GL Transcript Monday 1/15/07

Guiding Light Transcript Monday 1/15/07


Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Tanya

Reva: Cal! Cal, I know you're in there. Why aren't you returning my phone calls? Okay, I admit that I'm here for strictly selfish reasons. I have my three-month checkup coming up, and you're the only person that I can talk to that can relate --

Cal: Reva, I'm sorry.

Reva: Hi.

Cal: Listen, I've got -- I've got a babe in there. So I'll call you, I promise.

Reva: Let me guess, the babe has a thing for guys that wear baseball caps.

Cal: As a matter of fact, yeah.

Reva: Don't lie to me. In our world covering your head only means one thing. You're sick again, aren't you?

Beth: Eat, Alan, you need to keep up your strength so you can do evil.

Alan: You would know.

Beth: What is the matter, anyhow? Missing the fine cuisine at Ravenwood?

Alan: A daily dose of resentment seasoned with an abiding hate for that cretin that married my granddaughter.

Beth: And one that is going to go straight to your heart if you're not careful. Let it go.

Alan: No, never.

Beth: Don't you want to see your granddaughter happy?

Alan: Never.

Beth: Do you understand how fragile she is, between the postpartum depression, you could push her right over the edge, and she could end up the one who is locked up.

Lizzie: What, are you kidding, Mom? He'd love that. Wouldn’t you Granddad?

Alan: Hello, Elizabeth. Hey Sarah.

Beth: Elizabeth, your grandfather would never want --

Lizzie: Of course he would, stealing my baby, sending me to Ravenwood. He'd have all he wants.

Beth: We'll have to make sure that doesn't happen.

Lizzie: I'm not worried, Mom. Jonathan, Sarah and I are family. We will be forever.

Jonathan: Nothing happened with Lizzie.

Lizzie: It's okay. It doesn't matter.

Jonathan: Yeah, it does. I was drunk, I passed out. I didn't even know where I was. Nothing happened with Lizzie. You have to believe me.

Tammy: Okay, I do believe you.

Jonathan: Really? Even after what you saw? I know what Lizzie made it look like.

Tammy: I don't care. Lizzie is sick and pathetic, and she is not going to keep us apart anymore, because I'm not letting you go ever again. (Laughter)

Jonathan: I'm going to leave Lizzie for good. I just hope she doesn't fall apart.

Tammy: You know, I wouldn't worry about that if I were you.

Jonathan: Lizzie's not doing too good.

Tammy: Um, Lizzie’s not sick. She's faking. She has been for a long time. You want proof?

Jonathan: What proof?

Tammy: A movie she rented, some bad movie about a lady with postpartum. She lifted the lines word for word.

Jonathan: No way?

Tammy: Yeah. She even got teary in the same parts. She could win an Emmy.

Jonathan: How did you figure that out?

Tammy: I snuck in here. Beth caught me-- actually, we kind of got into it.

Jonathan: Oh, wow, I would have liked to see that one.

Tammy: Lizzie hasn't changed one bit. She's still a lying, manipulative little witch, who will do anything to keep you from leaving her and the baby.

Jonathan: Oh, and I fell for it.

Tammy: You love your daughter. And Lizzie’s act was a good one.

Jonathan: Yeah, but it wasn't good enough to fool you.

Tammy: Well, she had me going for a while, too, but, you know, you are wildly in love with your daughter. It's emotional for you. Lizzie played on that. She's used it to her advantage.

Jonathan: Yeah, as far as she made me think that I had...

Tammy: Yeah, she pulled out the big guns all right.

Jonathan: Yeah, so did you. What made you even look for that? What made you change your mind?

Tammy: I love you, and we belong together, no matter what. Oh, sorry.

Jonathan: Well, I'm through not being with you. I can be a good father to Sarah and not be married to Lizzie. Probably a better dad. It can suck when your parents don't love each other. Sarah's not growing up like that.

Tammy: Lizzie is not going to give up so easily.

