Guiding Light Transcript Wednesday 2/7/07
Provided by Boo and
Proofread by Tanya
Alan-Michael: Now there is a handsome devil. Sharp dresser, too. Wait, it's not what you think. I'm just trying to start off with something positive, an upbeat note, because it's all downhill from here. The big day for our family, which usually means trouble right there. Lots happening. Dad-- that's Alan to you-- decided to have a small memorial for Lizzie's baby, Sarah. But as you can see, that's not the only thing going on here today -- accent on "going." In fact, things are pretty much as a crossroads in our little corner of heaven. Make that hell. Lizzie's a wreck, and Beth blames herself for it. Here she tried to give Lizzie everything she wanted, but the poor kid winds up with nothing but her dog. Beth knows it's crunch time. She's got to hit the trifecta: Make up for her mistakes; protect her daughter at all costs; and get them the heck out of that house. Of course, if it were as simple as that, she and Lizzie would already be gone.
Rick: You're... you're really going to move out?
Beth: Yeah. Hilda's packing our bags as we speak. I just don't really see any other way.
Rick: So what's wrong?
Beth: Oh, nothing. I just... I have to be back for Sarah's memorial service. Alan insisted on having one.
Rick: Okay, so then once that's over, you and Lizzie are going to leave?
Beth: That's... that's the plan.
Rick: It's about time. Leave, Beth. Leave and never look back.
Beth: Yeah, I... I know. I know you're right, yeah.
Rick: (Scoffs) She says with something less than conviction.
Beth: I'm just scared, you know. It's going to be hard, at first, being on our own.
Rick: You're not going to be on your own, Beth.
Beth: Don't make promises you can't keep.
Rick: I'm not.
Alan: Excellent, excellent. Unpack it right over here.
Alan-Michael: Speaking of the old man, there he is now. He's always got a project he's working on. The latest one? Putting his life back together. He's grieving over baby Sarah as much as Lizzie is-- maybe more-- and he could give Beth a serious run for her money in the guilt department. That sweet, baby girl. She was going to be his fresh start, a way to make up for the train wreck he'd made of his past, his family. Only she's gone. It's a whole new disaster. What happened? You've heard the rumors. That three people are dead because dad was doing what he always does-- playing puppet master. A lot of people in this town think he's finally going down for this one. I wouldn't count on it. It's not that I have inside information, I just know the guy. And trust me, no matter what the rumors say or how bad it looks for him, well, he's got more lives than a cat.
Jeremy: There's a call for you, sir
Alan: Who is it?
Jeremy: The District Attorney.
Alan: Careful! Careful with that. Thank Ms. Wolfe for calling, and tell her I'll call her back as soon as I can.
Jeremy: She said it was important.
Alan: This memorial service is the most important thing to me. She'll understand.
Jeremy: Very good, sir.
Alan: Careful, careful with that. I don't want anymore accidents. No more accidents.
Alan-Michael: No, don't count Papa Spaulding out yet. He's got a lot of fight left in him, because even he knows that freedom means nothing if he winds up alone.
Mover: One, two, three.
Alan-Michael: Where is it going?
Alan: It needs to be more over here.
Alan-Michael: So, is this freedom thing going to stick? Or is it just a matter of time before they arrest you again?
Alan: Why would they arrest me? I'm an innocent man.
Alan-Michael: Uh-huh.
Alan: I thought you were supposed to be on my side.
Alan-Michael: The last... the last time we talked, you all but admitted to being involved in Tammy's death.
Alan: I don't remember that.
Alan-Michael: You're amazing.
Alan: The man who was driving the car that killed Tammy Winslow has been arrested and had nothing to do with me.
Alan-Michael: And he'll say the same thing under interrogation?
Alan: Well, I don't know. He's been extradited to Australia, so he won't be around to spread anymore lies about me.
Alan-Michael: Very nice, Dad. This wouldn't happen to have anything to do with the D.A.'s visits to the house?
