Guiding Light Transcript Wednesday 2/21/07
Provided by Boo
Proofread by Tanya
Reva: It was your favorite T-shirt. Mine, too.
Cassie: I put that recipe somewhere, here. I know I did. Where is it? Hah.
There's not a price too high no amount of words I say if someone could only take me far away...
Jonathan: You take care of yourself?
Reva: You, too.
Jonathan: Hey. I'll never forget what you've given me.
Reva: What have I given you?
Jonathan: You know.
From here...
Tammy: Mommy.
Cassie: Tammy. Tammy, hey! Hang on, hang on, hang on.
Tammy: I have so much left to do, Mom. But I have to get to the church in like 20 minutes.
Cassie: You will make it. And even if we don't, something tells me, we won't start without you.
Tammy: Because I'm the bride?
Cassie: Because you're the bride, and we do need one of those for a wedding.
Tammy: You know, I think I would have been totally happy getting married to Jonathan in some dress that I already had. Or an old ratty pair of sweats. It's just a dress, right? I mean the point is we're getting married, Mom!
Cassie: Well, this dress... this is pretty nice.
Tammy: It's okay...
Cassie: What would my life be without my Tammy? Without my Tammy.
If only they could take me far away...
Billy: Is Alan still shot?
Reva: Huh?
Billy: The way you're looking at that, I'm looking to see if it's changed since the last time you read it?
Reva: Yes, still shot. Still deserves it.
Billy: Hey, hey, you better not say it too loud.
Reva: There's no one here but us, so I can say, Tammy did not deserve to die.
Billy: Well, neither did Jonathan and the baby.
Reva: But Alan-- Alan deserves not to survive this.
Josh: Tammy's artwork, huh?
Cassie: Yeah. I found it in an old cookbook. It's weird, right. I could have gone years without finding that. It's like Tammy wanted... sorry. Never mind.
Josh: It's okay. You can say what you were going to say.
Cassie: No. It's nothing.
Josh: Cassie, um, yesterday, after we left Alan’s wedding, you seemed disoriented. And I when I found you, you know, you couldn't remember where you had been when I was parking the car.
Cassie: Well, I still don't really remember.
Josh: Last night, I heard you talking to someone out on the porch, but there wasn't anyone there.
Cassie: Well, that was-- I was going over a grocery list. I do that out loud sometimes.
Josh: It was a conversation, Cassie.
Cassie: Yes, with Tammy. She was out there with me. Now you know why I didn't want to tell you.
Josh: Cassie...
Cassie: I know she's dead. But ever since her funeral, she comes to me.
Josh: And she talks to you?
Cassie: And I understand it's not real. I know it's only in my head. But it still just comforts me. You think I'm crazy.
Josh: No, I don't think you're crazy. I'm just worried about you, that's all.
Cassie: So you think I'm crazy.
Josh: No, Cassie. I think you're hurting more than you're even aware of. Maybe if you talk to Felicia again--
Cassie: No!
Josh: Well, she might be able to--
Cassie: What, make it to stop? I don't want it to stop. I don't want Tammy to go away.
Josh: Tammy will always be alive in your heart, Cassie.
Cassie: Well, that's not good enough. I want her right here in front of me, right here in front of me where I can look in her eyes. I just miss her. Okay, fine, I'll go see if I can set up something with Felicia.
Josh: I'll go with you.
Cassie: No. I'm going to go myself. I'll do it myself. I'll call you from the hospital. So, how are we feeling today?
Josh: Hey.
Billy: Hey.
Reva: Hi.
Josh: Oh, I see you both heard about Alan.
Billy: Yeah, we sure did.
Josh: I wanted to talk to you about that.
Reva: About Alan’s shooting?
Josh: About Cassie, actually.
Josh: I'm afraid that Cassie is losing her grip. I don't know how else to put it.
Reva: She's grieving.
Josh: It's more than that, I think.
Reva: She lost her daughter. How can there be anything more than that?
Josh: Well, you heard she showed up at Alan’s wedding, right?
Reva: Yeah. She pulled out a picture of Tammy, and I'm sure people thought it was a gun. You got her to leave?
Josh: I did, yes. But then we were on Main Street and I was getting the car and she sort of wandered off.
Reva: What do you mean wandered off?
Josh: I don't know exactly. When I found her, she didn't remember where she had been.
Reva: How is that possible?
Josh: She's been taking some pills to help her sleep, you know something that was prescribed for her. Maybe they caused a blackout or something. I don't really know.
