GL Transcript Thursday 1/18/07

Guiding Light Transcript Thursday 1/18/07


Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Tanya

Tammy: Hi.

Jonathan: Hi. How are you doing?

Tammy: I'm perfect.

Jonathan: Yeah, you are.

Father Ray: So this is it.

Jonathan: Yup.

Father Ray: Are you ready?

Tammy: Oh, we have been ready for a long time.

Father Ray: Hey, I can skip some of the formalities, if you like.

Tammy: Oh, no, no, no. Okay. I know it's just the three of us, but...

Father Ray: Four.

Tammy: Okay, four. This is the only wedding I'm ever going to have, so I want the works, okay? Is that okay?

Jonathan: Yeah, of course. I'm not going anywhere.

Father Ray: Okay then. Well, let's start with the most dramatic part of any wedding ceremony.

Jonathan: Uh-oh.

Father Ray: If there is anyone here who objects to this man and this woman being joined in holy matrimony, speak now or forever hold your peace.

Josh: I'll talk to you later. Maybe we can celebrate. Bye.

Alan: I tried, Josh. I really tried.

Josh: You want to give me a hint?

Alan: You know, Reva and I actually had a moment of peace the other day, almost came to an understanding. Funny, after what she did to me.

Josh: She caught you, Alan. And then she threw you back. So what's your beef now?

Alan: My beef? My beef is Jonathan’s plan to take Elizabeth’s baby.

Josh: Yeah, well, she's his child, too. So... and I don't really think there's any plan, either, so whatever your problem is...

Alan: I told you I was going to call the D.A., and she's looking into arresting Reva on kidnap charges.

Josh: You just don't stop, do you?

Alan: And when Reva is charged, it will go a long way to prove that your family is unsuitable to raise a child.

Josh: You're not getting Sarah.

Alan: Maybe you'll find a judge who supports criminal behavior, but in the meantime, tell Reva to enjoy her final few days of freedom.

Reva: Maybe it's just nothing. It's just nothing. It's nothing. Call. (Telephone ringing) Saved by the bell. Hello? It's Reva Lewis.

Lillian: You sound official.

Reva: Yeah, that's me. Hi, Lillian. I was just about to call the hospital.

Lillian: Oh, actually, I'm at Towers. I'm meeting Beth for lunch and I'm early as usual. So I'm calling to pester you about coming in for your follow- up exam.

Reva: I know.

Lillian: Are you okay?

Reva: I... yeah, I'm fine. I'm just fine.

Lillian: You don't sound fine. Okay, you promise me you're going to call the hospital?

Reva: Yes, I was. I was going to do that and I also wanted to check in on Cal.

Lillian: Oh, Reva, I am so sorry. I was sure somebody had called you. Cal passed away.

Cassie: Well, since I'm the only one here, I guess I'm the only one who could have something to say.

Father Ray: Do you?

Cassie: I have objections to them not getting married. I'm so happy for you both.

Jonathan: You didn't used to feel like that.

Cassie: Yeah, well, you didn't used to be the man you are now. You finally shaped up. And Tammy, my beautiful daughter, sweetie, I am so... I am so proud of you. You have more faith than anyone I have ever known. And that faith has been rewarded and I know now Jonathan will always cherish you.

Father Ray: Does Sarah have anything to say?

Cassie: (Laughs) Maybe she does.

Father Ray: Well, since everything's okay with the guests of honor, I guess we can continue. In the eyes of God, let us marry these two people.

Alan: Do you know what is about to happen to your ex-wife? And you're here preparing your coffee?

Josh: Well, what am I supposed to be doing, Alan, begging you to show mercy?

Alan: I don't know. Where is your white horse? Isn't it about time for you to swoop in and rescue Reva?

Josh: Reva doesn't need to be rescued.

Alan: She doesn't unless you want her to spend a few years behind bars. I suggest that you take your jet, fly to San Cristobel, where there's no extradition.

Josh: Thank you for that suggestion, Alan, I appreciate it, really.

Alan: You know, you were there, Josh, you saw Reva kidnap me at gunpoint. As a matter of fact, you walked over and took the gun from her. Now, like it or not, that makes you a witness.

