GL Transcript Wednesday 2/28/07

Guiding Light Transcript Wednesday 2/28/07


Provided by Boo
Proofread by Tanya

Buzz: Yes! Clean bill of health! Arteries unplugged... I mean, my blood is flowing like an oil well. I'm strong like you. Hello, sunshine. How's the weather in there? I bet you wonder why I'm here. I went to see my cardiologist, and read 'em and weep. Clean bill of health. I'm not saying I told you so, but, you know, I told you so. You know what I think about? When I'm on that treadmill or being looked at through scanners with dye in my veins, I think about my kids. I'm lying. I think about my sons. And if I were to keel over right over right now and it were all to end, did I do a good job? Did I teach them the right way to live? Show them how to love and be loved? Did I set a good example? If he turns out to be like me, would I be proud? Or feel like I failed him?

Frank: I don't mean to... I don't mean to sound cruel, and insensitive...

Nurse: I'm a nurse, you can't expect me to agree with you.

Frank: Yeah, I know. It's just that I'm a cop, and I've seen what this man has done over all the years. How many people have been in pain and have suffered because of him? See, I prefer to help people who are innocent victims. Seeing Mr. Alan Spaulding right now down for the count really is no tragedy. But we'll find out who shot him. And when we do, you know, I have to say, there’s... there's a part of me that would like to give them a medal.

Buzz: You may not have noticed this about me but I give a lot of advice.

Coop: Well, this is what I get for being a nice guy. Sure, I'll baby-sit for Emma. Sure, I'll get here before she gets home. No problem. I am here way too early.

Buzz: How much of it is good? A father gives his son bad advice seven times out of ten. God help them all. But if you can set that good example, it washes away a lot of sins. How... how else could I get you to the altar?

Olivia: You could have just dragged me there.

Buzz: What, is that what you expect from a man?

Olivia: I never know what to expect from you.

Buzz: No, I'm so predictable.

Olivia: You are not. You're a first for me, a wonderful first. I'm sorry I didn't say that it was Jeffrey on the phone.

Buzz: Oh, come on, it's just that you can share anything with me. You know that?

Olivia: Thank you. Yeah, I do.

Buzz: I've got to run. Got things to take care of.

Olivia: Okay.

Buzz: See you later.

Olivia: Stop taking out...

Buzz: Maybe don’t... (laughter)

Olivia: Aren't you...

Coop: I'll get back there before Emma gets back, don't worry. You and my dad, wow. Pretty damn cute.

Olivia: Yeah. Kind of sappy, huh?

Coop: No... well, I don't know. You guys love each other.

Olivia: And we make up after a fight, which is good.

Coop: What are you guys fighting about?

Olivia: Oh, you know, the usual. Me screwing up, pushing your father away.

Coop: Doesn't work, does it?

Olivia: No, not when he fights as hard as he does for me.

Coop: Well, Cooper’s are kind of stubborn like that.

Olivia: Prefer the word passionate. I can't imagine my life without him in it. I mean, he's just so special.

Coop: I know.

Olivia: I see a lot of him in you.

Coop: Yeah?

Olivia: Yeah.

Coop: Thank you. I better get going. See you.

Buzz: The question is when is it too late?

Alan-Michael: You look awful, Dad.

Buzz: Sometimes those wheels are in motion and you can't stop them. It's all just rolling downhill and you just know it's headed for something ugly.

Alan-Michael: Now, I was about 13, I guess, when I started growing peach fuzz on my upper lip. I was so proud. I was coming to visit you, you said you had a present for me. You gave me that shaving kit with the razor with the ivory handle and the little badger hairbrush. You taught me how to shave. You know, most people will tell you to shave with the grain. But you said, "You can never cut close enough. Buck convention, son. Go against the grain."

Coop: Pop?

Buzz: (Snores)

Coop: (Laughs) Pop?

Buzz: (Snores)

Coop: Hey, Pop, wake up.

