GL Transcript Monday 2/19/07

Guiding Light Transcript Monday 2/19/07


Provided by Boo
Proofread by Tanya

Doris: All right, everyone! Single ladies! Bouquet time! (Laughs) All right, everybody ready? All right, everybody ready? Attention, everyone. Could I have your attention, please? Alan has just stepped out, and it's a perfect time to embarrass him. (Ashlee and Doris giggle) I just first would like to thank you all for coming. It is a very special occasion for us, and I'm grateful to you and the press-- hi, Bob-- for sharing it with us. Alan is a magnificent man, and I am riding into the sunset with him. Fate brought us together and love will keep it that way.

Guest: Here, here.

Doris: Oh, there he is now! Alan, darling, we were just giving you a toast. Would you like to say a few words? (Gasps) Alan!

Ava: Hey. Um... excuse me? Oh, oh, hey, excuse me. Have you seen Alan-Michael Spaulding?

Orderly: Just a second.

Ava: Um... I just stepped out a little while ago and came back in and he wasn't here, and...

Orderly: I'm sorry.

Ava: Okay, well, he has a spinal cord injury so he can't move.

Orderly: It looks like Mr. Spaulding is gone.

Josh: Cassie? Cassie?

Cassie: Everybody needs to know what you did! Everybody needs to know what kind of monster you are!

Josh: I'm going to get the car. We'll get you home. Cassie! Cassie!

Doris: Alan? Alan? Somebody help! Alan! Oh, my God! Somebody get somebody! Help him!

Lizzie: Okay, what happened to him?

Alexandra: I don't know. I don't know, sweetheart.

Ashlee: Is he going to die?

Alexandra: Oh, for God's sake.

Doris: Oh, my God!

Rick: Alan, it's Rick. Can you hear me?

Doris: Oh, my God!

Rick: Alan?

Doris: Oh, my God!

Lillian: All this blood. Look at this.

Doris: Oh, my God!

Rick: He's completely unresponsive.

Beth: Rick, what's wrong with him? Why is there so much blood?

Rick: Alan.

Lillian: Rick, look at this.

Rick: It's a bullet wound. He's been shot.

Rick: Beth, call 911.

Doris: My husband! Somebody shot my husband! Somebody help him!

Rick: We're doing everything we can.

Doris: Alan! Alan! Can you hear me?

Rick: Somebody please get her away. Towels, table cloths, anything... something to stop the bleeding. We can't let him go into shock.

Lizzie: Is he really going to die?

Rick: No, not if I can help it. Lillian, there's got to be some sort of medical kit around here somewhere.

Beth: EMS is on the way, we should have seen this coming.

Alexandra: Well, this was coming for a long, long time, but not like this, not here.

Rick: Get that thing open.

Beth: Alan, you're a son of a bitch, but you hang on, do you hear me?

Doris: Get away from him! You are not his wife!

Lizzie: We have to get him out of here.

Alexandra: The paramedics are on their way. You wait for them at the elevator. All right, go on. Go. Towers, the penthouse at Towers. This is Alexandra Spaulding. My brother, Alan Spaulding, has been shot here. Well, how long is it going to be before you get here?

Ashlee: Mom, how can this be happening?

Doris: I don't know. People are jealous, I guess. They want what we have. But it's ours, Ashlee, it's ours.

Ashlee: I'm just going to get something for you to... I'm going to get some water.

Judge: Doris, Alan is a strong man. He will get through this. I am convinced of that.

Doris: Uh-huh. Did you say something?

Judge: Alan is a bull. He'll survive this.

Doris: Yeah, of course he will. Of course he will. But if he doesn't, it’s... it's official, right?

Judge: I don't follow.

Doris: I mean, you did pronounce us man and wife, right? The deal, it's done.

Judge: The wedding is official, yes.

Doris: Then I'm Alan’s wife no matter what.

Ava: Hello? Oh, hey, hey, have you seen Alan-Michael Spaulding?

Alan-Michael: Right here.

Ava: Oh, my gosh.

Alan-Michael: What's wrong?

Ava: What's wrong? I stepped out and then you weren't here, and I came back and I...

Alan-Michael: Oh, you thought I checked out permanently. No, I'm still kicking. Well, not kicking, but breathing.

Ava: Good. I just got a little scared, and I thought something happened.

Alan-Michael: Something did happen.

Ava: What's up with the wheelchair?

