Guiding Light Transcript Tuesday 2/20/07
Provided by Boo
Proofread by Tanya
Doris: What started out as the happiest day of my life quickly turned into a nightmare. At 8:30 this evening, my husband, Alan Spaulding, was shot in the middle of our wedding reception. He's inside now, and he's barely hanging on.
Beth: Doris, could we see you inside, please?
Doris: Beth, I'm in the middle of a press conference. I wanted to speak on Alan’s behalf.
Beth: We need to see you inside.
Alexandra: Excuse us, please. We would like to tend to our brother in private, but we welcome your prayers. Thank you.
Doris: Yes, pray for Alan, and pray that this vicious shooter be brought to justice.
Alexandra: You understand that my brother's bride just needs a sedative terribly badly, so you all go home, all right?
Reva: Josh, it's me. I'm just calling to find out if you and Cassie are okay. This whole thing with Alan is just... call me.
Gus: Well, they took Alan into surgery, and they don't know whether he's going to live, and they don't know who his shooter is.
Harley: You want to go down there?
Gus: And do what?
Harley: He's your father.
Gus: I don't want him to die or anything, but... although I am probably the only person in town that feels that way.
Harley: More reason for you to go be with him.
Gus: No. Uh-uh. I've got my own family to worry about right now. I don’t... he's got Doris. He’s...
Harley: Doris, the flesh eating virus?
Gus: That's his choice. Are you kidding? That's his choice. This is my choice: You, the boys, Daisy.
Harley: Daisy. Daisy, I'm so worried about her. I don't know, I feel like I should lock her up and administer weekly drug tests-- anything to hold on to her.
Gus: I think that she knows now that we are there for her.
Harley: We've always been there for her. We were there when she started doing drugs. We were there for her when she first started dating Gillespie the-- hi!
Daisy: Hi.
Harley: Oh, I like that jacket. You look so pretty.
Daisy: Thank you.
Marina: Why is it that you can't ever find a pencil around this place? And when you do, it's as dull as a... what’s something dull.
Remy: Butter knife.
Marina: That's good. It's as dull as a butter knife. And then, you can't ever find the thing that you... sharpener. Thank you. Remy, if I could be anywhere but here right now...
Frank: I'm sorry, I didn't know anyone was in here.
Marina: That's okay.
Frank: I just came from the hospital, where the press forced me to give a statement about how I don't have any leads on... what's he doing here?
Marina: I... I had to bring him in, so...
Remy: I violated my restraining order.
Remy: Whose restraining order? Alan's?
Marina: Dad?
Frank: You were at the wedding?
Marina: I'm handling this.
Cop: Chief, we canvassed the area here in Towers. I found this stuffed in a garbage can.
Frank: It's a Towers security uniform. They were doing security at the wedding.
Cop: Yeah, I know, but someone was obviously in a real hurry to dump it.
Frank: I wonder whose it was.
Remy: It's mine. I tossed it in the trash right after the wedding.
Alan-Michael: Dad always thought it was going to be his heart that killed him. I never liked the irony of that. No one believes he has one.
Ava: What can I do?
Alan-Michael: It's time to take control of this.
Doris: I am still the District Attorney, which means whoever shot my husband will get life, if I can't win them a seat in the electric chair.
Beth: Don't look at me when you say that.
Doris: Why? Defensive, Beth?
Beth: You were threatening me!
Doris: Only the guilty would feel that way. I am merely protecting my family's wealth and position.
Alexandra: Your family's?
Doris: I am Mrs. Alan Spaulding now, which means what's his is mine, and I intend to protect it.
Alexandra: Well, you know, you've only been Mrs. Spaulding, Alan’s bride, for a few hours. I think you need a couple of lessons in how our family works.
Ava: You need to rest.
Alan-Michael: Fine.
Ava: I told you, it's okay if you're worried about your dad. I can see it in your eyes.
Alan-Michael: I need a glass of water.
Ava: I'll be right back.
Alan-Michael: It's me. He's still alive, for now.
Nurse: Can I help you?
Reva: Oh, yes. I'm trying to find out any information you might have on the condition of Alan Spaulding. I'm family. Would you like to see some identification?
Nurse: No, it's okay. I'll go get his file.
