Guiding Light Transcript Friday 3/2/07
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Proofread by Tanya
Gus: Honey, you know how is it with teenagers. If she's to admit she's going to have a good time and going to this dance, that's like saying, "You know what, Mom, you're right."
Harley: I know. And then the cool alarm goes off or the fad alarm or the hot alarm. What are they saying now?
Gus: Stop right there. I'm really glad that we're having this conversation down here alone because if you were saying this in front of her you'd be losing a whole lot of points right now.
Harley: I'm cool. Aren't I cool?
Gus: Yeah, baby, you're cool. You're phat. P-H-A-T phat.
Harley: Thanks, honey.
Gus: I'm very proud of you, though, hon, because you're, letting her go off to this little dance without a chaperon.
Harley: Honey, this is a whole new technique that I'm trying. Yes, I'm giving her to illusion that I trust her.
Gus: Oh. And then what happens? (Knock on door)
Harley: Is that Bobby? Boy, he's early. Leah!
Leah: Hi, Harley.
Harley: Come on in! Boy you look so pretty, doesn't she? How nice to see you. What a nice surprise.
Leah: It is. I thought you and my mom set this up.
Harley: Oh, hey, hey, look who's here. This is Leah, this is Rick and Mel’s daughter. Say hello.
Daisy: Hello.
Harley: Yeah. Well, I was talking to Mel and we realized that it was not so long ago that Leah was new at the high school so we decided that maybe it would be a great idea for you and she and Bobby to all go to the dance together. What do you think?
Daisy: I think that you sent a freshman to spy on me.
Leah: I'm nobody's spy.
Daisy: Yeah, but you're still a freshman.
Leah: At least I'm not a criminal.
Gus: So much for the illusion.
Marina: Dad?
Frank: What's up, honey?
Marina: Well, I just heard that Alan-Michael's gun was not the gun used to shoot Alan. I guess that moves us back a couple spaces.
Frank: How about two and a half spaces? That's the ballistics report that just came in. The bullet that they pulled from Alan came from a very unusual gun, a gun that you don't find around here very often. A vintage Luger. I've got Doyle cross checking registrations right now so if any one of our suspects owns a gun like that...
Marina: I guess that moves us up a couple spaces.
Cassie: Is this a conflict-free diamond?
Josh: Actually, it's a diamond-free diamond.
Cassie: Oh, I don't know about that. It is pretty sparkly.
Josh: Well, that's because you're wearing it.
Cassie: (Laughs) Oh, I'm working on it. I'm working on it. But I will admit that wearing it does make me feel lighter.
Josh: Maybe that's because it's made out of plastic.
Cassie: R.J. is going to want it back, you know?
Josh: Yeah, I know. That's fine. As long as he doesn't take back his blessing on you and me getting married.
Cassie: Are you kidding? I think he's everybody he knows.
Josh: He seems pretty happy, doesn't he.
Cassie: He does. Just like his mom. Since Tammy died, I'd forgotten what that feels like. But I really am, Josh.
Josh: I'm glad. Me, too.
Cassie: There is one thing, though, um...
Josh: Hmm?
Cassie: How do you suppose Reva will take it?
Josh: I don't know. But I'm guessing I'm the one that should tell her.
Billy: Let me call room service.
Reva: No, no, I really should go home. You hung out with me all last night and that's really all I needed. I'm good. (Phone rings) It's Joshua. I'll talk to him later.
Billy: Hey, you can talk to him, go ahead.
Reva: No, I don't want to. I want to spend time with my best friend and his terry cloth.
Billy: Best friend.
Reva: Oh, Billy, I'm sorry.
Billy: No, it's a title I wear with pride.
Josh: Okay. I got her voice mail. I don't think this is the kind of thing you just leave on a message.
Cassie: Okay. Well, I've got to get dinner started so why don't you track her down and tell her our news in person.
Josh: Well, you know I could do that but, this is a... we were sort of celebrating, right? I mean...
