Guiding Light Transcript Tuesday 3/6/07
Provided by Boo
Proofread by Tanya
Cassie: This doesn't make any sense.
Josh: Make sure you get all this down, Frank, because this is it, your case is solved.
Cassie: Josh, will you stop talking?
Frank: Actually, it sounds to me like he's got a lot to say, unless it's just a stunt.
Josh: Why would you think that?
Frank: Well, Josh, maybe to take the heat off Cassie.
Josh: This is not a stunt, Frank. This is it. This is the real deal, okay? I did it. I'm responsible. I took the gun from Cassie. I confronted Alan at Towers the night of his wedding. We got into a fight, and we struggled over the gun, and it went off. I'm ready to face the consequences.
Ashlee: You're home! Like way earlier than they said you'd be. But that's so cool. It just means that you're getting better faster. This is so great! This is exactly what the family needs to like pull itself together. Alan would be so happy.
Alan-Michael: Excuse me, but who are you?
Ashlee: Ashlee. Your stepsister!
( Knock at door )
Ava: Just in time. You can help me carry the heavy boxes.
Jeffrey: Are you going some where?
Ava: I'm moving into the Spaulding mansion.
Jeffrey: I guess that's part of the job, huh? Moving in with the boss?
Ava: I'm helping him to recover, Jeffrey.
Jeffrey: Ava...
Ava: Well, I'll tell him that you said hello.
Jeffrey: Is that why you called me over here, so you could rub it in my face?
Ava: Just keeping you current.
Jeffrey: Is that it or is it because you want me, your dad, to stop you from going through with this?
Olivia: It sucks to be you, Alan. It sucks to even be near you. ( Cell phone ringing ) You know, you're not supposed to use these things in the hospital. It can make those machines keeping you alive go all kerflooey. Excuse me. Hello?
Jeffrey: Hi. Um, we have a bigger problem than I thought with Ava.
Olivia: What now?
Jeffrey: Well, she's moving into the Spaulding mansion.
Olivia: You know what her problem is? She's too damn trusting. She was like me before I met...
Jeffrey: Me? Look, I don't know what you're doing with the rest of the evening, but do you think you could meet me at Outskirts?
Olivia: Just like that?
Jeffrey: I think we need to find a way to keep Ava away from these people, don't you?
Olivia: Yeah, I'll be there. Those people.
Coop: I was not aware that Co2 had entertainment now.
Buzz: If you look right in my hand, you'll see two golden wedding bands.
Coop: Don't you think it's a little early to be showing these off? Don't you feel that you might lose them before the ceremony itself?
Buzz: No, it's manana. It's manana. We're flying to Vegas to get hitched.
Coop: Are you serious?
Buzz: Why wait? Come on, we've waited too long. In 24 hours, Olivia’s going to be my wife.
Coop: Are you going to have Elvis do the ceremony, too, or... the whole shebang?
Buzz: I'm sorry. You know, I shouldn’t... you and Ava, I, you know....
Coop: Dad, don’t... don't even worry about it. I'm happy for you. I really am. I mean, if anyone deserves this, you do.
Cassie: Don't believe him, Frank. Josh, can I talk to you?
Josh: Cassie... Cassie, you were out of it that night because of the drugs you were taking. You don't even know what you were doing. How could you be sure about anybody else?
Frank: Josh, why didn't you say anything until now?
Josh: Because, Frank, I thought I could get away with it, you know? I mean, nobody saw me, but then you arrested Cassie and I had no choice.
Frank: No, actually, we have footage of Cassie holding the gun...
Josh: Yeah, I know that, Frank! I found her with the gun, probably right after she passed in front of that camera. She was dazed, she was confused. I took the gun from her. I put it in my jacket pocket.
Cassie: No, I don't remember that.
Josh: Cassie, Cassie, you didn't remember even having the gun until you saw it yourself on the tape. You kept saying Tammy’s name over and over and over and over again. I wanted to see Alan. I wanted to confront him, and I did.
