GL Transcript Monday 2/12/07

Guiding Light Transcript Monday 2/12/07


Provided by Boo

Harley: Daisy, stop. I'm not going to chase you any further.

Daisy: What do you want me to say?

Harley: I don't know where to start-- with the lies or the lies... the lies that you've been telling me. You're dating... you're dating your cousin's killer?

Daisy: Oh, yeah, like I knew. I had no idea.

Harley: And you're on drugs. You want to talk about the drugs? Why don't we talk about that?

Daisy: No, no. Why don't you say what you really want to say, which is that you wish that I never ever came home.

Jeffrey: It will take a miracle for the judge to give you sidney now.

Gus: Well, you better come up with one, because I don't want us to lose that little girl, and don't want us to lose daisy, either.

Beth: Has mr. O'neill picked up any of my messages? Well, tell him to call me back. I need to stop my husband from divorcing me. (Sighs) just have him call me back as soon as possible.

Doris: You know, you're acting as if we're forcing you to do something horrible. In fact, we're giving you a platinum opportunity.

Beth: Oh, yes, I know. If I walk away, I get a nice little settlement.

Doris: And your dignity.

Beth: And what if I don't care about either?

Doris: What about lizzie? Do you care about lizzie and her freedom?

Beth: What the hell is that that supposed to mean?

Doris: That means that if alan isn't free to marry me, my heart will be broken. And who knows? I might just lash out and suddenly prosecute alan for murdering tammy winslow.

Beth: Well, cry me a river. Maybe he's getting what he deserves.

Doris: And what about little lizzie? What does sweet little lizzie deserve? I'd have to prosecute her, too, as an accessory. Who was it that jonathan was going go see at the old mill that night?

Beth: You can't prove anything.

Doris: Oh, I've earned convictions with far less evidence. And lizzie would go away for a long, long time, and it would all be on your head.

Alan: What's going on, ladies?

Doris: Beth and I were just discussing our... options.

Josh: Hello, cassie! I brought you something. A little something to kick off our pre-valentine's day celebration dinner just right. Hello? Cassie? (Cell phone ringing)

Cassie: Hi.

Josh: Hi. I just got home and our dinner reservation is at 6:30.

Cassie: Yeah, I know, i thought maybe it would be best if we just met at the restaurant. Is that okay?

Josh: Okay, that'S... that's fine. Where are you?

Cassie: Well, I'm not watching alan, if that's what you're worried about. I just... I need to see reva. I wanted to talk to her.

Josh: Okay. Well, that sounds... that sounds good. That's a good thing. Do you want to postpone our dinner?

Cassie: No. I'll be there. I'll see you there. Bye.

Reva: You guys okay? Hey. I am so glad to see you. I've been thinking about you since josh was here.

Cassie: Yeah, I asked him to come by and check up on you. Hey, billy. Hi.

Billy: Hey, sweetie, how you holding up?

Cassie: I'm managing.

Billy: Yeah? Hey, look, tell you what, I'll take over. You girls just talk.

Reva: Thanks, billy. What I can get you?

Cassie: Nothing. I just... I wanted to ask you something.

Reva: Sure.

Cassie: And I don't really going to come right out and say it. Have you been talking to him?

Reva: Talking to...

Cassie: Jonathan.

Reva: Why would you ask me something like that?

Cassie: Well, you know, the hardest part is just realizing that they're gone, and I'M... i guess I'm trying to, you know, make peace with it somehow, and I thought that maybe...

Reva: Honey, honey, I... i don't understand what you're trying to say to me.

Cassie: I'm asking you if you're still talking to jonathan. Because I'm talking to tammy. All the time. She visits me.

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There is a destiny that makes

us brothers.

None goes his way alone.

All that we send into the lives of others...

...Comes back...

...Into our own.

Reva: Have you told josh about this?

Cassie: I'M...

Reva: About seeing her?

Cassie: Are you kidding me? No. He's worried enough about me.

