GL Transcript Thursday 2/1/07

Guiding Light Transcript Thursday 2/1/07


Provided by Boo
Proofread by Tanya

Jonathan: Hold on, baby, hold on. You okay?

Alan: Lose him! Faster!

Driver: I think we lost him, sir.

Jonathan: Okay.

(Car crashes)

Reva: Oh, no! Jonathan! No! (Screaming) Jonathan! If my son is dead, Alan, I swear you're next.

Alan: Your son was chasing me in the car. It wasn't the other way around.

Reva: You'd never take responsibility for anything, you sick son of a bitch!

Lillian: Reva, what are you talking about? We... we heard from Frank, and he told us to come down here. What happened?

Reva: We don't know. We don't know!

Lizzie: Granddad, what's going on?

Alan: There was an accident.

Lizzie: Another accident?

Cop: Please sit down.

Reva: I want to know if my son is alive.

Lillian: What are you talking about?

Reva: Alan showed up at Tammy’s funeral, and he said some things that made Jonathan...

Lillian: What happened? What did he say?

Reva: He called Jonathan’s grief an act. He laughed at his pain, even though he was the one that caused it. Alan left the church, Jonathan got in his car and followed after. I saw the whole thing happen. I got into my car and I went after them, but they were going too fast. And then Jonathan lost control on a curve, and the car went off the cliff and into the quarry below. And then the car exploded and these guys pulled me away from the crash site.

Lizzie: Jonathan might be dead?

Alan: It's impossible to know, sweetheart.

Reva: I pray, I pray for a miracle that they were able to get out of that car in time.

Lillian: They, Reva?

Reva: Sarah. Sarah was in the car with Jonathan.

Lizzie: What? What? No, let me go.

Alan: Elizabeth, the rescuers were out there within minutes of the accident. They did everything they could.

Lizzie: What?

Alan: Everything is going to be all right, sweetheart.

Lizzie: No! How can they be all right if Sarah was in the car?

Alan: I told you that Jonathan could not be trusted with that precious angel. Didn't I tell you that? Didn't I tell you?

Lizzie: I want to go the crash site right now. Take me there now! Frank?

Reva: Oh, no. Please, no.

Frank: Reva, I'm so sorry. I am so sorry.

Alan: Frank, maybe... maybe your people overlooked a spot or something. Maybe they should go back out there and take another look.

Frank: We covered every square inch of the accident site. If there were any survivors, we would have found them.

Alan: No bodies were found?

Frank: Alan, a fire that intense...

Lizzie: Oh, my baby. My baby’s...

Alan: Oh, Sarah. Sarah's gone.

Frank: (Whispering) Is there anything I can get you? I mean, coffee, water, anything?

Reva: He's dead.

Frank: (Whispering) I wish there was something I could do make this better for you.

Reva: If I'd had five more minutes with him in the church.

Frank: (Whispering) Oh, don't do this, don't do this.

Reva: He needed my help, and I let him get away before I was able to give it to him.

Frank: Reva, you can't blame yourself. This was a...

Reva: I know it was a tragic accident. I know that, Frank. You bastard!

Alan: Get away from me, Reva.

Reva: Alan, you killed my son! You're lucky I don't rip your throat out!

Alan: It wasn't my fault!

Reva: You're the one that should be at the bottom of that quarry.

Alan: It wasn't my fault. And you're not the only one that lost something here. Let me remind you that that precious little angel is gone because of your son!

Reva: Stop it, Alan. You put this whole plan in motion, Alan, because you wanted Jonathan dead. Well, you got your wish. Only I guess you didn't plan on that little girl being part of the body count, did you?

Alan: Stop talking!

Reva: You had a chance to stop this, Alan, only you couldn't or you wouldn’t. And you kept plotting and planning and scheming, and now Tammy’s dead and Jonathan’s dead and Sarah’s dead.

Alan: You are insane.

Frank: (Whispering) Alan, don’t. Don’t.

Reva: I have two more funerals to plan. Two.

Frank: Reva...

Reva: No.

Frank: Reva... we need to talk.