Frank: Okay, Josh, then why don't you tell me exactly how you did it?
Cassie: Hey, Josh. You're doing this for me. I get that. I don't want you to do it.
Josh: Frank...
Frank: Yeah.
Josh: Frank, could you get Cassie out of here, please? I don't think she should be here.
Cassie: I'm not going anywhere.
Josh: Cassie, please.
Frank: Albert, can you escort Miss Winslow to a waiting area, please?
Cassie: No.
Cop: This way, ma'am.
Cassie: No. Hey, Josh, don't do it. Don't do this!
Frank: Are you ready for this, Josh?
Josh: Yeah.
Frank: This is Chief Cooper interviewing Josh Lewis. Josh, why don't you tell me from the point that you arrived at Towers for Alan’s wedding?
Josh: Okay. First of all, I just want to say that I'm not proud of what I did, but I've had this anger building up inside of me for a very long time now. Tammy and Jonathan were like my own kids. He was responsible for their deaths. Is that better for you?
Frank: Well, Josh, I'm just trying to get to the bottom of this, that's all.
Josh: I get that, Frank. I understand that. It wasn't just about the kids, though. I mean, he’s... he's been taking Cassie away from me. Every day she would get further and further into her grief and her pain.
Frank: So then what did you do?
Josh: My first priority, of course, was Cassie, just getting her out of the room. So I was taking her to the elevator, and I glanced back, and there was Alan, you know, just giving me that look, that look that says, "I won again, and there's not a damn thing you can do about it." I told Cassie to wait while I went to get the car, but I didn't go get the car. Instead, I doubled back, and I went in the back entrance of Towers. I stepped inside the elevator. The doors closed.
Frank: And then you guys took the elevator up together.
Josh: Well, Alan’s never been one to back away from a good, old-fashioned confrontation. You know what I'm saying? And it got real ugly real fast. I told him, I promised him that I would see him spending his life in prison for what he did to Tammy, and that's when he attacked me. He came after me-- lunged at me, went for my throat. I pushed him to the side. I pulled out the gun-- not to shoot him. I had no intention of shooting him. I wanted to scare him. It didn't work out that way. He grabbed for the gun. We fought over it and, bang, the gun went off. There was a moment when I thought I was hit, but he's the one who fell to the floor.
Frank: And you... you just left him there.
Josh: He was breathing. My only concern, quite Frankly, was Cassie. By the time I found her on Main Street, the E.M.S. guys were wheeling Alan out to the ambulance. I didn't say a word to her about what happened. I took her straight home.
Frank: Then what'd you do with the gun?
Josh: I threw it in the lake.
Frank: Why did you wait until now to tell me this?
Josh: You know now, and that's what matters, right?
Frank: Josh, you better talk to Mel when she gets here, okay?
Josh: Frank?
Frank: Yeah.
Josh: I will help you with this case. I will cooperate in every way. But I need you to help me too.
Alan-Michael: I really have a lot of work to catch up on.
Ashlee: Okay, no, that's fine. No... maybe we should have dinner though. Like all of us. I could talk to cook and....
Alan-Michael: I'm really not that hungry.
Ashlee: Okay. No, me either. We could watch a movie in the screening room. I still can't get over the size of that TV.
Alan-Michael: Ashlee, it's really great to meet you, but I could really use some privacy right now.
Ashlee: Oh, sure. Yeah, I get it. We'll have loads of time to get to know each other. But let me know if you need any help with being pushed around, or we could talk about your dad if you want.
Alan-Michael: Thanks. I'm fine.
Ashlee: Okay.
Alan-Michael: Just really busy.
Ashlee: Cool, okay, man. Bye, bro. I'll catch you later.
Alan-Michael: Jay, it's Alan-Michael Spaulding. Why haven't I heard from you? I need information on the investigation. Have they arrested Cassie Winslow yet? It's me. No, I wasn't talking to you. Just call me when you know.
Ava: You look good at that desk.
