GL Transcript Wednesday 1/24/07

Guiding Light Transcript Wednesday 1/24/07


Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Tanya

Jonathan: You come back okay? You come back to me. And I'll make all the bad things... Alan is not going to get away with this. I will make them pay. I sound just like they do. I don't care about them. I don't care about revenge. I just want you, you, okay? You can't leave me. You can't leave me, because you remember what I was like when you met me and... hey. Hey, Tammy. Hey. Hey, am I dreaming here?

Tammy: Am I?

Jonathan: No, no, no, I'm here. Hey. You're here, baby, you're awake. You're awake. I'm here. And you're going... you're going to be fine. You're going to get better, okay? You're going to get stronger and stronger and better and more awake and then pretty soon the doctors are going come in here and they're going to say, hey, gorgeous, you got to get out of that bed. We need that for sick people and then you're going to come home with me... you have to. I mean, we're married now. It's part of the... (Laughs) ...part of the bargain. Shh.

Reva: You just have to keep the faith, sweetie, just keep the faith.

Cassie: Okay.

Reva: Nobody knows that better than I do. Everything will be okay as long as we keep the faith.

Jonathan: Hey, she's awake.

Reva: What did I just tell you?

Cassie: She's awake?

Jonathan: Yeah.

Cassie: Oh, honey. Thank you, sweetie. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Reva: You did it.

Jonathan: Did what?

Reva: You, you, brought her back.

Jonathan: No, no. This is something a little bigger and better than me, but I'm not complaining.

Cassie: We should get someone to check on her, nurses and doctors and...

Tammy: Sarah?

Cassie: Honey, just rest, okay?

Jonathan: Hey, Sarah’s with Lizzie.

Tammy: And Alan. Right? Right.

Jonathan: Don't worry about it. It's going to be okay.

Tammy: No, no. She doesn't want... she didn't belong with him, not with him.

Cassie: Tammy, stop.

Tammy: With you. She belongs with you. Go get her. Get her right now. Bring her here. Bring her. Please. Please.

Jonathan: I was nervous. I didn't know... Tammy’s got more guts than I do. More guts, more strength. She's going to be okay.

Reva: You know what? You need to save your strength too. You're going to need it, for when you go after Sarah.

Cassie: She shouldn't be worrying about her right now. She should be taking care of getting better. But if that's what gives her hope, you get that little girl away from the Spaulding’s.

Reva: Well, it's not going to be easy, not now that Alan has his hands on Sarah. He's not going to give her up without a fight.

Jonathan: Well, then, that's what he'll get. I just don't want to, I don't want to leave her. I don't want to leave Tammy, you know?

Cassie: I'm going to be with her every second. I will call you if anything changes.

Jonathan: Okay. All right. Come on. Let's do this. The quicker we deal with Alan, the quicker we get back to Tammy. I'm not just talking about my kid anymore; I'm talking about Tammy’s life.

Jeremy: Mr. Spaulding, I'm sorry, but you have a visitor.

Alan: Jeremy, I thought I made it very clear that I didn't want anyone entering this house without...

Reva: A green light from you. Is that it, Alan? So what's up with the fortress mentality?

Alan: I'm a cautious man trying to protect my family in uncertain times, Reva.

Reva: Did your publicist come up with that? Not that I blame you, of course, for wanting to protect such a beautiful little angel like Sarah. Hi, sweetie.

Alan: Then what do you blame me for, having her here in the first place?

Reva: Well, you know, the court did rule that she rightfully belongs with Jonathan.

Alan: Jeremy, take Sarah to the nursery and make sure that Hilda watches her at all times.

Jeremy: Yes, sir.

Alan: Well, Reva, anything else?

Reva: Guess it's only natural that we worry about the kids in our families. So much can happen to them in the blink of an eye.

Alan: Yes, I heard that Tammy’s in critical condition, and I think it's very... very tragic.

Reva: She's awake now.

Alan: Can she communicate?

Reva: She's still very weak, but we're keeping our fingers crossed that she'll recover.

Alan: Well, where there's life, there's hope.

Reva: Kind of what Sarah is to you, is that it, Alan?

Alan: Reva, I'm not the only one in this room looking for redemption.

Reva: Amen. So in the spirit of doing the right thing, Alan, let me take Sarah to see Jonathan and Tammy.

Alan: I thought I made it clear to you that I don't care what the court said.

Reva: Do you care that Tammy’s hovering near death? This isn't about a court ruling, Alan, this is about a life.

Alan: I'm very sorry for what happened to your niece but I am not going to compound this tragedy by handing little Sarah over to that brash, reckless...

