Guiding Light Transcript Friday 2/23/07
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Proofread by Tanya
Lizzie: Look at them. Take a good, long look. That was my family. That was the family that I could've had if you hadn't taken them away from me. I was so close to being happy. I have made so many mistakes. Maybe I'm getting what I deserve. I know that you are.
Cassie: There you are.
Josh: Hey!
Cassie: Good morning.
Josh: Good morning.
Cassie: I can't believe how late I slept. Did you make coffee? You made coffee.
Josh: You're looking better this morning.
Cassie: I'm feeling a little better this morning. I mean, what you made me do yesterday-- retracing my steps the night of Alan’s wedding-- was awful, but I think it helped. I mean, I can't say for sure that I didn't shoot him, but...
Josh: But you feel it.
Cassie: Yeah. And I slept better last night than I have in a long time. I mean, even before the sleeping pills.
Josh: That's great. I'm really... I'm glad for you.
Cassie: Thanks. And I had this beautiful dream that Tammy came to see me and she was at peace and she wanted me to be at peace, too. Thank you for helping.
Josh: I just want everything to be okay for you. I want you to be safe.
Cassie: I know. I know you do. I think I'm actually going to try to do some errands today.
Josh: Really? Would you like some help?
Cassie: No, I just... I have this whole list of things that I haven't been doing and I thought I would just try to catch up.
Josh: Wow, that's quite a list you got going on there. That's something.
Cassie: It is. If I haven't told you lately, I love you.
Josh: I love you, too, Cassie.
Cassie: Bye.
Josh: Bye.
Alan-Michael: Dr. Berstein, I was wondering why there's no improvement in my father's condition. Well, when do you expect him to make progress? No, I understand and I'm sure you'll understand when I bring in a specialist for a second opinion. Am I the only one around here who knows how to get things done?
Ava: Nope. Not while I'm around.
Buzz: Whoa, hey, take it easy on the tabletop there. Hey, that stuff costs like $70 a square foot. Take a break.
Coop: I'm not in the mood, Dad, okay?
Buzz: So take one anyway. Hey, you know what? Frank called. Alan-Michael is not going to press charges for that header he took off the balcony, so...
Coop: Yeah, I heard.
Buzz: You seem so excited about it.
Coop: Look, it's good, okay? It's all good.
Buzz: It shows so much. Look, do me a favor, okay? Get the hell out of here.
Cassie: Tammy, you would've loved that.
Lizzie: Cassie?
Cassie: Leave me alone, Lizzie. I don't have anything to say to you.
Lizzie: No, I know. I have something I need to say to you.
Cassie: I'm not interested.
Lizzie: Okay, just wait. Could you listen? I need to apologize to you for Tammy’s death.
Alan-Michael: I'm not going to let Doris or Beth or even Alex use this to push me aside. I can't let up now.
Ava: Well, good. I'm glad to hear you say that because we've got some work to do here. I was thinking, Monica’s going to be going to Seoul, right, to take over that meeting? And while she's there, she could do some TV interviews, which would be great because she could talk about the strength of our share price, the contribution to, of course, and the restructuring in South America. And on the home front, I was thinking that...
Alan-Michael: You have no idea, do you, how amazing you are?
Ava: I'm just doing my job. Anyways, I'm not the one who's amazing. You are. You don't even know if you can walk again and you're trying to keep this company afloat and keep your family from killing each other.
Alan-Michael: It's because of you, your faith in me. I couldn't keep going without you.
Ava: Thank you. That is not true, but thank you. When you want something, you really...
Alan-Michael: There are some things I want that I didn't get.
Nurse: Am I interrupting?
Alan-Michael: No. We were just going over some business.
Nurse: Neurology needs to run a couple of tests on you.
Ava: Okay, well, I think it's time for you to go up. I'll be back. Knock 'em dead. He's an excellent test taker.
Nurse: How are you feeling today?
Ava: Hey, Josh.
Josh: Oh, Ava, hi. You okay?
Ava: Oh, yeah, I'm... I was just here seeing Alan-Michael.
Josh: Right, right. How's he doing?
Ava: Well, he's still in a wheelchair.
Josh: I'm sorry to hear that.
Ava: Yeah.
Josh: What about you?
Ava: I've had better weeks. (Laughs)
Josh: I've had better years. (Laughter)
Ava: Yeah.
Josh: Hey, I'll tell you what, how about if I buy you a cup of coffee?
Ava: Sure.
Josh: Okay.
Lizzie: That sweater would've totally been her style.
Cassie: Excuse me?
