Guiding Light Transcript Wednesday 1/3/07
Provided by Suzanne
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Zach: You're it!
Gus: Stop!
Harley: Stay close. Don't go too far, I'm serious. What were you saying?
Gus: I'm not a smoker anymore. I know it in my heart. I'm like a sneaky smoker. You didn't know this, but I'd go out and have one every now and then.
Harley: (Gasps)
Gus: What, you knew?
Harley: Honey, you say this every New Year's.
Gus: I know, but now I, you know, Sydney and the little ones, I don't want anybody copying me.
Harley: Is it my turn?
Gus: Go ahead.
Harley: This is my resolution. I don't want to yell at my kids anymore. You know, I don't want to be one of those mothers that's just always screaming at their children. Would you get down from there? Are you crazy, you're going to break your neck!
Gus: Are you on edge?
Harley: I think need to smoke.
Gloria: Could you spare some change?
Harley: Of course. Sure. Here.
Gloria: Thank you. God bless.
Harley: Happy new year.
Gus: That's a lot of money.
Harley: Well, maybe she could buy herself a hot meal.
Gus: Unless she's going to go off and buy a bottle of booze with it.
Harley: It's New Year's. Don't you think everybody deserves a second chance?
Gus: Sure. That's what I love about you. You have an awful big heart. Very, very lovable.
Zach: Whoa.
Jude: Mom! Money!
Harley: Money?
Zach: Billions and trillions of dollars!
Gus: Zach, where did that all come from?
Zach: Here. Can I keep some?
Gus: Oh my god...
Harley: No, sweetie, it's not yours. You can't keep it.
Zach: Finders keepers.
Harley: Not this time.
Gus: No. (Laughing) wait, let me see that. Is this... is... this is like tens of thousands of dollars, here.
Jeffrey: What's going on here?
Harley: Hundreds of thousands...
Ashlee: It's mine! (Talking subsides)
Ashlee: No, I'm just kidding, guys. Whose is it?
Billy: Well, that kind of is a question, isn't it?
Gus: Careful, it might be drug money.
Jeffrey: Why would they leave it here?
Ashlee: Maybe someone was on their way to the bank and dropped it.
Buzz: And not come back for this?
Harley: The money has got to belong to someone.
Coop: But who?
Zach: Did anybody lose their money?
Mallet: Guess what I have for you?
Dinah: Flowers.
Mallet: No! Ratings.
Dinah: And?
Mallet: Well, I haven't looked at it yet.
Dinah: First of all, before you do anything, I just want to say that if my show happens to be a hit, there are no hard feelings, right?
Mallet: Of course not. And I just want to say that if my show is a bigger, bigger, bigger hit...
Dinah: Just open up the envelope!
Mallet: Okay.
Dinah: Okay.
Mallet: All right. Oh, wow. Wow, wow, look at that.
Dinah: What, what, what?
Mallet: I mean, I knew a lot of people were watching the show based on the amount of fan mail I've been getting, but this is completely... this is completely... meaningless. It's meaningless. Those aren't even the final ratings. So they don't mean anything. And plus, it's several more weeks before they actually decide which show to cancel, so.
Dinah: Yeah, well, according to this, it's going to be mine.
Mallet: No, no way.
Dinah: Would you try saying that without the grin?
Mallet: Sorry, sorry.
Dinah: I want you to be happy, I really do. Not at my expense, but I do want you to be happy.
Mallet: Hey. You're beautiful, you have your health, you have me. Who needs a silly show?
Dinah: Now my show's silly?
Mallet: No, no, that's not what I mean.
Dinah: You just said you think my show's silly.
Mallet: No, I do not think your show is silly. What I'm saying is you've got so much without the show, who needs the show? I mean, you wouldn't trade all this for a stupid ratings point?
Dinah: Oh, no, I'd trade you.
(Phone rings)
Mallet: Hmm, look at that. Good timing. I got A... oh, it's work. Okay.
Dinah: Sure, it's work.
Mallet: I have to go.
Dinah: Okay.
Mallet: You know what?
Dinah: What?
Mallet: I hope you win next week.
Dinah: Oh, I will. This time next week "light on Springfield" will be number one, so prepare yourself.
