Guiding Light Transcript Friday 1/12/07
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Lizzie: Reva?
Reva: Hey.
Lizzie: Have you talked to Jonathan, do you know when he is coming home?
Reva: No, honey, I don’t. Listen, will you be okay here with the baby on your own?
Lizzie: Sure.
Reva: It's just there is just something I have to take care of. Positive?
Lizzie: Honest. Just go ahead.
Reva: Okay. It's kind of important.
Buzz: I hope you like it. It's a very classy guy you married.
Olivia: Perfect. You're perfect.
Buzz: Yeah.
Jeffrey: Coop, what's going on. I thought you would be half way to Paris by now?
Coop: The flight was delayed, but we're now boarding in about five minutes. Were you able to get the--
Jeffrey: Alan-Michael’s address in Paris? Yeah. You got a pen?
Coop: Yeah.
Alan-Michael: I've been going to this place for decades. It's right on the--
Ava: On the river. This place is incredible. Absolutely. Is this where you're going to stay?
Alan-Michael: We both are.
Ava: Oh. What about our hotel reservations?
Alan-Michael: They didn't have the room I wanted at the Ritz, so--
Ava: So you figured you could just bring me here.
Alan-Michael: You've got your own sitting area and bath as well.
Ava: Right next to yours, I bet. Alan-Michael, I came here to work, okay. When I book myself a hotel room, I'll call you.
Lizzie: ( Sighs ) Where is your father? If he is with Tammy... no. He'll be home soon, and everything will be fine. (Knocking at the door) See, I told you. All right. It's okay. Daddy's home. ( Knocking the door )
Rick: Hey!
Lizzie: Hey.
Rick: Hey, sweetheart. I was in the neighborhood, and I thought I would check in on two of my favorite girls. So, how are you feeling?
Lizzie: Awful. Just awful. Uncle Rick, you have to help. You have to help me before it's too late.
Cassie: Where have you been?
Tammy: Thinking. I'm about to do something really bad, Mom. This is your chance to talk me out of it. ( Knock on the door )
Josh: Okay, okay, okay. Let me handle this.
Wanda: I can take her, Josh.
Josh: I understand that. I appreciate that, and I will keep it in mind if I need some help, but for the time being, do your job, okay. On the phone, looking busy. That's it. Okay. Now, go.
Wanda: Okay.
Josh: Go, go, go. Sheila, hi, how are you? Come on in. Thank you so much for coming. Wanda's here. She's finishing up some business. And when she goes, we'll be able to talk, just the two of us.
Sheila: Well, I'm not really sure we have anything to talk about, Josh. Given how things happened the last time I saw you and Reva.
Josh: Yes. Well that's exactly why I wanted to talk to you alone. See, I mean Reva, she's has been through a lot with her cancer.
Sheila: Yeah, but that still doesn't excuse the way she treated me. I mean she accused me... I'm crazy about Billy and I would never take advantage of him.
Josh: I appreciate that. Reva's very protective of Billy, though. And she sort of roped me into it, you know. So-- oh, did you get through to Haggerty? Of course you did.
Wanda: I wired the money into the business account.
Josh: Okay, excellent. Thank you, I'll take that. Listen. Notify the bank because I want to make sure they're aware. It's a huge amount of money. I don't want any mistakes on this.
Wanda: I'm on it.
Josh: And where's the checkbook so I can-- okay, okay.
Wanda: Right there, chief.
Josh: Good, well thank you. You're done then. Thank you, Wanda. I'll talk to you later. Goodbye. Now, as I was saying, I can't really speak for Reva, that's true--
Reva: Damn right you don't speak for me, traitor!
Alan-Michael: You're waiting for me to stop you.
Ava: No, I'm trying to figure out where I put my map.
Alan-Michael: You don't think very highly of me.
Ava: I think that you're the kind of guy who gets what he wants.
Alan-Michael: That's true because I'm good at it. Better than this.
Ava: It didn't stop you from trying, did it?
Alan-Michael: No, I told you the hotel was booked.
Ava: That's a lame excuse.
Alan-Michael: The only room they had left had no sitting area and no high-speed internet. There's a fully equipped office down the hall here and there's a open apartment in the floor above us. This perfect space for our photo shoot with Jean Bauchau tomorrow.
Ava: Of course, of course. You have an answer for anything.
Alan-Michael: You know what, I changed my mind. If you doubt me this much, you should go back to Springfield. I'll get Aunt Alexandra to come out to take your place.
