Guiding Light Transcript Friday 1/5/07
Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by
Marina: I'm sorry, I...
Dinah: That's not really your color, is it?
Marina: Dinah. I actually happen to look pretty good in bold colors.
Dinah: Sure about that?
Marina: Why are you here, shopping on the bargain rack?
Dinah: Well, there's some screening parties tonight for the two shows.
Marina: I know. That's why I'm here.
Dinah: Oh. Well, you don't know, do you?
Vanessa: You can't quit now.
Mallet: Well, it's not the mob; it's TV.
Vanessa: I know it's TV. We're a lot tougher. Look, the ratings are great. Your ratings last week absolutely topped out in all the key demos.
Mallet: I don't even know what that means.
Vanessa: It means you're good.
Mallet: Look, the whole competition thing with Dinah, it was fun for a while, you know? It just... well, you know how it is.
Vanessa: No, I don't know how it is. I mean, this show of yours is a huge hit. It's a great thing for the station.
Mallet: I can't do it anymore.
Vanessa: Why? I mean, is it the money? Because if it is...
Mallet: No, it's not the money. It's not the money.
Vanessa: Well, what is it? I mean... oh. Oh, it's love.
Cassie: You know what? Um, you don't really need to be here.
Josh: What, and miss all the fun?
Cassie: You know, I hate it when Reva and I are like this.
Josh: Well, I'm kind of the guy who made you both like this, so...
Cassie: Right, which is why maybe you shouldn't be here.
Josh: Okay, so you want me to leave and come back in, say, an hour?
Cassie: I just... I don't want her to feel like we're ganging up on her.
Josh: Okay. Well, good luck with that then.
Cassie: Thank you.
Josh: Bye.
Cassie: Wait. Maybe she should see us together, you know, so she knows that we're a team.
Josh: Okay, so now you want me to stay so we can send Reva a message.
Cassie: I didn't say that. Did I say that? I didn't say that.
Josh: No, no, it's fine. I get it, I get it, I get it. It's fine. ( Knocking on door ) Hello!
Cassie: Oh. Handy.
Josh: Hello! Anybody home?
Cassie: She should be here by now. Maybe I missed a call or something.
Josh: Reva? Jonathan? Anybody here?
Cassie: Oh, yeah. I've got a voicemail.
Josh: Okay.
Cassie: That did not sound good.
Jonathan: I have to end my marriage to her. I can't string her along anymore. It isn't fair.
Beth: Lizzie, what is it?
Lizzie: It's Jonathan. I'm losing him to Tammy. He thinks that he's holding me back from getting better. He thinks I'd be better off with you and nana.
Beth: Oh, honey, well, what will make you better?
Lizzie: Jonathan. Being with him.
Beth: All right, then. You have to do whatever it takes to hold on to him. What are these?
Lizzie: Um... something that Uncle Rick prescribed.
Beth: But what are they exactly?
Lizzie: They help me sleep. Can we please not get off track here? Jonathan cannot leave me!
Beth: Okay, you're sure that's what he's planning?
Lizzie: Yes! And then he's going back to Tammy. I heard him say it.
Beth: Then you have to do something.
Lizzie: What? How can I compete with her?
Beth: You and Jonathan have a child together. You and Jonathan are husband and wife. You have the home court advantage.
Lizzie: But he loves Tammy.
Beth: And he also loves that little girl. Now, I know you haven't been feeling yourself lately, but make that work for you.
Lizzie: Trick Jonathan?
Beth: Make him see what he'll be losing if he breaks up this family. Take action. You'll regret it if you don’t. And come on, hmm, when have you ever let anything or anyone get in your way?
Lizzie: You're right. I know how to get what I want. I always do.
Jonathan: I mean, it doesn't sound crazy, right? Because I thought about it a lot. I'm not what is right for Lizzie right now. That would be her mom or her grandmother.
Tammy: Yeah, but they're not the ones that she wants, since what she wants is...
Lizzie: Something's wrong. Something's wrong.
Jonathan: What? What's wrong?