Josh: Yeah, I'm sorry, but that sounds like the paranoid fantasy of a delusional mind, the mind of a man who was just released from, I don't know, Ravenwood?

Alan: Josh, when she goes down, I'll have to take you down with her. Because I have proof.

Josh: Proof of what? Life on mars?

Alan: Surveillance cameras at the Outskirts bar were on and they saw Reva kidnap me at gun point.

Josh: Oh. Yeah, see, here's the thing. I thought you might be looking for proof so I had those cameras checked out.

Alan: You did?

Josh: Yeah. There's nothing on the tape but static, snow, that kind of thing. I guess they were on the fritz that day. So there's no real proof, nothing that I saw, anyway, that there was a "kidnapping." That's bad luck for you.

Alan: You never fail to come through for Reva, even when you're between the sheets with her sister.

Josh: Go home, Alan, and don't forget to take your meds.

Alan: I don't blame you, Josh, it's not your fault that Reva can't let you go.

Josh: Good-bye, Alan.

Alan: I think that's why she's considering my offer.

Josh: Your offer?

Alan: Yes. She's going to help me break up Jonathan and Lizzie, and I'm going to help her get you back. I'm waiting for her answer.

Cal: You're not just living

for one anymore.

Every dream you have, I want

you to go after it, double-


Lizzie: I think today might be the worst day of my entire life.

Reva: You, too, huh?

Lizzie: What?

Reva: Lizzie, why don't you sit down. Can I get you something to drink?

Lizzie: I don't want to sit down. I want to break something. I just want to hit something.

Reva: You know what? Leave me out of it, because I'm not in the mood either.

Lizzie: You know, it wasn't bad enough that some judge annulled my marriage to Jonathan, but how does your son celebrate? Marries Tammy.

Father Ray: Marriage is a covenant not to be entered into lightly. And I know with the two of you, that won't be the case. You've written your vows. Whenever you're ready.

Tammy: Who goes first?

Father Ray: Ladies first. That way you won't have to worry if his vows make you cry.

Jonathan: Easy on the pressure there, Father.

Father Ray: Go ahead, Tammy.

Tammy: It's not hard for me to know what I want to say, because I've been wanting to say these words for a long time. When we fell in love, it was you and me against the world, and we won. Most of the time. Falling in love was exciting and dangerous. People hated the thought of us being together, especially the most important people in our lives, our families. I didn't know if I could do it. I didn't know if I was strong enough or tough enough, you know? I had this idea of who I was and what I wanted my life to be and you were...

Jonathan: Exact opposite?

Tammy: Yeah. You seemed like you were wrong in every way, I mean, you were wild and rude and angry and...

Jonathan: I get it. I get it.

Tammy: I'm sorry, yeah. You were broken and so full of rage. Sometimes I thought we would just explode. And we did, a couple of times. But we found a way to pick up the pieces and put them back together, make ourselves stronger, and now look at us. Standing here today, pledging our love for each other. Before God and your daughter. We're whole now, Jonathan. We're bonded to each other. And we know what it means to say for better or worse, for richer or poorer, and I don't know what the future holds, but I feel like there's nothing that we can't do. And Mom, Mom, thank you for being here.

Cassie: You're welcome, sweetie.

Tammy: You raised me and shaped me and guided me to become the person that I am today. And you helped me become the woman that I am, and now I am yours forever. In sickness and in health, 'till death do us part. I love you, Jonathan Randall, and I take you to be my husband with all of my heart and soul. And I take Sarah, too, to be part of our family. And I promise you, I will help you take care of her whenever and however she might need me. And I say the same thing to you: I am yours forever, whenever, however we might be. I'm your wife. Partner, your friend, your love.

Cassie: Shh, it's daddy's turn.

Jonathan: I don't know how to top what you just said. I don't know how I got here, what I did to deserve it. Like yesterday I was one thing and today I'm something else, somebody's dad, about to be somebody's husband, your husband. And just like that, it's like everything that was wrong or has gone wrong in my life is gone, like it never happened. And I don't know if it's having a shave and a shower or being in a church, but I feel, not just clean, but cleansed. Like loving you has washed everything away. When I woke up next to you this morning, I, uh, I looked over and I just felt so light and free and I don't know what to call it.