Mallet: Uh-huh. You know, I feel kind of bad for leaving right now. Do you want to have dinner with me later?
Dinah: No. I think you need to think about your angle for your next show because like you said, the ratings, they mean nothing.
Mallet: That's right. They mean nothing.
Dinah: Nothing. He's going to win. He's going to win. (Phone rings) What?
Ashlee: D., It's Ash. I think I found the story we've been looking for.
(Crowd arguing)
Frank: Everybody back off. Everybody back off! For right now, this money is the property of the Springfield police department.
Charley: Oh, yeah? What are you going to do with it?
Frank: We're not going to do anything about it for right now. We're going to try to figure out where this money came from.
Mallet: You know, chief, that money might be stolen.
Billy: Look, if it was stolen, you guys would know about it already.
Citizen: Yeah, you're the police.
Maggie: Who cares if it's stolen? It's ours now.
Charley: That's right. I say we split it!
Citizen: Split it? What, are you nuts? Some of these people weren't even here when we found the bag.
Charley: Okay, we cut them out from it.
Mallet: Back off! Come on, stop.
Gus: Just for the record, just remember who found the money in the first place.
Frank: Yeah, you know what? You're not helping, here.
Gus: I'm just saying, for the record, that's all.
Harley: Frank, can I bring up something?
Frank: Don't start with me. (All arguing)
Dinah: We're seconds away from a riot.
Ashlee: I know, I know. Money makes people crazy.
Dinah: Money is in that bag, but I'll tell you what's in that bag is a story, okay? And somehow we... okay, what's that? What's that?
Ashlee: What?
Dinah: Right there, underneath Gus's leg. Right there underneath the bench.
Ashlee: I have no idea.
Dinah: All right, you know what? I'm going in.
Billy: Hey, Dinah. What are you doing down there?
Dinah: I just slipped. Broke my heel.
Billy: Oh, okay.
Dinah: It's a letter. Fell out of the bag. It says, "for the people of Springfield."
Ashlee: Oh my god, we're so hot. What does it say?
Dinah: "To a wonderful town that can use a little help. I trust this will be put to good use. Springfield, find your light."
Ashlee: What does that mean? Well, maybe we should give it to chief cooper. He'll figure it out. Come on.
Dinah: Maybe later. No, maybe later! We're not going to tell chief cooper anything. I'm going to figure this out on my own.
Ashlee: What? Are you saying we're not going to give it to the police?
Dinah: If I do, maybe later. I don't need to do that right now.
Ashlee: But you're saying that your show's more important than stopping a riot?
Dinah: What I'm saying is we're going to expose the selfishness of this town right along with the identity of whoever left the money.
Ashlee: But what if somebody gets hurt?
Dinah: Do you have to be so negative?
Ashlee: Fine, fine. Okay. Okay, how do we find this mystery person?
Dinah: You know how we find out? You know how we find out? We going to start right at the beginning. That's how we find out.
Dinah: Okay, no couching the answers, okay? I'm going to ask you answers, you're going to give me the facts, you're just going to be straight, okay? It's going to help everything flow a little bit better. Zach, thank you for agreeing to doing this exclusive interview. So, where were you when you first saw the money?
Zach: Hiding.
Dinah: Hiding from who?
Zach: Jude.
Dinah: Jude is your brother. Right, now, did you see anybody else? Anybody suspicious? Any bad men?
Zach: No.
Dinah: Okay. And so when you saw the money, were you seeing anything else at the time?
Zach: Nope.
Dinah: Just the money?
Zach: Yup.
Dinah: So when you were with your brother, you didn't see anything else before you were hiding? Zach? Zach, just turn around. Turn around. Just focus on me, okay?
Zach: Can I have a cookie?
Dinah: Cut. Cut. Let's get some cookies, okay? Turn off the camera. Okay. You know what? Actually, that's a good idea. It's perfect. I have a job for you. I have a job for you.
Ashlee: I got it.
Dinah: Oh, good. From the security camera outside?
Ashlee: Yeah, right... you know... where the hardware store is. Right behind it where the bag was found.
Dinah: Good, good, good. Good. Okay, now, you didn't tell anyone why we wanted this, right?