Lizzie: I just... I don't know. My chest is just really tight and I've been shaking. I... I need some air. I've got to get out of here.
Jonathan: All right. Breathe, breathe. We'll go somewhere we can talk.
Lizzie: Okay, just now, please.
Jonathan: Okay.
Beth: Sweetheart?
Lizzie: I'm fine. Jonathan's taking care of me.
Beth: Well, let me know if you need anything.
Josh: So it sounds kind of like Alan snuck up behind her, and she dropped the phone?
Cassie: Right, because he startled her.
Josh: That's kind of what it sounded like.
Cassie: Isn't Alan in Ravenwood?
Josh: Yeah, that's what I thought. Who are you calling?
Cassie: I'm going to try Reva again and see if she'll pick up.
Josh: You know, we shouldn't overreact for this, really. I mean, there could be some explanation.
Cassie: Oh, yeah, and I'm sure it involves Alan doing something awful to Reva.
Vanessa: So, what do you think of these earrings? It'll work?
Mallet: Nice. Sparkly. Well, I'm going to get out of here and let you finish getting ready.
Vanessa: No, wait, wait, wait. Wait, don't go, 'cause we haven't finished talking.
Mallet: No, I think we have. The competition's over. It's over. Dinah's show wins, and everybody's happy.
Vanessa: Well, that's very gallant of you, but I don't think that my daughter would be happy winning that way.
Mallet: Well, I've already told her. She jumped up and down and she kissed me a lot.
Vanessa: She did? Wow. Maybe I don't know her as well as I think I know her. The only problem is that I'm not happy.
Mallet: Did you see Dinah’s "Find Your Light" episode?
Vanessa: Yeah, I did. It was good.
Mallet: That is great TV. "The Law" is kind of the same every week, you know? You chase a bad guy, hopefully you catch the bad guy, but that's not going to change.
Vanessa: I know I sound a little hardhearted about this, but, you know, this competition has really generated a lot of buzz for the station. I just don't want it to end quite yet; that's all.
Mallet: It's over. I've already given Dinah my word. I'm not going to go back now. It wouldn't be fair to her.
Vanessa: Okay. Resignation accepted. Dinah is really lucky to have you.
Mallet: You know that whole "Find Your Light" thing really got me thinking. Actually, it got both of us thinking.
Vanessa: It did?
Mallet: Yeah, it did. It sure did. Dinah really got caught up with it, and she still is. I wouldn't be surprised if she turns around and does something good for somebody else. You just wait.
Dinah: It's really a very pretty dress, isn't it?
Marina: You are actually enjoying this, aren't you?
Dinah: What, shopping with you?
Marina: No, telling me that Mallet quit the show.
Dinah: Well, I think Mallet did a beautiful thing. Let's not turn it ugly. I know it's difficult giving up the limelight, so if you need any help, just let me know.
Marina: Dinah, will you please stop! Mallet and I are partners, okay? We're partners, Dinah. There is no reason to feel threatened by me.
Dinah: Is that what you think, that I'm threatened? I am not threatened by you.
Marina: You just failed my lie detector test.
Dinah: Well, that's good. That's good. I think that you probably are pretty savvy at detecting lies. Must explain your luck with men.
Marina: Yeah, well, so much for this not turning ugly.
Dinah: I'm just saying... you know what, Marina? I think you should find your own light. So it's the TV stardom. That's okay. It's not for everybody.
Marina: Neither is that dress.
Dinah: It's not the dress, Marina. It's how you wear it.
Tammy: Hello? Anyone home? "I Hate My Own Baby: The Janie Walker Story."
Lizzie: Feel that? It's crisp and clean.
Jonathan: Clean?
Lizzie: Thanks for bringing me here.
Jonathan: Mm-hmm. You feeling better?
Lizzie: Now that I'm with you. You know, I like that you can see the lighthouse from here.
Jonathan: Mm-hmm.
Lizzie: It gives me hope. Especially on a night like this, where it's so foggy and you can't really see. I bet you think I'm losing it.
Jonathan: It makes sense. You know, Lizzie, we need to talk about...
