Guiding Light Transcript Thursday 1/4/07
Provided by Suzanne
Proofread by
Ava: Hey.
Coop: Hey.
Ava: What are you doing, delivering coffee and delivering mail now?
Coop: No, this was here. It was just sitting on the floor. I... the messenger must have dropped it off.
Ava: Hey, look at that. It's my new contract from Spaulding. You want to hide this too?
Jeffrey: I spoke with Harley about renting the old Harley’s Angels space. Of course, we'll have to wait until Blake is able to give her okay.
Mel: Yes, well that is a great place to have our law office space, you know.
Jeffrey: I filed unlimited partnership... just two coffees, please, thank you , for now... and I will then put an add in the paper.
Mel: Whoa. Jeffrey, slow down.
Jeffrey: I just want to make sure that we get this thing off and running, you know, as soon as we can.
Mel: Yeah, well, I realize that, but, you know, I can do some of the legwork. You don't have to do it all for yourself. You can leave time for your life.
Jeffrey: Work is my life.
Mel: You have a daughter.
Jeffrey: I think we need to discuss office furniture, don't you?
Reva: Cassie.
Cassie: Hi. I was just on my way to the shower.
Reva: What?
Cassie: Lizzie's baby shower.
Reva: Oh, you're going?
Cassie: I am still invited, right?
Reva: Yes, yeah. Sure.
Cassie: Reva, is everything okay?
Reva: Yeah, fine.
Cassie: Look, I know I was pretty harsh with you when I bailed you and Josh out.
Reva: Well, you basically said that I was using Billy’s troubles as a way to get back at Josh, but you can just back off that. You don't have to worry about anything when it comes to Josh and me.
Cassie: Yeah, because if I were that worried, I would have just bailed one of you out. I'll see you at the shower.
Alan: Wow, Rick.
Rick: Hey, Alan.
Alan: All you gotta do is open the door.
Rick: I can't let you out for good just yet.
Alan: Wait, wait, wait, my observation period is over.
Rick: Yeah, I know. The thing is...
Alan: My time is up, Rick.
Rick: Yes, Alan, but...
Alan: I have been a model prisoner. You let me out, I came back, right?
Rick: You've been a real sweetheart.
Alan: Then why isn't my time up? I mean...
Rick: Because, Alan, there's-- I have paperwork. It's a thing that keeps all prisoners. Just give me a few minutes, I'll take care of it.
Alan: Please, hurry! Alex. Thanks for coming to pick me up, but it seems that there's going to be a delay.
Alexandra: Well, actually I came to deliver some news, not pick you up.
Alan: Can this not wait until we get home?
Alexandra: No. Well, I thought it probably would be better to give it to you while you were still in a controlled environment.
Jonathan: I hope you're in to pink. Wow. And plenty of attention. Because that's what the next few hours are going to be all about. You are so cute. You could just sleep through it. I wish I could just sleep through it. No, I'm kidding. It'll be fun. Especially for your mom. That's the plan, anyway. You see, mommy's been feeling kind of funky lately and the sooner that she snaps out of it, the better it's going to be for all of us. And daddy thought maybe if she had a party where she got to be the real star, that would help her turn around.
Tammy: Mmm, that'd be nice.
Jonathan: Hey.
Tammy: Okay, Lizzie could walk in at any minute.
Jonathan: Yeah.
Tammy: I just... I wanted to come early so I at least got a couple minutes alone with you.
Jonathan: Yeah. Pretty soon we won't have to sneak around anymore.
Tammy: Yeah. So how's Lizzie feeling?
Jonathan: She's better. I mean, she hasn't had any more meltdowns, so the treatment for her postpartum, I think, is working. I'm sorry we have to wait longer.
Tammy: We'll wait as long as we have to.
Janie Walker: I don't
understand it.
I waited nine months for this
No, my whole life.
And I loved this child deeply
every moment of my pregnancy,
but now that I've given birth,
I... I don't know.
It's nothing like I thought it
would be.
This is supposed to be the
happiest time of my life.
Only it's not.
Inside I just feel empty.
Lizzie: Empty.