Ashlee: I told them that my mom needed it for some big investigation they were doing at the district attorney's office.
Dinah: Excellent work. Okay. Now, we're going to find out for ourselves who left this money.
Ashlee: Wait. Oh my, oh my god. Mallet's outside.
Dinah: Well, don't let him in.
Ashlee: Well, but he lives here.
Dinah: Well, right now he's the enemy, okay? So get rid of him.
Ashlee: How?
Dinah: Be creative! Go!
Ashlee: Hey, mallet.
Mallet: Hi.
Ashlee: Ni-- nice gun.
Mallet: I'm not wearing a gun, but thank you. So where's Dinah, have you seen her?
Ashlee: Dinah?
Mallet: Yeah, your boss.
Ashlee: Oh, you meant that Dinah. Yeah, yeah, she's inside doing something for the show and she can't be disturbed. If you ruin her shot, she won't sleep with you for, like, months. Well, you know Dinah.
Mallet: Yeah. Okay, I'll come back later.
Dinah: There. Who's that?
Mallet: Weird. It's weird. It's been 24 hours and nobody's called the station to claim that money. I mean, we've got a few crank calls, but... Dinah?
Dinah: I heard you.
Mallet: I can't believe you're not more interested in the story. I mean, this is right up your alley.
Dinah: There is no story yet.
Mallet: So chase it down.
Dinah: No, it's a bunch of dead ends. It seems like a lot of trouble for nothing.
Mallet: Well, you got that right. Trouble it is. Everybody's got their own idea about what should be done with the money.
Dinah: Who's that?
Mallet: Who? Oh, it's that millionaire software dude or something. I heard he might be passing through town.
Dinah: Gil Robson.
Mallet: Yeah, Gil Robson, that's it. Why? What's up?
Dinah: You know what? I'm late. I gotta go. See you later.
Dinah: Mr. Robson. You forgot something.
Gil: What's-- what's that?
Dinah: It's the bag that you left on main street filled with several hundred thousand dollars and a note saying, "find your light."
Gil: I'm sorry, you must be mistaken.
Dinah: No. I have you recorded on a security camera. I have the tape.
Gil: Look, I don't know what you want, but you're...
Dinah: I want the story. I want an exclusive story telling me why you left this money.
Gil: Okay, on one condition. No cameras. I want this gift to remain anonymous.
Dinah: Why?
Gil: So the money will go where it's supposed to go without people worrying about how to please me.
Dinah: That's fine. That's fine. You just-- you tell me what made you do this.
Gil: It started right here. On New Year's Eve. I was in town on a deal. Everything had gone wrong all day. I lost my cell phone, twisted my ankle, and missed the meeting. And then I got the message. My son Jason was in a boating accident. The only flight to California had been canceled and my jet was in Europe with my wife. I was yelling at the woman from the airline, telling her my son was in the hospital and needed me. Then he appeared out of nowhere. He offered me the use of his private plane. Just said I should always remember Springfield, the town that didn't turn its back on me when I needed it. I was walking away and he suddenly turned back and said the strangest thing.
Alan: Find your light.
Gil: "Find your light."
Dinah: So Alan Spaulding gave you the keys to his jet and he didn't ask for anything in return?
Gil: Maybe he could identify. All I know is that Springfield has been very good to me and now I want to do the same for Springfield.
Dinah: Alan Spaulding was locked up on New Year's Eve. This doesn't make sense.
Gil: Life's like that sometimes.
Dinah: Yeah.
Gil: I didn't see anything in the newspaper about the note that I left.
Dinah: That's weird.
Alan: Why don't you do a story about someone who's been wrongly incarcerated?
Dinah: Let's just stick to this one. So tell me, where were you New Year's Eve?
Ala where do you think I was? Behind bars.
Dinah: Not according to our resources. You were at the airport loaning your plane to Mr. Robson.
Alan: That's your big story, Dinah?
Dinah: Why don't you tell us what "find your light" means.
Alan: Well, it's just something I heard, that's all.
Dinah: Where?
Alan: I'm not at liberty to tell you. You see, it might get the person who helped me into trouble.