Ava: Okay, that's really weak?
Alan-Michael: What?
Ava: You knew that Alexandra wasn't going to come out here as soon as you picked up that phone. You expected me to stop you!
Alan-Michael: Did it work?
Ava: You didn't fool me.
Alan-Michael: Are you staying?
Ava: Of course I'm staying.
Alan-Michael: Then it wasn't that weak.
Ava: You're still pretty weak.
Alan-Michael: You want to stay here or at the hotel?
Ava: Let me take another look at that bedroom. But I'm going to dead-bolt the door at night.
Alan-Michael: Good idea.
Ava: I'm just going to wash up and then I want to get some French food.
Alan-Michael: ( Laughs ) They just call it food here.
Alan-Michael: Francois. It's Alan-Michael. I spoke with one of your detectives earlier. That's right, his name is Henry Bradshaw. He should be coming in on the flight from Springfield. No, no need to arrest him. Just put him on the first plane back to the states. Merci.
Buzz: ( Coughs ) What do you want?
Jeffrey: Hi. I just got off the phone with Coop. I've been helping him with some research. Anyway, he asked me to tell you he's not going to be home tonight, and he'll call you tomorrow to explain.
Buzz: Since when does my son talk to you and not to me?
Jeffrey: Oh, he's fine, Buzz. He is just working on something out of town. He'll explain it to you tomorrow.
Olivia: Hey, not so fast. This uh... "thing" that Coop is taking care of. It wouldn't happen to be in Paris, would it?
Reva: She's after his money, Joshua, open your eyes!
Josh: Reva, that's enough.
Reva: You're just trying to keep the peace with her so that you can make peace with Billy.
Josh: You're just trying to make trouble, Reva, like you always do!
Reva: Well trouble found us and I didn't ask for it!
Josh: Funny how often it works out that way!
Sheila: Excuse me--
Josh: No, no, no. You know what, just stay. Stay. I'm going to take Reva outside and try to talk--
Reva: Talk some sense into me? Because-- ( laughs )-- silly woman that I am, I can't think for myself. Well news flash, Joshua, we're not married anymore, so I'm entitled to think on my own.
Josh: You know what? That's enough. Could you excuse us for just a minute, please?
Reva: No.
Josh: Excuse us. I don't appreciate you talking to me like that!
Reva: And I don't appreciate you treating me like a child!
Josh: Do you think she's buying it?
Reva: I don't know. I almost bought it myself. So what'd you say you found in Billy’s room.
Josh: Something that I found when he wasn't there. Hang on, I took a picture of it so I could show it to him. Here we go. Take a look at that.
Reva: Paper.
Josh: Yeah. But see that's Billy’s signature right there. And all over the paper, there's a bunch of other ones like he was signing, but it wasn't Billy doing the signing. It was Sheila, likes she's going to forge something. Maybe a check, I don't know.
Reva: That's exactly why we're here. How was Wanda?
Josh: Oh, she was brilliant. She was really funny actually. So Sheila now believes-- hang on-- that there's some money-- a lot of money being wired into the corporate account, and she knows where the checkbook is. So if I can get this thing synced up with the camera I put in there. Here we go. See, there she is. There she is.
Reva: Oh.
Josh: Signing the check.
Reva: I can't believe it.
Billy: Well, hello-- wait. Hey. Wait, what are you guys doing, spying on my girlfriend again?
Rick: All right, why don't you just tell me what you're feeling?
Lizzie: I don't know. Sad, mad, helpless.
Rick: Well, aren't these therapy sessions with your therapist helping?
Lizzie: I feel better right after I leave the office, but then something will just set me off, and I feel hopeless again. Like, I'm never going to be a good mother. Like, what's the point.
Rick: Okay, what else sets you off?
Lizzie: Number one is Tammy.
Rick: Mm-hmm.
Lizzie: Every time I see her or even think about her, I just get so scared. If Jonathan leaves me for her, I can't raise this baby all by myself.
Rick: Well, you're not going to do it alone. You have a lot of people to help and support you.
Lizzie: Not granddad.
Rick: You've got me, your mom, Lillian. You've got lots of people. Listen to me, if you're having this much problems with Jonathan--
Lizzie: No, no. We can work it out.
Rick: Honey, I just want you to find a man who is going to be a good husband to you--
Lizzie: I want Jonathan! I want Jonathan. That's the only thing that is going to make me feel better.
