Guiding Light Transcript Thursday 3/1/07
Provided by Boo
Proofread by Tanya
Daisy: Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you.
Gus: For what? What am I getting thanked for?
Daisy: For this.
Gus: Spring dance for Springfield High School. That sounds like it'll be fun.
Daisy: Yeah.
Gus: Have a good time.
Daisy: Well, you talked Harley into it.
Gus: Me?
Daisy: It's not like you even care about the stupid dance. It just gets me out of jail for the night.
Gus: Jail? That's what you...
Daisy: Yes, this house.
Gus: Oh, well, it's not...
Daisy: Come on.
Gus: Where are we going now?
Daisy: Well, I need a dress, and Harley said that we could go.
Gus: Oh, did she? We? She said that we could go get a dress?
Daisy: Well, me, but I need an expert.
Gus: Well, I'm not an expert, so you have the wrong person.
Daisy: Any guy will do. I'm not getting all dressed up for the girls.
Gus: Geez! Don't let your mother hear you talking like that. Any guy will do?
Daisy: Well, she won't hear me talking like that if we go right now.
Gus: Listen, I'm very glad about the dance. It sounds like a good time. And I know you think I talked your mother into it, but I didn't talk to her about anything. If she wants to do something, she does it all on her own. You know that.
Daisy: Okay, well, whatever. Can we go?
Gus: Honey... peaches, I got to go to work. Who do you think is paying the mortgage around this place?
Harley: Uh-huh. Let's get ready to go to the mall.
Daisy: What?
Harley: I thought you wanted to go shopping.
Daisy: Oh, you're coming?
Harley: Well, of course I'm coming. I'm not going to make you shop all by yourself.
Gus: I think that's a great idea. Girls' day out. It's a fabulous idea. Girls' day out. It's much better than what we were going to do.
Harley: Doing it on your credit card there, babe.
Gus: That's not very funny, honey.
Harley: (Laughs) Isn't he so cute? Now you know why I married him. Come on, listen to him. We're having fun.
Daisy: Uh-huh. Yeah, fun.
Frank: Where the hell is Aitoro? He should be here by now.
Cop: I thought Detective Aitoro didn't want the Spaulding case.
Frank: He doesn't, but I need everyone on this case, and that may not be staying there.
Cop: But the gun is registered to Alan-Michael Spaulding.
Frank: That doesn't mean that he used it. Anyone in that house could have gotten that gun and shot Alan.
Lillian: No olive. Another one, please. No olive.
Billy: Hey, starting cocktail hour a little early today, huh?
Lillian: Oh, yeah, right. You're going to lecture me about drinking.
Billy: Well, what you say, be... it's the middle of the afternoon. Drinking, it's unusual.
Lillian: Hey, I can drink whenever I want. I am not you.
Billy: Are you okay?
Lillian: Yeah, I'm fine.
Billy: Well, okay. I'll tell you what, I'll have a soda with a twist of lime, thank you.
Lillian: Thank you, Billy, but I really would rather be alone right now.
Billy: Well, we'll just be alone together, then. How's that?
Lillian: Look, the hospital fundraising luncheon was a bore, okay?
Billy: Is that right?
Lillian: Yes, and that's why I'm here. You were about to ask me, weren't you?
Billy: No, no, no. You see, I don't have to ask. I know that look-- that look is drinking to forget. I just... wondered what it is you're trying to forget.
Cassie: It wasn't Josh's gun, the one they found at Towers.
Josh: The police traced it to Alan-Michael.
Reva: Well, where is your gun?
Josh: Still missing.
Reva: Well, that's not good.
Cassie: Well, at least we know it wasn't used to shoot Alan. And we wanted you to know.
Reva: But Alan-Michael was in the hospital, and if he... how do you sneak up on someone when you're in a wheelchair?
Cassie: Well, maybe he wasn't sneaking up on him. Maybe he wanted Alan to see who shot him.
Josh: It doesn't matter. I mean, what matters is that we know that you're in the clear, that you didn't do it. That’s... that's what matters.
Harley: What's wrong?
Daisy: I just don't want to get all bloated before trying on dresses.
Harley: It's half a muffin.
Daisy: It's a big muffin.
Harley: If you don't eat now, you're going to be hungry in a few hours.
Daisy: How long do you think this is going to take?