Buzz: (Screams) Ah! Ah!

Alan-Michael: They found the gun. My gun. But they can't prove anything. I was in a wheelchair, right? How could I possibly do this to you? How could I? But the rest of the family...

Alan: Who cares about the rest of the family? I want to talk about you.

Alan: You're making me look like a leprechaun.

Alan-Michael: You want to do it yourself?

Alan: Is that supposed to be funny?

Alan-Michael: All I'm saying is you could be a little more grateful. I don't see anyone else coming in here to take care of you.

Alan: Well, that's true. Although Doris and Beth do stick their head in here every once in a while to see if I'm dead yet. Poor Alexandra is in despair. Then there's Elizabeth, who's a total wreck. It is pretty rough around here. And then there's you, Alan-Michael. And you are here with me.

Alan-Michael: Hard to believe, isn't it?

Alan: Especially since I feel you agree with Frank Cooper.

Alan-Michael: That is not true. I don't want you dead.

Alan: No, but you feel I had this coming to me.

Alan-Michael: You did.

Alan: Well, maybe, but it's a moot point now. What I do care about are the people that I love. Who's going to take care of the family and protect them now?

Alan-Michael: This family doesn't need protecting. People need protecting from us. What?

Alan: It must be hard for you to sit there like that all day long. But it's brilliant, Alan-Michael.

Alan-Michael: Like something you'd do, I suppose.

Alan: Face it, you're more like me than you want to admit.

Alan-Michael: I am not like you. You don't know what... you're talking about.

Buzz: Coop, you got to trust me on this.

Coop: Look, all I wanted to do was come in here and leave a message for Molly about Emma, and I find you asleep on the couch.

Buzz: Well, it's the quietest room when Emma’s not there, so I came up here.

Coop: Wait, wouldn’t... shouldn't Olivia be here? I mean, isn't it more fun that way, usually?

Buzz: Coop, how shall I put this? You know, a guy... a man of my experience, soon to be newlywed, sort of needs to pace himself.

Coop: Uh-huh. Yeah, okay. Yeah. So, Olivia’s been all over you is what you're saying?

Buzz: It's like living a fantasy, man.

Coop: Oh.

Buzz: Fantasies wear a guy down.

Coop: I should be so lucky.

Buzz: That's the point! You should be so lucky. Why shouldn't you be so lucky? Why don't you ask yourself that?

Coop: Because I don't want my love life to be ruled by luck.

Buzz: Oh, come on. Come on, punch that thing out a couple of times. Get a couple of wins. You've had so many losses, you've been losing. We both know that. That hurts. I was even at a point telling you you need to throw in the towel. But then, you know, I took a nap, I rejuvenated myself, I'm thinking clearly now. I think get yourself off the mat and stop being a nice guy.

Coop: We have talked about this, Dad. We have talked about this. I'm not going back into it.

Buzz: I know.

Coop: I mean, come on. Alan-Michael, he's in a wheelchair, all right? Alan Spaulding got shot at his own wedding. Automatically that gives Alan-Michael the sympathy vote. What am I supposed to do?

Buzz: Are you hearing me? I said don't be a nice guy.

Coop: So what do you want me to do, take his wheelchair and throw it into oncoming traffic or something?

Buzz: No. Be the traffic.

Ava: Where were you?

Alan-Michael: I couldn't stay in this room any more. Not while the world trashes me and my family and wishes we were dead.

Ava: Ooh, a good morning, huh?

Alan-Michael: You noticed.

Ava: Yeah. So how can we fix it?

Alan-Michael: Why don't you take me to the latest community service project you've got Spaulding working on? Thank you. I've got to get out of here. And I want to show the world that my family can be a force for good.

Buzz: No, no, no, no, no, no, no.

Coop: Just... would you listen to me for just a second? I was heading up to Emma’s room so I could take a nap before she got home. I'm not in the mood for any pep talks, and I'm certainly not in the mood for this field trip.