Reva: Jonathan is her father!

Alan: And if it weren't for him, none of this would have happened.

Reva: He did not cause that accident, Alan! Tammy risked her life to save him!

Alan: And if he wasn't in her life, she wouldn't be near death's door right now. I will not give him a chance to inflict more pain on little Sarah.

Reva: You're the only one causing pain around here, Alan. Let me take Sarah to see Jonathan and Tammy, the two people who need her most who will raise her with love and kindness...

Alan: Jeremy? See our guest to the door.

Reva: You want hope, Alan? You want redemption! Sarah can give you that but you have to give up this obsession you have with her. She's not a trophy, she's a little girl. She's not some family project. Let her be with Tammy and Jonathan. If you don't, you're going to be doomed making the same mistakes over and over and over again for as long as any of us can remember!

Alan: Good-bye, Reva!

Reva: No, no. I know my way out.

Lizzie: You can't do this!

Jonathan: Shut up.

Lizzie: It's kidnapping.

Jonathan: Look around, you're in a church. Not the trunk of a car.

Lizzie: I don't know which is worse. You and Tammy got married here, right? That why you broke in and dragged me down here? To rub my nose in it?

Jonathan: As if I had time for something like that right now.

Lizzie: Okay. Then what is this about?

Jonathan: I need you.

Lizzie: You need me?

Jonathan: Yes.

Lizzie: I knew it. I knew that if you would just let me back into your life...

Jonathan: Are you nuts?

Lizzie: Look, it's nothing to be ashamed of, Jonathan. You know? You just started caring about me more than you thought you did, and now you're realizing how much I mean to you. It's okay.

Jonathan: You really are insane.

Lizzie: You just said that you need me.

Jonathan: How twisted are you? You took her to Alan. That's why he wanted to kill me.

Lizzie: Jonathan.

Jonathan: Yeah. I know what went down. I can't prove it yet, but I will.

Lizzie: I have no idea what you're talking about.

Jonathan: I'm talking about my wife lying in a hospital bed with tubes and wires sticking out of her! You and Alan did that!

Lizzie: That's not true!

Jonathan: Yes, it is true.

Lizzie: No, it's not.

Jonathan: You bad girl! You're a liar! Tammy wants to see Sarah. She will. That is the only reason you are here right now.

Lizzie: You took me.

Jonathan: Yeah, there's too many people watching Sarah. Maid, butler, just like Reva figured. Give me your cell phone. Give me your cell phone!

Jeremy: Mr. Spaulding, there's a problem.

Alan: What now?

Jeremy: Miss Elizabeth has gone, sir.

Alan: Gone? Jeremy, I thought I made it very clear that no one is to enter or leave this house without... ( cell phone ringing ) It's Elizabeth. Elizabeth, where the devil are you?

Jonathan: She's with the devil, and man, is he ever pissed.

Alan: You had better not harm her.

Jonathan: She's fine so far. Won't be for long, unless we come to a little agreement.

Alan: About the baby, huh?

Jonathan: My baby.

Alan: I should have known. Reva was just here wanting to take her. Full of platitudes, when it was nothing more than a diversion.

Jonathan: Didn't have to be a diversion.

Jonathan: It wouldn't have had to have been a diversion if you had given her the baby like any decent person would have.

Alan: You know, there's a law against kidnapping, Jonathan.

Jonathan: Yeah, and attempted murder. Let's not get technical.

Lizzie: Granddad, help me!

Alan: Put her on.

Jonathan: You can talk to her. She will be fine soon enough. We need to make a deal first, though. Lizzie for Sarah. That's fair. Child for a child. Come on, Alan, I don't hear you jumping at this. Lizzie for Sarah.

Lizzie: Granddad, he won't hurt Sarah, but I think he is crazy enough to hurt me.

Alan: You're bluffing.

Jonathan: You don't think I have it in me to hurt Lizzie after what the two of you did to Tammy?

Alan: No, I don’t.

Jonathan: You have no idea who you're dealing with. Because my wife, the woman I love, is in a hospital bed right now in critical condition because of you.

Lizzie: Granddad!

Jonathan: And all I have to do is think about Tammy struggling to take a breath. I get this overwhelming urge to...

Lizzie: Granddad, help me!

Jonathan:... Smash Lizzie’s face in! What's it going to be? Your call!

Alan: Let me get this straight. I'm to hand over Sarah, the brightest new star in the Spaulding family for...

Jonathan: For Lizzie, yeah.

Alan: My granddaughter who married you and turned against her own flesh and blood, then had me committed to a mental hospital because I tried to help her.