Alan-Michael: They took me in for some tests. They made me wait forever so I got antsy. Besides I wanted to check this baby out.

Ava: Did the doctor say anything?

Alan-Michael: They don't know much. The swelling around my spine is... it's too much for them to tell anything.

Ava: Well, if I would have known that you were here by yourself...

Alan-Michael: That's why I didn't invite you. I don't want you feeling sorry for me.

Ava: It's not pity. I am your friend.

Alan-Michael: I noticed. It means a lot.

Ava: Alan-Michael...

Alan-Michael: Don’t. The less I think about it, the better.

Ava: Okay.

Alan-Michael: So this joint got cable? Some news station is bound to be covering my father's wedding. I could use a good laugh.

Josh: Cassie! Cassie! Hey, oh, whoa, whoa, whoa! Easy, easy. Remy, Remy, wait! I just want to know if you... (sirens wailing) Boy, that can't be good.

Rick: Keep the gauze. Keep the pressure on there.

Beth: You're going to be all right, Alan. You're going to be fine.

Doris: Excuse me, that is my husband you are holding.

Beth: Are you kidding me? We're going to do this now?

Doris: For all I know, you shot him.

Beth: How dare you!

Lillian: Please, Beth, Beth.

Doris: It's all right, Alan. It's all right, Alan. It's going to be all right. It's going to be all right. You're going to be fine.

Beth: You don't need to see this, Lizzie.

Lizzie: Mom, I need to see it. What do you think is taking the paramedics so long?

Alexandra: I don't know, I don't know. I'll call them again, darling. Oh, here they are! Thank God! Over here! Will you please hurry?

Rick: We've got a gunshot wound to the lower chest, missed the heart and lungs. Pulse at 40. We've got to transport right away.

Beth: Rick, is he going to...?

Rick: I don't know. I don't know. I don't know.

Alexandra: All right, Alan. We're following you to the hospital. You hold on!

Doris: Alan, I'll be right there, Alan! Alan, we'll be right there.

Ashlee: Mom, what do we do?

Doris: What do you mean, what do we do?

Ashlee: Well, it's your wedding. You're still in your dress.

Doris: We go to the hospital. We get cleaned up and go to the hospital. Someone has to talk to the press.

Alexandra: Bruno is waiting downstairs to take us to the hospital.

Lillian: They're going to operate as soon as he gets there. He's really lucky Rick was here.

Alexandra: Lucky?

Lillian: You know what I mean, Alex.

Beth: We all know what you mean.

Alexandra: All right, we have to get down there because we have to get to that hospital before she does.

Lizzie: No.

Beth: What?

Lizzie: I can't get on that elevator. Granddad was on there. There's blood.

Beth: Okay, okay, then we'll take the other elevator.

Lizzie: I just can’t.

Lillian: Honey, you and I will take the stairs, okay? We'll meet you there.

Ashlee: We'll get through this. I know we will. We're a family now.

Josh: Cassie. Cassie, where did you go?

Cassie: I don't know. I don't know.

Josh: I told you to wait here for me while I went to get the car. Do you remember that? I told you I would...

Cassie: Josh...

Josh: ...I would be right back. Did you go... did you go back to the wedding?

Cassie: I'm so tired now. I just... I just want to close my eyes. Can I just close my eyes?

Josh: Did you take your pills, Cassie? Because if you took your pills, you shouldn't be walking around out here. You know that.

Cassie: I don't remember.

Josh: Do you remember going anywhere?

Cassie: I remember I was standing here, and then I saw...

Josh: You saw what?

Cassie: Nothing. I just... I... I guess it made me want to go somewhere. I think I went somewhere.

Josh: Go where? I mean...

Cassie: I don't know.

Rick: Let's move! Come on, he's bleeding out. Clear the way. Clear the way.

Paramedic: Excuse us.

Josh: Wait, wait, wait. Rick, what...?

Rick: Somebody shot Alan.

Cassie: Alan?

Josh: Somebody shot? Alexandra, what happened? Who did this?

Alexandra: It could have been anybody.

Josh: Well, is he going to be okay? Beth, are you all right?

Beth: Josh, I've got to go.

Josh: I can't believe this has happened. Cassie. We have to get you out of here. Come on.

Alan-Michael: Do you know how long until they bring him in?

Ava: He's coming in now, I think.

Alan-Michael: Where'd he get shot?

Ava: I don't know. The nurses just told me, and I came into your room.