Reva: But you should. You should share this with him. I mean, he told me that you had a session with felicia. Did that help?

Cassie: Well, I thought it did, until I found myself walking onto alan's property again.

Reva: Oh. Did you see him?

Cassie: Yeah, I saw him celebrating his wonderful victory with his bride-to-be, the D.A.

Reva: Yeah, well, you know that's not going to last.

Cassie: Yeah.

Reva: He'll still be prosecuted.

Cassie: Yeah, so everybody keeps telling me, reva, but you know what? He's still free and she's still gone. It's not right. And it's not what she wants. I'm telling you, she wants justice. She wants alan to pay for what he did to her.

Reva: Tammy wants justice.

Cassie: Yeah.

Reva: How do you know that? Did... did she... tell you that?

Cassie: Okay. I should haven't said anything. I'm going to go see josh.

Reva: Okay. Honey, drive carefully.

Billy: She's not doing well.

Reva: Alan's going to get away with this, isn't he?

Beth: I want it very clear that I'm doing this under duress. This is your choice, alan, not mine.

Alan: Yes, beth, it is my choice. I should have done it a long time ago.

Beth: Fine, fine. I'll sign, but not with her in the room. Our marriage was private and the ending of it should be private as well.

Alan: Fair enough. Doris.

Doris: If it'll move things along faster. Will you walk me out, alan? I don't need to tell you, alan, do I, what would happen if you or beth should decide to change your mind? That little thing you called life in prison?

Alan: Trust me, doris, it's never far from my mind.

Doris: Good. So long as we're clear. Have fun, darling.

Beth: Is this what you want? A life with her? She'll tear this family apart.

Alan: I have made my decision.

Beth: Look, I know what she's holding over your head.

Alan: She has nothing...

Beth: And if we stick together, we can find a way to handle her, I know that we can. Together, we are stronger than she will ever be.

Alan: Beth.

Beth: Alan, I... I can't believe that I'm trying to save this marriage, but I am. We created a child together. And we lost a child together. And you were right when you said that we share something that... that nobody else understands. Okay, yes, yes, this marriage started out as a business arrangement for me, but I think we both know that it became a lot more than that a long time ago. Don't do this, please.

Daisy: You're making it sound worse than it was, because I had no idea that G. Was going to do anything to hurt anyone...

Harley: He gunned for her. He didn't even brake. Do you understand what that means?

Daisy: Every... why is everything just so black and white with you? Haven't you ever made a mistake?

Harley: I've made plenty of mistakes, yes. I've just never done drugs.

Daisy: Well... okay, but gus did.

Harley: Is G. The one who got you hooked on drugs? Is he your drug buddy?

Daisy: I'm not hooked on drugs. I do them sometimes. It's fun. Everyone does.

Harley: No, everybody does not do drugs. You want to know why? Because they're stupid! And they're illegal, and they could ruin your life or somebody else's, which is exactly what happened in this situation. A young girl was killed because of your stupid choice. And now, we could lose sidney on top of it.

Daisy: I told you, I didn't want to testify.

Harley: So it's my fault, because I asked you to testify and it's my fault that I didn't know what gus knew, which is that you are out of control!

Daisy: At least gus just tried to understand. At least gus doesn't think that he's perfect.

Harley: I do not think that i am perfect.

Daisy: Oh, no, no, no, no, you... right, sorry, you just think that you're better than everyone else, okay? You hate me, okay? Just admit it.

Harley: I hate you? That... that's what you think, that I hate you? That's your best? No, I don't hate you. I love you. And I so angry with you! So angry and I'm afraid for you, because you're so young. And you don't even realize it could have been you hurt by that car. You could have been the one who was killed.

Gus: We've got to show the judge that we're humans. We're just human beings that make mistakes, just like everybody else.

Jeffrey: Do you get it? It's dead in the water.

Gus: No, I don't get it. There's got to be something that we can do.

Jeffrey: Something?

