GL Transcript Tuesday 1/30/07

Guiding Light Transcript Tuesday 1/30/07


Provided by Boo
Proofread by Tanya

Ava: Hey, what are you doing here?

Coop: I was just leaving you a note to call me.

Ava: I wasn't supposed to get back from Paris today.

Coop: Yeah, I know, but I called Alan-Michael's secretary.

Ava: Coop, you really need to stop checking up on me. I mean, this is crazy.

Coop: Ava, with everything that's been going on, I just wanted to...

Ava: What's been going on?

Coop: I thought that's why you came back early.

Ava: Some family emergency, Alan-Michael said...

Coop: Yeah, he didn't tell you what it was about?

Ava: No, he got on a flight earlier than I did, and I... why? Is something going on? Is everything okay?

Alan-Michael: What happened here?

Lizzie: You're home.

Alan-Michael: Yeah, I was looking for you. So what happened?

Lizzie: My guess is Jonathan. You know everything?

Alan-Michael: Why didn't you come to me if you needed help?

Lizzie: You were in Paris.

Alan-Michael: Pick up a phone.

Lizzie: You pick up a phone.

Alan-Michael: I would have if I knew it was this bad. Why would you go to Alan? What did you expect?

Lizzie: Not for Tammy to die. He was supposed to get Sarah back from Jonathan. That's all. This probably won't even fit her the next time I see her.

Alan-Michael: Lizzie...

Lizzie: He won't even let me near her.

Alan-Michael: He just lost Tammy. He's upset. He's not thinking straight.

Lizzie: I'm not a bad person.

Alan-Michael: No one's saying you are.

Lizzie: You know, I liked being a mom more than I thought I would. I just miss my little girl. She's all I have.

Alan-Michael: You have us.

Lizzie: I don't want you.

Alan-Michael: Lizzie! So what the hell did you do this time, Dad?

Harley: Hey, what's up?

Gus: Hey, babe. I was in the shower and I didn't know if you were gone.

Harley: Yeah. I just... I wanted to get to the hospital early to interview Gillespie.

Gus: Did you talk to him?

Harley: I was just about to.

Gus: Wait a second. Listen. You should check... did you check with Mallet yet?

Harley: Since when do I have to do that?

Gus: Well, it's his case.

Harley: The guy murdered my best friend's daughter.

Gus: Which is exactly why you shouldn't be talking to... talking to the guy.

Harley: I'm not going to hurt him. Remy already took care of that.

Gus: I'm just asking you a favor. Can you let me do it, please? I really want to do it. I want to deal with it.

Harley: No. No. I have to do something. Cassie is my best friend. She's burying her daughter.

Gus: Well, don't you think that Cassie would...

Harley: What?

Gus: Maybe honor the memory of Tammy by you doing something for your own daughter. Baby, Sydney’s adoption hearing is coming up, and we have so many things to deal with right now.

Harley: This is not going to take long, okay? I promise. I love you.

Gus: I love you, too.

Daisy: I just needed a smoke.

Gus: Tough. ( Door slams )

Harley: So you're the guy who killed Tammy Winslow.

Jonathan: You're still sleeping? Lucky girl. ( Cell phone ringing )

Tammy:( On voicemail )

Hi, this is Tammy Wins... I

mean Tammy Randall, Mrs.

Jonathan Randall.

I got to get used to saying


I'm so lame.

Okay, here comes the beep.

Talk to me anyway. ( Beep )

Daisy: I mean, why would my mom even want to... want to talk to G?

Gus: What do you keep looking for?

Daisy: I don't know, I don't know. I just hate this place. None of my stuff is here. I mean, I don't even know what she is even trying to get out of him. You know? I mean... unless... unless she already knows that I was in the car when we hit Tammy, hm?

Gus: What, you think... oh, are you serious? Are you serious?

Daisy: You told her?

Gus: You know, you're starting to act crazy. I'm starting to worry about you, like maybe you're bipolar. I'm starting to miss Susan at this point.

Daisy: No, no, no, no, no, no. You wanted G to turn me in.