Alan: Doris Wolfe is a very zealous servant of justice.
Alan-Michael: (Laughs) And a new fan of opera, so I hear.
Alan: Yeah. She also realized she had no case against me.
Alan-Michael: I'll bet she did. So what does Ms. Wolfe expect in return for this realization?
Alan: My undying gratitude.
Alan-Michael: Why don't I think that'll be enough?
Alan: Alan-Michael, Ms. Wolfe is not like us. How shall I say it? She's an employee of the state.
Alan-Michael: "Poor." Is that what you're trying to say? Maybe "common"?
Alan: I represent a whole new world to Ms. Wolfe, something she's only dreamed about and read about. I think she'll be easily impressed and pleased, if you know what I mean.
Alan-Michael: Yeah, I follow. It was starting to look like he had everything under control -- in the crime and punishment department, anyway. But even Alan knows staying in a jail doesn't solve all his problems. At least there he'd have a cellmate for company.
Lillian: I know you're hungry, sweetie, and I don't know where all the treats are.
Alan-Michael: Lillian. She's the one person who makes this house seem remotely normal, and she's tougher than she looks I've never seen her back down to my father. She can almost put him in his place. Yeah, Beth could learn a thing or two from her.
Lillian: Well, where have you been?
Beth: What is it? Is it Lizzie?
Lillian: Well, I am concerned about her, I'm just not sure she's up to the service.
Beth: Oh, I don't know, Mom, but maybe this will be good for her. Maybe it will be good for all of us.
Lillian: How do you feel about standing next to Alan?
Beth: Today is not about him.
Lillian: Well, maybe you should tell him that.
Alan: There you are. Lillian, if you wouldn't mind, I need a moment alone with Beth.
Lillian: Sweetie, I will go tell Lizzie that you're home. Come on, Roxy. Let's go find mommy. Come on, sweetie.
Alan-Michael: Beth and Alan together. I shouldn't be surprised, but I still am. The biggest surprise: I think they actually care about each other.
Alan: You look beautiful, Beth. I know that you are determined to leave, but I was hoping you wouldn't.
Beth: I've made up my mind.
Alan: After the service, we could make a fresh start.
Beth: And how many times have I heard that before?
Alan: I don't want to lose you.
Beth: I'm already gone, Alan.
Alan: No, you're not. Not as long as you have this ring on your finger. We're married, and we're family.
Beth: I don't want to do this today.
Alan: Today is about family solidarity, family unity. You know how broken our family is right now. We need major healing, and I want to fight for that. There's so much we could do together, not only for Elizabeth but for ourselves.
Beth: That is not going to change what's happened, Alan.
Alan: I want to show you something. Come.
Beth: Fine.
Alan: I wanted you to be the first to see it.
Beth: It's a beautiful gesture.
Alan: There's more.
Beth: I don't understand. "Beloved"?
Alan: It's for our baby, the baby that we lost, Beth. I want you to know, no matter what happens between us, that I will never forget. And I know that you never will, either.
Beth: (Crying)
Alan-Michael: Quite a sight, the two of them out there-- not fighting, not stiff, almost friendly.
You can see why, too. Those statues, Beth wasn't expecting something like that.
That's Alan for you. He's always got a way to reel you back in.
Alan: This may sound strange, but the other night I had a dream. And in the dream, these two statues were placed exactly where they are right now. And when I woke up, I had this feeling of such peace. I just wish that this were a happier event.
Beth: They're a wonderful way to remember those children.
Alan: I'm glad you like them, because they're going to be here forever, a part of this home and a part of our family, Beth.
Beth: Alan-Michael.
Alan-Michael: Oh. Instant sculpture garden.
Beth: Your father surprised me.
Alan-Michael: He has a way of doing that. So what's the second statue for?
Beth: It's... it's for the child that Alan and I lost.
Alan-Michael: Oh.
Lillian: Oh, my.
