. I got it. I know it. I've been there, done that, you know? I mean, my family almost got ripped apart. Did you miss the carnage?

Olivia: No.

Buzz: When you're scared, come to me.

Olivia: I'm not scared.

Buzz: You're scared about something.

Olivia: Jeffrey comes to me with this as we're about to go off and get married.

Buzz: So?

Olivia: I couldn't just come to you and say that.

Buzz: Why not?

Olivia: I don't know.

Buzz: Well, that just about says it all, doesn't it?

Beth: Let me help you with that.

Alan-Michael: Thank you.

Ava: So, I took the room all the way down at the end overlooking the stable. They said that no one has used it for a while, so it's perfect.

Alan-Michael: That's great.

Ava: Yeah. Do you need me to do anything for you? Because I'm waiting for this fax to come in from the west coast.

Alan-Michael: I think I'm fine.

Ava: Okay.

Alan-Michael: You should go unpack. The room's okay, right?

Ava: It's beautiful.

Beth: Oh, Ava, I'm so glad you like it. You've certainly earned it.

Alan-Michael: Don't start, Beth.

Beth: I'm not. I'm just welcoming Ava to our happy home. Lizzie is just thrilled that you're here.

Ava: Yes, she told me that.

Beth: Ava, Alan-Michael and I were in the middle of a conversation, so I think...

Alan-Michael: I think we were done.

Beth: I don't think so.

Alan-Michael: Well, I'm sure we'll talk later.

Jeffrey: I hope I'm not interrupting. Your little butler guy had a silverware emergency, so I showed myself in.

Ava: What are you doing here?

Jeffrey: So you're all moved in?

Ava: Is that what you came down here for, to try to talk me out of doing this again?

Beth: You know, Jeffrey, I don't blame you. As a father, you should know...

Alan-Michael: How can I help you, O’Neill?

Jeffrey: Actually, I came here to see you. You probably heard that my firm is representing Josh Lewis.

Alan-Michael: Tough case, huh?

Jeffrey: Yeah, well, it was made tougher when you got Josh to jump bail. Are you sure this is the kind of guy that you want to spend time with?

Beth: He has a point, Ava.

Jeffrey: And you used Cassie, too, Cassie who just lost her daughter.

Alan-Michael: I think you should go now.

Jeffrey: Oh, were you going to keep this from her? And now Cassie’s boy, R.J., is at home with his family torn apart all because why, you want to get some revenge for your father? Someone you don't even like? And you, you were Tammy’s friend, so are you okay with this?

Beth: You are such a bully, Jeffrey.

Jeffrey: I was talking to Ava.

Beth: You come in here, you attack Alan-Michael, and now you lay a guilt trip on this poor girl. And why? Because she doesn't want to listen to you. Yes, Cassie’s family is suffering, we know that. But this family is suffering, too. Lizzie is a wreck. She just lost a baby. And my poor hu-- Alan is in the hospital bed fighting for his life.

Jeffrey: Are you done?

Beth: No, I'm not. I'm tempted to throw you out of here, but since your daughter lives here now, I'll let her do the honors. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go visit Alan and pray for his recovery. Alan-Michael.

Alan-Michael: It's under control.

Reva: I would love nothing more than to grab you by the hair and swing you around and...

Cassie: Thanks.

Reva: That's not what I mean.

Cassie: No, I know what you mean. You want to hate me. It would be so much easier.

Reva: Yeah, well, fighting has always been easier for me.

Cassie: Well, then go ahead and fight, Reva. Lay it on me. Tell me that I am selfish for taking Marah and Shayne’s dad away from them.

Reva: It's no fun if you say it for me.

Cassie: Oh, I'm sure you can get dirtier. How about I would haven't Josh in the first place if you hadn't pushed him towards me?

Reva: I did that because I loved him and you and now...

Cassie: Now he's throwing it all away.

Reva: I know it's wrong to feel like this, to be angry and to feel like...

Cassie: You know what? Feel whatever the hell you want to feel, Reva.

Reva: Oh, be careful what you wish for.

Cassie: Sometimes I wish I had never come to this town. All the pain and the terrible things that have happened here.

Reva: If you hadn't come to Springfield, then we wouldn’t... you must remember something about the night of Alan’s wedding, something, anything.

Cassie: I remember the beginning. I remember the end. But I don't remember the middle. I mean, I've tried. I tried with Josh. I tried with Felicia. I don't know if it's just the medication or the facts that I've blocked it out. I don't know. I wish I did. I wish to God I did.

Reva: I'll help you. I'll help you. I'll... we'll figure something out. You know we will, and we'll get Josh cleared. And get him back to you.

Dinah: Why don't you put those back on?