Announcer: You're watching "I Hate My Own Baby," the Janie Walker Story.
Janie walker: I don't
understand it.
I waited nine months for this
No, my whole life.
And I loved this child deeply
every moment of my pregnancy...
Janie: How does a depression
I don't think I can describe
Lizzie: Go on.
Janie: The nearest I can get
is... well, it's like I'm in a
Like I'm on the outside of my
life looking in.
Lizzie: Oh, that's good.
Janie: I know I love my child
and I love my life.
I just can't feel it.
Lizzie: I hear ya, Janie. I hear ya. Oops. Too late. Sorry, Janie. Time to go get depressed. ( Sighs )
Lillian: Oh, as though you haven't bought enough presents for that spoiled little girl.
Reva: Yeah, well, you should talk.
Lillian: Good point.
Reva: I do. I keep buying things, I keep offering to baby-sit, and Jonathan and Lizzie are living with me, but yet...
Lillian: I know. You just don't feel it's enough.
Reva: I'm starting to feel a little like Alan.
Lillian: Hmm. Well, God forbid.
Reva: ( Laughs ) It's just, you know, when you get that wake-up call that life is short. You want to make sure that you make the most out of every moment you have. And you also want to fix things for the people you love, and you want to make sure they're protected in case...
Lillian: In case what?
Reva: Well, you know... but today's a happy day. We're here, the baby's here...
Lillian: Alan is locked up.
Reva: And we live to fight another day!
Lillian: Oh, no, no, no. There's been far too much fighting.
Reva: Eh, there's always room for another fight.
Alan: How could this have sneaked by us?
Alexandra: The family lawyer, Alan...
Alan: The family lawyer is now fired, Alexandra.
Alexandra: Temper, temper, darling. There are people around here, you know. People with big badges.
Alan: How could he have let this slip?
Alexandra: Well, that lawyer had been trying to set a meeting with you, darling, for weeks on this very issue.
Alan: I know, I know. I know. Look, I've been putting him off because I'm so obsessed with Jonathan, the baby, Elizabeth.
Alexandra: Yes. I know, but no damage has really been done yet.
Alan: Yeah, well, in a month Elizabeth will be having a birthday and she will have full control of her trust.
Alexandra: Yes, I know.
Alan: She will be coming into a very large sum of money and will also have voting rights on the board.
Alexandra: I know that, Alan.
Alan: Rights she will share with her so-called husband.
Alexandra: And I know that. Look on the bright side, darling. Come on, Jonathan has never given one fig about business.
Alan: If he could find something that would damage me, he would be very interested.
Alexandra: Oh, boy. Well, it's nice to know this time away has calmed your nerves, dear.
Ava: Okay.
Coop: Wait, Ava. Come on, look, if I was camped out here, alright, trying to keep everything Spaulding from reaching you, why would I be here right now with a food delivery from Kemelman in room 411? See. Look, I was just walking by. Alright? It was on the floor, I was going to pick it up, knock on your door, and then hand you the envelope. That's it.
Ava: Sorry.
Coop: Is that how this is going to be, now? I mean, do you honestly have that little trust in me?
Ava: Trust? Are you kidding me? I'm thinking you're the one who doesn't trust me.
Coop: Invite me in.
Ava: No.
Coop: Please, Ava...
Ava: Look, I've got to get ready.
Coop: ...Just a little while.
Ava: Okay, Coop? If you hadn't noticed I'm just getting out of the shower.
Coop: Believe me, I noticed.
Jeffrey: Okay, so that's that. In the beginning we should probably work together on the larger cases, but, you know, once we get up and rolling... thank you. What?
Mel: Do you want to know or take a guess at what Leah’s first word was?
Jeffrey: I don't know, Mel. Myocardial infarction?
Mel: Da-da. Most kids say it first.
Jeffrey: Yeah, well, that's because it's easy to pronounce.
Mel: Rick really hurt Leah a lot, but, you know, there's something that father's and daughter's share...
Jeffrey: Yeah, well, we don't share anything.
Mel: Ava is your daughter.