Reva: Thank you.
Alexandra: Well, if it isn't cousin Reva. Any particular reason you're asking for Alan’s files?
Reva: Well, I was family at one time.
Alexandra: Oh, I remember.
Reva: Alex, I was married to the man. I'm not just anybody.
Alexandra: No, you are somebody with a really long list to hate my brother. Is that why you asked for the file? Perhaps to just make certain that your job was finished?
Reva: Are you accusing me of shooting Alan?
Alexandra: You tell me. Alan is upstairs right now in surgery, fighting for his life, and I may never see my brother alive again.
Reva: You want to compare tragedies? One day I had my son Jonathan and my beautiful new granddaughter there, right there, and then they're gone.
Alexandra: Well, if I remember correctly, it was Jonathan’s car that was tailgating Alan when he...
Reva: How about a conversation with my sister Cassie about her daughter? Because she's gone, too. An entire family-- my family-- gone because of your brother. You want to hear more?
Alexandra: Go ahead, please. I mean, you're making my case. You want to blame Alan for all three deaths.
Reva: The whole town wants to blame him.
Alexandra: Yes, but nobody held him hostage except you, held a gun to his head, Reva. Yes, he told me all about it. And maybe the police would like to hear about it, too.
Reva: How are things with you and your brother these days, Alexandra? That's what I thought. Your problems with him are legendary. He threw you out of the house. You still haven't recovered. And now he brings in Doris Wolfe. Maybe you just snapped.
Alexandra: Don't you wish. Look, Alan is my brother no matter what...
Reva: Oh, Alexandra, whatever. I didn't shoot Alan. But I'll tell you one thing: I'd like to shake the hand of the person who did.
Alan-Michael: I hate this. I hate that my father has so many enemies. I hate that he let this happen. I hate that I'm stuck here to fix it for my family. I hate this damn chair!
Ava: Okay, well, let me help you. Whoever shot your father is still out there.
Alan-Michael: No, that could be dangerous. If you need to do something, concentrate on the company.
Ava: Well, I could do more.
Alan-Michael: I might be crippled, but I'm still your boss. Or have you forgotten that?
Ava: No, I haven’t.
Alan-Michael: I... I can't let anything happen to you.
Ava: Right back at ya.
Alan-Michael: Can you find an orderly? I want to get back into bed.
Ava: Oh, I can help you.
Alan-Michael: No, just... please, just get an orderly. And then go back to the office. I need you there.
Ava: There is one more thing I can do for you.
Frank: Let me get this straight. Josh told you that he saw Remy rushing from Towers in a uniform just after Alan was shot? And you brought your roommate here, your best friend, to talk to him about violating a restraining order?
Marina: It's the only thing that we had charges for.
Frank: How about leaving the scene of a murder?
Marina: I was going to ask him about that, too. But I... I should have told you.
Frank: You're damn right you should have told me. Young lady, you'd better get your priorities straight.
Marina: Dad, Remy is one of us. I think he deserves some special treatment.
Frank: Looks to me like he's getting it. Security guard, huh?
Remy: Lots of cops moonlight as security guards, Frank.
Frank: Not ones with grudges against Alan Spaulding.
Remy: Don't be too sure about that.
Frank: Were you fired?
Remy: No.
Frank: You were just done?
Remy: Right along with Alan.
Frank: All right, Remy, let's stop wasting time, okay? You know the routine. Did you do it? Did you shoot Alan Spaulding?
Mel: Don't answer that. I'm here as Remy’s attorney. You know that right to remain silent? He's exercising it-- now.
Harley: You've been complaining about not having any friends here anymore, so I signed you up for something.
Daisy: For what? Oh, no, no, not one of those things, the camps in the deserts where the kids eat the scorpions and have to walk, like, 15 miles to get water. No, please.
Gus: (Laughs)
Harley: Would I sign you up for something like that?
Daisy: Yeah.
Harley: Okay, I looked into it, but that's not what this is. It's just volunteer work. Don't give me the face, okay? It's a great way to get reacquainted with Springfield.
Daisy: Great.
Harley: Honey, it's about doing something for others, giving back.
Daisy: Giving back what?
Harley: Your time. We're big on that in this family. Gus?
