GL Transcript Friday 3/9/07

Guiding Light Transcript Friday 3/9/07


Provided by Boo
Proofread by Tanya

Dinah: You're late.

Remy: Two minutes. That's because you changed plans on me. I thought we were meeting at your place.

Dinah: Well, I needed a drink to steady my nerves. I didn't want to risk running into Mallet.

Remy: Well, your nerves seem fine to me.

Dinah: I'm fine. I just want to get this over with.

Remy: Oh, where's the fun in that, huh? I mean, you, me on a plane taking a nice, scenic tour of Spain, which I hear is real nice this time of year.

Dinah: We're going straight from the airport to the prison and then back home.

Remy: After we pay your pal to stop bugging you.

Dinah: He is not my pal.

Remy: Okay, sorry. I guess that's why you're bringing me, right?

Dinah: Yeah. Listen, you're not skipping bail by leaving the country, are you?

Remy: Nope. I'm officially not a suspect anymore.

Dinah: Glad to hear it. I need to write Mallet a note tonight before I leave.

Remy: So what are you going to tell him about this little trip?

Dinah: Well, I'm going to tell him that I'm covering a story.

Mallet: Hey, Remy.

Dinah: Hi.

Mallet: Bye, Remy. Hey, beautiful.

Dinah: Hi.

Mallet: Whatever you've got on the schedule for tonight, I want you to cancel it because you and I have got big plans.

Beth: Ava, hi. I just heard that you're moving into the house. I think that is incredibly selfless of you.

Ava: You're welcoming me?

Beth: You're surprised?

Ava: Uh... yeah, considering what happened with me and Coop and Lizzie.

Beth: Oh, that was a long time ago. I barely even remember that. And, anyhow, Coop wasn't the right man for Lizzie. I guess he wasn't the right man for you, either. Would you mind if I gave you a little friendly advice?

Ava: Okay.

Beth: You're a very nice young woman, innocent in some ways. And, well, the Spaulding household is an absolute lion's den these days. If I were you, I would tell Alan-Michael that I've changed my mind.

Alan-Michael: Josh Lewis got a bail hearing this evening? Of course I want you to oppose it. The man shot my father.

Cassie: Lizzie.

Lizzie: Cassie. What are you doing here?

Cassie: I came to talk to you.

Lizzie: I don't think this is good idea.

Cassie: Now, you heard what happened to Josh, right? He did not do it, Lizzie. He did not shoot your grandfather.

Lizzie: Okay, then why did he confess?

Cassie: It's a long story. Look, you and I have both suffered enough already. We both lost our daughters... and Jonathan, all because of your grandfather and the suffering he created. Now, it's enough already. This has to end.

Lizzie: I agree with you.

Cassie: Okay, so I need to know that if Josh goes to trial, you will speak on his behalf, and you will get your mom and Lillian to do the same thing. Because Doris is just trying to make a point. She is just trying to prove that she's a real Spaulding, and you don't want that, Lizzie, any more than I do.

Alan-Michael: Excuse me. Cassie, if you want help from our family, you should talk to me.

Josh: Well, I was wondering when you were going to come by to see me.

Reva: Mm-hmm. You were trying to keep me from finding out.

Josh: Do you blame me?

Reva: Hell, yes, I blame you! You confessed to shooting Alan. What are you doing?

Josh: Reva, I already had this conversation with Billy. You want details, get them from him.

Reva: I don't want details from Billy, I want them from you. The only reason you're doing this is to protect...

Josh: You know, ironically, I don't really have time for this conversation because I have a bail meeting in about 20 minutes. So go home, Reva, please.

Reva: And leave you to rot in here?

Josh: Officer Pierce. I really don't want visitors right now. Could you please escort this woman out?

Cop: Yeah, sure. Come on, ma'am, you're going to have to go.

Reva: Is that so?

Cop: Yeah. Ow!

Reva: I am so sorry, but I believe that was assaulting an officer. So you're going to have to put me in jail-- in there with him.

Cop: Hey, the two of you work this out right now. You understand me? Or, I swear, I will throw her in the cell with you. ( Door slams )

Josh: Yeah, those heels look pretty sharp.

Reva: I got you alone, didn't I?

Josh: For no reason. Because I've said all I have to say to you, Reva.

Reva: Well, then I'll do all the talking.

Josh: Fine.

Reva: This confession of yours is bogus. You're only doing this to protect Cassie.

Josh: I shot Alan.

Reva: Right, you shot Alan in cold blood. Unprovoked?