Jeffrey: Look, I'm sure she's a nice kid, Mel, but we don't have a relationship, okay? And I'm not interested in one, either.
Mel: Really?
Jeffrey: Really.
Mel: Really? I heard about that little trip to the E.R. you made. A bar fight? Something about defending Ava’s honor.
Jeffrey: Who told you that?
Mel: You have this reputation of being such an uncaring and calculating...
Jeffrey: Who cares about my reputation?
Mel: I do. I care, okay? Because we're going to be partners.
Jeffrey: Mel, Ava is better off without me. ( Cell phone ringing )
Mel: Excuse me. Hello?
Ava: Hey, Mel, it's Ava Peralta. Are you busy? I actually have a contract that I need a lawyer to take a look at.
Mel: Yeah, I'd be glad to help. Why don't you meet me at Towers?
Ava: Okay, thanks. I'll be right there.
Mel: Okay. Well, I will see you.
Jeffrey: Huh? Whoa, whoa, where you going?
Mel: I'm going to go check out that office furniture. You just work on your reputation and I'll see you in a minute. Can you have that wrapped up for me? Thanks.
Jonathan: This is driving me crazy.
Tammy: Oh, you and me both.
Jonathan: People are going to be here soon.
Tammy: Yeah. Yeah. And we have to be...
Jonathan: ( Laughs ) We have to be nothing. We have to help Lizzie.
Tammy: Well, the place looks great.
Jonathan: Mm-hmm. Yep, Reva did a great job. Am I clean?
Tammy: Mm-hmm. Lizzie will be happy, anyway.
Jonathan: I hope so. I don't want to see her this upset.
Tammy: Yeah. Well, for Sarah’s sake, neither do I. I can't even imagine a mother not being able to love her own baby.
Jonathan: I got to go in the back, get the wine.
Tammy: I'll come with you. Oh... what about Sarah?
Jonathan: Oh, she'll be okay for a second. She's sleeping.
Lizzie: I love my child. I just can't feel it. I love my child. I just can't feel it. Jonathan? Hey there? It's me. Hi, big girl. It's mommy. Yes, it is. Did you miss mommy? Mommy missed you. Yes, I did. Mommy missed daddy, too, going on and on about how beautiful and precious and perfect his little girl is. Yeah. You're so cute. Yes, you are.
Ava: Oh... hi.
Jeffrey: Hi. Looking for someone?
Ava: Mel.
Jeffrey: Oh. Well, she went to go look at office furniture.
Ava: She did?
Jeffrey: Yeah. Is there a problem?
Ava: Well, I have a contract here from Spaulding. She agreed to meet me here to check it out.
Jeffrey: Really? Well, she should be back soon, so if you want to wait for her, you can wait at the bar. The bar is...
Ava: I know where the bar is.
Jeffrey: The bar's right here.
Ava: I also know what you did the other night at Outskirts, Jeffrey.
Jeffrey: Well, um... a client waiting for me.
Ava: I know that you started a fight with the guy who was harassing me, and you ended up in the hospital.
Jeffrey: Well, actually, it was his friends who put me in the hospital.
Ava: I wanted to say thank you. Actually, I was going to say thank you, but last time I saw you and Olivia walked in, so...
Jeffrey: It's fine, really.
Ava: Well, maybe I can take this opportunity to say thank you.
Jeffrey: Really, Ava. It’s... it's okay.
Ava: You stood up for me.
Jeffrey: Yeah, well, you know what? That guy was a loud mouth and we got into it over something completely different anyway.
Ava: Okay. I take back my thank you. Well...
Jeffrey: Wait a minute. You know, I could have a look at that contract. I mean, if you want to have a second set of eyes before Mel gets here. Or not.
Ava: Sure. Yeah. I would like that.
Alan: Jonathan has taken Elizabeth from me. He's kept me away from that baby.
Alexandra: His baby.
Alan: And now he is in a position to get his hands on my company and I'm not going to allow it.
Alexandra: All right, now, Alan, there may be small steps that still can be taken.
Alan: I hate small steps, Alexandra.