Harley: Well, it depends. I mean, we can browse a few shops here on Main Street. That Infinity place looks like it has some real possibility. But I was thinking maybe we'll go to a sample sale.
Daisy: We're going to a sample sale?
Harley: Downtown. Major accessories, because you need a bag and shoes, right? And then if we strike out there, I figure we'll go to the mall. What, did you think I was going to take you to the dowdy mommy thrift shop?
Daisy: Yes.
Harley: I'm cool. I'm cool mom. I'm cooler than you.
Daisy: (Laughs) Don't push it.
Harley: Bobby? Hi. Hi, Bobby. Look, this is... this is Bobby McDougal. He used to deliver our newspapers when he was younger, and his mom is actually Zach’s teacher. This is my daughter Daisy.
Bobby: Hi.
Daisy: Hey.
Harley: So, your mom tells me that you're getting a lot of offers from colleges.
Bobby: A few, but I'm leaning towards Northwestern.
Harley: Northwestern. Well, Bobby's a wide receiver and a straight "A" student. Daisy's so new here. Hey, maybe you could show her around.
Daisy: I know my way around.
Harley: Well, it's just hard to meet people the last few months of senior year, you know.
Bobby: Well, I'll show you around at the dance. It was nice to meet you. I'll see you guys soon.
Harley: Thanks, Bobby. So sweet.
Daisy: What was that?
Harley: What?
Daisy: "I'll show you around at the dance." How does he know that I'm going?
Harley: Don't all the kids go to the dance?
Daisy: No.
Harley: Well, you know, we really should go, because the good stuff sells out fast.
Daisy: Harley.
Harley: What? What?! I asked Bobby to take you to the dance. What?
Daisy: Huh!
Gus: Hello, everybody. What's up, Louis? What's up, Frank?
Frank: Well, he's in a good mood.
Gus: Yeah, it's because my stepdaughter thinks I'm a rock star. All right, so I'm ready to bust some bad guys. Give it to me, Frank. Give me a case, give me a case that I'm going to love.
Frank: Okay, fine.
Gus: Give it to me, give it to me.
Frank: Step right into my office, then.
Gus: No, Frank. We talked about that.
Frank: No, you said that you didn't want to get involved in the Spaulding case, because it involves your family. And normally I would respect that, but the Spaulding’s aren't normal and no one knows that better than you.
Gus: Well, you know it, Frank.
Frank: No, not like you, my friend. Come on, your father's the victim and your niece is a suspect...
Gus: Yeah, and you're my brother-in-law, and just because everybody in this town is related doesn't mean we have to act like family.
Frank: Actually, it does.
Gus: No, Frank, suspend me, man! No.
Frank: Gus, Gus, Gus. I'm not going to suspend you.
Gus: Listen, I got.. I got my own things to worry about, Frank. I got my family, okay? Harley and the kids. That's all the family I need. And you and Buzz, too. Look, we're trying to get through the baby thing right now, okay? And we are trying to work things out nicely with Daisy. The last thing I need, Frank, the very last thing I need is to be sucked back into this stuff. I... I'm just... who's is this?
Frank: It's your brother’s. We found it in an elevator.
Gus: My brother's?
Frank: I'm sorry, I thought you wanted to stay out of this.
Gus: Alan-Michael can't even walk.
Frank: I'm just saying anyone in that Spaulding house had access to that gun. Come on, Gus, there are people everywhere. Doris Wolfe was make a toast, and you got Beth, Lizzie, Alex. Come on.
Gus: Well, who do you think?
Frank: If you talk to Mallet, he'll tell you Beth did it. If you ask Marina, she'll tell you Lizzie’s hiding something.
Gus: No, I don't like either one of them for this.
Frank: Well, you can't prove that they didn't do it.
Gus: Maybe I can’t. But maybe I can talk to somebody who can.
Lillian: You know me. Trouble starts and I sign up for my shifts at Cedars. --More shifts at Cedars.
Billy: Hey, you know, why don't you just ignore it? It will go away.
Lillian: I think a little too much has happened to ignore.
Billy: Well, maybe you and Reva can help each other. She helped you so much after the cancer. I mean, you both lost Sarah.