Gus: Yeah, that's right. It would be great for you. It would give you a chance, work at the hospital.
Harley: Work at Cedars.
Gus: Cedars Hospital. And you would meet people, new people.
Daisy: Yeah, because sick people, they're a total blast. I love a hot guy with the raging staph infection.
Gus: Wait, she doesn't have to handle bedpans and stuff.
Harley: No, you're just giving out candy, magazines.
Gus: Like a candy striper. You know what they do? They hand out...
Harley: You're so good with kids.
Gus: They don't hand out candy, but you give magazines to the old folks...
Daisy: Okay, okay. So basically I'm going to be doing community service, right?
Gus: Exactly. Helping, yes.
Daisy: Helping other people to make up for the people that I hurt so badly, like Tammy and you guys and all...
Harley: It's not a punishment, hon. We just want you to make some friends. That's it.
Gus: It's all in the attitude. It would be a good time, I think.
Daisy: Okay.
Harley: Really?
Gus: Okay?
Daisy: Yeah, yeah, I'll try it, okay? When do I start?
Harley: You could start today.
Gus: Like in half an hour.
Harley: 20 minutes at the main E.R., the hospital.
Daisy: Okay, okay, okay. I can find it. Thank you for the cake, Mom. It didn't totally suck, so that's good.
Harley: Have fun!
Gus: I think that was good.
Harley: I think that went very well.
Gus: I think it went very, very well.
Harley: Let's follow her.
Gus: Follow her?
Harley: Are you coming? Are you coming? Are you coming?
Gus: Wait a minute, I have to call the station, because I need telebolic lenses, I need taps for the phone, bugs for her room, and an ankle bracelet. You know, they've got those cool gothic-looking black ones, so I thought we could...
Harley: I gather you think I'm being overprotective. But look what happened the last time we left her alone, huh?
Gus: You want to follow her?
Harley: Not day and night. It's late night that I'm really worried. Just until she's turned herself around.
Gus: And do what, the hokey- pokey? Look, she needs to breathe. She's used to being on her own, okay? It's like sand, you know? You've got sand through your fingers, you pull too hard, what happens? It goes through your fingers. You lose it.
Harley: She's already slipping through our fingers!
Gus: Okay, but we have, like, 23 fingers between us, okay? We are going to give her her space, and she won't go anywhere, I promise.
Harley: Really?
Gus: Yes, really. And if giving her space isn't enough, maybe you're not totally sucky cake will keep her around.
Daisy: Excuse me, are you in charge of the...
Mr. Young: I'm Mr. Young, the supervisor.
Daisy: Okay, yeah. I'm Daisy Lemay. My mom signed me up.
Mr. Young: You're younger and prettier than I thought you'd be.
Daisy: Oh, yeah? What does that get me?
Mr. Young: Well, it could get you an easy assignment.
Daisy: Doing what?
Mr. Young: Whatever we want. Wait here while I check everybody in.
Daisy: Oh, I don't think so.
Frank: Mel, Remy is a police officer. He's well aware of his rights. He also knows that the sooner we get down to the bottom of this, the better.
Mel: Nice try, Frank. But this isn't just some client. It's my little brother, and I wouldn't let him talk to you even if I didn't have a law degree.
Marina: Remy, please just tell my dad that you didn't do it.
Mel: Not a word. I'm going to need a moment alone.
Frank: Fine. Just trying to help here, folks.
Marina: Remy, I'm sorry.
Remy: Look, sis...
Mel: Don't tell me. If I'm going to help you, I need to believe in your innocence 100%. I just want to know how a smart cop like you could put yourself in such a dumb situation.
Remy: My friend is dead because of Alan Spaulding.
Mel: And you couldn't wait and let the law bring him to justice?
Remy: Justice? The man's skipping down the aisle with the D.A., and you expect me to look the other way? I'm sorry, Mel, our parents didn't raise us like that.
Frank: All right, Marina. I want you to have this coat tested for bloodstains and gunpowder residue, all right?
Marina: You won't find any.
Frank: You sure about that? Am I going to have to reassign this case to someone else?
Marina: No.
Frank: Good.
Marina: Dad?
Frank: Yeah?
