Guiding Light Transcript Friday 1/26/07
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Proofread by Tanya
How could this ever happen this unexpected blur
The future's gone all that's left to hold on to are the times that were.
Josh: I'm so sorry, honey. Have you said good-bye? Okay. You want to do that? Okay. Jonathan. She just wants to say good-bye, that's all.
Jonathan: I'm not ready yet, Josh.
Josh: It's okay. It's okay, son. It's all right.
Jonathan: (Sobbing) Josh, I don't want to leave her alone.
Josh: I know, I know. But she's gone, Jonathan.
Jonathan: (Sobbing)
Josh: Let's go. It's okay. It's okay. It's okay.
Jonathan: (Sobbing)
from the ache that voids my very soul steals light from every day
if someone could only take me far away far from here
so far away from here
so far away from here.
Dinah: You know, honey... what's wrong?
Mallet: I thought there might be word on Tammy’s condition.
Dinah: Maybe no news is good news. (Knock on door)
Mallet: I got it. Boudreau, come on in. I want to talk to you. I just got a call from the crime lab. Apparently someone's been trying to use my name to get information on the driver that hit Tammy Winslow. Now, you wouldn't know who this somebody is, would you?
Remy: You know I do.
Mallet: You can be suspended for that.
Remy: Think I care about that?
Mallet: You need to understand. Look, I understand that you're Tammy’s friend, but you need to understand that we will find this driver, okay? But you need to step back.
Remy: No, you need to understand what this is.
Mallet: What is this?
Remy: You guys are looking for a reckless driver, someone who got scared and took off. No, this wasn't an accident.
Dinah: Wait a minute, so are you telling me that somebody hit Tammy on purpose?
Remy: What I'm saying is we need to shake down Alan Spaulding.
Bruno: Mr. Spaulding.
Alan: The girl's dead.
Gillespie: Well, that's a shame.
Alan: Yes, especially since she wasn't the target.
Gillespie: You want me to finish the original job?
Alan: No. I want you to leave town.
Gillespie: I'm already gone. Almost.
Daisy: G, you came back.
Gillespie: Of course I came back, Daisy. You're too important to me. I couldn't leave here without you.
Gus: I know you know that Daisy was in that car. But I've got to tell you, I don't think she knew what was going on. I don't think she's a bad kid, so maybe you could give her a break.. you heard? Here.
Cassie: I love you, sweetheart. Forever.
Josh: You can stay for as long as you want, Cassie. It's okay. It's all right.
Cassie: No, it's okay. She's not here.
Jonathan: No, no.
Josh: Jonathan.
Jonathan: No, no, no.
Josh: Don’t.
Jonathan: No. She used to like it when I tucked her in, said it made her feel safe. Maybe I should have done a better job.
From the ache that voids my soul
steals light from my every day if someone could only take me far away
far from here so far away from here
so far away...
(Baby crying)
Jonathan: Shh.
Josh: Is there anything... anything at all that I can do to help?
Jonathan: Yeah. Will you take Sarah?
Josh: Sure.
Jonathan: Until Reva gets back.
Josh: Sure. But where are you going? I mean, I don’t... Jonathan, I don't think you should be driving right now. You... how are you doing, huh? Yeah, I know. Shh. It's okay. It's okay.
Nurse Maggie: Tammy was a lovely young woman.
Josh: Yeah. I have to make sure Tammy’s mom is all right. Can you take her for just a minute, please? Thank you. Thank you very much. Cassie. You can have more time with her, obviously. Even if you want to be alone, I'll just be outside, all right?
Cassie: I need my phone. I've got to make a lot of calls. There are a lot of arrangements to take care of.
Josh: Wait a minute, wait a minute. First of all, I'll take care of that, okay? You just need to sit down.
Cassie: No, no, I need to do this now.
Gus: Tammy was a nice kid. Didn't deserve to die.
Alan: No, she didn’t. But I gave up worrying about what people deserve.
Gus: You came to pray for her?
Alan: What if I did? I'm not heartless, Gus.
Gus: I always wondered what it would be like for everybody if maybe you were.
Alan: The only sin I'm guilty of is loving my family too much.
Gus: Where's Lizzie’s baby?
Alan: At the moment, she's with Jonathan.
Gus: Maybe that will comfort him.
Alan: What about Elizabeth? What about the Spaulding’s, your family?
Gus: That's funny, there's a girl dead and you're still thinking about you. It's amazing to me.