Lillian: Yeah, she lost Jonathan and Sarah, precious Sarah. But this isn't just about Lizzie or Tammy or Jonathan or Sarah. This is about Alan treating her the way he does, using her.
Billy: Who?
Lillian: Beth. He just tossed her aside the minute he got into trouble so he could marry himself out of trouble.
Billy: Wait a minute. Lillian, there's nothing you can do about that.
Lillian: Hey, that is a coward's excuse. I mean, I used that when Beth’s stepfather abused her and I promised myself I would never use it again, and here I am.
Billy: Lillian, no, no.
Lillian: Billy, I've looked away too long. I mean, look how much suffering has mounted: Lizzie, Beth, Sarah. It took me so long, it took me so much suffering to finally do something. Charge it.
Josh: I'm thinking we should crack open a bottle of wine and celebrate, hmm?
Cassie: Celebrate?
Josh: Well, okay, "Celebrate" isn't really the right word, but we haven't had a lot of good things happen around here lately.
Reva: Well, I can't, but you two go ahead.
Cassie: Reva, you just got here. We're not going to cele... you know what? I'm just not... I don't feel up to it.
Josh: Okay, okay, that's fine.
Reva: Yeah, you know, Alan’s still alive, and Tammy’s still gone.
Cassie: She's with Jonathan and Sarah now and they're... not with us but they're together. They're with each other. We have to believe that. I miss them.
Reva: Me, too. But I should go. Thanks, though, for letting me know about the gun.
Cassie: You really... you don't have to go. You know what? And it's icy out there.
Reva: I got in just fine, thanks.
Josh: I'll walk you...
Reva: I'm fine.
Josh: No, no, it's fine. I'll be right back. Thank you... ...for coming by. I know that you're suffering in the same way that she is.
Reva: Well, you know what they say-- that life is a series of losses, and you either let them crush you or you move on.
Josh: I'm glad you're doing that. I'm glad you're moving on.
Reva: You, too. I'm happy... for both of you.
Josh: Okay. Let me walk you out to the car, okay?
Reva: I'm okay, Joshua. I'm okay.
Josh: I'll see you.
Reva: Good night.
Frank: Thank you. Hey, Billy. Can I help you?
Billy: Uh, yeah, you catch your shooter yet?
Frank: Um... why are you so concerned about Alan Spaulding?
Billy: Well, you see, there's this pool, and if he makes it until Monday, I'm going to be out 200 bucks. Just kidding. Yeah. So, nothing new, huh?
Frank: You know I can't talk to you about the case.
Billy: Yeah, okay.
Frank: But... unless you have some new information for me on it? I mean, you seem a little interested.
Billy: Everybody in the whole town's interested.
Frank: Yeah, yeah. Billy, just exactly why did you come down here?
Billy: Just passing by, that's all. See you, Frank.
Frank: Yeah.
Lillian: Oh, Gus, hi.
Gus: A little coffee break?
Lillian: No, no, no, I just have to check on something. What are you here...? Oh, you're here to see Alan.
Gus: No, I'm actually got to make an appointment for myself. My ulcer's acting up and I don't even live at the Spaulding house anymore, so... I hear things are rough over there with Doris Wolfe taking over as the lady muck of the manner.
Lillian: She just thinks she's taking over. You know Doris’, they come and go.
Gus: Mmm. Well, it's just like Alan to get himself shot and have the whole family try to clean up the mess.
Lillian: Well, we're managing.
Gus: That's good, that's good, because I was a little worried about Lizzie.
Lillian: Lizzie?
Gus: Well, you know, it's because I'm not getting along with my dad. I don't want her to... she's a good kid, you know? She's just been through a lot. Beth's been through a lot as well, and with everything in the air with all the resentment and anger-- I'm just glad that you're there for them, you snow? Somebody to confide in.
Lillian: Oh, Gus. Do you think I'm stupid? Look, you want me to tell you which one of them did it, don't you? When you're here as a cop, you respect me enough to tell me you're here as a cop.
Gus: All right. We know that the gun came from the Spaulding house, okay? Everybody knows that Beth and Lizzie have a motive. Now, everybody on the police force would understand if one of them, either one of them, took Alan Michael’s gun.
Lillian: But they didn’t.
Gus: Well, I'd like to believe that as well.
Lillian: I don't just believe it, I know it.
Gus: You don't know it.
