GL Transcript Thursday 1/11/07

Guiding Light Transcript Thursday 1/11/07


Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Tanya

Policeman, policeman. We're making it safe for you

Fan one: Look over there! It's him!

Fan two: No!

Fan one: Yes! Oh, my God.

Mallet: Oh, God.

Fan one: I love you!

Fan two: And you're...

Marina: Hi.

Fan 2: It's really you. You guys are together in real life?

Mallet: Oh, as a couple? No, not, not...

Marina: We're partners.

Mallet: Yeah. We're police partners, yeah.

Fan two: Can we have your autographs?

Marina: Oh, actually...

Mallet: Well, I don’t...

Marina: ...I just picked these up from publicity.

Fan two: Oh, wow! You've made my day.

Mallet: I didn't even tell them I quit the show. A couple weeks from now they'll probably even forget I was on it.

Marina: Or not.

Remy: Somebody order a TV star?

Dinah: Well, somebody's looking good.

Remy: Who, me? Nah. So, who are we exposing on this week's show?

Dinah: Well, I've been watching the news trying to come up with some good ideas.

Remy: Mm-hmm.

Dinah: Wait a... what's this?

Marina: As you probably know by now, I'm Detective Marina Cooper and, as you may have heard, there are rumors going around that "The Law" might be cancelled. I am asking you to write emails, phone call, write letters, do whatever you can do to help us save the show. And let's keep the bad guys running scared.

Remy: Wow, man, she looks good on camera. Doesn't she?

Ava: Hi.

Coop: Me? You're talking to me now?

Ava: Oh, okay, so I see how this is going to go. I tell you I want some space from you and now I'm here, so...

Coop: Yeah. Well, I thought you would have been in France already.

Ava: Not without saying goodbye.

Coop: Thanks.

Ava: This is about business.

Coop: Yeah, business. Right.

Ava: Not about Alan-Michael.

Coop: Business and getting away to clear your head, right?

Ava: Look, Coop, I'm not running away from anything and I don't want you to think I am.

Coop: Ava, it doesn't matter what I think now.

Ava: It matters to me.

Jeffrey: Are you busy?

Alan-Michael: Always. Why?

Jeffrey: Well, I represent one of your employees and I want to discuss their contract.

Alan-Michael: Which employee?

Jeffrey: Ava Peralta.

Alan-Michael: Is this a lawyer discussion or a daddy discussion?

Jeffrey: No, this is just a friendly business discussion, unless you lie to me and turn it into something else.

Alan-Michael: Daddy discussion. Got it.

Daisy: Sydney is so totally lucky to have you as a mom. And after two boys, you deserve a little girl.

Harley: I am looking at my little girl.

Daisy: I meant to raise. After the adoption's final.

Harley: If. We have a long way to go. But our lawyers our very hopeful and... what's that noise?

Daisy: What noise?

Harley: You're not in your room. I can tell. Where are you?

Daisy: Oh, I stopped by the chapel at school. To say a prayer, you know, that the adoption goes through.

Harley: Really?

Daisy: Yeah. Is that so hard to believe?

Harley: No, no. I think that's very sweet. Thank you, that means a lot to me. ( Singing in background ) Is somebody singing?

Daisy: Oh... yeah. Well, the choir's practicing.

Harley: They need practice. Wait, hold on a second. Gus is home. Hey.

Gus: Hey, baby.

Harley: Hi, honey.

Gus: Do you have any of that cream? My back is killing me.

Harley: Yes, I do.

Gus: The stuff you used last night?

Harley: But I'm talking to Susan.

Gus: Hi, Susan. Hey, Susan. What's happening? How are you?

Gillespie: Hi, mom. Hi, dad.

Daisy: Get out of here.

Gillespie: I just want to meet the family.

Harley: Listen, Daisy, we really do need you to come home, right, and help us with the adoption hearing and... who is that?

Daisy: Who?

Harley: The man I just saw on camera. Daisy, what's going on? Who are you with?

Gus: That's not good.