Cassie: I know. But I think that it's best if you tell her sooner rather than later.
Josh: Okay. I'll, I'll be back as soon as I can.
Cassie: (Laughs)
Josh: Bye.
Cassie: Bye.
Tammy: Wow, Mom, I love it.
It's so you.
Cassie: Hi, sweetie, I'm so glad you're here. Did you come to say congratulations?
Tammy: Congratulations and
Harley: It was the owner of the Infinity. He said he wanted to thank you for returning the stolen merchandise... again. Are you jumping into a life of crime?
Gus: Nothing was stolen.
Leah: You guys, I've got to go meet my friend down the block so I'll catch you at the dance, Daisy.
Daisy: Wait, wait, wait. You mean I don't get to walk in with you? But it would have been so great for my reputation.
Leah: You mean your reputation as a druggy or that your boyfriend was the guy who ran over Tammy Winslow? Wouldn't want to ruin that reputation.
Daisy: She forgot thief.
Tammy: I wasn't able to say
good-bye until I knew that you
would be happy and now you are.
So, my work here... it's done.
Cassie: But if you leave me...
Tammy: Mom, I'm already gone.
Cassie: I know. But how about you just stay a few more weeks? If you just stay a few more weeks or a month then I'll be ready to let you go.
Tammy: Hey, you have a whole
future to look forward to.
You're getting married.
You are going to be the most
beautiful bride ever.
Cassie: But isn't it wrong for me to be happy without you?
Tammy: No.
No way.
Mom, do you think I want you to
be miserable?
Cassie: Well, it feels wrong.
Tammy: You have suffered, a
And I know that it's going to
take a long time before you
stop hurting.
Cassie: Never.
Tammy: But I also know that
I will always be right here,
right here in your heart.
And you finding something great
with Uncle Josh doesn't
diminish that.
In fact, it makes it easier for
me to leave you if I know that
you and R.J. are in such good
(Knock on door)
Reva: Who's that? Joshua!
Josh: Am I interrupting something?
Reva: Oh... no.
Billy: No. (Laughs)
Reva: Come in.
Josh: Okay, all right. Well, I guess I'll tell both of you at the same time then. I have, I have some news.
Reva: About Alan’s shooting?
Josh: Sort of, yes. Since the police found Alan-Michael's gun in the elevator, that means Cassie and I are off the hook.
Reva: Did they make an arrest?
Josh: No, no not yet but either way we're in the clear and it's time for us to start living our lives again. And we've all lost a lot, we'll never forget that, but it's time to start moving forward and hoping again. So I guess I'll just say this. I asked Cassie to marry me and she said yes.
Reva: Wow. Oh, I'm, I'm really happy for both of you. Congratulations.
Harley: Does anybody think I have the right to be upset here?
Daisy: Look, look, okay, the watch it was a spontaneous thing and I wasn't thinking, okay?
Harley: Really? It's getting to be a pattern with you, kid.
Daisy: Am I grounded? Oh, please, please ground me so I don't have to go to the stupid dance with Brock Jockington.
Gus: Who's Brock Jockington
Harley: I thought you wanted to go.
Daisy: Only if Uncle Frank is going to be undercover as the D.J.
Harley: Okay. I will concede, I should not have asked Leah to come here and force you guys to become friends.
Daisy: No, are you kidding? No, we're B.F.F. already.
Gus: Best friends forever.
Harley: Thank you. What she said before when she left, I mean, are the other kids saying that stuff behind your back?
Daisy: No, not at all. No, they're saying it right to my face. Sorry, forget it, you wouldn't understand.
Harley: I wouldn't understand? I wouldn't understand? I was the pregnant girl in high school. And my boyfriend left town before I got a chance to tell him.
Daisy: Maybe I should add that to my yearbook profile.
Harley: I'm just saying I understand what it's like to be an outcast.
Daisy: Yeah, but you dropped out. Is that what I should do? Yeah, that's a great solution, Mom. Thanks, I'm going to go and drop out.