Alexandra: All right. I know you do. Now, look, we are going to consult with the lawyer and find out all of our options, okay? And I'm going to set a meeting for this first thing tomorrow morning.
Alan: Tomorrow?! Tomorrow is too late.
Alexandra: ( Laughs ) Oh, that's just too bad. It's going to have to wait because I'm already late for Lizzie’s shower. Alan, I can see it in your eyes. Don't you even dare think of coming near there. No!
Alan: Alex. Wait. Alex, come... don't go yet!
Jonathan: Hey. You made it.
Reva: Hi. Oh, me miss a party? Looks like a good one.
Jonathan: Yeah, I guess so.
Reva: Is everything okay?
Jonathan: Sure. You?
Reva: Yeah, I'm fine. Just tell me what I can do.
Jonathan: Well, being here's good enough.
Reva: Okay. This is for our girl.
Jonathan: Thanks. Come on, I'll get you a drink.
Cassie: So, what is going on with you two?
Tammy: Who?
Cassie: Who do you think? He's here with his wife at her shower.
Tammy: Mom, that's not real.
Cassie: What are you saying?
Tammy: I'm just saying that Jonathan has to be careful with Lizzie right now because she's not herself.
Cassie: Not herself how?
Tammy: She's been, um, sad.
Cassie: You think she has postpartum depression?
Tammy: Maybe.
Cassie: Do you mean you don't believe her?
Tammy: No. No, it's too crazy of a thing to mess around with. You know, I just hope that she gets better, really, really soon.
Beth: Honey, why don't I fix you a plate of food, hmm? Everything looks delicious.
Lizzie: I'm just not really that hungry. When do you think everyone's going to leave?
Beth: Honey, you haven't even opened the baby's gifts yet.
Lizzie: I know, I know. God, this is just hard, okay?
Beth: You know, Uncle Rick said that you shouldn't push it. Maybe we should just bag this whole thing.
Lizzie: No. No, no. It's okay. I just... I have to just bear down, concentrate, and I can get through it. I want to. It's all about Sarah today, anyway, so...
Beth: It is as much about you and Jonathan. Honey, is he the reason that you're feeling this way? Do you feel that he's slipping away?
Lizzie: Why would you say something like that?
Beth: No reason. I just... I refuse to stand by and watch you suffer when there is plenty that I can do about it.
Lizzie: No, no, no. No, Mom, you can't do or say anything. Please.
Beth: Well, if Jonathan is still seeing Tammy...
Lizzie: Okay, I know. I saw him and Tammy together.
Beth: You did?
Lizzie: Yeah. And I'm handling it.
Beth: Handling it? No, no. I don't think so. No. And he is not going to commit to you...
Lizzie: He already has. Mom, that bond is just going to keep getting stronger. The more time he spends with his family doing things like this, the more he's going to realize that this is where he belongs.
Beth: Sweetie...
Lizzie: He is going to see me through this, Mom. Okay? Because is the kind of guy he is. He is caring and loving and just trust me, okay? Everything is going to turn out exactly how it's supposed to.
Jeffrey: The privacy clauses that they put in these things are completely draconian. I don't know what they're so afraid of. You know what? This shouldn't take long, but you really don't have to sit here while I do this. I mean, you can go run an errand or something.
Ava: Oh, no. I don't mind. You just seem to know so much about this stuff, so...
Jeffrey: Well, let's just say that I've had a little experience with companies like Spaulding. I know how they structure their contracts. Hmm.
Ava: "Hmm," what?
Jeffrey: Well, I mean, there's normally a clause in here about fraternization, but it seems to be missing.
Ava: Is that something that I should ask them about?
Jeffrey: No. Maybe it's just a shift in policy. Except...
Ava: Except what?
Jeffrey: Well, at the same time they have a large clause in here for your personal needs. Clothing, meals, a car...
Ava: A car? Really?
Jeffrey: Really.
Ava: ( Laughs ) Wow, is that a bad thing?
Jeffrey: No. No, no. I guess there could be worse things than having a boss like Alan-Michael, making sure that all of your needs are met.
Alexandra: Well, now. What have I missed?