Dinah: I can assure you, Alan, that we will protect this person at any cost, so could you share with us where you were New Year's Eve?
Rick: Happy new year, Alan.
Alan: Well, Rick Bauer, what a treat.
Rick: What's your family doing tonight, Alan?
Alan: I have no idea. Why don't you tell me what my wife's up to, Rick?
Rick: Alan, if I let you out tonight, will you promise me to be back by the morning?
Alan: You would let me out?
Rick: To see your family, Alan. It actually might do you some good.
Alan: Really. Well, what's the, what's the catch?
Rick: There's no catch. But I'll report you, Alan, if you don't come back. I think you know that. But for tonight maybe you could use a break, Alan. Maybe we all could.
Alan: Sure, Rick. I'll come back tomorrow morning. I promise.
Rick: Find your light.
Alan: "Find your light," he said. Never heard that before.
Dinah: So after that, you just left.
Alan: Yeah. And I intended to keep on going, too. But then I...
Dinah: Then you overhead Mr. Robson at the airport.
Alan: He was having trouble getting a flight. He was desperate to see his son. I... related to that. It reminded me of... well, anyway, I lent him the Spaulding jet.
Dinah: So you took the favor from Rick and then you passed it on.
Alan: Now you know the whole story.
Dinah: Not even close.
Rick: I really don't think this is such a good idea. These are Morgan's release papers. Room six.
Dinah: I promise not to cause any problems for anybody or jeopardize anybody's job, but I have a story to tell, I can feel it. Now, I know that you did a favor for Alan. I know that he took you up on it and he passed it on. I think there's a story to tell.
Rick: I have a couple patients that are waiting.
Dinah: I know, just tell me. Just share with me why you did what you did. Was it out of guilt or did you feel like you were making up for something?
Rick: No, it's not-- no, that's not it at all. Something... something else had happened. It's just... it's hard to explain.
Dinah: All right, I have a funny feeling that I know where you're going with this, but I would appreciate it if you just would tell me anyway.
Rick: New Year's Eve is always a busy night at the hospital, so I volunteered to take a shift. It's not like I had a wife to kiss at the stroke of midnight, and even my kids had plans, so, what the heck, I thought, maybe, you know, I can save a life or two. But for some strange reason, it was the quietest night on record. So, I went outside to get some air. And that's when I heard it.
(Unmuffled engine)
Rick: Leah, what's going on?
Leah: Oh, daddy, I'm so glad to see you.
Rick: Why? What... what's going on, sweetheart?
Jonathan: I picked her up over on fifth street.
Rick: I thought you were at this party.
Leah: Something happened and everybody left and I... I was all alone and I was really scared and I couldn't get my cell phone to work, so I started crying and then all of a sudden he pulled up.
Rick: Jonathan, I'm so happy.
Jonathan: Yeah. She just wanted her dad. Everybody should be so lucky. Hey... find your light, man.
Rick: That's all he said, and he was gone. I mean, that's why this is kind of hard to explain. I mean, here's this kid who practically ruined my life, but he brought my baby girl back to me. So when I saw Alan, it just hit me to do what I did.
Dinah: Had you ever heard that expression before from anybody?
Rick: No, never. Maybe you should ask Jonathan that question. Maybe he just made it up.
Dinah: Jonathan, give me a call as soon as you get this. It's urgent. Oh, hey. What are you doing? What are you doing?
Mallet: I'm looking for my folder. I thought left it in here this morning. Have you seen it?
Dinah: No.
Mallet: "To the people of Springfield"? What is this?
Dinah: Give me that.
Mallet: No, no, no. Not until you tell me what it is. Come on, what?
Dinah: It's nothing.
Mallet: "To the people of Springfield." It sounds pretty dramatic.
Dinah: Oh, it is. It's... dramatic, it's very dramatic.
Mallet: Yes, it's very dramatic. What is dramatic? What is this?
Dinah: The ratings. The ratings, the ratings. I'm not stupid. I know that your show was obviously beating out mine and I've been worried as of late that, you know, that I was going to be cancelled. So, I wrote a note. I wrote a note to the audience to thank them for tuning in.