Daisy: I'm sorry, father. I didn't know it wasn't allowed. It's the priest, Harley. He wants me out of here.

Harley: Did you tell the priest you were talking to your mother?

Daisy: I don't think it would matter if you were one of the disciples. I got to go.

Gus: Wait, wait. When are we going to see you?

Daisy: Okay, I'll call you. All right, but I got to go.

Harley: Okay. I love you.

Daisy: Love you, too. That was fun.

Gillespie: What would mommy say if she knew we were in town?

Daisy: She'd freak. So why don't we leave?

Gillespie: Because I got a job offer.

Daisy: What kind of job?

Gillespie: The kind that'll buy us more than just the hamburgers.

Daisy: Are you saying that Harley’s allowance isn't enough?

Gillespie: Pray for us.

Harley: What was that all about?

Gus: That's the way teenagers are. She's always the same.

Harley: I'm worried about her.

Gus: Why?

Harley: Was I right to let her live so far away?

Gus: She loves that school.

Harley: I want Daisy to come home. I just can't wait for everybody to be around me.

Mallet: Okay, so we'll narrow it down to everybody with priors and pay them a visit. Are you with me here or are you going to stare at that glossy photo for another hour?

Marina: I have to talk to you.

Mallet: It can't wait?

Marina: No. This is really important and I should have told you before.

Mallet: Are you scared about handling the show on your own?

Dinah: Oh, she's not scared or worried about anything.

Mallet: Hey, look who it is.

Dinah: Yes, look who it is.

Mallet: What you doing?

Marina: Hi.

Remy: Leave it alone, Dinah.

Dinah: Oh, honey, don't worry about anything. Hi, how are you?

Mallet: Hi, I'm good.

Dinah: Well, I was taking a look at the evening news and saw this great promo.

Mallet: Mm-hmm. What's it for?

Marina: I can actually explain this.

Dinah: No, I've got it. Don't worry.

Marina: ... And, as you may have heard, there are rumors going around that "The Law" might be canceled. I am asking you to write emails, phone call, write letters, do whatever...

Mallet: Wow. Did that... did that actually air?

Dinah: Yup. Looks like your partner wants to keep you. Right, partner?

Coop: Extra cinnamon. It's hot. I'm not going to tell you what Alan-Michael is up to, because I know that you don't want me to. And I'm not going to say, "I told you so" when you get back from Paris, either.

Ava: I know you want to protect me and keep me safe...

Coop: Yeah, but you can take care of yourself. I get that. Ava, you're a lot smarter and tougher than most people give you credit for. You're a heck of a lot smarter than Alan-Michael Spaulding, that's for sure. So go, all right? Just get out of here. Do whatever it is you feel you have to do.

Ava: Say that with a smile on your face.

Coop: Ava, I was the one that wanted to take you to Europe.

Ava: I know.

Coop: I was the one that had all these plans.

Ava: I know, I know. It's business, Coop. I'm going there for business, that's it.

Coop: Can you at least call when you land?

Ava: I can do that, yes.

Coop: Thank you.

Ava: I'm only going to be gone for a day, two days including travel time, so I'll see you when I get back.

Coop: Sure. Ava. Be careful, okay?

Jeffrey: So I went over the last three contracts you offered to people who held anything resembling Ava’s new position.

Alan-Michael: Really? Where'd you get them?

Jeffrey: I got them. In any case, it seems that you're going to pay Ava twice what you paid any of them.

Alan-Michael: Well, I've added to the list of job responsibilities.

Jeffrey: Well, that's interesting considering that Ava doesn't really have any corporate experience whatsoever.

Alan-Michael: I have faith in her. Don't you?

Jeffrey: I don't really know her that well yet. But I would say that she is a bright young woman. Maybe a little naive.

Alan-Michael: She is a bright young woman trying to make a good life for herself just like her mom and dad.

Jeffrey: Well, let's hope that she can avoid some of the mistakes that Olivia and I both have made.

Alan-Michael: That's very fatherly of you.

Jeffrey: Let's stick to this, shall we?