Gus: Daisy, this is not all about you.

Daisy: So you didn't tell Harley?

Gus: No. We're detectives. We like to solve things, we like to fix things. And I know your mother. Right now she cannot solve or fix anything for Cassie, but what she can do is find whoever mowed down Tammy and make them pay. I don't think you get it. I am... I'm your best friend right now.

Daisy: Oh, yeah, only so that I'll say good things at Sydney’s adoption hearing.

Gus: That is not what this is about!

Daisy: Okay, forget it, okay? Just... I mean, I really am sorry that my cousin died. I mean... but it was an accident. I mean, and G wouldn’t... I mean, I was so wrecked. You know, I didn't even know what was going on. I mean, okay, wait, if G were going to tell Harley what happened, would... would he mention that part? I mean...

Gus: You were so wrecked?

Daisy: Yeah.

Gus: Do you really think that's going to put you in your mother's good graces? Look, your boyfriend is in bad shape. He's so banged up, I don't think he'll be telling your mother anything.

Daisy: How bad is he?

Gus: You still got it for this guy, huh?

Daisy: Well, he's not a bad guy.

Gus: Let me ask you something. Does he have anything in your dorm room?

Daisy: Um... no, why?

Gus: Because getting rid of the warm and fuzzies for him is not going to be enough for me, okay? I need to get rid of anything, anything that links the two of you.

Daisy: Hmm, well, I guess it's just this cell phone, because his number's in here. No, no! Oh, no, no, no, no, no. Oh, no, please.

Gus: No, please, what? Who's your best friend right now?

Daisy: You're my stepdad. You are.

Gus: We are going to erase G out of your life.

Gillespie I don't feel so hot. Can you come back later?

Harley: Well, if you're not feeling well. I'm Detective Cooper. You ran down a girl and left her for dead on the highway.

Gillespie: It was an accident.

Harley: Yeah, except that there were no skid marks, which means that you didn't hit the brakes and you didn't swerve. You just hit her and you took off.

Gillespie: I didn't see anyone. Don't I get a lawyer?

Harley: If you didn't do anything wrong, you don't need one, right?

Gillespie: I don't know about that. The last time I talked to a cop, this happened.

Harley: Did you know that the girl that you hit was very young, very smart? She had her whole life ahead of her. Did you know she had just gotten married?

Gillespie: It was an accident.

Harley: Accident, yeah, I know. Except that, see, I think somebody paid you to do this. Why don't you tell me if that someone is Alan Spaulding?

Alan: Well, welcome back, son. How was your flight?

Alan-Michael: The plane's grounded, in case you had any ideas of skipping the country.

Alan: Why would I want to skip town? I mean, what do you think I've done?

Alan-Michael: Rumor is you went after Jonathan Randall, and Tammy Winslow ended up dead.

Alan: Where did you get that information?

Alan-Michael: It wasn't hard. I talked to Beth and I talked to Lizzie. Did you not think this could be traced back to you? You know, for a man who prides himself on getting a job done right, man, were you sloppy, and I'm stuck cleaning up your mess again.

Alan: Who the hell do you think you are, Alan-Michael?

Alan-Michael: I'm the head of Spaulding and the head of this family.

Alan: Well, if you are the head of this family, where were you when Jonathan took Elizabeth and Sarah? I was the one left here to take care of everything.

Alan-Michael: Well, you did a bang-up job.

Alan: And you did nothing. Which is why when it comes to family, you're a great disappointment to me.

Alan-Michael: And you're a killer.

Alan: I would do anything for my family.

Alan-Michael: Maybe if you did a little less, we'd stand half a chance.

Alan: Sarah is our chance.

Alan-Michael: Lizzie's the one you need to worry about right now.

Jonathan: We're closed.

Lizzie: It's me.

Jonathan: What do you want?

Lizzie: I want to do something for Tammy.