Alan-Michael: Do they know who did it?

Ava: No, I don't think so.

Alan-Michael: It wasn't even on TV.

Ava: I'm sure everything's going to be okay. He'll be fine.

Alan-Michael: Or he won’t. He deserved this, you know. He's had this coming for a long time.

Ava: Wait a minute. You don't really feel that way, do you?

Alan-Michael: He's hurt so many people. He can't get away with that forever.

Ava: All those people at the wedding... all those people at the wedding saw him get shot. I'm really glad that you weren't there.

Alan-Michael: Yeah, thank God for MRI’s. What?

Ava: Nothing. I guess everybody responds differently in a crisis. Some people freak out, some people get freaky quiet.

Alan-Michael: I guess so.

Ava: He is your father. He's the only one you got.

Alan-Michael: Yes, he is.

Ava: I guess maybe you would feel... I mean, I would imagine... I don't know how you feel.

Alan-Michael: Maybe I used up all my worry on my legs.

Ava: Sorry. I guess I was just wanting you to know that it's okay if you care about him, that's all.

Alan-Michael: You don't know my father, how he treats people, how he treats his own children.

Ava: You're right, I don’t. I don’t. And I just know that everyone in town doesn't like him very much.

Alan-Michael: People hate him. They want to see him dead. They want my family to suffer and our company to crumble. Welcome to my world, Ava. So when I hear that someone finally got a shot off on him, I wonder why they didn't get him sooner.

Ava: So you really don't care about him? You don't care whether he lives or he dies?

Alan-Michael: I don't want to worry about him! But ever since I was old enough to know what was really real, all I've ever done was worry about him. I don't want him to die but I can't tell you how many times I've wanted to kill him. It's my life. So now my dreams have finally come true and it just might be the nightmare I've been having since I was 12 years old. I guess now he knows how Phillip felt.

Rick: Go, let's move it! Let's get him into... get him into triage. We'll prep him for surgery once his vitals stabilizes.

Lillian: Get up to the O.R. Please get Dr. Stevens to scrub in. Tell him Dr. Bauer...

Rick: Page Alan’s cardiologist for a consult.

Doris: Are you ready for this?

Ashlee: For what?

Doris: Look, very soon the press will descend upon this hospital and they will be asking a lot of questions and they will be wanting to see Alan’s new wife and his stepdaughter.

Ashlee: But we don't know anything.

Doris: What we do know is that Alan was trying to give us a great gift, the life that we have always dreamed of and someone was trying to take it from us, to steal it from us.

Ashlee: Who do you think it was?

Doris: Take a look around you.

Ashlee: What do you mean?

Doris: You want a list of suspects? Start here.

Ashlee: You mean the family?

Doris: Yeah, it wouldn't be the first time.

Ashlee: This is so horrible.

Doris: Yes it is, which is why we have to keep a good, strong face and trust no one.

Lillian: Honey, do you want to have something to eat or drink or lie down?

Lizzie: No. No thanks.

Lillian: It's going to take a long time, you know.

Lizzie: Always does.

Lillian: Why don't we go down to the chapel?

Lizzie: Seeing him there like that... like dad.

Lillian: I know.

Lizzie: I never wanted him... I mean, even after what he did to Sarah I never wanted him to actually...

Lillian: Honey, where'd you get that?

Lizzie: I... it must have been when I was, you know, in the ambulance, when I must have leaned on him or something.

Lillian: You and I are going to go wash this off your hands, and my hands.

Lizzie: You want me to wash this off in case there's gun powder residue on my hand?

Frank: Good, I'm glad you're all here.

Alexandra: Well, where else would we be?

Frank: Look, I hate to say this, but I need you all to stay put until me or Detective Cooper interviews you.

Alexandra: Well, I would like to go first, Chief.

Frank: That's fine with me.

Marina: So did you see something?

Alexandra: Well, we all did. Cassie Winslow crashed the wedding.

Frank: Cassie was there?

Alexandra: Look, I have great sympathy for the woman but I do think that would be a... maybe a good place to start. No, you should have seen her when she just burst into that room.

Marina: Tammy was Cassie’s daughter.

Alexandra: Yes, and that wound was probably reopened when Alan was released but there's no doubt about it, she was out looking for blood. And, you know, there's really no proof that Alan had anything do with Tammy’s murder, I mean her death, whatever. But if Cassie believes that, I mean... I don't know, maybe she has a right to feel hate. Huh? I don't fault her but this is just a vigilante response! I mean, even Alan doesn't deserve that.

