Guiding Light Transcript Friday 1/19/07
Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Tanya
Josh: Reva?
Reva: Hmm?
Josh: You want to stay outside for a minute?
Reva: For a minute? How about a whole day? What time is it?
Josh: We're early. Is there anything at all that I can get for you?
Reva: A clean bill of health. I can't even make it to my first three-month checkup without finding a lump. It seems so soon.
Josh: It might not be cancer, Reva.
Reva: Yeah, and I don't really even want to see the look on Colin’s face when he says, "I'm so sorry, Reva."
Josh: Or when he says, "You look so healthy, Reva. You look great."
Reva: I looked healthy when I was diagnosed the first time. I wonder if Jonathan’s called.
Josh: 50 bucks says he hasn’t.
Reva: And you win. What kind of a kid forgets his own mother?
Josh: Oh, come on, Reva. Did you call your mother on our honeymoon?
Reva: On some of them.
Josh: (Laughs)
Reva: Thanks for being here.
Josh: I owe you... for giving me my life while you were fighting for yours. Taking you to the doctor is the least I can do.
Reva: Wouldn't you rather take me bowling?
Josh: You can't bowl, Reva.
Reva: How about fishing?
Josh: You can't really fish, either. Young lady, it's time to go, okay? And if you're a good girl, the doctor will give you a lollipop.
Reva: What do I get if I'm bad?
Josh: Oh, man.
Tammy: Are you hungry?
Jonathan: Yeah.
Tammy: Okay. Okay. Okay, okay, I'm going to get us some sandwiches.
Jonathan: Oh, not a chance. (Laughter) I don't want you out of my sight.
Tammy: Okay, room service, room service.
Jonathan: (Chuckles) Fine. Call them and put it on Aunt Liv's tab, but then we get back to bed quick.
Tammy: Ooh, I am impressed. I really thought you might lose interest after we got married.
Jonathan: That wedding ring is such a turn-on. I can't believe that you're my wife. What went wrong?
Tammy: Wrong?!
Jonathan: Yeah. I'm happier than I've ever been. I have everything I ever wanted. Something's got to be wrong, right?
Tammy: Wrong! Come here.
Jonathan: Your loving me is a gift. There's no other way to say it.
Tammy: Then say it again.
Jonathan: I never want anybody but you. And once we get Sarah here and we work out the custody, does it get any better than this?
Tammy: Oh. Yes, if you kiss me.
Lizzie: How much time do you think we have?
Alan: Time?
Lizzie: Before they come to take her away.
Alan: They're not coming to take her away. She's staying right here.
Lizzie: Tammy and Jonathan are married. He wants custody.
Alan: I don't care what he wants. This is Sarah’s home and this is her destiny.
Lizzie: She's more than just that. She is my only hope and my only chance to get Jonathan back.
Alan: Back?
Lizzie: Yes. We're going to show daddy where he belongs, aren't we, Sarah? And we are going to get him back, no matter what we have to do.
Tammy: I'm sorry. (Telephone ringing) There's just... something that I've been wanting to do for a long time now. (Telephone ringing) Mrs. Jonathan Randall. I know. How about that? Well, thanks. Yeah. Here he is. It's Mel.
Jonathan: Hey, Mel, what's going on? Temporary custody!
Tammy: You got the baby?
Jonathan: Pending Lizzie’s psychiatric evaluation. Okay. Mel, thank you. We'll be right over to get the papers, okay? (Laughter) Sarah’s going to be with us!
Tammy: Oh, I'm so happy for you.
Jonathan: Us, for us.
Tammy: Jonathan.
Jonathan: Bummer. Come on. She's going to need you, too. Sarah's going to need you, too. You got to teach her stuff. You got to teach her how to be, you know, presentable and good and pure and everything her father isn’t.
Tammy: Okay, yeah, you're going to do just fine.
Jonathan: Okay. Yeah? Come here. Oh, yeah. You remember that, huh? You like that.
Tammy: How could I forget something like that?
Jonathan: Okay. Whoo-hoo! There's going to be a baby in the house! There's going to be a baby here! Who's your daddy? Who's your daddy?
Tammy: I love seeing you so happy.
Jonathan: Oh, I love being so happy. What do I have to do now, just get the papers and go... go bring them to Lizzie?
Tammy: You think she's just going to give you the baby like that?
Jonathan: I mean, she has no choice.
Tammy: Yeah, yeah.
