GL Transcript Wednesday 1/10/07

Guiding Light Transcript Wednesday 1/10/07


Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by Tanya

Harley: I'm not going to let anybody take you away from me, Sydney.

Gus: Glove compartment. Okay, now my two beautiful girls. Two beautiful girls, smile. That's for the judge.

Harley: Taking pictures for the judge?

Gus: Yes. To show what a beautiful family Sydney found for herself, not to mention one very good looking papa. Your eyes were closed.

Harley: Oh, honey, enough with the pictures. You're going to blind her before the adoption hearing.

Gus: Well, this is important because I'm going to cut the whole thing together like a music video. I'm going to use my laptop and maybe use REM for the soundtrack.

Harley: Are you kidding?

Gus: Yeah, I'm kidding. Just trying to get a smile out of you, which is growing more difficult every day. Look how adorable the two of you are.

Harley: It's going to take a lot more than adorable now that Sydney’s birth father's in the picture, babe.

Gus: Her birth father's in the slammer along with the mother.

Harley: But I gave up my own child for adoption.

Gus: Yes, you did, 17 years ago.

Harley: But Donovan is going to use that against me...

Gus: Donovan has got nothing. Nothing.

Harley: He has Susan.

Gus: No, no, we have Susan.

Susan: Hey, Harley. Happy 2007. I'm sorry I missed you guys at Christmas, but I had burning trip with my friends. You and Gus have to try snow boarding. No worries, we were super careful. I mean, half of us are studying dance, right? Oh, and before you get all "Mom" on me, yes, of course there was a chaperone.

Gus: Wow, does that seem like a traumatized teenager to you?

Harley: She seems happy. She always seems happy.

Gus: I told you this web cam was a very good birthday idea.

Susan: Everything was proper. I'm bummed winter break is over. What else? This is like the most boring message ever. Oh, don't get too excited yet, but I talked to my guidance counselor and he said I'm like this close to graduating with honors. I like all my classes this semester, so... well, except for Trig, but everyone hates Trig because the teacher is such a... math geek. Like, I'm really going to use Trigonometry in the real world. Whatever, I'll survive. Oh, thank Gus for emailing the Sydney pictures. A sister, finally! I mean, don't get me wrong, I'm nuts about my brothers, but, I mean, a girl, it's special. Oh, I got a class, but hugs to Zach and Jude.

Gus: Oh, yeah. She hates your guts.

Harley: School, friends. I think back to what I was doing when I was her age, ooh.

Gus: No, I'd rather not think about that, thank you very much.

Harley: ( Laughs )

Gus: Do you really think that that dirtbag lawyer is going to get to her before we do?

Harley: Oh, no, no, no. We will get to her first.

Harley: Wait! Wait, wait, wait. Wait. Give me one second, okay? I haven't seen her in a while. I mean, except for the web cam, which is a great idea and I love, love, love that web cam.

Gus: She's going to be very happy.

Harley: But you've not met her except a few times and she’s...

Gus: When's the last time you came to visit her? She's going to love that.

Harley: Yeah. Yeah, yeah. Teenagers love it when you give them surprise visits.

Gus: We came with presents. We got a... you know, snow boarding boots, and it's her favorite color. We got her cookies. We got a little homemade cookie action.

Harley: Store-bought.

Gus: Store-bought. Store-bought... a cookie's a cookie. I mean, it's like little favors. It's nice that we did that.

Harley: Yeah, we're doing these nice little favors. I don't want her to see them as bribes.

Gus: Listen, do you want to go outside and call the kids and call Ashlee, make sure everybody's okay, check on Sydney? Because that'll make you feel better.

Harley: No. I know, I have to suck it up and I have to go in there. It's just, it's a lot, you know? Don't you think it's a lot, asking her to testify at an adoption hearing? Her?

Gus: Honey, we can go over this again, you were very young. It wasn't your... I mean, you did what you thought you had to do, okay? You tried to give her a better life. I think she got that better life.

Harley: What if a part of her still resents me for it, you know? And then her parents died when she was so young.

Gus: Her adoptive parents. Adoptive. You got her into that dance program, that was amazing. She traveled, she went to New York, she went to Washington, D.C...

Harley: Washington, D.C., Mm-hmm.

Gus: This was good stuff, you know? And I tell you, if she's half the woman that you are, that fighter, she'll be in court testifying for us. Why? Because she's going to want a family, too. This is a whole new family, her baby sister. She's going to love that.