Marina: Why did you hire Remy? Because he's a good guy. So just, you know, try to have a little faith in him.
Frank: I think you're missing something here. I have a lot of faith in him. He's just not helping me.
Alexandra: Alan-Michael, don't do that! You help him, Beth.
Beth: Oh, yes. Let's help you. Any word on the extent of your injuries?
Alan-Michael: They don't know yet. I'm still waiting to hear. For now I'm stuck in this chair. But I did want to talk to you about dad. It's Doris.
Alexandra: Oh, yes, our brother’s... my brother's darling new wife. I can't get enough of her. How do you feel?
Alan-Michael: I noticed. I saw both of you in the hall earlier with her.
Beth: We had to drag her away from a press conference. You should see the way she lights up when she talks about her poor husband.
Alexandra: Can you imagine what she's going to do if she's the grieving widow? Not that I...
Alan-Michael: We have to be prepared for all possibilities. The woman is smart and ruthless. She could ruin our family if we're not careful.
Beth: Tell us something that we don't know.
Alan-Michael: Okay. I don't trust her or the police to find who shot dad. I think they'd love to see him just die on the operating table and for the rest of us to just go away. But we're not going away. We're going to become their worst nightmare.
Alexandra: Forgive me, Alan-Michael, but since when did you become Alan’s champion?
Alan-Michael: He's my father. And he's your brother and he was your husband. Now are you going to work with me or not?
(Knocking on door)
Gus: Hey, Ava.
Ava: Hey. Your brother needs you, and you can't say no.
Gus: To what?
Ava: The case. You've got to say yes to the case. You've got to help us find who shot your father.
Doris: Reva Shayne. I was wondering when the vulture would show.
Reva: How's Alan?
Doris: He's on the table.
Reva: Any word on his condition?
Doris: His condition is that he was shot in cold blood in the middle of my wedding reception. (Cell phone ringing) Excuse me.
Reva: Daisy?
Daisy: It's me.
Reva: Are you hiding?
Daisy: I'll tell you if you tell me.
Reva: Tell me what?
Daisy: I won't rat you out, I promise. I mean, I'd even understand.
Reva: Understand about what?
Daisy: Alan Spaulding. So, did you shoot him?
Reva: I grew up around guns in Oklahoma. If I shot Alan, he'd be dead.
Daisy: Not necessarily. You're out of practice.
Reva: Come here. I didn't shoot anybody.
Daisy: Oh, yeah, huh? Well, I'd say that, too, if I'd done it. You're smart not to trust anyone.
Reva: Why would you think that... okay. I mean, I admit that I do have reasons why I'd like to see the man dead, but so did the rest of the town.
Daisy: Yeah, even me.
Reva: Why would you want Alan dead?
Daisy: Well, I mean, I was in the car that hit Tammy, remember? So, I mean, if Alan hadn't hired G., then maybe she'd still be alive, and I wouldn't feel so...
Reva: That wasn't your fault.
Daisy: I should have nobody something was up that night. I mean, if I had been straight. Maybe I could've stopped it.
Reva: Stop. Stop. Don't do that. You made an awful choice, especially when it comes to the guy that you were dating.
Daisy: Yeah, but, I mean, he was so hot and exciting and...
Reva: And a killer.
Daisy: That is kind of a deal breaker, huh?
Reva: You got roped in. I mean, it's happened to me, too. Everybody makes bad choices. What are you doing here, anyway?
Daisy: Oh, yeah. Well, Harley, she signed me up for community service, but the supervisor was, like, looking at me like I was there to service him.
Reva: What? Did he try anything?
Daisy: No, I didn't give him time. I was out of there.
Reva: Well, I'll take you home.
Daisy: Harley will have a fit when she sees me.
Reva: We can handle that.
Daisy: Are you sure you're done here?
Reva: I'm done.
Daisy: Do you want to stick around and see if Alan dies?
Reva: We can watch that on the news.
Daisy: Open some champagne.
Reva: March! March!
Gus: Does Alan-Michael know that you're here?
Ava: No. Listen, okay, I know that you're not that close with your family, and I know that you and Alan have had problems.
Gus: Yeah, we've had a few.
Ava: Alan-Michael needs you.
Gus: He needs me. Why didn't he call me then?
