GL Transcript Friday 12/30/05

Guiding Light Transcript Friday 12/30/05


Provided By Boo 
Proofread By Tanya

Jonathan: You ready for this?

Tammy: Maybe a just a few more minutes. ( Laughter )


Reva: It's early. And it is Christmas Eve, she'll be here. And so will Jonathan.

Cassie: And that's supposed to make me feel better?


Tammy: Let's just go in there, and Merry Christmas, everybody!

Jonathan: Yeah, ho-ho-ho.

Tammy: Do you hear that? It almost sounds like-- do you believe in angels?

Jonathan: Yeah. I do.

Join the triumph of the skys...


Buzz: Guys, could you stack these space heaters down on blocks there?

Coop: Great! We'll get the assignment, kill Frosty.

Buzz: That's one way to look at it, yeah, I guess.

Frank: Popperino, look who's here.

Buzz: Hey!

Mel: Hey. It's great to see you.

Frank: So, where's your daughter?

Mel: Leah is spending the holidays with Ed, Danny and Michelle.

Rick: Yeah.

Frank: Whoa, I bet you miss her.

Mel: Like crazy.

Rick: Yeah, I don't want to think about it. How can I help you out?

Buzz: Follow me.

Mel: I'll never ask that question again.

Coop: Hey, Ava, are you warm enough?

Ava: I'm fine, actually. But it's him I'm worried about.

Alan ( as Santa ): Merry Christmas, boys! Lookie here, it's your Granddad, I'm free. And guess what I'm going to get your mommy for Christmas?

Jude: What?

Alan: Something she really deserves. Ho-ho-ho-ho-ho-ho. ( Laughing )

Harley: Gus, hey.

Gus: Hey.

Harley: Wow, you just look like you just saw the Ghost of Christmas Past?


Alan: I'll be home for Christmas you can plan on me... ( knocking ) I've already taken my medication, go away.

Lizzie: Granddad.

Alan: Elizabeth.


Mallet: Oh!

Dinah: What's going on out there?

Mallet: Sorry.

Dinah: Mallet? What are you doing here? Are you drunk?

Mallet: Not yet. But I'm working on it. ( Dinah screams )


Rusty: So Tammy's just out there somewhere with Reva's boy?

Josh: Yeah, with Jonathan. I believe we're going to have to make the best of it.

Hawk: And how do you propose we do that?

Josh: Well, Hawk, I don't know, smile, I guess.

R.J.: Quiet, everyone.

Cassie: Why, what's wrong?

Hawk: I hear singing.

Cassie: Want to go find out?

R.J.: Yeah.

Cassie: Sure, honey. It sounds pretty far. I don't think we'll see anything.


Tammy: Merry Christmas, everybody. I'm still invited to the party, right?

Cassie: Of course you are. I'm glad you came, sweetie. I've missed you.

Tammy: I've missed you, too. R.J. Merry Christmas, buddy, and happy birthday.

Hawk: Can I get a hug?

Rusty: Me first.

Tammy: Ooh, Tulsa in the house!

Hawk: Come on, let's get in out of the cold before we freeze ourselves. Here we go.

Reva: I'm really glad you're here because this is where you belong, with your family. And now you have the opportunity to meet your granddaddy, and your uncle Rusty.

Jonathan: Yeah, well, I had to come. Tammy needed this, so --

Reva: Well, she's not the only one. Come on, Jonathan, it's Christmas. Is it so terrible to admit you like to maybe be with your family, too?

Jonathan: I guess not. So what did Santa bring me? ( Laughing )

Reva: Get in.


Alan: Sweetheart. You know seeing you, Elizabeth is the best Christmas present I could ever have.

Lizzie: You probably think I don't think about you, and just think about the day that you took my dad away from me. I think about that, but I think about other things, like the way you used to sit me on your knee, and teach me about stocks. And you got me my first briefcase when I was seven. You told me I was going to be the future of this family.

Alan: You are, Elizabeth. You and James are the future of this family.

Lizzie: Everything is different now.

Alan: For me?

Elizabeth: Open it.

Alan: All right. Oh!

Lizzie: It's really nothing.