Donovan: I have a way out of this, o'neill, a solution i think will work for everyone.

Jeffrey: Really? Does it involve money changing hands, donovan?

Donovan: Look, I know how to help your family and to help sidney, too. Now, if you're not interested...

Harley: Sit down. Listen to me. I know that you don't think that your actions affect other people but they do. It's not all about you. There's an innocent party here-- that little baby, little sidney, because god knows where she's going to end up now.

Daisy: You're not going lose her. I mean... what I did, you had nothing to do with. It was all me. The judge will see that. He has to.

Jeffrey: Well, I think that we should listen to what mr. Donovan has to say.

Donovan: Good. Now, I have just gotten off the phone with keith driscoll, sidney's uncle, who is the guy working with doctors without borders. We've been playing phone tag for the last week, and he and his wife talked and they're...

Jeffrey: Wait, wait, wait. Did you... what, they're going to let us keep sidney for $10,000? $20,000? What's the price?

Donovan: You are living in a fantasy world, aitoro. No one is ever going to let you have that child now under any circumstances, not after you messed up...

Jeffrey: Okay, come on, then. What's your proposition? Get to the point.

Donovan: (Sighs) mr. Driscoll and his wife want the baby. They are prepared to make a very loving home for the child, and by all accounts and reports, they are outstanding people.

Jeffrey: They are in africa! Go on.

Donovan: That's it. That is my offer.

Gus: That's a good offer. That's it. That's the offer-- we should... we should give up the baby and they should get the baby.

Donovan: You are going to lose her anyway. You want her to go to a good home and have a good life or you want her to go into the foster care system, which is a crap shoot where she could end up as screwed up as your step- daughter?

Harley: We're going lose sidney? That's what he just said. That's what he said, right? We're going to lose her, anyway?

Beth: Alan, look at me. I know that you love me. And I can't believe that you don't want to give this a second chance.

Alan: Beth, there was a time when I felt that our relationship had great potential. I remember when we went down to the island house to renew our vows. You were starting to show then. I felt our future was... our future was nothing but an illusion.

Beth: That wasn't what you were going say!

Alan: Love is a weakness i can no longer afford. Now, the reason that doris and i work is because we both get what we need.

Beth: But you don't love her!

Alan: Why are you fighting for this marriage? It's dead. It was wounded when we lost our baby. And you put the nail in the coffin when you went and had the affair with rick bauer. And you know I never forgive someone who has betrayed me.

Beth: Fine. But I suggest, from now on, you sleep with one eye open.

Doris: All done? See, that wasn't so bad, was it? Now, when can you be moving your things out?

Beth: I'll move out when i damn well feel like it.

Doris: 9:00 P.M. That's great.

Alan: Beth, take as long as you need.

Doris: Oh, beth. Isn't there something you're forgetting? Your wedding ring.

Beth: My ring is a symbol of my union with alan. Whatever ring you coerce alan into buying you will be a symbol of your twisted union. I think a shackle would be most appropriate.

Doris: Take me out to dinner, alan, I feel like celebrating.

Cassie: I know I parked next to you in the rage, but i don'T... I don't remember what the number was.

Josh: Uh, 3f, I think.

Cassie: Thanks. I'm kind of out of it.

Josh: Yeah, I know that.

Cassie: I'm sorry. I know you're doing so much trying to make me feel better, and I'm barely here.

Josh: I just want you to know that I love you, cassie, and we're in this together and we're going to get through it together.

Cassie: Thanks. I know. It means a lot to me.

Josh: I also have something for you.

Cassie: Josh. I left your gift back at the house.

Josh: You're here with me now and that'S... that's great. So, go ahead and open it up.

Cassie: It's tammy'S... it's tammy's friendship bracelet. I don't understand. I just... I just put this away.

Josh: I know, I saw you. You put it in that box up in the closet right after you donated her stuff.

Cassie: We made these together when she was little, you know? Because I didn't have enough money to buy her a real gift. It still smells like her perfume.

