Guiding Light Transcript Friday 2/2/07
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Proofread by Tanya
Harley: Daisy. Daisy. We need to talk to you.
Daisy: Um, can we... I'm just in the middle of the article.
Harley: No, we need to talk to you right now. In light of all the recent tragedy, Gus and I tried to have the date of the adoption hearing moved, but the judge wouldn't hear of it. So hard as it is, life goes on, and we have to prepare for this hearing.
Daisy: Absolutely. I mean, I'm totally behind you guys.
Harley: Thanks.
Gus: No, no. There's a little bit more.
Harley: There's a little bit more. We need you to testify for us. We need you to get up on the stand and help us keep Sydney.
(Knock at door)
Josh: Hey.
Billy: Hey. Are you home?
Josh: Yeah, yeah, come on in.
Billy: How are you doing? Brutal couple of days, huh?
Josh: Yeah, yeah, for everyone.
Billy: I saw Reva and she said that you and Cassie had stopped by.
Josh: Did she look okay to you?
Billy: Well, hey, yeah, considering she misses Jonathan and Sarah, but... pretty strong.
Josh: That she is. Yes.
Billy: Where's Cassie?
Josh: She’s... well, actually, I haven't the faintest idea. She said she was going for a walk. She... I don't know where she is right now.
Billy: That bad.
Josh: Well, it's not so much that it's that bad, it's just Cassie’s pretending like everything's all right, like she's all right.
Billy: And she's not all right.
Josh: Doctor prescribed these pills for her to help her sleep.
Billy: Is she taking them?
Josh: No.
Billy: Well, that could be a good sign.
Josh: Billy, I just feel like... Cassie’s about ready to fall apart and there's nothing I can do to stop it.
Frank: You can wait in here until we get to you.
Alan: Frank, I've been waiting all night. Now, this is unacceptable. I have a family to take care of.
Frank: We've been a little busy, Alan, investigating three deaths.
Alan: Yes, I know, and I'm not responsible for any of them.
Frank: Yeah, so you've been saying. Wait here. We'll be with you shortly.
Alan: Good! Take your time!
Frank: We'll let him stew a little longer, okay? Until he's fully cooked.
Alan: Good. Let's get this over with.
Cassie: Yes. Let’s.
Alan: Well, Cassie, what a surprise. How did you get in here?
Cassie: I just walked in.
Alan: With all due respect, I don't feel like talking. I'm very tired, so, I think you'll understand.
Cassie: I'm pretty tired myself, Alan. I seem to have a hard time falling asleep all of a sudden. I did get a couple of hours last night, though.
Alan: Well, that's good.
Cassie: Do you dream a lot, Alan?
Alan: No.
Cassie: Because I had this dream last night, I don't really even remember the dream, actually. I just remember waking up at 4:00 in the morning with one clear thought in my head. Tammy's birthday. I was sure I had forgotten Tammy’s birthday. So I snuck out of bed, careful not to disturb Josh, and I went to the computer, I went online to one of Tammy’s favorite web sites...
Alan: I know this is very difficult...
Cassie: Do you know how long it took before I remembered, Alan, before it all came crashing back into my brain? 23 minutes. 23 minutes of guilty, oh, God, I forgot her birthday panic. 23 minutes of bliss. Because at 4:23, I hit the floor and I could not make myself get back up again until I heard my son calling for me two hours later.
Alan: I'm sorry. But you should not be here...
Cassie: And you shouldn't even be breathing, Alan. My daughter is gone.
Alan: And I lost little Sarah as well.
Cassie: And whose fault is that, Alan?
Alan: Jonathan Randall’s.
Cassie: So you take no responsibility whatsoever for what happened to three innocent people.
Alan: Jonathan Randall is the reason they are gone. Now, what do you want with me?
Cassie: I want you to understand what you did. I want you to understand what you have taken...
Alan: Maybe if you had been more protective of her before she started getting involved with Jonathan...
Cassie: Don't say it. Don't you even say it.