Ava: He's not the type of person to ask for help. He likes to stand on his own two feet. You know that, and now he...
Gus: Now he can't even walk. Well, at least he's got an alibi.
Ava: Your brother is in a wheelchair, maybe for life. Your father's been shot. They need you now more than ever.
Gus: What difference would it make if I worked on the case and brought somebody in?
Ava: Well, it depends on who it was. But at least if you're in charge, Alan-Michael won't worry.
Gus: Why didn't you tell Alan-Michael that you were coming to see me?
Ava: Because he doesn't really want me to get involved. But I already am.
Gus: You're already involved?
Ava: Yeah. Not like that, okay? You know what I'm saying. Gus, come on, will you just do it? Please?
Gus: I don't want anything to do with it, okay? Because I've got my own family to worry about. I really don't need any distractions right now, okay?
Ava: Wait, wait, wait, wait. Can you see if maybe Frank can put you on the case?
Gus: I don't want it. I don't want to be involved with it. You know, from the minute I found out that Alan was my father, I've had nothing but problem after problem after problem. And look at the Spaulding family now. They've just dug themselves another hole.
Ava: Exactly. And you can dig them out.
Gus: Tell Alan-Michael I wish him all the best, okay? Actually, you can't do that because he doesn't know that you're here, right?
Ava: Gus...
Gus: I'm sorry. Gotta go.
Alan-Michael: Will everyone who wants to elect Doris Wolfe to the Spaulding board please raise their hands? No takers? Well, that's where she'll be, if we don't work together as a team.
Alexandra: With you as captain, of course.
Alan-Michael: I may not be able to walk, but I am still CEO-- unless one of you wants to vote me out.
Alexandra: Oh, please.
Alan-Michael: Then I'm asking you to trust me. Follow my lead, and together as allies we can win this one.
Beth: He has a point. Do you want to take on Doris by yourself?
Alexandra: Not particularly.
Beth: Alan tried, and look what happened to him.
Alan-Michael: Doris is the D.A., but we're still the Spaulding’s. I think it's time we remind her of that. (Cell phone ringing)
Alexandra: It's Amanda. I'll be right back. Amanda? It's about time you called, dear. Yes, well, Alan is still in surgery, but it doesn't look good. What are you... wait, I can't hear you. Amanda, I'm losing you. Wait. Sorry, where are you going? Just a second. Where are you going?
Messenger: Delivery for Alan-Michael Spaulding.
Alexandra: Well, I'll sign for it. I'm his aunt.
Ava: Alexandra, any word on Alan?
Alexandra: Uh, no. No, not yet. (Laughs) But why don't you come inside? I think you might be very interested in this, actually.
Alan-Michael: The time I can devote to saving this family from the... you're supposed to be at the office.
Alexandra: Oh, don't let her go. I think this might be a wonderful opportunity for her to get a glance at the real you.
Alan-Michael: The real me?
Alexandra: Yes, the one who seems to want to stab his family in the back. "Let me lead you," he says, as he sits there looking all lonely and forlorn in his wheelchair.
Beth: What is this?
Alexandra: A little bit of the truth. The truth is, he can't be trusted. Yes, all the while he's talking about our family togetherness and having his lawyers draw up these papers.
Beth: What kind of papers?
Alexandra: Papers that give him everything if Alan dies-- the money, the company, the control.
Alan-Michael: You want to let me explain?
Alexandra: Oh, yeah, yeah. He wants to explain, although none of this was mentioned before, huh?
Alan-Michael: I'm trying to cover all the legal bases.
Beth: For yourself!
Alan-Michael: For us! Doris is probably already at work digging her claws into what's ours. Without some safeguards in place, she could walk away with everything.
Alexandra: So you're going make sure everything went safely to you.
Alan-Michael: Us! I'm protecting our assets, our family.
Alexandra: What part of them are mine?
Beth: I hope this gives you an idea of who you're working for.
Ava: Why do you automatically assume that he's out to hurt you? He hasn't even had a chance to explain yet.
Beth: Explain? He doesn't need to explain. I have proof right here.
Ava: You are wrong. I have been with him all night ever since the news came out. He loves his father, and he's devastated.
Beth: Is that what he told you?