Alan: Look, I'm very sorry about what happened to Tammy, but she will have many people mourning her. Jonathan is responsible for it, and he will have the rest of his life to think about that. But now, Gus, we have to take care of our own. I think deep down you know exactly what I'm talking about.
Mallet: No, no, no. Come on, no booze, baby. We just got some police business.
Dinah: Remy isn't on duty.
Mallet: Now, why would you suspect Alan Spaulding?
Remy: Tammy called me the night she was hit. She told me Jonathan was in trouble. She said she needed my help. But I blew her off. I was tired of her running to me every time she needed help with him, and I told her she was on her own.
Dinah: This isn't your fault.
Remy: The car was meant to hit Jonathan. Tammy dove in the way.
Mallet: Remy, this isn't your case.
Remy: I was first on the scene. I was the one who kept the blood from pouring out of her body while she laid there dying.
Mallet: I understand that, but I'm handling the case, okay? You got to step back on it.
Remy: The guy can be long gone by now. Let me help.
Mallet: Remy, that's the way it's going to go down! I'm sorry, you're in no position to handle this case. I'm handling it, okay? You've got to step back.
Dinah: Remy, that was a friend of mine from the hospital who's a nurse and she... told me that Tammy’s gone. I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry.
Remy: He killed her. Alan killed her.
Mallet: Listen, I'm going to go over there and I'm going to talk to Alan, okay? I want you to...
Remy: And do what? Watch TV? Take a nap? I'm going to do something with or without you.
Mallet: Remy, that's not wise. You're not going to do that.
Dinah: Mallet, you let him do something. You let him do something.
Mallet: All right. You can ride with me, but I take the lead, okay?
Gillespie: Your cousin's going to make a full recovery.
Daisy: Oh, that's so great. I'm so happy. That's so great.
Gillespie: Right, right. So that means it's the perfect time for us to head off.
Daisy: Head off. I mean, well, I don't know if I can. I mean, I promised Gus I'd stay here.
Gillespie: So what?
Daisy: Well, so, I mean, he’s... he's been really good to me, you know, covering for me...
Gillespie: Yeah, Daisy, if he wanted to, he could decide to turn you in at any second.
Daisy: Yeah, but I mean, you said that Tammy’s going to be all right now, so...
Gillespie: We still hit her. Don't you get that? It's still a crime.
Daisy: We... we didn't hit her. I mean, you hit her. You were driving.
Gillespie: And you were in the car, which makes you an accessory. Look, babe, it's either us or them. I mean, I thought we were really good together, but if this is the kind of life you want to lead, then good luck.
Daisy: Wait, wait, wait. I'll come with you. Just let me get my stuff.
Gillespie: Well, there's no time.
Daisy: My clothes.
Gillespie: I'll buy you new ones.
Daisy: Why are you so nervous?
Gillespie: Wouldn't you be nervous if your stepfather was coming back soon? I mean, I really think we should get out of here. (Knock at door)
Gus: Daisy, it's Gus. Open up.
Daisy: Coming.
Gus: Hey.
Daisy: I was in the bathroom. Sorry.
Gus: I got some bad news.
Daisy: What's wrong? Is it the adoption? Is Sydney okay?
Gus: No, it's nothing to do with the baby. The baby's fine. Tammy didn't make it.
Daisy: No. Why are you lying to me?
Gus: Your boyfriend killed her. Sorry to be so blunt about it, but you need to understand how serious this is. You hang out with bad people, you make bad choices, bad things happen. Let's get you some fresh air.
Daisy: How could this happen? I don't understand.
Gus: What do you mean, you don't understand?
Daisy: Tammy, how could she be gone? She was doing better. They said she was going to recover.
Gus: Who said she was doing better?
Daisy: I just... I heard it on the news.
Gus: Well, they're wrong. You know what this means, don't you?
Daisy: Uh-uh.
Gus: It's bad enough that your boyfriend hit Tammy and fled the scene, but now that she's dead, everything changes.
Daisy: Changes how?
Gus: Your boyfriend is a murderer.
Daisy: But he didn't mean to do it...
Gus: I'm doing everything I can to keep you out of this thing, okay? But I'm doing it for your mother and I'm doing it for the baby. And I'm doing it to make sure your stupid choices don't jeopardize the adoption. I still can't make any promise... come on, we're going. Come on, we're going.
Cassie: I need to call the college and let them know.
Josh: Listen, listen...
Cassie: And I need to make sure that the hospital bills are covered.
Josh: It's okay to stop, Cassie.
Cassie: No, it's not.