Alan-Michael: Let’s. I have a plane to catch.

Jeffrey: Okay. So, you offered Ava stock, a company car, travel expenses...

Alan-Michael: And you're what, negotiating downward?

Jeffrey: No, this isn't a negotiation.

Alan-Michael: Oh, right. Today you're the concerned father looking out for the biological daughter you never knew.

Jeffrey: There's no non- fraternization clause in here. Normally that's standard in a Spaulding contract, isn't it?

Alan-Michael: I am Spaulding. I decide what's standard. All right, go ahead, ask it.

Jeffrey: Ask what?

Alan-Michael: I know what you want, O’Neill. You want to know what my intentions toward your daughter are. It's your way of being a father without really committing.

Jeffrey: I am just Ava’s attorney. An attorney that could make like difficult for you and your company.

Alan-Michael: I'm not abducting Ava, I'm hiring her.

Jeffrey: Hmm. And her first assignment is to accompany you to Paris?

Alan-Michael: That's right. And if you'd done your research, you'd know my style. I'm not into taking advantage of young women, unlike some people I know.

Marina: I am so sorry, Mallet. I was going to explain all of this to you, I just didn't think it was going to air until tomorrow. It wasn't supposed to air.

Dinah: I suppose just pitching her little heart out, she wanted everyone to come on down, support A.C. Mallet, save him, we all love A.C.

Mallet: Okay, okay.

Marina: Okay, Dinah. The audience does love Mallet and he loves doing "The Law."

Dinah: He doesn't want to be on the show anymore.

Marina: Yes, he does, Dinah. He just stepped aside so that your little show would have a shot in the dark.

Mallet: Okay, Marina. Marina.

Marina: But he likes the attention even if he pretends like he doesn’t. I'm sorry Mallet, but it's the truth and I'm sorry if you're mad at me.

Mallet: I'm not mad at you. I thought the promo was very, very thoughtful.

Dinah: Thoughtful? She went behind your back, okay? What happened to "partners don't have secrets"?

Mallet: What is your deal with Marina?

Dinah: Deal?

Mallet: Yeah, she's gone out of her way to be a friend.

Dinah: No, actually, she's gone out of her way to be a close friend to you.

Mallet: No, to both of us. Why do you think she gave us the tickets to the People's Choice Awards, because she knows how much I miss wearing my tux? She did it for you, too.

Dinah: Oh, I think she has an ulterior motive. I think she has what's known as an agenda.

Mallet: There's no motive, there's no agenda. She's not...

Dinah: What? Not like me?

Mallet: I didn't say that.

Dinah: Yeah, but that's what you meant.

Mallet: Oh, boy. Can we all have a donut? Let's just have a donut, here. Let's all settle down.

Dinah: Sure! Yes! Let's eat the whole box of donuts.

Mallet: Do you see that woman over there? The one with a gun? She has my back.

Marina: We have each other's backs.

Dinah: I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to interrupt. Didn't mean to. I'm going to keep my yap shut from now on, okay?

Mallet: Okay. ( Phone rings ) Mallet. Yeah, he's here. Okay. It's the station.

Marina: Well, that didn't go exactly as you planned, did it?

Alan-Michael: We're staying at the family apartment. No, this time is different. I've actually scheduled a meeting. No, a real one. Ava's not like the others. She needs to be cultivated. Uh-huh.

(Knock on the door)

Ava: Who is it?

Jeffrey: It’s... it's Jeffrey O’Neill.

Ava: Ah. Hi, come on in.

Jeffrey: Hi. Thank you. I got your contract here. It's ready to sign.

Ava: Oh, good. Is everything in order?

Jeffrey: Well, it appears to be. I have to say that Spaulding is being extremely generous.

Ava: That's Alan-Michael for you, right?

Jeffrey: So you're packing for Paris?

Ava: Yeah, Paris. Yup, I'm really excited about it.

Jeffrey: First time, huh?

Ava: Yeah, first time. I've never really left the small town that I grew up in.

Jeffrey: Right. Well, it's a beautiful country. You're going to love it there.