Lizzie: You know, the party was nice.
Jonathan: You had fun? Good time?
Lizzie: Mostly. I liked the silver cup. Aunt Alex always gives the best presents.
Jonathan: Yeah, I bet.
Lizzie: She likes you. I can tell.
Jonathan: Well, she really cares about you. A lot of people there today really cared about you. You had your grandma, you had your mom, Aunt Alex, your friends. It helps having people like that around.
Lizzie: All I need is you.
Jonathan: ( Laughs ) I'm a little more trouble than I'm worth, Lizzie.
Lizzie: No, you're not.
Jonathan: Yeah, I am. Especially now, with you not feeling so good...
Lizzie: No. You're the best medicine I could possibly ask for, as long as you're here.
Jonathan: Lizzie, you know I want what's best for you and Sarah. I want you to be happy and secure and... that's why we need to talk about something. Look, I know you think that I'm the only one that can make things...
Lizzie: Ooh.
Jonathan: What? What's going on?
Lizzie: I just... lightheaded. I feel like I'm going to faint.
Jonathan: Well, how long have you been feeling like this?
Lizzie: Since we were in the car. I didn't have much to eat, and with the meds...
Jonathan: You're supposed to take them on a full stomach.
Lizzie: Okay, I forgot. Could you...?
Jonathan: Yeah. I'll get you something. After you eat, we need to talk.
Lizzie: Okay.
Jonathan: Okay.
Lizzie: Oh, I can't keep this up for much longer. He's too smart. He's going to figure it out. ( Sighs )
Waiter: Are you sure it isn't too cold out here?
Lizzie: Yeah, it's fine. Just... there.
Janie: How does the
depression feel?
I don't think I can describe
The nearest I can get is, well,
it's like I'm in a fog, like
I'm on the outside of my life
looking in.
I know I love my child and I
love my life.
I just can't feel it.
Lizzie: It’s... it's like I'm
in a fog, like I'm standing on
the outside of my life looking
I mean, I love my child.
I love my life.
I just can't feel it.
Tammy: What did you do, take notes? You couldn't even find a good movie to copy. Oh, wait until Jonathan finds out.
Beth: Hello, Tammy.
Tammy: What did you do, follow me here?
Beth: I think the bigger question is what are you doing in Lizzie and Jonathan’s house?
Tammy: This is my Aunt Reva’s house.
Beth: And is Reva here?
Tammy: I don't answer to you, Beth.
Beth: Look, my daughter is ill, and she's scared to death that you are going to destroy her family.
Tammy: Her "family" isn’t. Oh, and neither is her illness.
Beth: I understand why you'd be grasping at straws...
Tammy: I have proof.
Beth: ...But sometimes it is simply better to move on.
Tammy: Did you hear what I said? I have proof that Lizzie is faking her postpartum depression, or do you not care?
Beth: The only thing I care about is the fact that you're trying to hurt my daughter and I'm not going to let you do it.
Tammy: Well, you can't stop me.
Mallet: Oh, man. Who the hell invented ties? ( Knocking at the door ) Hold on, I'm coming. ( Louder knocking ) Hold on, I'm coming! Wait! I am so glad to see you. Please come in. I've got to talk to you about something really important.
Marina: Oh, do you, now?
Mallet: Yes, I do. Which one? Which tie? Please help.
Marina: That is the important thing you have to talk to me about?
Mallet: Yes, I'm bad at this kind of stuff. Which tie?
Marina: Mallet, you are bad at a lot of things.
Mallet: What? I'm sorry?
Marina: You heard me, you loser.
Mallet: I'm sensing hostility here.
Marina: Oh, you are clueless! That one.
Mallet: You sure? Not this one?
Marina: No, that one's hideous. When were you going to tell me?
Mallet: Tell you what?
Marina: Oh. That you quit the show!
Mallet: Right, that. Um, I didn't tell you that?
Marina: No.
Mallet: I could have sworn I told you that.
Marina: No, see, Mallet, I would have remembered.
Mallet: Well, I was going to tell you. I thought about telling you, but I didn't get around to it. I'm sorry.