Marina: Now, Cassie, when she took something out of the bag, it was a picture of Tammy, not a gun, right?

Alexandra: Well, all I saw come out of the bag was a picture, right. Then I saw Cassie downstairs again outside of Towers. They were bringing Alan down into the ambulance.

Frank: Well, what was she doing?

Alexandra: She was with Josh but I don't know what she was doing! I mean, it looked to me like she didn't know what she was doing, either.

Frank: Well, what does that mean?

Alexandra: I'll let you decide.

Frank: Check that out, Marina.

Josh: You sleep, Cassie. You're safe here. You're safe.

Alan-Michael: You know what I love about TV?

Ava: What?

Alan-Michael: They tell you about something tragic happening and then it's right back to your regularly scheduled program. 15 people died in a plane crash and now it's back to "Gymnastics With The Stars."

Ava: He is just down the hall. I can take you there.

Alan-Michael: The nurse said he's alive.

Ava: That is all she said.

Alan-Michael: He's in surgery. What can I do?

Ava: Well, you could spend some time with your family.

Alan-Michael: I don't really feel like hanging around watching Doris Wolfe play Jackie Kennedy. Besides, they didn't exactly rally to my side. My father didn't even stop by.

Ava: Are you sure there's not another reason why you don't want to go there?

Alan-Michael: Like what?

Ava: I don't know. I mean, I never really see you show any emotion. At all. You're always so in control. Maybe you don't want me to see anything.

Alan-Michael: Maybe you won't like what you see.

Ava: Only one way to find out.

Alan-Michael: I don't need to see him.

Rick: 12 units, negative.

Frank: Okay, let me get this straight here. You all witnessed the same thing, right? Doris was making a speech, the elevator dings, the door opens up, Alan stumbles off, he's shot. Is that right?

Lillian: No, no. We didn't know he was shot. We just saw him come off the elevator and he had this strange look in his eye.

Alexandra: I knew something the minute I saw him and he walked up to Doris but he... he looked like he wanted to say or starting to say something. I...

Frank: Well, did he move his lips? Did anything come out?

Doris: I was closest to him and I can't be sure but I... I think he was trying to tell me that he loves me.

Lillian: Oh, for God's sake.

Frank: Go ahead.

Lillian: No, no, no, he didn't say a word. He didn't have time. He came off the elevator, he fell into her arms and he fell on the ground.

Frank: And that's when you noticed the blood?

Beth: Rick, how is he?

Doris: When can I see him?

Rick: The good news is that he's stabilized for now. The bad news is there is a bullet inside him; we've got to get it out.

Lizzie: And then he'll be okay?

Rick: Honey, we're going to do our best.

Doris: Well, that's reassuring. You're not going to let him die.

Rick: Don't be ridiculous.

Beth: This man just spent every ounce of energy trying to save Alan. Could you have a little respect?

Doris: Alan, whom he hates.

Lillian: Could you not do this now?

Doris: All I'm saying is that I'm sure that you were doing something, but at Towers you were giving him a shot and...

Rick: So what are you implying, Doris?

Ashlee: Mom, Dr. Bauer is trying to save Alan’s life.

Doris: Well, that's what it looked like but I just want to be sure.

Beth: You're pathetic, you know that?

Doris: Oh, I'm sorry to insult your boyfriend.

Beth: Oh, you...

Frank: Ladies, ladies, please...

Doris: I'm just saying he covered his tracks.

Frank: Can I talk to you for a second?

Alexandra: Lady, you do not want to start this fight.

Frank: Alex... come here. My department will conduct this investigation. The second I find out something I will let you know. Do you understand me?

Doris: All I'm saying is take a good look at who had the most to gain. Who hated Alan the most? Who disappeared right before he was shot? Right, Beth?

Beth: Well I know who's going to disappear next.

Frank: Okay, you know what, that's enough! Doris, stop. I told you I will handle this. You know what, everybody just needs to chill.

Mel: Rick, I heard what happened. I'm here to help if I can.

Doris: Well, take your pick, Miss Bauer. Anyone could use a lawyer.

Rick: Honey, just ignore her. Medically we have everything covered but if you want to look at the chart, here it is.

Mel: Okay.

Beth: Hey.

Mel: Beth, hey. Tough night, huh?

Beth: Yeah. A lot of questions.