Alan: Not now, Frank. My family has been through enough for one day. I think we all need to go home.

Frank: You can go home, for now.

Alan: Elizabeth...

Lizzie: Don’t... talk to me. Don't touch me.

Alan: We both loved that baby very much. You know that. Lillian...

Reva: Leave it up to you to use a perfectly good t-shirt as a bar rag. (Sobbing) (crying)

Marina: Hey, Dad. We were just talking about Tammy. What's the matter?

Frank: I've got really bad news. Jonathan and his little girl went off the road above Nashland Quarry, and the car exploded at impact.

Dinah: What?

Frank: There's absolutely no way anyone could have survived that accident.

Marina: So Jonathan and the baby... they're dead.

Dinah: Wait a minute. How? How?

Frank: Apparently, Alan Spaulding got in Jonathan’s face after the funeral, so Jonathan went after him with his little girl. They were in the car, they hit a curve and...

Buzz: So Alan’s in custody?

Frank: I don't have anything to charge him with, Dad.

Buzz: Was that just...

Frank: But we're still looking into Tammy’s hit and run.

Buzz: He's out there loose right now?

Frank: He's at his home right now, okay, stewing in his own juices.

Marina: Does Lizzie know?

Frank: Yeah, both she and Alan. They took it pretty hard.

Buzz: I've got to go to Company. You okay?

Marina: Yeah. It's just a lot of news, Buzz. I'm good.

Buzz: (Whispering) Okay, good.

Frank: Listen, honey, why don't you... why don't you come hang out with your father for a couple of days, okay? I know it can't be easy for you at the apartment right now, with Tammy gone and Remy on the edge. Listen, if you want to take a couple of days off from work you can do that.

Marina: No, no.

Frank: Sweetheart...

Marina: Dad, I appreciate the offer, but I can't just pull out of the world, okay? I have a life and work, and Tammy would want me to get on with both.

Lizzie: (Sobbing) I'm not going with you, Nana.

Lillian: How'd you know it was me?

Lizzie: You're perfume. Please tell me that he is not outside.

Lillian: No. Alan has gone home, hoping you'd be there.

Lizzie: Guess again.

Lillian: When you went running out of the police station, we didn't know where you'd gone. But I thought I knew. Lizzie...

Lizzie: I'm not praying.

Lillian: Oh, sweetie.

Lizzie: I'm not. (Crying)

Alan: Listen to me. I want to know exact... what? Yes, I'm fine! I want you to find out ownership of Jonathan Randall’s Outskirts bar because I want it demolished. And I want you to find every piece of evidence on Reva Shayne that you can, because someone has got to be punished for this!

Buzz: Hasn't there been enough punishment! Or is it never enough for you?

Reva: (Crying) They broke the mold when they made you, kid. That's for damn sure. You had a lifetime's worth of pain before you were even out of your teens. And when you'd give into that pain, all you wanted to do was hurt people. But I know that you had a heart that was... everyone always talked about how sweet Tammy was, but you had it, too, kid. You had this incredible sweetness. I remember the first time I saw it, when I looked into your eyes and saw behind all the anger and the hurt. It was the first time I saw who you really were, who you really were. Someone who was smart, passionate. There were so many people who couldn't handle it because it was wrapped up in such an intense package. But that's who you were, Jonathan. You were that and so much more. So very much more.

Jonathan: Like good looking.

Reva: (Laughs) Yeah, yeah, yeah. Like good looking. (Laughs)

Jonathan: Look, Sarah. Grandma Reva’s mouth is hanging open.

Reva: You're alive.

Jonathan: If that's what you call this.

Reva: I don't believe it, Jonathan. Hi, beautiful. Hi, beautiful! Frank was wrong.

Jonathan: Don't you love it when cops screw up?

Reva: But I don't understand. I don't understand. I mean, I saw the car. I saw it go off that cliff and explode in flames. I thought I'd lost you both forever.

Jonathan: Good.

Reva: What?

Jonathan: Good. If I can fool you, nobody else can ask any questions.

Reva: Oh, no, I don't understand this. No, we need to call the police right now.