Cyrus: I'm just getting comfortable. Why don't you do the same?

Dinah: You know what? If you proposition me one more time...

Cyrus: What, you won't be able to say no again? Well, in that case, come here.

Dinah: You're enjoying this way too much.

Cyrus: It beats being locked in a cell.

Dinah: You know, I was in a prison, too, okay? And that prison was...

Cyrus: Was what? Worse than mine? You got out. You had a life. And I... well, I'm just starting to rebuild mine now. It's a real inspirational story. You might want to get in on the ground floor. It would make a great segment for your TV show. Your mom, the boss, might really go for it. What about you? You're reformed. Unless the cop boyfriend is a front.

Dinah: Nope. He's real. The job is real, the guy is real, the future is real.

Cyrus: I thought you were going to marry the guy. What happened?

Dinah: Well, you see, that's none of your business. The only thing you need to remember is that he's in my life and you're not.

Cyrus: Wishful thinking, sweetheart.

Dinah: Okay, you know what? It's time to go. ( Knock at door )

Vanessa: Dinah, it's me. It's your mother.

Buzz: Some case got you stumped?

Marina: No, I know exactly who did it. It was a robbery at Sutton’s Jewelers. Problem is, I was practically this guy's accomplice. Are my instincts really that off? Or have I just never really had any? I mean, I thought good cop genes ran in my blood, that I could be as good as dad or Aunt Harley, but now I'm really starting to wonder.

Buzz: Honey, doubting yourself is normal. It's when you don't doubt yourself you have problems. You are a good cop. You know how I know that? Because your dad says so, and he doesn't lie.

Marina: You guys have to say that.

Buzz: Yeah, but it's true anyway.

Marina: Okay, fine. I'm a real great cop, who makes really bad decisions.

Buzz: Learns from her experience.

Marina: I don't know. Do you, or do you just making the same mistakes over and over and over again?

Buzz: Do I or do you?

Ava: You can go now.

Jeffrey: That's it?

Ava: What more do you want? You've already caused a scene and created aggravation in a family that's already hurting.

Jeffrey: They'll get over it.

Alan-Michael: Jeffrey, she's asked you to leave. Now I'm telling you.

Ava: I can handle this.

Jeffrey: No, you can't handle this, Ava, okay? You're in over your head. And if the Spaulding’s are freaking out because Alan’s in the hospital, it's because they can't figure out who's going to get what from the will or who shot him.

Ava: Josh shot him.

Jeffrey: Look around you. You're in a hornet's nest. If you can't see that...

Ava: I can see that I have a job to do, okay? Alan-Michael needs me, and that's it. And I don't have to justify any of this to you.

Jeffrey: No, you don’t. You stay away from Josh Lewis or I'll get very creative legally.

Alan-Michael: I should have expected that. He doesn't like me much, does he? And he doesn't want you anywhere near me. Of course, he's still got a soft spot for Cassie, and if he thinks someone's messing with her.

Ava: Then he goes on attack? Yes.

Alan-Michael: Something like that?

Ava: There is one problem with your theory. He was telling the truth about what you did.

Mallet: Any change?

Beth: We had a little scare earlier, but everything's fine now.

Mallet: That's good. So did the doctors say anything about when he might regain consciousness?

Beth: When? Why don't you try if?

Mallet: Right. Sorry to hear that.

Beth: You know, why do you care, Mallet? Your case is closed. Josh Lewis confessed.

Mallet: I guess I'm just covering all my bases.

Beth: And what more could you possibly need? I mean, why would someone say they did something if they didn't do it?

Mallet: And then, Beth, Beth, you seem like you're in an awful hurry to wrap this whole thing up.

Beth: Yeah. I am. So my family can have some peace. Is there something wrong with that?

Mallet: No, not at all. Like I said, I'm just covering my bases. You know there's always questions, there's always inconsistencies. Like motive, timeline. Where's the murder weapon? Take care, Beth.

Beth: The question is, what do we do now? If the police knew that the gun that shot Alan was in this house.

Alan-Michael: They'd probably cut Josh loose.

Cassie: Beth.

Beth: Cassie. How are you doing?

Cassie: Josh is in jail. How do you think I'm doing?

Cyrus: This is my mark?

Dinah: Stay there.

Vanessa: Come on, Dinah, open up.

Dinah: Hi, Mom.

Vanessa: Hi, sweetie. Hi. Oh, you're not still mad at me about Chuck Randolph are you?

Dinah: Who?

Vanessa: Randolph. You know, my advertiser, the one who got that awful e-mail from your address.

Dinah: Oh, no, no, I’ve forgotten all about that.

Vanessa: Yeah, I can tell. Well, I'll make it up to you. Look, you and I have got things to talk about.