Buzz: Too bad. Molly picked up Emma. I need some reinforcements here. Hello? Anybody? Frank? Marina? Somebody? Come on!

Frank: What's going on? Keep it down.

Coop: Okay, great, what is this, they're going to slap some handcuffs on me now? Put me in that jail cell until I come to my senses? Marina, no. Don't even think about it.

Buzz: Marina, go get us some coffee.

Marina: Yeah, right. (Laughs)

Buzz: (Laughs) Right.

Marina: Right.

Buzz: Right. Okay, your brother Frank and I are going to talk to you about something we know a lot about, about fighting for the woman you love.

Frank: Hold on one second. You want me to be a part of this conversation?

Buzz: Are you or are you not the man that built a house for Marina's mother?

Frank: That would be me.

Buzz: That would qualify you for fighting for the woman you love. That's fight, which, incidentally, you happen to be losing. Losing big.

Coop: Thanks, coach, appreciate that.

Buzz: You've got to learn to fight dirty. Maybe you never had to do that before.

Coop: Fight dirty? Dad, I was the one that drove a bulldozer through the Spaulding’s house. Do remember that?

Buzz: So where is that guy? Look at what Gus had to do to keep Harley when she was in jail. He didn't play by any rules. He made up his own rules.

Coop: Of course he made up his own rules, and look what happened. They spent months running from the cops.

Buzz: They paid the price they had to pay for love. That's what I'm telling you. Are you willing to pay the price?

Frank: Okay, you know what? He's right.

Buzz: Because we're talking about the Spaulding’s here, so we both know the price is going to be high.

Coop: Pops, what if I don't want to pay that price?

Buzz: You make that choice when you get there, but you fight. You fight, you fight dirty and clean. Just let all the stops out.

Coop: Okay. Okay, all right. Enough. Gosh. Fine. All right, what do I do first? Why don't you tell me?

Buzz: Glad you asked. There's somebody I want you to meet, and she wants to meet you.

Coop: Oh, no, no, no. Hold on. Time out a second. You want me to take another girl out to make Ava jealous?

Buzz: Not just any other girl. I want you to meet a girl who can clue you in as to what you're up against.

Ava: If I take you down the back corridor...

Alan-Michael: It will look like we're sneaking out.

Ava: We are.

Alan-Michael: It's the best way to draw attention to each other. I prefer the bold approach. We go down this hall and out this door.

Ava: Hide in plain sight?

Alan-Michael: Exactly.

Ava: Oh.

Alan-Michael: Watch and learn, grasshopper.

Ava: Yes, sir. Hi.

Jessica: Hi.

Ava: I was wondering, could you tell me something about nocturnal enuresis?

Jessica: Oh, well, how old is the child?

Ava: The child is... well, he's a lot younger than he looks.

Jessica: Does he have a problem every night?

Ava: He sure does. Whoa, yeah, he does and I'm really worried about it.

Jessica: Of course. You know, the problem can be very embarrassing and frustrating. Positive reinforcement can be helpful.

Ava: Well, so, basically what you're saying is if I encourage him to stick with it, eventually he'll get it right?

Jessica: Something like that. And, oh, be sure to change the sheets immediately after he has an accident.

Ava: By the way, enuresis is...

Jessica: Bed wetting.

Ava: Thank you. (Laughs)

Coop: Dad, this girl that you're setting me up with is a nurse? Please tell me it's not Lillian.

Buzz: Lillian is an attractive woman. You know, a couple of times I...

Coop: Yeah, I didn't say that she wasn't an attractive woman. I'm saying I almost married her granddaughter.

Buzz: Her name is Jessica.

Coop: Okay. Jessica. Well, don't tell me she's got a good personality.

Buzz: You're going to find Jessica fascinating. You see, she works in neurology with a doctor who specializes in spinal injuries. Jessica, this is Coop. I was telling him how fascinated he'd be with your work. He's thinking about getting into medicine himself.

