Guiding Light Transcript Tuesday 1/16/07
Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by
Cassie: Thank you Josh, that was the perfect date.
Josh: We haven’t had desert yet.
Cassie: I know, but I am stuffed. And, besides, I really think we should swing by the office and pick up some work because Billy has been there, and he has been working overtime, and I really think we should... oh.
Josh: Thank you very much.
Cassie: We actually didn't order.
Josh: It's okay. (Clears throat)
Cassie: Josh...
Josh: Uh-huh.
Cassie: Are you nuts?
Josh: That's not actually the reaction I was hoping for.
Cassie: I mean, it's beautiful. Wow, but it’s... what is it for?
Josh: Well, I'm not really an expert, but I think it goes on your wrist.
Cassie: Yeah, I imagined that part. I'm saying, it's not my birthday, it's not Christmas.
Josh: You don't remember, do you?
Cassie: Okay.
Josh: (Laughing) Oh, man. Our anniversary, three months, three weeks, six days. You know, Cassie, I'm hurt, I really am hurt.
Cassie: Three months, three-- what is it?
Josh: Three months, three weeks, six days since the first time we said the words "I love you" to each other. It was the day we became us. And I want tonight to be about exactly that, about us.
Cassie: I love you, you crazy man. Happy anniversary. Now call the office and tell Billy we'll be right in.
Reva: I know! I know, okay, I know. I'm going to make an appointment with the oncologist.
Lillian: Reva...
Reva: Lillian, I know it has been three months. I'm trying not to think about it, but I am thinking about it now because I saw my friend Cal, you know, from the survivors' group? What?
Lillian: Cal is here.
Reva: I know. I mean, I know he said his cancer was back.
Lillian: Oh, it's bad and it's back. He's right in there if you want to talk to him.
Reva: Well, well, well. What some guys won't do to get out of a date.
Beth: Honey, your bath is ready. Lizzie? Lizzie, where did you go?
Lizzie: How you doing back there, Sarah? You want to hear one of your stories? How about the three little bears? You like that one, huh? Remember, this is about how people shouldn't butt in where they don't belong. How people shouldn't sleep in other people's beds or steal other people's husb-- porridge. I tell you what, Sarah, mommy is going to tell a little story today, too. One that's going to make daddy think that mommy is very upset and confused.
Storyteller (on CD): Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Goldilocks.
Lizzie: There once was a girl named Goldilocks, and she finally got what was coming to her.
Tammy: Everything feels right now.
Jonathan: I should have left Lizzie a long time ago.
Tammy: I don't even care about any of that anymore.
Jonathan: I know, but we wasted so much time.
Tammy: But you're home now.
Jonathan: Almost. (Making horn sounds) First things first. Look here. Voila!
Tammy: You miss Sarah?
Jonathan: Yeah. It's just weird knowing that tomorrow I'm going to wake up in a different place than she is.
Tammy: I'm sorry.
Jonathan: No. I'm where I want to be, but I just wish she could be here, too.
Tammy: That little girl is so lucky to have you for a daddy.
Jonathan: And she's going to know you now, too. She's going to grow up with real love.
Tammy: Yeah, the happily ever after kind.
Storyteller (on CD): At the table in the kitchen, there were three bowls --
Lizzie: Time for grownup stuff.
Storyteller (on CD): This porridge is too hot, she screamed. So she tasted the porridge from the second bowl. This porridge is too cold, she said. So she tasted the last bowl of porridge. Ah, this porridge is just the right thing.
Lizzie: Sarah, you know that mommy would never leave you in here by yourself if it wasn't really important, and it is. It's everything. So just hang in there, okay? I promise it will be worth it. Mommy will be right back and daddy will be with her.
Jonathan: I am now officially a loser.
Tammy: (Laughs) Excuse me?
Jonathan: I used to make fun of people that talk about their family stuff and kids' cribs.
Tammy: And now cool kids, like you used to be, can make fun of you.
Jonathan: Great.
Tammy: I don't really think you've changed that much. I always knew you were mushy.
Jonathan: Mushy?
Tammy: Mushy. You were just afraid.
Jonathan: Me? No.
Tammy: Yes, you were afraid to be happy.
Jonathan: (Laughs) Happy, I didn't even know what that was. I thought it was people walking around smiling, laughing all day. I just thought they were on a lot of drugs.
