Guiding Light Transcript Wednesday 2/15/06
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Proofread By Tanya
Olivia: Thank God!
Frank: It's a little early for that, isn't it?
Olivia: Well...
Frank: You know what? It's okay. It will be our little secret.
Josh: ( Clears throat ) Morning.
Alan-Michael: Pardon me. You know, we really have to stop meeting like this.
Marina: Who's there? Lizzie? Great. As if it wasn't complicated enough up here.
Alan-Michael: Anyone seen Marina?
Frank: I don't know, Alan-Michael. When was the last time you saw her?
Alan-Michael: Coffee. Thank you. Where's the cream?
Coop: It's right over here.
Ava: I got it, it's cool.
Coop: No. Fine, you can-- I don't need it.
Alan-Michael: Excuse me.
Ava: Sorry.
Alan-Michael: Don't let me stop you.
Lizzie: I want to see Coop. I need to see him.
Marina: You know, Lizzie, I just don't think the feeling is mutual.
Coop: Marina, I brought you some... Lizzie, what are you doing here?
Lizzie: I had to be with you. I know that I messed up really bad, but I didn't mean to... Ava's here.
Marina: Like I said, you should probably go. ( Cell phone ringing )
Frank: I'll take that. Whoa. Thank you. I just can't seem to get going this
morning. What was in the model wine by the way?
Alan-Michael: It seems to me mold wine wasn't the only thing being drunk out here.
Josh: That's right. I was drinking bourbon, and someone was making apple martinis.
Olivia and Marina: Pomegranate.
Olivia: Yes. It was quite a night. I hope you all enjoyed yourselves.
Buzz: Good morning, everyone! Between the fresh air and the fire and the booze, I passed out last night. How did everybody else sleep?
Coop: Lizzie, I do not owe you an explanation at all.
Lizzie: I thought this was a family vacation.
Coop: So?
Lizzie: Ava’s not family. Why did you invite her?
Olivia: Hello, Lizzie. Excuse us.
Coop: Lizzie lied to me, okay? Do not feel sorry for her at all.
Ava: I don't. Well, okay, fine, maybe a little. It's just-- I mean, especially after what happened last night.
Olivia: I don't know what you're doing here, but it's already too tense in there
as it is.
Lizzie: Actually, I noticed that. What's up? What happened last night?
Olivia: Nothing. Nothing happened. I'm just up here evaluating some property Lewis may buy. And fyi, there's a no animal clause so keep it off the rugs.
Lizzie: Roxy only does her business where I tell her to.
Olivia: Make it stay that way.
Lizzie: He's not with her, Rox. He can't be. I will not let that happen. I won't
lose him. Ew, gross! Roxy! A condom, seems like somebody was taking care of
business last night. The only question is: Who?
Coop: Ava, look, I know there were sparks, but I really...
Olivia: Lizzie, put Roxy in the pantry, it is that way.
Lizzie: I told you she's house broken.
Olivia: Accidents happen.
Lizzie: Accidents. Maybe an accident happened last night. I've got to figure out
if Ava and Coop were the ones getting busy last night.
Frank: So how's my little baby girl?
Olivia: Everything all right?
Frank: Couldn't be better, why?
Olivia: I don't know, you're just looking at me...
Frank: I'm looking at you because you're so damn beautiful, I can't take my eyes off of you.
Buzz: Frank. Frank! Time to hit the road.
Frank: Olivia, I had a really great time, and I mean really great time.
Buzz: Yeah, it was fun. Okay, see you all in town, okay?
Olivia: Okay.
Josh: Bye Buzz, good-bye, Frank.
Frank: Good-bye, everybody.
Lizzie: Don't worry, Roxy's all locked up.
Olivia: Good.
Lizzie: So, this is a cool place.
Olivia: Yeah. No, I just wanted to get other people's opinions, you know, see what it would feel like to spend the night.
Lizzie: So, how did everyone like it? Did they all have a good time?
Frank: It's okay, everybody!
Marina: Dad?
Frank: Marina. What are you.... what the hell are you doing, man?
Olivia: Oh, oh. Frank. Frank. Hey, are you okay?
Frank: I don't know, but thanks for asking.
Olivia: The evening started out a little bumpy, but then everybody ended up
having a good time.
Lizzie: So, how many rooms does this place have? I mean like everyone had their own room, right?
Olivia: Why are you so interested in what went on here last night?
Lizzie: No reason. Girl stuff. Not girl stuff.
Marina: Lizzie, what are you doing?
Lizzie: Oh, I thought this was Ava's room.