Ava: I'll send you a postcard.

Jeffrey: You don't have to do that.

Ava: I want to send you a postcard.

Jeffrey: Okay, well, I guess I should be going.

Ava: Okay. Wait, wait, wait, no. I'll just sign it right now.

Jeffrey: Wait a minute. Don't do that.

Harley: Well, your singing put her right out, I'll tell you that.

Gus: Because she's got taste.

Harley: I said she fell asleep. She didn't applaud.

Gus: Yeah, I say she got taste because sleeping babies, that's the way they show their appreciation.

Harley: Aren't you just the baby expert?

Gus: What, I didn't help with those little boys, raising them? I think I did.

Harley: A little.

Gus: A little? A little? You know what I love about babies? I look and them and I think to myself, "What are they going to do with their lives? What are they going to be when they grow up?" And I'm thinking our little girl, she could be the next president of the United States.

Harley: That's great. Except she's not out little girl yet.

Gus: She's out little girl. Little... she's so cute! I just want her to stay that size forever.

Harley: You're such a mushball. Yes, little babies are cute, but I'll tell you something, every age is special.

Gus: Except when she becomes a teenager. I'm going to be forced to buy a shotgun. Yeah.

Harley: Well, the good news about that is that I think teenagers are more prone to torture their mothers. Not that I ever had that problem with Susan... Daisy... Susan. I mean, other than the other day, she hasn't really give Dylan and I much to worry about.

Gus: It's funny to hear you talk about that because I'm sure you were the Tasmanian Devil torturing your brother.

Harley: No, not too much. Every once in awhile... daily.

Gus: I just don't want her to feel like I felt when I was a kid. Now, I know this sounds like a pity party, but I felt, you know, alone and lost and it would just... it would kill me if she ever felt that.

Harley: It's getting to be so much more of a reality, isn't it? Every day that she's here, it's hard to imagine somebody could take her away from us.

Gus: She came into our life for a reason. No one's taking her away.

Harley: Okay. But there is a small chance, okay? We have to face that. There's a small chance that somebody...

Gus: We have the best representation in town.

Harley: Okay, Mel and Jeffrey will do everything they can, but what about the judge?

Gus: She's ours. She knows it, everybody in town knows it, it's just a matter of time until we make it legal.

Harley: I'm worried about you.

Gus: Why?

Harley: Sweetie, you talk like she's already our daughter.

Gus: She is. She is.

Harley: Honey, seriously. Seriously, babe, something could happen. You know?

Gus: You know what's going to happen? I'll explain to you what's going to happen, okay? Daisy's going to come home, she's going to move in with us, Sydney’s going to become ours legally, and we're going to be one big, happy family. Did you leave the door open?

Harley: No, I closed it. I locked it.

Gus: Are you sure?

Harley: I'm more sure of the fact that somebody broke into our house not so long ago and... could it be the same person? Well, nothing seems to be missing.

Gus: Nothing but my service revolver.

Coop: Hey! Alan-Michael, what the hell are you up to, huh?

Alan-Michael: Me? I'm leaving for Paris.

Coop: Excuse me. I heard you on the phone over there. I know exactly what your little trip is all about.

Alan-Michael: I doubt that. It's business, way over your head.

Coop: You know what? Ava is way over your head. I promise you, you lay one hand on her-- one finger on her-- I'm going to hunt you down.

Alan-Michael: Coop, out of my way.

Coop: Don't walk away from me. What are you doing, huh?

Remy: Break it up, break it up. Stop, stop, stop. What's going on?

Alan-Michael: I'd ask him, cousin. I got a flight to catch.

Coop: Oh, that's cute, that's real cute.

Remy: You don't want to do that.

Coop: Come on! Come on, man! Look, he's after Ava, all right? He's lying to her. He's trying to set her up.

Remy: Set her up how?

Coop: This little trip of theirs, going off to Paris. He's just trying to get her alone so he can...

Remy: Okay, okay. Find Ava, man. Talk to her, okay?