Harley: I don't think you should add that to your already a huge list of mistakes. Not that you can't overcome those mistakes. This is an important time for you. You know, you should be... you should just be enjoying school. You should be hanging out with your friends.
Daisy: What friends?
Gus: You're going to make friends. You're going to make friends.
Daisy: With who? With who? The burnouts who smoke behind the gym?
Harley: Honey, you've just got to change your attitude a little, stay out of trouble.
Gus: Do you have everything you need? You have your lip gloss, you phone in case I want to text you something or your mp3 player? (Cell phone ringing) Hello? Oh, yeah. Well, I thought my wife had arranged all that... okay. No, thank you. Thank you. Thanks for calling.
Harley: Who was that?
Gus: That's Bobby's mother and he can't make it because he's got food poisoning.
Daisy: I'm going to change into sweats.
Harley: Why? You look so pretty. You can still go to the dance.
Daisy: Are you, like, trying to make me the most unpopular girl in history? Is that...
Harley: No!
Gus: Hey, look, you're not going to be alone, okay? Because I'll go with you. I wouldn't go inside because that wouldn't be cool. That would be very uncool. No, we'll go to Towers, the lobby, we'll just hang out there until we see a bunch of kids walk in and they'll go into the elevator and at the last minute I'll push you in, you'll take the ride up with them and then and when the door opens it will like you're part of their posse.
Daisy: Posse?
Gus: Their peeps, their crew. And I'll try to pick a group of kids that look like they're really angry and they've got a lot of attitude and this why you'll feel like you fit right in. Okay. Come on, peace, love, 2007 because that's the way we roll. Let's hit it.
Josh: Cheers.
Billy: Cheers.
Reva: So when's the big day?
Josh: We haven't really got than far yet, but we kind of wanted actually both of you to be the first to know. I know it seems pretty quick, you know, I mean losing Tammy and Jonathan and Sarah and all that.
Reva: Life goes on.
Billy: Well I think I'm going to go and check on room service. Okey-dokey.
Josh: May be a bit of a shock for you. I mean, it may seem kind of sudden.
Reva: A little bit, yeah, but... you know, they say grief brings people closer together, right?
Josh: I'll always be here for you, Reva, when you need me. That's never going to change.
Reva: Well, you know, you were always the marrying kind. You needed that stability. And, hey, it will be good for R.J., right? And Cassie, too, after the terrible loss that she's suffered.
Josh: You've suffered a loss, too.
Reva: I just want you to be happy, Joshua.
Josh: I am happy.
Reva: And you love her, don't you?
Josh: Yes, I do.
Reva: Well, then, you have my blessing. Not that you needed it.
Josh: (Laughs) No, I think in a way I did. Thank you. I'm going to get going. She's making dinner and all that so...
Reva: Lovely. Tell her that I send my love and I'm happy for her and congratulations and that I'll call her because we're going to have to talk about a bridal shower.
Josh: I'll tell her. Thank you. I'll see you back at the ranch.
Billy: With bells on.
Josh: Alright, bye.
Billy: Whoo hoo, that was a load of horse plucky you told him. It was quite a performance, actually. Okay, young lady, why don't you tell me how you really feel about him marrying Cassie now?
Reva: You want to know how I really feel, Billy? That's how I really feel.
Cassie: I don't want you to go. I don't want you to go. Please don't make me let you go. I mean, what will I do if I can't touch these soft cheeks and the beautiful hair and see your sparkling eyes?
Tammy: You still will see me,
in your dreams.
And I'll see you at the wedding.
Wear something brilliantly
white and fill the room with
flowers, with lots and lots of flowers.
And until then I love you, Mom.
Cassie: I love you.
Tammy: Be happy with Josh. (Knock on door) (knock on door)
Frank: Cassie, hi.
Cassie: Hi, Frank.
Frank: Are you okay?
Cassie: Yeah, I was just... thinking about Tammy. I'm sorry. Um... what's up?