Jonathan: No, Reva...

Reva: We need to call them and let they know that you and Sarah are safe.

Jonathan: Reva, no. You cannot call anyone.

Reva: (Whispering) Oh, my God, this was a plan.

Jonathan: I had to... I had to think of a way to make Alan think that I was gone forever, me and Sarah.

Reva: How? I don’t... how did you have time to work it all out?

Jonathan: Well, after you talked me out of burning down Alan’s house, it started to sink in, and I talked with Alan-Michael. He reminded me Alan is not going to stop until he gets his hands on her. So I can't let that happen.

Reva: Lizzie thinks your dead, too.

Jonathan: It's the way it has to be. This is the best possible thing I can do for her. Look, this is my daughter. This is a part of me. Once Tammy died, you know, I just... I realized it was going to be me. I was going to be responsible to make sure she was raised right, to make sure she was raised with the right people. So far, so good. But there is one part of the plan left.

Reva: You're leaving now.

Jonathan: Yeah, I got a car outside.

Reva: So you're here to say good-bye.

Jonathan: Only to you.

Reva: For good?

Jonathan: It looks that way.

Reva: Then you might as well be dead, because I'm never going to see you again.

Lillian: We can stay here just like this for as long as you want. We can stay here forever.

Lizzie: I don't deserve it.

Lillian: To be comforted? Oh, honey, you just lost...

Lizzie: I know what I lost. It's my fault.

Lillian: Lizzie, you can't blame yourself.

Lizzie: After what I did, why not? You don't know? Mom didn't tell you?

Lillian: Tell me what?

Lizzie: This... this is my fault. It all started with me.

Lillian: Sweetie, I don't understand.

Lizzie: I loved Jonathan. You know that.

Lillian: Yes.

Lizzie: I just... it killed me when he still wanted to go back to Tammy. And when they got married, I...

Lillian: Yeah, when they got married, you lost him for good. But...

Lizzie: It's more than just that. Jonathan wanted to take Sarah away from me for good. He was all set to raise Sarah with Tammy. My baby! I could not let that happen!

Lillian: Lizzie, did you say something to Alan?

Lizzie: Whatever. It doesn't matter now. Nothing will bring Sarah back. I guess that is why I came here. I guess I just wanted someone to tell me how to say good-bye to her and Jonathan and Tammy. I do have one other question for him, though.

Lillian: What's that, Lizzie?

Lizzie: Why am I still here when they're all gone? Is this my punishment? (Crying) Having to live with myself?

Alan: Well, Buzz, did you come here to rub it in? To rejoice in the fact that I finally got my comeuppance?

Buzz: Alan, three people are dead, one of them a baby!

Alan: Who meant everything in the world to me.

Buzz: How could you possibly think that I get any pleasure from this?

Alan: Because you think I brought it on myself, that I am to blame for all three deaths.

Buzz: I don't give a damn who's to blame! I just don't want to see anybody hurt.

Alan: But of course, you think that's my specialty.

Buzz: Alan, you were just on the phone sending somebody after Reva, going to punish anyone who has any connection to Jonathan. Come on!

Alan: Because Jonathan is the reason this precious angel is gone.

Buzz: You think causing more pain is going to get rid of that pain? Come on! No more violence, no more retribution. Please, just this one time, peace, okay?

Alan: You come over here lecturing me when you have no idea what it was like to stand on that roadside and watch fire consume this innocent angel, the child that I pinned the future of my life on!

Buzz: Yeah, that was like the fire was in your body, wasn't it? Like it was searing your guts, like it was boiling your blood.

Alan: Yes.

Buzz: Two times that happened to me-- Jenna, Nadine-- both times I almost went over the edge! The fire was in me. Then I felt like burning this town down! Like spreading the pain. Admit that you're sorry, admit that you have a broken heart, admit that you're broken, and maybe some day someone will have mercy on you.

Marina: What's wrong with your foot?

Dinah: Oh, it's just... it's no big deal. It's just a little motorcycle incident.

Marina: When was that?

Dinah: A year-and-a-half ago. I don't know, I guess it bothers me sometimes still.