Josh: See, I don't think that that should be in the closet. I think it should be maybe on your wrist or on your nightstand or, at the very least, in your purse, so that any time you pull it out and look at it, it makes you think of tammy. I think that that's what she would want.

Cassie: Josh. How could you know?

Josh: I guess I miss her, too.

Cassie: Thank you so much. I don't know what I would do without you. I'm so lucky to have you.

Josh: Cassie. What is it? What's wrong?

Find your light, sponsored by pantene.

Uh, my light. Well, I don't have any brothers or sisters. I just have my mom, so i honestly can say that if I can walk into a room and see my mom smiling, that'S... that's definitely my light. What's yours?

Josh: You know, maybe we should take R.J. Away during his vacation time, you know? The three of us just get away for a little while. That would probably be a good thing, don't you think, cassie?

Cassie: Look at them over there. He's picking out wine like he doesn't have a care in the world.

Josh: Maybe we should go.

Cassie: No. We were here first.

Josh: I understand that, but I don't think... I... I think there must be some mistake. We didn't order that.

Waiter: Compliments of the gentleman at table six, sir.

Cassie: What the hell is that supposed to be, some type of consolation gift? "Sorry I murdered your daughter"?!

Josh: Okay, okay, cassie. Cassie. Cassie, sit down. Sit down. Let me take care of this, okay? Alan.

Alan: Josh, you don't need to thank me for that.

Josh: I appreciate that. Here you go. It's all for you, alan.

Alan: What the hell are you...?

Josh: The girl is dead, alan. A mother... mother's life is shattered because of what you did, because her daughter is gone, and you think a bottle of champagne is going make up for that? Is that what you think?

Doris: Now, look here...

Josh: My family... my family buried three young people because of you. Three young promising lives, alan. A little baby just a few months old because of you, and you think you're going to get away of that? You think because you're shacking up with doris here that you're going to get away with it? Well, think again, because if the law doesn't get you, I will. I promise you that, all right? Personally, I will do that.

Waiter: Is there a problem here?

Doris: Yes, there is. Mr. Lewis is about to be arrested for assault and disturbing the peace.

Josh: You really love throwing your weight around, don't you, doris? You know what? Enjoy that, because when I'm done with him, you're next on my list. Excuse me. Let's go.

Alan: As soon as they're gone, we're leaving.

Doris: We will most certainly not. I came here to celebrate.

Alan: I'm not going to eat my meal with a wet jacket on. Besides, everyone is looking at us.

Doris: Oh, since when have you cared what other people think? Waiter! You can scrounge up another jacket for my fiancée, can't you? Oh, and bring another bottle of champagne. Oh, also our appetizers, I'm starving.

Harley: I am having a very bad day. This is not a good day to try and scam us.

Donovan: No scam.

Harley: So sidney has an uncle. A good-hearted uncle, no less, who wants to raise her?

Donovan: Yes.

Harley: So why haven't we heard from him before?

Donovan: I told you about him last week.

Harley: No, I mean why haven't we heard from him? Why isn't he here? If he and his wife are so eager to raise sidney, why didn't they come here and petition the judge themselves?

Donovan: You people are too much.

Gus: You people?

Donovan: You want to throw a fit because things didn't go your way, lady? Okay, you want to blame someone? Blame them. They're the ones what blew it for you. I'm just trying to find the kid a decent home now.

Gus: You know, donovan, you're a wind bag. What are you doing? What's in this for you?

Donovan: The case is over. Aitoro, I just want out, okay? You want to send her to her aunt and uncle's, fine. You want to send her through the foster care system, that's fine, too. I'll leave it up to you. But don't even think about skipping town with her or you could lose all your kids.

Gus: Why are we letting him get to us? Come on.

Jeffrey: The judge hasn't even ruled yet. He could rule in our favor, you don'T... you don't know.

Jeffrey: Sure, he could. There's got to be something we can do.