Lizzie: The sweater. You were thinking how good it would've looked on her.
Cassie: Well, it doesn't matter.
Lizzie: I walked by the baby store yesterday and I saw the cutest pink and yellow onesie. And I thought, "I'll get it for Sarah." And then I remembered...
Cassie: You remembered?
Lizzie: It was like, "How did I forget? How could I ever forget?"
Cassie: I don't know.
Lizzie: Did you ever notice how many babies there are in this part of town? I'd never paid attention before, but it is like a stroller parade every day. Every time I see a happy couple with a baby...
Cassie: I'm sorry.
Lizzie: No, I am the one that's supposed to be apologizing. Not that I could ever expect you to forgive me, I just wanted you to know that I miss Tammy, too.
Cassie: I feel like she had one like that. Am I wrong?
Lizzie: I don't remember. It's totally her, though, isn't it?
Cassie: Yeah, it sure is.
Lizzie: You know, the first time we ever shopping together together it was my freshman year and we needed to get dresses for the fall fever dance. I always got my dresses at boutiques, but Tammy convinced me to go with her to Egan’s.
Cassie: Wow, a department store.
Lizzie: I know. We went to this one department and it had the worst clothes. We had this contest to see who could come up with the ugliest dress and she came out in this hideous... covered in pink bows and purple flowers. I offered her a thousand dollars to wear it to the dance and she started laughing and she split it right up the back. I had to pay for it but it was totally worth it. I am so sorry. I like to talk about Sarah to anybody that'll listen to me because it keeps her alive for me, but that was probably totally inappropriate. I should go.
Cassie: No, Lizzie, stay. You're right, I want to hear... I want to hear all of it. Tell me everything you remember about her.
Buzz: It's on the house.
Cassie: Thanks.
Lizzie: I was really jealous of Tammy when she got that lead in the play. I wanted to be Juliet. She was really good. Way better than I would have ever been.
Cassie: (Laughs) She was really good. We gave her that standing ovation and she just beamed. That was the happiest I had ever seen her until she married Jonathan.
Lizzie: We used to play cards when I was pregnant and Roxy and I were living with them.
Cassie: Really? What kind of cards?
Lizzie: Poker. Tammy was really good. Kind of ruthless, actually.
Cassie: Tammy?
Lizzie: She was so good at keeping her feelings to herself. I am not so good at that. When I'm happy, I'm happy.
Cassie: No kidding.
Lizzie: She said that whenever I had a good hand my eyes would get really wide. She always won.
Cassie: Wow, I didn't even know she knew how to play.
Lizzie: She liked to watch those poker shows on TV.
Cassie: Wow.
Lizzie: Thank you for not walking away earlier. You have every right to hate me, and I do know that I am at least partly to blame for Tammy’s death. And Sarah’s and Jonathan’s, and now my granddad could die. I know that he is not the greatest person in the world, but he's still my grandfather. I just never meant for any of this to happen.
Cassie: I believe you, Lizzie.
Lizzie: You do?
Cassie: Yeah, I do.
Lizzie: It's like ever since my dad died everyone just keeps disappearing from my life. Maybe that's my punishment, to end up alone, but how do you do it? How do you get out of bed every day? How do you get over losing someone that you loved so much?
Cassie: You don't get over it, Lizzie. You just hope it gets easier. And I'm just trying to let go of my guilt and my regrets.
Lizzie: How?
Cassie: I go over all the things I did do and didn't do and decisions I made, and I know I will always miss her. I just have to... I have to find a way to live with myself again. And you will too, Lizzie. Take care.
Lizzie: You too.
Josh: You know, I'm trying to remember, has there ever been a time that we've actually sat down and had a conversation?
Ava: Had a conversation? No, I don't know. Actually, Valentine's Day last year, the Inn that Olivia was going to buy.
Josh: Right.
Ava: Remember?
Josh: You and Coop almost set the place on fire. That was a crazy night.
Ava: Yes, we did. I forgot about that. Wow.
Josh: So, Alan-Michael. The doctors have a prognosis for him yet?
Ava: Well, it's too soon to tell. They're not sure about the movement in his legs. He might be paralyzed.
Josh: Wow.
Ava: Yeah.
Josh: This may sound hard to believe, but I actually have some experience in spinal cord injuries. I was in a wheelchair myself once for... about 100 years ago. I know you're always looking for answers and the doctors don't always have them.
Ava: Yeah, it's tough.
Josh: Just give him my best, will you please?
Ava: I will. Were the two of you guys close?