Marina: You're sorry? You're sorry? That's it?
Mallet: Yeah, why are you so upset?
Marina: Mallet, we're partners, right? We're supposed to tell each other everything, and it would have been nice if you would have let me in on this!
Mallet: Well, it was my show.
Marina: Yeah, so?
Mallet: So I'm telling you. I'm telling you now. I don't need to tell you. You already know. How do you know?
Marina: One guess. One guess. Give up? That's right. Your lovely little girlfriend, who stole my dress, dropped the bomb on me.
Cassie: Thanks, Rick. Yeah, I'll let you know.
Josh: Hey. Reva's car is out back. It won't start, just like she said.
Cassie: But the keys were in it?
Josh: Yeah, on the floor.
Cassie: Why were they on the floor?
Josh: I haven't the faintest idea, but I don't like it. Were you able to talk to Rick?
Cassie: Yeah, and he tells me that Alan was released today.
Josh: What? Why did they let Alan go? What...?
Cassie: I don't know. I guess they couldn't hold him any longer.
Josh: Well, that's just fabulous.
Cassie: And there's more.
Josh: Oh, oh, good, more.
Cassie: Yeah. Apparently a cop says that Alex came by to see Alan earlier before Rick signed him out.
Josh: Okay, and...?
Cassie: Well, whatever she had to say to him, it was not good news.
Josh: How do you know that?
Cassie: Because by the time she was ready to leave, he was ready to explode.
Josh: And that's when he crossed paths with Reva.
Cassie: Yeah, it looks like it. Do you think he would...?
Josh: You know what, Cassie? Reva can handle Alan. She can.
Cassie: You think?
Josh: Well, she's done it about a dozen times before.
Cassie: Yeah, well, that was before she got sick.
Josh: Maybe we're jumping into this too quick. Maybe it's nothing.
Cassie: Maybe. Or maybe the clock's ticking.
Josh: Yeah, and if it is Alan’s got a big head start on us.
Marina: Do you really have to do that right now?
Mallet: Does the word "Onion" mean anything to you?
Marina: Fine. You know, it would have been nice to hear the news straight from the jackass's mouth.
Mallet: I think the expression is "Horse's mouth."
Marina: Oh, right. Sorry.
Mallet: So was Dinah at least nice to you?
Marina: I really don't want to get into it.
Mallet: Okay. Well, thank you. Because the whole thing's silly. This whole thing's silly. You and I are just partners. We're partners.
Marina: Of course we're partners. We're partners. We just, you know, we've got each other's backs and stuff. It would be like if I was jealous of Gus.
Mallet: Yeah, something like that. So don't worry about it. She'll move on. She'll... she'll get neurotic about something else. And you're okay with the show, right?
Marina: No. I signed an autograph today.
Mallet: Really? You signed an autograph today?
Marina: Mm-hmm.
Mallet: Wow. Well, that's crazy. That's exactly why this whole thing is crazy. Because you didn't sign up to be a TV star; you signed up to be a cop.
Marina: I know. But I always wanted to be an actress, you know. But it's cool being a cop.
Mallet: Yeah. Yeah, it's cool being a cop. Good. Because it's what I do best. Yeah, and I couldn't ask for a better partner.
Marina: That's right. Don't you forget it.
Mallet: I won’t. And don't worry. I'll talk to Dinah.
Marina: Thanks. Please do it quickly.
Mallet: Yeah, but just not tonight, okay? Because night is her big night, and I don't want to spoil it for her.
Jonathan: Ho! Hey, what are you doing?
Lizzie: Hey. I'm just looking at the people on the sidewalk. They look so small and insignificant.
Jonathan: Are you insane? You could have fell off.
Lizzie: I was holding on.
Jonathan: Don't do that!
Lizzie: Okay, I'm sorry I scared you.
Jonathan: Yeah, you did. Sarah needs her mom.
Lizzie: Yeah, and her dad. Bread. Thank you.
Jonathan: Ho-ho. Wow. Do you want to order something?
Lizzie: We don't have any menus.
