Guiding Light Transcript Monday 1/29/07
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Proofread by Tanya
Lizzie: You take my baby away and then you ask me to meet you here? Did you just want to rub it in?
Beth: I remember when you were this tiny. You were so pure, so innocent. Who would have thought things would have worked out this way?
Lizzie: You know what? That's because of you, okay? You decided to hand Sarah over to Jonathan. We could have taken her... we could have taken her and my inheritance and gone somewhere but you made the decision. You decided that Sarah was better off without me. You turned on me just like granddad did.
Beth: She's gone, Lizzie.
Lizzie: No. I can get Sarah back!
Beth: Not Sarah. Tammy. Tammy is dead.
Reva: Sweetie, is there anything more I can do?
Cassie: No, thank you.
Reva: I came to get Sarah.
Josh: She's sleeping right now.
Reva: Has anyone seen my son?
Josh: Yeah. He ran out of here a little while ago. You should probably go find him. ( Cell phone ringing ) Just let the voice mail get it, okay? ( Cell phone ringing )
Cassie: It's the police. Hello?
Mallet: Hey, Cassie, it's Mallet. I'm sorry to disturb you, but... listen, it's early in the investigation, but I wanted to call you as a friend and keep to up to date as a friend. It's beginning to look like that Tammy’s accident wasn't just an accident.
Cassie: No, it was a hit-and- run.
Mallet: Yes, it was hit-and- run, but what I meant to say is, um, it might have been on purpose. It might have been meant for Jonathan.
Cassie: What, are you saying somebody was...
Mallet: We have reason to believe it might have been Alan Spaulding.
Cassie: No.
Mallet: Listen, Cassie, I'm very sorry. I just wanted to call and let you know that, and I will call you the second I have anything more.
Cassie: Thank you. That was Mallet.
Josh: And?
Cassie: He killed my little girl.
Reva: Who?
Cassie: He did it on purpose.
Reva: Who?
Cassie: Alan Spaulding. He sent somebody after Jonathan, and he... they got Tammy instead.
Gillespie: Is there a problem, Officer?
Remy: Yeah, a big one. You see, there's this girl I used to know. She was sweet, she was beautiful. Everyone loved her, including me.
Gillespie: I don't know anything about a girl.
Remy: No? Maybe this will help your memory. Do you recognize her?
Gillespie: No, I'm sorry.
Remy: Look closer. You hit her with the car. You killed her.
Gillespie: You must have me mistaken with somebody else.
Remy: I am going to ask you one more time. Do you recognize her?
Gillespie: ( Groaning ) It wasn't my fault. She ran out in front of me, and I didn't see her until it was too late.
Remy: You did kill her! ( Grunting )
Gillespie: ( Groaning )
Jonathan: Alan, you're asleep upstairs. Too bad. You got six sleeping pills in your brandy. That's enough to knock out a horse, and you are not going to wake up until it's too late.
Reva: What are you doing, huh? Having a cookout? You didn't invite me.
Cassie: I keep thinking about her down in the morgue getting cold. She always gets cold. You know? She always needs an extra blanket. I'm afraid.
Josh: Afraid of what?
Cassie: I'm afraid that if we go home, I'm going to have to see that it's real, that I'm going to have to start living without her. And then I'm going to slowly but surely I'm going to forget little things, you know? I'm going to forget her beautiful face. I'm going to forget her smile. I'm going to forget the sound of her laugh.
Josh: I promise you something, okay? There is no way that we will ever, and I mean, ever, forget her face. And her smile. She's in us. She's with us. She's beside us. No matter where we go, no matter what we do. Tammy isn't gone. She's just away. I know.
Cassie: I just want her back.
Josh: I know. I know.
Lizzie: I can't believe this is happening. Tammy was my friend. Why aren't you saying anything, Mom?
Beth: Well, Lizzie, there isn't a lot to say.
Lizzie: You think that this is my fault? You think that I am responsible for Tammy... I'm not. I can't be. Can I?
Beth: Don't you get it? We are all responsible: You, me, your grandfather.
Lizzie: No, no. Granddad did this. He did this. I had no idea. If I had any idea, I never would have... I never would have...
Cassie: You never would have what?
Marina: Remy, what did you do?
Mallet: I told you to leave this alone, man.
Marina: It's Cooper. We need a ambulance on 428 Fifth Street, please. Right now. Is he alive?