Alan: Cassie, I understand your grief. And I will sit here and let you pound on me if you feel better, but it will not change the fact that little Sarah is gone and so is Tam... I'm not going to let you hit me again. I'm going to have an officer you right now.
Cassie: Oh, no, I've still got a few minutes left, Alan.
Alan: What is it you want with me?
Cassie: I want you to admit it. Come on, Alan, it's just you and me in room. No one can hear us. No one can hear us. Just stop spitting on Tammy’s memory and admit what you did.
Billy: Can't stand that squeaky door, especially now.
Josh: You know what I like about construction? Something's loose, you tighten it. Something's broken, you fix it.
Billy: Hey look, buddy. I think you're doing everything you can. I can't think of anybody who's better equipped to handle this than you.
Josh: We're talking about fixing the cabinet, right?
Billy: No. I'm talking about seeing Cassie through this tough time.
Josh: Yeah, well I am supposedly the head of this household, head of the family.
Billy: Hey, says who?
Josh: Says me. I know, I know, I appoint myself to that position. It's something I'm designed for, you know, being whatever people need me to be, you know. I'm the guy. Rock solid.
Billy: You are rock solid.
Josh: But this situation right here, Jonathan and Tammy and that little... that little baby, they were just here in this house just a couple of days ago, and now they're gone and I just never... I just never imagined anything like that.
Billy: Yeah. I know. You know, Josh, when Reva was sick, I used to wake up every morning and I was in a total panic because I knew that I wasn't good enough. I mean, she used to tell me she thought I was strong enough, but I never felt it. I just felt like I wanted to hide in a bottle. But you know something? She was right. And in the end, I don't know how, but I found a way.
Josh: I don't know, Billy.
Billy: You can be scared and be strong. I mean, that's part of being a man. It's like you're afraid but you just don't show it. And that way Cassie sees you being in control of everything and on top of everything. She didn't have to worry about anything hurting her or R. J.
Josh: Yeah, but see, the thing is, something has hurt her and R.J. Something hurt them, and I couldn't stop it.
Billy: Look, come here. You and I are going to turn around. We're going to put our coats on. We're going to take a little field trip.
Daisy: You know, I've barely spent any time with Zach or Jude. Maybe you guys could go to court and I'll stay here and I'll baby sit.
Harley: No. We need you there.
Daisy: Like on the stand and everything?
Harley: On the stand and everything.
Daisy: You don't want me up there.
Harley: Yes, we do.
Daisy: 'Cause, no. I get really nervous when a lot of people are watching me, you know? I get all sweaty and I say weird things. I had a project at school on the Korean War. My knees buckled and I totally did a header in front of the whole class.
Harley: Daisy, just tell the truth.
Daisy: What if I mess up? And you don't get to adopt Sydney? I'll never be able to forgive myself. I'll just... please, Harley, don't make me do it.
Harley: If you feel that strongly about it, I will speak to Jeffrey O’Neill and I will see if you have to testify. But will you think about it? (Telephone ringing)
Daisy: Yes. I don't believe this is happening.
Harley: Hey, big Frank, what's with up with you?
Gus: I think we're going to be okay because I paid your boyfriend a little visit in the hospital and I made it clear that it was in his best interest not to mention that you were in the car the night he ran Tammy over.
Daisy: You believe he's going to keep quiet?
Gus: I'm doing what I can.
Daisy: I need a cigarette.
Gus: No. You cannot have a cigarette. Have an ice pop. Kill the craving.
Daisy: You're kidding, right?
Gus: No, I'm not kidding. Where do you think you're going with your bag?
Daisy: I'm going out.
Gus: No, you're not. I don't think you're going anywhere. Hello. Hello.
Harley: Okay. That was Frank. He said he needs you at the station. Dinner's ready.
Gus: Yeah, I know. I'll explain about... if it means something, I'll tell you later.
Harley: Okay. Are you going out?
Gus: No. She’s... you're staying with us, right?
Daisy: Why? Unless you need me to stick around for some reason?
Harley: Nothing I can think of. Go out.
Daisy: Then I'm going to get a bagel and I'll see you guys in a bit.