Harley: Why don't you tell me who hired you for the hit? Okay, blink twice if it was Alan Spaulding. See, I wish I was questioning Alan because that would be... that would be like this. He'd sell you out in about two seconds. I'm sure the guy hires well, you know, pays you a lot of money. But I've just known Alan for ages. I know he treats his family like garbage. I know if he had friends, he'd trash them. You should see what he does to the hired help. I know you weren't gunning for Tammy. But you should know that Alan does what's best for Alan. Tammy was your collateral damage, right? Just like you will be his. Don't give him up. That's okay, because we can get you on lots of other things, like the drugs that were in your car.

Gillespie: Those weren't mine.

Harley: Right. Right.

Gillespie: No, they weren’t. They were my girlfriend’s.

Harley: Right. Was your girlfriend in the car with you?

Daisy: I would think a fellow smoker would be more understanding.

Gus: I'm not a fellow smoker. I quit.

Daisy: For good?

Gus: G is deleted. What else?

Harley: Why don't you give me her name?

Gillespie: I don't feel so good.

Harley: When you give me your girlfriend's name, I'll get the doctor.

Daisy: You think pushing a few buttons is going to stop me from seeing G? That’s...

Gus: No. Actually, I was hoping the fear of going to prison would do that. Well, you hate your dorm room, right? Wait until you get a load of juvie hall. Actually, you're going to be 18 pretty soon. Now, maybe it will... maybe it will be plain old jail for you.

Harley: Prison doctor's not so good. You know, with injuries like yours, you want appropriate medical attention, I'll tell you that. Why don't you give me your girlfriend's name and I'll get the doctor? Give me her name!

Doctor: You should let him rest, Detective.

Harley: I'll wait.

Doctor: Yes, well, there's no telling when he's going to pull out of this.

Harley: I'll wait.

Gus: I'd better get out of here.

Daisy: I'm just supposed to wait here?

Gus: Yeah, because your drug counselor is coming by.

Daisy: My drug counselor?

Gus: Uh-huh. Look, Daisy, I just... I need you to stay here and just get clean and ready to talk to your mother, okay? And Sherri is a friend of mine, the drug counselor, so you make sure you're polite. Take that stupid-looking thing out of your nose.

Coop: Here. I was sure that Alan-Michael would have told you.

Ava: ( Sniffs ) If you thought that I already knew, then why did you give me the note telling me to call you?

Coop: It's like I needed to do something, you know? I needed to call someone. It just didn't seem so real. It didn't seem real at all, you know? I guess I just wanted something... anything real. Look, I guess I thought that... I know there is a lot of stuff going on between you and I right now, I understand that, but a good friend of ours just died. I guess I just wanted to see you. Look, I know you now know everything, so I'll let you go.

Ava: Stay.

Alan: Listen, I want you to take this note to Rose in P.R. Have her clean up all of this mess, put out some kind of an official statement, and also brief our lawyers.

Alan-Michael: Is this all a big game for you? You're planning strategy like you're throwing a party.

Alan: Alan-Michael, never forget we run an international corporation.

Alan-Michael: An innocent girl is dead, someone you knew, someone who took Lizzie in when she had no friends.

Alan: Yes, it's very tragic, but it wasn't my fault, and life moves on.

Alan-Michael: What about Cassie? Have you thought about her, what she's going through?

Alan: I am only trying to take care of my family, Alan-Michael.

Alan-Michael: Yeah, that's your excuse for everything.

Alan: Well, there you are. That's all you should need.

Alan-Michael: All you need. The company's resources are off limits to you-- no lawyers, no statements from P.R. This is not about Spaulding. It's about you and only you. You dug the hole. Now dig yourself out.

Alan: Right.

Lizzie: I had to come as soon as I heard about her. I want to do something in Tammy’s honor.

Jonathan: What do you want to do?

Lizzie: Sarah.

Jonathan: You don't go near her.

Lizzie: She's my daughter, too. I know that you're angry, but I want to help. I've had people that I care about die on me, too.

Jonathan: Tammy didn't die. She was killed.

Lizzie: However people leave us, it still rips our hearts out, and it's hard enough to raise a baby when everything is good.

Jonathan: Don’t.

Lizzie: I just... I miss Sarah, and I know that you don't want me around her, and I'm trying to respect that even though I know that it's wrong.