Harley: That's good, I like that. That is good, thank you. Oh. Hmm, guess she's not here. Of course she's not here, this isn't even her room. This isn't even her room, and, of course, my daughter would be smart enough to lock the door.

Gus: That's a problem.

Harley: What?

Gus: Susan's been scamming you.

Harley: I told you that webcam was a stupid idea.

Gus: It's not the webcam itself that's the problem.

Harley: See, I don't understand this. I don't understand why. Why?

Gus: Why, why what? Why would she lie?

Harley: No. Because this is not a lie. A lie is, "Harley, I'm sorry, I thought there'd be a chaperone on that trip."This... this is planned. This is thought out. This is calculated deception. She is pretending to be somebody she's not.

Gus: Hmm. You want your husband's opinion on this or your partner?

Harley: Of course I want my husband’s.

Gus: She's trying to be who she thinks you want her to be. She's trying to make you happy.

Harley: Be my partner.

Gus: Susan is being a deceptive teenager who is hiding something.

Tiffany: Who's Susan?

Harley: We are looking for Susan Lemay.

Tiffany: I'm not her.

Harley: Obviously. And you are?

Tiffany: Tiffany Harper. I got campus security on my speed dial. That means get out. There's no Susan here, it's just me and Daisy.

Harley: Daisy? That's what I named her when she was born. Daisy.

Tiffany: What are these?

Harley: They're for Sa..isy.

Tiffany: Do you even know who you're talking about?

Harley: Daisy! I meant to say Daisy. They're for Daisy, they're for snow boarding.

Tiffany: Snow boarding, yeah. She's big into that.

Gus: Can you tell us what all this is about?

Tiffany: Oh, webcam theater? Yeah, Daisy's idea. We all do it. It's like a little gift for mommy and daddy to show them what they're missing, what they want to see.

Gus: Instead of what's really happening, right?

Harley: Do you know where... where... do you know where she is?

Tiffany: Field trip. She won't be back for a few days.

Harley: Oh, right, that... honey, it was the Geology trip.

Tiffany: Rocks for jocks. Right.

Harley: You're so full of it. She doesn't even take a Geology course.

Tiffany: Look, I'm taking notes for her. Daisy is good in school, anyway, so just leave her alone.

Harley: Where is she?

Tiffany: I don't know.

Gus: Nice attitude. Nice roommate.

Tiffany: Hey, I'm not her mom. Maybe she's out with a guy.

Harley: Tiffany Harper. Tiffany Harper, I'm going to remember that. And if you are lying to me, I'll be back part cop, but all mother.

Tiffany: You're the mom?

Harley: Are we clear? For God's sake, it's January. Cover up.

Gus: And give her this present, will you? This the rest of her stuff. There's fresh baked cookies in there.

Harley: Don't lie to her. They're store-bought.

Tiffany: Mom alert, Daise! Wherever you are, you are so busted.

Harley: Susan's with a guy. Susan never mentioned a guy. Of course, Susan never mentioned not being Susan! I'm sitting here and I'm worried that we're going to lose our cutest, littlest daughter and it turns out we're losing our cutest, biggest daughter, so now we're losing both our daughters.

Gus: We're not going to lose anybody, okay? Because we're going to find Daisy before the lawyer Donovan does and we're going to explain to her, we're going to tell her all about little Sydney, she's going to be very happy for us, okay? And everything's going to be fine, so please just calm down.

Harley: I can do that.

Gus: Thank you.

Harley: Hey, you. You, you, you! Do you know where Susan Lemay is-- alias Daisy.

Boy: What? Alias?

Gus: Calm down.

Harley: Calm down! This is a police matter. Look, she lives in that room. You're walking down this hall, you must know where she is. Don't you have any idea where she is?

Boy: No, ma'am!

Gus: Nice. Nice way to stay calm.

Harley: Well, I'm not just going to stand here and do nothing! What am I going to do?

Gus: Hopefully not attack any more students.

Harley: Right.

Boy: Are y'all looking for Daisy?

Harley: Is she in there?

Boy: No, I heard you yelling about her. Daisy's cool. I mean, she has some weird friends, but...

Gus: Good, well, if you want to help her, you'll tell us where she is.

Boy: She's probably with Ryan. Ryan Devlin.

Gus: Okay, well how do we find Ryan Devlin?

Boy: He'll kick my butt.