Jonathan: We'll deal with that when we get to it. I'm leaving her tonight.

Lizzie: I don't want you anywhere near her.

Beth: Lizzie.

Lizzie: I don't know why I even came over here. He is always trying to ruin my life, and today is no different.

Alan: I only want you and Sarah to be happy. Jonathan is going to hurt you.

Lizzie: Jonathan is my husband, and we're happy, I'm making sure of it.

Alan: Then why are you dining alone?

Lizzie: My life isn't any of your business anymore, so just stay out of it. And stay away from us, all of us.

Alan: Elizabeth, you cannot--

Beth: Alan, let me talk to her. Sweetie, honey, did something happen?

Lizzie: Well, Tammy won't back off, but other than that--

Beth: What did she do?

Lizzie: I took care of it. I'm fine. Everything is fine. Just control him, please.

Alan: Well, now, do you see the influence that Jonathan has over her?

Beth: You have to stop antagonizing her.

Alan: What am I doing?!

Beth: Do you want to be cut out of Sarah’s life forever? Do you want that?

Alan: I already am, Beth.

Beth: Okay, okay, I will do a little damage control, but you have to move on.

Alan: If you say move on one more time...

Beth: Alan, Alan, Sarah will not replace the child we lost. She is Lizzie’s daughter and Jonathan’s. Her future is with them.

Alan: No. You just said that she is very fragile, too fragile to raise that child. Jonathan is irresponsible and worthless. For the sake of that little baby and this family, she has to be raised by people who love her and understand her.

Beth: You?

Alan: Yes. And you.

Beth: You can't take Lizzie’s baby away. That would break her heart. Don't you even care?

Alan: Elizabeth betrayed me. She failed me. Now if she has to be sacrificed for the greater good, so be it.

Cal: I really don't need you to come over here and, you know, nurse me. The only reason that I let you in is so that I could... give this book back to you that you lent me.

Reva: You finished it already?

Cal: Just take it, okay?

Reva: Why, because you think you're not going to have time to finish it?

Cal: Let's just put it this way: Maybe you shouldn't reserve a place for me at your super bowl party. Look, I -- I'm playing on house money here. I knew the odds. But whatever happens, happens, so be it.

Reva: Don't do that! Don't just throw this off like this is nothing. Don't do that, not with me. You are going to get through this, and then all of the babes in Springfield had better watch out.

Cal: You know, I wasted so much time chasing after brainless bimbos, I almost didn't have a chance to find out what a real babe was all about. You, Reva. I just wish there was a little time--

Reva: Stop. Colin-- Colin McCabe, he is my doctor, I'll put you in touch with him.

Cal: No.

Reva: Yes! Why not get a second opinion? He is doing incredible work!

Cal: I appreciate it, I really do, but I drew a short straw.

Reva: What did I just say to you, stop it! Stop!

Cal: Look, look, everything is gonna be okay, all right? Oh, and in terms of your checkup, you're going to be fine. I just know it. You're one of the lucky ones.

Reva: We make our own luck, we do, and I have got this great support system. And I'm going to use them to help you.

Cal: You want to help me?

Reva: Yes.

Cal: You want to help me?

Reva: I do!

Cal: Okay. Go out and get yourself a fantastic porterhouse steak and get an amazing bottle of wine, and a huge slab of cheesecake for dessert. And think of me. I'll be at Cedars.

Reva: I'm going with you.

Cal: No, you're not. Do as I say, okay?

Reva: You still have great arms. And I like the hat.

Tammy: Ready?

Jonathan: I think I should wait and see Lizzie.

Tammy: You sure about that?

Jonathan: Yeah, yeah, I want to do this now.

Tammy: There's gonna be trouble.

Jonathan: After what she pulled, she's the one who is going to have trouble.

Tammy: Yeah, but she's still the mother of your baby. What if she tries to keep Sarah from you?

Jonathan: Let her try.

Tammy: Hey, you need to think out how you're going to do this.