Jonathan: Yeah, that's the one.

Alan: Well, my answer is no deal.

Jonathan: You're going leave her hanging?

Lizzie: He said no? He said no. Granddad, I'm scared. You love me. I know that you do. Give him what he... Granddad.

Jonathan: He hung up? Hello? He hung up. Come on.

Lizzie: No! Are you happy now? I don't have anybody. You, you, made me walk away from my family and you promised me that we were going to make a family together. But now Tammy had to...

Jonathan: Don't you speak her name!

Lizzie: All she had to do is take one look at you and you just cut me loose!

Jonathan: Shut up.

Lizzie: You think my granddad is so horrible to you? Because you are no better than him. You guys are exactly the same!

Jonathan: Yeah, right.

Lizzie: Yeah, yeah, you are because you're both... you both have been playing this sick chess game and I am just a pawn in it and so is Sarah.

Jonathan: I love my daughter. I'm going to get her back.

Lizzie: Good luck.

Jonathan: Tammy needs to see her. Tammy needs to see her right now.

Lizzie: Tammy needs, Tammy needs, Tammy needs. Is that all you can think about? What about what I need, huh? You made a vow to me, Jonathan, and it may have been a joke to you. It may have been an act, but it wasn't for me. You promised me that you would love and respect and take care of me for the rest of my life.

Jonathan: Lizzie, that was a joke!

Lizzie: But nobody's laughing now, are they? I have got news for you, Jonathan. If I can't have the family that you promised me, you are not going to have your precious, perfect family that you want. How's that for a deal?

Reva: What did the doctors say?

Cassie: Nothing yet. But I have got a really good feeling that she's past the worst of it now, you know? I really do. What about Sarah?

Reva: It's out of my hands.

Cassie: I know that one. So how is she? Resting comfortably? Isn't that what you say when a patient's been stabilized?

Dr. Willis: Your daughter has remarkable strength, Mrs. Winslow. Medication's done all it can for her.

Cassie: Meaning?

Nurse Maggie: She's asking for you.

Cassie: Hi. You look good. How are you feeling?

Tammy: You have to... you have to be there.

Cassie: Honey, of course I'm there. I'm camped right outside that door until you're better.

Tammy: Not me. Jonathan and Sarah.

Cassie: Sorry, sweetie, I'm not following.

Tammy: You have to be there for them. When I'm gone.

Lizzie: Go for it. Take it all out on me.

Jonathan: Shut your mouth!

Lizzie: No, no, this is what you wanted to do since the minute you found out I was pregnant. Only would have hurt the baby, huh? And then it's just going to hurt me.

Jonathan: Lizzie, I wasn't bluffing.

Beth: Let her go, Jonathan. This is the girl you want.

Jonathan: Sarah.

Beth: Here's your daughter.

Jonathan: What's going on? Why are you doing this? Is Alan outside?

Beth: No, Alan doesn't even know that she's gone yet.

Lizzie: You know what granddad's going to do?

Beth: Let them be.

Lizzie: No, no, no. You and me and Sarah, we can run away together, wait for my trust fund to kick in and then we'll all be safe. We'll all be safe. We'll all be safe.

Beth: No, Lizzie, no.

Lizzie: Yes, yes, yes.

Beth: No, no, no.

Lizzie: Mom.

Jonathan: What's in this for you?

Beth: Because I care about that little girl, and living in that house with that man is no place for her. She deserves better than that, Lizzie.

Lizzie: No, she's my little girl, in case you've forgotten.

Beth: I haven't forgotten, but you have.

Lizzie: What?

Beth: You used her as a bargaining chip to hold on to Jonathan. When you left her in the car in your desperate attempt to make everyone believe you were suffering from postpartum depression but most of all when you enlisted Alan’s help knowing that he is capable of anything and everything. Why did you do that, Lizzie? Why?

Jonathan: Beth, thank you. Tammy and I will never forget this.

Lizzie: Neither will I.

Beth: I didn't do this for you, Jonathan. I did this for my baby, the one that I lost and the one that I have to save.

Lizzie: This isn't the way to do it. No, no, she needs to be with her mother.

Beth: Come on, Lizzie, we've got to go.

Lizzie: No, no. I don't care...

Beth: That girl should be with somebody who loves her, somebody who will put her first. Right now that excludes anyone named Spaulding. Come with me, Lizzie.

Lizzie: No, Mom. No. What are you doing? Let me go.

Beth: Just promise me one thing, Jonathan.

Jonathan: What?

Beth: Don't cut Lizzie out of Sarah’s life.