Frank: Well, there's something I need to tell you and Josh. Is he around?
Cassie: No, he's not. Is it official business?
Frank: Yes, it is.
Cassie: Does it have something to do with the case? Does it have to do with Alan.
Frank: Well, we have some new information. Listen, can you come with me down to the station?
Cassie: Right now? Sure, I just need to leave a note for Josh.
Daisy: So how do I look?
Gus: I think you look fantastic.
Daisy: Right. You're just saying that so I don't back out of going to this dance.
Gus: No, I think you look great, it's true. And you're going to have a good time tonight.
Daisy: Yeah, I will, until someone dumps pig's blood on my head.
Gus: Yeah, pig's blood. Well, let me tell you about pig's blood. There's a pig's blood law that can only be used at proms. It's a prom thing.
Daisy: What was that? That was rude. Why do I even care? She's just a freshman, she's not even a cool freshman.
Gus: Not a cool freshman?
Daisy: No.
Gus: But it hurts.
Daisy: That stuff doesn't really get to me. It's when... it's when people start, like, talking about Tammy and how, like, she might still be alive if it wasn't for me. It's like I feel guilty enough. I guess people just don't really care about me, so...
Gus: A lot of people care about you. You're standing with somebody who cares about you.
Daisy: But then when people, like, start whispering about Sydney, I just feel like crying because I know how much you and Harley, you guys loved her and now you miss her and, I mean, I miss her. You remember how she used to sleep with that little... I guess it was like a fuzzy rabbit and she used to hold it and she used to like snuggle it under her chin and it was so cute and, I mean, you guys lost that because of me.
Gus: No, we didn’t.
Daisy: Yeah, yeah, you did and I don't understand. Why don't you just admit. You know, you're mad at me.
Gus: I am not mad at you. I... who do I have to talk to... I swear.
Daisy: But I mean it was my fault. You have to blame me, Gus.
Gus: No, I don’t. I don’t.
Daisy: Not even a little?
Gus: No. It was a bad set of circumstances. You made some mistakes, I made some mistakes but it doesn't matter because Sydney is with her family. We weren't going to win that one. She's happy, she's going to have a good life and you have to get over it. I have.
Daisy: Yeah?
Gus: Yeah.
Daisy: Thank you. I mean, really, thank you.
Gus: You're a really nice person. I... I think you have a beautiful heart, and it's tough, you know? High school, oh, high school's the worst, believe me, I know.
Daisy: How do you know?
Gus: How do I know? I went through stuff in high school, people were saying terrible things, terrible bad, bad things about me.
Daisy: Bad Gus stories?
Gus: Oh, yeah, yeah.
Daisy: I want to hear them.
Billy: Hey, you know, wait for room service...
Reva: I hate this. I hate that they're together, I hate what he's done to us. Us? As if there is an us anymore. And you know there never will be again because he's marrying my sister!
Billy: Darling, why didn't you say something? Why didn't you say anything?
Reva: Because it's not like I was trying to get him back.
Billy: No, because you always thought you guys would get back together.
Reva: No, no, what I was thinking about was surviving the cancer and getting back on my feet again and then when I had that cancer scare and he... we kissed, I thought maybe then. And that's when we found out about Tammy’s accident and I couldn't try to take him away from her then and even if I wanted to she'd lost her daughter.
Billy: Well, wait a minute. Hey, you lost your son.
Reva: It's not... this is crazy. It's crazy. I've moved on. I have a life without Joshua Lewis and it can be anything I want it to be because you know what? He's been gone a long time.
Billy: Yeah but you somehow always thought you guys would get back together.
Reva: It's not like I was thinking about it all the time. I guess it was a feeling that was always there!
Billy: You didn't have to always think about it because you guys kind of just fell back together.
Reva: Because he really loves her. And I don't blame him, you know, because I'm the one that pushed the two of them together. Why would he want to turn his back on that? If there's anyone to blame, it's me, I blame myself.