Josh: We've done a lot of business deals over the years. I... I... I just can't help but think this has got to be tough for him. I mean, he's fighting through his own medical crisis right now. In the meantime, his father is fighting for his life. That's got to be hard.
Ava: Yeah, and on top of it all, he’s... he's running the business. I mean, don't even get me started on this whole Doris Wolfe thing, Josh.
Josh: Yeah, I've been wondering how the investigation's been going. I mean, the last I heard, they haven't found the gun.
Ava: They haven't found anything, I guess. I haven't heard anything.
Josh: I wonder if they have any suspects at all. Have you heard any rumors, or...
Ava: No, nothing, unfortunately.
Alan-Michael: Why are you so interested, Josh? Last I heard, you hated my father so much you attacked him with a wine bottle at Towers.
Josh: It was a champagne bottle, actually.
Alan-Michael: My mistake.
Josh: I was with Cassie, all right, and she was grieving. Your dad showed up with Doris on his arm. He sent over a bottle of champagne. Now, come on, we all know that he's responsible for Tammy’s death. Tammy is Cassie’s daughter.
Alan-Michael: But you decided to exact a little justice, the good-old-boy Lewis way. How far would you take that kind of justice, Josh? How far would Cassie? Or Reva or Billy, for that matter? Far enough to shoot my father?
Josh: Alan-Michael, if you're looking for a family that has it in for your father, you might want to look to your own. See you around.
Ava: I am so sorry.
Alan-Michael: It's okay.
Ava: I thought he was just being nice to me. You look exhausted. Let me help you back to your bed.
Alan-Michael: No, just... just leave me alone.
Lizzie: I can do this. I can do this. I can do this, I can do this. Oh, God.
Cop: Miss, out of the elevator. No one's allowed in there. This is a crime scene.
Lizzie: What's going on? What was that? Hello? Hello? Is anybody out there? I'm stuck in here! Hello?
Josh: Hey.
Cassie: Hey.
Josh: I wasn't expecting to see you for a while.
Cassie: I wasn't expecting to be here for a while.
Josh: Huh.
Cassie: I had that whole list of errands to run and then I ran into Lizzie on Main Street and it kind of took the wind out of my sails.
Josh: You talked to her?
Cassie: We actually sat down and had coffee.
Josh: Really? And what was that like?
Cassie: It was tiring. And sad. But I didn't blow up at her. That's a good thing, right? In fact, I think I might have actually helped her a little bit. And that definitely felt better than lashing out. I think I'm feeling just the tiniest glimmer of hope. I mean, nothing huge, you know, but just like I can see that maybe I could move forward with my life. You know, I mean, slowly but forward. Don't look at me like that. I'm going to be fine.
Josh: Cassie?
Cassie: Yeah?
Josh: There's something I need to talk to you about.
Cassie: Okay.
Josh: (Sighs) I didn't talk to you about it earlier because I actually thought I could find the answer myself, but...
Cassie: What answer? Okay, you're scaring me now.
Josh: Last night you mentioned the gun that I keep up there in that closet.
Cassie: Yeah, what about it?
Josh: It's missing. Someone took it. I haven't checked it in a while, so I have no idea how long it's been gone.
Cassie: You don’t... you don't think R.J. got into this...
Josh: No, I don’t. I keep it locked all the time and there's only two people that know where the keys are...
Cassie: You and me.
Josh: ...And that's you and me, yes.
Cassie: And you didn’t...
Josh: No.
Cassie: So that means... (sighs)
Josh: I had to tell you, Cassie.
Cassie: Well, when did you find out it was missing?
Josh: Last night after you went to sleep.
Cassie: So you think I took it with me to Alan’s wedding?
Josh: I don't want to think that.
Cassie: But it's the only thing that makes sense, right?
Josh: If there's something that you need to say to me...
Cassie: I don't have anything to say to you. I don't know anything. I told you, when Tammy died my whole life went blank. I don’t... I don't know. Everything went fuzzy. I don't think I took it. I don't remember taking it. But what if I did? I don't know. What if I did? What if I took the gun and I took it with me to Alan’s wedding?
Josh: Then I'll take care of it.
Cassie: How? How?
Josh: Okay, I'll take care of it right now.
Cassie: What are you doing? What are you going to do? What are you doing?
Alan-Michael: I can do it.
Ava: Okay, well, I'm sorry, Alan-Michael. I'm sorry, okay? I screwed up. I talked to him; I shouldn't have. I... I'm... I'm learning, okay?
Alan-Michael: Forget about it.
Ava: But I can't forget about it.
Alan-Michael: Well, I want you to. Please.