Cassie: I think it's called happiness.

Jonathan: Happy.

Cassie: Go figure.

Jonathan: You know, I would fight a thousand fights for you. I would take on the world. But I don't want to fight anymore. I don't want to be that guy. I want to be happy forever because of you, because of who you are. You make being good sexy as hell. (Laughs) You do. And that's what you are. You are good. You are like a light that shines on every dark place in me. Now I've heard it said that true love doesn't come to you, that it has to be inside of you. If true love is inside of me, which it is, it is there because of you, and I thank you. Thank you. For saving me. Thank you for loving me. Thank you for becoming my wife. I promise to love you and honor you and obey you. (Laughs)

Tammy: Good.

Jonathan: (Laughs) Why not?

Tammy: Yes.

Jonathan: Yes. If I made you a woman, you made me a man who is finally worth a damn, who finally can be the father that Sarah deserves, finally be the husband that you deserve, and at least in your eyes I will always try and be worthy. So, Tammy, if you will be my wife, I will be your husband forever.

Tammy: Then I'm yours.

Reva: Well, he left a message about the wedding, but I missed it.

Lizzie: He probably wanted you to. He probably knew that you would try to stop him from abandoning me. Actually, maybe there's still time. Maybe you could stop the wedding.

Reva: No, Lizzie, no. Just wait. Wait a minute.

Lizzie: You have seen what a good wife and mother I can be. You can show that to Jonathan, please.

Reva: I think it's time that you faced facts.

Lizzie: No! This is everything that I have ever wanted. I don't care about money or power, anything, that it means to be a Spaulding right now, okay? I just, I just want Jonathan and I just want to have a family.

Reva: You can still have that.

Lizzie: With Jonathan?

Reva: I don't think so.

Lizzie: Why, because I'm the bad guy? Crazy Lizzie? Delusional, stupid Lizzie?

Reva: Hey.

Lizzie: Why is it that wanting something in my life makes me a bad person?

Reva: You know that I supported you when Jonathan wanted to make things right with Sarah, but he's in love with Tammy.

Lizzie: But I'm the mother of his child. Doesn't that count for anything?

Reva: Of course. Of course it does, and whether you and Jonathan are together or not, you will always be Sarah’s mother. You always will be. Sweetie, you gave me a granddaughter. You gave me hope when I was so sick. You named that little girl after my mama, and I'll always be grateful to you for that. And you know what? You are going to find someone to love you, truly love you, and love Sarah, too.

Lizzie: That's exactly what Jonathan said to me about finding someone else. What, did you guys compare notes? Decide how you're going to handle me?

Reva: No.

Lizzie: Yes. You know, I thought that you liked me, but this has all just been one big lie.

Reva: No, Lizzie. Not at all.

Lizzie: Yeah. Admit it. You have been against me from the start.

Reva: I just think you need to accept things the way they are.

Lizzie: You may be able to walk away from the man that you love, but that's not me. I keep fighting.

Reva: I'm sorry. Lizzie, I'm so sorry. And you and Sarah will always be a part of this family, but I've got to go.

Lizzie: Fine, just walk out on me. Like mother, like son!

Father Ray: Do you, Tammy, take Jonathan to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, to love, honor, cherish?

Tammy: I do.

Father Ray: Do you, Jonathan, take Tammy, to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, to love, honor, and cherish, forsaking all others?

Jonathan: I do.

Tammy: Till death do us part.

Jonathan: Till death do us part. With this ring.

Tammy: With this ring.

Jonathan: I thee wed.

Tammy: I thee wed.

Jonathan: All my love I do thee give.

Tammy: All my love I do thee give .

Father Ray: By the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife. Now you can kiss.

Jonathan: Tammy, I'm going to make you happy for the rest of my life.

Tammy: Well, get started, okay?

Father Ray: I am pleased to present you Mr. And Mrs. Jonathan Randall. Congratulations. Go forth and do fine things in the world, for the world needs a love like yours.

Tammy: Wait. Okay, wait, it’s not over yet. There's just one thing that I've always wanted to do. Mom? Even if there were a hundred woman in this room, I would make sure that you caught this.

Cassie: Tammy.