Josh: You have to stop sometime.
Cassie: No, I don’t. I thought I had the number for Tammy’s for lab partner in here, but I don’t. I can't remember her name. What is her name?
Josh: Just...
Cassie: I never remember her name.
Josh: Just sit done for a moment, okay, just sit down.
Donaldson: My name is Andrew Donaldson. I'm here to see Mrs. Winslow?
Cassie: Hi, that's me.
Josh: Yeah, this is...
Cassie: Thank you for coming so quickly.
Donaldson: My pleasure.
Cassie: This is Josh Lewis.
Josh: How do you do?
Donaldson: Very sorry for your loss, Mrs. Winslow. When did your daughter pass away?
Cassie: Half an hour ago.
Donaldson: I see. Are you sure you want to do this now, Mrs. Winslow? You can come see me tomorrow.
Cassie: No, now, now is good.
Donaldson: All right. May I use this table? Wentworth Brothers is a full service funeral home. We take care of all the details for the bereaved. You said you had a plot at Willow Green, is that correct? Mrs. Winslow? Those are the various casket options we provide. There are 17 in all.
Josh: Cassie.
Cassie: I'm sorry, go ahead.
Mallet: Alan, we need to talk to you.
Alan: All of you?
Mallet: You, you can go, thank you.
Alan: Well, what's this about?
Mallet: Tammy Winslow. Obviously you heard what happened to her.
Alan: Cassie must be devastated. Please give her my deepest sympathy when you see her.
Mallet: Will do.
Alan: Any progress on tracking down the driver?
Mallet: Well, we're working on that.
Alan: Good, good. Listen, I'll be happy to offer a reward. As a matter of fact, I can write you a check right now.
Remy: We don't want you're money, Spaulding. We want answers. We know you sent someone after Jonathan.
Mallet: That's it. That's enough.
Remy: You can't say she's dead?
Alan: What is he talking about?
Mallet: We have reason to believe that you're personally involved in the death of Tammy Winslow.
Alan: How dare you come into my home and accuse me of such a ludicrous thing.
Mallet: We can go down to the station and do this if you like. You want to do that? As a matter of fact, we can leave right now. You can ride with him. Would you like that? How do you feel about that? You see, we can do this the easy way, or we can do it the hard way. That would be your choice.
From the ache that voids my soul
steals light from my every day if someone could only
take me far away far from here
so far away from here...
Jonathan: Alan did this. He has to pay. No, no, no, no, no, he would say, "No, Jonathan. Don't, don't, don't, you have to worry about Sarah now. You have to... don't do anything crazy." But I am... crazy without you. You're gone. You're gone. You're gone. You're gone. He doesn't just get to walk away from that.
Mallet: Tammy Winslow made a call the night of the hit-and- run. She told a friend that Jonathan was in danger.
Alan: I don't know anything about this.
Remy: Like hell you don’t.
Mallet: So you don't know anything about that? So you wouldn't mind telling us where you were that night?
Alan: Not at all. As a matter of fact, I was right here with my granddaughter Elizabeth.
Mallet: Okay. We'll check that out with her.
Alan: Gentlemen, enough of this. Anything else you want to say to me, you will go through my lawyer, all right?
Remy: Well, lawyer up.
Mallet: Okay, okay, okay. Alan, we'll be talking to you again really soon.
Alan: I can't wait, Detective.
Mallet: Easy, easy.
Alan: Get out of my house.
Remy: What is it?
Dinah: That's the number. That's what he was hiding underneath his foot. I don't know if it has anything to do with Tammy’s death, but I have a hunch it does.
Remy: We'll find out.
Gus: You know, everybody needs a reason to clean up their act. She's yours. She's yours.
Donaldson: Have you thought about what clothing you'd like Tammy laid to rest in, Mrs. Winslow?
Cassie: Clothing?
Donaldson: A special dress, perhaps. Something that was a favorite of hers that had meaning for her.
Cassie: Well, she just got married.
Donaldson: I'm so sorry. I didn't know.
Cassie: I went shopping with her for the gown and it was very last minute, but we found a beautiful dress. She was very happy in it. It was perfect. It was the happiest day of her life. And now I will put her in that dress. I'll put her in that lovely dress, and I'll bury her in it. (Sobs)
Josh: Cassie. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Cassie.
Alan: That's the end of that.
Jonathan: I don't think so. We are just getting started.
Alan: How did you get in here?
Jonathan: Tammy's dead.
Alan: I heard. I'm very sorry.
Jonathan: You're the one who killed her.