Harley: Well, he'll have to get in line. Come on.

Gus: Whoa, whoa, whoa.

Harley: Oh, my gosh.

Gus: Why don't you just let me handle this, okay?

Harley: My daughter is in a place they call "The Love Shack." Do you know what that means?

Gus: They're all B-52 fans? I don't know!

Harley: It means she came out the same year that song did.

Gus: Hey, so they're in there doing something they shouldn't be doing.

Harley: I don't want to think about that.

Gus: That's why you should stay out here and let me handle it.

Harley: Honey, honey, honey. She can still be a good kid, right?

Gus: Of course, of course, of course.

Harley: I mean, just because she's in a place called "The Love Shack" doesn't mean that she's doing what I was doing when I was her age.

Gus: Look, stay here, let me handle this so...

Harley: No, I need to go in there.

Gus: Police!

Harley: Mother! Are you Ryan?

Ryan: Who wants to know? We haven't done anything wrong. This is a violation of our civil rights.

Gus: You're best keeping your mouth shut, okay?

Harley: Honey, he wants to talk about his rights. Tell him about his rights.

Gus: Oh, sure, okay. The minimum amount of sentence these days for statutory rape... I think that's about five to seven...

Ryan: Dude, we're 18.

Harley: She is 17.

Gus: Put your shirt on so we can have a conversation, please. Here you go.

Harley: Honey. Sweetie, come out of there. I am not mad.

Brenda: You sound mad.

Harley: Susan. Daisy. Susan! Whatever... honey, come out. Come out. Come out. Who are you?

Brenda: Brenda.

Gus: Now she's Brenda.

Harley: It's not her.

Ryan: It's my 18-year-old girlfriend. We're getting a place after we graduate, which makes us... what do you call it, babe?

Brenda: Consenting adults.

Ryan: Yeah. Her dad knows all about constitutional law. Sucks for you, Officers.

Gus: All right, we don't need you to mouth off, okay?

Harley: Okay, I am looking for my daughter Daisy.

Gus: We are the parents.

Brenda: Ry, tell them.

Ryan: All right, Daisy thinks she's too good for high school. She hangs out with older guys.

Harley: You mean like college guys?

Ryan: Maybe.

Harley: Where does she hang out with these older guys?

Ryan: Well, she takes road trips to Springfield.

Harley: That's not possible. Don't you think I'd know it if my daughter was going home. Don't you think I'd know that?

Ryan: I don't know, lady.

Harley: Don't call me lady, okay, first of all. And second of all, I don't even know that you're really 18 years old, Ryan.

Gus: Have a nice time. Make sure you use those condoms. Come on!

Harley: He's lying. He is lying. He's a liar.

Gus: And what if he's not? Come on. Thanks. I made friends with the stewardess. Excuse me, flight attendant. I got yogurt, raisins and two extra bags of nuts.

Harley: She an ex-girlfriend of yours, too?

Gus: Want to talk about it?

Harley: About what? “The Love Shack”?

Gus: Baby, that was not your daughter in there.

Harley: Not today. Am I a terrible mother? Just answer me.

Gus: You are the mother of mothers, in my opinion. You're mother Teresa.

Harley: She wasn't a real mother.

Gus: But you know what I'm saying. Listen, kids are like this. Kids... they go through stages, you know?

Harley: I tried not to hover over her because I wanted to show her that I respected her personal space because I wasn't the one who raised her, you know? And I didn't want to mess with her memories of her adoptive mother, so I played it cool. And I played it so cool, I don't even know anything about my own kid.

Gus: Teenagers, you know, they act this way-- freaky and secretive. It's kind of natural.

Harley: Well, we're stupid. Because I can't believe we bought the whole stuffed animal thing. That's lame. That's beginner stuff.

Gus: Why wouldn't we buy it? What's not to believe?

Harley: Well, what am I going to do to defend myself to the judge and to that sleazy lawyer? Maybe they're right to take Sydney away from me?

Gus: Listen to me. Sydney's hearing is going to go fine, Susan’s going to be fine. We tracked down your daughter just to show the judge that everything is okay, all right? I'm sure this whole thing is just a plea for attention from you.

Harley: Well, she got my attention.

Gus: Kids are like that. They're like little shrinks, you know? They pit one parent against...

Harley: What?

Gus: They pit one parent against the other. She has a father, right?

Harley: Oh, my gosh, you are such a genius.