Alan: Not to me. That you remembered these are exactly the kind --

Lizzie: I'm running late. I better go. Enjoy your cigars.

Alan: Sure. Elizabeth, Merry Christmas.

Lizzie: Merry Christmas, granddad.

Alan: I'm going to see you real soon.

Lizzie: But I don't know when I'm going to come back to visit you.

Alan: That's okay, I'll be seeing you very soon. Soon.


Mel: Did you get it?

Rick: Hold my hand.

Harley: Thanks, Daddy.

Gus: Just leave the mess here. We'll take care of it.

Harley: ( Laughing ) This is going to be the best Christmas ever, don't you think?

Gus: You bet it is.


Dinah: You just doused me in skunk beer.

Mallet: I'm sorry, I wanted to pop my beer out here so I didn't get it on my floor in my room.

Dinah: Your room-- what are talking-- that's your room. What are you stalking me?

Mallet: I didn't know you were staying here.

Dinah: I smell like a brewery.

Mallet: It is fruity and poppy.

Dinah: How about hoppy. It's not funny!

Mallet: How about I'll clean you up, and I'll hose you down.

Dinah: Hose me down?

Mallet: Yeah, it will be like a wet t-shirt tradition. Is that the turkey dinner?

Dinah: Right here.

Mallet: No, right here.

Waiter: 627 and 629?

Mallet: 629.

Dinah: Yeah.

Waiter: Sorry we only had one turkey left.

Dinah: Well I saw corned beef or your menu, right?

Waiter: Yes.

Dinah: Okay. Well he'll have the corned beef. Yeah, okay.

Mallet: No, hold it. I ordered turkey for dinner. I always have turkey on Christmas.

Dinah: Have your beer. Drink the case. You'll forget. Right this way please.

Mallet: She's been watching her weight. She'll just have the carrots. Right to 629, please.

Dinah: Hey! You just doused me with beer. The least you could do is let me have a decent dinner.

Mallet: I'll toss you for it.

Dinah: I don't gamble.

Mallet: That's my beer. Dinah, that is childish. Step away from the beer.

Dinah: There's a kid and all at Christmas time. ( Laughing ) oops.


Tammy: I bet you wish I had shown up alone?

Cassie: Not now. You're my little girl and I love you. That's all.

Jonathan: So you're Reva’s dad, huh? That's some accomplishment.

Reva: Hey, you should talk.

Jonathan: I've heard a lot about you.

Rusty: And we've heard a lot about you.

Jonathan: And I bet you are hoping most of it isn't true.

Hawk: Yeah, well, I sure am.

Reva: Pop, stop that. He has a big bark.

Hawk: Looks like my fame has preceded me.

Reva: You know what? Why don't we just get this all out in the open. When Jonathan came to town, he tore his family apart. He was wild, he was dangerous and he was spiteful.

Jonathan: Is this your way of helping?

Reva: Bottom line, Jonathan is trouble with a capital "t", just like his mama, and the rest of this family. But you know what? He's a Shayne. Pop, sorry to break the news to you, but he is one of us. When Jonathan first came to town, he did get into some trouble, but since that time, he has done some really amazing things.

Hawk: Oh, yeah, like what?

Reva: Like the fact he saved Tammy's life. Her room was on fire, and he ran right into the flames and pulled her out.

Hawk: You don't say.

Reva: Yeah. Ask her yourself. And he also owns a bar, he and Billy are business partners. And before that, he worked for Josh at Lewis construction and he showed some real promise in that area.

Jonathan: That is amazing. And you can download my resume online and list my hobbies. I also own a snake...

Reva: Okay, now you're not helping yourself.

Jonathan: No, look, obviously Gramps and Uncle Rust don't love me right now, and that's fine. I don't blame you, but it's Christmas time, family time, and let's all get along, and there will be plenty of time for a horse whipping in the pen in the new year. ( Laughter )

Hawk: He has that Shayne sense of humor.

Reva: He does. He's more Shayne than any of us. He's more like me than any of my other kids.

Hawk: Good Lord, help us all.

Tammy: Can I talk to you.

Jonathan: What's up?