Jonathan: Yeah, well, they probably forgot us out here. Pretty damn cold, and people in their right minds don't sit out in the balcony when there's snow.
Lizzie: I love it. Guess I'm out of my mind.
Jonathan: I didn’t... Lizzie, I don't know how to figure out these mood swings you're having. One minute you're excited; the next minute you're depressed.
Lizzie: I know. I'm sorry. It must be scaring you.
Jonathan: No, I just don't know what to do.
Lizzie: Here.
Jonathan: What's this for?
Lizzie: I want to make a toast.
Jonathan: ( Laughs ) To what?
Lizzie: To us. No, to you. For standing by me through all this. I know that I'm never going to be repay you, but I sure will try. You're the best, Jonathan. Now drink up. Some bread with your water?
Jonathan: Wow. Maybe I should have ordered some wings.
Lizzie: You still can.
Jonathan: You want to stay here?
Lizzie: You don't, do you?
Jonathan: It's freezing cold!
Lizzie: It's not...
Jonathan: How are you just sitting there? It's cold!
Lizzie: It's not that cold! We can go if you want to go.
Jonathan: Yeah, I want to go. Lillian thought we'd be home by now, anyway.
Lizzie: Always the dedicated father and husband.
Jonathan: I don't know about that.
Lizzie: Sure you are. Just look at everything you do-- for me, for Sarah. You know, I meant every word I said. It's okay to be the good guy, even though I know you're going to fight it to your dying day.
Jonathan: Yeah. Let's go.
Tammy: Stop following me!
Beth: Lizzie is sick. Leave her and Jonathan alone.
Tammy: No, Lizzie’s not sick. Janie Walker is sick.
Beth: Who?
Tammy: The troubled young teen from the 1985 CBS movie of the week called "I Hate My Own Baby."
Beth: What are you talking about.
Tammy: Lizzie quoted dialogue from this movie word-for-word tonight at the party.
Beth: That means nothing.
Tammy: She's using this like it's some kind of study guide.
Beth: You're wrong!
Tammy: You're not in on this, are you?
Beth: There is nothing to be in on.
Tammy: You are a good mother, Beth, defending your daughter to the very end. But you can't protect her. What's done is done. I'm going to make sure that the whole town finds out about this.
Beth: You'll just look like the jealous girlfriend, you know? Jonathan will never believe this little theory of yours.
Tammy: We'll see.
Beth: You want her to be faking so you won't feel so guilty about taking him away from his family.
Tammy: Oh, why do I even bother standing here listening to this?
Beth: Because you know there's some truth to what I'm saying.
Tammy: Nice try. I'm going to go find them now.
Beth: No, you're not!
Billy: Hey, I'm really not interested.
Josh: Okay, look, I'm not here to bug you about Sheila, all right?
Billy: Hey, time in jail cured you of that, did it, huh?
Josh: I think Reva’s in trouble.
Billy: Oh, yeah? How so?
Josh: Well, I'm not 100% sure, but I'm pretty positive that Alan Spaulding has a hand in it whatever it is.
Billy: What'd he do?
Josh: I just said, I don’t... I'm not sure. I think he might have grabbed her, taken her somewhere. All we have is an interrupted voicemail on Cassie’s cell phone.
Billy: Did you call the cops?
Josh: Well, they're not going to lift a finger until she's been missing for at least 24 hours. You know that.
Billy: What are you doing here? I haven't seen her.
Josh: I need your help.
Billy: Okay, tell you what. I will go look for her, and you can go home to Cassie. How's that?
Josh: No, I'm going to go with you.
Billy: Hey, Josh, I can handle it.
Josh: Billy, I'm not going to sit on the sidelines on something like that.
Billy: Look, I don't want to slap you around on this, but I think it's time for you to wise up, if you know what I'm saying.
Josh: No, what are you saying?
Billy: I'm saying I think you need to get Reva out of your system.
Josh: Billy, I thought we got past all this on out little trip to Tulsa.
Billy: We did. That's why I'm offering to help.
Josh: Well, it sounds a whole lot like judgment, actually.