Coop: Look, it's not going to help, okay? I can't talk to her, she doesn't want to listen to me. I want to prove it to her, but it's like... her plane leaves... Remy, what am I going to do, huh?

Jeffrey: You know, I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have grabbed this from you like that.

Ava: No, it's fine. There must be something scary in there. Something nasty like I need to sign away my first-born child to Alan-Michael.

Jeffrey: I just... I just want you to be sure before you sign, that's all.

Ava: Be sure of what?

Jeffrey: Well, I'm your attorney, okay? And as your attorney, it's my duty to advise you, and I advise you that Spaulding is...

Ava: Is a tricky bunch?

Jeffrey: Right.

Ava: Right.

Jeffrey: And the closer you get to the top, the trickier and more dangerous it gets.

Ava: Is this where you tell me that the girl who had the job before me disappeared?

Jeffrey: Well, Alan-Michael created this job for you, Ava, so you're on new territory, here.

Ava: Right, and there are a lot of girls who can type faster than me. I don't know why he chose me, but...

Jeffrey: Well, I do know why he chose you. I just wonder why you chose him. There's a lot of places you could work, you know.

Ava: Yeah, there's a lot of restaurants I could work. I understand what you're saying. I don't have a business degree, I'm not the most experienced girl, but I have to take care of myself, Jeffrey. I mean, if I didn't accept this job I would have looked back on my life and I would have thought, "You know, this is really stupid, this is an opportunity for me to grow and learn." And... and who cares if Alan- Michael likes me. Big deal.

Jeffrey: Just so long as you're okay with it. That's all. Okay, kid?

Ava: Kid?

Jeffrey: Well, yeah, you're still a kid to me, anyway. ( Laughs )

Ava: Well, I'm your kid.

Jeffrey: Yeah, that, too. You're my kid, but as your attorney, I'm just...

Ava: As my dad. ( Laughs ) Am I making you crazy? Because I'm trying to make you crazy, right? Look, I don't have anybody else to call dad. I never had a dad, so, you know, no pressure.

Jeffrey: Well...

Ava: Look, at least you don't have to give me an allowance or give me a curfew.

Jeffrey: Well, that's a good thing because, you know, I'm a little low on cash these days.

Ava: Do you have a problem with me taking this job?

Jeffrey: You seem to know what you're getting into.

Ava: I've been taking care of myself for a long time.

Jeffrey: That must have been rough.

Ava: Yeah, it was rough. But it's nice to have people.

Jeffrey: And do you have people over there? You know, someone you can contact in case there is any trouble?

Ava: No. But I have been downloading some French on my mp3 player. I'm taking these, my little good luck charms.

Jeffrey: They're just earrings.

Ava: No, they're not. They're not.

Jeffrey: Okay, so... I really should go. But, you know, if... if you do need to ask me any questions or if there is any trouble, please, you know my number, okay?

Ava: Thank you for looking at the contract for me. A beintot.

Jeffrey: A bientot , actually, that means "see you soon" or "see you later." Au revoir is goodbye.

Ava: Okay. A bientot.

Marina: Let's keep the bad

guys running scared. You know, I think it looks good.

Dinah: Shouldn't you be watching Mallet's backside?

Marina: I watch is back, yes, thank you. So, I have a question for you. What is it about me, Dinah, that you don't think you have?

Dinah: Hmm. I don't know, let's see. A gun.

Marina: You are smart, you are absolutely beautiful, and do you know how many women would kill to be you?

Dinah: What do you want?

Marina: I want to know what it is about me that is so threatening to you? Is it just insecurity? Is it that you don't trust Mallet? You don't trust me? What?

Dinah: No, no, no. I trust Mallet.

Marina: Okay, you trust Mallet. So let's just say here that it's me, all right? That I want your boyfriend, that my whole goal here is to get him into bed with me, right? Do you think that Mallet would go for it in a second? Are you serious? You have an amazing man over there who is absolutely in love with you. Are you in love with him?

Dinah: What do you think?