Billy: Doesn't make it any easier to swallow, does it? I know you love him. It's okay, come on. Come on. Yeah.
Frank: Hey, Doyle, do me a favor. Please escort Ms. Winslow to the interrogation room. I'll be right in.
Marina: Dad, what are you bringing Cassie in for?
Frank: The bullet they pulled out of Alan came from a vintage Luger, a very rare gun. Josh Lewis has a gun like that.
Reva: Dad, you don't really think that Cassie did something...
Frank: Marina, I'm just going to talk to her, that's all. Nothing formal, okay.
Cassie: So I heard you guys found Alan-Michael’s gun in the elevator at Towers. So he's the one who shot Alan?
Frank: Alan-Michael’s gun was not used in the shooting.
Cassie: Are you sure?
Frank: Yeah. Ballistics report confirmed it. The bullet that came out of Alan came from a very unusual gun, a rare gun, a vintage Luger. It has a very distinctive shell.
Cassie: So...
Frank: Josh has a gun exactly like that.
Cassie: I'm sorry, I don’t... I don't understand. What does that that have to do with Tammy’s death and proving that Alan is responsible?
Frank: Nothing, it doesn’t.
Cassie: But that's why you brought me here.
Frank: No, it's not.
Cassie: So you brought me here because you think Josh's gun was the murder weapon?
Frank: Cassie, I just want to talk to you, that's all.
Cassie: No, you want to prove that either Josh shot Alan or I did.
Gus: When my father was a cop in Chicago-- you knew that, right?
Daisy: Yeah, yeah.
Gus: Well he was very, very popular, a very decorated detective, amazing, amazing man. And he was killed when I was a kid and it was such a shame because he was all that my sister and I had left. The woman I thought was my mother was married to him, she was dead, and my mother... that's a whole other long story, that part doesn't matter.
Daisy: Okay.
Gus: My point is when he died I had the memory of him and I was very proud of him and I had that, you know? I had that until the rumors started.
Daisy: What were the rumors?
Gus: The rumors were that he was a dirty cop and that he was on the take and, you know, I knew that that wasn't true but I was a kid at this point and I can't prove that. But this rumor it just followed me around like a black cloud all through high school.
Daisy: The kids, were they hard on you because of it?
Gus: Hard on me, they... well, you know what kids do, they'd ambush me in the parking lot and get me...
Daisy: Geez, that sucks.
Gus: Look, the point is you've got to stick in there. See, because eventually I made my own little group of friends, right? And they were nice... a nice little clique we had going and I started dating some, you know, girls, cute girls. I think they were the cutest. There was this one girl, this real-- never mind this part of the story, okay? Actually, if you bring this up to your mother I'll be forced to kill you and then none of this is going to matter.
Daisy: (Laughs) Okay. I, I didn't know any of this about you.
Gus: The point is, you've just got to believe in yourself. I know it sounds... but you do, and what you know to be true because then what everybody says it doesn't matter, it doesn't matter what people think. We've got to get you going.
Daisy: No, no, please, I'm having a much better time just hanging out here with you, I mean, okay, I know I have to try with these other kids, you're totally right and I'm going to, but just... but just... just this once can we skip it because I am just not up to facing just everyone ignoring me.
Gus: You sure?
Daisy: Yeah.
Gus: Hmm, you hungry?
Daisy: Yeah, I'm starving.
Gus: You want to get, like, a slice?
Daisy: Yeah, that sounds good.
Gus: You sure?
Daisy: Yes, I'm sure.
Gus: All right. I'll call your ma because you know how she gets, I don't want her to worry.
(Cell phone ringing)
Harley: Hey, you, what's up?
Gus: Hey, babe, I just wanted to let you know that Daisy's not going to make it to the dance.
Harley: Oh, God, what happened, now?
Gus: She's just not really feeling it, she's not in the mood so we're going to have a slice and have a nice little chat and I'll see you. Where are you?
Harley: I'm at the store, just picking up a few things, I'll be back in a little while okay, bye. Dylan.