Tammy: Mom, you have inspired me and encouraged me and I don't even know how to find all the words they want to say. You've helped me to get the greatest thing in my whole life.

Jonathan: That would be this guy. That would be me.

Tammy: Father, would you?

Father Ray: I'd be honored. Come here, little one. I got you.

Tammy: There you go. Ready?

Cassie: Yes.

Tammy: Catch. Yay!

Cassie: Let's not rush things, shall we?

Tammy: Fair enough. I love you.

Cassie: I love you so much.

Tammy: You'd better have those keys to the honeymoon suite ready.

Jonathan: Burning a hole in my pocket.

Cassie: Wait, wait. I came prepared.

Jonathan: (Laughs) Take an eye out. Here we go.

Reva: I just wanted you to know that I'm not mad that I couldn't be there, and I am so thrilled for you, son. I just want what's best for you. I can't wait to see you.

Josh: Reva.

Reva: Hi.

Josh: Hi. What are you doing out here? It's freezing.

Reva: Oh, I don't mind.

Josh: Oh, I see, so you're just out here enjoying the cold?

Reva: Yeah, something like that.

Josh: And obviously you're not at Tammy and Jonathan’s wedding.

Reva: No, but I intend to throw a really big party for them just as soon as I can.

Josh: Well, you certainly know how to throw a big party.

Reva: I sure do.

Josh: And this time you won't be saying good-bye. Are you okay?

Reva: Yeah, there's just been a lot of things going on. You know, I mean, I'm thrilled for Tammy and Jonathan, but things are going to get complicated with Lizzie.

Josh: Oh, yeah. On that subject, I just had a little talk with Alan.

Reva: Really?

Josh: Yeah.

Reva: What, good news like he's going to be spending the next 30 years on a safari?

Josh: Well, not quite, no, but Billy and I took care but the surveillance tapes from outside of Outskirts.

Reva: Took care of?

Josh: Well, we taped over them basically.

Reva: Oh, really?

Josh: So there's no proof of any kidnapping on your part. It's just his word against yours.

Reva: And how did Alan take that news?

Josh: Well, about as well as he took the news that Jonathan wants custody of the baby.

Reva: Yeah.

Josh: I just wanted you to know you're in the clear.

Reva: Thanks.

Josh: Sure. Are you sure there's nothing else wrong?

Reva: Nothing. Except cancer.

Lizzie: We are supposed to be sharing custody. My daughter should be here by now. Can't you do something? That's why I called you. (Knock at door) Hi. Hi there. Are you cold? Mommy's so excited to see you.

Cassie: What's going on? Where's Reva?

Lizzie: She's gone. Why do you have my baby?

Cassie: Jonathan asked me to bring her to Reva. Why is he here?

Lizzie: To make sure that you give her to me.

Cassie: So you are alone here.

Lizzie: Yes, and I'm the mother, so you might want to hand her over.

Cassie: Do you know where Reva went?

Lizzie: Reva's not the mother.

Cassie: Oh, I know that. I just-- I think I'm going to wait here until...

Lizzie: Tell her to give me my baby right now. You know what the judge said. You have all the paperwork. He called down to the station and they said that they have it all in writing.

Cassie: I'm not trying to keep you from your child.

Lizzie: Good. Then hand her over.

Cassie: Your daughter may have stolen my husband, but she can't have Sarah, too.

Cop: Please, just give the mother her baby.

Lizzie: Hi. I'm your mama. You know that, right, Sarah? Right? I am your mommy. And I love you so much. And I am never going to let you go.

Josh: Reva, you said that cancer is what's on your mind. Why is that?

Reva: My friend Cal, the one that I brought to your Christmas party?

Josh: Sure. Is he sick again?

Reva: He was. He... he died.

Josh: I'm sorry.

Reva: Don't be. It's all... shouldn't you be with Cassie?

Josh: Cassie's busy with the wedding right now.

Reva: Oh, she made it there?

Josh: Well, she happened to be with Tammy. I'm sure they wanted you there, too.

Reva: Oh, it's okay.

Josh: So your friend Cal, did you know how bad it was?

Reva: Yeah, but still. You always think that...

Josh: You always think the best, because the worst is...

Reva: Unimaginable.

Josh: Is there anything I can do?