Ava: Fine. For you, I will. So, what else can I help you with around here?
Alan-Michael: Nothing.
Ava: Okay, you know what? I got an idea. Perfect time, I can go through your emails with you, you just tell me what you want me...
Alan-Michael: Ava, really, you've taken care of everything you could possibly take care of. And you can go.
Ava: But...
Alan-Michael: In fact, you've taken care of things so well that I'm all set for a couple days. So, I'm going to arrange for you to work with Alexandra for a while.
Ava: With... no, no, no, no, no, I don't want to work with Alexandra.
Alan-Michael: It's not really a choice.
Ava: Are you trying to get rid of me?
Alan-Michael: I'm just reallocating resources. I'm the boss, remember? If I think your services would be more useful in a different part of the company, then...
Ava: You were just telling me how much you needed me. You were just telling me how much you relied on me and depended on me.
Alan-Michael: And now I'm okay.
Ava: I don't believe that. Okay, something's going on here. What's going on? Why are you pushing me away? Oh.
Alan-Michael: "Oh" what?
Ava: Oh. You don't like me to see you like this, do you? That's exactly what it is. Vulnerable... you don't want me to see you vulnerable in this chair.
Alan-Michael: I'll tell you what I don't like. I don't like it that my father's lying comatose right down this hall and people are cheering about it. I don't like it that I'm stuck in this chair. I don't like it...
Ava: ...That you have to rely on someone? Namely me.
Alan-Michael: The idea is for me to sweep you off your feet, Ava, not for you to spoon feed me cereal.
Ava: You're frustrated.
Alan-Michael: That's an understatement.
Ava: And you're angry.
Alan-Michael: Uh huh.
Ava: Yeah. And you know what that means? It means you're human. That might come as a shock to other people, but not to me.
Lizzie: Hello? Help me! Help me! Okay, all right, okay, get a grip. Of course someone is going to help me. They're working on it right now. I'm sure they're working on it right now. I'm sure that someone is... I just need some water. Just have some water. Damn it. Whoa. Hello? Hello? Is anybody there? Hello? I never meant for anything to turn out like this. I am so sorry, granddad. I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry.
Marina: Lizzie? Lizzie, are you okay?
Mallet: What did you mean, Lizzie? "Sorry," huh? You're sorry for what?
Coop: Hey. Well, the nurse said I could just come right in. I heard you weren't pressing charges, which is right. We both know the fall was an accident. Still, for my part, I'm sorry.
Alan-Michael: Apology accepted.
Coop: Well, I know you need to get your rest, so I'll leave you. Ava, do you... do you have a minute?
Ava: Sure. What's up?
Cassie: What are you doing?
Josh: Look, worst-case scenario is this, right? They find the missing gun. It turns out it's my gun and they trace it back to us. Right?
Cassie: Well, then, I'm going to have to admit that I don't remember what happened that night.
Josh: No, no, no. You're not going to have to admit anything. They come here looking for the gun. We take them over to the closet and show them that we keep it locked in a box in the closet. We pull it out, we find out that the lock has been broken. Somebody's broken into this house and stolen this gun. We're just as shocked as they are. That's the way it's going to work.
Cassie: So you suggest I keep silent and let you lie to the police for me?
Josh: Yes.
Cassie: No, I can't do it. I can't do it.
Josh: Yes, you can.
Cassie: I can't let you do it, Josh.
Josh: You can and you will, Cassie, because you've suffered enough already. I don't care about the law right now. I really don’t. What I care about is you and keeping you safe, and I'm going to do everything I have to do to make that happen.
Mallet: Check that out for me, will you?
Cop: Yes, sir.
Mallet: Appreciate that.
Marina: So, do you want to do this?
Mallet: No, you. You... you do the sympathetic girlfriend thing and I'll be the bad cop.
Marina: Why do you always get to be the bad cop?
Mallet: Because then I'd have to be the girlfriend and I'm a guy.
Marina: Details. So, Lizzie, are you feeling better? I know what it's like to be trapped in an elevator once. It happened to me and it's not pleasant.
Lizzie: No kidding.
Marina: So, when you were in the elevator and you were screaming for help, you kept saying, "I'm sorry."
Lizzie: I did?
Marina: Yeah. Several times. What did you mean? Sorry for what? Look, Lizzie, Tammy and Jonathan were my friends, too. I know how much you must miss them and your little baby, Sarah. Lizzie, I can't imagine the grief that you must be feeling and how much you must be hurting. And how angry you must be at your grandfather for the part that he played in her death.