Mallet: He's barely alive. What the hell were you thinking?
Remy: I was thinking how it felt to get hit by a car going 50 miles an hour. I was thinking how it felt to lie in a hospital bed and say good-bye to the people you loved. I was thinking how he needed to pay for killing Tammy. I hope to hell he....
Mallet: Back off, man. Back off, Remy, don't make me cuff you. This guy is our main suspect. Do you understand? This guy is our whole case, have you lost your mind?
Remy: Maybe I have.
Marina: Remy, Remy, wait. You know, I hate to say it, but I kind of get why he did it.
Mallet: Marina, look around. Search the body. Find something, okay? Maybe something we could use. Did you find anything?
Marina: A contract.
Mallet: For what?
Marina: Car rental agreement.
Mallet: Does it have a license plate number?
Marina: It's the car. It's the one that hit Tammy.
Mallet: We're losing this guy. Come here and help me. We're losing him. We can't lose him.
Jonathan: Go home.
Reva: I'm going to stay. You know, it's cold out.
Jonathan: Fine. Just don't get in my way.
Reva: Where are the servants?
Jonathan: Gone.
Reva: The house is empty?
Jonathan: No. Alan is upstairs asleep. I have a feeling Mr. Spaulding will not be waking up for a long time!
Reva: Jonathan, listen to me! If Tammy was here...
Jonathan: Don't! Don’t. Tammy is dead. Everybody's dead.
Reva: You're not, and I'm not. Jonathan.
Jonathan: What are you doing here? What are you doing here?
Reva: It wasn't hard to guess that this is where you were going to be. I mean, Alan did it, right? Alan is the reason why Tammy’s gone.
Jonathan: Gone? Gone. That's a nice word. Makes it sound like she went to the store. And she's going to be right back. She's not gone. She's dead. Are you going to do anything, Reva? Are you going to tell me to put the fire out? Are you going to tell me not to kill Alan? Going to tell me I'm going to go to jail for the rest of my life?
Reva: I could do that. Listen to me. I could. Or I can help you.
Beth: Cassie, I just want to say I'm so sorry. Tammy was a wonderful girl and she'll be missed.
Lizzie: I still can't believe that this is real. She was the best friend I ever had.
Beth: Are you serious? Are you really saying that?
Josh: We've had a long night. Cassie needs some rest.
Beth: Cassie needs her daughter back.
Josh: Come on, Cassie, let’s...
Beth: She didn't have to die.
Lizzie: I know you blame me, but it wasn't my fault. I wanted to stay friends with Tammy. I wanted her to be in Sarah’s life. My God, she was trying to steal my family. First my husband and then my baby...
Beth: Lizzie, that's enough.
Cassie: She took you in, Lizzie, when you were pregnant and alone, she gave you a place to live and she made you feel welcome. She shared Jonathan with you, the love of her life. She let him marry you, even when it broke her heart. Even though he never loved you. He never could love you. He never will love you.
Lizzie: You know, Tammy’s not exactly innocent. I mean, I know she's gone, but that doesn't make what she did okay.
Cassie: And what you did is? I know Lizzie. I know what your grandfather did to my little girl and I bet you put him up to it.
Lizzie: No, it was not like that. I swear.
Cassie: But pretty damn close, huh?
Lizzie: Tammy took my baby.
Cassie: And you took mine.
Josh: Okay. Cassie, let's just go, okay?
Beth: We're leaving. Cassie, for what it's worth, I'm more sorry than I can say. What is wrong with you?
Lizzie: She attacked me first.
Beth: Do you have any idea how heartless you sound, how selfish?
Lizzie: I didn't mean for any of this...
Beth: Come with me.
Josh: She doesn't know what she's saying.
Cassie: Do you know what I'd give for one more fight with my daughter, one more stupid, ugly, blow-up fight with my daughter?
Josh: Let's go.
Nurse: I got you here. B.P. 90 over palp pulse 108 and very weak. Respiration's a 24 and shallow. Get a crash cart.
Mallet: Let's call the station. Tell them we got the driver and we got the rental agreement. What do you say? Marina? Are you okay?
Jonathan: You might not want to be here for this.
Reva: Thanks for the warning.
Jonathan: Well, I don't want to see you get hurt. Go.
Reva: Well, then, fine, give me a minute, please. Just a minute.