Dylan: Well, well, you recognize the father of your child, I'm touched.
Harley: Thank God you're here!
Dylan: Well, I'm in town for business just for tonight. My mother told me that Daisy was at some dance here this evening and I thought I'd pop my head in and humiliate her.
Harley: That's such a great idea. Unfortunately she's not here, she opted to have pizza with Gus instead.
Dylan: Really? Instead of hanging out with her friends?
Harley: She doesn't have any friends. You should know this about your daughter. Her reputation has preceded her to Springfield High and she's living down a lot of stuff.
Dylan: Well that doesn't sound good. How about I buy you a drink and you fill me in? What do you want?
Harley: Honey, it's a teenage dance and the bar's kind of closed. Dylan?
Dylan: I just kind of noticed that.
Harley: Good. (Laughs)
Dylan: So she's back, huh?
Harley: Oh, she's back. You have no idea how back she is, yeah.
Dylan: Reva kind of filled me in a little bit.
Harley: Did she tell you she hates me?
Dylan: She doesn't hate you.
Harley: Okay, did she tell you she intensely dislikes me?
Dylan: She doesn’t. She's a teenager, you're her mother, that's the way it's supposed to be.
Harley: And I love her because I'm her mother, but I'm telling you, the kid is a menace.
Dylan: Really? That sounds like a couple other kids I used to know once upon a time.
Harley: And look how that turned out.
Dylan: Okay. All right, let's do that. Let's look how that turned out for a minute. I think, you know, pretty good. Because we created an amazing child who's now grown into an amazing young woman and, yeah, things are going to get tough sometimes but I promise it's going to be okay.
Harley: I certainly hope you're right.
Dylan: Well, I am. I am, because you know what? I'm always right. Do you ever wonder what it would have been like if things had maybe just been a little different? You know, if... well, say you kept Daisy and I stuck around and... (laughs) and we had gotten married and...
Harley: (Laughs) Married? Us?
Dylan: Yeah, I don't think it's that funny.
Harley: We were too young and crazy to be good parents. We'd never get married.
Dylan: Well maybe... maybe not.
Harley: But then we would have completely different lives and I wouldn't have my boys and I wouldn't have Gus and you wouldn't have Bridget and Peter. How are Bridget and Peter?
Dylan: Peter's great.
Harley: Good.
Dylan: Bridget’s... she's great. She’s... we're separated. Getting a divorce, so...
Harley: I'm sorry. I really am.
Dylan: Yeah, well...
Harley: I guess that would explain all your what if’s.
Dylan: Yeah, well, anyway, um, there's a bright spot to all this. I'm going to have plenty of time to visit Springfield more and help you keep our wild and crazy daughter in line.
Harley: Yeah, I suggest you bring a helmet.
Reva: I have to accept it you know? I have to accept that they're together and accept the fact that I'm going to see Cassie wearing the wedding ring, a wedding ring that will probably say "Always" on it, too.
Billy: Reva, Reva, look.
Reva: I'm fine, Billy! I'm fine.
Billy: Okay, look, there's still time, you can talk to him.
Reva: No, no, no.
Billy: There's always time to tell him how you feel.
Reva: No, Billy, it's different this time. It's not like it was with Annie and Olivia. Cassie is a good woman and she's going to be good for him and... he would... he's not going to turn his back on that.
Billy: Wait a second. You were good for him, too.
Reva: Oh, yeah, yeah, I was good for him. Don't try to talk me out of this, Billy, just help me deal with it, okay?
Billy: Okay. Whatever you want, I'll do.
Reva: I guess getting my health back and getting Josh back was too, was too much to ask. He's with Cassie now... and that's the way it's going to stay.
Billy: Okay. So what's next for you?
Reva: What isn't next? I'm free, Billy. I am totally on my own now. My kids are grown and out on their own. I'm not a wife to anybody. I'm not a mother, barely, to anybody anymore and I can do whatever I damn well please. I can sleep with half the men in this town. I can throw my money away on booze and travel and whatever. Maybe even... so I don't know what's next. I have no idea what's next but you know what? I'm kind of excited about it.