Marina: Were you with Jonathan?

Dinah: Yeah, it was with Jonathan. He took a curve too quickly, and I was on the back and scraped my ankle up against the curb. And he was just showing off. He was being stupid and reckless.

Marina: I'm sorry. I know that you guys...

Dinah: Yeah. But it was fun while it lasted. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm very sorry that you lost your friend.

Marina: Thank you.

Dinah: It's funny. I've been working on all this material for, and it turns out that Tammy was that light for a lot of people in this town.

Marina: Yeah. Yes, she was.

Frank: Look, I... I put you with my daughter, made you guys partners because I had a gut feeling that you were going to protect her and take care of her.

Mallet: Right. Are you saying I'm not cutting it??

Frank: You're doing fine. You know Marina acts tough and...

Mallet: Yeah, I've noticed that.

Frank: But right now she feels like she has a lot to prove. And she's hurting, she's hurting a lot. And being that you spend more time with her than anyone, I'm going to need you to look after her more than ever.

Mallet: How's everybody doing?

Dinah: Good, we're coping.

Marina: Where's my dad?

Mallet: Oh, he had to go back to work. He wanted me to... to say good- bye for him.

Dinah: You know, maybe we should say good-bye ourselves and get home. It's been a long day.

Mallet: Actually, I'm kind of hungry. Why don't we all go get something to eat and maybe have a few drinks, and we can talk about Jonathan and Tammy.

Marina: Oh, that’s... that's nice and all, but I don't need to tag along. You guys go get lunch.

Mallet: No, no, no, you won't be tagging along. You'll be hanging out with us.

Dinah: Yeah. Unless you have something else to do? Do you?

Marina: Well, yeah. I mean, I was going to go back to the apartment and see if Remy is home, you know, maybe check in with him. Or go over to the station and take care of some paperwork. I'm backed up.

Dinah: You need to be alone?

Marina: Well, yeah, but it's okay.

Dinah: No, it's not okay. Come on, you're going to hang with us today.

Buzz: It's no crime to be sad, and it's no crime to show it.

Alan: I'm fine. Put that down.

Buzz: This was made for the baby that you and Beth were going to have.

Alan: Give... give that to me.

Buzz: You made that yourself.

Alan: I was going to be a good father this time, Buzz.

Buzz: I believe you'd give it your best shot.

Alan: Elizabeth's baby, little Sarah, was going to change everything, give me another chance to get things right, to do it the right way. And then... don't tell anyone that you saw that.

Buzz: (Chuckles) Well, that's not what you should be ashamed of.

Alan: You think I'm a monster, don't you?

Buzz: I think you attack people when you should be letting them in. But monsters don't make books like that.

Alan: Buzz, do you believe in forgiveness?

Buzz: Most days.

Alan: What about today?

Buzz: Oh, yeah, even for you. Peace. I'm sorry for your loss.

Alan: Elizabeth, I'm... I'm so glad that you're home. You know, someone just told me it was okay to be sad and that it's okay to show it. I think... I think he was right.

Lizzie: (Crying)

Frank: Alan.

Alan: Frank.

Frank: You've had enough time to be with your family. It's time to come down to the station with me.

Reva: What if I can make sure that Alan goes to prison?

Jonathan: There's no guarantee.

Reva: Oh, well, then you move away or you hire guards. Just don't go anywhere.

Jonathan: Reva...

Reva: I can keep you safe. I can hide you from Alan. I can hide both of you.

Jonathan: How?

Reva: I'll find a way!

Jonathan: No. Look, what happens when she gets older and she needs to go to school and she wants to go outside and ride a bike. Do we send her outside at nighttime? Do we send her to a different town to go to school? Come on.

Reva: I want to see her play in the yard, I want to see her ride a bike. And I want to see you being her daddy.

Jonathan: Well, you're looking at it.

Reva: Come here, sweetie. Can I get... I just need a squeeze you. Take that for a minute. Oh, God. Oh, I can't believe you. (Laughs) I can't believe how big she's getting. She's so big. (Laughs)

Jonathan: I think she looks like you.