Mel: Well, only one that really seems to matter.

Beth: Right. I'm... I'm really at the moment just thinking about my family and its future.

Mel: Okay.

Beth: Just a few days ago I was married to Alan and you may have heard that he and Doris forced me into a quick divorce. I... I don't even think that the ink was dry on their marriage license before he was shot.

Mel: So...

Beth: Well, I'm just wondering how a judge would view my position.

Mel: Your position?

Beth: Legally, vis-a-vis Alan’s estate.

Mel: The man is fighting for his life and all you can think about is what cut you would get if he dies?

Beth: Don't look at me like I'm some kind of monster. I'm just trying to keep what's ours from others who don't deserve it.

Josh: Pretty cold out there tonight, huh?

Marina: Yeah. I think after working on traffic duty for a while you get used to it.

Josh: I'm sure. Can I get you something? I just made a pot of coffee.

Marina: No, thanks, I'm fine. I'm sorry that I came over without calling first.

Josh: That's okay. Cassie's just a little tired, that's all. She was sleeping.

Marina: Oh, that's fine. I won't be long, I promise.

Josh: I assume you want to talk about Alan Spaulding.

Marina: You've heard?

Josh: Yeah, we were there when he was wheeled out. Any word on his condition?

Marina: Well, he's battling.

Josh: I'm sure he is.

Marina: Do you mind if I take some notes?

Josh: No, not at all. Come on in.

Marina: Hi, Cassie. So, um... so you guys came to this party and you were uninvited.

Josh: Cassie was very upset, you know. I'm sure you heard about the thing with Tammy’s picture.

Marina: Absolutely. I'm not here to pass any judgment, I'm just here to... to compare some stories. Is that okay, Cassie? So what were you doing before the wedding? What made you decide to crash it?

Josh: (Laughs) I don't know that crash is really...

Marina: Well, she wasn't invited.

Josh: She wanted to have a word with Alan, that's all.

Marina: Was that your intention, Cassie?

Josh: Look, everybody... everybody knows that she was there and that words were said.

Marina: Actually, people said that you were screaming at Alan Spaulding. Was that the case?

Josh: No one's denying that. Really.

Marina: Josh, can Cassie speak for herself?

Josh: She can; this is just a difficult time.

Marina: I understand that and I promise you I will be gentle. Now, Cassie, did you have anything to drink tonight?

Cassie: No.

Josh: She does have some sleeping pills that were prescribed for her.

Marina: Okay. Who prescribed them and at what dosage?

Josh: We'll get you that information. I just want to say I think the point here is that this wedding between Alan Spaulding and Doris Wolfe really came out of nowhere. I mean, everybody wants justice but how can that happen if the prime suspect is married to the D.A.?

Marina: There's no argument there, Josh.

Josh: Okay.

Marina: When was the last time that you took a pill?

Josh: I'm not sure whether that matters...

Marina: Josh, I'm trying to lead an investigation here and it's really difficult when you keep interrupting.

Josh: I understand that, I do. Can we just talk privately, please?

Marina: Okay. I understand. I will let you get some sleep, Cassie, and we'll be in touch, okay?

Josh: Okay. Marina, Cassie had her heart ripped out when her daughter was murdered. I'm sure you can understand that. And, like any other mother, she wants the killer to answer for that crime. Now, everybody knows that Alan was involved, that Alan was responsible so, yes, she went to confront him. She did that, I pulled her out and I brought her back here to the house. That's it, end of story.

Marina: I understand that. But someone tried to kill Alan Spaulding tonight.

Josh: I'm aware of that. I'm just saying...

Marina: Now I'm not trying to accuse Cassie of anything. In fact, I'm trying to get all evidence against that.

Josh: Well, just... she's not a suspect here. I mean, she's just not because she was with me.

Marina: She was with you? From the moment that you left Towers?

Josh: Until the moment you walked into the door here, yeah.

Marina: Okay, good, that's great. And I'm glad to hear it.

Josh: Have you by chance talked to Remy Boudreau?

Marina: Why would I talk to Remy?

Josh: Because I saw him on Main Street right about the time that this supposedly happened and he was in uniform. He seemed a little shaken up.

Marina: That's impossible. Remy's been suspended, he’s... you know, never mind.

Josh: I'm just telling you what I saw.

Marina: Thank you, and I'll check into it. Thank you for your tip on Remy.