Lillian: Well, you've missed some baby blankets, some stuffed animals, little baby clothes, but you've mostly missed a lot of forced smiles.
Lizzie: This one's from Reva.
Jonathan: The kid's got more clothes than I do.
Reva: Yeah, well, let me tell you something. She's going to grow out of all of them in about two months and it was too cute to pass up.
Lizzie: Thank you so much. ( Clapping )
Reva: She doesn't seem too thrilled to be here.
Jonathan: We're working on it. Hey, honey. How you holding up? I think that's the last of the presents.
Lizzie: Oh, thank God. I feel like I've opened a million boxes. I'm glad you're here, though. Wouldn't have made it through if you weren’t.
Jonathan: Oh, you're more together than you think you are.
Lizzie: No. It's you. You're like a rock. My rock.
Alexandra: Well, then, wait a minute. There is one more. Dare I say we saved the best for last.
Lizzie: Oh, thanks.
Lizzie: Aunt Alex, how did you know? You're so sweet for doing that. You know, it's nice to know, how loved Sarah is.
Alexandra: Well, of course ? Well, I was hoping you'd like it. Sarah, of course.
Lizzie: Yeah, it's nice.
Jonathan: I just wanted to say thank you to everyone for coming and for the wonderful gifts. My daughter is very lucky to be a part of all this. Plenty of food. Obviously plenty to drink, so everybody get to it. Thanks.
Reva: So, quite a haul.
Lizzie: Yeah, I guess.
Reva: Lizzie, are you okay? You seem so low-key for this party.
Lizzie: I'm sorry. Am I ruining it for everybody? I've been trying to be happy and smiling. It's just...
Reva: Are you... are you depressed?
Jonathan: Rick diagnosed her with postpartum.
Lizzie: I'm going through the treatment.
Reva: I'm so sorry, but just know that it will get better. Just listen to what the doctors tell you and let people help you.
Lizzie: I'll try.
Reva: Just don't try to handle it all on your own. That's what I did and it was wrong. How bad is it?
Lizzie: It's like I'm in a fog. Like I'm standing on the outside of my life looking in. I mean, I love my child, I love my life, I just can't feel it.
Reva: You will. You will.
Jonathan: Yep. We will get you through this. You'll see.
Lizzie: I need some water or something.
Jonathan: Sure. Come on.
Tammy: Oh. Did you see that?
Cassie: See what?
Tammy: She's faking the whole thing.
Tammy: Lizzie's postpartum depression is fake. It is an act.
Cassie: Be careful with that.
Tammy: I've been watching her. She's been putting on a poor-sad-me face when she thinks people are watching her, but you know what? She can't hide her real feelings all of the time.
Cassie: What real feelings, honey?
Tammy: Satisfaction, smugness. Why not? I mean, she's with Jonathan. But she's putting one over on everybody.
Cassie: Okay. Honey, I know you want to be with Jonathan right now, but postpartum is a very dangerous thing. And to fake it would...
Tammy: Be the only way to hang on to Jonathan.
Reva: Thanks. So, how are you holding up with all of this?
Jonathan: Doing what I have to do.
Reva: Hey, what just happened?
Jonathan: Reality check.
Reva: I have an idea. Why don't we pick a topic and talk about that topic as long as it's anything other than Josh and what happened the other day. And then we can't talk about that topic. It'll be good practice.
Cassie: Yeah, sure. Fine.
Reva: Why don't we talk about Lizzie. You know, she's suffering from postpartum depression.
Cassie: So I hear.
Reva: What's that tone?
Cassie: Well, it just may not be that simple.
Reva: Meaning?
Cassie: You know, I shouldn't have said anything.
Reva: Cassie, you know how serious it can be.
Cassie: Yeah, I know. I know it can be serious when you have it.
Reva: Look, I know your loyalties are with Tammy and you think that she belongs with Jonathan, but I think you should stay out of it.
Cassie: Oh, like you have?
Reva: I'm just trying to make things easier for these kids, and the way you're talking is going to make it more difficult for everyone, including your daughter.
Cassie: You know what? Maybe we should talk about Josh, because that's probably going to go better than this.