Alan-Michael: Hi. I didn't expect to see you here so soon.
Ava: Hey. Oh. Your wheelchair's so far away from your desk. How'd you get there?
Alan-Michael: Oh, Jeremy helped me. It's the upside of having servants.
Ava: Oh. What is this? ( Laughs ) I love it. Look at the hairdo. How old were you here?
Alan-Michael: I was just trying to remember that myself.
Ava: Yeah? Well, do you have any more of these? I'd love to see some of your father, your brother, your... where's your family album?
Alan-Michael: You know, I've got a ton of work staring me in the face, so I'm going to have to get back to it.
Ava: Oh no, you're not. You are coming with me, and you are hopping in.
Olivia: Hey.
Buzz: Hey, mama!
Olivia: Wait. Buzz, wait, just wait, wait, wait, wait...
Buzz: No, I'm just getting going.
Olivia: I know! ( Shrieks )
Buzz: Come on. You're going to be stuck doing this forever, baby. I do have something to show you, here.
Olivia: Oh, they're so beautiful.
Buzz: Fresh from the display box. And I got my suit, my best suit... well, not my best suit, my... my cleanest suit. It's in the garment bag because we're not going to be able to pack tomorrow morning because we're leaving for Vegas so early.
Olivia: About that.
Buzz: Yes?
Olivia: I can't wait to be your wife.
Buzz: Well, you're not going to have to wait for long.
Olivia: And this eloping thing, it's great. It's really good.
Buzz: But.
Olivia: Could you just give me a couple more days?
Buzz: Honey, dearest, darling, you said this is what you wanted.
Olivia: It is what I want. I want to wake up every morning next to you as your wife. It's my dream.
Buzz: So?
Olivia: I just need a little more time.
Buzz: A little more time?
Olivia: Just a very little.
Buzz: And then after that maybe a little more time?
Olivia: No. No.
Buzz: So why are we waiting? Tell me exactly what is in the way.
Olivia: I just need you to trust me. Just trust me. I have to go.
Buzz: Bye.
( Ashlee sobbing )
Coop: Hey, shh. What's going on? What happened?
Ashlee: This is my last day at work.
Coop: Come on. Come on with me. Come here. Just come here. Uh, what?
Ashlee: Yeah, I have to quit as of tonight.
Coop: Why?
Ashlee: Because it's beneath me. I'm a Spaulding now.
Alan-Michael: I don't have time for this. I just left this place.
Ava: Just relax, okay? This is... Spaulding business, we’ll take care of it. I'll help you with it.
Alan-Michael: You took that?
Ava: The hand is quicker than the eye.
Alan-Michael: Let me get this straight. You drag me all the way down here to put a picture next to my dad's bed.
Ava: Okay. I know this is a little corny, but let's say Alan wakes up. This will be the first thing he sees. He'll know you were here.
Alan-Michael: He wouldn't care.
Ava: Don't say that. You don't know how important this might be to him. It could speed up his recovery.
Alan-Michael: Or it might make him lapse back into a coma.
Ava: I don't believe you for one second, okay? You miss him. And, I mean, he's your father. It's okay.
Alan-Michael: How is it that you're the only one around who gets me?
Ava: I guess it's because I know what it feels like to feel like you weren't enough.
Olivia: Well, here we are at the emergency tribal council.
Jeffrey: I wouldn't have called you if I didn't think it was serious. Ava's on her way. Look, this isn't my idea of a fun evening, either, but she needs us.
Olivia: Whether we like it or not.
Jeffrey: Yes.
Olivia: I'm agreeing with you, okay? You just have no idea what I've given up to be here.
Jeffrey: Well, we've both failed her in the past. Maybe this is a chance for us to make it up to her. You know what's strange?
Olivia: Where do I start?
Jeffrey: When I spoke to her earlier, she sounded like... well, it's almost like she wants someone to stop her deep down. That's why we've got to act fast while we still have a chance.