Lizzie: What did he do?
Beth: Oh, come. Come look, sweetie. (Crying)
Lizzie: I like having them here, instead of at the cemetery. And they can stay close.
Beth: Yeah.
Alan-Michael: It changes the feel of the place, doesn't it?
Alan: I think, now that we're all here, we can begin. Every one of us share in the loss of these children. I know we all have our issues and our grudges run very deep, but I want each of you to know how much I need you. I need you more now than I have ever needed you. And I hope that you feel the same.
Lillian: Alan asked me to do a reading, but I couldn't find one. So I'd like to tell a little story instead.
Alan: Please, Lillian.
Lillian: On a snowy Thanksgiving evening, a baby was born to a very scared mother. She was afraid that she wasn't enough. She was afraid that she wasn't ready. And maybe she wasn't ready. But she loved that baby with all her heart. And when the baby was put into her arms, the baby loved its mommy.
Lizzie: (Crying)
Lillian: Nothing will ever take that away.
Lizzie: (Crying) I will never stop loving you. In fact, I'll never be the same. Granddad, please.
Alan: Elizabeth, we haven't spoken in days. I pass you in the hall, and you turn the other way. I know that you are looking forward to leaving with your mother, aren't you?
Beth: Alan, don't do this to her now.
Alan: I'm not pressuring her. I just want her to know... I want you to know how sorry I am.
Lizzie: Sorry for what?
Alan: For everything that has led us here today.
Lizzie: Why are we supposed to believe you now?
Alan: You have every right to be angry because you have lost your baby. I'm not asking for forgiveness. I don't deserve it. But I want you to know one thing.
Lizzie: What?
Alan: Elizabeth, when I look in your eyes and your face, you're whole being, I... I see an emptiness about you, something that was never there before. I want to fill it with joy again.
Beth: Stop, please. You can't bring Sarah back.
Alan: No, I can't bring her back. I've been horrible to you. I know that. But I just want us, as a family, to get back to what was normal in our lives.
Lizzie: Stop!
Alan: I can protect you if you will allow me to. I want to. I've done so many things wrong. Please, I am asking you, I am begging you to give me one more chance to do something right for you.
Lizzie: (Crying) It just hurts so much! It hurts so much! (Crying)
Alan: I know, sweetheart. I know it does.
Lizzie: (Crying)
Alan-Michael: I have to admit that even got to me. Dad can be an amazing guy that way. You hate the bastard for his ego and manipulation, but when he let's the vulnerability show, you see how exposed that heart of his really is, exposed and hard to resist.
Lizzie: Are we still leaving?
Beth: Yes, I think so.
Lizzie: You're not sure after that?
Beth: What do you think?
Lizzie: I'm not sure.
Beth: I think it's for the best.
Alan: Beth?
Beth: Alan, I think I know what you're going to say, and I really don't want to get into it again.
Hilda: Excuse me. Mrs. Spaulding? All the bags are in the foyer. Would you like them put in the car?
Beth: Yes.
Alan: Beth, please, please, just... just wait. (Cell phone rings) This is really not a good time to talk.
Doris: Really? Then make it a good time. You are enjoying your freedom, aren't you? Unless you want to change that. Are you still there?
Alan: Hold on. Beth, Beth, please wait.
Beth: What, are we going to make this a three-way conversation now?
Alan: I will get rid of this call. I sense you're having doubts about leaving.
Beth: I have more doubts about you.
Alan: Then stay. Give me a chance to talk some more.
Beth: Okay. I'll wait for you on the patio.
Alan: Thank you. Doris, I'm sorry to keep you waiting.
Doris: It's really not a good idea for someone in your position.
Alan: You know I am very appreciative of what you did for me and... but, you see, now is not a really good time to talk. We're at a memorial service for baby Sarah.
Doris: Making it a bad time to chat?
Alan: Absolutely. I think you can understand that.