Reva: Tell me, you're thinking that maybe--
Josh: I just -- I just know that she is overwhelmed with grief, understandably. She is also extraordinarily angry at Alan. I mean, you know, he is getting away with it. He's running free. He's marrying the D.A. What if it's too much for her? What if the whole thing is just too much to handle.
Cassie: Open your eyes, you son of a bitch. Open them! And look what you brought yourself to. Look what you brought me to. What you've made of me. And you killed her. And you're going to get away with it. You were celebrating that you were going to get away with it. Well, there is no way-- there was no way that I was going to let that happen! Not while I was alive.
Josh: It's like she has become someone else. I mean, I'm talking to her, and I'm looking right at her, but half the time she's not really there.
Reva: I know.
Josh: The thing that scares me is I don't know how serious this is.
Reva: Josh, you know how we promised to be honest with each other from now on?
Josh: Yes.
Reva: And believe me, I've learned my lesson when it comes to not telling you things that you should probably know.
Josh: Okay.
Reva: Cassie told me about the visions she's been having of Tammy.
Josh: Yeah, I know about those. I saw her talking to Tammy last night. Do you think it's possible that Tammy is telling her to do things?
Tammy: He's not doing too good.
Cassie: Sweetheart you shouldn't be in here.
Tammy: Mom, it's okay. I've seen people hooked up to tubes and all that before. Richard, Reva, me. The mighty Alan Spaulding doesn't look so powerful now, does he?
Cassie: Nope. This had to happen, you know.
Tammy: Uh-huh.
Cassie: Trust me. If there was any other way. He brought it on himself. We both know there was no way he would spend so much as a minute in jail for what he did to you, even if there was a trial. He had to pay.
Tammy: I know.
Cassie: He took you away from me.
Tammy: I know that, too. It's going to be okay.
Cassie: No. It's not.
Reva: Hi, sis.
Cassie: Reva.
Reva: I thought I might find you here.
Cassie: It's not what it looks like. I mean me in a lab coat.
Reva: It’s okay. You had to get into the room somehow. Yesterday I convinced the nurse that I was family.
Cassie: I don't think anyone can really understand how it feels, unless they lost a child themselves.
Reva: Yeah, they can't possibly imagine how much that hurts.
Cassie: I mean Josh has been great--
Reva: Yeah, but it's not the same for him.
Cassie: No.
Reva: I found a t-shirt of Jonathan’s at the bar and all I could do was cling to it.
Cassie: You would do anything you can to just feel close again, you know, to feel like she is there.
Reva: She's not.
Cassie: Then why do I keep picking up the phone to call her, and letting it ring and ring and ring. She's not going to answer the phone. I know she's not, because she's dead. Because of him. I didn't think it was possible to hate anyone this much.
Reva: We're capable of anything when we hurt that bad. I know I am.
Cassie: What do we do with this hate, Reva?
Reva: What do we do with it? Or what do we want to do with it? You would think you would feel some sympathy for a man lying in a hospital bed being kept alive by machines.
Cassie: Not this man.
Reva: No. Not him. Honey, we should go. We should get out of here before someone finds us.
Cassie: You go.
Reva: Cassie...
Cassie: No, there's more I want to say.
Reva: Come on. Come on, sis.
Billy: Well, did you find Cassie?
Reva: Yeah, she was paying Alan a little visit.
Billy: Did she bring him some flowers?
Reva: Not quite. What, you think I should be hitting the tequila?
Billy: No, actually, I was thinking it was kind of nice you were helping Josh and Cassie.
Reva: Well, she's my sister. Why wouldn't I want to help?
Billy: Yeah, which-- can we talk about this for a second.
Reva: What's that?
Billy: That's a parking ticket from the Towers garage and I found it in your purse I was looking for the keys to the safe.
Reva: Yeah, so?
Billy: So, it's not only from the day of Alan’s wedding, but it's from the exact time.
Reva: Is it?
Billy: Yeah. I just thought, well, if you were so hot on helping Josh with Cassie, why the wouldn't you tell him you were there the exact I'm he was shot?
Josh: What did you and Alan talk about?
Cassie: This and that.
Josh: Cassie, you shouldn't have been in there. You stole a lab coat. You snuck pass a guard.
Cassie: I just wanted to see him.
Josh: You just wanted to see him?
Cassie: Yes, I wanted to see him. I know it sounds weird, but I just wanted to watch him lying in that bed.
Josh: Watch him?
Cassie: Why do you think I went in there, Josh?