Jonathan: I wish I could just get out of here and go be with you.

Tammy: We waited this long, a few more hours won't kill us.

Jonathan: It might kill me. I can do this for you and for Sarah.

Tammy: I love you.

Jonathan: I love you, too.

Tammy: Ha!

Jonathan: Hmm.

Beth: Why don't we go home?

Alan: I'm not ready.

Beth: I can take your mind off of Lizzie and Jonathan. I can't make you forget what we've lost, but I can remind you of just how much we have.

Alan: My, my, Beth, those marriage counseling sessions with Rick and Mel must be going very well if you're trying to take me home and seduce me.

Beth: I was trying to be your loving wife.

Alan: A novel concept.

Beth: If you would rather indulge this sick obsession of yours--

Alan: What you call an obsession, I call commitment. A word not in your vocabulary.

Beth: Wrong. I am committed to Lizzie’s happiness. I'm not going to let you run over here for this twisted family and its future.

Alan: This family would have no future if it wasn't for me.

Beth: You would think that way, wouldn't you? I should have found some way to keep you locked up. You belong in Ravenwood.

Alan: Nothing will stop me from doing what I think is necessary, nothing.

Beth: You're out of control.

Alan: No, I'm not out of control. When I make up my mind to do something, there is no turning back. You should know that by now.

Beth: Well, I can be just as determined. Think about that in your cold, lonely bed tonight.

Alan: You help me, Beth, or you get out of my way. Waiter, I'm suddenly hungry.

Reva: Well, what do you know, that makes two of us.

Tammy: Hey.

Remy: Hey. What brings you downtown?

Tammy: Mint hot chocolate.

Remy: You on your way home?

Tammy: No.

Remy: You're back with him, aren't you?

Tammy: Forget about me for a minute. Are you okay?

Remy: I've been better.

Tammy: I'm sorry.

Remy: Don't be. Be happy. You're getting everything you ever wanted.

Tammy: You know, you're going to get that, too, some day.

Remy: No, don't do that. So he's leaving Lizzie, huh?

Tammy: Tonight. He's tired of pretending.

Remy: Yeah, I know the feeling.

Tammy: He wants to be with me, Remy.

Remy: That's funny. I'm really funny, because I can't see Johnny sticking with anything that long. Hope you know what you're doing.

Tammy: I'm doing the right thing, Remy; we both are.

Remy: Good, good, because you're leaving behind the better guy.

Tammy: Remy...

Remy: It's okay. It's fine as long as you know there's no turning back.

Lizzie: Everything is going to be okay. Right? We can put this back together and save our family. All I need for you to do is be extra cute. You're home.

Jonathan: Yeah.

Lizzie: We missed you.

Jonathan: My baby. Come here. Okay, daddy's got you. Okay.

Lizzie: Thanks.

Jonathan: Uh-huh.

Lizzie: Seeing her makes everything better, right?

Jonathan: Not everything.

Lizzie: What?

Jonathan: I'm leaving.

Lizzie: I brought food.

Jonathan: Did you hear me?

Lizzie: Yes, but it is a filet mignon burger, your favorite, and you don't want it to get cold.

Jonathan: Lizzie, that's not what I meant. I'm not coming back.

Lizzie: I know what you meant. Can you help me get this ready?

Jonathan: I'm not eating. I'm leaving. I only came here so I could tell you in person.

Lizzie: Why bother?

Jonathan: For Sarah, and I'm not looking to hurt you.

Lizzie: If you love her at all...

Jonathan: You know I do.

Lizzie: She is here. You can't just abandon her.

Jonathan: I would never abandon her.

Lizzie: No, just me.

Jonathan: Lizzie, it's time. I'm not mad. I don't even care about those things that you did to try and hold onto me.

Lizzie: Whatever Tammy said to you, she's lying.

Jonathan: This is not about her.

Lizzie: She just couldn't let you go, could she?

Jonathan: Lizzie.

Lizzie: You are destroying a family.