Tammy: Jonathan...
Lizzie: Excuse me, could I borrow my husband for a second?
Alexandra: Of course, darling.
Lizzie: Just talk to me, okay? Just talk to me, please.
Jonathan: What, what's going one?
Lizzie: I just keep catching myself staring like a zombie. It's just too weird.
Jonathan: I wanted this party to be fun for you.
Lizzie: It is. You know, everybody is being so nice to me and that helps, but...
Jonathan: But what?
Lizzie: I feel like I'm watching a movie of a party.
Jonathan: Well, what can I do to help you?
Lizzie: This. More of this. When you touch me, look at me, it makes me believe that I'll get back to normal. It's the only thing that does.
Coop: Can I get you something?
Jeffrey: No, just this. Actually, there is something.
Coop: Okay.
Jeffrey: Now, what do you think about this new contract that Ava has with Spaulding?
Coop: I don't know anything about it.
Jeffrey: Because she came by to see Mel and I had to look at it. I know, I know, you want me to stay as far away from Ava as possible.
Coop: Jeffrey, right now I'm not worried about you half as much as I'm worried about Alan- Michael.
Jeffrey: Why? You afraid that he might try to use that contract to get to Ava? You've got every right to be worried.
Ava: Alan-Michael called and said that they're about to strike a big deal with the fashion division over in Paris. He's going, he wants me to come along, which is why I really needed you to take a look at this contract quickly.
Mel: Right.
Ava: Thank you.
Mel: No contract, no deal. No deal, no trip.
Ava: No lawyer, no contract.
Mel: ( Laughs ) Okay. I'm sorry that I wasn't here when you showed up. I got stuck in traffic, so...
Ava: Oh, yeah. On your way back from the furniture shopping. That's what Jeffrey said. Funny how he showed up here and you didn’t.
Mel: Lucky, I'd say. Let's see what we have here.
Ava: Yeah. He actually took a peek at it.
Mel: Oh, he did, did he?
Ava: Yeah.
Mel: And how was it?
Ava: Oh, well, I think there were a few things, maybe, he had some questions about.
Mel: No, I mean, how was it dealing with him? Was it awkward?
Ava: A little, but it wasn't that bad, really. Actually, it wasn't that bad.
Alan: This is ridiculous! What's the hold-up?
Jonathan: Hey, Granddad!
We saved you a seat way in the
Alan: Don't call me granddad.
I'm not you're granddad.
Jonathan: Bummer.
You want to see the plans I got
laid out for Randallworks?
Alan: Randallworks?
Jonathan: Yeah.
It's a new subdivision of
Spaulding Enterprises that I
created to give the company
back its justice, man.
Check it out.
We're going to go into a
nation-wide chain of tattoo
It's going to change the whole
image of the company, man.
Alan: You can't do this to
my company!
Jonathan: Already did!
Lizzie: Yeah.
It's radical.
Hi, baby.
Alan: Elizabeth, how can you
dress like that?
Lizzie: Easy, he bought me
the company.
Ooh, you should see the outfit
we got for Sarah, too.
Talk about a hot biker babe.
Bought her a nice bike with a
set of training wheels.
Jonathan: Yeah, she's gonna
ride before she walks, man! ( Laughs )
Rick: Alan, did you hear me? I just said you're free to go. The paperwork's been taken care of.
Alan: Oh, well, it's about time.
Jonathan: Hi. Lemonade.
Lizzie: Thanks.
Jonathan: Lizzie, about me being...
Lillian: It's about that time, I think.
Lizzie: Hello, baby.
Jonathan: Taking off?
Lillian: Yeah, if that's still all right with you. I told all the nurses at the nurses station at Cedars that I was going to bring Sarah in.
Lizzie: Go, then.
Lillian: Thank you for a lovely party.
Jonathan: Thank you for coming, and your presents and...
Lillian: Say good bye to mommy and daddy.
Jonathan: Okay. Bye, Sarah. You be good for Nana Lillian, okay? Don't give her any trouble. We'll see you in a little bit.
Lillian: Bye.