Josh: You know what, don't call it a tip, okay, because I... I don't want to point fingers at anybody.

Marina: Hey, point all the fingers you want. I'll take it. I'll take any leads I can get right now and look into them. I mean, can you imagine right now? Who wouldn't want to shoot Alan Spaulding?

Josh: That's actually a question I don't have the answer to.

Marina: Especially everything that happened with Tammy. I mean, there's no doubt that he was behind it; the guy might as well have been behind the wheel of the car himself.

Josh: Yeah.

Marina: Look, Josh, I'm a cop and I have to face some pretty harsh realities every day. And yet I still cannot wrap my head around the fact that Tammy’s really gone. She was one of the greatest friends I ever had. She was always there for me. So I can understand why Cassie might want... I can't even imagine what she must be going through right now. I'm sure Cassie’s just at the end of her rope.

Josh: Don't worry about her. I'm taking good care of her. You just get out there and find the person that shot Alan.

Marina: I will.

Cassie: I'm sorry.

Josh: You don't ever have to say that to me.

Marina: What, they didn't have enough booze at the wedding?

Remy: What... what wedding?

Marina: Tom and Katie’s, who do you think?

Remy: (Laughs) I don't know what to think.

Marina: Yeah, well, neither do I. Were you there?

Remy: You're going to have to be more specific.

Marina: Okay. I have a witness that puts you outside Towers running in a uniform.

Remy: Well, Towers hired me as security.

Marina: Alan was in Towers. Alan has a restraining order against you. I'm going to have to take you in.

Remy: Oh, but that's not really the reason you're here, is it?

Marina: No. Remy, you have the right to remain silent and if I were you I would do that.

Remy: (Laughs) Oh, boy. I've read Miranda rights to how many people how many times? I never thought the police would be reading it to me.

Marina: Yeah, well, you hate Alan and you blame him for Tammy’s death.

Remy: Everyone in town hates Alan, including you.

Marina: Yeah, well we're not all as good with a weapon as you are.

Remy: Did something happen to Alan?

Marina: He was shot.

Remy: Dead?

Marina: Not yet.

Remy: Damn. Oh, well. You know the devil was an angel? I guess Alan had someone watching after him today.

Marina: I guess. Until we come up with a more viable suspect, how about we go talk about that violation against Alan?

Remy: Frank's going to have more suspects than the department can handle.

Doris: You asked for my opinion as District Attorney and I gave you my opinion. You want to talk to Lillian, Lizzie, and Alexandra, and especially Beth.

Frank: You're casting a very big net.

Doris: My husband is an important man.

Frank: Right.

Doris: For all I know, they were all in on it. They all had reason to hate him and me and they all had something to gain.

Frank: But did they have opportunity?

Doris: Killers make their own opportunities, Frank. You know that. None of them wanted him to marry me, that much is clear. Ask my daughter.

Ashlee: Mom, don't say that.

Doris: It's the truth, the way they look at us.

Rick: Just tell surgery I'll be right up.

Beth: Rick, is he going to be okay?

Rick: We don't know a lot right now except that we have no exit wound, which means that this bullet is still in Alan. He's bleeding internally and we have to get it out. Now, this procedure we have to do is very risky but we have no choice at this point, so I need somebody just to sign this consent form.

Doris: I'll do that.

Beth: I'll do it.

Rick: I don't care who signs it, just get it done.

Ava: The answer to your question is yes.

Alan-Michael: What question?

Ava: You were wondering if you'll ever see your father again. And the answer is yes. And when you do... well, I don't know.

Alan-Michael: I don't know, either. What I do know is all this would be a hell of a lot harder if you weren't around.

Ava: Thanks.

Alan-Michael: Thank you.

Ava: They'll find who did this. I promise.

Josh: Cassie?

Cassie: It's done. He's paying the price for what he did to you, just like I promised you. I told you I wouldn't let you down. I told you I wouldn’t.

Next, on "Guiding Light."

Doris: I am merely protecting my family's wealth and position.

Alexandra: Your family's?

Doris: I am Mrs. Alan Spaulding now, which means what's his is mine and I intend to protect it.

Reva: Are you accusing me of shooting Alan?

Alexandra: You tell me.

Alan-Michael: It's me. He's still alive for now.

Doris: Reva Shayne. I was wondering when the vulture would show.

Daisy: I won't rat you out, I promise. I mean, I'd even understand.

Reva: Understand about what?

Daisy: Alan Spaulding.

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