Tammy: Well, I love your smile.
Jonathan: (Laughing)
Tammy: I love the way you smile at Sarah.
Jonathan: Well, I can't not smile at her. Oh, Sarah. I want her to, you know, expect that. I want her to totally take me for granted.
Tammy: She won't take you for granted.
Jonathan: Well, she should. A kid should be able to count on her dad.
Tammy: You couldn’t. And neither could I when I was little.
Jonathan: Uh-huh. Yeah. I want Sarah to expect birthday presents, Christmas presents, and they're going to be there year after year, you know. I remember when I was a kid, my dad reeling me in. It would be like, "Don't worry, Johnnie, this year we'll do it up big, real Christmas," you know, or birthday, or whatever. And I would buy into it because I was a kid. I'd get excited, and then come home, and he's face-down drunk on the couch, and mom's crying in the other room. You know, eventually you just give up hope and ultimately, you know, I stopped going home. But not that for Sarah.
Tammy: You are never going to let that happen to her. She's only going to get good things, I promise.
Jonathan: You're the best gift I could ever give her.
Tammy: Hmm. Not better than a pink tricycle with streamers.
Jonathan: Better than a pink tricycle with streamers.
Tammy: Wow!
Jonathan: Oh, I love you. I just wish I knew back then that everything was going to turn out like this.
Reva: Don't you think that cancer's going to keep you from that weekend we had planned in Vegas. Yeah, you know, hit the slots, roll the dice. You're going to find some gorgeous air-head and I'm going to hook up with some rich tycoon with a bad ticker.
Cal: Cancer and amnesia.
Reva: Okay, so we didn't talk about it, but we're still going.
Cal: You go without me, Reva.
Reva: Like hell I will.
Cal: They're cutting me open tonight.
Reva: And won't they be surprised when all they find there is a big old heart and an ego to match it. Come on, Cal. People like us don't check out in hospital beds. We go out in style, racing cars or making mad passionate love all hours of the day. We live big.
Cal: Or die trying.
Reva: You know, when I saw you, you knew it was bad, didn't you? Why didn't you tell me?
Cal: For the same reason you didn't tell Josh.
Josh: So where exactly did I go wrong here? Was it the bracelet? Was it the food? Was it the choice of restaurants? Or...
Cassie: You didn't go wrong at all. It's beautiful. I love it all. I love you.
Josh: But you can't wait to get back to the office.
Cassie: Well, see, the office is real. Work is real. This is... this is unreal. This is... this is... it's too perfect.
Josh: You're losing me.
Cassie: I just-- you should have just left it at dinner, Josh, because dinner was good enough for one night.
Josh: Good enough?
Cassie: Hey, listen. When things are this good, they're too good. It means there is only one place to go and that's down, way down.
Josh: So we're happy and that is a bad thing?
Cassie: No, it's a great thing. It's a really great thing, as long as we don't make too much of it and don't start counting every little moment that's perfect and wonderful and amazing and...
Josh: Wait, wait. I get it. I think I get it. You're afraid that we-- we will jinx us. Is that it?
Cassie: Based on my personal history, yeah.
Josh: You know, I kind of think you're losing your mind, Cassie, really.
Cassie: Are you saying that you were never superstitious?
Josh: Well, I certainly don't walk under ladders, but, you know.
Cassie: There you have it.
Josh: Okay. Can I have that?
Cassie: Thank you.
Josh: Mrs. Chitwood, hi. It's Josh Lewis. I'm just double checking to make sure you can still stay overnight with R.J. Yeah, yeah. Same information I gave you before, at the Beacon, a suite, that kind of thing. She was surprised, yes, she was. So thank you very much. I have a feeling that tonight's going to be our lucky night.
Lizzie: I don't know. Maybe my husband's right and these feelings that I'm feeling aren't real. Sarah is a blessing. I should want to be around her. I shouldn't feel sad around my own baby. And if her father couldn't help me, I just figured maybe a different kind of father. I didn't know where else to go.
Father Ray: I'm glad you came here for guidance. Postpartum depression is very real. But the good news is, it's also very treatable. You're very brave to ask for help.
Lizzie: Oh, God. I don't feel brave. Maybe ashamed, humiliated.