Josh: Unprovoked? Reva, Tammy and Jonathan and Sarah are all dead. Cassie is about to have a nervous breakdown. Could you really blame me for wanting to hurt the guy?

Reva: There are a lot of people who wanted to hurt him, but there's a big difference between wanting to and doing it.

Josh: Not to me, there wasn't!

Reva: Oh, this is a good story. This is very good. The bitter, angry bit is very convincing. Did Billy buy it?

Josh: There is nothing to buy, Reva. It's the truth.

Reva: And you're sticking to it, even with the more recent news about Alan?

Josh: What news?

Reva: You haven't heard the news. Alan took a turn for the worse. So, it would seem that whoever shot him will be facing a murder rap.

Josh: It was self-defense.

Reva: And you're willing to go to prison for all those years to save Cassie. You know, that's fine, but there is just one problem with this grand scheme of yours, Joshua. Cassie didn't commit the crime. She didn't shoot Alan. You know how I know it? Because it was me. I shot him. I took the gun out of Cassie’s hands and I pulled the trigger. I shot Alan! ( Laughs ) You believed me.

Josh: No. No.

Reva: Yeah, yes. You believed me because you know that you didn't shoot Alan yourself. So now just give up on this charade and admit it.

Josh: Cassie had means and motive. The odds are she's the one who did it. But I'm not going to let them convict her, Reva, and I don't care what I have to do.

Cassie: All right, Alan-Michael, you want me to talk to you like the head honcho, the wonderful leader of this great, dysfunctional family, fine, here I am.

Lizzie: This is not the smartest thing...

Alan-Michael: Thank you, Lizzie. I can handle it.

Lizzie: She's really upset.

Alan-Michael: I said I can handle it.

Cassie: Look, I started with Lizzie because, unfortunately, she and I have a connection now-- we both suffered the same loss. But, come to think of it, you and I have a connection, too.

Alan-Michael: And what's that?

Cassie: You want to be the great Spaulding savior, don't you? You want to lead this family and this company into a new direction, into a better direction? Isn't that why you... you pushed Alan to stop fighting Jonathan over the baby?

Alan-Michael: For all of the good it did me.

Cassie: And you went after Jonathan, you reached out to him yourself, didn't you? Because you don't want to be like your father.

Alan-Michael: Is there a point to this?

Cassie: If you want to be better than Alan, then be better than him. Don't handle this the way he would. Help Josh. Don't let Doris crush him.

Alan-Michael: Why would I help the man who shot my father?

Cassie: He didn't do it.

Alan-Michael: The evidence says he did. The bullet they pulled out of my dad comes from a rare, old pistol. Josh is the only one in town who has that kind of gun. And he confessed. To me, it's an open and shut case.

Cassie: I'm telling you, he didn't do it.

Alan-Michael: And you know this how?

Cassie: Because I know Josh, and he is not that kind of man.

Alan-Michael: Maybe he is if he gets angry enough. He assaulted my father at Towers just a few days before the shooting.

Cassie: Oh, there is a big difference.

Alan-Michael: I'm going to leave that to a jury to decide. My father may be dying as we speak. He deserves justice.

Cassie: So do I. Your father robbed me of my child, and you know that. Look, Alan-Michael, is it really justice that you want, or do you just want a quick resolution so you can get back to your mergers and acquisitions? Because if what you want is real justice, then you better start worrying about who the real shooter is. And it's not Josh. The wrong person is behind bars.

Beth: Ava, I understand why you wouldn't trust me.

Ava: Yeah? Maybe it has something to do with you shoving me in a meat locker.

Beth: Well, there wasn't just meat in there. There was... never mind. Um... I want to put all of that behind us.

Ava: Hmm, and look out for my best interests?

Beth: Yes. Exactly. Under the best of circumstances, the Spaulding house is crazy, but with Doris and her daughter in the mix, it would be like moving into the hyena exhibit at the zoo.

Ava: ( Laughs ) I like Ashlee.

Beth: Oh, yes, she's very sweet, but she's delusional. And everyone else is... is in a heightened state because of Alan. Lizzie is a wreck. The only person that's holding it together is my mother, and she could just crack at any moment. Why would you want to subject yourself to that kind of chaos?

Ava: I think the real question is: Why don't you want me in that house?

Beth: Because you're not needed there.

Ava: Alan-Michael seems to think so.

Beth: Alan-Michael has a staff to wait on him night and day, plus his family.

Ava: Yeah, a bunch of crackpots and animals, like you just said.