Coop: (Laughs) Well, I've been told that we have a lot to talk about. You were at the St. Patrick's Day party last year?

Jessica: I never miss it. What's better than a green beer?

Coop: Not a whole lot, actually.

Jessica: (Laughs) Maybe I'll see you there this year.

Coop: Yeah, maybe. You know, I've got a better idea. What time do you get off?

Jessica: Right now.

Coop: Really? Well, tell you what, I don't know about you, but would you be up for maybe hanging out a little bit, perhaps getting a bite to eat?

Jessica: I would love to.

Coop: Okay.

Jessica: Just give me a sec to change.

Coop: Sure.

Jessica: And no, you can't watch.

Coop: I wasn't going to ask that.

Jessica: I know, but who knows, I may have let you if you did.

Coop: (Laughs)

Ava: This wasn't part of the deal.

Alan-Michael: Well, we're here now, so we might as well enjoy it.

Ava: You said we need to come to Towers for work.

Alan-Michael: Yeah, I did.

Ava: What work?

Alan-Michael: A meal with you. Come on, Ava, do you think I'd risk getting caught sneaking out of the hospital for nothing?

Ava: Don't even guilt me by saying that this is the only reason you wanted out.

Alan-Michael: It was the biggest reason. I am glad to be out of that lousy hospital for the first time in weeks. You're still not sure about me, are you? You can take care of me and spend time with me, but you don't fully trust me. There's a limit, a line you won't cross.

Ava: Yeah, well, you know what, I don't think you'd like me as much if I didn't have a line, Alan-Michael.

Alan-Michael: Not true. I love an easy girl.

Ava: I've heard that about you.

Alan-Michael: You believe some of that, don't you?

Ava: What, the part about the women?

Alan-Michael: What people say about my family. Some part of you sees Alan in that bed or remembers Tammy and thinks, "Am I safe?"

Ava: Please, come on, stop talking. Can we just get a table and get a bottle of wine and start drinking until we forget what people are saying?

Jessica: I can't believe you actually asked me out. My friends are going to be shocked. Weren't you dating that waitress... Amy?

Coop: Ava.

Jessica: Right.

Coop: Ava was her name.

Jessica: What happened to her?

Coop: You know, the usual. It's just a long...

Jessica: Oh, enough said.

Coop: Oh.

Jessica: I just... I have one question.

Coop: Hmm?

Jessica: Am I a rebound?

Coop: No, no... not exactly, no.

Jessica: But you're still into her?

Coop: Yeah, I am.

Jessica: I can live with that. As long as you're buying and we can flirt a little, I'm good.

Coop: You know, you... you just might be the most perfect date I've been on.

Jessica: Hey, you never know where things will go.

Alan-Michael: Sure you're okay with this?

Ava: With what, going on a date with you?

Alan-Michael: Is that what this is?

Ava: Why not? I mean, come on, we deserve to have a little fun, right? We've never been on a real date. I say go for it.

Alan-Michael: Can we get a bottle of your best champagne, please? Thank you.

Ava: Thank you.

Coop: (Clears throat) Ava, it's good to see you.

Ava: You, too.

Coop: Jessica, this is...

Jessica: Ava, I know. Hi.

Ava: Hi.

Alan-Michael: Haven't we met somewhere before?

Jessica: We haven't officially met. I'm a neurosurgical nurse at Cedars. And you are?

Alan-Michael: Alan-Michael Spaulding.

Jessica: Right, of course.

Coop: So, Alan-Mikey, how's the condition? Any changes?

Alan-Michael: Alan-Mikey. Did you come up with that yourself? Nope, no changes at all. Still no movement or feeling in my legs.

Coop: No pins or needles? Tingling? Numbness? Nothing?

Alan-Michael: Nope.

Coop: I'm sorry to hear about that. Good luck. Tell you what, we better get to the table. Enjoy.

Alan-Michael: You can let it out if you want.

Ava: Let what out?

Alan-Michael: He's with another woman. Even if you've moved on, that's not easy.