Father Ray: Where's Sarah now?
Lizzie: Ah, she's with um... with my mom. Or with the sitter. Maybe-- oh, God. I feel so confused all the time, Father Ray. I really... just help me.
Jonathan: We don't have to do that now.
Tammy: Oh, no, no. This doesn't even feel real yet. I need you to unpack, I need your toothbrush in the bathroom and your holey underwear in my dresser right now. Okay?
Jonathan: Hey.
Tammy: What? These are beat. Well whatever.
Jonathan: Our dresser.
Tammy: Oh. Our dresser, sorry. I forgot.
Jonathan: Don't get too used to this place, though.
Tammy: What do you mean?
Jonathan: I mean we're going to get a place of our own.
Tammy: Another one?
Jonathan: (Laughing) Not a place like that. I'm not going to have Sarah hanging out in a bar, a barn or a fishing shack. You know, I want to get a place that is good enough for you guys.
Tammy: Well, any place where you are is good enough for me. Although I can't speak for Sarah.
Jonathan: Okay. No, I was uh... I was thinking we could get, you know, one of those places with the roof, obviously, and rooms and get a yard--
Tammy: Do you mean a house?
Jonathan: Yes, a house! You know, Sarah will grow up with us in a good environment, and people who really love her.
Tammy: Oh, that's not a house. That's a home.
(Engine revving)
Lizzie: It's like one minute you know where your life is going. And then the next, you're making this huge, life-long commitment to another person.
Father Ray: Your child.
Lizzie: Which is wonderful, because marriage is like this beautiful, sacred thing, that's supposed to last forever, isn't that what God says?
Father Ray: Well, the vows don't exactly...
Lizzie: And right when you and your husband are finally getting used to this marriage, and then bam! There's like this baby you're suddenly supposed to get ready for.
Father Ray: About your baby...
Lizzie: Look, I just don't want to be thinking bad things about my baby. Maybe I should be thinking about something else, saving my marriage. It all goes together, right?
Father Ray: Well, yes, but let's get back to Sarah. About your depression.
Lizzie: You mean how it's wrecking my family? Because I don't think that Jonathan understands postpartum depression. Can you make him see how much Sarah and I need him?
Young man: Father ray?
Father ray: Not now, Mickey, I'm with someone.
Mickey: The lady's car. Someone stole it. They broke in and drove off.
Lizzie: Oh, my God! Sarah is in there!
Father Ray: Lizzie, it's okay. Sarah is fine. You left her with the sitter, remember?
Lizzie: No, no, I lied. We have to call the cops. Somebody stole my baby.
Jonathan: I was thinking about something like that.
Tammy: It's okay.
Jonathan: What's wrong with it? It's got three bedrooms, it's got a garage, it's got a pool.
Tammy: We'd have to rob a bank. Check this one out.
Jonathan: It's falling apart.
Tammy: No, it's a fixer- upper.
Jonathan: It's a wreck. What do you even like about that?
Tammy: It has one of these old wraparound porches.
Jonathan: Well, we're not going to live on the porch.
Tammy: Yeah, but I could plant flower boxes and put out rocking chairs, or a porch swing. A swing.
Jonathan: Tammy Winslow, you are a cheesy corn ball.
Tammy: You love me.
Jonathan: (Laughing) (cell phone rings) Oh.
Tammy: Is that her?
Jonathan: Uh-huh.
Tammy: It could be about Sarah.
Jonathan: What, Lizzie?
Lizzie: Jonathan, they took the car. It was only for a minute. I thought that she would be okay.
Jonathan: What? Slow down.
Lizzie: Sarah, Sarah was inside. Somebody stole her.
Jonathan: Someone stole Sarah? Lizzie, if you're messing with me...
Lizzie: No, I am for real. I am at church. The car was parked right outside. Who steals a car from a church?
Jonathan: Lizzie, what did you do?
Lizzie: This wasn't my fault. Father Ray is right here, he can explain it to you. He doesn't believe me. Help me.
Jonathan: Lizzie. Lizzie!
Tammy: What? What is it?
Jonathan: I'm not sure, but it has something to do with Sarah. Come on.
Father Ray: The police are on the way.
Lizzie: Thank God.