Mallet: What? Come on. Dinah, what are you talking about? You still have a chance to win this thing. You know what you need? You need one good story to push you over the top.
Dinah: Yeah. No, I know. I know that. And you know what? If that doesn't happen, I'm going to go ahead and hang on to this. I think I should.
Dinah: "Find your light." Where did you hear that? Okay. Please, talk to me. Really, it's not that hard.
Jonathan: It's not as big a deal as you're making it out to be.
Dinah: Well, it was a big deal to Rick when you rescued Leah.
Jonathan: Rescued? I gave her a ride.
Dinah: She was abandoned, she was crying, she was very upset.
Jonathan: Well, if you know the story, then why are you bugging me?
Dinah: Would you talk to me, please? Would you just humor me for old time's sake, okay? Now, why do you think Rick returned the favor to Alan and Alan returned the favor to whomever. You know what I'm talking about. You think it was something in the beer.
Jonathan: I'm not sure you'd get it.
Dinah: Why, because you think I'm selfish?
Jonathan: No, because you're wearing that shirt. Finding the worst in people is something of your strong suit.
Dinah: Well, you could explore under this shirt and show me the light.
Jonathan: (Coughs) okay. New Year's Eve. I'm kind of in a bad mood and I have to stop back at the bar. And Lizzie's at home with the baby. She gives me a call. She says people are setting off fireworks, so she can't put Sarah to sleep. She's freaking out, I'm not happy, really want to get home, come outside and the bike won't start. Totally dead. I was ready to start walking and then coop pulls up. Last person I wanted to see.
Jonathan: When did you start riding?
Coop: It's my dad's bike. What's the problem?
Jonathan: Like you care.
Coop: Humor me.
Jonathan: Lizzie's at home with Sarah. She called me, she's freaking out because people are setting off fireworks. She can't get the baby to sleep, so I kind of just want to go home, you know? He just tossed me his keys. And then I headed home and that's where I saw Leah and, you know... you know the rest of the story. Except for the end. Right before coop took off to find a ride, he said...
Coop: Find your light. Yup, that's how it went. I heard it from Jeffrey o' Neill, if you can believe that, after he got out of the hospital.
Jeffrey: Marina. Yeah, she came out of nowhere and insisted that get into her squad car, even though it was against regulations.
Marina: New Year's. Yeah. That was Charley. He was never really my favorite customer, but he really came through.
Charley: The police chief, buzz's kid. He was about to write me a ticket when...
Frank: It was Remy. Officer Remy Boudreaux. He covered for me during a surprise inspection.
Remy: Yeah, Gus said it to me. And since he's married to Harley and Harley's frank's sister...
Gus: I heard it from my girl, Harley. She looked at me dead in the eye and said, "find your light."
Harley: Billy just hugged me and said, "find your light."
Billy: And then Maggie says, "find your light."
Mallet: You wouldn't believe the day I just had. This whole satchel full of money thing, I'm over it. I'm completely over it. We've got people protesting, we got people calling the switchboard, flooding it all day long. Everybody's like, "give me, give me, give me." This whole money thing is completely bringing out the worst in people.
Dinah: You think?
Mallet: Yeah. Yeah, I think. I know so. What's up with you? Did you have a bad day?
Dinah: Yeah, I think I'm just going to give it up.
Mallet: Give what up?
Dinah: This is not a farewell letter. I saw it on the ground and it was next to the money, so I decided to borrow it. Really, steal it. I know I shouldn't have done it, but I did.
Mallet: Let me see. "Find your light." "Find your light"-- what does that mean?
Dinah: I don't know. I've been trying to track it back, but there are just so many threads, I got lost. You know, I really thought that this was going to be the show that was going to make... make me a big hit, but... you know what? Take it. Make an announcement. Tell people that someone left the money as a gift, as a generous gift, and they should be a little more grateful... unlike me. Selfish, criminal me who's been selling her soul to just get a story.
Mallet: So you never found out where this started?
Dinah: No. I don't... I know that I'm not half the detective you are.
Mallet: Okay. Okay. Come on.
Dinah: Where are we going?
Mallet: Come on, come on.
Dinah: So, who are we looking for?
Mallet: Do you remember me?