Jonathan: I mean, I don't want to take her away forever. That’s... you know, that's not what I want to do. But it's not safe for Sarah to be around Lizzie right now, so we'll take her away for a little while. I know Lizzie loves her. I want things to work out.
Tammy: Lizzie has to take care of herself for now.
Jonathan: Yeah. Yeah.
Alan: You're not still going after him, are you?
Lizzie: I still love him.
Alan: Elizabeth, he tossed you aside and married his cousin. He's coming after your child. Now, when you came to me, you said that you wanted me to...
Lizzie: Jonathan is Sarah’s father. (Cell phone ringing) Hello?
Jonathan: Hey, Lizzie, it's me. I need to see you and Sarah.
Lizzie: Okay. Sure. Why?
Jonathan: I'd rather tell you in person.
Lizzie: Great. The movie theater on Main Street? We can leave right now. Okay, I'll see you there. (Laughs) Jonathan wants to see me. So much for that big honeymoon, huh?
Alan: What did he say?
Lizzie: Nothing much. Just that he wants to talk in person and that he wants to see me and Sarah. He wants to see us.
Alan: Elizabeth.
Lizzie: Yes, he does. I got to go.
Alan: No, no, wait, wait. Where?
Lizzie: Main Street.
Alan: You cannot take that baby out. It's freezing. Look, why don't you go and see what he wants? Look, it'll give you a chance to spend a little time alone with him.
Lizzie: Yeah, that is a good idea. (Laughs) All right. You stay with granddad and mommy is going to be home soon and hopefully daddy will be with her. (Laughs) Look at her smile.
Alan: Yes. She is precious.
Lizzie: Take good care of her.
Alan: I will. She will be just fine. Yes, you will. You'll be just fine, Sarah, as long as you are here. Yes, this is Alan Spaulding. You were suggested to me by a friend, a friend who has used your services. As it turns out, I have a pest problem, too.
Tammy: I will go to the store and get what we need and try to be back in time for you to bring Sarah home.
Jonathan: And then the real celebration begins. Did I tell you I love you?
Tammy: Mm, I can't quite remember.
Jonathan: I love you. Good-bye, Mrs. Randall.
Tammy: Good luck.
Jonathan: I already got that.
Lizzie: (Sighs) Okay. Don't push. I can do this. Jonathan belongs with me. Tammy's just a bad habit, like cigarettes. And he has to give her up some time, so why not today?
Jonathan: Lizzie, who are you talking to?
Lizzie: I was just...
Jonathan: Where's Sarah?
Lizzie: It was a little cold outside, so I left her at home.
Jonathan: But I asked you to bring her here.
Lizzie: It's okay. It'll give us a chance to talk and figure stuff out. That's why you asked me to come down here, right?
Jonathan: The judge made a decision about temporary custody. He decided that Sarah belongs with me.
Lizzie: No.
Jonathan: Lizzie.
Lizzie: No. Because we were supposed to be a family, you and me and Sarah.
Jonathan: We are, technically-- a divorced family. I'm with...
Lizzie: Don't! Don't say her name. I don't want to hear her damn name. She didn't have your baby, I did.
Jonathan: Lizzie, I'm not out to get you, okay? I really think that Sarah is better off with Tammy and I right now until you have time to...
Lizzie: Don't you dare talk to me like I'm crazy. I made a few mistakes, Jonathan.
Jonathan: A few mistakes? A few mistakes that could have cost Sarah her life. Now, I know that's not what you want.
Lizzie: I want us to be together.
Jonathan: And we tried that and it didn't work.
Lizzie: Well, let's try again.
Jonathan: Lizzie, I can't be the husband that you want. I don't love you like that. Come on, we both know that pretending does not cut it. It's not good for any of us, especially Sarah.
Lizzie: Sarah, Sarah, Sarah, Sarah. Did you ever care about me? You know, just me?
Jonathan: Yes, I did. I do. I still do. I feel awful about this, okay? I know your family has done some terrible things to you. I know what's it's like to be kicked around by the people who say they love you. Lizzie...
Lizzie: God, I can't believe that you're...
Jonathan: Lizzie...
Lizzie: ...Doing this to me.
Jonathan: Where's Sarah? Don't make this ugly. I have the court on my side. I'll get the police if I need to. Where is she?
Lizzie: With my granddad.
Jonathan: Go get Sarah.
Lizzie: No.
Jonathan: Lizzie.
Lizzie: She is where she belongs.
Jonathan: Okay, I'm going to get the court papers.