Ava: No, that's not what he told me. I can see it in his eyes, along with his fear he's never going to walk again. But instead of crawling into bed and pulling pillows and the covers over his head, he's out here trying to help the family, to save the family. You should be thanking him, not climbing all over him.
Alexandra: You know, darling, I'm beginning to think you might be the one climbing all over him.
Beth: I just hope you wake up before you become his next casualty.
Alan-Michael: You're making a mistake.
Alexandra: Well, I always said you were different than your father, dear, and you certainly are. You got caught.
Mel: Did you think no one would see you at that wedding?
Remy: Remember when Tammy came over that night, and she played football in the yard with us? Man, if you told me then she'd be dead in a couple of months... I remember she told me how much she liked being part of a real normal family.
Mel: Remy...
Remy: He killed her, Mel. And barely a couple weeks later, he's moving on with his life. He's marrying the D.A. and spitting in our faces, and Tammy’s barely cold in the... you want to know how I can go to that wedding? How could I stay away?
Mel: Remy, just make sure you don't show that kind of emotion to anyone else.
Marina: Dad, I was checking up on some things, and there's something I have to tell you, as much as I don't want to.
Harley: Don't suffocate her, you said. Give her some room to breathe, you said. Well, I did, and she disappeared.
Gus: She didn't disappear. She talked to her supervisor.
Harley: He hasn't seen her all afternoon. When I find that kid, I am going to ream her another one, because I am through. Do you have any idea how worried I was about you?
Reva: Now, that sounds more like pissed than worried to me.
Daisy: Okay, okay, okay. Harley, calm down and... okay, about the community service...
Harley: The community service that you skipped? Yeah, Mr. Young called. He hasn't seen you anywhere.
Daisy: And that is lucky, because...
Harley: There's no luck here, because your luck has run out. I have given you such a long leash. But I am done. I can't do it anymore. You're going to your room until you're 50!
Daisy: Told you.
Gus: Hi, Reva.
Harley: Hi, Reva.
Reva: Hi. The place is really starting to come together.
Harley: Please, not now. And you drag your grandmother here. You drag her here with a lame excuse.
Reva: Wait, she did not drag me into anything. I found her hiding from her supervisor.
Harley: Hiding from her supervisor.
Reva: Yes, hiding, because he seemed to be more interested in things other than just her helping hands.
Gus: Did he touch you? Did he touch you?
Daisy: I didn't give him the chance.
Reva: Look, given the circumstances, I think Daisy made the right call.
Harley: You do?
Reva: Uh-huh.
Harley: Can I have a minute alone with Reva to get the real story?
Daisy: Right, right. Why believe what I just told you?
Harley: Go after her! Thank you for bringing her home.
Reva: You're welcome.
Harley: But next time, can I handle it?
Reva: You weren't there. I was.
Harley: Call me!
Reva: And what, Harley? Wait for you to show up? She's home; she's safe. That's what matters.
Harley: I know. I just... you don't know this kid. I am trying so hard to get her to trust me, and I don't want anything to undermine that.
Reva: And you think that's what I'm doing?
Harley: I think you're not doing it intentionally. It's just that Jonathan and the baby are gone, and there's a hole in your life. Maybe she...
Reva: Oh, wait. That has nothing to do with this. I just stepped in where I thought I was needed.
Harley: You stepped in where you thought you were needed, yes-- without consulting me.
Reva: Well, excuse me, Harley. But considering what Daisy has been through lately, I just thought you could use all of the help you could get.
Ava: Beth and Alexandra are the ones trying to get their hands on Alan’s money, not you.
Alan-Michael: Everybody's scrambling.
Ava: Let them scramble. You just keep doing what you've got to do.
Alan-Michael: I'm trying to help them, but all they can see is...
Ava: All they can see is what they want to see, but once they realize you're trying to help the family, they'll understand. But right now, they only see the enemy. They need you.
Alan-Michael: I just want to get everything under control, and then I can find the person who shot my dad.
Ava: Yeah, I tried to do that for you. I got in contact with Gus to see if he wanted to take on the case.
Alan-Michael: Why would you do something like that?
Ava: Well, I'm sorry, okay? He's so busy with everything, he's overwhelmed, so he said...