Reva: Don't make it worse.

Jonathan: I'm sorry. I know that you want to watch her grow up.

Reva: I still do.

Jonathan: I've been going through my mind, I've been trying to think of a million different ways to fix this. This is the only solution I can come up with.

Reva: So that's it? You're just going to go?

Jonathan: It may not be forever.

Reva: Really? Because I... I can't bear losing you a... a second time.

Jonathan: Same here.

Reva: You're going to be a great daddy.

Jonathan: I'll learn as I go. She'll be okay. Come here. Somebody needs to burp. (Laughing) And I'm going to make sure that this little one knows all about her Grandma Reva, all the legends, all the stories...

Reva: All the lies.

Jonathan: (Laughs) Oh, you wish! Lies! I'm going to start back in Oklahoma, go all the way through beating cancer, everything in between-- the ups, the downs, the men, the men, the men!

Reva: (Laughs) Hey, hey, hey. Shh!

Jonathan: The fountain.

Reva: No.

Jonathan: Your crazy relationship with your crazy son.

Reva: She's never going to believe it. She won't believe a word of it. You'll have to prove it to her.

Jonathan: Yeah, it'll seem like it was all just a dream. Maybe it was.

Reva: My whole life changed when you came back into it. I don't know how to say good- bye.

Jonathan: I guess I take after you, because I don't know, either.

Alan: Now, Elizabeth, you're not going to abandon me, are you?

Lizzie: I...

Alan: We can get through this if we stick together as a family.

Lizzie: You mean what little of it is left.

Alan: I would never have harmed that little girl. You know what she meant to me.

Lizzie: I know. I know. They're going to ask you about Tammy.

Alan: Let them. They don't have anything on me. We are not to blame. Do you understand me? We are not to blame.

Frank: Alan, let's go.

Jonathan: I'm going to say something and it's probably going to come out wrong, like everything important that I try to say. But, okay, she's anticipating. I love you, and I'm going to miss you a lot.

Reva: It didn't sound so wrong.

Jonathan: Good.

Reva: Oh, I actually have something that I had at the funeral and...

Jonathan: What?

Reva: I want you to have it.

Jonathan: Oh, no, no.

Reva: It was my mother’s. Yes, yes, yes. Please. Give it to Sarah. Let Sarah have it, because I'll tell you something, this is the thing that led me to Tammy’s mom. And who knows? Maybe one day, after a little while, it'll lead Sarah back to me. Will you call me, at least, to let me know that you're okay?

Jonathan: We'll be fine.

Reva: I knew that's what you were going to say.

Jonathan: I left you the bar.

Reva: Hey, wow!

Jonathan: Kind of weird, having a will, but, you know, at least I'll know the place will be taken care of.

Reva: Who's going to take care of you?

Jonathan: I don't need anybody to take care of me.

Reva: Right. Liar.

Jonathan: To the end.

Reva: Sarah can take care of you. She can take care of you. I hope she didn't take after you.

Jonathan: I hope she doesn't take after me, too. (Laughter)

Reva: Either way, sweetheart, that's going to be your responsibility. You've got to keep your daddy's nose clean. Make sure he does the laundry every once in a while, too, because without me around to bug him, he can get himself into a whole lot of trouble.

Jonathan: She'll keep me in line.

Reva: She better. Otherwise, I'll track you down wherever you are.

Jonathan: Mom, I never thought... (crying)

Reva: (Crying) Me, neither. I am so grateful to you.

Jonathan: I, to you. You take care of yourself.

Reva: You, too.

Jonathan: Hey, I will never forget what you've given me.

Reva: What have I given you?

Jonathan: You know.

Reva: Good-bye, my baby. (Crying)

Next on "Guiding Light"...

Josh: Billy, I just feel like Cassie’s about ready to fall apart, and there's nothing I can do to stop it.

Alan: Good, let's get this over with.

Cassie: Yes, let’s.

Doris: I'm here to talk about you.

Gillespie: What about me?

Doris: You're future. You can save yourself a life sentence and do exactly what I tell you to do.

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