Jonathan: Reva whatever it is, whatever you've got, I don't want to see it.
Reva: Please.
Jonathan: I don't want to see it.
Reva: Wait. Just stop. Look at this. Look. Humor me, come on. Who is that?
Jonathan: I don't care.
Reva: Look at this picture. Who do you see there? Who is that, huh? That's you. It's you when you were a little boy. This picture I have carried with me every day since I had to give you up. This picture reminded me every second I was away from you. That I had to leave you behind. Look at the eyes. Look at the eyes. Look at the eyes. Look at the mouth. Who do you see there?
Jonathan: Nobody.
Reva: Yes. Sarah. Sarah, only she's prettier. But look. Look at Sarah. Look at that. I still see you in her.
Jonathan: What do you want me to do, throw it on the fire?
Reva: You want me to throw Sarah on the fire?
Lizzie: Why are we here? You don't go to church.
Beth: I used to.
Lizzie: This is where Tammy and Jonathan got married, okay? I don't want to be here.
Beth: Well, maybe we should have been coming here, Lizzie, a lot more a long time ago.
Lizzie: How do you know he's there? I've asked him for a lot of things,, and nothing happened.
Beth: I don't think it works that way.
Lizzie: Well, if he's there, why did he take Tammy?
Beth: He didn’t. Your grandfather did.
Lizzie: I really am going to miss her. I just can't believe that she’s... I didn't mean to say the stuff that I said to Cassie. It was really horrible.
Beth: I know you didn't mean it.
Lizzie: I'm not a bad person, Mom. I don't want to be like granddad and I know you probably don't believe me, but maybe you were right. Maybe I did have a little bit to do with what happened to Tammy.
Beth: I know. I know that you're not a bad person. I know that. I just wish that... let's go. We should just go. Come on.
Lizzie: No. Wait. I'm going to say a prayer for Tammy. I know that she was a really good, caring person.
Beth: I think that's a good idea.
Lizzie: I want to say a prayer for Jonathan, too. And for myself. I know that I can be a really good mom to Sarah and a loyal wife to Jonathan if I can just get the chance.
Mallet: Where are you going?
Marina: I'm going to fill out the police reports. I'm sorry.
Mallet: What?
Marina: For going all teary and weak on you.
Mallet: You know what, partner? We're cops, but we're also humans.
Marina: First Remy and now me, right?
Mallet: Yeah, Remy lost control. Remy might have killed somebody, and that's just not okay. But I think it is okay to be sad and I think it's okay to grieve. It's not like I'm going to report you to the chief.
Marina: I just... I can't believe that she's really... I told her I knew that Jonathan was bad and I knew that Lizzie was bad and I told her so many times, but maybe I just... maybe I didn't tell her loud enough or enough times and maybe... maybe if I had, none of this would have happened and maybe if I had just kept her away from him, maybe then she would still be alive, you know? Maybe.
R.J.: Mom. What's wrong?
Josh: Well, first of all, it is way past your bedtime, young man, so you go upstairs, brush your teeth, and we'll be up in just a little bit to tuck you in, okay?
R.J.: Can I show you something first?
Josh: Sure.
R.J.: I made this for Tammy. See, that's her on Jonathan’s bike riding back from the hospital.
Josh: Wow, that’s... that is a great card. Nicely done.
R.J.: Do you want to see the other one? I made two.
Cassie: You can show them later. Right now you're supposed to be brushing your teeth. Come on, let's go. Up, two, three, four. How am I going to do this, Josh? How am I going to tell my little boy that his sister is never coming home?
Jonathan: Give me any more crap, Reva, you're not stopping me.
Reva: I know how many times I've told you how difficult it was for me to give you...
Jonathan: I'm not listening!
Reva: I thought maybe now you would understand because you're a father! You would understand how giving up your child is going to tear you up inside!
Jonathan: I know what you're trying to do, Reva! It's over! This is done! I've decided! Done deal!
Reva: No, it's not over, because you still have someone out there who needs you! Who can't live without you!
Jonathan: I can't do that. Okay? Tammy's the one who showed me how to love my daughter. Tammy's the one who promised to help me raise her. Tammy's the one who made me believe in myself.
Reva: Then believe...
Jonathan: Without her, I don't believe in anything.
Reva: Believe in your daughter, Jonathan, believe in Sarah. Love her. Protect her. Give her what you can't give Tammy.