Harley: Have fun.
Daisy: Bye.
Harley: What was that about?
Gus: What? What? Nothing.
Harley: You didn't want Daisy going out on her own.
Gus: What are you talking about? Get a bagel.
Harley: I saw it. You don't want her going out on her own. You know something I don’t.
Gus: What are you talking about?
Harley: So you didn't want Daisy to go out by herself?
Gus: That's not true. I just thought in light of all the recent tragedy in town, it would be nice if we stuck together as a family. And for you guys, a little mother-daughter time, a little manicure/pedicure, needlepoint. It would be nice.
Harley: I don't needlepoint.
Gus: Soak each other up.
Harley: Soap her up?
Gus: Soak, soak, soak, you enjoy each other's company.
Harley: Well, it's a little late for that, because she's already out the door and I'm already showered. Maybe me and Sydney can come down to the station with you for a little while.
Gus: I got some things to do.
Harley: I'm really glad that Daisy's here.
Gus: So am I. It's good for the family.
Harley: Was it good for you? You didn't sign on for living with a teenager.
Gus: I'm practically a teenager myself.
Harley: That's true. And it...
Gus: And it might help us get Rick out of the guest room.
Harley: That's an excellent point.
Gus: I do what I can do. I'll see what I can do.
Harley: She's lucky to have you, you know. She did lose her dad at such a young age.
Gus: I'm lucky, too.
Harley: I hope she stays. I really do. I think this town has a lot to offer her.
Gus: Yeah.
Fitz: I love chicks who can skate.
Daisy: I love guys who can skate. Do you know any?
Ziggy: Hey, do you think I can bum a smoke off you?
Daisy: I have none left.
Ziggy: Yeah, well, do you go to school here?
Daisy: Nope.
Ziggy: Where do you go?
Daisy: Out of state at a private school.
Ziggy: Well, are you lonely?
Daisy: Not really. There's a college two minutes down the road.
Ziggy: You know, I'm basically on my own here.
Daisy: So, are you any good on that thing?
Ziggy: What do you think?
Daisy: I think that you're a poser unless you show me something.
Ziggy: Oh, yeah?
Daisy: Yeah. Oh, wait, let me hold that.
Doris: Rise and shine, Mr. Gillespie.
Gillespie: Who are you?
Doris: My name is Doris Wolfe and I am the District Attorney of Springfield.
Gillespie: Is it time for my sponge bath?
Doris: You might want to address me with a little more respect.
Gillespie: Or what? You'll send another cop to finish the job?
Doris: Yeah, well that, officer will be dealt with. I'm here to talk about you.
Gillespie: What about me?
Doris: Your future. You are responsible for the death of Tammy Winslow and I can make your life very unpleasant or you can save yourself all that pain, not to mention a life sentence, and do exactly what I tell you to do.
Cassie: I know with absolute certainty that you will burn in hell for this. You will go to hell and you will burn for what you did.
Alan: No, no, you don't know what you're saying.
Cassie: Oh, I know. I know there will come a day when you will beg for mercy. And you will wish with all your heart that you could undo the terrible thing did to my child and to Jonathan and to Sarah, but it'll be too late.
Alan: I do wish I could undo everything. I wish I could go back to that night and change everything so that we would all... but I can't, because I had nothing to do with it.
Frank: That's not what I just heard. As a matter of fact, I just heard you admitting to having a hand in Tammy’s death.
Alan: That is absurd. Frank, you misunderstood what I said.
Frank: Cassie, did I misunderstand something?
Cassie: No, no, I don't think so. Funny, I just came in here to vent. Got a bit of a confession. Sorry I snuck in, Frank.
Frank: No, that's fine. I should put you on the payroll.
Alan: No, no, I just misspoke because I'm tired. You know that is not proof, Frank. Come on.
Frank: You know what? We're going to get our proof when your employee wakes up in the hospital and starts talking. You know what? What you just said just gave me a little ammo to keep you in here a little while longer. It's nice how things work out.
Alan: Yeah. It's also nice how everyone in this town is against me.