Gloria: I'm sorry. I shouldn't have taken that hundred dollar bill, but it was just laying there by that bag on main street and my friends were hungry, so please don't arrest me.
Mallet: No, no, ma'am, I'm not here to arrest you. I want to introduce you to my girlfriend here, Dinah. Dinah, this is Gloria.
Dinah: Hi. Nice to meet you. How do the two of you know each other?
Mallet: Well, I've seen Gloria around for years, but I never really got to know her till just the other day. You see, Marina and I were on duty and we gave chase to a perp, armed robber. And we lost him, we couldn't find him. And so we decided to split up. And no sooner had Marina got around the corner that I got blindsided and got knocked over the head. And if it hadn't been for Gloria here, I don't know what would have happened. She took my two-way radio and she called for help. And then Marina and I eventually boxed the guy in, we took him down and Gloria saved the day. But you know what the amazing part is? Just a few hours earlier, I'd been kind of hard on her. You know, a little tough on her. I told her to get her stuff out of here-- "you got to move on, you can't be here." And then when I asked her why she helped me, do you know what she said?
Dinah: "Find your light."
Mallet: Yeah. Yeah, "find your light."
Dinah: So it was you. You made that up.
Gloria: No. You've given me too much credit. I just heard that one night when I was cold and hungry. New Year's Eve, actually.
Dinah: Well, then, how did you hear it?
Gloria: A lovely man saw I was hungry and cold. He fed me dinner, even gave me a scarf. The sweetest, nicest man, as sweet as could be. I think his name was buzz.
All right, everyone, gather around. Detective A.C. Mallet's on his way over here to tell us what's going to be done with the money, so...
Mallet: I got an announcement to make.
Come on up here, come on up.
Mallet: All right, I'm happy to say that we might have some answers about that mysterious bag of money that we found.
Crowd: All right!
Mallet: So, the person that left the bag also left this note, and hopefully this note will end all the bickering and all the fighting.
Billy: Who was it?
Zach: Was it Santa Claus?
Mallet: Yes, Zach, it was Santa Claus or it might as well be. The person wishes to remain anonymous, but the important thing is the money has been donated to all of us. It's been donated to the people of Springfield.
(Citizens cheering)
Mallet: With only one request-- that each and every one of you remembers to find your light. The note says, "to a wonderful town that could use a little help. I trust that this money will be put to good use." And it's up to each one of us to figure out what our light is and to figure out how to use what we've been given to make Springfield a better place.
(Crowd applauding)
Dinah: You must be pretty proud of yourself.
Buzz: Me?
Dinah: Come on-- "find your light." This was all your idea.
Buzz: Oh, it's a great idea, but you got the wrong guy.
Dinah: What are you talking about? I did my investigating.
Buzz: Yeah?
Dinah: I found out that the whole time, in the beginning, it started off with you. You helped Gloria and then she helped mallet and mallet helped...
Buzz: No, you've got to go back a step. You've got to go to the beginning. You have to go back to this guy. (Chuckling)
Buzz: So, Zach and I were walking past the lighthouse and we were trying to figure out something for his school project. I think that was... what was it? It was... social studies, right?
Zach: Mm-hmm. I had to figure out how to do something good.
Buzz: And out of the blue, he had this idea-- find your light.
Dinah: Which means what, exactly?
Buzz: Oh, anything that... that makes you happy, anything that makes the world a better place.
Zach: Happy people do good things.
Buzz: Like favors.
Zach: Because they know what their light is.
Buzz: You know, I didn't get it at first. I mean, I didn't know what form it was going to take. Everything changed with it on New Year's Eve. I was working on the counter back there, closing up the place and this guy, Zach, brings someone over there to meet me. And her name was Gloria and Gloria was hungry. And he says, "could I give her something to eat?" And I thought that was a darned good idea.
Zach: And we gave her one of mom's scarfs, too.
Buzz: And then, what did Gloria... what did you say to Gloria right before she left?
Zach: Find your light.
Buzz: That's it, and I... i guess it took hold.
Dinah: I guess it did. Well, I don't know about you guys, but I certainly hear everybody talking about that big, wonderful gift for Springfield. You know what I think you should do, pal? I think you should finish what you started?