Reva: No. Thank you.

Josh: Okay. Well, when you're done planning the party....

Reva: You'll be the first on the list.

Josh: Sounds good. Thank you.

Reva: Bye, Bud. Josh?

Josh: Yeah?

Reva: You've probably noticed that the last few days I've been a little on edge.

Josh: I don't know what you're talking about, I mean, because you almost strangled Billy’s girlfriend or you kidnapped Alan at gunpoint, stuff like that?

Reva: There is that, but there's a reason. It's been three months that I've been cancer-free, and now I have to go for my big three-month checkup.

Josh: Well, three months cancer-free, that's a good thing, right?

Reva: Yeah, yeah. And actually, I was getting dressed and trying to figure out when I was going to make the appointment for, and I found a lump under my arm and it’s... well, it's a lump.

Tammy: Oh.

Jonathan: What a dump, huh?

Tammy: When did you do all of this?

Jonathan: Well, I wanted my wife to have everything.

Tammy: That's the first time you've called me that.

Jonathan: And?

Tammy: I love it.

Jonathan: Can I put you down now?

Tammy: On the bed.

Alan: Elizabeth, what are you doing?

Lizzie: I need you. We need you.

Father Ray: It was a good day.

Cassie: Perfect. One of those days where you feel like nothing can go wrong.

Reva: I'm sorry. I shouldn't have-- it's-- I don't even know if it's anything.

Josh: Reva, how long have you known? When is your appointment?

Reva: I haven't made one yet.

Josh: Is that because you're too scared to make the call?

Reva: I just... you know, I've had my life back again, and I've been learning how to deal with things, and it's just... this can't be happening again. It's just...

Josh: Maybe it is happening again, Reva, but this time it's going to be different, okay?

Reva: Josh...

Josh: Reva, because this time, this time, I'm going to be there for you.

Father Ray: The way Tammy was speaking, it sounds like you might be having a wedding of your own pretty soon.

Cassie: Oh, no, I don’t... well, I mean, you never know.

Josh: You must know how important you are to me.

Reva: I do.

Josh: No matter what it is you have to face, no matter what happens, we face it together. Start to finish, Reva. No matter what it is. We face this thing together.

Reva: Thank you.

Cassie: Can I confess something to you, Father?

Father Ray: That's what I'm here for.

Cassie: Well, before today, I haven't really thought of marrying Josh, but now, after seeing Jonathan and Tammy, I'm not rushing things, I just... being here reminds me of what I really want in my life.

Josh: It's okay, Reva.

Reva: No, no, I'm just... undergoing a reality check. I have my oncologist on speed dial.

Josh: Yes, hello. I'm like to make an appointment, please, for Reva Lewis.

Cassie: Maybe it will be my day again, someday. But it's still today, and today is my daughter's wedding and that is more than enough for me.

Can you love me, will you love me with the lights on, yeah, when the lights are on let the world see, hey, let our love be strong and if everyone is watching us, let them watch, let them talk, just believe what we need is what we are we are we are we are we are.

Alan: I cannot believe how much she has grown since I've seen her last.

Lizzie: It hasn't been that long. She couldn't have grown that much.

Alan: Well, it's been long enough. I don't want to miss one minute of your life, Sarah.

Lizzie: Me, too. Tammy and Jonathan are going to try to take her from me.

Alan: Well, they're not going to do it.

Lizzie: Jonathan had our marriage annulled, him and Tammy got married today.

Alan: I know, sweetheart. I know it's upsetting, but I really feel it's for the best.

Lizzie: I had dreams, Granddad. I loved him.

Alan: I know you did, I know you did.

Lizzie: He's going to fight for full custody.

Alan: And that's why you've come here, come to me, huh?

Lizzie: Help me. Help us. Do whatever it takes to keep her with us.

Alan: Welcome home, Sarah Spaulding.

Next on "Guiding Light".

Reva: Thanks for being here.

Josh: I owe you.

Colin: I'll inject the area around the lump with a local anesthetic, and we'll do a needle biopsy.

Lizzie: How much time do you think we have before they come to take her away?

Alan: They're not coming to take her away. She's staying right here.

Jonathan: With the court on my side, I'll get the police if I need to. Where is she?

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