Cassie: Good-bye.
Alan: If everyone's so morally right and blameless.
Cassie: Good-bye, Alan.
Alan: Good-bye, Cassie. I guess you're going to go home to Josh and tell him the good news, huh?
Cassie: Great idea, thanks.
Alan: Well, after you tell him your news, have him tell you something. Have him tell you that Reva wanted me to break both of you up so that she could get him back. Have him tell you that. Maybe he's already shared that with you.
Josh: So you think that if I can get Cassie to come here, it will start to heal her?
Billy: Maybe. But I really think that what she needs more than anything else in this whole world is you. Hey, little brother, you. You stood up at Tammy’s funeral and you told us about the light inside that little girl. And you know what? We all felt it. Now, maybe you were just talking. Maybe you were hurt and you were just putting on an act, but I'll tell you something, everybody in that room felt a little better.
Josh: It wasn't enough.
Billy: Hey, you are enough. Look, in recovery they teach us something that you're going to find hard to accept, because I did. But the gist of it is that sometimes the hurt is too much. I mean, sometimes you can't be strong for the people you love. You can't even be strong enough for yourself, and when those times come, you give it over. You throw up your hands and you look for something bigger. You say, "I need help. I just need you to make me strong. I can do the work if you just show me the way." You believe in that higher power. And if you believe in it, and you trust it, it will guide you home. You find that light.
Gus: How are you doing, Dad?
Alan: Well, I thought the fun was over. Did you come in here to try to get the so-called truth out of me? Payback for all the things I've done to you? You know, there may be a slight conflict of interest here. Did you ever think about that, son?
Gus: Conflict? I'm a police officer who's looking to arrest a killer. I'm about as unconflicted as you can get. All right. We know that Gillespie was aiming his car straight for Jonathan. We also know that Gillespie was in touch with you, and that you had his phone number in your possession and that you also tried to conceal that from the police.
Alan: I don't know what you're talking about.
Gus: It's only a matter of time until we get your phone records.
Alan: I wouldn't count on it.
Gus: Do you understand that it's not really going to matter as soon as Gillespie talks to me and he's in a hospital bed right now trying to weigh his options, figure out how he's going to protect his own hide and he's probably tries to make a judgment call right about now and he's thinking, "Yeah, I'm going to have to sell Alan Spaulding out." Do you realize that?
Alan: If he does, he'll be lying because I've never met the guy.
Gus: We have phone records. We have a witness. And we have a conversation between you and Cassie Winslow.
Alan: Frank hears what he wants to hear. I was expressing empathy to Cassie, not making a confession.
Gus: Uh-huh.
Alan: That's not admissible and you know it.
Gus: I miss my father. Don't you ever feel anything?
Alan: Oh, come on. You know, this is a new tactic, huh? The disappointed son act.
Gus: You don't feel sorry for anything that you ever do?
Alan: Cassie has already used that argument.
Gus: What about your granddaughter?
Alan: What about her?
Gus: Her baby is dead because of you.
Alan: I loved that baby more than anything in the world.
Gus: Well, then, why don't you be the man that she could have looked up to if she had lived? You could do the right thing, you know. Do it for Phillip. Do it for your messed up relationship with Alan-Michael. Do it for us. Do you realize that we haven't even had a cohesive conversation in over a year? So your plan backfired, okay? Your granddaughter's baby is dead because of you. Are you just going to hide behind the lies? Are you just going to keep your mouth shut? Is that what you want? To be the same old Alan Spaulding that you've always been, miserable and a lonely old man? Is that what you want? Or do you want to be a man? It's up to you.
Harley: Daisy. Daisy!
Daisy: Hi, Harley, I didn't see you come in.
Harley: Clearly. Having fun?
Daisy: I guess I really like that song, huh? Yeah. Guess I made a mess, huh? Clean stuff up. So I see you went grocery shopping. Did you pick up English muffins? Because I put those on the list.
Harley: Daisy, look at me. No, I said look at me. What's up with you?
Josh: Hey. You're here. When did you get back?
