Guiding Light Transcript Monday 2/26/07
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Proofread by Tanya
Josh: Cassie, you’ve go nothing to worry about.
Cassie: Your gun is missing, Josh. If you didn’t take it and you didn’t, it’s pretty clear who did. Me.
Josh: We don't know that.
Cassie: What if I shot Alan?
Josh: You didn’t.
Cassie: Well I could have, I don't remember.
Josh: One day you will, Cassie.
Cassie: Or the police will find a gun first and it will be over.
Josh: No, they won't because you and I are the only ones who know about that gun and that's the way it will stay. It's going to be okay.
Mallet: Do me a favor. Take that to forensics and tell them to put a rush on it.
Man: That was in the elevator Spaulding was shot in, isn't it?
Mallet: I'm going to run the serial number. With any luck it's registered and we'll have ourselves a nice, fat name.
Alan-Michael: I learned a thing or two from you, Dad. How to show one face to the world and hide another. But you could have learned something. How to let go. Maybe then you wouldn't be lying here.
Ava: Mr. Spaulding was involved in a minor accident but he is still very much in control of the company. It's going to take a lot more than a wheelchair to stop Alan-Michael.
Buzz: Six pence coin for your shoe? What's that?
Olivia: It's good luck. Oh, look at this!
Buzz: Oh, shrimp. Is shrimp going to be okay?
Olivia: Yeah!
Buzz: Because know, we could have lobster.
Olivia: No, the shrimp's good. You can eat with your fingers. You are really cute when you are stressed out.
Buzz: I want our wedding to be the bomb.
Olivia: The bomb?
Buzz: The bomb. That's what Zach says. What? The bomb. I said it correctly, the bomb.
Olivia: I mean, it sounds... yeah. It's just that I don't like to connect, you know, our wedding with anything that blows up.
Buzz: Gotcha.
Olivia: Especially considering how the last wedding here ended.
Buzz: Well, okay, we'll have metal detectors at the door, you know, make sure that no one's packing at our wedding day.
Olivia: You are so romantic.
Buzz: Okay, I'm coming in. Have I swept you off your feet?
Olivia: You most certainly have. ( Laughs )
Buzz: Okay, the list. Got the best man. That'll be Coop.
Olivia: Mm-hmm.
Buzz: Okay, so the maid of honor? Are you going to call Ava or shall I?
Olivia: ( Clears throat )
Keegan: Hey, Dinah, you just missed Mallet.
Dinah: You know what, I wanted to talk to you. You are terrific with computers. I am doing a story on my television show, and I'm covering identity theft. Would you happen to know what if a foreign prisoner tried to get access to an American citizen's personal finances? What would happen? Is that possible?
Keegan: It depends on the prison.
Dinah: Yeah, I was afraid you were going to say that.
Cassie: I don't know, Josh. I'm no better than Alan. I mean, I've got blood on my hands, too.
Josh: Cassie, just listen to me, okay? You did not shoot Alan. And even if you did, he took Tammy’s life, and he got away with it. I mean, maybe he taunted you the day of the wedding, provoked you in some way, and he... where are you going?
Cassie: I'm going to the only place I can go: To turn myself in.
Josh: Cassie!
Dinah: Hi, honey.
Mallet: Hey, how are you?
Dinah: I'm good. You have some pretty rude officers who work here, though.
Mallet: Oh. Overworked, underpaid?
Dinah: Mm-hmm.
Mallet: Listen, Mr. Smiley face hasn't made any encore performances, has he?
Dinah: No. No, and he's not going to, because he ran my credit up, and then he ran.
Mallet: Well...
Dinah: So...
Mallet: Anyway, I hope he's gone. That would be a good thing.
Dinah: Yeah, that would be a good thing. I mean, I know how these guys work. You know how these guys work. We just have to believe that he's moved on to somebody else, you know, it's over with.
Mallet: Yeah, except that he left you with a huge mess to clean up.
Dinah: Which I am already on. You know, I applied for a new social security number-- which I didn't even know you could do that. Did you know you could do that?
Mallet: No.
Dinah: ( Laughs )
Mallet: No.
Dinah: And I've got my new credit cards, but I have no money in my checking account, but I will live and get on with my life. And I see that you're busy, so I'm going to stop rambling, and I'm going to go. Okay?
Mallet: Hold it, hold it, hold it, hold it. When you start apologizing, it gets me kind of nervous.