Beth: I think the real question is why you want to move in where you're obviously not wanted. What's your agenda, Ava?

Ava: Alan-Michael is my friend and I care about him.

Beth: Friend, hmm?

Ava: Look, whatever we are, you know what? Beth, that's really none of your business.

Beth: It is if you're living under my roof.

Ava: Your roof? It's Alan-Michael's house, and all of you are staying there under his good graces. And if the hospital situation is any indication about how you guys are, you don't give a damn about him.

Beth: Alexandra and I had very valid reasons to be skeptical of Alan-Michael’s motives that day.

Ava: And I have valid reasons to be skeptical of you right now. I think it's fantastic that Alan-Michael will have an extra set of eyes and ears in that house. So... I will see you at breakfast.

Beth: Don't take the blueberry muffins. Cook makes those for me.

Mallet: So, a guy walks into the bar and he says, "Hey, can I have a minute with my girl?"

Remy: Is that the beginning of a joke?

Mallet: No. The guy is me.

Remy: You're a weird dude, man.

Mallet: Oh, thank you. We'll see you later.

Remy: Yeah. Call me if you still need help with that story.

Mallet: So what story is he talking about? Are you doing something more with

Dinah: I wish. We're just doing a feature on identity theft, you know, I figured because I know so much about it.

Mallet: Uh-huh. Are you okay?

Dinah: Yeah. Why?

Mallet: I don't know. You seem a little shaky.

Dinah: I don't know, I just, um... I think it hits close to home.

Mallet: Yeah, I can understand that. I think it's a little creepy knowing that someone's out there rooting around in all of your accounts.

Dinah: Yeah, someone you don't know.

Mallet: Well, we hope, anyway. I can't stop thinking about that creepy little smiley face they left after they cleaned you out.

Dinah: Yeah. Can we not talk about it anymore? I would really love to forget about it.

Mallet: Well, honey, if you want to forget about it, why are you doing a story about it?

Dinah: I want to get it out of my system. And I want to put it to rest.

Mallet: I've got a better way to do that. And you know what it is? You and I are going out tonight, no distractions, first class all the way.

Dinah: Tonight?

Mallet: Yes, it's all arranged. You and I are going to drive to Glenview, and we're going to have dinner at that four-star restaurant in the new casino. Yeah, and then after dinner, maybe we'll hit the tables, do a little gambling. Maybe we'll gamble until... I don't know, we win all of our money back, or until we lose our shirts, whatever comes first. And then maybe... maybe we'll go up into our room-- our room, which is not really a room, it's more like a suite. With a big hot tub, not in the shape of a champagne glass. And then maybe -- I don't know-- maybe we'll lose our shirts again in our suite, on our bed not in the shape of a heart.

Dinah: ( Laughs )

Mallet: Because I want to show you over and over and over again how much I love you.

Dinah: Over and over again?

Mallet: And over and over again. How does that sound?

Dinah: Not good.

Reva: You're sure it was Cassie?

Josh: The police have her on a surveillance tape with a gun, with H.B.'s gun, the same kind that was used in the shooting.

Reva: Did she admit it to you?

Josh: No. She was... the medication she's been taking, it makes her disoriented, confused. She has very little memory of what happened that night. But I remember. The look on her face when she went to confront Alan. Or the way she didn't even respond when they rolled him by on the gurney.

Reva: But would she shoot Alan?

Josh: Before Tammy died, my answer to that would be no. But since then...

Reva: I guess anyone would be tempted.

Josh: Reva, they... they had her behind bars. They had her in a jail cell. I mean, all I could think to myself was, what if she goes to prison? How is she ever going to recover from that?

Reva: All right, so you step up...

Josh: What's going to happen to R.J.?

Reva: And you take the fall for it, and then she loses you instead. You think that's going to be any easier for her?

Josh: What I think is that I can do the time and she can’t. And this way, she has R.J. and she has you.

Reva: You'll be throwing away years of your life!

Josh: Reva, it's not like I'm rolling over like a dog on this, okay? Mel and Jeffrey are working on my defense right now. And I told... I told Frank that Alan came after me. I didn't have any choice. So, hopefully...

Reva: Hopefully? Hopefully? Would you wake up? There are so many holes in this plan of yours. What if Alan recovers?

Josh: That would be good news-- it wouldn't be murder.

Reva: What if he recovers and he... he remembers that it was Cassie who shot him?

Josh: I'll cross that bridge...

Reva: Or he recovers and he wakes up and he remembers it wasn't Cassie who shot him, and you've done all of this for nothing.