Jonathan: No. I'm not strong enough to do that. I don't want to raise Sarah no more without Tammy. I don't want to live in a world without Tammy. I don't want to be where Tammy’s not.
Reva: Jonathan, what about what Sarah wants, huh? What about what she wants? I was forced to give you away. I didn't have a choice. I wish I had the kind of choice you have. You can burn this house down and with it, you can burn down all of Sarah’s hopes of having any kind of a life that she deserves, a life about love and happiness and security, or... or listen to me! Stop it! You can walk away and you can make a right decision by her and you can raise her the way Tammy would want you to raise her.
Jonathan: Or I can burn Alan Spaulding alive, which is what he deserves. He deserves it, Reva.
Reva: I'm not saying that he doesn’t.
Jonathan: Tammy jumped in front of a car. Tammy is dead right now because that bastard up there couldn't do it right. He could have shot me. He could have stabbed me, anything but Tammy.
Reva: Jonathan.
Jonathan: Anything but Tammy. It was supposed to be me.
Reva: I know.
Jonathan: It was supposed to be me! I just want to go to sleep and wake up where she is!
Reva: I know you do.
Jonathan: So tonight Alan Spaulding gets what he has coming to him!
Reva: Who's more important to you now, Alan or your daughter?
Jonathan: I hate him!
Reva: You want Alan to suffer the way Tammy did?
Jonathan: I want him to suffer worse. That's it. That's enough.
Reva: I know. Jonathan, just....
Jonathan: Reva, I'm warning you, I'm warning you.
Reva: Okay, okay. I've said my peace. I'm not going to get in your way. But please, Jonathan, do what you need to do and just remember Sarah. Just... go. I never liked this table, anyway. I never liked this house.
Jonathan: You say that now?
Reva: You did the right thing.
Jonathan: Doesn't feel right.
Reva: It will. Someday.
Jonathan: Someday.
Reva: Come on. I know a little girl who needs her daddy.
R.J.: There's me, and there's Tammy, and then there's Will. And that's you, Mom, right next to Uncle Josh. And up there's, that's an angel. It's Richard. Because he's in heaven.
Josh: That's a really nice drawing, R.J.
R.J.: Tammy loved Richard. Can you make sure that she knows that it's him? Or maybe I could give it to her myself?
Cassie: Baby, there's something that we have to talk to you about. You know your sister was hurt pretty badly when the car, when it hit her.
R.J.: But she's strong.
Cassie: Yeah.
Josh: She's very strong. That's true.
R.J.: Even though she is afraid of bugs.
Josh: R.J., Tammy doesn't have to be afraid of anything anymore.
Marina: She's gone, Remy. Tammy's gone and we need to start finding some way to accept that.
Remy: Sorry, Marina. I can't do that.
Marina: I know what you're going through.
Remy: No, you don’t.
Marina: You are trying to think of all the things that you could have done to stop it, because I am, too, but Remy, all the what ifs just aren't going to bring her home.
Remy: I get that she's not coming home, Marina. And I get who killed her too. And I won't stop until...
Marina: Until what, Remy?
Remy: Until Alan and his hit men are wiped off the face of the earth.
Mallet: Well, you may be in luck. Gillespie was just downgraded from serious to critical so he may not make it.
Lizzie: Mom, wait. What? What's the matter.
Beth: Don't you ever learn, Lizzie? Tammy just died, for heaven's sakes.
Lizzie: I know. I just said a prayer for her.
Beth: No, no, you didn’t. You said a prayer for you.
Lizzie: Okay, I want my family to stay together. I'm trying to do something selfless.
Beth: Selfless?
Lizzie: For Sarah, for my daughter. I want her to grow up with two parents. Is that such a terrible crime? And Jonathan, Jonathan needs me now more than ever. He needs a wife that can take care of him.
Beth: Listen to you. You're talking about being Jonathan’s wife. He just lost the love of his life.
Lizzie: Well, I was his wife, and he married me first.
Beth: He married you for the sake of his child.
Lizzie: Well, together we could protect her. I will not let granddad near Sarah. Ever, I swear. After what he did...
Beth: And why did he do it, Lizzie? Why?
Lizzie: I never meant for any of this to happen. You have to know that. And I know that Tammy is dead, but why does... why do the rest of us have to suffer?