Lillian: Yes, I do know it. I was the one that brought the gun to the wedding.
Daisy: A football player, yeah. Maybe he can tackle me if I get out of line.
Harley: What is that supposed to mean?
Daisy: Well, you're letting me out of jail just as long as I have a babysitter?
Harley: What?
Daisy: Yeah, Bobby McDull.
Harley: McDougal.
Daisy: Yeah, yeah, whatever. Well, he's your way of making sure that I don't go off and do something stupid.
Harley: Like what? Like take drugs? Like date hired killers? Like ride shotgun in a car that kills your cousin?
Daisy: You did not just say that.
Harley: Well, am I wrong?
Daisy: You just... you don't trust me at all.
Harley: Well, you have to earn that, Daisy. Can we start with you going to a little, tiny dance?
Daisy: No, no, just forget it. I don't want to go anymore. Just forget the dress, forget the...
Harley:... Argument all the time.
Daisy: Why don't you just lock me in my room, okay? Put bars on the door. I can survive on bread and water. It'll be...
Reva: There's a sale on orange jumpsuits.
Daisy: Hi, Reva.
Harley: Hi, Reva.
Reva: No, there really is. There's one in the window at Infinity, right next to that hot purple halter top number. You know the one I'm talking about.
Daisy: Yeah, yeah, I love that dress.
Harley: Unfortunately, she's not going to the dance. She just announced it to me.
Reva: Really? Well, you know, she could change her mind when she slips into that dress, you know? I mean, I could take her with me now, if it's not a problem with you?
Harley: Sure, go ahead. You guys have fun.
Reva: Okay?
Daisy: Yeah, yeah.
Reva: Yeah, yeah.
Daisy: Bye.
Josh: Cassie! Cassie, Cassie, Cassie. You didn't shoot him. You... you don't have to doubt yourself anymore, all right? Because you didn't do it.
Cassie: Well, I should have done it. It should have been me! I was so scared it was me, Josh. I was terrified. But now that we know it was somebody else, I just feel like... I feel like I let her down twice.
Josh: Cassie.
Cassie: I couldn't save her life and I couldn't avenge her death. I mean, what kind of mother am I?
Josh: You're a mother that's a whole lot like her daughter, okay? You raised Tammy to be kind and to be gentle. And yeah, you raised her to be strong, but she would not have wanted you to shoot Alan out of revenge.
Cassie: Well, I still feel like I should have been the one to get justice for her.
Josh: The shooting wasn't justice. The shooting was violence. Nothing more, nothing less. That's it, violence.
Cassie: God, I wish I could be more like you. I mean, we find out about the gun and you just close the book on it. You just open up a brand-new book with blank pages in it.
Josh: You can do that, too, Cassie.
Cassie: People talk about second chances all the time. They talk about starting over and beginning again and wiping the slate clean. Say it a million different ways, but it's just words.
Josh: You know, you're right; it's just words. And it's going to take a lot more than words for us to... to move forward into something better, to be happier.
Cassie: I keep waiting for that to happen.
Josh: Well, we can't wait anymore. We have to make it happen ourselves, because you deserve it. Because you're good and you're decent. And you should be happy.
Cassie: That's sweet, Josh, but those are just words, too.
Josh: Okay. Well, I got two more for you. Marry me.
Lillian: Look, I mean, I knew where the gun was in the cellar. I knew where the key was, so I went down to the cellar, I opened the case, I got the gun, I put it in my purse, and went to the wedding.
Gus: Why would you do that?
Lillian: Because I didn't dare leave that gun in the house.
Gus: Go on, I'm listening.
Lillian: Well, Lizzie was a mess. I mean, she was blaming Alan on the one hand and reaching out to him on the other. And Beth, I mean, she didn't have a shred of dignity left in her.
Gus: So you were protecting them from themselves?
Lillian: Yes, I was.
Gus: I see. And you had no intention of using the gun?
Lillian: Well, I didn't think I did. I mean, I was sure that Alan would cancel the wedding, that he'd never cave into Doris’ demands. I even thought maybe his conscience would come along, but we know how silly that was.
Gus: How did it make you feel when he actually went through with it?
Lillian: You're asking if I was angry enough to shoot him? I... when he went out for a cigar, I followed him into the elevator. I told him how angry I was about what he had done to Beth and... then I pulled the gun.