Jonathan: We were never a family. I tried. I couldn't, I can’t. I love Tammy.

Lizzie: Tammy. I am so sick of hearing that name.

Jonathan: Okay.

Lizzie: No, please, don't go.

Jonathan: Good-bye Lizzie, good-bye, Sarah. I'll see you soon.

Lizzie: Jonathan, I can't live without you. I can’t. I can't do this alone.

Jonathan: I will be here to help you with her. But we can't do this anymore.

Lizzie: By "this" do you mean parenting and taking care of each other?

Jonathan: Stop, please, stop.

Lizzie: I don't understand. I don't understand how you could be this cruel.

Jonathan: Stop.

Lizzie: I am sick.

Jonathan: You are not sick.

Lizzie: Did Tammy tell you that? How on earth would she know? Did she have a baby?

Jonathan: Fine, you’re sick?

Lizzie: Yes.

Jonathan: You're sick? We’re gonna take you to the hospital.

Lizzie: No.

Jonathan: Yes we are, we're going to take you to the hospital. You're going to live there until you feel better. Sarah is going to live with me and Tammy at the Beacon.

Lizzie: No. I am her mother. I don't want Tammy anywhere near her.

Jonathan: You can't have it both ways.

Lizzie: Then just stay. It's not too late. All I need is you. I need you.

Jonathan: I will call you tomorrow about Sarah, where we go from here.

Lizzie: Don't go, please, don't go.

Jonathan: Stop.

Lizzie: Don't please. If you walk out that door, anything could happen to me and Sarah. Anything.

Alan: Well, does this mean that you have changed your mind and are going to accept my offer about you helping me get the baby away from Jonathan and Lizzie, and I will help you get Josh away from your sister, Cassie?

Reva: Did hell freeze over and nobody told me?

Alan: You're making a serious misjudgment.

Reva: I'm not jumping into bed with you, Alan. Been there, done that. Not so good.

Alan: That's not what I remember. Why are you here?

Reva: Like I said, I'm hungry, and I'm not going to sabotage Lizzie and Jonathan’s relationship. They will figure out what is best for Sarah, just like Josh will figure out whatever there is to figure out there.

Alan: They could stay together, you know?

Reva: What makes you think that's not what I want?

Alan: Reva, why? Why stay on the sideline? Life is short. Of course, I don't have to tell you that.

Reva: No, you don’t.

Alan: Your cancer...

Reva: No, no, not mine. A friend.

Alan: I never told you how much I admired the way you handled your illness.

Reva: Well, coming from you, that's high praise.

Alan: Hmm.

Reva: Oh, have you seen these?

Alan: What?

Reva: New pictures.

Alan: New pictures. Oh, my, no.

Reva: Isn't she just beautiful?

Alan: Absolutely beautiful. Look at that little face. You know, when I look at her, I see that her life is all in front of her. It's like my life is beginning all over again, too.

Reva: Why can't you be this guy all the time?

Alan: Reva, why don’t... why don't you join me for dinner, huh?

Reva: Well, I did hold a gun on you a couple of nights ago. Why shouldn't I break bread with you, too? What would you say to a porterhouse, medium rare, and a really super bottle of cabernet?

Alan: Who's paying for it?

Reva: You are. You've got more money than God.

Alan: All right. Waiter, two porterhouses, and one of the fabulous bottles of cabernet. Tell me, aren't you a little concerned people may start talking if they see us together?

Reva: Like who, the tabloids? No. There are times, Alan, when I think there is hope for you. When I see you as this old guy who loves his family a little too much.

Alan: Wait a minute, who are you calling old?

Reva: And then I'm reminded of the same old guy who loves his family a little too much that he shot his own son.

Alan: Hey, we're not comparing sins, are we?

Reva: Heavens no. That would take days.

Waiter: Who would like to taste the wine?

Reva: You get to taste the wine, but it doesn't mean you get to win every round.