Josh: Reva!

Reva: I get that it's in your DNA to want to step up and protect everybody. But what if it backfires? What if it goes the other way and Alan dies? You can scream self-defense all you want, but it's still your gun. And it's murder, Joshua. And you could possibly spend the rest of your life in prison. I sacrificed for you. I almost died alone so that you'd have the chance to live, and I'm not going to let you just... I won't!

Josh: It has nothing to do with this.

Reva: It has everything to do with this! You have a life! What about our kids? Is this fair to them?

Cop: Come on. I've got to take you to your bail hearing.

Josh: Yeah, we're done here. Don't fight me on this, Reva.

Reva: I'm coming to the bail hearing with you.

Mallet: Okay, so what do you want to do instead? You want to go to the library and borrow some books and sip some tea?

Dinah: No, I need to go out of town.

Mallet: What? Tonight?

Dinah: Yes. I just need to cover a story. It's very easy and I will be home tomorrow. And I will be more relaxed than ever, all right? I promise.

Man: Somebody help. My jewelry store has been robbed!

Marina: Hey, I'm a detective. What happened?

Man: I went... I locked up and went back to do some accounting. I came out, there was a guy in the showroom. He took off but not before cleaning me out.

Marina: Okay, did you see what he looked like? I mean, was he short, tall, black, white, tattoos?

Man: White guy. Gray sweatshirt with a hood.

Marina: Okay, and...? That's it, that's all you got. Okay, do me a favor-- call it in for me. Tell them Detective Cooper is on the scene and I'm going to need some backup. Did you see which way he went? Oh, I'm sorry. There's been a robbery. Did you see a guy in a gray sweatshirt?

Other man: You mean that guy?

Marina: Hey, hold it. We're going to need to see some I.D.

Jogger: Get away from me, lady.

Marina: No. I asked you to please stop.

Jogger: Leave me alone.

Marina: No.

Alan-Michael: I've been doing two things the last couple of weeks in the hospital: Recovering from my injuries and watching my father suffer from his.

Cassie: He's no innocent victim.

Alan-Michael: No, Alan is not innocent. But who is?

Cassie: Josh. Josh is.

Alan-Michael: You're asking a lot.

Cassie: I understand that he is your father. But the things that he has done...

Alan-Michael: I'm very sorry about Tammy.

Cassie: Then I'm asking you to do what's right.

Alan-Michael: What is right, Cassie?

Cassie: That Josh does not deserve this. After everything that Alan has done and taken away from all of us, he does not get to take Josh, too.

Alan-Michael: You've suffered a terrible loss.

Cassie: So does that mean...

Alan-Michael: That I'm going to take what you say and speak to the judge on your boyfriend's behalf? I can’t. But I will speak to you further about it.

Cassie: That would be...

Alan-Michael: Not now. I've got a meeting. But can you meet me later?

Cassie: Back here?

Alan-Michael: Oakdale. Our lawyer is out there. I want him to be present. But not at his office-- the press might catch wind of it. Meet me here at 8:00 P.M.

Cassie: Okay. I'll be there.

Alan-Michael: You've suffered enough already. Maybe we can move this forward so that our families won't be torn apart any further.

Cassie: Thank you, Alan-Michael. I'll see you later. Oh, hi, Ava.

Ava: Hi. How are you?

Cassie: I'm okay, thanks.

Ava: What's she doing here?

Alan-Michael: I'll tell you about it after I make a phone call. Can you do me a favor? Tell cook I won't be here for dinner.

Ava: Sure.

Alan-Michael: Thanks.

Josh: You didn't have to post bail for me.

Reva: I had my checkbook. Mel said it would go faster.

Josh: All right. Well, I'll... I'll pay you back when I get home.

Reva: How?

Josh: I'll pay you the money when I get home.

Reva: That's the least of what you owe, Joshua.

Josh: Can I have my stuff, please? Thanks.

Reva: We're still going to talk about this.

Josh: I have no doubt about that, Reva. Thank you for posting bail.

Reva: Try to stay out, will you?

Josh: A text message from Cassie. "Meeting Alan-Michael 8:00 P.M., Old Brook Inn, Oakdale. He says he'll help us."

Marina: I said stop resisting.

Jogger: You didn't tell me you were a cop.

Marina: Hey. Just put him in the back of the car, will you, Mike?

Jogger: I was just jogging by, I didn't do anything.

Marina: Yeah, well, he must have put the jewelry somewhere. I'm going to take a look around. Hey.