Dinah: We do?

Vanessa: Yeah, shows to plan. We have to figure out how to keep this whole thing going. I mean, the response to has been incredible.

Dinah: Good, Mom, that's great.

Vanessa: It's great. So what do you say? You want to have dinner? Go downstairs and talk about it?

Dinah: Oh, thank you, thank you, but no, no, no, I'm going to go to bed.

Vanessa: Bed? It's early.

Dinah: Yeah, I'm tired.

Vanessa: Sweetheart, I'm really sorry. I should have believed you, but I talked to Randolph and he was very understanding about the whole thing.

Dinah: Well, good. Mom, we're going to do dinner another time. That's fine.

Vanessa: You're going to send me out in the cold? Have supper by myself?

Dinah: Well, call Matt.

Vanessa: I can't call Matt. He's in Toronto. He's raising money for this development. You want to hear how much capital he's raised?

Dinah: You know what, Mom? We can talk about this another time, really.

Vanessa: Well, I guess so.

Dinah: Look, I'm sorry. I'm sorry I'm being such a brat. You know, Mallet is coming home tonight and I really just want to get things together so we can spend some time together. I hope you understand.

Vanessa: Of course I understand. Of course. I'll see you at the station tomorrow.

Dinah: Thank you.

Vanessa: Love you, darling.

Dinah: I love you.

Vanessa: All right. Take it easy.

Dinah: Okay. Bye-bye.

Cyrus: Not too shabby for a cheap tie. You and mummy are a lot cozier than I remember.

Dinah: We're closer than we used to be. And that's help from Mallet.

Cyrus: Good for him. Your mother might be a pushover, but I'm not.

Buzz: So tell me about the jewel thief. I have a soft spot for those guys.

Marina: Well, apparently he's more than that. He's a con artist, a computer hack, he's hit more banks than you or I could ever imagine, and apparently he's gotten away with so much more than we could ever catch him for.

Buzz: Well, he's good at what he does, huh?

Marina: Yeah, but I'm good at what I do, too. I'm not going to make the same mistake twice.

Olivia: That's a good motto.

Marina: I've got to go. I have a guy to catch.

Buzz: Hey, coffee?

Marina: I'm going to take it with me. Good luck. I love you.

Olivia: I'll second that. I made a mistake, that's why I'm here, to tell you.

Buzz: You figured that out, huh?

Olivia: I should never have put Ava before you.

Ava: So you had Josh's bail revoked, didn't you? That's why you went away on that meeting.

Alan-Michael: Yes.

Ava: Was that easy?

Alan-Michael: I have no reason to lie.

Ava: You didn't tell me that you went.

Alan-Michael: I wanted...

Ava: You wanted to what? To protect me? Like Jeffrey? Like Coop?

Alan-Michael: So if I told you I was going to sandbag Josh because I couldn't stand the thought of him walking around...

Ava: I would have tried to stopped you, yes. But I would have understood. I do understand.

Alan-Michael: You do?

Ava: It's family. If Josh had tried to shoot someone that I loved, I would do the same thing. You can't help but protect your family.

Reva: Hi. I need your advice. And this will make it confidential, right?

Jeffrey: Well, normally, my retainer would be $5,000 of these, but in your case, I'll make an exception.

Reva: Gosh, thanks.

Jeffrey: Let me guess, it's about Josh?

Reva: Just listen to me. If Cassie were the one who confessed to shooting Alan, would she have a better chance to get off?

Beth: I really have to get back...

Cassie: To Alan? How is he doing?

Beth: Not so good.

Cassie: Wow, I never thought I would be hoping so hard that he pulls through.

Beth: I'd say thank you, but I know that that's not for his sake or mine.

Cassie: Beth, how do you stand by him after what he's done to you? After what he's done to Tammy, after what he's done to Lizzie?

Beth: Lizzie will be fine.

Cassie: Are you sure about that? Because I just talked to her the other day, and the pain that she's going through...

Beth: I'll help her. And I never want to see her hurt again.

Cassie: No, I'm sure you don't, because all a mother tries to do is...

Beth: Protect her kids.

Cassie: And now there's R.J. If Josh goes away, do you have any idea what that would be like for him?

Beth: Look, I don't want to see anything more happen to your family.

Cassie: Anything more?

Beth: I was referring to whatever Josh did.

Cassie: Or didn't do.

Beth: Look, I'm not judging him. I just want this to be over, so we can all move on with our lives.

Cassie: Move on? Beth, he could go to prison for a very long time.

Beth: And I'm really sorry about that. But there is nothing that I can do. I need to get back now. My family needs me.

Cassie: No, no, no. Maybe there is something you can do.

Mallet: Hey.