Jonathan: You want to talk about what's wrong here?

Lizzie: Just let me help you. Tammy was my friend. I know not always, but let me help you. I can help you pack up her stuff.

Jonathan: You want to honor Tammy by packing up her stuff?

Lizzie: No.

Jonathan: You don't talk about her! You don't think about her! You do not speak her name!

Lizzie: Jonathan, you don't understand.

Jonathan: You took her away from me!

Lizzie: No, I didn’t.

Jonathan: Yes. You and Alan deserve to rot in hell!

Lizzie: You know what? I'm already there, so do it, squeeze, do it! You can't hurt me any more than my family already has. My granddad set me up, my mom gave my baby away, my dad disappeared on me. They all lied to me. I'm not asking you to feel sorry for me, but at least you have Sarah. ( Coughs )

Jonathan: I don't feel sorry for you. You're still alive.

Lizzie: Jonathan.

Jonathan: Get out. Get out.

Lizzie: Bye, honey. Mommy loves you.

Jonathan: Don't worry, baby. We're going to be okay. What's the matter with you people? You don't know how to read?

Alan-Michael: We don't know how to listen.

Ava: Tammy should have hated me.

Coop: Who?

Ava: Tammy. She should have hated me. I came into town after her guy because I thought he was my guy.

Coop: Oh! I almost forgot about Sandy. Well, not really forgot. I just can't really remember too much before you and me.

Ava: It was you and Lizzie.

Coop: Yeah.

Ava: She... she actually was in the same place I was: In love with someone who was having a baby with Lizzie. Only I... she... she could have been me.

Coop: Don’t. Don’t... don't think of it that way.

Ava: She and Jonathan... I mean, she and Jonathan never had a chance, not like you and...

Coop: Yeah, they did. Ava, they were married. Jonathan got an annulment, and then turned around and then married Tammy, so they... they did have a chance.

Ava: Tammy was Jonathan’s wife when this happened?

Coop: Uh-huh.

Ava: She was... they were married?

Coop: Uh-huh.

Ava: You've got to be kidding me. This is like... this is so horrible. This is terrible. I mean, I don’t... I don't know want to think about this. I mean, this is like... I don't even know what to say.

Gus: Sherri? Hi. Um... I just wanted to ask how it was going with Daisy. Because I know she didn't really want to see you and, you know, she just makes it clear to me she doesn't think she has a problem.

Sherri: She wasn't there, Gus.

Gus: Did she leave a note or something?

Sherri: Nothing.

Gus: Really? Excuse me.

Daisy: Hi. I was looking for a guy, G. He was beaten up pretty bad.

Doctor: Mr. Gillespie. He's right up the hall.

Harley: Wake up. Please. I'm getting the doctor. Oh, my God! Susan! You're here! What are you doing here? Oh, did you come because of Tammy?

Daisy: Yeah, yeah, the accident. I told the school and then I just... I got on the first bus here.

Harley: Susan, sweetie, I don't know how much you know, but...

Daisy: Yeah, no...

Harley: Honey, Tammy...

Daisy: I know that she, um...

Harley: Yeah.

Daisy: But when I got here, I just called the house, and Gus said that you were at the hospital for work or something...

Harley: Uh-huh.

Daisy: Yeah, so I thought I'd surprise you. Oh. ( Cell phone rings ) Oh. ( Laughs ) Wow, it's him, Gus.

Harley: Great. Daisy's phone. You're in trouble.

Gus: What?

Harley: Yeah, you didn't tell me my daughter was home.

Daisy: It's okay.

Gus: Uh, yeah, she...

Harley: Came home to surprise me, I know. Thank you for telling her I was here. I need to see her and make sure that she is okay with everything that's going on. She knows about Tammy.

Gus: Uh, yeah, I figured that's why she was coming home.

Harley: Listen, would you mind doing me a favor?

Gus: Do you want me to cover at the hospital?

Harley: Yeah. See, our friend with the accent, yeah, he's kind of out cold right now. But not before I got a little information from him. It turns out he has a skanky, druggy girlfriend who was in the car with him. Of course he passed out before I got her name.