Cyrus: Hey.

Marina: Nice job.

Cyrus: Where I come from, you have to know how to defend yourself, especially if you support the wrong football team.

Marina: Really? Where is home, England?

Cyrus: Try a little further south. Our beaches are a bit nicer, if you don't mind the sharks.

Marina: Australia.

Cyrus: You've heard of it?

Marina: Yeah. I did a book report on it when I was a kid.

Cyrus: Mm.

Marina: I even dressed up like a koala.

Cyrus: Well, we actually don't dress like koalas there.

Marina: Oh, no?

Cyrus: Kangaroos, mostly. There's more room in the...

Marina: The pouch.

Cyrus: Yeah, to store your beer.

Marina: Yeah, I got it. All right. Okay.

Cyrus: Well, I'm just, you know, here on business. So, you know, now that I've seen how much this place has to offer, I might stick around for a while.

Marina: Really? All right.

Mike: Detective.

Marina: Excuse me. Did you put the suspect in the car?

Yeah. Do you need me to help you get statements?

Marina: No, that's okay. You go talk to the complainant, and I will talk to the good- looking guy with the smooth moves. Where did he go?

Mike: Did you get his number?

Marina: No. And he didn't get mine.

Ava: Okay, so I told cook that... oh, are you going somewhere?

Alan-Michael: Yeah, I have a meeting to go to.

Ava: Oh, I don't have that on my calendar.

Alan-Michael: It's not something you need to worry about.

Ava: Are you sure you don't need me to take notes for you or...

Alan-Michael: Ava, I'm grateful that you're moving in here. You've been an incredible help to me, and you will continue to be. But you've already put in a ten hour day. You need to have a life. And I need to feel that there are still some things I can do on my own. Otherwise...

Ava: You are such a guy.

Alan-Michael: Is that a good thing?

Ava: Um... sometimes. Yeah, okay. So how about I just move my stuff in while you're out. Is that cool?

Alan-Michael: Yeah, I'll have the staff help you.

Ava: Oh, I just have a few boxes. I can handle it myself.

Alan-Michael: Now who's afraid to ask for assistance?

Ava: It's not that big a deal.

Alan-Michael: You don't like relying on the staff for help.

Ava: You know what? I grew up being the help, so it's a little weird for me.

Alan-Michael: You get used to it.

Ava: I don't want to get used to it. Because then you stop treating them like real people.

Alan-Michael: You never will.

Ava: I'll bet you that's what Beth said, right? And now she's the Beth that we all know and... know.

Reva: He admitted he was lying. He didn't shoot Alan. He is protecting Cassie because he thinks she did.

Billy: Wait, he came right out and told you?

Reva: No, I had to trick him into it. And now he wants me to be quiet so he can go through with this. I mean, sacrifice is great and all, but there's a limit.

Billy: Oh! Hey, you should know.

Reva: He doesn't get to do this.

Billy: Hey, wait. Do you know how you're sounding?

Reva: Yes, of course I know how I'm sounding, because I know what it's like to give up everything for the person you love.

Billy: Oh, I see. And you own him, is that it, because you pushed him towards Cassie?

Reva: He's just... he hasn't thought this through. When you make a choice like that, you give up everything. It changes everything. If he thinks he is going to get off easy because of a self- defense thing...

Billy: Yeah, I see. And if he doesn't get off...

Reva: Yeah, if he doesn't get off... and where does Cassie come into all of this?

Billy: Whoa, whoa! Cassie was against it. I heard him at the police station. He just sent her away.

Reva: Yeah, because he's the most selfless man we know, and that's why we love him. And we could lose him forever.

Billy: Yeah. He's just interested in keeping her safe, that's for sure.

Reva: Well, this isn't the way to do it! I gave him up so that he could be with her. And now he could be locked away for years, away from her. Where is the sense in that? And I don't even want to talk about what this is going to do to Marah and Shayne. I love my sister and I want to protect her, but the price is too steep.

Billy: Wait, wait. What are you doing?

Reva: I'm calling Vanessa to see if she can create some positive press about Josh.

Billy: Wait, hold on a second. Before you go off half-cocked, wait. You've got to ask yourself why you're so upset here. Is it because Josh is doing what he is doing, or is it because he's doing it for Cassie?

( Knock on door )

Cassie: Alan-Michael... Josh, how did... what are you doing here?

Josh: I just, um... I want...

Billy: Let's just say, for argument sake, that you shot Alan, and Josh took the fall for you. I mean, would he still be wrong?