Ava: Do you think she's pretty

Alan-Michael: Well, if she was giving me a sponge bath at the hospital, I wouldn't complain.

Ava: Stop it. Come on.

Alan-Michael: She's not even in your league.

Ava: Good answer.

Alan-Michael: Hey, do you want to go somewhere else?

Ava: No. No, I don't want to go anywhere else. I want to stay here. I mean, I don't know what my problem is? We're broken up. He can go out with whoever he wants to, right? Are you okay with this table?

Alan-Michael: I'm fine.

Ava: It's a little wiggly. Maybe if I get down here...

Alan-Michael: Ava, Ava, it's fine.

Ava: ...I can fix it.

Jessica: It's not working, you know.

Coop: Hmm, what?

Jessica: You keep trying not to stare back over at their table. It's not working.

Coop: I'm...

Jessica: Seeing them bothers you, huh?

Coop: I'm sorry. And honestly, yeah. I really don't like that guy very much.

Jessica: No kidding. Whenever you want, you can tell me what's really going on.

Coop: Before I do, can I just... let me just be honest and say that I still think that you're about the coolest girl I've ever been on a date with.

Jessica: Makes you want to sleep with me, doesn't it?

Coop: There you go again. Actually, yeah, it kind of does, to be honest.

Jessica: Well, since we know that's not happening tonight...

Coop: Right.

Jessica: ...Why don't you tell me something I don't know. Like, what's the deal between you and the people we just met. You know, she's your ex, why not leave it alone and move on? That would be a plus for me, anyway.

Coop: When my dad told me about you, he mentioned that you are a neuro nurse.

Jessica: So you either have a thing for nurses or you need information.

Coop: Can it be both?

Jessica: Nice flirt.

Coop: Oh, thank you very much.

Jessica: What do you need to know?

Coop: An injury like Alan-Michael's, how long does an injury like that take to heal? As in, like, how long would it take before he was able to walk again?

Jessica: It's hard to say. If the spinal cord is damaged but not snapped, the doc’s don't always have an answer. Sometimes it happens fast and surprises everyone and sometimes it never does. You can't always tell.

Coop: But with all the tests that you run, can't you...

Jessica: Not definitive. (Cell phone rings) Sorry.

Coop: No, please.

Jessica: Oh, it's work. I've got to go over something with them. I'll be right back.

Coop: Sure, yeah. Hi, there.

Alan-Michael: Can I help you with something?

Coop: You know, I just couldn't help thinking about what you were telling me before about how... no pains, no tingling, no numbness, nothing, right?

Alan-Michael: What?

Coop: In your legs, there's no motion. You just... you don't feel anything, do you?

Alan-Michael: No. What does that have to do with anything?

Coop: Do you want to go for a walk? Come on, Alan-Michael, let's go for a walk.

Alan-Michael: You know, it's a little cold out here, so if you'll state your business, I'll be on my way.

Coop: Yeah, you know what, Alan-Michael, it is pretty damn cold out here. But, lucky for you, you can only feel it from the waist up. So I guess it can't all be too bad now, can it?

Alan-Michael: What the hell is wrong with you?

Coop: You know what? You and I are going to have a little talk. And I don't want you running away back to Ava, that's all.

Alan-Michael: Running?

Coop: Sorry, I guess it was the wrong choice of words. Tell me, how's your father?

Alan-Michael: Where is this going?

Coop: I heard that they found your gun at the scene of the crime. Right over there.

Alan-Michael: How did... Marina told you?

Coop: Uh-huh. My brother also just happens to be the Chief of Police.

Alan-Michael: Then you'll also know I haven't been charged with anything.

Coop: Which doesn't mean to say that you won't be.

Alan-Michael: I'm in a wheelchair, Coop. How could I have possibly...

Coop: Yeah, we're going to get to that point in just a second. Right now I'm guessing that you've been filling Ava up with a bunch of your lies about how you couldn't possibly been the one to have shot your own father.