Alan: Why would I kill Tammy?
Jonathan: You hired someone to run me down. Tammy got in the way. She was the most beautiful, perfect thing... now she's gone and you are still here.
Alan: I know you're very upset about this, Jonathan.
Jonathan: Upset? Upset? She was my life. My wife. I just held her in my arms while she died. I squeezed that little body as tight as I could to try and keep that life in there tighter. I squeezed faster. She's gone. I wish I was dead. Not yet. Too much to do.
Alan: What did you come here for? Are you going kill me?
Jonathan: You have no idea how much I want to do that.
Alan: I think I have some idea.
Jonathan: I should let the police handle this. Come here, put you behind bars for the rest of your life. Nothing could be worse for you.
Alan: There's only one problem. There is no proof that I killed Tammy. Now I feel very, very bad for your loss, but I am going to go after custody for little Sarah and you are going to lose again. You will have nothing, which is exactly what you deserve.
Jonathan: Now, I said I should let the police handle this. I did not say that I would. Come here.
Bruno: Hey! Come on! That's it. Come on! That's it. Come on.
Jonathan: You do not deserve to be alive. You do not deserve to be alive!
Alan: Get out of here!
Jonathan: If there is a God, I swear he will get you for this. He will get you and you will burn in hell! Murderer! Murderer!
Josh: Cassie.
Cassie: I left her alone in here. She was barely gone and I left her alone. Why did I do that? Why did I do that? I should have held onto her. I should have held onto her. Why did I let her go?
Josh: Cassie, you were scared.
Cassie: I deserted her.
Josh: No, you didn't desert her. That's not true.
Cassie: It's just like when she was a little girl and they took her away from me. I could have stopped him. I could have stopped him somehow.
Josh: Cassie, there's nothing you could have done, okay? Nothing.
Cassie: Tammy. Why did I leave? Why did I leave her? (Crying)
Josh: Cassie, listen to me. You were a great mother to Tammy. You sacrificed so much for her, and you have nothing to feel guilty about.
Cassie: I failed her.
Josh: No, no, you didn’t. She loved you. And she knew she was loved. She knew she was your world, Cassie, just like R.J. knows.
Cassie: Did she? Did she know? Did she always know, Josh? Did she always know?
Josh: Yes, she always knew. It's okay. I'm here. Reva's here. Billy's with you. All of your friends. You're not alone. You'll never be alone, Cassie.
Alan: Did you take care of Mr. Randall?
Bruno: Yes, sir.
Alan: Did you make it clear to him that he is not welcomed here anymore?
Bruno: Very clear, Mr. Spaulding.
Alan: Good. I think I'll go lie down then.
(Cell phone ringing)
Gillespie: Did you forget to tell me something?
Remy: Yeah. Technology's great. You can track anyone with just a cell phone.
Gillespie: Who the hell are you?
Remy: A cop. Right now what I am is your worst nightmare.
Daisy: So how long am I going to stay here?
Gus: You're going to stay here long enough so I know you're not a threat.
Daisy: Can I at least have a computer? Something to text...
Gus: No, you're not getting anything. Nothing. Just yourself with your thoughts. And starting right now, you're not going to have any liquor, you're not going to have any pills to pop, and you're going to lose that snotty little attitude as well, okay? And if your boyfriend calls you, what are you going to do? You're going to call me first, right away. Do you understand? Do you understand?
Daisy: Yeah, whatever.
Gus: No, no, not "whatever."
Daisy: Yeah, okay? All right already, I get it. You don't want me to mess up anymore. Okay? Yeah, yeah, it's so good to just be home.
Nurse Maggie: I'm sorry to interrupt. These are Tammy’s personal effects.
Josh: Thank you.
Nurse Maggie: I'm so sorry for your loss.
Josh: You don't have to go through these right now, okay?
Cassie: She was so happy. She finally had everything she wanted.
How could this ever happen? This unexpected blur
the future's gone all that's left to hold onto
are the times that were.
Jonathan: Alan, you're asleep upstairs. Too bad.
Next, on "Guiding Light"...
Cassie: That was Mallet.
Josh: And?
Cassie: He killed my little girl. He did it on purpose.
Reva: Who?
Cassie: Alan Spaulding.
Lizzie: Granddad did this. He did this. I had no idea. If I had any idea, I never would have... I never would have...
Cassie: You never would have what?
Marina: I think I've got a lead on the driver.
Mallet: Let's hope we find this guy before Remy does.
Gillespie: It wasn't my fault.
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