Jonathan: Bye.
Lizzie: Bye. You know what? Everybody is starting to leave. We should probably thank them.
Cassie: Oh, sorry.
Reva: My fault.
Cassie: Reva, at the risk of touching off another argument...
Reva: Were we arguing?
Cassie: I just think it's time we sit down with each other and really clear the air. Just the two of us. No kids, no phones, no distractions.
Reva: I think that's a great idea. When were you thinking about doing this?
Cassie: How about now? I mean, the party's over and also there's nothing more important on my to-do list.
Reva: Well then now would be great. Where do you want to do it? My place?
Cassie: Sure. Fine.
Reva: Do you want to maybe get in touch with Josh and have him meet us, too, seeing as you were so adamant about the three of us working so closely together as a team.
Cassie: I will call him.
Reva: Good. Well, then, I'll meet you at Cross Creek.
Cassie: All right.
Reva: Hey. Thank you, thank you. It was a wonderful party.
Jonathan: You did all the work.
Reva: Lizzie, I mean this. If you want to talk about anything at all, you know I'm there. I'll see you back at Cross Creek.
Jonathan: Hey, I need to talk to you.
Tammy: Good. It's funny you should mention that.
Jonathan: Yeah, well, something struck me when I was watching Lizzie today.
Tammy: Really?
Jonathan: Yeah. She was standing over there with her family. You know, Beth and Lillian and Alex, and it just became clear.
Tammy: What did?
Jonathan: They're the ones who really know her. They're the ones who love her. They love her in a way that I can't or will never and don't really want to.
Tammy: So...
Jonathan: So Lizzie calls me her rock. She says I'm the only one who can make her feel like her life's worth living again, but I can't, because it's not real.
Tammy: Yeah, well, she wants it to be.
Jonathan: Yeah, but she's going to be even more bummed out when she realizes I can't snap my fingers and make it all go away. I can't walk her through this depression.
Tammy: So what do you do? Just walk away?
Jonathan: Well, maybe Lizzie should be with the people who can be honest with her.
Tammy: How are you going to convince her of that?
Jonathan: I don't know. I don't even know if I can, but Lillian and Beth, those are the people who she needs to be with. Not me. Never going to be me.
Mel: Basically, it's a terrific contract. Alan-Michael hooked you up.
Ava: I guess so.
Mel: So, was Jeffrey okay with it?
Ava: Yeah. He took a look at it and gave it right back to me.
Mel: Okay.
Coop: Look, I can't do this anymore.
Jeffrey: This?
Coop: Yes, this. I can't get involved with Ava’s life.
Jeffrey: But you already were involved.
Coop: Well, she pushed me out of it. She pushed me out of it and I know that if I do try and interfere with her life, that's no way of getting her back, because frankly I've already tried. Ava can handle Alan-Michael. She's going to see right through him and eventually she'll... she'll come running back to me.
Jeffrey: Right.
Beth: One last trip to the car.
Lizzie: Fine, whatever.
Tammy: You think Lizzie’s family would take better care of her than you would? Even though you're the one she counts on?
Jonathan: Well, she can’t. She can't do that anymore. I mean, I go through the motions being nice, but my heart's not in it. My heart's with you. That's just the way it is. It's reality and you don't get out of a depression by not dealing with reality.
Tammy: Well, Lizzie’s not going to want to deal with that one.
Jonathan: Well, she's going to have to. This marriage, it ended. I can't string her along anymore. It's not fair.
Reva: Lousy timing. Oh, voicemail. Cassie, it's Reva. Look, I'm in a bit of a jam. My car won't start, and I was just going to head back into the...
Alan: Hello, Reva. Have fun at the shower laughing at me?
Next on "Guiding Light."
Josh: Anybody home?
Cassie: She should be here by now.
Jonathan: I have to end my marriage to her. I can't string her along anymore. It isn't fair.
Beth: You have to do whatever it takes to hold on to him.
Josh: There could be some explanation.
Cassie: Oh, yeah, and I'm sure it involves Alan doing something awful to Reva.
Tammy: Oh, wait until Jonathan...
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