Lizzie: Fine. My granddad will make it disappear. And after he does, you can go straight to hell, right alongside of your precious Tammy.
Colin: Ah, there she is.
Reva: Hi, Doc.
Colin: Did you pick up another cowboy there?
Reva: Oh, no, this is one of my old regulars.
Colin: Good to see you, Josh.
Josh: Good to see you, you too, Dr. McCabe. I was happy to hear that you're in town.
Colin: Well, it's good to see you two together again.
Reva: Oh, no, actually, we're not.
Josh: Reva told you that she found something, right?
Colin: Yes, under your arm. I know the first thing you probably thought is, oh, no, the cancer is back again. But it could just be a harmless cyst or a swollen lymph node or any number of things.
Josh: So how do we find out?
Colin: Well, first thing, I'll examine you and then I'll draw some bloods for a C.B.C. and blood profile. And then I'll send you upstairs for a mammogram. If that's inconclusive, then I'll inject the area around the lump with a local anesthetic and we'll do a needle biopsy.
Reva: Another biopsy.
Colin: Reva, let's just...
Reva: ...Take one needle prick at a time, right?
Colin: Yeah, something like that. Are you ready to go to work?
Reva: Yeah, sure. Josh...
Josh: I'll be right outside if you need me. Looks like quite a collection of magazines out there. I'll be able to catch up on my reading, so don’t... don't you cause too much trouble in there.
Colin: Oh, wow, he knows you well.
Reva: That he does.
Colin: Deja vu?
Reva: No, that's when you feel like you've been someplace before. I have been here before.
Colin: Come on. You missed me.
Reva: Same old ego. I could use some reassurance, you know, Doc. Like, "It's not cancer, Reva. Don't be silly. Your chances are..." (sighs) What are my chances?
Colin: You know your chances. You could probably quote me your odds.
Reva: I want another doctor, one who doesn't know all my tricks.
Colin: No, you don’t.
Reva: No, I don’t. You're worried, though, aren't you?
Colin: Reva, this could be nothing.
Reva: I can't put my family through this again.
Colin: You didn't put them through it the first time.
Reva: You know what I mean. Ow.
Colin: I'm glad Josh is here with you this time.
Reva: I'm glad that girlfriend of yours brings some fire into your life.
Colin: Let's see what's going on with your body, huh?
Gillespie: Cute kid.
Alan: Yes, that little angel is the future of my family. And that is why I'm thinking about using your services. You see, her life is in jeopardy.
Gillespie: Who would go after a baby?
Alan: Someone who wants to strip her of her birthright, the life she deserves, the life of a Spaulding.
Gillespie: And that's where I come in?
Alan: Maybe.
Gillespie: I wouldn't be here if it was "maybe."
Alan: I'm hoping that I don't need your services, you see. I have to talk with my granddaughter and try to persuade her to do her part in all of this. I'll put you on a retainer.
Gillespie: So who's the mark?
Alan: Little Sarah’s father, Jonathan Randall.
Lizzie: Why are you doing this to me? I not only lose Jonathan but now I'm going to lose my baby. Why does everybody leave? I can't lose Sarah. I can’t.
Remy: Lizzie? What is it?
Lizzie: The two losers at the scene of the crime.
Remy: What crime? I'm here to see Father Ray about an after school safety project.
Lizzie: Are you kidding me? You didn't notice that Tammy hasn't been home?
Remy: I don't keep tabs on her. What she does is her business.
Lizzie: Oh, my God. You don't know, do you? Tammy and Jonathan got married.
Remy: They what?
Lizzie: Right here in this church.
Remy: She would have told me.
Lizzie: It was quick. Small wedding, but the two star-crossed cousins are together at last.
Jonathan: Tammy, you will not believe what just happened. "Be back soon. Can't wait to see Sarah. Love you both, Mrs. Jonathan Randall."
Alan: Well? How did it go?
Lizzie: Exactly like you thought it would.
Alan: So you and Jonathan...
Lizzie: You were right. Jonathan doesn't care about anything but Tammy. He got a court order for temporary custody. He’s... he's coming after Sarah.
Alan: What do you want me to do?
Lizzie: Just stop him. I will do whatever it takes to keep my baby and to make him sorry for hurting me.
Alan: Now you're talking like a Spaulding. That's my girl.
Colin: Hey, Reva...
Josh: Everything okay?
Colin: Yeah, she'll... she'll be out in just a minute. I put a rush on the tests, so with any luck, the results will be back within a day.