Father Ray: Okay, now tell me again what happened calmly. You forgot your baby in the car.
Lizzie: No, I didn’t. It was only supposed to be for a minute.
Father Ray: Lizzie, you left your daughter in the car? Why?
Lizzie: So that I wouldn't lose my husband.
Cal: I don't want any water.
Reva: I know. It's for me. I didn't tell Josh because... you know what, I'm not here to talk about Josh. I'm here for you because I know what you're going through.
Cal: Did you go out to dinner, like I told you to?
Reva: I did. I had steak, huge, wine, Alan Spaulding.
Cal: Alan Spaulding? (Laughs) Another one of your exes?
Reva: Yeah, actually.
Cal: Tell me about Alan?
Reva: Basically, Alan Spaulding is my mortal enemy. What more do you want to know?
Cal: If this is going to be my last story before they wheel me into surgery, then I want it to be a doozy.
Reva: Alan and I have a history together. And it was bad, you know. His granddaughter is married to my son, and that kind of threw us into this weird kind of-- I don't really know what it is. A power struggle. A power struggle over their little baby girl.
Cal: Yeah, my money's on the granny.
Reva: Watch it. (Laughs) Hey, you want me to get the nurse?
Cal: Julia. Julia-- Julia, she was the one.
Reva: The one? What?
Cal: Like you and Josh. She was my first love, the ex that you never get over. Oh, I got really lucky. I got to marry my best friend.
Reva: Do you want me to call her for you?
Cal: No. No, there is no time for that.
Lillian: Cal, we're going to prepare you for surgery now.
Cal: Show time.
Reva: I'll be here waiting.
Cal: No, no, don't wait, Reva. Don't wait.
Reva: I'm not leaving.
Cal: Reva, don't-- don't wait at all until you're laying here and you're facing the really scary stuff.
Reva: What, cancer?
Cal: Worse.
Cassie: Josh.
Josh: Huh?
Cassie: I cannot believe you did all this.
Josh: Yeah, well, just wait until our five month, five week, six-day, three hour, 27-minute anniversary. And by the way, in case you didn't notice, there are no ladders in this room to walk under. There are no black cats to cross our path. Ah. Um... sorry about that.
Cassie: That is seven years bad luck.
Josh: No, actually, I missed the mirror, so that's seven years of good luck.
Cassie: You are making that up now.
Josh: Yeah, pretty much. But here we are in this beautiful suite and we have champagne.
Cassie: And we have candles, enough to get us through blackouts.
Josh: There's not going to be a blackout. Here you go.
Cassie: Hey, don't knock blackouts. That's what got us here.
Josh: No, we are what got us here. Don't give so much credit to the power outage. Cheers. You know, I've been admiring this blouse all night.
Cassie: Hmm.
Josh: Yeah. It's very nice. How does it come off? Oh, I see.
Cassie: Just one button at a time.
Josh: A couple of buttons here, a couple of buttons there.
Cassie: Uh-huh.
Josh: (Laughing) Getting there.
Cassie: Uh-huh.
Josh: Come on, come on, come on. What the hell? (Alarm beeping)
Lizzie: Where is he? What's taking them so long? We have to find my baby.
Father Ray: Lizzie, we're doing everything we can. You have to calm down, please.
Lizzie: Jonathan, thank God.
Jonathan: What the hell did you do with my kid?!
Josh: What the hell was that?
Hotel worker: I am so sorry. Miss Winslow, this is a non- smoking room.
Josh: You're sorry?
Cassie: I don't believe it was when I ran the place.
Josh: We weren't smoking in here, all right? We were just taking a couple of precautions in case of a blackout. Okay, you know what? Here, here. This should cover any damage to the place. If not, here, just bill Lewis Construction.
Hotel worker: Look, I...
Josh: You have to go now, because we have lots of things we have to do.
Cassie: (Laughing)
Josh: Okay, this foam could be a really good thing.
Cassie: Now?
Josh: Oh, yeah, this could be nice.
Cassie: Don't you think that we have just tempted fate enough?
Josh: I think we need to go and see how this foam feels on bare skin. That's what I think right now.
Cassie: Oh, great, yeah. So I'll be naked when the earthquake comes.
Josh: Yeah, that would be a good thing.
Lillian: It's really good you are here, though, because brave as he is, this is so hard for him to fight alone.