Doris: Of course I can. But you and I need to talk.
Alan: Yes, and I look forward to that. As a matter of fact, ever since I have been released, I have been thinking about ways that I could repay you.
Doris: What did you come up with?
Alan: Well, I thought of a number of ways that I could boost your career quite considerably.
Doris: Hmm.
Alan: But I... as I said, I don't want to go into them right now. So could we meet later?
Doris: Main Street, half an hour.
Alan: All right. I'm glad you waited, Beth.
Beth: It doesn't mean anything.
Alan: So you're still intending on leaving?
Beth: I... I think that it's best for Lizzie.
Alan: Well, at least you stayed long enough for me to tell you how sorry I am.
Beth: Well, twice in one day.
Alan: Not just for Elizabeth, but for the way I have treated you, all the things I've done to you.
Beth: See, I... I don't think that you know what that means.
Alan: I know it means that I wish I could go back and correct so many things. I think my worst offense was taking you for granted. When I needed you, I used you. When I didn't, I ignored you.
Beth: Yes, and all in the name of family.
Alan: Family. We almost started our own, didn't we?
Beth: Yes.
Alan: And I think when we lost our beloved, we also lost ourselves.
Beth: Oh! Let's just call it fate and leave it at that, huh, Alan?
Alan: The problem I had was I couldn't let go of what we almost had.
Beth: I know that. I know that that's why you went after Lizzie's baby.
Alan: Because she was the last chance, or so I thought. I thought she would fix everything. But what I failed to realize, Beth, was what I needed was someone, someone I already had.
Beth: Oh, Alan. Do you honestly think that we stand a chance after everything that's happened?
Alan: I have to believe that. But if you and Elizabeth want to go...
Beth: We have to go! Don't you see that? She could be implicated in Tammy's death.
Alan: She won't.
Beth: How can you be so sure?
Alan: Because I will protect her. But if you and she are going to go, I'm not going to stop you.
Beth: I find that hard to believe.
Alan: I want you to want to be here. But if you don't...
Beth: You'll just step aside?
Alan: Yes.
Beth: Why?
Alan: Because I love you too much not to give you what you want. If you feel that you need to leave, I will honor your wish. Do you want me to have the car brought around?
Beth: (Crying)
Alan-Michael: You did it again, pulled it off. I guess I shouldn't be surprised. Somehow he always finds way to come out on top. He and Beth hugged like a couple of newlyweds, even kissed. It's touching stuff, but Alan's not one to forget his obligations. He told Beth to meet him later, bring the family. They'd make an event out of it, celebrate their new beginning. I swear he was practically skipping when he left the house. Yeah, just one last thing to sew up before life is sweet again. And Beth... well, we Spauldings are a tough habit to break. We've been all she's known for her entire adult life. And as much as a part of her hates Alan and fears him, there's another part. Alan was probably right about one thing. She needs him. But there is always another choice. She could always choose the person she used to be, someone she buried for a long time, someone who may be lost forever. Beth tried to explain, but it didn't go down too well. She didn't have time to give it another shot, though. She had to gather the family, meet up with Alan. He'd said something about a meeting that wouldn't take long. Did I say the man's got more lives than a cat? Forget that. Make it a house full of cats. He's not just a survivor, either. He doesn't only squeak through. Somehow he comes out smelling like a rose every time. It's a hell of a talent. And I'd never tell him this to his face, but the truth is, I'm kind of in awe of the guy.
Alan: Yeah, now...
Doris: You're in a good mood.
Alan: Well, yes, I am. And again, I apologize for running a little late today, but my life is pretty good. I think there may be something about redemption after all.
Doris: If you say so.
Alan: Yeah. It's a beautiful day, I'm a free man, and I just may have saved my marriage.
Doris: I thought Beth was walking out the door with Lizzie.
Alan: Well, she was, but not anymore.
Doris: Is that so?
Alan: Yes. And the funny thing about it is, Doris, I think you played a major role in turning that around.