Marina: Then why are you holding him back? He loved doing "The Law," Dinah. Even if he pretends like he doesn’t. But he stepped aside, he put everything aside for you. You think if you just put yourself in his shoes, if you just see and try to put him first like he puts you first all the time, you should have said no.

Mallet: Sorry. Marina, we got a situation. We got to go. And you, I will talk to you later, okay? About Marina's little television promo thingy. I said I quit the show and I meant it.

Remy: You want some advice? Let it go and move on.

Dinah: Oh, Remy, you don't even know me.

Remy: And I'm really missing out.

Harley: Check your car again.

Gus: I don't have to check the car again. I know what I did. I came home, I locked the gun in the box like I always do. I put the gun in the box, I lock it. We have two small boys in the house, I don't forget things like this.

Harley: So I went upstairs to change Sydney’s diaper. Maybe while I was up there you took it out of the box and you put it...

Gus: Maybe. There's no maybe. Maybe somebody came in here and stole it, okay?

Harley: How would they know where to find it, Gus?

Gus: I don't know. Maybe Zach told one of his friends, "Hey, I got a really cool box now. Wait until you see this thing."

Harley: Okay, so he told one of his friends. How does he get in the box? Someone got in the box, that's the point.

Gus: I know it's farfetched, but do you have a better explanation?

Harley: This is a mess, honey, and this is not just about a missing gun. Somebody came into the house.

Gus: I know what it's about, I'm a cop! How long have I been a cop? How long?

Harley: Okay, don't yell at me. I didn't take the gun.

Gus: I know what this would... I know what it would cost us, okay? That's why I called my ex- partner. You think I want to call him? But I called him.

Daisy: G, where are you?

Gillespie: Hey, good looking.

Daisy: There you are. Why are you so happy?

Gillespie: Things are looking up.

Daisy: Oh.

Gillespie: Come on, let's go celebrate.

Daisy: Okay.

Mallet: What's going on?

Harley: Okay, but first I need a little assurance.

Marina: Assurance for what?

Harley: The next time you come here, it won't be to take away the baby.

Mallet: All right, so this is not... this is not good.

Gus: No, this is not good. It's very bad when a cop loses his gun.

Marina: Well, you didn't lose it. Gus, it was stolen.

Mallet: Well, it's kind of the same thing.

Marina: Well, so what happens?

Gus: What happens is instant suspension.

Harley: Yeah. And they're going to use it against us in court.

Gus: Listen...

Harley: I can hear Judge Green now. He's going to say, "You had a weapon in the house that was easily accessible?"

Gus: And it wasn't easily accessible, that's the whole point.

Harley: The point is, it could cost us, hon. Does it matter? The gun's not here.

Gus: Look, we just need to find the gun before everybody even knows it's missing.

Harley: Yeah, nobody can know about this. Not Frank, not anybody at the station.

Gus: And I know it's asking a lot. We know it's asking a lot.

Mallet: We're in.

Marina: Absolutely. If you guys lost Sydney over something like this...

Mallet: They're not going to lose Sydney over this. Let's just focus on what we do know. Okay, so someone came through the front door and they waltzed out of here with your gun. Right? Anything else stolen?

Gus: Nothing.

Harley: No, nothing.

Mallet: Do you think Sydney’s father could have anything to do with this?

Gus: Crossed our minds.

Harley: Who else would mess with us like this?

Remy: Here, you look like you needed this.

Dinah: Thank you. Okay, let's go.

Remy: Oh, I can’t. I'm due back at the station. Yeah, I need to get going.

Dinah: Remy?

Remy: Yeah?

Dinah: What is it, do you think, that is wrong with me?

Remy: Is that a real question or one of those rhetorical things?

Dinah: I don't like being this way, I don't like the jealousy and suspicion and being angry all the time, but, you see, when I look at the world what I see mostly are liars and cheats.

Remy: Well, everyone lies and cheats a little, so if that's what you want to see, then that's what you see.

Dinah: Yeah, but I don’t. I don't want to see that. I know what it's like and what happens when you turn your back on someone who you thought was your other half and then suddenly he just leaves and...