Alan-Michael: He what?
Ava: He said no.
Alan-Michael: I didn't mean to go after you like that. It's just I don't trust the police. They don't care what happens to my father.
Ava: Alan is Gus' father, too.
Alan-Michael: And Jeffrey’s yours. Would you go to the mat for him? Gus hates Alan more than any of them. No, I'm hiring a private security team, one that answers to me and me alone. It's the only way I can be sure to get the results I want.
Daisy: Why are all guys such dogs?
Gus: All guys? Hello?
Daisy: Sorry, sorry, not all guys.
Gus: But they are, you're right. They're all dogs. And you'd be good to remember that, too, you know? Especially guys that are all like "Hey, look at you, can I help you with your homework, your Trig homework, anything?"
Daisy: Oh, well, in that case, don't worry, because I take calculus.
Gus: And the calculus guys, they're even worse, because they think they're smarter than everybody else.
Daisy: Don't worry, they're all total nerds.
Gus: The nerds, they're the worst, because they're just, you know... they're like wolves in sheep's clothing. They're even worse.
Daisy: Is this the first time you've done this?
Gus: What?
Daisy: You know, like talked to a teenager?
Gus: Uh, yeah. How am I doing?
Daisy: You're tragic.
Gus: Yeah. Sorry.
Daisy: But I'm glad you're here.
Gus: I'm glad, too.
Harley: I'm not blaming you. I'm just trying to teach this kid right from wrong.
Reva: And I'm wrong?
Harley: No. But I can see how this whole thing is going to set itself up. I'm going to be the prison warden, and you get to be Reva Shayne, her fun buddy, who is taking her side against me.
Reva: Okay, Harley, you know something? You're right. I made my mistakes with Jonathan, too many to even count, and he's gone now, and I can't make up for them. And if you were to interfere and tell me what to do...
Harley: You would have tossed me out on my head.
Reva: Oh, yeah, and worse. So now I guess all I can do is wish you luck and hope that you do call on me if you need my help.
Harley: Thank you. Because I will need your help. Where is she? Hey. As for your supervisor, that pig, I will take care of that. But next time, call me. I'm not just your mother, I happen to be a police officer okay? You don't just disappear.
Daisy: Well, I'm sorry. I freaked out, okay? But it wasn't just the guy. I mean, Alan was there, and all the people that we know, they're all suspects. I don't know...
Harley: I know, I know, I know. I'm just glad you're safe.
Beth: Your grandfather's still in surgery, Lizzie. We don't know that. We won't know that until... oh, Dr. Bernstein's here. I'll call you back.
Alexandra: Doctor, how is my brother?
Beth: How did the surgery go?
Dr. Bernstein: Not as well as we'd hoped. The bullet's been removed, but with his heart and blood pressure, I'm afraid he's critical.
Alexandra: Well, can we see him? Can we see him now?
Doris: Not right now. Doctor, I'd like you to inform me of his condition every hour, on the hour, and if anything changes, I will tell the two of you.
Alexandra: You can't stop me from seeing my brother!
Doris: Read the small print, Alexandra. I am Mrs. Alan Spaulding now. I have power of attorney. Now, Doctor, as far as the possibility of brain damage or coma...
Beth: Oh!
Mel: Are we finished?
Frank: No, not yet.
Mel: Look, Frank, if you have any evidence against my brother, produce it. Otherwise, we're leaving.
Frank: Marina?
Marina: I just got off the phone with the manager over at Towers, the one who hired Remy.
Frank: Just for me, one more time, exactly why did you apply there?
Remy: I was suspended. I needed the money.
Frank: Well, you failed to mention that you took the job on the day of Alan Spaulding’s wedding.
Mel: It's probably just a coincidence.
Frank: Then why did he use an assumed name? You were there for one reason and one reason only-- to go after Alan Spaulding.
Next on "Guiding Light"...
Josh: I wanted to talk to you about that.
Reva: About Alan’s shooting?
Josh: About Cassie, actually.
Reva: Alan deserves not to survive this.
Cassie: I never thought it was possible to hate someone this much.
Reva: No one can know.
Cassie: You were celebrating that you were going to get away with it. Well, there is no way, there is no way that I was going to let that happen, not while I was alive.
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