Rick: Okay. All right, all right. We don't have to talk about this right now. I just want to help you. What do you want me to do? Call your therapist?
Lizzie: No, no. Call Jonathan. Tell him that I'm upset, that he's the only one that can help me feel better. He needs to come here right now and take me and Sarah away, it has to be just the three of us.
Rick: Lizzie...
Lizzie: That is the only thing that's going to make me feel better. Please, Uncle Rick. With daddy gone, you are the only one I can count on right now. Please help me get my husband back.
Tammy: Sorry I worried you. I just needed some time to sort some stuff out.
Cassie: "Stuff?" As in what you saw between Jonathan and Lizzie?
Tammy: I know I seemed really freaked out when I told you about that?
Cassie: It was more than that, honey. You seemed deeply hurt. And I don't blame you.
Tammy: Because I believed it. I thought they slept together. But, now, I'm thinking that Lizzie probably just set it all up to make it look like that. Nothing really happened. Do you think I'm crazy?
Cassie: No, I don't think you're crazy. I think Lizzie-- with her, anything is possible.
Tammy: Exactly. If she could lie about something as serious as postpartum depression, why couldn't she lie about this, too?
Cassie: So if she did lie about this, what would that mean for you?
Tammy: It means that Jonathan still loves me and wants to be with me.
Cassie: Have you talked to him since that night?
Tammy: No. I've been kind of avoiding him, too. I just wanted to think everything through in my head first. But now...
Cassie: Now you're thinking about doing something bad?
Tammy: Mom, I know that Jonathan is married to Lizzie. And I know that technically it's wrong to break up a marriage, but it's a really, really unhappy marriage...
Cassie: Yeah, I might not be the person to talk to about this.
Tammy: Jonathan doesn't need to be married to Lizzie to be a good dad to Sarah. He loves me. He's loved me since the beginning. And I love him. And I am so much better for him than Lizzie is. So, I've decided I'm going to fight her for him. I'm going to fight her as hard as I have to.
Cassie: So if you've decided, then why did you ask me here?
Tammy: Because once I go down this road, it could get ugly. Really ugly. So if you're going to try to talk me out of it, speak now or forever hold your peace.
Olivia: Let me take a wild guess, Coop has gone to Paris to rescue Ava from Alan-Michael's evil clutches, and you're actually helping him?
Jeffrey: He asked me for some information. Is that so bad, is there something wrong with that?
Olivia: What's wrong with that is the last thing I need right now is you insinuating yourself back into my life.
Jeffrey: Olivia, I know you think you're the center of the universe, but this isn't about you.
Olivia: This is about Ava. You appointed yourself her personal savior.
Jeffrey: Okay, look, I made a few calls, that's it.
Olivia: And then, what? You just let it go?
Jeffrey: Are you not the least bit concerned that she's going over there with this guy?
Olivia: She is a big girl. She has a high-powered job, a rich boss and may I say, a lot of ambition. She doesn't need a daddy.
Jeffrey: Well, you were a big girl once, too, remember? The night of the Embassy party. Or at least you thought you were. Now, if you could go back, wouldn't you want someone to stop you from making the worst mistake of your life?
Alan-Michael: I can't get enough of you in that hat.
Ava: It's a beret.
Alan-Michael: Oh, right.
Ava: It's a beret, see, look. ( Laughs ) Do I look like Madeline? No, she had a brim on her hat, right?
Alan-Michael: You look like Ava Peralta.
Ava: Oh, I do? Ava Peralta. Ava Peralta in Paris. ( Laughs ) What is it about Paris, huh?
Alan-Michael: I think it's all of the wine we drank with dinner.
Ava: ( Laughs ) I don't think it was the wine we drank for dinner. I don't think it was the delicious food. I don't think it was the boat ride. I don't think it was the bridges on this end. It's like everywhere you look, it's just true beauty.
Alan-Michael: Yeah.
Ava: But there is something more. It's like people sing about it, and they write about it. But you have to be here to feel it. It's like...
Alan-Michael: Careful. You're just here on business.
Ava: Business. Business. Work, first priority. Oh, I have an idea. Am I supposed to have an idea? Am I allowed to have an idea?
Alan-Michael: Of course you are.
Ava: I think we should shoot outside. I mean we need to get the light and the shadows and the cob webs and the cobblestone streets. We might as well be shooting in Springfield.
Alan-Michael: I don't know. There's a lot of variables when you shoot outside.