Alan: When I was leaving, he said, "find your light."
Rick: The last thing he said to me before he took off on his bike was, "find your light."
Jonathan: He just gave me the keys and he said, "find your light."
Dinah: "Find your light"-- a phrase that would spread through Springfield like wild fire.
Coop: I heard it from Jeffrey O'Neill, if you can believe that...
Dinah: What do you think?
Jeffrey: Marina.
Marina: That was Charley.
Frank: Officer Remy Boudreaux.
Remy: Yeah, Gus said it to me.
Gus: I heard it from my girl, Harley.
Harley: Billy just hugged me and said, "Find your light."
Billy: "Find your light." "Find your light." "Find your light."
Marina: "Find your light." "Find your light." "Find your light."
Dinah: I was wrong about this town. It has its share of jealousy, pettiness, selfishness. It has its grudges, old and new, but underneath it all is a warm, beating heart, a heart that lead to a generous gift from a stranger, a gift that was arrived from the kindness of others and, even more amazingly, from people who don't even like each other. It started off as a ripple and it became a wave and it almost ended when it got to me. I have a confession to make. I almost stopped the favor from going forward. I got a little selfish and a little too concerned about my own well-being. But when I let go and I did the right thing, I realized I got back twice as much as I would have on my own. So I guess what I'm trying to say is that, in spite of myself, I guess I learned what my light is, and it's really very basic. People are good and they're going to be there when you need them. It just takes a little bit of love and a little bit of faith and then you pass it on. It's that simple. You know something? We want to help you pass it on. We want to hear your ideas and we want to know how you find your light. So what we're going to do is we're going to set up a web site and it's going to be called "findyourlight.Net." Find us there, tell us what you think, share your ideas or, if you just want to check in and find out what good is being done in the world, we'll be there. We'll be waiting for you at Thanks.
Mallet: Wow, that was a good show.
Dinah: Well, I... I think it probably needs a little bit more work, but... no, it's good, though. It's good, isn't it?
Mallet: It is a good show. It's a very good show. It's great.
Dinah: Honey, listen, it wouldn't have happened if you hadn't introduced me to Gloria. I mean, I can't thank you enough. I can't thank you enough.
Mallet: This is your show. This is the whole show.
Dinah: Really? You think it's good?
Mallet: This show could change lives. This is a good show. I'm going to back out.
Din: What?
Mallet: I'm going to back out. The competition's over. "The law" is over. If they want to star someone else, they can, but I'm out.
Dinah: Wait a minute. Now, wait, wait, wait, you can't do that.
Mallet: I can. I mean, I'm going to. I mean, I will. Don't argue with me, okay? That's the show... that's the show that deserves to win.
Dinah: Oh, honey. What?! Oh my gosh, honey! I love you!
Mallet: Yeah, you win.
Dinah: Oh, hon, thank you. How am I ever going to thank you, huh? Huh? Ever repay you?
Mallet: That. That-- I think you know how, right there.
Dinah: Come on, Zach, let's go. Hey, everybody. Listen up, please. This is Zach, the little boy who found all the cash. He just told me what he thinks we should do is take the money, put it in a big pile, and give it to charity so people can really benefit from it.
Crowd: Oh!
Dinah: And I think what he's saying is that what we should do is set up a big foundation because Springfield, like any other town, has a few cracks, and we can use his big foundation to help glue it together. Does that sound like a good idea to everybody? (Crowd cheers and applauds) do you have anything to add?
Zach: Find your light.
Next on "Guiding Light"...
Ava: Look at that, it's my new contract from Spaulding. You want to hide this, too?
Mel: Ava is your daughter.
Jeffrey: Look, I'm sure she's a nice kid, Mel, but we don't have a relationship, okay? And I'm not interested in one, either.
Josh: You basically said that I was using Billy's troubles as a way to get back at josh, but you can just back off that.
Alan: In a month, Elizabeth will be having a birthday and she will have full control of her trust and will also have voting rights on the board, rights she will share with her so-called husband. It's about the fans. It's about giving back. It's a feeling that's definitely bigger than you. How can we say thank you in that. It's going to be contagious. We have so much to look forward to.
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