Alan: Excellent. Reva, I'm a sportsman, but this dinner changes nothing. When it starts to get ugly with your son, and it will, I won't hesitate for a moment to take you both down.

Reva: Well, I wouldn't expect anything less.

Alan: Salud.

Tammy: Remy, the last thing I ever wanted to do was hurt you.

Remy: I'm disappointed. I'll get over it.

Tammy: That was fast.

Remy: No offense, but I have too many good things going on to let this hold me back.

Tammy: Do you really think I've been holding you back?

Remy: Not on purpose, but it is a two-person job, right?

Tammy: I never meant to--

Remy: Tammy, you knew I was always there for you. And I was always there for you. But things changed. I can't promise I'll always be there for you. I've got to go back to the station. Don't forget to tell the landlord you'll be moving out.

Lizzie: So much for no more lies.

Jonathan: What does that mean, that you're going to hurt yourself or hurt Sarah?

Lizzie: No.

Jonathan: Lizzie, you just said if I leave, anything could happen to you or the baby. What does that mean?

Lizzie: I just meant we need you here with us.

Jonathan: Good. Because I'm a hell of a lot better at playing psycho than you are. If you ever think about hurting that kid--

Lizzie: Jonathan, I would never hurt Sarah. I can't even believe that would come out of your mouth.

Jonathan: After all of the stunts, I wouldn't put anything past you.

Lizzie: All of that stuff that I did, I did because I was fighting for us. I was fighting for that beautiful little girl.

Jonathan: Okay, well, we've made mistakes; we don't have to make them anymore.

Lizzie: This is so easy for you.

Jonathan: No, it's not easy.

Lizzie: If we had just gotten away from Springfield, none of this would be happening. We'd be together and we would be happy.

Jonathan: We never would have lasted.

Lizzie: Yes, we would have. If Tammy wasn't in your face every single day, we would have worked out. You could love me.

Jonathan: It will always be Tammy.

Lizzie: Yeah, yeah, the one who stalked you for several months after you told her it was over. The one that followed us to our honeymoon.

Jonathan: You knew... you knew she was there. That's when you started. That's when you started trashing the place.

Lizzie: You left me no other choice.

Jonathan: I'm out of here.

Lizzie: No, no. Jonathan, you promised me you would take care of us. You promised you would take care of her. Jonathan, please don't go! I can't do this without you. Jonathan! Oh! (Sobbing)

Jonathan: You're right. I can't leave you alone.

Beth: Tammy!

Tammy: Not again. I took you down last time, I'll do it again.

Beth: I didn't come here to fight with you. I came here to warn you.

Tammy: Well, I don't want to hear it.

Beth: You're making a big mistake, Tammy. I have a really bad feeling.

Tammy: You want to know what you can do with your really bad feeling?

Beth: Listen to me. You're in trouble.

Tammy: Good night, Beth. Oh, and, by the way, Jonathan and Lizzie are over. Nothing you do can keep them together.

Beth: He's leaving her?

Tammy: As we speak. She'll recover and probably move on to someone else's boyfriend. Hey, there's your cause. Why don't you find her someone who is actually available and save her a lot of heartache?

Beth: This isn't over.

Tammy: Oh, it's over.

Beth: Tammy, I have a bad feeling.

Tammy: You don't scare me.

Beth: I've had this feeling before. The uneasiness. The last time I felt this way is when Phillip took the kids.

Tammy: Give me a little credit.

Beth: I'm serious. Something is building. It's growing. And if it gets too big, nobody will be able to stop it.

Alan: Tell me, do you remember what it was like at the very end, saying good-bye to everyone?

Reva: Yeah, I remember.

Alan: So do I.

Reva: Ooh, beautiful.

Alan: After I had my heart attack, the big one, I never saw life the same way again.

Reva: But you went back to being the same old guy. Go figure.

Alan: Well, we are who we are. Says the scorpion. Did you see the big white light, the tunnel?

Reva: I don't remember that part.

Alan: Because you were busy fighting and clawing your way into back to this life.