Jonathan: Deal.

Lizzie: No!

Cassie: You listen to me. You are going to get well, honey. You are. It might take a little time. That's okay. We don't have to rush it. The day's going to come when you're going to walk out of here and you and Jonathan and little Sarah, you're going to stay with me for a while until you're 100% shipshape and then you're going to move into your very own home.

Tammy: Home.

Cassie: Yeah. You remember that old Geiger house on Clover Hill Road?

Tammy: Copper. Copper beech.

Cassie: Yeah, sweetie. That's right. The one with the huge copper beech tree out front. The one you've been in love with since we moved to this town. It's yours, sweetie. I made an offer on it as a wedding present to you. I know, I know it's a lot more house than we ever got to live in when you were Sarah’s age. Before all the foster homes and... there was so much I couldn't give you back then, honey. And not just material things but time and attention because, you know, I was just so busy trying to make sure that we would survive, I left out the part where I made you feel safe and secure.

Tammy: You gave me everything. Everything that matters.

Cassie: Not your sweetness, though. Your sweetness you come by all on your own. Hey, you know what that copper beech is going to need? It's going to need a swing. So you can push Sarah on it. And the kids that you and Jonathan are going to have together. I can already hear them screaming "Mommy, higher, mommy, higher." And I know I was the one who was 100% against you and Jonathan and I said you'd never have a happy ending with that guy, but I was wrong, sweetie, and I know that now.

Tammy: Mommy...

Cassie: I'm sorry.

Tammy: That happy ending... you can have that. If it doesn't happen...

Cassie: Shh, Tammy.

Tammy: If it doesn't happen, take care of Jonathan.

Cassie: You're going to be fine, honey. You're going to be fine.

Tammy: No.

Cassie: Yes. Honey, I am still your mother. And I will pull rank with you if I have to. You're going to have that happy ending because if anyone deserves one, it's you. Tammy. Hey, Tammy. Dr. Wills, she needs you.

Reva: What happened?

Cassie: I don't know. We were... I was talking to her and she was squeezing my hand and then she just went limp.

Reva: She's resting, honey. She's just resting.

Cassie: I don’t think so.

Reva: Cassie, they're going to do everything they can for her.

Nurse Maggie: I'm sorry. I can’t...

Jonathan: This is what she needs. Trust me. Hey. Look who's here.

Tammy: Sarah.

Jonathan: Yeah, Sarah. Wouldn't have done that for just anybody, you know? Only my wife.

Tammy: I love... I love being your wife.

Jonathan: Yeah, well, you better. You better love my little munchkin here, too.

Tammy: She's so sweet.

Jonathan: Yeah. I'm going to go bring her out to Reva, okay? You rest. I'll be back in a minute. It was looking bad there for a minute today, wasn't it? Wow. But, hey, look at us now. Sarah's here and you're awake and you're reaching for her and you're touching her. I mean, I would call that a good ending to a bad day, wouldn't you? You're so beautiful. Look at you. There's going to be a lot of good days from now on. Me, you, Sarah, the three of us. ( Beeping ) Hey, Tammy. Hey. Hey, excuse me. What's going on? She got worse. Didn't she? Since I've been gone, she got worse. Well, help her. Can you do something? Okay.

Reva: Doctor.

Dr. Wills: I'm sorry. We've tried everything we can. Her injuries are very severe.

Jonathan: No, no, no, she was just awake. She just spoke. Two minutes ago she just smiled and touched my face. She touched my daughter. She's going to be okay.

Reva: Jonathan.

Jonathan: Don't touch me. You don't give up on her. She will make it through this if we stick with her. Yes, Father Ray, good. Perfect timing. Reinforcements.

Father Ray: Dr. Rose asked me to come.

Jonathan: Well, we'll take what we can get.

Father Ray: Jonathan.

Jonathan: What, you come here to...

Father Ray: Look, I understand how upset you are.

Jonathan: You understand how upset I am? You marry us and now you come here to throw in the towel?

Reva: Jonathan, Father Ray came to help.

Jonathan: Help?

Reva: Yes.

Jonathan: Help by giving up? You're no better than they are. You, you got... you got some racket going here, don't you? You marry us in God's name and you make these amazing promises about a wonderful life. Now you figure that same God wants to take everything away and you expect us to pray to him for that? Ain't gonna happen, Father. Not the plan. Not to take it away.

Father Ray: I know your pain.

Jonathan: You don't know anything! God would not let Sarah grow up without somebody like Tammy to love her and teach her.

Father Ray: There are questions only God can answer.