Olivia: What? How are we going to do that? Have you fleshed out this brilliant plan with anything resembling details yet?
Jeffrey: Yes.
Olivia: Okay.
Jeffrey: You want a drink?
Olivia: No, just tell me what the first step is, our first step. What do we do?
Jeffrey: Actually, it's, um... it's your first step.
Olivia: What?
Jeffrey: I told Ava that you're having a personal crisis.
Olivia: ( Laughs ) Me?
Jeffrey: Look, it's the only way I could get her down here.
Olivia: No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. What is my crisis? What am I going to tell her?
Jeffrey: I'll leave that up to you.
Olivia: Oh...
Jeffrey: Speaking of leaving...
Olivia: No, no. Hey! ( Sighs ) Hey.
Ava: You don't look so horrible.
Olivia: Thanks.
Ava: Jeffrey called me and said you're having a meltdown. Obviously he lied. What a surprise.
Olivia: No, Ava. No, no, he didn’t. He... it's an emergency. Because I need...
Ava: What?
Olivia: I need your help.
Frank: All right, Cassie. You're free to go.
Cassie: What?
Frank: Josh gave a full confession.
Cassie: A full confession? No. You cannot do this. Do you hear me? You cannot do this.
Josh: Cassie, Cassie, it's going to be all right.
Cassie: Not like this, it's not. Josh, you've got to take back whatever it is you said in there. I'm not going to let you take the rap for me.
Josh: That's not what I'm doing. I shot Alan. And I can't let the police go on thinking that you had something to do with it when that's not the case.
Cassie: I am not going to let you go to prison.
Josh: Frank, Frank, can you give us just a minute, please?
Frank: It's okay.
Josh: Just listen to me. Listen. When you talk to R.J. about this and tell him what happened...
Cassie: No, no.
Josh: ...You have to tell him this is just the way it had to be, okay?
Cassie: But it doesn't have to be like this.
Josh: Cassie, I'll be at home where I belong before you know it. It was self-defense. I'll get a short sentence if I get anything at all. Now, you have to pick up R.J. on Main Street. Mel is here. She's working on bail. With any luck, I'll beat you back to the farmhouse.
Cassie: Please don't do this.
Josh: Frank. Frank.
Frank: Yeah?
Josh: Just take care of her, will you, please?
Frank: Okay.
Josh: If you're going to book me, let's do it, because I'm ready.
Ashlee: This could be the last time that I make a mochaccino.
Coop: Ashlee.
Ashlee: This is the last time that I'll steam milk.
Coop: No, Ashlee, it's not going to be...
Ashlee: This is the last time that I'll pour in the milk.
Coop: Would you...
Ashlee: And I'll spray lots and lots and lots of whipped cream and cinnamon. Cinnamon. A little bit for myself.
Coop: Okay, would you take two seconds here and slow down? Since when is working here beneath you?
Ashlee: Well, I mean, now that I'm a Spaulding, my mom said that I can't be a server anymore now that I'm a servee.
Coop: Uh-huh. So I see your mom's kind of getting into this whole being a Spaulding thing?
Ashlee: Well, yeah, she likes it. Alan's like the husband that she's always wanted us to have.
Coop: And how is this working out for you, though?
Ashlee: I have to serve this before it gets cold. Here, enjoy.
Coop: You know, I was actually under the assumption that you enjoyed working here.
Alee: I did. I do.
Coop: But you're going to bail now? Look, I'm not going to try and convince you to stay here if you don't want to, but I mean, I understand what you're going through. Right now, I cut my shifts back because I'm trying to focus on school right now. But let me just say this: I have never seen someone make the customers smile like you do.
Ashlee: That's the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me. Well... yeah, you know, I like being a Spaulding sometimes. It's like... it's like that fantasy, that everything in the world fantasy.
Buzz: Shut your yap. We're going to clean this place from top to bottom. House cleaning.
Coop: Dad, we're still open.
Buzz: Don't give me attitude.