Remy: Loves someone else. Yeah, I know how that goes.

Dinah: Why? Are you hooked up with somebody else?

Remy: I date around.

Dinah: Around with who? Tammy Winslow?

Remy: We're not going to talk about that right now.

Dinah: I've seen the way you look at her.

Remy: Hey, can we drop it?

Dinah: Oh, it is her! It is her. Yeah, because she's different.

Remy: Yeah, well, Tammy’s dating her old boyfriend, Jonathan Randall, so...

Dinah: Who is married to Lizzie Spaulding, so what's the deal? Why aren't you in there?

Remy: It's complicated. She has a lot going on right now.

Dinah: Uh-huh, uh-huh, uh- huh. And are you respecting her and giving her her space? Well, you know what? That's a load of crap. You're not going to get her if you don't go after her. You're going to be home alone cleaning your gun.

Remy: It's not that simple.

Dinah: Oh, my friend, it is. It is. It's a war. It's a war, and you can't afford to lose a single battle. You have to engage the enemy. You have to get in front of them and let them know you're there. You also have to slaughter them before they slaughter you.

Remy: Somehow I get the feeling this is more about Marina than it is about me.

Ava: Oh, hey.

Alan-Michael: Hey.

Ava: I'm glad you're here. I thought maybe I was in the wrong spot.

Alan-Michael: This is the place.

Ava: Good. Oh, who's that.

Alan-Michael: Our flight attendant. Natalia, this is Ava. She'll be joining us on our flight to Paris today.

Natalia: Hi, nice to meet you.

Ava: Nice to meet you, too.

Natalia: May I?

Alan-Michael: Yes, please.

Natalia: We'll be ready for takeoff in about 10 minutes. It's clear and 45 degrees in Paris. I'll see you on board.

Alan-Michael: Okay. I might need to take you shopping. That coat doesn't look warm enough.

Ava: I'm fine. Anyway, we're just going to be busy. We're not going to have time to shop.

Alan-Michael: We'll make time. Paris is home to some of the greatest designers in the world. It would be a shame if we didn't at least take a peek.

Ava: We're going to be in Paris for one day and I have at least a week's worth of work to do. If you want to get this product line launched, I mean, come on...

Alan-Michael: Whoa, whoa, whoa. Slow down. There's two of us, remember? Together we can handle it and have a little fun.

Ava: Fun?

Alan-Michael: It doesn't have to be a dirty word. Then again, if you insist.

Ava: ( Laughs ) Shut up.

Alan-Michael: It can be as dirty as you want.

Jeffrey: Coop, what's going on?

Coop: Hey. Look, I don't know. I don't even know if I should be here. Maybe it's a mistake coming to you, but I don't now who else to turn to right now and I don't know where to go, and so here I am.

Jeffrey: What's happening?

Coop: It's Ava. Look, if I could handle this on my own, I would, okay? But she's not going to listen to me right now. She's going to think anything I'm saying is a mistake...

Jeffrey: Take it easy, take a deep breath... stop. What about Ava?

Coop: She is in trouble. Jeffrey, she's in serious trouble.

Mallet: This whole gun thing, we're going to clean it up, okay? We're going to clean up the whole mess and the adoption is going to go through, all right? I was thinking, Sydney’s father probably has some prison buddies. So why don't I call, check around, see if any of them have been released.

Gus: That's a good idea.

Marina: We're going to solve this. We're going to take care of it.

Harley: Thank you.

Mallet: We're going to find the gun.

Harley: Thank you.

Gus: Thank you. We... I owe you.

Mallet: I'll remember that. Keep your doors locked.

Harley: We'll be fine. Thank you for coming over, guys.

Marina: So, it's a good thing the camera crew wasn't with me today.

Mallet: Yeah, no kidding. Anyway, about your televised plea to save your partner...

Marina: Yeah, Mallet, I really wanted to talk to you...