Billy: Yeah, you and Reva came after me and my girlfriend, and now this. I mean, hey, does this sound familiar to you and Reva, Josh and Reva?
Josh: Well, what the hell am I supposed to do, just leave her to deal with Alan Spaulding on her own?
Billy: Look, you didn't have to take point on this Josh. You didn’t.
Josh: Okay! Downtown or the Fifth Street area? What do you want?
Billy: ( Laughs ) Okay. Downtown.
Josh: Fine. If you find anything, let me know!
Cassie: Can I buy you a drink?
Alexandra: Thank you, Cassie. That'll have to wait. I have a business meeting here.
Cassie: Yeah. I actually am your business meeting.
Alexandra: You are?
Cassie: Yes, I am. Where is Alan? Have you seen him tonight?
Alexandra: Well, you're just a little pushy, aren't you, dear?
Cassie: Well, it seems that Reva is missing, and Alan was the last person she saw.
Alexandra: And you know this how?
Cassie: Oh, the wonders of voicemail. Look, Alex, I know that you saw him earlier today, and I just need to know, what was his head like then?
Alexandra: Well, he was his usual jovial self. Does that help you, dear?
Cassie: No, it doesn’t. This is serious. What if he went after Reva?
Alexandra: All right, he happened to be a little angry, but that always happens to him when he's troubled about losing the control of his family.
Cassie: Uh, losing the control of his family?
Alexandra: Okay, why not? ( Laughs ) See, Lizzie’s about to come into a trust fund. You may know or not. And she and Jonathan will both come in to a great deal of cash, which will give her full voting rights, which will yield her a great deal more influence in the company? Are you getting the picture?
Cassie: So Alan is going to lose a piece of the pie to his worst enemy.
Alexandra: Well, I'd say a huge hunk with a little vanilla ice cream, chocolate sauce, and nuts all over.
Cassie: Okay, so he's not happy. Alex, you know him better than anybody. What do you think the chances are that he's going to take this out on Reva?
Alexandra: What do you think?
Ashlee: Well, we're all set. Now if the talent would just get here.
Vanessa: Oh, not to worry. I'm sure Dinah’s late on purpose so that she can make a spectacular entrance.
Ashlee: Well, the photographers are waiting.
Vanessa: Don't worry.
Frank: Mia?
Mia: Hey.
Frank: It is Mia, right?
Mia: Yeah. Hey, how are you?
Frank: I'm good, I'm good. So how long have you been with the station?
Mia: About a year now.
Frank: Oh, that's good.
Mia: Yeah.
Frank: So what do you think of my good buddy, Mallet?
Mia: He's a good guy. ( Laughter )
Frank: He is a good guy. He can be a little stubborn and a little over the top, but, yeah, you're right.
Mia: Well, what TV personality isn't?
Frank: You know, I told Vanessa she should have gone with somebody a little bit more seasoned. You know anybody who fits that character at all or...?
Mia: Maybe.
Frank: Good answer. Cheers.
Ashlee: Mallet, you look amazing. Um, nice dress, Dinah. Come on, let's go, guys. You're late. Okay, come on. Excuse me, pardon me, coming through. Okay. ( Giggling )
Vanessa: Ladies and gentlemen, I give you Dinah Marler and A.C. Mallet. ( Applause )
Dinah: Thanks, everybody. This is a big night for us.
Mallet: Bigger for you, sweetheart.
Vanessa ( whispering ): You don't have to do it.
Mallet: No, it's okay. I was just telling Vanessa that I'm stepping down from "The Law"... ( crowd murmuring ) concentrate on my work at the S.P.D. and anyway, there can only be one TV star in our household and that TV star is Dinah Marler. ( Smattering of applause )
Vanessa: All right, everybody. Find your seats. Take a seat, any seat.
Frank: Yeah?
Dinah: Please sit with us.
Frank: Oh, sure. Hi, buddy.
Mallet: Hey.
Frank: What's up?
Mallet: Good to see you. ( Music playing )
Tammy: I am getting really tired of you.