Dinah: Well, what do you mean? That doesn't make any sense. What?
Mallet: You're not hiding anything from me, are you?
Dinah: No. Baby, I don't have any secrets with you. I'm afraid I'm fresh out of secrets. I'm not afraid, but I'm not keeping anything from you. That's all.
Mallet: Okay, okay. It's just that, you know, I don't know of any identity thieves that leave little messages for their victims. That kind of makes it personal-- and personal, like what you did to Cassie.
Dinah: Wait a minute. You don't think that Cassie is involved with this, do you?
Mallet: No, no, no. That's over and done with. Anyway, she's in shock with what happened with Tammy. Even if she did have a target, it wasn't you.
Josh: Okay, Cassie, marching yourself down to police headquarters and confessing to a shooting that you don't even know that you were a part of is just not a good idea, okay?
Cassie: You just think I'm crazy.
Josh: No, I don't think you're crazy.
Cassie: If I'm the shooter, I have to live with the consequences, right? I don't have a choice about that.
Josh: You always have choices. Do you trust me?
Cassie: Yes.
Josh: Then trust me to take care of you. Trust me to care of this family.
Cassie: How?
Josh: Cassie, I know that you're scared and you're confused, but you do have a choice. Trust me. Choose our life together.
Olivia: Mm-hmm, this one's better than the last.
Buzz: Okay. Yeah, it's champagne, just like the last one.
Olivia: Well, then I should get you a fresh glass, because something is wrong with that.
Buzz: Hey, stop avoiding. Would you stop avoiding? It makes me work too hard.
Olivia: Well, then stop working.
Buzz: The list, the maid of honor. We're just going to scrap that?
Olivia: Yes, we're going to scrap it.
Buzz: I mean, Emma is too young to do it.
Olivia: Look, Cassie will be my, whatever... maid of honor.
Buzz: Do you think she's going to be up to it?
Olivia: She's my friend. She'll do it if I ask her to.
Buzz: Is that the right thing to do?
Olivia: Would you stop trying to get me feel something for Ava that I obviously don't, okay? Cassie is my matron, whatever, of honor. That's it. Move on.
Buzz: Hey, hey, hey. You're not fooling anybody.
Olivia: I'm not trying to fool anyone.
Buzz: I was there. When Coop called from the hospital, I was there.
Olivia: Yeah, I know. I was concerned about him. I didn't know what happened.
Buzz: You thought Ava was hurt, and you freaked.
Olivia: I did not freak. Okay, I don't like to see anybody hurt, usually. I don't like pain and suffering usually. Can we please just drop this?
Buzz: Hey. It's okay to care about your kid.
Jeffrey: Um, I wouldn’t... I wouldn't go in there if I were you.
Ava: I'm looking for Alan-Michael.
Jeffrey: Yeah, like I said, I wouldn't, you know, go in there. Trouble seems to follow that guy wherever he goes, Ava.
Ava: That is really ironic coming out of your mouth.
Jeffrey: Well, we're not talking about me. We're talking about you, and you should make smart choices.
Ava: Choices. Yes, these are my choices, Jeffrey, and you're not my attorney anymore.
Jeffrey: Okay. Sorry. How about some friendly advice then?
Ava: Are we friends?
Jeffrey: Ava, you're my daughter, for God's sake! ( Cell phone rings )
Ava: Ava Peralta. Can you hold on for one second? I have to take this call. Excuse me.
Olivia: So, do we need to pick out a song?
Buzz: You're not going to admit it, are you?
Olivia: I have one child, Emma. Ava and I are practically strangers, and I think we both want to keep it that way. ( Cell phone rings )
Olivia: Hello.
Jeffrey: Hi, it's Jeffrey O’Neill. I need to see you.
Olivia: About what?
Jeffrey: It's an emergency, okay? Can you meet me at Main Street?
Olivia: Hey! Hello?
Buzz: Who was that?
Olivia: The Beacon. There's a problem. I have to go.
Alan-Michael: You brought this on yourself, Dad. Didn't you learn anything from Phillip’s mistakes? Letting your obsessions, your need to control everything turn everyone against you? Well, I'm not going to fall into that same trap. I'm going to have it all-- not just power and money, but something more.
Ava: Oh, my God. You can walk?
Alan-Michael: Ugh!
Ava: Oh, my gosh!
Alan-Michael: Damn it! I didn't want you to see me like this.
Ava: No! What are you doing? I thought you were standing.