Reva: Hey, what a nice surprise.

Gus: Hello, how are you?

Harley: Can we talk to you?

Reva: If you're on the clock, the butler did it.

Harley: No. Off the clock, promise.

Reva: Okay, come on in. Is everything okay?

Harley: Yeah, I just... I'm looking for Dylan and his phone's been disconnected. I can't reach him.

Reva: Oh, he moves around so much, he got rid of his land line, but I'll give you his cell phone number.

Gus: Have you been talking to him, or...

Reva: Yeah, I talked to him the other day, why?

Harley: Did he mention anything about Susan?

Reva: No. Is everything okay?

Harley: Yeah, I just need to locate her and I thought maybe she would have talked to her father, except she didn’t...

Reva: She's not at school? What's going on?

Gus: We went to the school and she wasn't there, but the roommate said maybe she's off with a guy.

Reva: Oh, that is something Tiffany would think.

Harley: Oh, you know Tiffany?

Reva: Well, no, I don’t. Daisy, actually, now, she told me all kinds of stories, but she never mentioned a boyfriend.

Harley: Oh, so you talked to Susan?

Reva: Yeah, I saw her. We went for pizza.

Harley: You went to visit her?

Reva: No, I didn't, but we went to that little dive here. You know, down the street from the college where all the kids hang out.

Harley: Wait a minute, you're telling me she was here?

Reva: Yeah, we got caught up on all the gossip, friends, and... oh, let me guess, you didn't know she was here?

Harley: I didn't see her. No, I didn't know she was here. Apparently my daughter came for a visit and I'm the last to know.

Reva: Who wants coffee? I will.

Harley: Okay, I'll have some, thanks.

Reva: Here. Milk?

Harley: Reva.

Reva: Hmm?

Harley: I can't believe you didn't tell me.

Reva: Well, I didn't know you didn't know.

Harley: Well, you know, she's 17, she comes here out of the blue. You don't think that's kind of weird?

Reva: Well, I thought she was here to see you.

Harley: Well, she wasn't, apparently. You didn't ask her?

Reva: You know, I've had a lot of things going on in my life. I have.

Harley: I know.

Reva: She... if anything had been going on with her, I would have picked up on it.

Harley: And you would have told me, right?

Reva: Of course I would have told you. Look, Susan, or Daisy... the fact that she wants to be called Daisy is the only thing that I can see that's different about her. She's the same Susan. She might have a new haircut, I guess, new clothes. Doesn't she send you those little web cam things?

Harley: Oh, please, that's a whole other issue.

Reva: Okay, I don't know what's going on here, but all I know is that you are a good mother. You're a good mother to Zach and Jude and to Daisy, and you will be to Sydney, too.

Harley: Sorry to go off on you, I'm just worried...

Reva: It's okay, it's okay.

Harley: Yeah, I'm hoping that Susan is still Daisy, or Daisy still is Susan. I don't even know what to call her, either. I just know that something's going on, and if I don't figure this out, I can't help her. And we're trying to adopt this baby, and this might not look good. You know, we could lose the baby, too.

Gus: I talked to Jeffrey, he's not happy because the judge is the judge, he's doing what he can, but...

Harley: Okay, we got to go. I'm sorry, we got to go.

Reva: Okay. You know, she did look happy.

Harley: Yes, you said.

Reva: But now I'm thinking... it's a problem. She didn't complain about anything and she didn't actually talk about a boyfriend, and she's 17.

Gus: Do you think that she was appeasing you, just telling you what you wanted to hear?

Reva: Maybe.

Gus: Yeah, we've been thinking she's got a knack for that.

Reva: Hey, you know what? She's going to help you guys. I mean, why wouldn't she?

Harley: Well, she changed her name without telling me, she comes to town without telling me. You know, there's all this stuff I don't know. But I'm a good mother, right? I am a good mother. I'm going to hold you to that...

Reva: ( Laughs ) I'm going to put it in the book.

Harley: Thank you very much. But, seriously, if you do hear from her or if she comes by...

Reva: I will march her right over to your place. Good luck.

Harley: Thanks, Reva. Sorry.

Gus: Nice to see you.

Reva: Okay. Watch the ice.

Jeffrey: Are you guys trying to sabotage your own case?

Gus: Why, what's the...

Jeffrey: You go flying off to God knows where and you stick me with Mean Joe Green, thanks.

Harley: He denied the postponement?