Josh: I don't know. That's why I'm asking you.
Cassie: To finish the job, is that it? Because you know you believe I'm the one who shot him in the first place.
Josh: I don't know what to believe, Cassie, the way you've been behaving lately.
Cassie: My daughter is dead.
Josh: I know that. I'm trying to understand how that's affected you. Cassie, you've been having blackouts. You claim that Tammy is talking to you. Now I catch you sneaking out of Alan’s hospital room? These are not positive developments. I wish to God you'd convince me otherwise.
Cassie: Okay. Do I want Alan to suffer and die? Yes, I admit it, yes. But I don't think I'm capable of pointing a gun at someone and-- but you know what, even if I were, living with that crime would be easier than accepting you losing faith in me.
Josh: Wait a second. Just hold on for a second, okay. Because I have not lost faith in you. I'm scared for both of us.
Cassie: So what do we do?
Josh: We keep going, no matter what. It's okay for you to understand-- even if you are the one who put Alan in that bed, it's because he pushed you. It's because he drove you to it. He brought this on himself.
Cassie: I'm scared, too, you know.
Josh: It's gonna be okay. I'm here. I'm with you no matter what. But you have to trust me.
Cassie: I do trust you. Of course I trust you.
Josh: Okay, then we have to figure out what happened no matter what it takes.
Cassie: Okay. But how?
Josh: The only way we can. We're going to go shoot Alan.
Cassie: I'm really not sure how this is supposed to work.
Josh: We walk you through the night of the wedding step by step, and see if anything jogs your memory.
Cassie: Great.
Josh: Okay, here we go. I was waiting for you here. You came home. Do you remember what was going on?
Cassie: Not really.
Josh: You were very upset. You had something you were holding in your hand, and you stuffed it in your pocket when I walked out on to the porch.
Cassie: Yeah. I remember. It was a grocery list. And I forgot my bank card.
Josh: Cassie... Cassie, let's not hide the truth, okay. Because that's not going to get us anywhere.
Cassie: All right. It was Alan’s wedding announcement.
Josh: Good. How did it make you feel?
Cassie: It made me angry.
Josh: Because?
Cassie: Because Alan was getting married.
Josh: Okay. How angry?
Cassie: I just know that the whole time I was talking to you, and it's like, whispering to me.
Josh: What was it saying?
Cassie: "He's going free. He's getting married. He's going free." It was torturing me. And it was driving me crazy. But then I headed for the door.
Josh: That's right. You said you were going shopping, so where did you really go?
Cassie: Is this...
Josh: No. Alan was shot in the other elevator. This is the one you took up to the restaurant.
Cassie: I remember watching the numbers light up.
Reva: You know I can't believe this place hasn't be raided by the health inspector yet. It's so disorganized.
Billy: No place to hide the gun, right?
Reva: Okay, Billy. I was at Towers the night Alan was marrying Doris Wolfe. But then everybody else was, too.
Billy: But they were all invited. And you didn't even tell anybody that you went.
Reva: I went for dinner.
Billy: Oh, yeah? With who?
Reva: No one.
Billy: Reva Shayne goes to a fancy place like Towers by herself? Oh, that sounds reasonable.
Josh: Okay. You stepped off the elevator. What did you see?
Cassie: I saw a runner on the floor. It went from there to there.
Josh: And what was at the end of the runner?
Cassie: He was.
Josh: Alan?
Cassie: And Doris, and the judge and Ashlee.
Josh: That's good. You remember that part. That's a good thing.
Cassie: I don't know. I'm not sure --
Josh: You're doing fine. You're doing fine. Just keep it coming.
Cassie: There was a glass-- a bunch of glasses, and I broke them. And everybody turned to look at me. But I kept my eye on Alan. I know I kept my eye on him. And I walked straight towards him.
Josh: Why? Why did you walk toward him?
Cassie: I had to stop him.
Josh: You had to stop the wedding?
Cassie: You killed my daughter.
Josh: You said that to him?
Cassie: You don't deserve to live.
Josh: What happened then?
Cassie: I can't-- I can't do it, Josh. I can't do this.
Josh: You can do this.
Cassie: I was so angry.
Josh: You have a right to be angry, but you have to do this, okay? You have to do this. We have to know what happened. It's the only way we'll be able to deal with it.
Cassie: I got over here, and I pulled-- I put my hand in my purse, and the next thing I knew, Rick grabbed me.
Josh: What did you take out of the purse?
Cassie: You were there. You remember!