Gus: You pulled the gun?
Lillian: Yeah, I really wanted to shake him up, you know? Because he wasn't afraid. He didn't beg for his life or anything.
Gus: So he wasn't scared enough for you?
Lillian: It wasn't like that. You know, he said that... he said that he still loved Beth, that he was going to get back with her as soon as he could, as soon as he could get rid of Doris.
Gus: Well, you know Alan, he would say anything to save his own butt.
Lillian: Of course, I know he would. But, I don't know, it was different. There was something about him that was real. I mean, he sounded sad. I... I believed him.
Gus: How did it end?
Lillian: I lowered the gun.
Gus: That's it? You just lowered the gun?
Lillian: Yeah, and then he told me to keep up the good work.
Gus: What work is that?
Lillian: To act like I was furious at him in public so that Doris wouldn't suspect anything and take it out on Beth.
Gus: And the gun?
Lillian: Well, I could hardly take a loaded gun back into that house with Doris begging to be shot.
Gus: So, instead, you somehow managed to put the gun up on top of the elevator.
Lillian: Yes.
Gus: You know, Lillian, I've known you a long time.
Lillian: Obviously, not long enough. I mean, I would do anything to protect Lizzie. I would do anything to protect Beth. But I didn't shoot Alan.
Gus: And I want to believe you...
Lillian: But you don’t. (Laughs)
Gus: It's just that, well, it's just the two of you in there, right?
Lillian: Uh-huh.
Gus: So how would somebody know to come and look up there for the gun and then shoot Alan? If they did that, why would they go and put the gun back there?
Lillian: You're the detective.
Josh: It's the knee thing, right? It's the knee thing.
Cassie: What?
Josh: I didn't set it up for you. No, I got it, I got it.
Cassie: No, that's not... Josh.
Josh: I'll do it because it's worth it.
Cassie: It's icy.
Josh: Because Cassie, I... I love you. And I want to spend the rest of my life making you happy. And I want to be more to R.J. than just the guy that picks him up from soccer practice or builds a volcano for him. I want to give you everything, all of it. The whole... the whole pizza, okay? Love and happiness and family and home and pepperoni and sausage and tomatoes and mushrooms.
Cassie: Stop it, you're making me laugh.
Josh: Well, good, because I want you to laugh. I want you to get used to laughing, okay? I mean, look... look at what's been thrown at us in just the short time that we've been together. And we're still here, we're still standing. In fact, it's probably even made us stronger. And... and we haven't even gotten to the good stuff yet, right? Think about it. Family and home. Maybe we'll get ourselves a little schnauzer or something like that. I don't know, a little yap-yap dog.
Cassie: Stand up.
Josh: And I promise you, I promise you that we'll never, ever, forget Tammy. We'll keep her memory bright in our hearts. She'll always be alive to us. And we'll raise R.J. to be a good man. And one day we'll be sitting right out here on this porch, just the two of us, in rocking chairs. I'll be 80 and you'll be, like, 60 or something. And we'll be looking back on our lives together. And there will be more laughter than tears.
Cassie: Well, laughter has a lot of catching up to do.
Josh: I know. But we can do it, I promise.
R.J.: Mom. What's wrong?
Cassie: Nothing's wrong, honey. Nothing at all. Not ever again.
Harley: You got something?
Reva: Yeah. Woo-hoo!
Daisy: It fit.
Harley: It's short.
Daisy: Short?
Harley: Yeah, I mean, it looks short to me.
Reva: It'll show off her ankle.
Harley: Her ankle?
Reva: Her ankle.
Harley: Wow, you got tattoos.
Reva: Don't worry. They're henna, they wash off.
Daisy: She hates them.
Harley: I don't hate them. How do you know I don't have a tattoo?
Daisy: Do you?
Harley: If I did, you would be the last one I would tell.
Daisy: It's like a training bra, you know? Get used to it before you get the real thing?
Harley: You can forget about getting the real thing, honey.
Reva: At least for today, anyway. I got...
Harley: You guys make quite a team.
Reva: Yeah, I think she brings out the inner teenager in me.
Daisy: Me?
Reva: Uh-huh.
Daisy: These were you idea. --Your idea.
Reva: Yeah, well, that's what I'm talking about.