Alan-Michael: I didn't shoot my father.

Coop: Well, if you say so.

Alan-Michael: Coop, how could I have gotten away? I can't even walk to the other side of the room to pick up my own socks.

Coop: You know, for someone who might never walk again, you certainly don't seem too broken up about it. I mean, here you are. You're at Towers, having a nice meal...

Alan-Michael: With your ex.

Coop: And I'm guessing you're the kind of guy who-- I don't, how do I put this-- the kind of guy who's happy to use his disability to his advantage. Reel Ava in, make her feel like she's the only one in the world who's absolutely special and who understands that she's needed.

Alan-Michael: I don't have to sit here and listen to this.

Coop: Come here. I saw you itch your leg.

Alan-Michael: What?

Coop: Your leg. You got an itch.

Alan-Michael: You're insane.

Coop: Let's see what the cops have to say about that, huh?

Alan-Michael: I've already told them everything I know.

Coop: You told them that you couldn't walk.

Alan-Michael: I can’t.

Coop: Which will make it even harder for you to stop yourself when you start to fall.

Alan-Michael: You think I'm faking?

Coop: Well, we'll find out soon enough now, won't we?

Alan-Michael: What are you going to do, Coop? Kill me to make a point? You'll never get Ava back that way.

Coop: Maybe I don't want Ava back. Maybe I just don't want her to be with you.

Alan-Michael: You really want to play chicken like this? Fine, toss me over the edge.

Coop: Stand.

Alan-Michael: I can’t.

Coop: Stand, Alan-Michael.

Alan-Michael: I can't!

Coop: Stand or you're going to fall. Come on!

Ava: Coop, what the hell are you doing? Stop it! Stop it! You could've killed him. He can't walk. He's in a wheelchair. Are you okay? What, once wasn't good enough for you?

Frank: Coop?

Coop: Frank, I could've sworn the guy could walk.

Frank: You think you maybe could've tested him by sticking him with a toothpick instead?

Coop: Frank, it seemed like it was a good idea at the time. I'm sorry.

Frank: Well, it wasn't a good idea. Almost killing this guy has become a hobby for you. You're lucky he's not pressing charges. And you know what, you're going to have change your approach with Ava because this one that you're taking is taking you down the wrong path.

Coop: Excuse me, thanks to dad's advice. He was the one that told me I needed to stand up and fight.

Frank: Well, you know what, in every fight, you've got to know when to pull back. Especially when fight becomes more important than the prize.

Coop: Oh, give me a break. What happened to that whole spiel about paying the price for love, huh?

Frank: Sometimes it costs too much.

Coop: And?

Frank: Look, bro, you know what I figured out right before I walked away from Olivia? You never win-- you never, never win if you lose yourself in the process.

Ava: You don't have to do this.

Alan-Michael: Is he ready?

Ava: Yes, but you don't have to.

Alan-Michael: Yes, I do. I'm ready.

Cameraman: In five, four, three...

Alan-Michael: My name is Alan-Michael Spaulding. In light of the recent tragedy to have befallen my father, and in spite of my own medical difficult, Spaulding Enterprises has never been stronger. You can see it in the numbers. You can see it in the return on investment. But I want you to see it in my face. I will never let Spaulding falter. The company is in good hands. I would also like to publicly vow at this moment that I intend to see justice done in the shooting of my father. There is nowhere for the shooter to run, nowhere to hide. And, please, anyone who cares-- I mean, really cares about us as people-- say a prayer for Alan Spaulding tonight. As we... as...

Ava: You can do this.

Alan-Michael: As we come together as a family, the Spaulding family, we're as strong and united as ever. Thank you. Thanks for being with me at the press conference tonight. It helped. I thought... I thought I might lose it.

Ava: But you didn’t. You were strong. And I saw something in you that I hadn't seen before.

Alan-Michael: What was it?

Ava: I don't know. It's getting late.