Mallet: No, let me finish, let me finish. I don't want to mess up this chance for you, okay? So I'm just going to accept the fact that the camera's going to be around, they're going to be rolling, they're going to be catching stuff, and if they catch me every now and then in the background, so be it. Just, no personal stuff?

Marina: Right, like nothing of you in your tighty whities watching foosball or something.

Mallet: You know about that? No, I'm talking about this nutty storyline about you and I being a couple, okay? It's going to drive Dinah crazy.

Marina: And that would almost be worth it.

Remy: So, what's the craziest thing you ever did for love?

Dinah: Oh, boy. If you don't know that answer, I ain't telling you.

Remy: Wow. Yeah, I don't think I need any more advice, but thanks anyway.

Dinah: I'm just trying to help you from becoming the world's biggest loser.

Remy: And that matters to you because?

Dinah: Because we work together. And, no, I am not fond of your roommate. And, yes, I do wish you two were together because then maybe she wouldn't be looking for companionship elsewhere.

Remy: Me and Marina? Yeah, okay.

Dinah: Okay. All right, I get it, you want Tammy. But that is not going to happen if you keep pretending to be the shoulder she can cry on, okay? The friend, okay? Or the faithful dog, okay? Girls do not like guys like that.

Remy: Why are we talking about this?

Dinah: Because you need help. You need help. Why don't you tell me, where is the passion, huh? Where is the fire? Where is the romance? The title "friend," that is the kiss of death. You know Tammy? You know what she's doing? She's taking advantage of you. The next time she calls you and asks you to do something, you tell her that you're busy and that you got a life. And if you don't have a life, then you lie.

Remy: You know, you're kind of freaky. You know that?

Dinah: Tell me something I don't know.

Ava: So, I've been doing a little research on our photographer, checking out the perfume campaigns that he shot. Looks likes he's used a couple of well-known celebrities, which is good. They want to tie in the lifestyle...

Alan-Michael: Yeah, I don't like to work on the plane.

Ava: Sorry. I just get a little nervous, so I thought maybe if I kept myself busy...

Alan-Michael: Oh, well, that's what champagne's for. You ready?

Ava: I'm ready.

Jeffrey: Okay. Thanks a lot. Well, you were right to be suspicious. Ava thinks she's going to Paris for one day, right?

Coop: Right.

Jeffrey: Well, that's interesting because the Spaulding jet is scheduled to be there for an entire week and the apartment that they're both staying in...

Coop: Apartment? What apartment?

Jeffrey: Yeah, the Spaulding flat there. I haven't got the address yet, but I'm working on that.

Coop: You know what? Look, I'm going to go trade in some plane tickets right now and I'm going to call you when I get to Paris, okay? Thank you.

Jeffrey: Are you going after them?

Coop: Yeah. Suddenly I'm in the mood for some wine and cheese.

Gus: How could somebody just walk into our front door, open this cabinet, and take the gun out of the... I don't understand. The key is right here...

Harley: It'll be okay.

Gus: It's not going to be okay! Just do me a favor and stop saying that.

Harley: Listen to me. Babe, we know we're being targeted. We know it now. We can deal with that, right?

Gus: I'm going to find this person because now they're messing with my family.

Harley: Gus?

Gus: I'll take them out.

Daisy: Want another beer?

Gillespie: No. After I have a shower.

Daisy: What's that?

Gillespie: This is a gift from my mom. I got a gift for you, too.

Daisy: Now?

Gillespie: Why not?

Daisy: Why not? Welcome home, Daisy.

Harley: Daisy, great talking to you today. I really need you here, okay, sweetheart? I need you here now. Love, Mom.

Next on "Guiding Light"...

Lizzie: Uncle Rick, you have to help me. You have to help me before it's too late.

Cassie: Where have you been?

Tammy: I'm about to do something really bad, Mom.

Ava: Think that you're the kind of guy who gets what he wants.

Alan-Michael: That's true. Because I'm good at it.

Ava: You didn't fool me.

Alan-Michael: Are you staying?

Ava: Let me take another look at that bedroom.

Billy: Well, hello. Hey, were you guys spying on my girlfriend again?

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