Beth: Lizzie is in love with the father of her child. They created a family together.
Tammy: It's easy to see why Lizzie’s so messed up. But, hey, at least you have each other.
Beth: You are not going to say anything to Jonathan!
Tammy: Will you get out of my way?
Beth: No, listen to me. We'd better come to an agreement before one of us does something we'll regret.
Tammy: Are you threatening me?
Beth: I'm warning you.
Tammy: Okay, move. Hey! Ow!
Beth: Ow! Jonathan is with Lizzie for a reason. He chose her, not you.
Tammy: Jonathan is mine. And as for your little psychopath, she's toast.
Beth: ( Groans ) What are you looking at?
Jonathan: I must have drank more at that party than I thought.
Lizzie: Well, it's a good thing I drove then, huh? Come on, let’s... let's get you upstairs. Upstairs, yeah.
Jonathan: You know what? That couch looks good.
Lizzie: Okay, all right, okay. Okay, here you go. Ooh. Okay. Don’t... no, don't go to sleep, Jonathan.
Jonathan: Mmm.
Lizzie: Come on. Stay awake.
Jonathan: I'm tired. Where's Sarah?
Lizzie: She's still with nana, which is why we need to take advantage of the time that we have together. No, come on. Come on. Stay with me, Jonathan. Stay with me.
Jonathan: Stop.
Lizzie: Jonathan! Hey! Hey! Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey. Let's get this... get this coat off of you. Come on. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Come on, help me out. Help me out. No, no, no... okay. All right. Okay. All right. Get you all ready for bed. Yeah.
Jonathan: Are we upstairs?
Lizzie: Yes. Yes, we are in our cozy bedroom. Yeah, just the two of us. Yeah. No. Come on. Come on, come on. Come on. Stay with me, Jonathan. Hey, hey. Stay with me. Stay with me tonight, okay? And then stay with me forever, okay? Hey. Hey... ( Music playing ) ( applause )
Dinah: Oh, I think that was great. That was great. I think that was our best episode ever. I have lots of people to thank. I just want to thank Coco and Jeri in our hair and makeup department, and Ashlee Wolfe, our Production Assistant.
Ashlee: Production associate.
Dinah: Right. And our wonderful group and our interviewees and... and you know what? I don't want to hog the spotlight anymore. You all need to see the final episode of "The Law." So roll 'em.
Policeman, policeman we're making it safe for you
policeman, policeman we're putting away bad guys
policeman, policeman we're making it safe for you
policeman, policeman we're putting away bad guys
we're telling the people in town
you break the law we gonna bring you down
we're working night and day
to keep you safe in every way
policeman, policeman we're making it safe for you
policeman, policeman we're putting away bad guys
policeman, policeman we're making it safe for you
policeman, policeman we're putting away bad guys
policeman, policeman we're putting away
bad guys....
Lizzie: Hey. Hey. Can you hear me?
Jonathan: Lizzie?
Lizzie: Yeah. I want to be yours. And I want you to be mine... all mine.
Alexandra: Good luck, dear.
Cassie: You know, you could help me.
Alexandra: You know something? I have chased my brother through my entire life and even longer, it seems like. And as for Reva Shayne, she always manages to get herself into trouble, doesn't she? And then she always manages to end up right on top. So I think this little blessing will turn out just fine.
Cassie: And what if Alan is dangerous? He's been known to be that from time to time.
Alexandra: Well, do you know something? I... you know me, Cassie. I think maybe you should start just thinking of the benefits of your boyfriend's wife being out of the picture. I mean, there must be some benefits there but then, of course, that's just me.
Josh: Alan's car parked out in front of a church. Interesting choice for him to make. Okay, Alan, where is she? Reva? What the hell is going on here?
Next on "Guiding Light"...
Josh: Next time you want to abduct someone, don't leave your $200,000 car sitting out front.
Lizzie: Jonathan's busy. Is there something I can do for you?
Marina: Are you gonna do this every time they show up?
Mallet: All right, fine. Fine. I will stay. But I'm not going to be interesting.
Marina: Oh, that'll show them.
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