Josh: Where is she? Where's Cassie?
Marina: My dad's talking to her.
Josh: Talking to her or questioning her?
Frank: Cassie, I didn't bring you in here to grill you, okay? And I'm actually not charging you with anything, either. I've just... I just want to clear a few things up, okay? Now do you know where Josh keeps that old Luger of his?
Josh: My understanding is the gun they found at Towers belongs to Alan-Michael so that would make him the primary suspect, right?
Marina: It turns out that gun wasn't used in the shooting, the bullet came from a different gun.
Josh: Just take me in there to see her.
Marina: Hang on, Josh.
Josh: Marina, you were Tammy’s friend, right? Right? You were her roommate. Now her mother is in there, she's in a fragile state, she shouldn't be there alone. Now if you really loved Tammy...
Marina: Oh, no. I did love Tammy and that is why I am doing everything I can to pin this on anyone but you guys. Oh, hell, come on.
Josh: Thank you.
Marina: Dad...
Josh: Don’t. Don't say another word.
Marina: Hey, thank you so much for doing this for me, I know it's your dinner break.
Cop: This is such a long shot, Marina.
Marina: I know, but we've already checked the tapes from the Towers garage and we didn't find anything. Maybe the shooter parked in this garage. Stop, stop it. Now rewind a little bit. There. Freeze it. Do you see that?
Gus: You want to make a little appearance over at the dance? I'll walk you there.
Daisy: No, I'm good. No.
Gus: No?
Daisy: Yeah.
Gus: Well, you've got to promise me something, okay? Promise me you'll go to the next one. Because how are you going to find a guy that's going to come in, some cute guy and he's going, off your feet.
Daisy: Sweep me? Sweep me off my feet?
Gus: How are you going to find that?
Daisy: I don't know. Maybe it's just not my scene. I mean, I don't know. The guys in my year they're just... they're not the kind of guys that I really like.
Gus: Well, I think there's probably, like, one good guy out there, you know? Treat you right, know about pepper flakes, you know? It's the little things, it's the little things. I really want that for you.
Daisy: Me, too.
Gus: I'm starving. I'm going to get another slice.
Daisy: Okay.
Secrets you've been hiding, girls got one things on their
minds truth is I've been lying
I don't mind, I don't mind.
Dylan: They're just kids. Horny kids, but just kids.
Harley: See, we grew up too fast and I don't want that same thing for our daughter so we, we, have to get our daughter under control before she does something that can't be undone.
Frank: Josh, I was only asking Cassie a few questions, that's all.
Josh: About what, Frank. (Knock on door)
Marina: Dad, I need to show you something.
Frank: Excuse me.
Josh: Okay, listen, before they come back in, the gun they found at Towers.
Cassie: I know, it wasn't used to shoot Alan, he was shot with a vintage Luger like yours.
Josh: Oh, boy, okay. All right, Frank, she just told me about the Luger. Now a lot of people have old guns.
Frank: Not people who are also suspects in this case, Josh.
Josh: Okay fine.
Frank: You're the only one, actually.
Josh: If that's the only evidence that you have linking us to this then...
Frank: It's not. I have this.
Josh: What is that?
Frank: It's surveillance footage that was taken outside of a garage right next to Towers right around the time that Alan was shot.
Next on "Guiding Light"...
Ava: Hey, did you feel something?
Jeffrey: So this is like a personal hand delivered invitation?
Buzz: What I'm saying is that when you do get the invitation, turn it down.
Olivia: Oh, that's funny.
Dinah: What?
Olivia: Well, it has your room number on it but it's addressed to someone named D. D. Moore.
Josh: That tape doesn't prove that she shot Alan Spaulding.
Frank: Not on its own but with the other evidence like the ballistics report and the time frame it doesn't look good, Josh.
Josh: Is she under arrest?
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