Gus: All right, I'm on it. I'm on it.

Harley: Great, you don't mind?

Gus: No, no, no. I'll handle G.

Harley: G? You have a nickname for this guy already?

Gus: Listen, you girls... just have fun, okay?

Daisy: What did he say?

Harley: He said to have fun. And then he said that he was going to come here and take care of stuff for me.

Daisy: That's it?

Harley: Yeah, what else would he say? Oh, I'm sorry, he called for you. Lets call him back. I'm sorry.

Daisy: No, no, that's okay. He was probably just calling to make sure I was okay, got here fine, you know?

Harley: I'm so glad that you did. Are you all right? You don't look so good. Who were you sitting next to on the bus? That's a good way to get sick.

Daisy: I'm just carsick...

Harley: Bus sick.

Daisy: Whatever.

Harley: And you smell like cigarettes.

Daisy: I know, right? Yeah. The nasty guy next to me kept sneaking smokes.

Harley: Right. ( Laughs ) Well, let's go out and get you some fresh air, and then we can catch up on everything! I'm glad you're here.

Alan: Well, Elizabeth, come in, come in. Sit down. I'll have cook prepare you a sandwich.

Lizzie: I couldn't even hold her.

Alan: You went to see Jonathan.

Lizzie: And Sarah. He let me look at her from across the room. God, I don’t... I don't know how you can eat. You did this! I lost Jonathan, I lost Sarah. Tammy was the closest thing to a friend I've ever had.

Alan: I never meant to harm Tammy. I think she was a very nice girl, Elizabeth. She just made some very bad choices in her life; that's all. It was a tragic accident, sweetheart. It never should have happened. But what you and I have to do is move on so we can bring our Sarah home.

Lizzie: My Sarah. She is my daughter. She's my daughter! You don't care what happens to me! All you want is my daughter. Let go!

Alan: Calm down, Elizabeth. Calm down. Because I am your only hope of seeing Sarah again.

Jonathan: Get out.

Alan-Michael: I'm here offering condolences on my family's behalf.

Jonathan: Your family doesn't care about what I went through. Lizzie was so sorry, she was here just now. She offered to help me box up Tammy’s things.

Alan-Michael: Lizzie is not stable right now. She does not know how to handle this.

Jonathan: Handle this? She caused it. That's why your father wanted to kill me.

Alan-Michael: I am not here to serve Alan’s interests. I'm here for Lizzie.

Jonathan: Lizzie?

Alan-Michael: Jonathan, please! Alan took advantage of her when she was too upset to know better. Lizzie screwed up, no doubt. But you punish her, you punish Sarah. Do you really want your baby growing up without her mom? Why did you come to town, Jonathan? Here's my proposition: Let Lizzie see Sarah once a week under supervision. Pick anyone you want: Reva, Beth, Lillian. And Alan? You want him out of your life, don't cut him out of Sarah’s. Let him see her for a few hours on the holidays, again, all supervised. So what do you think?

Jonathan: No.

Alan-Michael: No to what part?

Jonathan: No to all of it, unless we make a deal.

Alan-Michael: What kind of deal?

Jonathan: Lizzie can have supervised visits whenever she wants if you give me enough proof to put Alan away for killing Tammy.

Ava: Thanks for being there for me.

Coop: I needed you, too, Ava.

Ava: Things aren't going to change, Coop.

Coop: Yeah, I know. You still want your space, and I'm not giving up on you. Tammy and Jonathan had each other for like a minute, you know? But if Tammy had given up on Jonathan, do you think she would have had that last bit of happiness before... Ava, I'm not giving up on you. Alan-Michael...

Ava: Alan-Michael what?

Coop: Ava, this was his family crisis, this right here. And the cops think that Alan had something to do with the hit and run. That's all I'm saying.

Ava: So you're saying that this wasn't an accident?

Coop: They don't know. But you know how the Spaulding’s get when they feel threatened.

Ava: Alan-Michael is no Alan, okay? So if you're worried that I'm some kind of threat to them...