Ava: Embrace the variables. The beauty. Organic. Let's create something new, something different.
Alan-Michael: You know what, you're right. Are you up for a little late night brainstorming?
Ava: I'm still on Springfield time. I'll go get my laptop. Oh, and Alan-Michael, I wanted to apologize for earlier.
Alan-Michael: It's cool.
Ava: I was whacky.
Alan-Michael: I get it. I'm the big bad wolf.
Ava: You're not that bad.
Alan-Michael: Monique, Mr. Spaulding. Please send Maurice up with your best bottle of champagne. Yes. Merci. ( Music playing ) ( knock on the door ) That was fast.
Sheila: Billy, what are you doing here?
Billy: Well, these two think that you are out to rob me.
Reva: Ask her what she has in her hand, Billy? Go on, ask her?
Sheila: You mean this? It's a check.
Reva: What did I tell you?
Josh: Let me see that, please thank you. Lewis Construction Check, 50 grand.
Sheila: Okay, you people are unbelievable. Billy hired me. He hired me to be a consultant to come up with a new marketing plan for Lewis. So this is the amount that we agreed upon. There's no signatures, see. I just got it out for him to sign.
Reva: Is that true, Billy?
Billy: Well, yes, we did talk about me hiring her, but that was before I realized she wasn't anything but a common thief.
Cassie: What if I were to say that I think it is a really bad idea, that you and Jonathan, you just missed your chance.
Tammy: Do you really think that?
Cassie: If I said that, would you listen to me? Would it change your mind?
Tammy: Maybe.
Cassie: Ha! Liar.
Tammy: So then, I have your blessing?
Cassie: Oh, I don't know if I want to use that word in here. But I will say that I want you to do whatever you have to do to be happy.
Tammy: I will.
Cassie: And just be careful about it. And do not ever avoid my calls again. Okay? You got it?
Tammy: I got it. Okay. Thank you, Mom.
Cassie: Good. Hey, how about we go get something to eat?
Tammy: Another time. I think I'm going to stay here for a little while longer.
Cassie: Okay, take your time. Now keep me posted.
Lizzie: Open it, Tammy. Read what it says about women who try to steal other women's husbands. Where is he? Where's Jonathan?
Tammy: I don't know, I haven't seen him.
Lizzie: I don't believe you.
Tammy: Maybe he finally got tired of you trying to manipulate him and he took off.
Lizzie: I don't know what you're talking about.
Tammy: Oh, sure you do. I told you the other night, Lizzie, I am onto you.
Lizzie: Where is Jonathan?
Tammy: Shouldn't you know where he is, Lizzie. He's your husband.
Lizzie: He must have run an errand and forgot to leave me a note. I’m sure he will be home soon.
Tammy: Uh-huh. And if he comes home, what are you going to do, chain him to the bed and force him to stay with you?
Lizzie: I don't have to force Jonathan to do anything. I mean anything. Jonathan is with me because he loves me.
Tammy: Jonathan is with you for Sarah and nothing else. He doesn't love you, you know that and that's why you're getting desperate.
Lizzie: ( Laughs) I'm desperate? I'm not the home-wrecker. I'm not the slutty husband stealer.
Tammy: But you are the liar. You are the one who is using your baby, the one who--
Lizzie: I'll tell you what. Let's get the priest in here, explain the situation and ask him what he thinks. Gee, I wonder who's side he'll be on.
Sheila: Sweetie, we agreed that I was going to do some consulting work for you.
Billy: We talked about it, that's not agreeing to it. And it certainly isn't writing out a check for 50 grand.
Sheila: Okay, I didn't jut write out a check. I was simply filling it out for you to sign.
Billy: Oh, I'm sorry. What about all of those signatures that I found of mine on a piece paper that you had been, what, practicing your penmanship?
Reva: You found them?
Billy: Yeah, yesterday. I was already onto her. I knew she was up to something shady. And you know, I kind of wish you had signed that check because the cops would be here right now hauling you away.
Sheila: Well, I didn’t. So it's your word against mine. And nothing you have is going to hold up in court. So you lose, Billy. Oh, but losing's nothing new to you, now is it? Did you really think that I'd want to be with some broken down alchy like you? Please. The only thing you have going for you is your money.
Reva: You are nothing but a two-bit..
Billy: Hey, hey, whoa, whoa. Now let her go. I mean, yeah, I deserved that. I should have seen through her.
Reva: You most certainly did not deserve this, Billy. I'm not going to attack her. I'm just going to make sure she leaves.