Alan-Michael: No. Please, just call a nurse.
Ava: What were you doing outside your wheelchair?
Alan-Michael: I was being an idiot. I thought I could...
Ava: You thought you could do what?
Alan-Michael: I thought I could do something I obviously couldn’t. I came in here, and I saw that Alan’s lips were dry. I wanted to make it better. I thought I could just lean on the bed with one hand, and with the other hand grab the water glass, but... I don't know what I was thinking.
Ava: You wanted to help your father? Well, it looked like you were almost doing that.
Alan-Michael: Almost isn't good enough.
Ava: Look, the doctors said that...
Alan-Michael: I don't care what the doctors say. I'm the one who's stuck in this chair. I tried to do the simplest thing, to comfort my dying father, and I end up collapsed on the floor.
Olivia: Hey, what is it? Is it Ava?
Jeffrey: No, no. Ava is fine-- well, that is, if you consider getting involved with the Spaulding’s fine.
Olivia: You said that this was an emergency. I was in the middle of something.
Jeffrey: Yeah, it's me. I'm the emergency.
Olivia: You?
Jeffrey: I had a small meltdown.
Olivia: Take it to your shrink. I'm not interested, okay?
Jeffrey: I called her my daughter.
Olivia: In what context?
Jeffrey: Well, does it really matter? I mean, it means pretty much the same thing in any context, doesn't it?
Olivia: Okay. Well, what, did she kiss you on the cheek and call you daddy?
Jeffrey: This is serious.
Olivia: Then why don't I care?
Jeffrey: And I can't take it back either, you know, because it's already out there. It's like a confession to a crime or something.
Olivia: Interesting analogy.
Jeffrey: So anyway, I want your advice.
Olivia: You want my advice? Who do I look like to you, Dr. Phil? Figure it out on your own.
Jeffrey: We're in this together.
Olivia: No. We? No, I don't think so.
Jeffrey: She's your daughter, too.
Olivia: A fact I can't seem to forget. I have spent my entire life trying to. It just won't go away.
Jeffrey: That's because she's always there. She's always around. It's kind of hard just to ignore it.
Olivia: Especially when everybody keeps throwing it in your face. I can't seem to get away from it.
Jeffrey: Well, maybe you should stop trying to get away from it. Maybe we both should.
Dinah: Hey, Dave, let me get a Cosmo, please. You can put it on my tab.
Bartender: I'm sorry, Dinah, but...
Dinah: Oh, don't tell me I don't have a tab.
Remy: I've got it covered. I'll take a beer and tequila.
Dinah: Now, how are you going to do that? You're not even working.
Remy: That's the beauty of administrative leave. They have to pay you until they officially send you packing.
Dinah: Well, then, in that case, my liver thanks you, and so do I. We owe you one.
Remy: Well, you can pay me right now if you want.
Dinah: What do you want?
Remy: Nice. Have I ever asked you for anything?
Dinah: No, but...
Remy: Then why the suspicion?
Dinah: Because you've got that shifty little eye thing happening-- and don't pretend you don't know what I'm talking about.
Remy: Shifty eye thing, yeah. I've got to look into that. Okay, what do you know about the investigation?
Dinah: Investigation?
Remy: Into Alan Spaulding’s shooting.
Dinah: Well, that would be a big fat zero.
Remy: Oh, come one. You're shacking up with the lead detective.
Dinah: So?
Remy: So you're lying in bed next to him.
Dinah: Remy, Remy, I don't know what your sex life is like, but I usually don't talk about Alan Spaulding when I'm in bed.
Remy: So he never says anything?
Dinah: No, not really. You know, for the record, I really don't appreciate you using our friendship to get information out of me.
Remy: You for real?
Dinah: No. I just thought that sounded really good. No. I've got nothing. I don't have information. And if I did, I would gladly share.
Remy: What about the gun? You must have heard something.
Dinah: No. You know, I thought that you washed your hands of this whole mess. Or are you trying to still get the blood off?
Josh: What are you doing?
Cassie: I'm going to make a sandwich for R.J. He'll be home soon.
Josh: Aren't you going to be here when he gets home?
Cassie: I don't know.
Josh: Cassie, you will be.
Cassie: I'm going to make him a sandwich. Do you want one?
Josh: No, thank you.
Cassie: You might want one later.
Josh: Look, look, are you really going to give up your whole life based on a guess, based on a hunch? Because that's exactly what you would be doing. You don't know anything about the night Alan was shot-- nothing.