Reva: He wouldn't do it.

Billy: Oh, he'd do it in a second.

Reva: No, he's with Cassie now. She has a young child, she just lost Tammy.

Billy: Wait, wait, wait. You lost Jonathan and Sarah, come on. Josh, if anything, he is an equal-opportunity martyr.

Reva: Well, I... I wouldn't want that, either.

Billy: Oh, so you say. Is that it?

Reva: I am perfectly capable of thinking that Josh is doing something stupid and dangerous without being jealous of Cassie or wanting him back.

Billy: Hey, just because it's dangerous, doesn't mean it's stupid. He only wants to help Cassie.

Reva: So do I, if she's really guilty.

Billy: Okay, then. Maybe you should just keep your mouth shut and let him do what he's doing. Because if you talk him out of it, what's going to happen to Cassie if she is guilty?

Reva: I don't know, Billy. I don't know.

Cassie: I've been so worried about you. I went, I talked to Alan-Michael.

Josh: No, no, no, don't do that. He... he's not going to help either one of us ever. He made that very clear to me.

Cassie: Well, he told me that he'd hear me out and you were in jail. And I didn't know that the judge was going to grant you bail. I had to do something.

Josh: Cassie, I told you, don't worry about me. I'll be fine.

Cassie: Don't worry about you? That's like saying "don't breathe."

Josh: Come here. I'm going to fix this, okay? I promise.

Cassie: How?

Josh: I don't know, but I will. I'll do something. I don't want you suffering anymore.

Cassie: You could go to prison. Doris Wolfe said that this could turn into...

Josh: Do you trust me?

Cassie: Yes, I trust you. But I'm scared. What if...?

Josh: Well, then...

Lizzie: Ava. Isn't it a little late to be taking dictation?

Beth: Oh, Lizzie, I didn't get a chance to tell you. Ava is going to be our new housemate.

Lizzie: You're moving in here?

Beth: Mm. By decree of your uncle, Alan-Michael. Seems he finds her indispensable. For what, I can't imagine. I have to make some calls in private.

Ava: I see we're getting things off to a good start.

Lizzie: Yeah, what did you expect? After the way you took Coop from me. So tell me, Ava, did you even care about him? Because two seconds after you dumped him, you were right with Alan-Michael. And everyone thinks you're so nice.

Marina: Mallet, what's this?

Mallet: Wow, that's an alert from Interpol. We don't get those very often. Click on it and see what they sent us.

Marina: I... I might be the dumbest cop you've ever met.

Dinah: I can't believe I forgot my passport. Mallet? What's going on? Who's here?

Mallet: "Suspected in over 100 robberies. Con artist. Recently released from prison in Spain... and may be en route to Springfield." Huh. Do you know this guy?

Marina: Kind of.

Mallet: How?

Marina: Well, you know, he's just your regular run of the mill friendly good samaritan.

Mallet: This guy was the guy outside the jewelry store?

Marina: Hello, Cyrus Foley.

Cyrus: Hello, partner. Long time no see, like in five to ten.

Ava: And here I thought the loss of your husband and daughter would make you more human. Your grandfather is fighting for his life in the hospital. Shouldn't you be worried about him instead of some stupid rivalry with me?

Lizzie: I can do both.

Ava: Fine. Fine and just to let you know, I am not putting up with any garbage from you or your mother in this house. I'm here for Alan-Michael, and I'm going to stay here as long as he needs me.

Cop: Police, open up!

Josh: What the hell is that?

Alan-Michael: You should have taken a closer look at those court papers, Josh. Condition of your release on bail is you don't leave Springfield and here you are in a different county.

Cop: We're going to have to bring you in, Mr. Lewis.

Cassie: I don't understand. You said you wanted to talk.

Alan-Michael: He shot my father. He doesn't deserve to be walking around free.

Cassie: You set us up?

Alan-Michael: You tried to play me and my family, Cassie. I just returned the favor.

Josh: Cassie, it's fine. Don't worry about it. It's all right. Just call Mel. Call Jeffrey. I love you, Cassie.

Cassie: I love you.

Reva: Well, that's just great, he's already all over the evening news.

Billy: Yeah, well, at least he made bail.

Reva: Yeah, like it matters. They've already tried and convicted him. And if he sticks with this story, he goes to prison, and if he recants...

Billy: Then Cassie...

Reva: But what if she didn't pull the trigger? What if we could prove that she didn't? I mean, where is the gun? Where is H.B.'s gun? No one's even seen it.

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