Daisy: Yeah, there is. It's really simple, actually. I mean, you guys wouldn't be in this situation if I hadn't come back home and messed things up, so I will just leave.

Harley: What are you talking about?

Daisy: I'll just go back to school and stay there and I'll just never come back. We can... we'll just... we'll put it in writing. I will never set foot near sidney, so I can't ruin her life.

Harley: Daisy.

Daisy: What? No, no, you can trade the bad daughter, you know, for the good one. Mom, that's probably what you want to do anyway, right? Okay?

Harley: Daisy. How could she possibly think that I would want to lose her... you know what? As much as I hate to say this, daisy might be on to something.

Gus: What?

Harley: You are not serious.

Donovan: It's worth a shot, you know? I mean, quite frankly, you don't have any other options.

Gus: Make daisy stay away from her family? Either that or lose sidney.

Josh: You need to rest, cassie. I'm going to... I'm going to build a fire, okay? We'll get you all curled up in front of the fireplace.

Cassie: I'm so tired, josh. I'm tired of losing tammy. I'm tired of hating alan. I'm tired of waking up in the morning and, for a split second, thinking she's still alive, and then having it all come crashing back in that she's not.

Josh: You know, maybe we should get you straight upstairs to bed. How would that be?

Cassie: I can't sleep. I can't sleep without my pills. If I go to bed, I'm just going to lie there and think horrible thoughts.

Josh: All right. Where are they?

Cassie: In the kitchen somewhere.

Josh: Just stay there.

Doris: I almost forgot. I got you a gift.

Alan: Oh.

Doris: And because I know that you've been so busy, I got one for you to give to me.

Alan: Really?

Doris: I put them both on your card.

Waiter: Good evening. What can I get you?

Beth: I will take a vodka martini straight up, extra dry, with olives, and make it a big one. On second thought...

Waiter: Change your mind?

Beth: No. No. As much as I hate it, this is something that I have to see.

Harley: Hey, maybe... maybe the picture isn't as bleak as jeffrey painted. Maybe the judge will put us on probation, you know, just until we help daisy get her life in control, just until she stops dating hit men and doing drugs and running people over in the middle of the night. Then we'll get custody.

Gus: Maybe. Maybe.

Harley: You don't believe that.

Gus: I'd like to.

Harley: I know. Look at her. Look at her. She's such an angel. I can't lose her, gus. It's a cold, cruel world out there. She's just a little girl. When I think of her out there all alone, afraid...

Gus: Who are we talking about? Daisy?

Harley: I said some awful things to her. You didn't hear me. I was sarcastic. And now she's out there. She's all by herself and she thinks I don't love her.

Daisy: Numbers aren't going to change. I'm legal. How about the beer? Hi, there.

Donovan: Well, if it isn't my secret weapon? I mean, daddy throw you out?

Daisy: No, I just, um... i just needed to unwind. So... so I was, like, curious-- what would it take... for, you know, you to drop your case against my mom?

Donovan: Ain't gonna happen, sweetheart.

Daisy: Come on. I'm sure that, you know, if we put our heads together that we could figure something out.

Donovan: What are you offering?

Daisy: Anything you want.

Gus: You know that thing that jeffrey o'neill said?

Harley: Choosing one daughter over another? Forget it.

Gus: No, I... I...

Harley: It's not an option, gus.

Gus: I know that. I'm just saying that jeffrey o'neill...

Harley: Please don't say anything. Please don't say anything. Listen, I know that daisy is not yours and that you barely know her. And I know that you love sidney like she's your own, because we wanted to have a baby and we couldn't, and so you love her like she's yours. I know that you're really angry at daisy, as angry as I am. So you would choose sidney if you were given the choice. And that life would be a lot simpler if we didn't have a teenager here, who I thought was doing okay, but who obviously has some very serious issues that I'm going to have to tackle with her.

Gus: Just breathe.

Harley: But I'm her mother, and I can't give up on her. I mean, for better or worse, i am her mother and I just can'T.