Doris: I did.
Alan: Yes. You gave me my future.
Doris: You know, I feel the same way.
Alan: Good. Now, I mentioned on the phone that I have some good ideas...
Doris: I think I've come up with the perfect gesture.
Alan: Really? Well, name it.
Beth: Alan-Michael said to meet him near the newsstand, so...
Alan: Doris, you can't ask me to do that.
Doris: Hmm. I can, and I did.
Alan: Look, there must be another way to work this out.
Doris: Yes, but this one's my favorite. I'm ready, and be believable. Oh, and FYI: I do have the police headquarters on speed dial on my phone.
Alan: I... I can't...
Doris: Oh, I'm disappointed in you, Alan. But you know what? I will give you one more chance. Do it, Alan. Do it now, and make it good.
Alan: Doris, you are an amazing woman. I've never met any woman quite as exciting as you are. Will you marry me?
Beth: What the hell is going on here?
Alan: Well, hello, everyone.
Doris: Perfect. Witnesses.
Alan: Yes.
Alan-Michael: Is this some kind of joke?
Alan: No! No, not at all.
Beth: You just asked Doris Wolfe to marry you.
Alan: Yes. That's why I came here in the first place.
Beth: Your meeting was for you to propose?
Alan: Yes. I want to marry Doris, and the first thing you do is ask for one's hand in marriage.
Doris: And the second is my answer: Yes, yes, yes.
Alan: (Laughs)
Lizzie: Okay, this is completely insane.
Lillian: Do you think I should get on the phone to Ravenwood?
Beth: I hate to ruin your blissful moment here, but the first step isn't to ask for her hand. It's to get a divorce from me, because in case you've forgotten, I'm still your wife.
Alan: Well, we can take care of that.
Beth: This doesn't make any sense!
Alan-Michael: But it's no accident, you can count on that.
Alan: It's very simple, Beth. I'm in love.
Lizzie: With her?
Doris: Beth, it's no secret that Doris and I have become very close in the last few months. So now I don't have to keep my feelings under wrap.
Beth: You're in love with her? Excuse us. You cut a deal with her, didn't you?
Alan: What?
Beth: Oh, my God, that's it. She was going to charge you in connection with Tammy's death, but said... oh, my gosh, she said that she would let you off the hook, but only if you'd agree to marry her first. That's it, isn't it?
Alan: That's ridiculous.
Beth: No. What's ridiculous is you expecting me to believe that this is real. When you... when you spoke to me earlier today, you said that you wanted a fresh start. That was from the heart. I could see it. She's blackmailing you, isn't she?
Alan: You've got it all wrong.
Beth: You're lying. I can see it. We're a team, remember? Remember? Just tell me the truth.
Alan: The truth? You want the truth? The truth is, Beth, I told you all of those wonderful things because I knew you were going to leave me. And there's no way I was going to be left that way.
Beth: But you changed my mind! You made me want to stay, to try again.
Alan: Right. I drew you back in so I could leave you first.
Doris: I'm sure this comes as quite a shock. I'll give you a moment. I'm going to go make a few phone calls, spread the happy news.
Beth: I don't believe this.
Alan: I've been waiting for this moment ever since you humiliated me and betrayed me with Rick Bauer. I swore revenge then.
Beth: No.
Alan: And I vowed, Beth, that I would make you feel as small and as weak as you made me feel.
Beth: Stop this! Stop it!
Lizzie: Do you even hear how awful you sound? Granddad, you told mom that you needed her. What is wrong with you?
Alan: She has made my life a living hell. You both have.
Lizzie: What?
Alan: I want you two out of the house.
Beth: Alan, stop this.
Alan-Michael: Technically, it's my house.
Alan: Yes. Well, I'm not living under the same roof with these two drama queens who are so self-centered.
Doris: Well, I thought we'd celebrate.
Beth: The hell you will!