Cassie: Your gun is missing.
Josh: So what. Did you take it? Was it used in a crime? You don't know the answer to those two questions.
Cassie: I have a responsibility.
Josh: A responsibility? Cassie, you don't know what happened.
Cassie: If I'm the one who committed the crime, I cannot let somebody else take the blame for it. If I did, I'd be worse than Alan.
Josh: You're talking about confessing to attempted murder. Worse that that, if Alan doesn't make it, you're talking about... you could go to prison, Cassie, for a long time, for life. Do you understand that? ( Knocking on door ) Let me doing the talking. For R.J.'s sake, for Tammy, just let me did the talking. Okay? Detective Mallet, hi.
Mallet: Josh, Cassie. Sorry, do you mind if I come in?
Josh: No, no, no. It's fine. Come on.
Mallet: Sorry to intrude. I just have a few more questions.
Josh: Not a problem. But Cassie has already answered a bunch of questions. I mean, what else...
Mallet: Well, actually, Josh, my questions are for you. Thanks Cassie.
Josh: So what can I answer for you?
Mallet: Well, Josh, I hear you've taken quite an interest in the investigation.
Josh: Really? Where did you hear that?
Mallet: Ava Peralta.
Josh: Well, I was just asking her what was going on. That's all.
Mallet: I think you asked her if the gun had been found..
Josh: Yeah, has it?
Mallet: I'm not at liberty to say. I'm just curious, Josh, as to why you're so curious.
Cassie: What is this? You think Josh shot Alan?
Mallet: No, I'm not saying that, Cassie.
Cassie: Because that's just crazy. I mean, I don't believe... he would have no reason to. If you want someone with a motive and an opportunity, you should start with me.
Josh: She forgets how often Alan and I have crossed paths over the years, much more than you would think.
Mallet: So I heard you were at Towers before the shooting. And the way I understand it, the story goes you were going to crack a champagne bottle over Alan’s head.
Josh: I was thinking about it, yeah.
Cassie: But you didn’t. He didn’t.
Josh: No, I didn’t. I poured it on him instead.
Mallet: Right. So it's safe to say you were clearly pissed.
Josh: Very much so, and you would have been, too. Tammy was Cassie’s daughter. Alan was responsible for her death, and for the death of Jonathan and Sarah. And I think he deserved what he got. I didn't do it, I don't know who did it, I didn't shoot him. And as far as my curiosity goes, it's nothing more than that. It's just curiosity. So does that answer all of your questions, Detective Mallet?
Mallet: Yeah.
Josh: Good.
Mallet: Almost.
Josh: Okay.
Mallet: So you took Cassie out of the wedding after she confronted Alan, and the two of you disappeared?
Josh: I wouldn't say that we disappeared.
Mallet: So where were you when Alan got shot? Well, don't both go at once.
Vanessa: Dinah?
Dinah: Mom. How did you know I was going to be here?
Vanessa: Call it mother's intuition, I don't know, a reasonable hypothesis. You owe me an explanation.
Dinah: For what?
Vanessa: Oh, please, don't play the innocent with me.
Dinah: Remy?
Remy: I should go.
Dinah: No. You should stay.
Vanessa: Wonderful.
Dinah: Why are you so upset?
Vanessa: Look, you have a wonderful life. You have a guy you love. He's great. You have a job you love. That's great. It's going beautifully. You're very proud of it. So why in the world are you so afraid of being so successful?
Dinah: What are you talking about? I'm not afraid of being successful.
Vanessa: Well, then why are you shooting yourself in the foot all the time? I just don't get it.
Dinah: You don't get it? I don't get it. What the hell are you talking about?
Vanessa: This is what I'm talking about.
Dinah: This is an e-mail, a very harsh e-mail.
Vanessa: Mm-hmm.
Dinah: With my name attached to the bottom of it.
Vanessa: Yes. And what does it say? You practically call my major advertiser the rear end of a horse.
Dinah: Worse than that.
Vanessa: Mm-hmm. Dinah, what have you got to say for yourself?
Dinah: Someone hates me, big- time.