Josh: I understand that. But you have to say it yourself, say it.
Cassie: It was Tammy. I pulled out a picture of Tammy. I just wanted to make him see her. That's all I wanted to do.
Josh: Okay, you're doing good. You're doing good.
Reva: You calling me a liar?
Billy: Yes, I am.
Reva: My good buddy?
Billy: You have a lot of reasons right now, almost as many as Cassie. If the police find out you were there when he was killed, you better come up with a better excuse than--
Reva: I was not worried about the police.
Billy: Well, you should be. Now, tell me, how many people saw you there?
Reva: Only one: Alan.
Cassie: I don't-- I don't want to do this, Josh.
Josh: I know, I understand this.
Cassie: What are you doing?
Josh: Cassie, this is the only way. Alan took a bullet right here in this elevator. Were you in here with him when that happened? After I left you on Main Street, I went to get the car. Did you come back into this building? Did you see Alan Spaulding again?
Cassie: I told you I don't know!
Josh: Okay, okay. We're going to try something a little different this time, all right? I'm Alan.
Cassie: What?
Josh: I'm Alan Spaulding, okay, and this is the night of my wedding to Doris Wolfe.
Cassie: No, no.
Josh: We're here, Cassie. We're here in this elevator all alone. This your big chance! Say it, say whatever it is that you want to say to me! What's your problem, huh? Cat got your tongue?
Cassie: Don't do this.
Josh: You better say something because I have a wedding I have to get back. I have guests I have to thank. And a bride that I owe so much to.
Cassie: I don't want to do this!
Josh: This is so unlike you, Cassie. I mean you had no problem coming into my ceremony earlier and hurling all kinds of insane accusations.
Cassie: Stop it!
Josh: What did you think you were going to accomplish? Did you really think you would stop the wedding? Because you didn't, Cassie. I'm happily married now, and I'm getting ready to start a long, rich, wonderful life with my family. When are you people going to learn? Nothing and no one keeps Alan Spaulding from getting what he wants.
Cassie: Stop it!
Josh: I'm a married man now and I'm happy. I'm a free man because of my wife. I'm free to walk the streets and do whatever I damn well please and no one can stop me!
Cassie: Stop it. Stop it! I have to get out of here!
Reva: Okay, I should be going home.
Billy: Wait, wait. So, wait. You were with Alan that night?
Reva: Yup.
Billy: And you were alone?
Reva: Yes.
Billy: This doesn't sound too good, you know.
Reva: Alan went to smoke a cigar. I realized it was his wedding and I turned to leave.
Billy: Well, then you left?
Reva: Well, not right away. I got in his face. I got in his face and I told him if he thought he was going to get away with all of the horrible things he had done, he would have to think again.
Billy: Did he have a reply?
Reva: He laughed in my face. And it was in that instant that I wanted to see him dead. Only I didn't shoot him, Billy. Someone else had that honor.
Cassie: I don't understand. I don't understand how I could shoot someone and not know whether I did.
Josh: Cassie, you've basically been in a state of shock since Tammy died.
Cassie: But I mean, if I had actually shot someone in cold blood, wouldn't I know it? Even if it was hazy on the details, wouldn't I have a gut feeling that it was me?
Josh: You don't?
Cassie: No.
Josh: Okay.
Cassie: I don't know, maybe I did have the feeling and I've forgotten that, too. What the hell?
Josh: Listen, we're going to get through this. I promise you. We're going to do it together. But I need you to promise me something. You have to come to me with everything... anything at all. If you want to talk or cry or remember or forget, you come to me. You come to me, okay?
Cassie: It's just everything is so fuzzy.
Josh: Well, I can think of one thing we can do that might change that.
Cassie: What? What are you going to do?
Josh: Throw away those pills, Cassie.
Cassie: What? Wait.
Josh: You know, Cassie, these were supposed to help you to relax, but they're not doing that.
Cassie: No, I need those!
Josh: They're not doing that. They're making you more paranoid and more scared...
Cassie: Josh!
Josh: ...And that's a bad thing.
Cassie: I need those! I need them! What if they're the only thing that...
Josh: You have to let me help you.
Cassie: "Help." That's your favorite word, isn't it?
Josh: I want you to get better?
Cassie: I don't want to get better! I want these! What if this anger, this is the only way I can see Tammy? Don't you understand, if I lose the anger, I lose Tammy, and I don't want to do that. She'll just... she'll just fade away.
Josh: She won't fade away. You're not going to lose Tammy. The same way you're not going to lose me.