Daisy: Well, shoes to go with the dress. I forgot shoes.
Harley: Oh, well, the mall's still open, we can go...
Daisy: No, no, I'm just going to go right back to the store. Thank you.
Reva: Oh, you're so welcome. You know what? Go with something strappy, and no heel is too high.
Daisy: Okay.
Reva: Boy, she is something.
Harley: Yeah, she is. Dress and all, I guess she's going to the dance now.
Reva: Yeah. It wasn't heard to convince her once she slipped that dress on. You know, you really should worry. She's going to be a heartbreaker.
Harley: And you have a way with her.
Reva: Thank you. You know, I think I had a better time than she did.
Harley: Yeah. That's why this is the last time I'm going to let you pull this.
Gus: I'm sure it sent Lillian for a loop when she found out that Alan has a new-found love for Beth all over again or whatever.
Frank: Yeah, well. Says Lillian.
Gus: You don't believe her?
Frank: There's only one person that could back up that story, and he's in a coma right now.
Gus: Well, if she's lying, I'm losing my touch, I think.
Frank: Should I take you off the case, then?
Gus: Thank you, Frank, thank you. I appreciate it.
Frank: Not going to happen. Listen to me. If what Lillian said-- that Alan planned to go back to Beth-- is true, then she'd have absolutely no reason at all to want to kill him, correct?I mean, she'd even want more of a reason to keep him alive.
Gus: Hey, Frank, what would that mean? That would mean we would have to go back to the drawing board, right? Which is exactly why you can't put me on this case, Frank, because every single finger in town will point to somebody in my family.
Frank: Or someone who hated your family.
Gus: No. Please, Frank, please. Just put me on parking tickets. Could you? Please?
Reva: Are you accusing me again of coming between you and your daughter?
Harley: It's not all your fault, Reva. This is what Daisy likes to do. She loves to play both sides against middle. Usually it's me and Gus. Now, it's me and you. But it's always me in the middle with her trying to get around her mother.
Reva: Harley, you sandbagged her with a paid escort to her school dance.
Harley: Paid? What's what she told you, paid? I set her up with a nice guy, that's it.
Reva: Well, that's how Daisy sees it. All she wants is...
Harley: ...Is a new dress, new shoes, and a blank check to do whatever she wants, whether it's good for her or not.
Reva: You're not being fair.
Harley: To her or to you? You can't use my daughter to plug the holes in your life, Reva. I'm sorry. I know that you've lost so much...
Reva: Do you? My son, my niece, my granddaughter, my husband. You don't want to do this, Harley, believe me.
Harley: I know. And I know it’s... Cassie with Josh right now is really hard for you. But you shouldn't be leaning on my daughter. The kid can barely hold herself together. I know that you don't mean to, but every time you override me, it chips away at the little bit of progress that I am making with this kid-- this kid that desperately needs discipline.
Reva: Honey, I thought she needed love.
Harley: I love my daughter.
Reva: I loved my son. And I'm so glad that I didn't waste time trying to keep him in line, because life is too short.
Harley: Reva, all I'm saying is I'm trying set some ground rules...
Reva: Yeah, I know, I know. I know what you're saying, Harley. And about those holes in my life, I don't need you telling me how to fill them. I'm doing just fine on my own.
Josh: It's time for you and me to have a little man-to-man talk, R.J.
R.J.: But mom's still here.
Josh: I... I know that. I'm... I'm aware of that. She's allowed to be here, though, because it's kind of about her, too. It's just that this is the kind that I think that I should run by the man of the house.
R.J.: Are you and mom getting married? (Laughter)
Josh: You're a smart kid. Well, we're kind of talking about it just a little bit, but my thinking is this, that I know that you've helped your mom through a lot of tough times, and so I wouldn't dream of anything like that unless we had your blessing.
R.J.: Will I still call you Uncle Josh?
Josh: Actually, you can call me anything you want. I know your dad was a really good man, so I...
R.J.: He's gone now, like everyone else.
Josh: Well, I'm here. Your mom's here. We promise we'll always be here for you, okay?
R.J.: Well, let's see the ring.
Josh: Um...
R.J.: Even I know you need a ring.
Cassie: (Laughs)
Josh: What are you laughing at?