Coop: Whoa, whoa, hold on a second. What's the point of all of this? I mean, by tomorrow morning, you're going to be in Vegas getting hitched, so...
Buzz: No, not anymore. Wedding's off.
Ava: So this is a team effort? Jeffrey calls when you need me?
Olivia: Yes. Well, yes, because I was embarrassed and I asked him to call you.
Ava: You must have been pretty desperate.
Olivia: You have no idea.
Ava: Okay, fine. You know what? I'll bite. How's that? Wait, you know what? Let me be real specific. What kind of help could you possibly want from me, huh? A kidney? A lung? That's it, right? Okay, well, good. I figured you needed a transplant and I was the only match in town.
Olivia: Well, look, it doesn't have to do with a match.
Ava: Would you just get to the point?
Olivia: All right, all right. Buzz and I are getting married, you know that?
Ava: Yes. Very weird.
Olivia: Well, he's just concerned that maybe I haven't dealt with you.
Ava: No, you haven't found the right hit man to get the job done correctly, right?
Olivia: No. He's concerned that I haven't dealt with the residual feelings that I have, the anger and resentment surrounding the birth and your adoption and all of that.
Ava: I know you hate me, okay? Just go on.
Olivia: I just figured... maybe we could get closer. That would make Buzz very happy.
Ava: Yeah, it would make him happy. Okay, what, so you want to force a relationship? Is that what this is about? Is this the mommy/daughter show?
Olivia: Doesn't have to be a show.
Ava: You are so unbelievable. I cannot believe that everything that we've been through together, you expect me to bond with you? Because you are so scared that something's going to happen with your marriage?
Olivia: Oh, just get off it, all right? That's not what I meant at all. You're my daughter! I thought, you know, if we spent some quality time together and...
Ava: Realize we have something in common. I doubt it. ( Cell phone ringing ) I have to take this.
Olivia: Well, that was a nightmare.
Jeffrey: No, I think it's going to be just fine.
Ava: Hello? Hello? Hello?
Alan-Michael: I have an update. Josh Lewis just confessed to shooting my father.
Ava: What?
Alan-Michael: Yeah, he's being booked. Had my driver bring me down to the police station to get the full story.
Ava: Oh, my gosh. Do you need me to come down there?
Alan-Michael: No, I'm fine. I'll call you when I get home.
Ava: Okay. Hey, I'm glad it's over.
Alan-Michael: Yeah.
Officer: Wait here. Sit here.
Alan-Michael: You're lucky I'm in a wheelchair. If I wasn't, you'd be in the hospital right now.
Frank: Cassie, R.J. hasn't been dropped off yet?
Cassie: You figured that out, did you?
Frank: Look, Cassie, I'm just trying to help here.
Cassie: Frank, you want to help me? Send Josh home. You know his story's bogus.
Frank: He tied up all the loose ends.
Cassie: Yeah, well, it's wrong, Frank. Can't you see what he's doing?
Frank: Do you really think he's lying?
Cassie: I know he is. Frank, Josh did not shoot Alan.
Frank: How can you be so sure about this, Cassie? You can't remember what happened that night.
Cassie: It's always going to come back to that, isn't it.
Frank: Yes, it is. Josh is my friend and you have my word that the investigation will be totally fair.
Cassie: Strictly by the book, huh?
Frank: 100%. I know what it's like to want to shoot Alan Spaulding, trust me.
Cassie: God, I wish I could remember. I would give anything if I could just remember what happened that night.
Coop: Hey, Dad, do you want to tell me what happened? I mean, an hour ago, you were dancing and singing, going on about how the only thing you had to worry about was getting through security at the airport, and now this.
Buzz: I wish I knew what happened.
Coop: Did Olivia break up with you?
Buzz: No. She said she needed more time.
Coop: Well, I mean, that's not so terrible.
Buzz: No, maybe not. Maybe she's being straight with me. Maybe, you know, she wants to be my wife and she just needs to sort things out. And maybe I'm right and maybe she's just stalling, she's going to stall forever.