Reva: I know.
Lillian: You weren't alone. I mean, you had Billy, and when people found out, half the town was here for you. And they still are if you need them.
Reva: Yeah, well, it's not about me.
Lillian: I know that. It's about all of us who are survivors. We have to learn to lean on each other, not just when it's bad like that.
Reva: But always.
Lillian: Always. I mean, it's him in there today. Tomorrow it could be me.
Reva: Or me. Why is life so hard, Lillian?
Lillian: I don't know, but maybe if it wasn't hard, it wouldn't be so precious.
Jonathan: What did you do with Sarah?
Lizzie: You're hurting me. God, she's my kid, too.
Jonathan: You wouldn't leave your dog in a car. What kind of person...
Lizzie: You left me alone!
Jonathan: Your mother was with you!
Lizzie: Yeah, but you left me, and we needed you! You think I wanted Sarah to see me like this? Balling my eyes out in a church.
Jonathan: You selfish... it is the middle of winter, Lizzie! Damn it! What, is she giving you this fake postpartum act?
Lizzie: It's real. Tell him it's real.
Jonathan: Yours is fake.
Father Ray: This isn't helping.
Tammy: She did make it up.
Lizzie: Oh, you shut up, Tammy.
Jonathan: Do not talk to her like that.
Lizzie: If you weren't so worried about her! God, you make it sound like I would do this on purpose.
Jonathan: You would sell her online if it got you what you wanted!
Beth: Lizzie.
Lizzie: Oh, my God, Mom! This is all my fault?
Jonathan: Well, it is your fault.
Lizzie: I didn't abandon my family.
Jonathan: You left an infant in a car.
Beth: Okay. This is not the time. What do we know so far?
Father Ray: The police have issued an amber alert and put out an APB on the car.
Jonathan: Well, they're taking too long. I'm leaving.
Frank: I just got a call. They found the car.
Jonathan: Was my kid inside?
Frank: All right, you stay put, right here.
Jonathan: That's him? That's him. Where is she?
Frank: She's in the car. She's in the car. You've got to wait. She's safe. We're waiting on a doctor.
Jonathan: She's hurt?
Frank: No, she's fine, okay? We just want to make sure. Jonathan!
Jonathan: Hey. Hey, baby girl. Daddy's here.
Lizzie: Oh, Sarah! Oh, my goodness. Thank God.
Frank: It's okay. She's fine.
Jonathan: Get away from her.
Lizzie: I just want to see her. Is she okay? Look, I swear I never meant for any of this to happen.
Jonathan: I will never let you hurt her again.
Josh: (Laughing) Oh, see? Now everything is perfect. Look at this. This is exactly how it's supposed to be, huh? Courtesy of the management.
Cassie: What, they're paying for our room service bill?
Josh: It appears so.
Cassie: Well, maybe that's because you scared them.
Josh: Maybe it's because we've broken the jinx. Cassie?
Cassie: Uh-huh?
Josh: The jinx is broken.
Cassie: So you admit there was one.
Josh: I'll admit there was one, if you admit that it's been broken. We're in a nice suite, right? Wearing nothing but robes, and there is free food on the table.
Cassie: (Laughing)
Josh: Thank you.
Cassie: Well, I am starving.
Josh: I thought before you said you were stuffed.
Cassie: That was before we got sprayed with marshmallow fluff.
Josh: I see. Ready?
Cassie: Ready.
Josh: Go. Huh?
Cassie: Well, it ain't a bracelet.
Josh: What the hell is that?
Cassie: I don't know. I think it's something from the kitchen.
Josh: This is not what we ordered.
Cassie: Well, I've got chicken fingers. I've got three of them.
Josh: I have macaroni that looks like a small rodent.
Cassie: Well, I've got animal crackers. I'll trade you for your pudding yellow stuff.
Josh: Okay, okay, okay, okay. Put down the animal cracker. Okay, okay, here it is.
Cassie: Huh?
Josh: We don't need food, because we have each other.
Cassie: That's good.
Josh: Actually, it's the best I could come up with on short notice. Come here.
Cassie: (Laughing)
Reva: Hey.
Cal: I thought I told you to beat it.
Reva: I like the coffee here.
Cal: I'm serious.