Cassie: Well, I already feel like I'm halfway gone.
Josh: Then come back to me, Cassie. You have to trust me. You have to trust yourself, okay? Give us a chance. You have to let go. Trust me, and let go.
Cassie: The day after Tammy died, I did think about killing Alan. I didn't tell anybody because it's not the kind of thing you share.
Josh: You can share it with me.
Cassie: I just... I came up with all of these wild revenge scenarios, you know? I thought about taking that gun that you keep here and bringing it to Tammy’s funeral. I saw myself confronting Alan, and right over Tammy’s open grave just shooting him point- blank right in front of everybody. Or I would see myself going over to the Spaulding mansion and finding the sharpest carving knife they have, and I just waited until he came home. And then...
Josh: But you didn’t.
Cassie: Huh?
Josh: You didn't do that. When you saw Alan at Tammy’s funeral, you didn't have my gun with you. I mean, no one got shot, right?
Cassie: No.
Josh: And the other times that you've seen Alan, whether it's at his house or at the hospital or Valentine's Day at the restaurant, no one got shot. No one got stabbed, right?
Cassie: Yeah, but it was on my mind.
Josh: Yeah, but that's the point. I mean, it was the furthest.... Cassie, there is a world of difference-- a universe of difference between thinking about how you would murder somebody and actually going through the act. You proved your own point.
Cassie: Which was?
Josh: That you're not the kind of person who could shoot someone in cold blood. Cassie, don't you see? I mean, the reason you don't have a gut-level sense that you shot Alan Spaulding is because you didn't do it.
Cassie: But we have to be sure, like you said, right?
Josh: But doesn't it sound like the truth? Isn't it logical? I mean, if someone is filled with rage and hell-bent on getting revenge, they're going to do it at the first opportunity they get. They're not going to wait for something. They're not going to wait for a wedding, right? That doesn't make any sense. Cassie, you're not a killer. And nothing, not even Alan Spaulding... nothing is going to change that.
Cassie: Thank you. Thank you, Josh.
Billy: Hey, um, what's the odds of Alan making it?
Reva: You want the Vegas line?
Billy: No, I just want to know if he's going to be okay.
Reva: No guarantees.
Billy: Well, in that case, we have to put on our thinking caps to figure out who shot him because...
Reva: Do you believe me?
Billy: That you didn't try and off Alan?
Reva: Do you?
Billy: Of course. It's much too juicy. You'd share that with me in a second.
Reva: But you're thinking of that if I didn't do it, then who did?
Billy: I'm thinking back to what Josh said. He was with Cassie, he went to park the car...
Reva: And Cassie was alone...
Billy: Well, if Cassie was alone, Josh was alone.
Reva: Oh, no, Josh? No way.
Billy: Would you rather it was Cassie?
Reva: It's neither.
Billy: Hey, look, Reva. Everything equates to Cassie.
Reva: They don't have any hard evidence. They don't even have a suspect yet.
Billy: Well, maybe they're waiting to get a little more evidence.
Reva: The only person who knows who shot Alan Spaulding is Alan himself. And if he doesn't make it out of this, then no one else ever will.
Tammy: You didn't really believe you needed to take those pills to see me, did you?
Cassie: Well...
Tammy: You are so nuts.
Cassie: Excuse me. I wasn't willing to risk the possibility of never seeing you again, which I honestly thought would happen if I stopped taking the pills.
Tammy: Uh-huh. Like you could get rid of me that easily.
Cassie: I don't want to get rid of you at all.
Tammy: Hey, I have to go. You know that. I'm not going, going. You know, it's like Uncle Josh said, I will always be right here, in your heart.
Cassie: Do you promise?
Tammy: You just try to stop me. Get some rest.
Cassie: Bye, sweetie.
Josh: (Sighs)
Cassie: The day after Tammy died, I did think about killing Alan. I thought about taking that gun that you keep here and bringing it to Tammy’s funeral. I saw myself confronting Alan and right over Tammy’s open grave just shooting him point-blank.
Josh: My gun.
Next on "Guiding Light"...
Frank: As much as the Spaulding’s seem to hate each other, I wonder what would happen if Alan was out of the picture.
Lizzie: Do you really think he could die?
Beth: I don't know.
Lizzie: How would you feel if he died?
Frank: My advice maybe is to kind of let her have time to settle in here.
Daisy: I am so out of here.
Doris: And, you know, you have been enjoying a run of this house since Alan has been in the hospital. And that is about to change.
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