Cassie: A little while ago.
Josh: Where did you go?
Cassie: I went to the police station to see Alan.
Josh: What?
Cassie: I had to see him. I had to make him see me.
Josh: What happened?
Cassie: I rattled him a bit, and he said something.
Josh: Like a confession?
Cassie: Sort of admitted it, and Frank was there. He heard it.
Josh: Well, that's great. Right? It must have been very difficult for you. Are you okay?
Cassie: Alan, as I was leaving, he said something. He said that he had made this deal with Reva to break us up, that you knew all about it and you didn't say something to me. Oh, God. What am I thinking? Of course he was lying and he was just trying to get me rattled and it worked and I'm sorry. I just, I'm...
Josh: Don't be sorry. It wasn't a lie, Cassie. It's true.
Daisy: Yeah, my roommate, Tiffany, she's all on me, being such a slob. I guess... start now, cleaning stuff up.
Harley: Your eyes are messed up.
Daisy: No, they're not.
Harley: Yes, they are. Why?
Daisy: Because I've been crying. I didn't want you to know. That's why I took off earlier. I just needed to freak out, you know, on my own.
Harley: About Tammy?
Daisy: I just keep thinking about her and trying to remember the last thing I said to her. You know, I can't even remember when I saw her last.
Harley: It's okay.
Daisy: And Jonathan, you know? I mean, one minute I see him at the funeral, and then the next he's gone, too? And the little baby, I mean, that's just not right.
Harley: I know. I know. It's awful.
Daisy: So, you know, I just, I went for a walk, sat down on a bench and I just cried for a while. It did help. But then afterwards I came back here and I just wanted to do something upbeat, you know, happy. And so I put the music on full blast and I just danced.
Harley: I think I understand. You wanted to be anywhere except in your own head. I get it. As a matter of fact, I was thinking I might actually go into work.
Daisy: Now?
Harley: Well, I don't have to. If you need company, I can stay with you.
Daisy: No, no, no, Mom, go. It will be good for you.
Harley: You're obviously upset...
Daisy: I mean it. I'm better now. I'll be fine. I want you to go, really.
Harley: Are you sure? Okay. I'll just put away the groceries.
Daisy: Oh, no, I got it. Just seriously, get out of here.
Harley: Thanks.
Daisy: Yeah, sure.
Harley: By the way, I did speak to Jeffrey O’Neill about the custody hearing. He said that actually the more people that step up for us, the better. So I will need you to testify.
Daisy: But...
Harley: But think of it this way. You know, once the adoption hearing is over and Sydney’s ours, you're going to feel so great knowing that you helped to make that happen. You can do this. I know you can.
Josh: You remember a few weeks ago I told you about how Reva kidnapped Alan at gunpoint and tried to get him to lay off of Jonathan?
Cassie: Yeah, yeah. What does that have to do with...
Josh: Alan offered her a deal. She would help him to see Sarah, and he would help her...
Cassie: Get you back? And Reva said yes to this?
Josh: No, of course not. She didn’t.
Cassie: But she was tempted.
Josh: I, I really don't know. I mean, how would I know something like that, Cassie, really?
Cassie: And you never said a word to me.
Josh: Look, look. This happened right before Tammy came into the hospital. Now, once that occurred, it just didn't seem to me that it mattered anymore. You tell me, though, does it matter?
Cassie: No. I guess it doesn’t. I just... I just need the truth from you, Josh. Just now more than ever.
Josh: I understand that. There's something else that I have to tell you that I wanted to tell you, that I should have told you, and it involves Reva and it involves me.
Cassie: Okay.
Josh: Reva had a scare.
Cassie: A cancer scare?
Josh: She was getting ready for a check up and she found a lump. It really scared the daylights out of her. And this time she told me about it, so when the appointment was made I went along with her.
Cassie: Is she sick again?
Josh: No, she's not. It was nothing. Thank God. But when we got the news, the results of the test, we were together and it was... it was a really frightening moment, and then everything turned out to be okay, and we got caught up in the moment and we kissed. But it didn't mean anything, Cassie, it didn’t.