Reva: I'm staying, okay? I'm staying. I want my face to be the first one you see when you wake up in recovery.
Cal: Reva, please go home.
Reva: And I told you...
Cal: Reva... look, I don't want you to waste another minute of my life.
Reva: Your life?
Cal: My life. You're not just living for one anymore.
Reva: You're going to get through this.
Cal: Okay, okay. Every plan you have, I want you to... I want you to double it. Double it. Every dream you have, I want you to go after it double time.
Reva: (Makes raspberry noise) No. We're going to Vegas.
Cal: Okay, bet it all. Risk it. Double down for me, okay?
Reva: Wait, wait.
Cal: If you let them put "Caleb" on my tombstone, I'm going to come back and I'm going to spook you.
Reva: (Laughing) I'll be right here.
Cassie: Are you sure you want to try this again?
Josh: You're kidding, right?
Cassie: Yeah, me, too.
Cassie: Okay. Test run.
Josh: Here we go. I'm going in.
Cassie: No locusts, no flash floods, no earthquakes.
Josh: Are you saying the earth didn't move for you in that moment?
Cassie: (Laughing)
Josh: Maybe we have to try that again, okay?
Cassie: Let’s.
Josh: Uh-oh. Is the bed safe?
Cassie: I think it's safe.
Josh: Is it?
Cassie: I think so.
Josh: You sure?
Cassie: Pretty sure.
Josh: Okay.
Cassie: Maybe it's over.
Josh: Maybe fate is actually on our side now.
Cassie: Maybe today we start creating our own luck.
Josh: Maybe so.
Reva: No, Billy, I know it's short notice, but I just need to get out of the house tonight, okay? Because I need to breathe. Okay, I... listen, I promised a friend... just come out with me. It will be fun. Well, my stilettos have been in the closet since I got the cancer, and they need to dance. Okay? How's that? Great. How fast can I be ready? Oh, baby, I'm ready now. I was born ready, babe! Okay. Hurry up! Reva Shayne, you are back, girl, and tonight, this is for you, Cal. Please, God, no. Not again.
Lizzie: I want to hold my daughter.
Father Ray: Let's find somewhere private.
Jonathan: Sarah is not going anywhere with her. Excuse me. Frank, you can let him go. I don't care. She did this.
Lizzie: No. No, he is the one who stole my car. He's the one who stole our daughter. Please tell him I didn't mean for it to happen like this. Tell them, please!
Carjacker: I didn't mean it either, Father.
Frank: Father, you know who this is?
Father Ray: He was one of our alter boys. Frank, he's not a bad kid.
Lizzie: What about me? I'm not bad, either. Mom, you know that I love Sarah. I would never try to hurt her. Mom, this wasn't my fault.
Beth: Honey, honey, I know that you're hurting. But what you did, leaving Sarah like that, leaving her anywhere, I'm thinking of Sarah.
Lizzie: So am I. None of this would be happening if he hadn't stolen my car. And I wouldn't even had gone for help if he hadn't walked out on us. He wanted us. Oh, God, you're so jealous. You turned everyone against me.
Tammy: No, you did that to yourself, Lizzie.
Lizzie: It's my baby, Tammy, and I don't want you anywhere near her. Keep her away from our baby.
Jonathan: I want custody.
Lizzie: No.
Jonathan: Yeah. I'm filing for it tomorrow.
Lizzie: You can't do that. He can't do that.
Jonathan: I have more than enough against you.
Lizzie: Why, why, why? Why do you keep hurting me?
Jonathan: Would you get it together? Because you are hurting Sarah, and she cannot protect herself, so I will.
Lizzie: No. I can protect her. I can.
Jonathan: No. She's going to stay with me until we get this figured out.
Lizzie: No! Jonathan, you can't take her! You can't take her!
Beth: Lizzie!
Lizzie: No, no, no! No! No! No! No!
Next on "Guiding Light"...
Tammy: Did you ever think you'd see this, the three of us? It's nice when dreams come true, huh?
Jonathan: I'm going to be with Tammy either way, so either we get this done, Lizzie, or we can do it the hard way. They're going to come after us.
Tammy: The Spaulding’s? No, I'm not doing that.
Jonathan: Come on, let's just get the tickets, get on a plane, and go.
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