Josh: Sorry, Billy.
Billy: It's okay.
Josh: You know what, don't blame yourself. She's good. For a while there at the beginning I thought she was legitimate, but you saw through her.
Billy: That's not much consolation. I'll tell you something, little brother, there's no fool like an old fool, huh?
Josh: Come on. What she was saying is garbage. You're a good man, Billy. You're going to find yourself a good lady, someone who accepts you for who you are, and someone who will make you happy, like Cassie’s made me happy.
Reva: Well, I saw her drive away.
Josh: Excellent. What do you say we go to Towers and celebrate what smart people we are. How does that sound?
Billy: Why don't you two go ahead.
Reva: Billy...
Billy: No, actually, I wouldn't really be very good company. But I want to thank you. And... I mean it, thanks a lot.
Reva: Oh, lord. Did you see the look on his face? I feel awful.
Josh: Well, I certainly hope you don't mean that literally?
Reva: What? No. No, no, no. Um... why don't we go have that drink anyway. What do you say?
Jeffrey: You know, I'm not doing any of this to disappoint you, okay. From now on, I'll just keep you out of it.
Olivia: Hey, Ava, it's your... it's Olivia. It's Olivia. Look, I know you're in Paris, and it's your first time. I'm sure your head is spinning, but if, you know, you should feel uncomfortable with anyone or anything and you want to talk about it, or anything...
Buzz: Coop wasn't picking up. Who's that on the phone?
Olivia: Wrong number.
Alan-Michael: If you're looking for Oxford, you should take a left and swim the channel.
Coop: I'm looking for Ava. I would have been here sooner, except that gendarmes at the airport detained me in Customs. And started treating me as if I was some sort of shoe bomber? I suppose you wouldn't know anything about that?
Alan-Michael: I do know the Swiss have a new medication for paranoia. You might want to check it out.
Coop: It's not paranoia when a guy lies about a photographer who is too afraid to fly, just to get a certain girl to go with him. And this one day trip that turned into a seven-day trip in a private apartment. Where the hell is she?
Alan-Michael: Ava is working. That's what we came here for.
Coop: Ava, are you here?
Alan-Michael: What's the next move, Henry. Are you going to bop Ava and drag her to your cave. You might have difficulty getting her through airport security.
Coop: No, I'm just going to tell her the truth. I'm going to tell her you tricked her into coming here to get here into bed.
Alan-Michael: So Ava couldn't be trusted to make her own decisions. Isn't that how you screwed up the last time?
Coop: I didn't screw up anything up.
Alan-Michael: The woman doesn't need a watch dog, she needs someone who believes in her to be her own confident self.
Coop: That's the line you've been feeding her?
Ava: Gee, thanks for having so much faith in me, Coop.
Coop: Ava, I didn't mean-- get your hands off of me. Don't touch me.
Ava: Are you all right? What happened? Did you come here to fight, is that why you came here?
Alan-Michael: Hey, if you were my girlfriend, I would be protective, too?
Ava: I am not his girlfriend, do you remember that? We broke up. I asked you a hundred times, Coop, stop doing stupid stuff.
Coop: Ava, calm down. You need to hear me--
Ava: Why should I?
Coop: The guy is playing you. You're too nice to know that. He brought you her under false pretenses--
Ava: Do you see bars on the window? Do you see bars on the window? Because I don’t. I came here because I wanted to, because I'm working.
Alan-Michael: Maybe I should leave you two alone.
Ava: No, no, don't leave. This is your place. You need to leave.
Coop: I need to leave?
Ava: You need to leave. I don't want you here. I know that he has been interested in me, okay. Fine, I do. But he has never pressured me into ever doing anything that I don't want to do. That I don't want to do.
Coop: You are saying what he wants you to say. He is manipulating you, Ava.
Ava: It is time for you to go.
Coop: I should go?
Ava: Yes.
Coop: He is trying to manipulate you, Ava--
Ava: Just go! Go!
Lizzie: Think there is anything in here about cousins?
Tammy: I wouldn't know.
Lizzie: That's just because you don't want to think about it. Because it's wrong. Everything about you and Jonathan has been wrong from the beginning.
Tammy: You wish.
Lizzie: Look what you've caused. Sandy lost his life. Your mom and his sister could barely speak for a year. It's probably the reason she tried to steal Josh from Reva while she was battling cancer.
Tammy: You're insane.
Lizzie: No. I just think people get what they deserve.