Beth: I can't even look at you.
Lizzie: Wait. Help me with Sarah. You're going to at least help me get her back, right?
Beth: For now, Lizzie, I think Sarah is better off with her father.
Lizzie: You are my mother.
Beth: Yes, and I didn't do a very good job at it.
Lizzie: What if someone tried to take me away? How would you feel? What if nana had called you an unfit mother?
Beth: She did on a few occasions and I'm starting to think she was right.
Lizzie: Okay, you know, you made a couple of mistakes but we got through it.
Beth: Did we?
Lizzie: Most of the time. Don't tell me that you don't miss daddy every single day and that you don't wish that you could help him the way that I want to help Jonathan.
Beth: Of course I miss Phillip and I wish that he were here right now.
Lizzie: You know, when I was living with Jonathan and Sarah, it was like being back in Arizona. We were happy. We were a family. And I just want that so bad. And if I could get it, then maybe something good could come out of all this bad.
Beth: No, no, Lizzie, don't you see? Nothing good can come of this. Tammy is dead. Has that even registered with you yet?
Lizzie: Yes, yes, I'm sad about it.
Beth: She will never have a child. She will never buy her first house or celebrate a wedding anniversary.
Lizzie: Stop, stop, stop.
Beth: Oh, my God, what happened?
Lizzie: Jonathan. He needs me.
Beth: Lizzie.
Jonathan: Look at you, sucking away on that bottle. You don't even know what just happened.
Reva: She will be the one who gets you through this.
Jonathan: Yeah.
Reva: Jonathan.
Jonathan: What?
Reva: Are you going to be all right?
Jonathan: Not yet. Not until I do what I have to do.
Mallet: I know you lost someone, Remy. But we're cops and that man you put in the hospital...
Remy: He's not a man.
Mallet: That man you put in the hospital has sustained severe injuries. Going to have to report this to Frank.
Marina: What will happen?
Mallet: I don't know. That's up to them.
Remy: Thanks for the loyalty, man. Means a hell of a lot.
Mallet: Remy, what do you want me to do? What did you expect me to do, walk up to you and shake your hand, say nice job? Hey, man, you almost killed somebody.
Marina: You don't know that.
Mallet: I don't think you want to hear the list of injuries.
Marina: Okay, Mallet, just back off, okay? Let's go home, Remy, and get some rest.
Remy: You rest.
Josh: Hi. I thought you would be with Jonathan.
Reva: I left him with Sarah. I thought I'd check in and see how the rest of you were doing.
Josh: Come on in. We told R.J. Yeah. He went to bed. I doubt he's sleeping. I tried to do it the best way I could.
Reva: I'm sure you handled it better than anyone else could have. But what about you, Joshua? How are you?
Josh: Tammy was just so young, you know? She had dreams. I just never thought...
Reva: Neither did I. She was like our second daughter. Oh, honey, I know it's late.
Cassie: It's okay. I'm glad you're here.
Reva: I'm sorry. I'm so, so sorry, sweetie.
Cassie: I guess I still can't believe she's gone, you know? Because when the phone rings or there's a knock at the door, for a split second, I still think it's her.
Reva: I know. You know what? Why don't I stay for a little while? I'll make tea. I'm the big sister. I can make tea.
Cassie: That would be good.
Josh: I'll see if I can get the fire going again. Reva.
Reva: I'm sorry.
Cassie: No, no, it's okay. I want to look.
Jonathan: That's the last time, honey, last time daddy leaves you. From now on, me and you, kid.
How could this ever happen this unexpected blur
the future's gone all that's left to hold on to
are the times that were a state of desperation
a painful resonation a blood so red
like I've never seen this cut was anything but clean
there's not a price too high and no amount of ...
if someone could only take me far away
from the ache that voids my soul, steals light from my
every day if someone would only take me
far away far from here
so far away from here
from the ache that voids my soul
steals light from my every day
if someone could only take me far away
far from here so far away from here
so far away from here.
Next on "Guiding Light"...
Harley: I'm not going to hurt him. Remy already took care of that. So you're the guy who killed Tammy Winslow?
Gus: We're going to erase G out of your life.
Alan: I was the one left here to take care of everything.
Alan-Michael: Lizzie's the one you need to worry about right now.
Jonathan: What do you want?
Lizzie: I want to do something for Tammy.
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