Buzz: ( Laughing ) You know, they say you can hear things when you're in a coma. I really hope so, because... actually, I'm here to see your son, Alan-Michael, who you treat like dog doo on your shoe. He's down the hall in a wheelchair because of a fight with my son. I'm not excusing it, but he could use some fatherly advice right now. Do you have any? No, I didn't think so. ( Laughing ) This is just too good. You know, you're stuck. You're here with all these machines and these little tubes going in and out of you. You're shot. You may have deserved it-- no, you did deserve it. Anyway, there are hundreds of people in this town that could have plugged you, and one of them did. But here's the thing, right? Here's the point: You can fix it. You're not usually up to that kind of stuff, to do those kinds of things, but you can fix it. You can call the cops and tell them you shot yourself.
Jeffrey: Why did I call you? I've been asking myself that same question.
Olivia: I can't help you. Okay and the truth is, I don't really want to think about your problems.
Jeffrey: Fine. Then don’t.
Olivia: What are you going to do?
Jeffrey: Excuse me?
Olivia: I don't want to see you do something stupid.
Jeffrey: ( Laughing ) I do not get you.
Olivia: I don't get you. What do you want, Jeffrey? Do you want to be a daddy? Because I get the feeling that that's what it is.
Jeffrey: Me, a daddy? What would I do, take her ice skating, bounce her on my knee.
Olivia: See, that's disgusting! She's our daughter; she's not some cheap intern in your-- oh, did I just do that?
Jeffrey: Yeah. What was that for?
Olivia: For getting me into this mess in the first place.
Ava: You want me to help you into bed? Okay, so, what do you want to do?
Alan-Michael: Ava, why are you here?
Ava: I don't understand.
Alan-Michael: I told you to go, get on with your life,. You stayed. My own family hasn't even done that.
Ava: I told you I work for Spaulding. Company loyalty first.
Alan-Michael: Company loyalty.
Nurse: Sorry to interrupt, but it's medicine time.
Alan-Michael: Uh-oh. You know how I feel about needles.
Nurse: Yeah, you tried that on me the last time.
Alan-Michael: Oh, did I?
Nurse: Uh-huh. Okay. There you go.
Alan-Michael: Thanks. Okay. Ow-- ow, ow, ow, ow!
Nurse: Just relax. Let it work. There you go. He's going to need some rest.
Ava: Okay.
Alan-Michael: Thank you.
Ava: Thank you. I think I'm going to go now, too.
Alan-Michael: Wait. I need to say this before... part of me is grateful for that accident. It has broken down all of my defenses. I care about you, and I think you care about me.
Ava: Just go to sleep now. It’s...
Alan-Michael: I'm afraid to. What if I wake up and I'm still like this? What if this is my life forever?
Ava: Just don't say that, okay?
Alan-Michael: Why? Why does it matter? Why?
Ava: Because you're right, I do care about you.
Ava: I do have feelings for you. There you go, I said it. And that's why I haven't be able to make the commitment to Coop. He wants something unconditional, and I... he deserves it, but I can't do it because I would be lying. And, considering what's happening with you and I, I... what's wrong?
Alan-Michael: I'm just wondering if you're saying this because of where I am.
Ava: No.
Alan-Michael: I mean if I was strong, if I was able to hold you in my arms, was able to make love to you, would you be here then?
Ava: In the hospital? No. But with you, yes.
Alan-Michael: Even if you mean that, look at me. I'm half the man I was.
Ava: No, you're not.
Alan-Michael: In my family, if you're broken, you're worthless. My father drilled that into all of us.
Ava: You are not broken.
Alan-Michael: Aren't I?
Ava: No.
Alan-Michael: All my life, I've been able to get by on my charm, on sweeping women off their feet. I can't do that now.
Ava: What are you talking about? That nurse, she loved you.
Alan-Michael: Yeah.
Ava: You know, I was not born rich, or influential, and I've certainly never been in your position, but I've definitely felt broken and unworthy. When I found out I was adopted, and then I found out I was given up by someone who hated me, I uh... it was bad. But you helped me with that, and you turned it around, and hopefully I can help you, too.
Buzz: You know, by the way, Olivia and I have set a date. I actually think I'm going to make her happy. You couldn't do with all of your millions, you know. So there's a lesson there somewhere. You know, I think this is the best conversation we've ever had. We should do this more often.
Dinah: I didn't write this. Why would I?
Vanessa: I don't know. But what you said in the email was that you were angry at Randolph because he bought more spots for “The Law” than for your show.
Dinah: I didn't write this.
Vanessa: Do you have a password?
Dinah: Yeah, who doesn't?
Vanessa: Does anybody else know what it is?
Dinah: No. And why don't you believe me?
Vanessa: I... ( sighs ) I'm trying to.