Jeffrey: No, he didn't, okay? But you got lucky this time. It's not going to happen twice.

Donovan: ( Clears throat ) Could you make my job any easier?

Jeffrey: Okay, you know what? We'll see what happens when we present the new evidence, all right?

Donovan: Unless it has anything to do with family history repeating itself, you've got a problem.

Jeffrey: Tell me... tell me you found Susan.

Gus: Well, first of all, Susan’s back to calling herself Daisy.

Harley: Yeah, she's Daisy.

Jeffrey: Okay, you know what, whatever she calls herself, as long as she is aware that you're baby's future's at stake here...

Harley: Okay, we haven't exactly found her, okay?

Gus: But we're going to find her.

Jeffrey: Great, a runaway teen, that's all we need.

Harley: She's not a runaway. Nobody said runaway. And Susan is a good kid, okay?

Jeffrey: Susan's a good... do we know that Daisy is a good kid? Do we know that? Okay, you know what? I need to talk to her as soon as you do find her. And if she has purple hair or major piercings of any sort, then I think it goes without saying...

Gus: Well, then, can you just go without saying it?

Jeffrey: I'm on your side here, Gus. Okay? But Sydney’s birth father isn't the only lowlife we'll be dealing with, here. Once we get to the hearing, fathers, aunts, uncles, brothers, everyone's going to be lining up to cash in, do you understand?

Gus: Well, we'll be ready for them.

Harley: Mm-hmm.

Jeffrey: It's the one you won't see coming that you have to worry about.

Harley: In times of crisis, he can be so comforting.

Gus: Nice man. Look, if he's that tough on his clients, imagine what he's going to do to the other side.

Harley: Yeah, well, he's scaring me. Not just about Sydney. I'm feeling like I'm losing Susan all over again.

Gus: We're back!

Harley: Ashlee?

Gus: Maybe she took the kids for ice cream.

Harley: No, I asked her not to with everything that's going on. I said, "Please don't go out."

Gus: Ashlee? Ashlee?

Frank: Hey, keep it down, keep it down. We got a sleeping baby, here.

Harley: Hi, my beautiful little girl. What are you doing here?

Frank: What? I went to your adoption hearing, and when you didn't show up, I came right over here. So, what is going on?

Harley: Where's Ashlee?

Frank: I sent her home.

Harley: Where are my boys?

Frank: They're upstairs. What is going on? And where have you been?

Gus: We went to the...

Frank: Okay, that was a little subtle.

Harley: What?

Frank: What? You're manhandling him. There's something going on. Excuse me, will both of you please tell me what's going on here?

Gus: We forgot to... go to the... mall.

Harley: Adoption hearing.

Gus: ... So we went to the shopping...

Harley: Which we were fixing the baby's nursery and we just got caught up so we went shopping to the mall.

Gus: She needed to go pick up some things at the center.

Harley: So would you take him upstairs? To go look at that baby stuff?

Gus: Sure, sure. It's right in the upstairs...

Harley: It's actually upstairs in the garage.

Gus: Garage, right, if you'd like to see it.

Frank: You know, I certainly hope you guys lie better when you're undercover.

Gus: The garage is over here, Frank.

Harley: See, your Uncle Frank means well, but he is the Chief of Police, and if he finds your big sis before we find your big sis... the other thing is, you think you know your kids until one day-- boom-- you visit their dorm room and you realize you don't have a clue.

Daisy: Hi, Harley.

Harley: Susan... Daisy! You scared me to death! Where were you? Gus and I went up to school to see you.

Daisy: I know, I know. Tiff told me. I'm sorry, don't freak out.

Harley: Well, I won't freak out if you just tell me what's going on, Susan... Daisy. I don't even know what to call you anymore.

Daisy: Daisy, I like Daisy now. I mean, I'm your daughter again, right?

Harley: Of course you're my daughter. You're always my daughter, even when you lie to me, you're my daughter. Don't change the subject. Where were you?

Daisy: Field trip.

Harley: Oh.

Daisy: And I'm starving. Plane food, ick. Do you have whole grain or at least whole wheat?

Harley: My healthy daughter.

Daisy: That's me. I like this kitchen. This house is so much homier than the one we lived in when you were married to Phillip.

Harley: Ha, no kidding.

Daisy: How's Lizzie? I can't believe she's a mom.

Harley: You should call her.

Daisy: Yeah, I will.