Marina: Hey. Where did you go?

Marina: I want to pay Alan a little visit.

Marina: How is he doing? Dancing the cha-cha yet?

Mallet: No, but he was breathing in rhythm.

Marina: Good. Good for him.

Mallet: And I ran into Beth. I got to tell you; she still gives me the willies.

Marina: In general or just regarding the shooting?

Mallet: No, Beth and I go way back. In regards to the shooting. Now, why do I have this feeling that Josh's confession is not going to be the end of all this?

Marina: I don't know. You tell me.

Mallet: Have you been thinking about our little friend, Cyrus Foley? You have, haven't you?

Marina: No. Maybe a little bit, but I'm just doing it on my off time.

Mallet: Okay, whatever.

Marina: And you're okay with it?

Mallet: You know, that's your life.

Marina: What is that supposed to mean?

Mallet: I don't know. You know, you're young. You're young. You know, some people might find you attractive.

Marina: What? Some people?

Mallet: Yeah, come on, it's a big country. Okay, what I'm saying here, and this comes from the heart, you got to get a life. I mean, no. Date. You got to go on a date.

Marina: Right. I'm taking love advice from you.

Mallet: Well, you know, I'm no expert, but, um... I don't know, Dinah and I are doing pretty good.

Cyrus: Consider it a down payment.

Dinah: I don't owe you.

Cyrus: I'll give you time to repay.

Dinah: What do you want?

Cyrus: I'll tell you. Soon. But in the meantime, you might want to start figuring out just what's most important to you.

Dinah: Forget it.

Cyrus: You're always so resourceful. See you around. Soon.

Buzz: I want you to have a relationship with your daughter. And if you want things to be okay with Jeffrey, then okay. It's okay with me. May even be healthy, who knows?

Olivia: I hate what he did to me, but we have this common goal.

Buzz: Getting him... getting your daughter away from the Spaulding’s.

Olivia: Whatever my problem's with her...

Buzz: She's your daughter.

Olivia: I'm not going to let these people screw with her.

Ava: Is it over?

Alan-Michael: The honeymoon?

Ava: The vendetta. Josh is in jail. Can you let it go now?

Alan-Michael: My father is still lying in a coma.

Ava: And there is absolutely nothing you can do to Josh or Cassie that's going to change that. You're here now. You have a life. You have a company to run. I mean, come on, you have so much stuff to do before you can even get yourself on your feet again.

Alan-Michael: Will you be here?

Ava: I will be here as long as you'll have me be a part of it.

Alan-Michael: You are a part of it.

Ava: So do you need anything from the kitchen?

Alan-Michael: You know, I'll meet you there. I have one last call I want to make.

Ava: Okay. Yuck. ( Laughs )

Jeffrey: Reva, I can't take your case, and you know why.

Reva: Jeffrey, please.

Jeffrey: Reva, Josh is a client and besides, Cassie is...

Reva: Someone you still care about. So do I. But I care about Josh, too, and he needs my help. Cassie lost her daughter. She was on meds. She wasn't in her right mind. She'd have a better chance to walk than Josh would.

Jeffrey: So what, you want to roll the dice with your sister?

Reva: All I'm asking is that if Cassie shot Alan...

Jeffrey: No, she didn’t.

Reva: But if she did...

Jeffrey: Reva! Good-bye.

Reva: Tell me what I can do.

Jeffrey: Pray that the cops find another suspect.

Beth: I really have to get home.

Cassie: I thought that you needed to see Alan.

Beth: I already saw Alan. Now I need to get home.

Cassie: You know, you could help, seeing as how Doris is in the house with you now.

Beth: Doris Wolfe hates me.

Cassie: Okay, then what about Alan-Michael? He might listen to you. Or Lizzie, she would listen to you.

Beth: Listen to me about what?

Cassie: Helping Josh, speaking on his behalf, telling the prosecutor that he was acting in self-defense, that Alan...

Beth: I'm sorry, I can't do that.

Cassie: That's it?

Beth: Yeah, that's it. Look, I'm sorry. Josh is a good man. But I'm a Spaulding.

Cassie: Yeah. You really are.

Next on "Guiding Light."

Cassie: What if he's lying? What if he is sacrificing for me? If he throws his life away...

Jeffrey: Then you have to let him.

Josh: I can't make this case go away.

Mel: What are you talking about?

Josh: I want to cut a deal.

Cassie: Has anyone stopped to ask if I can live with this?

Alan-Michael: Is there a problem, Lizzie?

Lizzie: Do you mean with the world or with me or just inside this house?

Ava: Or maybe your problem is with me.

Doris: I get the sense sometimes you just don't like me.

Alan-Michael: What gave me away?

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