Josh: But how... how did things look?
Colin: Well... all we can do is... is just wait and see.
Josh: Wait?
Colin: Yeah, and think positively.
Josh: Pray.
Colin: Well, I'm a doctor, so... yeah, couldn't hurt.
Josh: Just... you know, that's what I've been doing out here, so...
Colin: It's good that you're here, Josh.
Josh: I think so, too. Thank you.
Colin: Try to keep Reva busy, huh? Take her shopping. Take her to a karaoke bar. Just make sure she doesn't make you sing.
Josh: A karaoke bar, really?
Colin: Yeah.
Josh: Okay. Okay.
Reva: Hi, Bud.
Josh: Hi, Reva.
Reva: You're still here.
Josh: I am. I thought about going to an early movie and after that, but, you know...
Reva: Well, you want to get the hell out of here?
Josh: Where do you want to go?
Reva: Anywhere. Anywhere that I can breathe.
(Cell phone ringing)
Jonathan: Lizzie, I'm done fighting with you, okay? You can talk to my lawyer.
Lizzie: Wait. Don't hang up. Look, I'm sorry about the way I acted, okay? I was just really upset. Can we start over?
Jonathan: Why are you whispering?
Lizzie: Because I don't want my granddad to hear. Look, can we just meet someplace where nobody will see us?
Jonathan: Only if you promise to bring Sarah, and you have to agree to let me keep her until they decide final custody.
Lizzie: I'll bring Sarah and we can talk. She misses you, Jonathan, and I know what it's like to miss your father. You know where the old mill is?
Jonathan: Yeah, that's fine.
Lizzie: It's all up to you now. Pay him off, send him away, whatever. All I care about is my baby.
Jonathan: "Going to get Sarah at the old mill. Don't ask. Love you. Mr. J. Randall."
Tammy: Father Ray? Good. Oh, okay.
Remy: Need a hand?
Tammy: Uh... hi. Thank you.
Remy: So I should say congratulations.
Tammy: Yeah. I'm sorry. Everything happened really, really fast. You know, even my Aunt Reva couldn't be there. I wanted to call you and Marina...
Remy: You don't owe me an explanation. I had my eyes wide open when I fell for you. So now, well, I want to wish you luck, because believe me, you're going the need it.
Tammy: Look, I know you don't like Jonathan. A lot of people don't understand him.
Remy: I understand him just fine. In my line of work, I see guys like that ruin women's lives every day.
Tammy: Hey, okay. Either be happy for me or don't be my friend.
Remy: I can't be happy for you.
Tammy: Remy.
Remy: You should go. Looks like you got your hands full.
Tammy: Sorry. I really... I never meant to hurt you. But Jonathan is my life. Sorry.
Alan: The job is on. We've got to move quickly. Where are you?
Gillespie: The Beacon. I thought I'd be here in case he comes home early. Meet him where? The old mill on Lakehurst. Right. What kind of car is he driving? Blue, chrome wheels, dented hood. A license plate? No problem. I'll call you when it's all over.
Tammy: Jonathan. Jonathan, somebody... old mill. Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Pick up, pick up, pick up. Remy. Remy, it's me. I think Jonathan might be in some serious trouble. I tried calling his phone, but I guess it's turned off. You have to help him.
Remy: Tammy, take a breath and calm down. Look, why are you calling me?
Tammy: Because... because this is serious. I think Jonathan’s really gotten into something, and I'm afraid of what will happen if I don't get to him right now.
Remy: Tammy... sorry, Jonathan’s your problem now. You want this life? You want to be tangled up in his mess? Well, good luck to the both of you!
Tammy: Remy? Oh, no!
Josh: Look at me. You're going to get through this, no matter what those test results say, because you know what? Because the world is not ready to let go of Reva Shayne. Because you are a force of nature.
Reva: I feel like a little black cloud.
Josh: Yeah, well, you know what? You're still the only woman I know who can make it rain. Here you go.
Reva: Thank you.
Josh: Mm-hmm.
Reva: You think that I'd be used to this after experiencing it once already, that it would be, I don't know, less scary.
Josh: Why would I think that?
Reva: Because I've already said my good-byes... already been ready to leave.
Josh: But you weren't ready. After all that talk about, "let me go" and "I'm okay with it," you weren't ready to go. You had your chance, but you fought. You crawled and scraped your way back.
Reva: Thanks to you.
Josh: I was just there.
Reva: You're always there.