Gus: Of course. What I'M... have to say right now might be one of the most difficult things I've ever had to say, let alone do. But when we found this little thing, I... all I wanted to do is bring her home and give us a chance to have our own little child and give her love and give her a home where she could grow up and blossom into a beautiful young lady. And... I just think that if the aunt and uncle thing worked out, then she'll get that. She'll get a home with the love and they'll have their chance. But when it comes to daisy-- we're all she's got.

Harley: What are you saying?

Gus: I don't want to choose. I don't want to choose between them. If I had to... if I have to, i choose daisy. It's okay. It's okay.

Daisy: What? Do I have to spell it out for you? (Giggles)

Donovan: No, no, I get it. And it's definitely appealing. But if my memory serves me right, you are underage.

Daisy: Would I be here, you know, in A... in a bar if I were underage?

Donovan: So what's the deal?

Daisy: Well, you get sidney's aunt and uncle to... to reconsider, you know, tell the judge that they think that she'd would be better off with my mom and gus. And then, you know, in return...

Donovan: (Sighs) come by my hotel room tomorrow night and we'll negotiate.

Doris: We have an audience?

Alan: I think we should go somewhere else.

Doris: Oh, no, this is perfect. Should I open it now?

Alan: Go ahead. I know you're going to love it.

Doris: Oh, alan. It's stunning. It must have cost a fortune.

Alan: I'll say.

Doris: Thank you so much. Good riddance. Put it on me, alan. Alan! It's official-- I am now going to be your wife. Oh, I picked out wedding rings for us.

Alan: I'm sure you have.

Doris: And I want to get married as soon as possible. Why waste time?

Alan: Doris, I think that we should probably have a small ceremony with a justice of the peace, a dinner party afterwards.

Doris: That's not a wedding, that's a wake. I want a lavish affair the whole town will remember.

Alan: Look, I think that we should probably not have a big wedding.

Doris: Look, alan, you have been married a dozen or so times. This is my first and last wedding. I intend to do it right. I deserve it and my daughter expects it. End of discussion.

Alan: But...

Doris: Unless I should suddenly happen to remember where I put that statement from your hit man, mr. Gillespie. I could call him and get him here from down under-- one word from him and you're toast.

Alan: Well, a big wedding is called for, I believe. As a matter of fact, I'll make sure that my tuxedo is pressed. (Knock at door)

Josh (whispering): Hey.

Reva (whispering): Hi.

Josh: What are you doing here so late?

Reva: I was worried about cassie. You know, she stopped by to see me?

Josh: Yeah, she told me.

Reva: She said you guys were... you were going out.

Josh: Yeah, it was supposed to be kind of a pre-valentine's day dinner, but it didn't work out too well. Alan showed up with doris.

Reva: Oh, no. She's so angry with him.

Josh: Well, who isn't?

Reva: She said some pretty intense stuff to me.

Josh: Yeah, she's hurting pretty bad right now. Don't worry about her. I'm talking good care of her. In fact, I should probably get back to her, get her... get her upstairs.

Reva: Right.

Josh: So, thank you for coming by and we'll just call you tomorrow, okay?

Reva: Yeah, fine.

Josh: Reva, are you okay?

Reva: Yeah. Yeah, yeah, I'M... I'm fine. You?

Josh: Are you sure?

Reva: Yes, yes. You go take care of cassie.

Josh: Okay. Sit up.

Reva: Happy valentine's day, bud.

Next on "guiding light..."

I'm, uh... looking for my daughter. Is she here?

Yeah, she's here.

Is she alone?

Daisy didn't run away. She went back to school. She's probably in her dorm room right now.

That's a solid first offer, but are you prepared to go a little bit higher?

Champagne and pink roses. Make sure there's a few dozen. It's for a colleague. I'm surprising her.

Oh! A hot date?

I'm a lot of fun if you give me a chance.

Don't say I didn't warn you.

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