Harley: So why don't you tell me about these guys, these older guys.

Daisy: You were talking to my friends, weren't you?

Harley: I just don't want you to end up like me. Not like your mother, you know? Pregnant as a teenager, having to give up her beautiful little baby girl.

Daisy: You were my age, what did you know?

Harley: A lot less than you.

Daisy: But now, you're a detective, you got a cool husband, you got this new house- - I want a tour, by the way-- and you get to be a mom, too, times three... four! Where's Sydney? I want to meet her.

Harley: I knew you were you. I knew you were amazing, incredible you. Because you made up all that webcam stuff and then you came to town, you didn't even tell me, I didn't know what to think.

Daisy: The web cam stuff, it was just messing with you. It's fun, we all do it.

Harley: But the stuff that you said...

Daisy: Oh, no, that part's all true. At least, mine is. Okay, except we didn't have a chaperone snowboarding. I just didn't want you to worry. And the stuff with Reva, I didn't have that much time to spend here and I wanted it to be about her, you know, after the cancer.

Harley: So it's all okay?

Daisy: I'm not going to jump the first guy who comes along and get myself preggers. Just let it go. And show me my sister, okay?

Harley: I'm so proud of you. You will always be my little girl.

Gus: Can you feel it? Baby Sydney’s going to be our little girl.

Harley: Sydney? No, where’s...

Gus: Frank didn't believe me that I bought a cordless power drill and a garden hose and some pruning shears for the baby.

Harley: We have to find Daisy.

Gus: Listen to me, we'll start looking first thing in the morning, okay?

Harley: Mm-hmm.

Gus: Maybe, you know, when she went to Reva, she did, she laid it on really thick. But I got to think everything's okay because Reva normally has a great crap detector.

Harley: Yeah, so did I, I thought, until today.

Gus: Okay, well my money is on you and Reva, so I think everything's going to be okay.

Harley: Keep telling me that as I'm having nightmares wondering what my kid is up to.

Gus: I will, I will tell you that every day. I'll make it my mantra.

Harley: Do you want to... she's sleeping, do you want to take her upstairs?

Gus: I hate to disturb her. Leave her, okay? She's finally asleep, just leave her.

Harley: Yeah, let's leave her. She'll be okay. Just turn the monitor up as high as it will go.

Gus: Good idea. Okay.

Harley: Good night, Sydney.

Harley: Some cure you have for nightmares.

Gus: They call me Dr. Love.

Harley: I don't like that. Pick another name.

Gus: What, everybody in the family gets to pick a new name today? What's up with that? Okay, they... they call me the love machine.

Harley: I don't like it.

Gus: Love-o-matic.

Harley: No, it's worse.

Gus: The love... the love licker... the love... tickler.

Harley: Honey, seriously, you're not turning me on at all.

Gus:( Laughs )

Harley: I mean, seriously. Wait.

Gus: Okay, okay.

Harley: Did you hear that?

Gus: It's the wind.

Harley: It's not the wind. That came from downstairs.

Gus: All right. Stay here. ( Grunting ) Go upstairs. Go upstairs!

Harley: Are you okay? Are you okay, are you okay?

Gus: Yeah, it's my back.

Harley: Okay, don't move, don't move. I'm serious, don't move. I'm calling the ambulance and I'm calling Frank.

Gus: Don't call anybody.

Harley: Why?

Gus: Don't call the department. Word's going to get out. They'd say our house isn't safe enough for a baby.

Harley: She slept through the whole thing. Did you get a look at him?

Gus: Maybe the father called somebody from his prison cell. Come over and pay us a little visit.

Harley: Honey, your back doesn't look good. You need to go to the doctor.

Gus: I'm fine. What, I'm going to go to the doctor, he's going to give me painkillers...

Harley: But you're hurt, I can see it.

Gus: No, I can’t. I'm fine, I'll live.

Harley: I can't believe this.

Gus: I'll live.

Harley: I don't know what to do.

Gus: You don't have to do anything.

Harley: Do you want to go up to bed?

Gus: I'm going to go up.

Harley: Okay. I'll get the baby. Do you need some help?

Gus: No.

Harley: Gus. Babe. I'm worried.

Gus: We can't quit now. Our kids need us.

( Phone rings )

Harley: Hello?

Daisy: Harley, did I wake you?

Harley: Susan! Daisy! Where are you? Are you okay?