Marina: Oh, so you were just hoping to go through her stuff?
Lizzie: I thought that we were friends, Marina. How come you didn't tell me that Coop and Ava were here at the Inn when I called you last night?
Marina: Because they weren't here when you called, Lizzie. Last night was supposed to be just me and Alan-Michael and then, Olivia and the whole hoard showed up.
Lizzie: How lame. But I bet that you and Alan-Michael gave everyone the slip, hooked up anyway after lights out?
Marina: Not exactly. I've been waiting for this all night.
Alan-Michael: So have I. I thought your father would never go to bed. ( Bed squeaks )
Marina: Ssh, the walls are thin.
Alan-Michael: Got your gun-toting dad in one direction and your hot-tempered grandpa in the other.
Marina: Should we stop? Is it too risky?
Alan-Michael: We probably should, but I like living dangerously.
Marina: Mmm, so do I. ( Cell phone rings ) Will you get that before my dad hears it.
Alan-Michael: Hello. Yeah, let me call you back. The office. I gotta make a few calls. It might take a while. Sorry.
Marina: And he never came back. I fell asleep before I even got to taste the pomegranate martinis. So does that answer your question, Clouseau?
Lizzie: Part of it. Great. Then, bye-bye. Two people were drinking martinis last night, one of them was female. But Marina said she didn't get to drink hers last night. So somebody else did.
Alan-Michael: Who you talking to?
Lizzie: Who was the lucky girl?
Olivia: Alan-Michael, before you go...
Alan-Michael: I left these down here last night full. I have no idea who drank them.
Lizzie: A man and a woman, obviously.
Olivia: What, are you the drunk police now?
Alan-Michael: Lizzie, why all of the questions? Shouldn't you focus on making up with Coop instead of starting trouble with everyone else?
Lizzie: Oh , somebody woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning.
Marina: Will you get that before my dad hears it.
Alan-Michael: Hello.
Frank: Get out of my daughter's bedroom-- now.
Alan-Michael: Yeah, let me call you back. The office. I've got to make a few calls. It might take a while. Sorry.
Marina: Well, are you coming back?
Alan-Michael: I'll try.
Marina: Okay. In that case, take these with you. And I will go take a cold shower.
Alan-Michael: Okay.
Frank: Well, fancy meeting you here.
Olivia: Don't mind if I do.
Alan-Michael: Be careful. My martinis have been known to make people lose control.
Olivia: Whereas you're always in perfect control, aren't you, Alan-Michael?
Alan-Michael: My brother was a fool to let you go, and so was my father.
Olivia: Oh, you're not going to get any arguments from me.
Alan-Michael: That wouldn't be bad. It would be fun to argue with you. In fact, I bet a lot of things would be fun with you.
Olivia: I'll take those. Ooh.
Alan-Michael: Careful.
Olivia: You know, I think maybe you're right. I think maybe those things do make you lose control.
Alan-Michael: Just maybe.
Olivia: Are you suggesting that we could work together?
Alan-Michael: I'm the anti-Spaulding. My life goal is to work as little as possible.
Olivia: Oh, now that's a shame.
Alan-Michael: I'm sure you'll find somebody who's work ethic is more to your liking.
Olivia: Already have. Pomegranate martinis, they are very good.
Josh: I don't know. That's a little fancy for me. I think I'm going to stick with bourbon.
Olivia: You got a crook in your neck?
Josh: Yeah, it's a racquetball thing.
Olivia: Here, how's this?
Josh: Oh.
Olivia: Sorry.
Josh: No. That was good. That's the spot. You're very good.
Olivia: So I've been told. What about this?
Josh: That's nice.
Olivia: How about this?
Josh: Um... ( laughing )
Frank: Olivia.
Josh: That's a little low, actually.
Frank: Olivia, I'm sorry, but we have a little problem. See?
Olivia: Yeah.
Frank: Yeah. It's a great room, I love it, thank you, but the lights don't work.
Olivia: All right, I'm sorry, I don't understand why it's not-- hey. Mr. Detective, there is no light bulb in here. Sorry about that. You know what? I'll get you one.
Olivia: You are so sneaky.
Frank: I got you in the room, didn't I, huh? Here.
Olivia: Thanks. Oh, my head hurts.
Buzz: So nice of you to let me drive, Frank.
Frank: ( Yawns )
Buzz: While you snored. ( Laughing )
Frank: I'm sorry, Pop, but you know what, I didn't get very much sleep last night. No siree, but I'm certainly not complaining. As a matter of fact, if a truck hit me right now, I'd be happy about it.