Coop: You're probably not. Then again, Tammy probably thought she wasn't either.

Alan: I will prove myself to you, Elizabeth. At the risk of this town's disapproval, I will attend Tammy’s funeral. I will stand by you and honor your friend.

Lizzie: ( Laughs ) You want to go because you know that only a guilty man would hide. You don't care if everyone in this town hates you as long as they don't suspect you.

Alan: I underestimated you.

Lizzie: Shocker.

Alan: You've got a lot to learn, and I can teach you.

Lizzie: I'm leaving.

Alan: You're capable of great things, Elizabeth, if you don't let your heart get in your way.

Lizzie: It's the only thing keeping me from turning into you.

Alan: When Sarah’s older, you will understand what it's like being a parent, loving your children and trying to do what's best for them and making mistakes, too.

Daisy: So I'm like, "no, I will not write your paper for you, Todd. I don't need a prom date that bad." Such a sucker.

Harley: I thought you didn't have time for guys.

Daisy: I don’t. No, I'm so busy at school. If I had a guy, it would mess everything up for me. Oh, but I'm doing better in math, because remember I told you about my teacher? He wears sweater vests every day, and Tiffany thinks that he's totally crushing on me...

Alan: You'll understand that

love blinds parents to their

children's faults.

We only see what we want to

see. And you'll learn that the ties that bind parents and children together are not always biological.

But they can bind us just as

tightly, until protecting your

child drives you to make

choices you may regret.

Gus: Good. You're awake.

Gillespie: I know you. You're a cop.

Gus: That's right. I'm also a dad. I'm also Daisy Lemay's stepfather. So let's have a little chat about all the bad things that are going to happen to you if you mention to anybody that Daisy was in that car. Because what happened to Tammy Winslow was all you, my friend, and I don't want Daisy to be your next victim.

Alan: And you will protect them at any cost. You'll face the heartache of favoring one child over another. And you'll realize too late that the damage can't be undone.

Alan-Michael: Who says Alan’s responsible for Tammy’s death? It's just whispers, accusations.

Jonathan: You know he did it.

Alan-Michael: I wasn't even in the country.

Jonathan: Why are you defending him?

Alan-Michael: I turn on him, I turn into him.

Jonathan: I grew up in a house where my dad treated me like dirt. Sound familiar?

Alan-Michael: I didn't say I didn't want to do it. I said I won’t.

Jonathan: Coward.

Alan-Michael: Jonathan, you cannot win this battle. Sarah is his great granddaughter. He'll come after you. Tammy will be just the beginning.

Jonathan: We're done here.

Alan-Michael: I wish you would reconsider for Sarah’s sake.

Jonathan: Just don't talk to me about Sarah. Everything I do is for Sarah’s sake, and I will see Alan pay for what he did one way or another.

Alan-Michael: He wants Sarah, and he will fight with you for her until the end, until one of you is dead.

Jonathan: It's not going to be me. Get out.

Alan-Michael: I'm sorry for your loss.

Jonathan: Oh, I'll bet.

Alan: Yes, you will learn, Elizabeth, how the sins of the father fester and multiply,

trickling down from one generation to the next and the next,

until... until someone puts a stop to it.

Because as long as there's hope, there is redemption.

Some parents burn the house down when the family is falling apart.

But the good ones, they rise from the ashes

and do whatever it takes to save their child.

Whatever it takes.

Jonathan: I'm not going to lose you, honey. Tomorrow we're going to go say good-bye to Tammy and send her off to a better place, and then we're going to go say good-bye to Alan and send him off to a different place.

Next on "Guiding Light"...

Rick: Do you think that Alan already knows that he's a suspect?

Frank: Look, I really don't care what Alan thinks he is. Right now we have nothing on him.

Beth: You still think you're going to get the baby away from Jonathan and you think that Jonathan is going to love you now that Tammy is gone.

Lizzie: We should go. We don't want to be late.

Jonathan: No good-byes for us, kid. You wait for me where you are. You save me a spot. I'll find you, no matter what.

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