R.J.: It's my secret decoder ring. I had to send in six cereal box tops for it.
Josh: R.J., I can't take your ring, pal.
R.J.: You still have to get her a real one with a big diamond and stuff.
Josh: Okay, all right. I'll do that. Lots of stuff, heavy on the stuff.
R.J.: Then you can marry her, if she wants to marry you.
Josh: Well, actually... she hasn't said yes yet.
Cassie: Right. Let me think about that.
Josh: Ow, ow, ow, ow, okay.
Cassie: Yes. Very yes.
Daisy: What do you think?
Harley: Aw, you look so cute!
Gus: So cute! Can we keep her?
Daisy: I wasn't going for cute.
Harley: Really?
Daisy: I'll take cute, thanks. I love, love, love this dress, right?
Gus: Good job, Mom.
Harley: Yeah. Actually, it was Reva who picked it out.
Gus: Oh.
Harley: And you know what? I was wrong. It's not so short.
Daisy: Oh, thanks.
Gus: What's with the attitude?
Daisy: "It's not so short."
Gus: Don't you understand? It's difficult for your mom. Your mom's coming to terms with the fact that you're not a little girl anymore.
Daisy: Well, at least one of you gets that. That's why I got you this, just as a thank you for the dance, and at the movie the other day and just all that stuff that you did for me before that.
Gus: You didn't have to get me anything.
Daisy: Open it. Come on. Isn't it nice? I got it when I picked up the shoes.
Gus: Uh-huh. Thanks a lot and I appreciate it.
Daisy: Where are you going?
Gus: Bringing this back to the store before they realize that it's gone.
Daisy: How did you...? It's because you're a cop.
Gus: No, it's not because I'm a cop. It's because, when I was your age, I did a lot of stupid things for the right reasons.
Daisy: Please don't tell my mom.
Gus: Please stop doing things like this.
Daisy: Please, Gus, don't tell her.
Gus: If I was going to tell her, you would know about it by now. Go get your coat on and hurry up. I'll be in the car.
Cop: Wrong gun.
Frank: What? The ballistic report says that Alan Michael’s gun was not the one used to shoot Alan. What did we do, miss another hidden gun on the elevator?
Cop: I could go back.
Frank: Are you kidding? I'm being sarcastic.
Cop: I guess you were right about that gun not staying there.
Frank: Sometimes I hate being right. More importantly, where the hell is the gun that shot Alan?
Billy: "Authorities are focusing on suspects who might have a personal grudge against Alan Spaulding." Sounds like the whole damn town. (Knock at door) Hi, darling.
Reva: Hi, Billy. I really just don't want to be alone tonight.
Billy: Well, come here. Yeah.
Josh: Well, I promise to replace this with the real thing.
Cassie: I don't know. I kind of like the secret decoder ring. Maybe it will help me secretly decode you.
Josh: Oh, you think? So what am I thinking right now? (Laughs)
Cassie: "Oh, boy, what am I getting into marrying this crazy woman?"
Josh: Not... not even close. I think you got a bum ring there I'm sorry.
Cassie: No way. This one came from the heart. And six cereal box tops. Are you sure you didn't propose just to get a smile out of me?
Josh: I'm sure. But it was a nice side effect. I think I've known for a long time that I've wanted to do this. I was just waiting for the right moment.
Cassie: And today, seeing me with that ice pick, chopping away at our porch...
Josh: Today... today, it was like a dark clouds that was over us has been lifted. All the fear and all the doubt just went away. That's how I knew it was the right time. I'm not sure you knew it was the right time. I mean,... you were going say yes, you know, or no...
Cassie: You know what they say about things being too good to be true.
Josh: Just words.
Cassie: I don't get forever, Josh. Other people, maybe, but...
Josh: Cassie. You get forever, starting right now.
Next on "Guiding Light,"
Harley: The owner of Infinity said he wanted to thank you for returning the stolen merchandise again.
Cassie: Did you come to say congratulations?
Tammy: Congratulations... and good-bye.
Josh: I asked Cassie to marry me and she said yes.
Billy: Tell me how you really feel about him marrying Cassie now.
Reva: You want to know how I really feel, Billy? That’s... how I really feel!
Harley: Dylan.
Dylan: Well, you recognize the father of your child. I'm touched.
Harley: Thank God you're here.
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