Cassie: Right.
Josh: Cassie, it didn't mean anything.
Cassie: You don't believe that any more than I do. Look, if you want to be with Reva, be with Reva.
Josh: I don't want to be with Reva.
Cassie: I don't want you to stick with me just because you feel sorry for me...
Josh: That's not what...
Cassie: ...Because of Tammy. I have dealt with that before, okay?
Josh: No.
Cassie: I lost Richard and I got over it.
Josh: That's not what this is.
Cassie: I'll get over this, too. I don't know how, I don't know how, but I don't need or want your pity.
Josh: This is not about pity.
Cassie: You still love her. You still love her.
Josh: I love you. I love Cassie. Cassie, look at me. Look at me. Look at me. I love you. I'm here because I want to be here. Yes, I want to help you and I want to comfort you not because I have to. Because I want to. Because what we have is real and what we have is strong and what we have is good. I will always be here for you. I will always be strong enough for you to lean on. And that is a promise.
Alan: You know, if you really want to do a good job, you should go out and try to find some other suspects. I mean, I'm not the on the one in Springfield who didn't like Jonathan Randall. I can give you a whole list of people. As a matter of fact, Elizabeth was tossed aside because of Tammy...
Gus: Oh my God, oh my God! Are you about to sell your own wife and your granddaughter under the bus just to protect yourself? That's classy, Dad. That's a real class act.
Alan: Wait, wait, wait, you're not going anywhere. I'm not finished.
Gus: Yeah, we're finished. You're under arrest.
Alan: You can't arrest me. You have no evidence.
Gus: Hey, when Gillespie talks to me, I'll have everything I need, okay? Pierce. You're going down, Dad. And as sad as it is for me to say, it's way overdue. Do me a favor. Read Mr. Spaulding his rights.
Doris: You forgot to initial here. Look, I know you were reluctant to sign this confession, but you're making the right choice.
Gillespie: So are you. And there's no turning back now. It's all in black and white. You get Alan Spaulding and I go free.
Doris: That's what it says.
Gus: You don't know how much I love you, do you? No. You don't have any idea. I think you're going through a lot right now. You don't even know that, do you? It's okay. I got your back. I'm going to take care of Alan and protect Daisy. And Harley and I are going to walk into your adoption. And as your guardian, but we're going to walk out as your parents.
Daisy: God, you look awful
Gillespie: I'm better than what I was half an hour ago.
Daisy: Okay, listen, G., You need to get out of here. You have to leave town and you can't come back.
Gillespie: No, Daisy, look, it's cool. I don’t have to split.
Daisy: Yeah, like hell. No, no, what if the cops find out that I was in that car with you? You have to leave.
Gillespie: No, no, look, I did a deal with the D.A., everything...
Daisy: I don't care about your damn deal. I care about what happens if Harley finds out. What if she loses the baby? You have to leave before the guard comes back. Come on.
Harley: You never leave your post. Never. This guy is a killer. And I will make him pay.
Cassie: I know you can't really promise me this, but just say it anyway. Tell me they're going to get Alan. And they're going to make him suffer for what he did.
Josh: They are going to get Alan and he will most definitely suffer for what he did.
Cassie: Do you believe it?
Josh: I do, yes.
Cassie: I just need to know there will be justice for her.
Josh: There will be, Cassie. There has to be.
Doris: Gillespie confessed, Alan. He admitted that you hired him to run down Jonathan Randall and that he accidentally hit Tammy Winslow by mistake.
Alan: He's lying. This will never hold up in court.
Doris: Alan, I am the District Attorney, and I do know about these things. That document is enough to send you away for life. Relax. I'm here now. Things might not be as hopeless as they seem.
Next on "Guiding Light".
Beth: You didn’t... just give up.
Elizabeth: I tried the good girl act. Good girls finish last.
Alan: Why do I get the feeling that this is some kind of version of the last supper: Well, you can think of it as the first day of the rest of your life.
Gillespie: All I had to do was give up a certain...
Harley: What the hell is going on in here?
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