Ashlee: Okay, boys, I figured it out that I am the worst mopper ever. So I was wondering if it's okay if I go home early.
Coop: I think it's time.
Buzz: Absolutely.
Ashlee: Time for what?
Coop: Come here.
Buzz: Time to make you an honorary Cooper.
Ashlee: Are you serious?
Buzz: Absolutely. If you're going to leave, you're going to leave as one of us, babe. You know, we don't give these keys to just anyone. Normally you have to have your last name as "Cooper," so you wear this with pride.
Coop: You should feel honored because...
Buzz: We're elites. So in our own way, as say, you know...
Coop: Spaulding’s?
Ashlee: ( Laughs ) I don't know why you would give it to me, though.
Buzz: Because we think you belong here.
Ashlee: You told him, didn't you?
Coop: Yes, but I mean, this is not a bribe. This is, I mean...
Buzz: Just think of it as sort of a reminder that despite what your mother and the Spaulding’s think, that we actually... we are actually a respectable organization.
Ashlee: I never thought you weren’t. I love it.
Buzz: That's because you have taste.
Coop: And we've also made the Springfield’s best list, what, six years?
Buzz: Six years.
Coop: Six years running, yeah.
Buzz: Your mother, Doris used to come here, like, what, four, five times a week for the special burger special. That was in the pre-Spaulding days.
Ashlee: Right, and she liked it rare with extra chili.
Buzz: She used to have taste.
Ashlee: ( Laughs ) Okay, I'm going to talk with her and see if she'll understand and maybe let me stay.
Buzz: That would be so nice. ( Laughter )
Ava: What are you doing here?
Jeffrey: Oh, I just, you know, happened to be in the neighborhood.
Ava: Uh-huh.
Jeffrey: Did you see Olivia?
Ava: Yeah.
Jeffrey: How did it go?
Ava: Well, you were right. She was flipping out.
Jeffrey: About what?
Ava: Oh, mom stuff. She was, you know, talking about spending time with me, getting to know me better, whatever. But it was just to make Buzz happy.
Jeffrey: Maybe it might make the three of you happy.
Ava: She didn't even act like she didn't have an agenda. You know, this wasn't about getting to know me better. It was about pleasing Buzz.
Jeffrey: Do you remember when Olivia and I came to find you at the hospital after Alan- Michael’s accident?
Ava: Yeah, I remember.
Jeffrey: Well, Olivia insisted on coming because she was afraid that you might be hurt. That's no agenda.
Ava: Don't count on that.
Jeffrey: No. I know exactly why Olivia rushed to Cedars that day. It's because you're her daughter, Ava, and she couldn't stop herself from making sure that you were all right. And neither could I.
Cassie: Where the hell is R.J.?
Frank: Maybe she was supposed to drop him off, got struck in traffic.
Cassie: Frank, I will not let Josh go to prison. If it comes down to making a choice about who's going to take the blame for this, me or Josh, I'm going to jail.
Frank: You might not have that choice.
Cassie: No, I'm going, or I will die trying, and nothing can change my mind.
R.J.: Mom.
Cassie: There you are.
R.J.: You were supposed to be at my soccer practice this afternoon. You totally missed it. What happened?
Josh: Could you hurry this up, please?
Alan-Michael: I should have known it was you. I had a feeling you were hiding something. All the questions you were asking at the hospital that day.
Josh: It was an accident.
Alan-Michael: Right. You just happened to be alone with my father in the elevator with a gun in your hand.
Josh: Your father attacked me, Alan-Michael. I pulled the gun out just to scare him.
Alan-Michael: But as long as it was out, you figured what the hell? Pulled the trigger.
Josh: He grabbed for the gun. We fought, the gun went off. That's it. That's everything. The bullet that hit him could have just as easily hit me.
Alan-Michael: Please. You've hated my father a long time. You wanted him dead.
Josh: I wanted him gone, not dead.