Jonathan: Oh, okay. Is that faith? Is that what you're saying, we're supposed to have faith?

Father Ray: That's why we have faith, Jonathan.

Jonathan: Take your faith and shove it!

Reva: Jonathan.

Jonathan: And shove your prayers!

Reva: Jonathan, honey.

Jonathan: No, this guy to you, this God of yours, he can turn water into wine, right? He can move mountains, he can put stars in the sky, yeah?

Father Ray: Yes.

Jonathan: Yeah. Well, if he can't save the one good true beautiful thing in this disgusting world, I say screw him.

Jonathan: Tammy, Tammy, hey, it's me. Do you hear me?

Cassie: She looks really...

Reva: She's been through a lot, Cassie.

Cassie: I'm going in there.

Reva: No. Not yet. This is their time.

Jonathan: Don't you give up on me. You are not allowed. We just got started. Tammy. Hey.

Tammy: Hey.

Jonathan: Did you hear me yelling at you just now?

Tammy: Where's Sarah?

Jonathan: Sarah is with Reva.

Tammy: Thank you.

Jonathan: Thank you?

Tammy: For bringing her.

Jonathan: Have I ever been able to say no to you?

Tammy: Never.

Jonathan: Yeah, you got that right.

Tammy:( Mumbles )

Jonathan: Say it again, baby.

Tammy: I'm glad you're here.

Jonathan: Well, good. You better be. Going to be together for a very long time.

Tammy: Jonathan.

Jonathan: What? I'm not going anywhere.

Tammy: I might.

Jonathan: Don't say that.

Tammy: Shh. It's okay. It's okay. I'm...

Jonathan: Tammy.

Tammy: When I'm gone, I'll still be with you and Sarah.

Jonathan: You're going to be fine, okay? Come on. You just need to rest and then you're going to feel better. Everything will be great.

Tammy: So... so much good in you. So much love.

Jonathan: Well, it's only for you, honey.

Tammy: No. No. Don't you hide it. She needs it. Your other girl.

Jonathan: Sarah.

Tammy: Sarah. Lucky Sarah. She'll have you.

Jonathan: But I want you. Hey. I want you. Tammy. Tammy, come here. Come on. Breathe, breathe, Tammy, just breathe.

Tammy: I'm not afraid.

Jonathan: Come on. Breathe. Come on.

Beth: Alan. I know you're angry with me. I know you think I betrayed you. But Tammy may not live until morning. Seeing that baby may turn out to be her dying request. How could we refuse her?

Alan: Get out.

Beth: Jonathan said that he won't cut Lizzie out of Sarah’s life. And I believe him. I also think that he'll make a good father. At the very least, he deserves a chance to find out, don't you think? I mean, considering what you... what we have done.

Alan: Get out of my sight.

Lizzie: I don't know where to go. I don't belong anywhere. (Crying)

Jonathan: Hey. You don't give up on me. You don't give up on me. Tammy, I know it hurts. I know it hurts. I'm asking you to fight when you just want to go to sleep. But I'm selfish and I'm greedy and I need you here. Tammy, we were meant to be together. That's just the way it is. That's the way it's always been with us. You know that priest out there tried to tell me? That we will be together some day, but... I can't wait that long. I hate being in this world without you. What am I supposed to do, go back to being the kind of guy I was before you met me? I can’t. I can't do that. You changed everything. I'm stuck with it and you are stuck with me. You are stuck with me. I am a lifetime project, babe. You know that. You know that. Come on. You bail on me now... I'll start losing ground. Start setting fires and throwing punches again. Is that what you want, huh? Tammy. Tammy. Tammy. Tammy. Who's going to straighten me out if you're not here? Who's the only person who can make me human with a touch or with one little kiss? Come on. Hey. Hey.

Tammy: Sarah.

Jonathan: No. I want you. I want you. No, no. No. No. No. Oh, God. Get out! Get out of here. Baby, come on, breathe. Come on, come on, come on. Come on. Come on. Breathe. Come on, baby, come on, come on, come on.

Next on "Guiding Light."

Bill, you should have seen that son of yours. The way he drank his milk, he had it down to quick as a bunny. And then fell fast asleep. So what does Maida say? Is there a telegram? Yeah. I hope it didn’t. No, it's from Maida. Maida? Look, she's flying in tomorrow. What? Yeah, she wants me to pick her up at the airport. Tomorrow evening. That's surprising. I had a letter from Trudy today. I forgot to tell you about it, Bill. And it was Trudy’s opinion that... Maida was planning on staying in New York indefinitely. I wonder what made her change her mind?

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