Buzz: Yeah. Yeah, I can see that, Frank. Want to tell me why?
Frank: Let's just say that things took a very big turn for Olivia and me last night.
Buzz: Yeah?
Frank: Yeah. Oh, yeah, that's a big yeah. Cheers.
Olivia: Cheers. I don't know what to say.
Frank: I just want you to know I like how we are together. Olivia, I know I'm not you're usual type, but what I do know is that you need someone in your life who is just so crazy about you and tells you every single day that you are so amazing. And I would be so happy and so honored to be that guy.
( Alarm sounding )
Olivia: ( Sighs heavily ) What now?
Frank: It's my labido, don't worry about it. All right, um... lets look at it. Come here. Take your hand, let's go check.
Olivia: Actually, you know what? You stay here and put that light bulb back in, and I will call you if I need you, okay? Frankie, thank you.
Frank: You're welcome.
Buzz: So, you're feeling hopeful?
Frank: Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah, I'm very hopeful. As a matter of fact, Pop, I think I really got a great shot at her.
Josh: Listen, about what happened last night, I...
Ava: Am I interrupting something?
Josh: No, no, not at all. I'll say good-bye before I leave.
Olivia: So, you and Coop leaving?
Ava: Um, yeah, pretty soon. Wait. No, let me do that. Let me do that.
Olivia: No, it's okay. You don't work for me anymore.
Ava: No, it's okay, I need to do this. ( Alarm beeping ) We were standing by the fire and this wind came down and there were ashes and smoke everywhere.
Josh: It sounds like a problem with the fluke. I'll take a look at it in the morning. I'm done, Coop. I guess I'll just turn in. Good night, everybody.
Ava: Good night. ( Laughing ) Wow, that was an exciting evening?
Coop: Yeah, yeah, that's for sure. You're cold. Tell you what, why don't you have a seat right here by the fire, okay? Is that better?
Ava: Much better.
Coop: Good.
Ava: Thank you. You know, um, you can talk if you want to about Lizzie. What?
Coop: What? What?
Ava: You were just looking at me really intensely and...
Coop: Look, you've been there for me when I've needed you.
Ava: Right back at you. Um, I just want you to know that I would never do anything to get between you and Lizzie. And if this really is the end of you guys, um, well, I just-- I like you. And, um, if you're ever on the market again some day, I would be interested.
Coop: Wow, that's a lot, Ava.
Olivia: You know what? I'll do this. You have enough going on as it is.
Ava: Why are you being so nice to me?
Olivia: Well, I just realized that maybe we have more in common than I thought. Do you need this?
Josh: Thank you.
Olivia: I could come in.
Josh: Do you think that's wise?
Olivia: Probably not.
Ava: Get your mitts off my stuff and get out of my room!
Lizzie: Do not try and deny something happened between you and Coop, because I found proof.
Ava: What proof?
Lizzie: Major proof, trust me.
Ava: What are you doing?
Lizzie: Where did you get that mark on your neck, huh?
Ava: I was burned by an ember from the fire-- not that it's any of your business!
Lizzie: You don't really expect me to believe that.
Ava: I don't care what you believe. Get your pooch and your paranoia and get out of my room!
Lizzie: Coop is still officially my boyfriend. I have a right to know what happened.
Ava: Go ask Coop-- officially.
Coop: I can't, I can't. This isn't right.
Ava: You're still in love with her, aren't you? You are.
Coop: Look, Ava, I don't know what I'm thinking right now, okay? I don't know what I'm doing, and because of that, this is why I can't do this. I, I...
Ava: Don't worry about it. It is all right. I just thought I would put it out there just to see if-- I don't know, if maybe something changed sometime. It's not really like I have any expectations or anything. ( Screams ) Ow!
Coop: What happened, did you get burned? We'll go to the kitchen and get some cold water--
Ava: No, I'm fine. I'll go take a shower.
Lizzie: Stop it, Ava, stop hanging on guys who are interested in other girls.
Alan-Michael: It's awfully steamy in here. It's not exactly a cold shower you're taking?
Ava: No, actually, it's nice and hot.
Alan-Michael: It sounds good to me.
Olivia: Hey.
Ava: Hi. Sorry.
Olivia: Relax.
Ava: I wish I could.
Olivia: Listen, I have to be honest with you, I saw what went on between you and Coop last night.
Ava: Great.
Olivia: I just want to tell you, hang in there. Life is going to throw you curves. How you handle them is what counts. You know who you are. Keep your dignity, and you'll be fine.
Ava: Thanks.