Josh: It's not an easy thing to let go of your life.
Reva: Especially not when it's been as big as ours has.
Josh: And we still have a whole lot of stuff ahead of us.
Reva: Oh, I hope you're right. I just hope you're right, because I'm not ready to pack it in yet. I really am not. I've got too much I want to do. My family and my friends, and Jonathan’s finally happy and I want to be around to enjoy that. I want to see that goofy grin he gets on his face.
Josh: You know, that grin scares me just a little bit.
Reva: I know it does.
Josh: Hey, hey, I've got an idea. Once this is all over with, why don't we plan some big thing, some family thing? We'll get Marah and Shayne or we can go where ever they are. It could be you, me, Cassie, Billy, Dylan, Tammy, and Jonathan and the baby.
Reva: Sounds like a dream, Joshua. Just like a dream.
Jonathan: Come on, Lizzie. Making me wait is not going to change anything.
Lizzie: Granddad, I thought you were going to meet Jonathan.
Alan: Let him wait.
Lizzie: He could leave.
Alan: Without Sarah?
Lizzie: He'll wait. You're right.
Alan: I'm right? Wow, I haven't heard that in months, and I have missed it. And I have missed you.
Lizzie: I've missed you, too, Granddad.
Alan: You know, when I look at you, I'm reminded that you and James, little Sarah, are all I have to remember your father by. But we're a family again, Elizabeth. We can start the healing.
Lizzie: I don't know if I can ever heal.
Alan: I know how you feel. I felt the same way when your mother and I lost our baby.
Lizzie: You did? You never said much.
Alan: It tore me apart, almost destroyed our marriage. But now that I have you and little Sarah, I have hope again. And you and she will have hope, as well, I promise you that. You're going to have a wonderful life here. And I can also promise you that one day you will have a husband who deserves you.
Reva: Hey, you want to go see a movie?
Josh: Now?
Reva: Well, yeah, I mean, we don't know how long it's going to be before we get the results of the test back and I can put the phone on vibrate.
Josh: Have we ever in our entire lives, have we ever agreed on a movie?
Reva: No, that's why I get to choose.
Josh: Who says?
Reva: Says the lady with the lump.
Josh: Yeah, I don't think I'd hang on to that if I were you.
Reva: You're probably right.
Josh: Okay, so what, we're going to see some gooey chick flick? Great.
Reva: No, actually the last thing I want to do is cry.
Josh: Okay, so what kind of movie do you want to see?
Reva: A comedy. A comedy, with a bunch of guys that do really stupid things and call it a movie.
Josh: I'm pretty sure we can find one of those. How about popcorn?
Reva: Yeah. As long as you don't hog... (cell phone ringing)
Josh: Is that the hospital?
Reva: Yeah.
Josh: Josh Lewis. Hey. Now? Okay. We're on our way. Thank you. It's Colin. Your test results are in.
Reva: And?
Josh: He wants to see you right now.
Jonathan: Damn it, Lizzie. Where are you? Hmm, phone's off. Mm-hmm. (Sighs) Lizzie, where the hell are you? I want my daughter. I want her now. Come on.
Tammy: Oh, God, please pick up. Oh, no! Jonathan! Jonathan, you are being set up. Somebody's coming after you. Do not call me back. If you get this, just get out of there, okay? Get out of there.
Lizzie: Everything's going to be okay. We did the right thing. You're going to get to stay here with mommy and, in time... maybe daddy can come visit. Everybody's going to be fine. All of us.
Alan: Tick tock.
Colin: Wow, that was fast. Why don't you guys come in and take a seat? I'll go over your results.
Reva: Do we need to sit?
Colin: No change in your CEA. Actually, it's almost undetectable now. Your liver enzymes are within normal limits and so are your electrolytes and CBA...
Reva: You know what? Just cut to the chase, would you please? What does it all mean?
Colin: I'm sending you to the racetrack.
Reva: You mean the lump was...
Colin: Totally benign. All your test results were negative. You are cancer-free. (Laughter)
Reva: Cancer-free. I'm cancer-free. Did you hear that?
Josh: Yes.
Reva: I'm cancer-free.
Jonathan: All right, Lizzie, it's your last chance. You'd better pick up. About time.
Next on “Guiding Light”,
Lizzie: Jonathan is waiting.
Alan: It’s near the end of the opera when the reckless hero is engulfed in flames and dies a very painful death.
Cassie: She and Jonathan just really deserve a break.
Jonathan: Oh, oh!
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