Tammy: You better hope that is not true.
Lizzie: I got Sarah because Jonathan and I belong together.
Tammy: You got Sarah because Jonathan was drunk and wanted to have meaningless sex with someone meaningless.
Lizzie: What a great way to talk about my child, our child. I'll be sure that Jonathan knows exactly how you feel about his little girl.
Tammy: You know damn well what I'm saying. Jonathan loves me. He has always loved me, he is always going to love me. And that drives you crazy. It hurts you. And it makes you hate me because you want to keep him all for yourself. I get all of that. But, you know what, too bad. Jonathan is mine. You're going to have to accept defeat and move on.
Lizzie: And if I don't?
Tammy: He is going to divorce you anyway.
Lizzie: I hate you.
Tammy: I don't hate you. I just feel sorry for you.
Lizzie: Well, I definitely hate you. And you are making a big mistake talking to me like this. Big mistake.
Tammy: Jonathan loves me, and he is coming back to me. And when he does, I will tell him every single rotten thing you have done to him so he will never fall for your tricks again.
Lizzie: ( Yells out )
Josh: Here you go.
Reva: Why is it that doing the right thing so often feels wrong?
Josh: I don't know about that.
Reva: No, you wouldn't, because you always do the right thing.
Josh: You say that from time to time. Do you really believe it?
Reva: No. I don't know anyone else that tortures himself the way you do.
Josh: Thank you for nothing.
Reva: I guess I've just been doing a lot of thinking lately about karma.
Josh: Billy is going to be okay, Reva.
Reva: I hope so. Especially after everything he did for me when I was sick.
Josh: Are you all right?
Reva: So far, so good. In fact, Joshua, I wanted to tell you that today--
Cassie: Hey, guys.
Josh: You got my message.
Cassie: I did. So the plan worked? Sheila’s history?
Josh: Probably on her way across state lines as we speak.
Cassie: Then again on the up side, you got to lay some into Josh, which must have been fun for you.
Reva: That was his idea. I'm not trying to rope him into my problems.
Cassie: Okay, I didn't say that.
Reva: Now that I know Billy is going to be okay, I will try to keep my distance from both of you from now on.
Buzz: There' still one detail of the wedding that we haven't worked out?
Olivia: Yeah, what's that?
Buzz: The honeymoon.
Olivia: Oh, the very best part.
Buzz: I want to take you some place special, someplace that is just so beautiful that it has so much magic coming out of it, it sort of oozes romance, sort of like you. Any ideas?
Olivia: Paris.
Alan-Michael: Sorry you had to see that.
Ava: It was his fault, not yours.
Alan-Michael: You're a great nurse.
Ava: And you're a lousy boxer.
Alan-Michael: What can I say, I'm a lover, not a fighter.
Ava: ( Laughs ) I saw that coming. ( Knock at the door ) Oh, my God, if that's Coop-- I swear to God-- please, stay.
Maurice: Champagne?
Alan-Michael: The wrong apartment.
Ava: No, no, no, no. Leave it, leave it. It can stay. Maybe it will dull the pain a little bit. When in Paris--
Alan-Michael: Okay, we'll take it, Maurice, merci. You sure about this?
Ava: Why not?
(Cell phone rings)
Jeffrey: Hello.
Coop: Listen, Jeffrey, I need another favor from you. I need you to get a really good private eye to dig up some dirt on Alan-Michael, some serious dirt.
Jeffrey: I'll see what I can do.
Reva: Hi, Cal, it's Reva. I need to talk, and guess who gets to listen, my fellow cancer survivor. I'm coming up on 90 days. Three months, cancer-free, and I have to have my big checkup, and to tell you the truth, I'm scared out of my mind.
Lizzie: Don't listen to any of the mean things that that awful lady said, okay, Sarah. Daddy is not going to leave us. That's a promise.
Tammy: Reva? Jonathan? Anybody home?
Jonathan: Hey, Tammy, I was looking for you everywhere. Did you get my messages?
Tammy: Jonathan, I love you, and I want to be with you no matter what.
Next on "Guiding Light"...
Tammy: Lizzie is sick and pathetic, and she's not going to keep us apart anymore because I'm not letting you go ever again.
Lizzie: Jonathan, Sarah and I are family. We will be forever.
Beth: Her future is with them.
Alan: She has to be raised by people who love her and understand her.
Beth: You?
Alan: Yes. You help me Beth or you get out of my way.
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