Alan-Michael: Bye.

Ava: Bye.

Coop: Ava.

Ava: I cannot even look at you. I don't even know who you are.

Alan-Michael: Ava...

Beth: Hey there.

Alan-Michael: You scared me.

Beth: That was quite a speech tonight. Very C.E.O.-ish.

Alan-Michael: To what do I owe this pleasure?

Beth: Oh, no pleasure here, pumpkin.

Alan-Michael: (Gasps)

Beth: Whoo, look at that! It's a miracle. Or maybe it's me? Maybe I am a miracle worker because lord knows you couldn't move before I came in this door. And now look at you, you're ready to get up and run the 100 yard dash. Well, now that I've helped you, you're going to help me.

Ava: I don't even know what to say to you.

Coop: Then don't say anything. All right, I'm going to talk and then I'm going to leave. Ava, I get what you want. You want to be left alone so you can make your own decisions even if they are the wrong ones. You want to be with this guy back here who lies and cheats and schemes his way through life, but you know what? You don't want to see that. You want to be with a guy like me, who just wants to protect you. And, yeah, sometimes it's a bit much. But you are not willing to pay the price of being with a guy like me. You're not willing to give up who you need to be because that's what it takes. I just figured that out tonight. You see, we all need to know exactly what we will and won't give up for being with the person that we love. Because that is what real love is all about. It's about sacrifice and compromise all for the sake of being with that special person. Ava, I almost killed a man tonight. And you know what? I actually thought that I was willing to do that for you. Until I saw what I looked like, not just in your eyes, but in my eyes. And I'm so ashamed. I am so ashamed.

Ava: Coop?

Coop: Yes. Yes, I love you. But even you aren't worth sacrificing who I want to be as a person. So, don’t... don't try to say anything, don't try to do anything. Look, what we had was good.

Ava: It was.

Coop: But I don't want to hear what you see in him because it's only going to make me think twice about what I know I have to do now.

Ava: What's that?

Coop: Walk away. Turn around and just walk away, Ava.

Alan-Michael: Just tell me what you want, Beth.

Beth: Yeah, things were looking pretty bleak around the ol' homestead. You know, with Doris on the throne. Lizzie, Alex and I were going to be out in the street. Well, that is until Alan was shot. And now there is only one person who can help me fight off that harpy and dump her butt off the throne. That's you.

Coop: Hey.

Buzz: Hey.

Coop: I'm out, Pop. On my terms, okay? I'm not you.

Buzz: Well, no one ever said you were or wanted you to be. I was just giving you ideas and ammunition. What now?

Coop: Well, I'm going to cut down on my shifts. I'm going to go back to school. I've got to put my life back together again. But on my own.

Alan-Michael: Aren't you pregnant? Having my father's child?

Beth: Well, let's just say that you and I are two of a kind. And, yes, I know that you're obsessed with Ava, but big picture? We work together, Spaulding could be ours.

Alan-Michael: I'm already C.E.O. I don't need you.

Beth: Hmm. Well, I could tell the whole world that you're faking. And that would leave you open to some rather nasty things: Being a murder suspect, losing Ava’s trust and respect. Now, Alan-Michael, don't you see you could be Alan?

Alan-Michael: I already am.

Buzz: You should be proud of yourself, Alan. I am.

Next, on "Guiding Light,"

Reva: Are you accusing me-- again-- of coming between you and your daughter?

Harley: It's not all your fault, Reva. This is what Daisy likes to do. She loves to play both sides against the middle.

Frank: If you talk to Mallet, he'll tell you Beth did it. If you ask Marina, she'll tell you Lizzie’s hiding something.

Gus: No, I don't like either one of them for this.

Lillian: Look how much suffering has mounted: Lizzie, Beth, Sarah. It took me so long... it took me so much suffering to finally do something.

Josh: And you should be happy.

Cassie: That's sweet, Josh, but those are just words, too.

Josh: Well, I got two more for you. Marry me.

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