Lizzie: I don't know what you're talking about.
Mallet: She's talking about when you were in the elevator, Lizzie. Same elevator where Alan was shot. You kept repeating over and over again how sorry you are.
Lizzie: I didn't know what I was saying. I just... I... I freaked out when... when the elevator got stuck. Being in there where my granddad was, I was just thinking about what he... what he must have gone through and I... I'm claustrophobic, just like he is. It runs in my family. Oh!
Mallet: Where you going?
Lizzie: I just realized I forgot my purse in there.
Marina: You know, Lizzie, I'll go get it.
Mallet: Yeah, why don't we sit down here?
Marina: Hey, Lizzie? When you were in here before trying to get help, did you... did you try to move a panel to try to get out through the ceiling.
Lizzie: Yeah, I thought about it. I flung my purse up there a couple of times to try to move one, but then I realized that was a dumb idea. How would I climb up there without anyone to help me?
Marina: Hey, Mallet, could you come here for a second? How do you feel about picking me up?
Ava: Okay, what was that for?
Coop: To remind you of something you seem to have forgotten recently: Us. What's the deal, Ava? I mean, are we over? Is this it? Are we just going to see each other around town every now and then and act like we never cared for each other? That we never shared anything? Or are we going to start trying to put things back together? Are we going to fight to make things right again?
Ava: Okay, you know that I care about you.
Coop: Do you?
Ava: I do.
Coop: You do?
Ava: Yes.
Coop: Really? Because you were the one that said you needed to put the brakes on things because you wanted space, not because there was someone else.
Ava: There isn’t. There isn't anybody else. But I am confused about my feelings between you and Alan- Michael. You are both very different. But why do I have to have this conversation with you?
Coop: I can't live in limbo. Is Alan-Michael the one that you want to be with? If so, then just tell me, but don't lie to me about it.
Ava: I have never lied to you, okay?
Coop: All right.
Ava: You need to stop pushing me, Coop.
Coop: All right. All right. All right, that's fine. But just be honest with yourself. Just answer me one question. One simple, little question. Do you trust him?
Ava: Yes.
Coop: You trust Alan-Michael Spaulding?
Ava: Yes.
Coop: After all the garbage he's tried to throw on you? All the crap, all the times he tried to trick you to get you into bed? That stunt that he pulled down in San Cristobel? That crap that he pulled when he tried to take you to Paris?
Ava: We were working.
Coop: You were working. By the way, we never even talked about that. You were working. Okay, sure. It was trumped up work, Ava.
Ava: Just leave me alone.
Coop: Be careful what you wish for.
Ava: Is that a threat?
Coop: No. I just hate to see you fall for all of his crap.
Ava: I hate seeing you like this.
Coop: Really?
Ava: It makes me sick.
Coop: Uh huh. Okay, well, guess what? This is who I am. I'm sorry I'm not Alan-Michael Spaulding. This guy's a player. He is a user and right now he's using you. All right, the guy is completely dogging you. He's using you. I mean, for all we know, he could have been the one that even shot his own father.
Ava: He was in a wheelchair, Coop. He... he's paralyzed. I mean, this is ridiculous.
Coop: He could have hired somebody. Just like Alan hired somebody to killed Jonathan. Ava, this is what they do. They are monsters. All of them.
Ava: He is different.
Coop: Uh huh. Well, keep telling yourself that.
Ava: It's time for you to go now.
Coop: You know what, this is one time you're not going to get an argument out of me because I really don't want to be around somebody who walks around with blinders on all the time. Have a nice life.
Ava: Coop.
Alan-Michael: I got to believe you're looking down over all this and you understand why I'm doing what I'm doing. You cold? Chair really gets in the way. Yeah, falling of that balcony hurt like hell, but it was a blessing in disguise. It just might be the answer to all my problems. Here you go. That's better.
Cassie: I may have shot Alan Spaulding. He could die. You have to tell me honestly, because I don't know: Do you think I did it? I mean, do you think I could be a murderer?
Marina: Can you get me any higher?
Mallet: Do you want me in traction?
Marina: Ooh!
Mallet: Ow!
Marina: Okay, okay, I got something.
Mallet: You okay?
Marina: Yeah. But I do believe we found ourselves a murder weapon.
Next, on "Guiding Light".
Buzz: The best man, that'll be Coop. So the maid of honor-- are you going to call Ava or shall I?
Josh: Where are you going?
Cassie: I'm going to the only place I can go-- to turn myself in.
Alan-Michael: I'm going to have it all. Not just power and money, but something more.
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