Alan: Beth, put that down. What you need to be doing right now is looking for a talented divorce lawyer.
Doris: I could recommend a few.
Beth: Divorce?
Alan: Yes.
Beth: I don't think so.
Alan: I told you...
Beth: Oh, yes, you have told me plenty today. Well, now you're going to listen. Mom, Lizzie, Alan-Michael, I want you to listen up, too. I want you to hear this. Lizzie and I aren't going anywhere.
Alan: What?
Beth: That's right. That house that you can't stand the thought of us being in? Well, that is our home. That's where we belong. And I will be damned if I am going to be pushed aside by some social climbing shark in a bad suit.
Doris: Oh, well, I will be dressing better as Mrs. Alan Spaulding.
Alan: Beth!
Beth: Do you get all of your men by blackmail, Doris?
Alan: Beth, put that down!
Beth: Enjoy it! Lizzie, let's go.
Doris: Oh, Alan!
Alan-Michael: I bet you really weren't paying attention before, when I started telling you about all this, how it started bad and just got worse. Or if you were paying attention, maybe you didn't want to believe me and half way through you got to thinking, "No, see, he's wrong. We're on our way to a happy ending." If that's how it is, well, don't blame yourself. I thought the same thing.
Beth: I'm so glad that you're not off-duty yet. I need to talk to you. I can't believe what just happened. Alan....
Rick: Alan Spaulding? The... the man you wanted to work things out with, that Alan Spaulding?
Beth: Don't be angry with me now. I couldn't take it.
Rick: Oh, I'm sorry. Let me see if I can have an attitude adjustment. I'm sorry, it didn't work.
Beth: Rick, let... let me just explain.
Rick: You know, you made yourself... you're made yourself perfectly clear. You wanted to leave Alan, you wanted me to help you.
Beth: Just listen to me.
Rick: No. You made your choice.
Beth: Rick!
Rick: I've got to go back to work.
Alan: I was so cruel to her.
Doris: Who? The soon to be ex-wife?
Alan: It's horrible. I treated her like dirt.
Doris: You didn't have much choice, did you? I did have your you-know-whats in a vice. In fact, I still do. Alan, for what it's worth, you were brilliant.
Alan: What?
Doris: With Beth. Using her affair like that? Oh, you would put most trial lawyers to shame.
Alan: Well, that's very comforting.
Doris: It's one of the things I most admire about you, actually. You're ability to adjust on the fly, never losing your balance. It's quite something to watch you work. That was a compliment.
Alan: Thank you.
Doris: You know, as horrible as you think you may have been to Beth, she has been just as horrible to you. If not worse.
Alan: No. And Doris, you know, I would have given you anything you wanted.
Doris: But I got everything I wanted. Do you remember the time that we first sat down one-on-one, talking business?
Alan: Yes. I needed help in removing a restraining order that Jonathan and Lizzie issued on me.
Doris: Mmm. You reeked of power. I watched every head turn when you walked in that room. And I said to myself, "I would give anything to be right by his side." Right here.
Alan-Michael: It's funny, in a sad, Spaulding kind of way. Beth nailed it when he accused Alan of doing all this because he'd cut a deal with the DA to stay out of jail. And it doesn't matter one damn bit. Alan's always going to do what's best for Alan, always. Everybody ought to know that by now. Beth sure does. Caught her right between the eyes. I'll tell you, though, Beth's got some game of her own. She's not rolling over like she used to. It makes her even sexier. Yeah, if nothing else, this could get interesting.
Next on" Guiding Light."
Marina: Josh, she has to stop stalking Alan Spaulding.
Josh: Stalking?
Gus: Where is her big sister?
Harley: If I had to make a guess, I would say that she's upstairs looking in a mirror, practicing her testimony.
Ava: You're lucky you found me because I've had some ideas.
Josh: He's... he's not going to get away with it, okay.
Cassie: Isn't that what Alan does? I want him dead.
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