Daisy: Yeah, I'm fine. I'm in my room.

Harley: Hey, hey. It's her.

Daisy: I... I know it's late.

Gus: Is she okay?

Harley: Gus and I were there today.

Daisy: Yeah, yeah. Tiffany told me. Harley, she's a total whack job. I don't know what she said to you.

Harley: She told me that you were with a boy.

Daisy: What boy?

Harley: I didn't ask.

Daisy: There's no boy. I wish.

Harley: Hey.

Daisy: Like I have time for one. I knew she freaked you out. Look, I'm fine. Everything is fine.

Harley: You weren't there today.

Daisy: Yeah, because the city library is way better than the campus one. I had this crazy long research report to do. I mean, my teacher knew I went.

Harley: Really?

Daisy: Really. Math and Science is killing me.

Gus: Ask about Reva.

Harley: Daisy...

Daisy: Tell Gus I heard that. Reva told you I came home?

Harley: I can't believe you were home and you didn't come see me.

Daisy: It was just for one day. I had to go to the surprise party for Natalie’s birthday. We were in the same sixth grade class. She had a crush on Max before I had a crush on Max.

Harley: How am I supposed to remember that?

Daisy: I didn't have enough time for you guys and my grandmother. She almost just died, so... yeah, okay, I should have told you. I'm sorry. Are you mad or something?

Harley: Susan... Daisy. Okay, see, that's the other thing, when did you become Daisy?

Daisy: You named me Daisy. I like it better than Susan. Harley, seriously, you still sound upset, did I do something?

Harley: The web cam messages?

Daisy: I didn't want to make you feel bad. You sent me all that girly stuff.

Harley: You love pink.

Daisy: When I was 13. I didn't want to throw it out, so I found a way to use it. If I were sending you those videos and you weren't seeing that blanket, I knew you would have asked me what happened to it and...

Harley: Susan-- whatever your name is-- you could have just talked to me, you know? I understand. But you hit me with all this stuff in one day.

Daisy: Don't surprise a teenager. Come on, seriously, did you think I'd turn into, like, an ax murderer overnight or something?

Harley: I didn't know what to think. I love the name.

Daisy: Yeah?

Harley: Yeah. I mean, it makes me feel like, you know, you're my little girl all over again.

Daisy: Okay, just save the pink stuff for Sydney.

Harley: Oh, my gosh, Sydney. That is the reason for the surprise visit. Listen, I need you to... to testify for me in court. See, there's this crazy lawyer and all this stuff. Anyway, it's 3:00 in the morning and it's a long story.

Daisy: I mean, whatever you need, just... you guys can come here or I can come there. I just have to check with my teachers.

Harley: Thank you.

Daisy: So, we're okay now?

Harley: Yes, I miss you.

Daisy: I miss you, too. Oh, did you guys bring all this stuff, the boots and...

Harley: Yes! Do you like them?

Daisy: They're pink. No, but, I mean, they're cool. Thanks. Tiff ate all the cookies before I got back.

Harley: Yeah. She told you they were store- bought, right?

Daisy: Yeah, I figured. I should go. 8:05 class tomorrow.

Harley: I love you.

Daisy: You, too.

Gus: See? Told you so.

Daisy: Too easy.

Gillespie: And they call themselves detectives.

Daisy: What can I say, G? Harley has a soft spot for me.

Gillespie: You got a soft spot for me?

Daisy: Depends. What do you have for me? Oh. That's pretty careless of Harley and Gus, just leaving this fancy camera out where anyone can just take it.

Gillespie: I accept all sorts of payments for my services.

Daisy: It's so late, and if you get caught here, I get expelled.

Gillespie: All right. So, I'll see you at the city library tomorrow, then.

Daisy: It's where I do my best work.

Harley: Turns out she hates pink bedspreads.

Gus: Worry too much.

Harley: Not too much. Not too much for my Susan.

Gus: Brenda. Daisy, I'm just kidding. I'm just kidding. I'm just kidding.

Harley: My little Daisy.

Gus: My little Sydney.

Harley: Shhh.

Next on "Guiding Light"...

Remy: Wow, man, she looks good on camera.

Marina: I want your boyfriend. My whole goal here is to get him into bed with me

Gillespie: Hi, Mom.

Harley: Who is that?

Gillespie: Hi, Dad.

Daisy: Get out of here.

Alan-Michael: I'm not into taking advantage of young women, unlike some people I know.

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