Josh: Here's the thing. I know
what's going on here. I know that you lured me here under false pretenses and
you did the same thing with Frank. So I'm just wondering, um, which one of us it
is that you think you want.
Olivia: You, I want you. We're here, what difference does it make how we got here?
Josh: It makes a difference, Olivia, because I really don't like being played against somebody else. In fact, I don't like being played at all.
Olivia: This is real. So what, I told a little white lie to get you here.
Josh: You really are extraordinary, but you're also a manipulator. It's part of what ruined our marriage. I'm not going to let you destroy my life again, Olivia. I'm sorry.
Olivia: Just shut up. Get out of my way. Get out of my way.
Josh: Hey.
Olivia: Hey.
Josh: I figured I'd go, I'd hit the road. Are we okay after last night?
Olivia: Yeah, yeah. That's all we did when we were married, we fought; we made up. It just felt like old times, didn't it? ( Sobbing ) Oh, some how I knew it'd be you.
Marina: Bye, see you later! Get in the car. Keep going. Hit the gas.
Alan-Michael: It's ours again. So we're here again, all alone.
Marina: Well, we could have been all alone last night, but you got that phone call. Why didn't you come back?
Alan-Michael: Believe me, I wanted to. But your father was lurking in the hall. For a second, I thought maybe we would meet up in the shower.
Ava: Hello.
Alan-Michael: I'm sorry. I thought you were Marina. Who'd you think I was?
Ava: Just go on, get out of here.
Alan-Michael: Right, sorry.
Ava: What's wrong?
Alan-Michael: It's stuck. Must be the humidity.
Ava: Yeah, that's a new one.
Alan-Michael: I'm serious, you try it. Right.
Ava: Towel.
Alan-Michael: You work out much. You've got a great body-- I mean a really amazing body.
Ava: Thanks. You're not so bad yourself.
Alan-Michael: I mountain bike. You?
Ava: Kickboxing. Can I please have the towel? Thanks. Can I try that? Kickboxing, like I said.
Alan-Michael: Definitely a night to remember. And now let's make it a day to remember, right here, you and me.
Marina: I like that day to remember part, but this place was supposed to be our own special valentinesy place, and now it's...
Alan-Michael: It is spoiled?
Marina: Yes. How about we go find other place and make our own special memories there.
Buzz: So, did you get everything cleaned up at the Inn?
Olivia: Pretty much.
Buzz: No loose ends with Josh?
Frank: Hey, hey, here she is.
Olivia: Ooh.
Frank: This woman is so hot, she could set off all of the fire alarms simultaneously. ( Cell phone rings ) No, not now, please. Olivia, I've got to get to the station. I'm sorry.
Olivia: Oh.
Frank: I'm sorry. I'll call you later?
Olivia: Uh-huh.
Frank: Thanks. See ya.
Lizzie: Would you stop for two seconds and talk to me?
Coop: What's the point, Lizzie, you're going to accuse me of sleeping with Ava again?
Lizzie: So, are you saying you didn't sleep with Ava?
Coop: No, I didn't. Did you sleep with Quinn?
Lizzie: No, I just kissed him maybe twice, and I took money from him, but that was as far as it got. Because I love you, Coop. You and only you. Please tell me this isn't the end of us.
Coop: Lizzie, I just need some time to think.
Lizzie: Yee! That's fine, that's great.
Buzz: After about ten minutes, when I got to the Inn, I knew what you were up
to. I mean, I think we all knew what the score was, the parts we were supposed
to be playing, didn't we?
Olivia: Somehow I knew it would be you.
Buzz: Are you all right? I thought I heard you crying?
Olivia: No. I threw myself at Josh, but he just turned me down flat.
Buzz: Well, the man never was the sharpest tool in the shed. Being around all that oil as a kid. Petrochemicals...
( Olivia laughs )
Buzz: ...Sort of got to his brain. I'm serious. How else can you explain any man not being totally mesmerized by you?
Olivia: He said I would destroy his life.
Buzz: What a way to go.
Buzz: ( Breathing heavily ) Whoa!
Olivia: ( Laughing ) So, about last night?
Buzz: What about last night? I've got to seat those people. We'll continue this later. Okay?
Next on" Guiding Light"...
Buzz: Your son finally finds the woman of his dreams and what do you do?
Frank: Oh, Olivia, good. Just the person I was hoping to see.
Alan-Michael: I'm having second thoughts.
Marina: About us?
Beth: That was a very foolish thing to do, trying to go out there all by yourself. You do that another time, and you may never see Harley again.
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