Reva: Yes, yes, I did.

Alan: Because no matter how hard and ugly life is, we love living it.

Reva: I wasn't ready to leave it just yet.

Alan: Neither was I. Someday my family is going to survive me.

Reva: Your family has been surviving you for years.

Alan: This is not a joke.

Reva: No, it's not.

Alan: Because our family is our only true legacy, and they will go on after we're gone.

Reva: And it has to be just right, doesn't it?

Alan: Yes. We don't know how long we have on this earth.

Reva: I had three months.

Alan: What?

Reva: Never mind.

Alan: You know, I gave Phillip the Spaulding name, and I embraced Gus when he was looking for a family and wanted to be a part of this family. I've done the best I could with Alan-Michael. I reached out for Elizabeth, but she gave her loyalty to Jonathan, as we know. And Beth and my baby, the baby we were going to have, I was going to love with all that I am. And look where it got me?

Reva: It got you Sarah.

Alan: Yes. My last chance, my last chance for redemption. That something golden can come from the ashes of my marriage and replace the child that we lost. Of course, you probably don't understand that.

Reva: Oh, but I do understand. You're looking at a real, honest to goodness phoenix. I've been burned and buried, and I'm rising from the ashes again. You want to talk about failed marriages? You want to talk about families being ripped apart? I see Josh everywhere I go in this town with my sister. My children, scattered like snowflakes. This little girl isn't just your hope, Alan. She's mine, too.

Jonathan: It's okay, baby. I would never desert you.

Lizzie: Does that mean that you're staying?

Jonathan: Lizzie, we made Sarah together, and we'll take care of her together.

Lizzie: Oh, thank God. Mom, what are you doing here?

Jonathan: I called her.

Lizzie: Why?

Jonathan: Because I didn't want you to be alone.

Lizzie: But I thought that you were--

Jonathan: I'll call you.

Lizzie: No, don't go.

Jonathan: Thank you.

Beth: I'm doing this for my daughter. Let him go, Lizzie. Let him go.

Lizzie: Jonathan! Don't go!

Jonathan: Lizzie, we could never be together. I would not be a good husband to you. Kiss Sarah goodnight for me. Beth, please take care of her.

Lizzie: No, no, I can't do this without you! No! (Sobbing)

Alan: You're not expecting a surprise attack, are you?

Reva: Coming from you, I would expect just about anything.

Alan: Let me tell you something. When the hostilities begin, and they will, I didn't fire the first shot. Your son did.

Reva: Can we not go there? The evening has been so calm.

Alan: Before the storm.

Reva: You started the storm. If you do anything really stupid...

Alan: You know, one day you and I will be on the same side, but until then.

Reva: Until then. (Cell phone rings) Hello. Oh, hi. Yeah. I know that it's time for my three-month checkup. Um, no, no, I'll call you back and set a time. Oh, no, believe me, I know how important it is, and I will call.

Beth: How's my little girl?

Lizzie: I'll live.

Beth: Yes, you will. Because you're a survivor, just like your mother and your grandmother before you.

Tammy: Hey. Is everything...

Jonathan: It is done. You're stuck with me.

Tammy: Welcome home!

Jonathan: We never have to be apart ever again. (Laughs)

Beth: You are going to make it, you know? Well, I'm gonna draw you a bath and then I'll fix you a snack.

Lizzie: Hi, honey. We have to go and do something very important. It's gonna help us get your daddy back, okay? Come here. All right. You are the only one that can help me. You're like the little bargaining chip.

Next on "Guiding Light"...

Cassie: When things are this good, it means there is only one place to go, and that's down.

Reva: Why didn't you tell me?

Cal: The same reason you didn't tell Josh.

Lizzie: Mommy is going to tell a little story today too. There once was a little girl named Goldilocks, who got what was coming to her.

Jonathan: She's growing to grow up with real love.

Lizzie: You know, Mommy would never leave you in here by yourself if it wasn't really important.

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