Alan-Michael: A little late for splitting hairs, don't you think?
Josh: Okay, you know what? Yeah, I hate your father. I do. What he took away from the people I love, they will never get back and he has shown no remorse. But at the end of the day, he's a human being.
Alan-Michael: Really?
Josh: And that's a hell of a lot more respect than I think he showed for Tammy or Jonathan or Sarah.
Alan-Michael: But you can take the high road. Is that it? You're above shooting a man, unless, of course, it's an accident.
Josh: I'm really sorry that this has caused you so much pain.
Alan-Michael: Don’t. This is nothing compared to what you're going to go through. I plan to use every bit of my influence with the governor to see that when you are convicted, you'll go away for life.
Josh: That's not going to happen. Alan's still alive.
Alan-Michael: He's getting worse every day.
Josh: You know what? My lawyer's going to be here any minute, so if you don't mind...
Alan-Michael: Your lawyer doesn't stand a chance. I promise you, I'll have all the evidence I need to prove that you and your family wanted my father dead all along.
Josh: That's simply not true.
Alan-Michael: You don't think so? Reva pulled a gun on him when she kidnapped him. You threatened him, Cassie threatened him. The only accident here is that Alan is still alive.
Coop: Listen... are you listening?
Buzz: Uh-huh.
Coop: Good. Olivia is going to come back here tomorrow. This is just a hunch. She's going to come back here tomorrow. She's going to be pounding on the front door, and she's going to be screaming, "Buzz, take me to Vegas."
Buzz: No, not tomorrow morning. Not the morning after tomorrow morning, no.
Coop: I know I've had my issues with Olivia. But Dad, she loves you, all right? And I know she wants to marry you. I just... I'm sure of it.
Buzz: Well, we'll see.
Coop: Just give her a chance.
Buzz: Give her a chance? That's all I've given is chances. That was me dancing with a broom up there. She says she wants more than anything else in the world to be my wife. If that's the truth, then tell me this: What could be more important to her than our wedding, you know?
( Cell phone ringing )
Jeffrey: Well, if that was Alan-Michael, then maybe our little intervention may have done the trick.
Alan-Michael: It's me. I'm giving you and the rest of the legal team fair warning. Josh Lewis is standing trial for my father's shooting. Help the D.A.'s office as much as you can. I want Josh to pay.
Cassie: So I guess I really blew it today, huh?
R.J.: Kind of.
Cassie: I'm sorry, R.J. I promise that I will be at your next soccer practice. I promise.
R.J.: And Uncle Josh, too.
Cassie: I'll try.
R.J.: Mom, what's wrong?
Cassie: Nothing, honey. But your Uncle Josh is doing something that's very important right now, and he's not going to be coming home tonight. And he asked me to tell you that.
R.J.: He was going to help me learn how to skip rocks on the pond.
Cassie: Well, then, I'll just do that with you. I mean, I'm nowhere near as good a rock skipper as your Uncle Josh, but I'm not horrible.
R.J.: Okay.
Cassie: Hey. And afterwards, I can make you a brownie sundae.
R.J.: All right.
Cassie: Yeah, see, there you go. Okay.
R.J.: When is Uncle Josh coming home?
Any kind of tears or the tomorrow I once dreamed
do I live out my deepest fears?
Where does the light go when you're starting to fade?
Where does my heart go when my temper comes instead?
Instead do I really give a little
when I think I give a lot? Am I lost in some translation
with my mind in the frustration?
Do I get no extra credit having my intentions right?
Can't it be enough?
Next, on "Guiding Light"...
Harley: Hi, Dylan.
Dylan: Sorry to interrupt, but I couldn't leave town without seeing my favorite girl.
Leah: Sorry if you thought I was...
Daisy: Calling me a slut? That's all right. Everyone knows that I'm a druggie who dates criminals, so...
Harley: She's gone.
Daisy: I want an older guy. I'm not into high school boys, sorry.
Boy: I hear you're into all kinds of stuff.
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