Dinah: Well, Mom, you're not, okay. You're not believing me, and that's typical of you. That's very typical.
Vanessa: Look, my major advertiser is irate and he is threatening to cut way, way back.
Dinah: Mom, he is blowing smoke.
Vanessa: Maybe, but I can't afford it. It was a very risky venture, you know, buying a TV station.
Dinah: Okay. I know you have plenty of revenue coming in from other resources.
Vanessa: Not really. I mean-- well, Matt and I had a couple of ventures that didn't pan out, and that's one of the reasons that we came back to Springfield.
Dinah: Are you telling me that you guys are having financial troubles?
Vanessa: No, I'm not saying that. It's just that we're not as stable as we would like to be, and... I really need you to apologize.
Dinah: Okay, fine, I'll apologize for something I didn't do, but I will do that.
Vanessa: Dinah...
Dinah: Mom, stop making this about you for one minute. Someone is messing with me, and why can't you see that?
Vanessa: You mean this identity thief...?
Dinah: Maybe. I don't know.
Vanessa: Okay, all right. I'm sorry. When you do know, let's talk about that. But right now, I'm afraid I've got some major damage control to do.
Mallet: Cassie, you were saying something about the truth.
Cassie: The truth is that... we were together the whole time, just like he said.
Josh: That's right. Do you have anymore questions, or does that do it?
Olivia: Did you get your song list ready?
Buzz: Did you solve your problems at the Beacon?
Olivia: I never made it.
Buzz: Because?
Olivia: I ran into Jeffrey.
Buzz: Was there a problem at a Beacon?
Olivia: No, not exactly. It was Jeffrey who called-- for nothing really.
Buzz: Why did you lie?
Olivia: I don't know. I don't know. I just... I wanted to get it over with and see what his deal was.
Buzz: Well, he's Ava’s father. There's got to be a lot of stuff--
Olivia: No, no, no.
Buzz: Look, it's fine for you to see Jeffrey, anytime you want to. You know, don't lie to me, that's all.
Olivia: Oh, I see. I get it. So Jeffrey wants me to play mommy, expects me to-- you expect me to be the loving fiancée. You know, I don't know if I can, because I'm just me. I'm just who I am. I don't need to apologize for who and what I am to any man. So why don't you just put that on your wedding cake and eat it!
Buzz: Huh?
Alan-Michael: Ava?
Jeffrey: No. It's her lawyer.
Alan-Michael: Visiting hours are over.
Jeffrey: Well, I won't stay long. It would appear that Ava is still very much devoted, hmm? I guess Coop isn't giving you very much trouble. But then again Coop, he always plays fair, doesn't he. He doesn't really know how to play dirty. Like me. I know how. And I'm not just Ava’s lawyer, am I? No. I'm also her father. So I can pretty much assure you that if you get out of here and you hurt her, you're going to be back in a bed just like this for a very, very long time. Okay?
Dinah: Did you shoot Alan?
Remy: Would you help me if I did?
Dinah: I could care less. I think the old goat had it coming.
Remy: I didn't shoot him. I wanted to, but I didn’t. Do we have a deal? Are you going to help me, and I'm going to help you?
Dinah: ( Sighs ) Deal.
Remy: ( Laughs )
R.J.: Uncle Josh, can you help me feed the horses.
Josh: I would love that.
R.J.: Mom, you want to help?
Cassie: Yeah, we'll be right out.
R.J.: Okay.
Cassie: I'm all he has left. What was I thinking? I can't just abandon him.
Josh: You won't have to. Not on my watch, I promise.
Cassie: Well what about Mallet? What if they find the gun?
Josh: Then we'll deal with it. If we have to, we'll deal with it. Come here. Right now there's only one person who knows who shot Alan, and he's not talking.
Mallet: Hey, Keagan, do you have the ballistics report on that murder weapon?
Keagan: No, but the registration information came back.
Mallet: Oh, great, cool. Oh, my. You are kidding me. That gun is registered to Mr. Alan-Michael Spaulding.
Next on "Guiding Light,"
Ashlee: And we can help Alan recover and we can even make it great between our moms.
Lizzie: Yeah, yeah, right after we find the cure for cancer and bring peace to the Middle East!
Beth: I know it's early, but I think that I... I think that I felt our baby kick.
Mallet: There was a gun found on top of the elevator where Alan was shot.
Alan-Michael: My gun?
Mallet: Yeah, that's right, it was your gun.
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