Tammy: Nothing. I was just worried about you. Are they giving you a hard time?

Jonathan: You're going to get me shot.


Buzz: Frank? Frank!

Frank: I was hoping she'd show up. Look at her, pop. She's always so well-put together.

Buzz: Well it's a talent, Frank. Frank, come on. Let me help you here.


Mallet: Just give her the turkey dinner, because even though I know I put my order in before she did.

Dinah: No you didn't. He'll have the corned beef.

Mallet: I don't want the corned beef! I'll just go to my room, put my stocking on the mantel, and pray for some oranges or hard candy.

Dinah: ( With Irish accent ) You're breaking my heart here, Mallet.

Mallet: Maybe sing a lonely carol or two or leave a beer out for Santa.

Dinah: Santa doesn't drink beer, everybody knows that.

Mallet: Then where did the beer belly come from? ( Laughter ) Do you mind checking on me later, make sure I don't starve to death?

Dinah: Okay. I'll regret this later, but, you know what, why don't we share?

Mallet: Is this the holiday kicking in?

Waiter: It's a Christmas miracle!

Dinah: Thank you.

Mallet: Are these uh... I thought you didn't like cookie crumbs in bed.

Dinah: Well, you were going on and on about cookie crumbs, so I thought, hey, give it a shot. I was curious. You caught me.


Josh: Hey.

Reva: What can I get you?

Josh: Nothing, actually. I was thinking you should maybe stop, slow down.

Reva: I just want this party to be successful.

Josh: It's Christmas, Reva, everything is okay.

Reva: Yeah, I hope so.

Rusty: Pop. Pop, mistletoe.

Hawk: Sorry, boy, I ain't going to kiss you. ( Grunts ) Oh, hey, y'all, come with me and take a look at this tree. What's this right here.

Tammy: Tree? What are we looking at?

Hawk: It looks fine, don't it?

Reva: Billy?

Billy: Hey.

Reva: Hey!

Josh: What took you so long to get back?

Billy: Well, you know I was talking to Melinda Sue and uh... what did I miss?

Reva: How is Mindy doing anyway? Did you tell her we miss her?

Billy: Yeah, I told her. She misses... what's he doing with Tammy?

Josh: Billy, come on.

Rusty: Billy, let's not stare, all right?

Billy: Tammy can take a lesson from Melinda Sue. She dated some real bad guys, and now she's dating a terrific guy, a real standup guy.

Rusty: Is this boy really as bad as everybody said?

Billy: Let's put it this way: You wouldn't want her dating this boy, even if they weren't related.

Josh: Billy just stop, okay?

Rusty: Tammy has always been so level-headed. What's really going on here?

Billy: Doesn't make any difference. It's not going to last.

Tammy: Hey, Uncle Billy, glad you could make it. Say hi to my boyfriend, Jonathan.


Coming up on "Guiding Light"...

Buzz: Well, I see you found Olivia.

Frank: I did a lot more than that, pop.

Reva: Stop it, both of you!

Jonathan: I don't belong here.

Alan: Spaulding's next year will be a family once again.


Josh: We were just talking.

Billy: No, actually, we weren't just talking. We were wondering why you make such a bad choice.

Tammy: Jonathan is not a bad choice.

Billy: I believe maybe you ought to take a poll of everybody in this room.

Josh: Just stop this now.

Billy: Melinda used to date boys like this because she always thought she could change them.

Tammy: No, I don' want to change Jonathan. I like him just the way he is. He is a good guy and you all would know this if you gave him a chance.

Billy: Darling, I work with him. I know he's a firecracker, and he's liable to go off when you least expect it.

Tammy: I don't want to hear about this.

Billy: No, you've got to hear...

Tammy: No, you're wrong about Jonathan. You're all wrong. This guy has a heart as big as anybody. And he's made sacrifices that you won't believe, but he doesn't brag about it.

Billy: What kind of sacrifices, when he’s out of matches?

Tammy: You're being completely unfair.

Jonathan: Back off! All of you. Leave her alone.


Alan: James, if Santa Claus doesn't bring you everything you want, what do you do?

James: I'm going to call you, Granddad.

Alan: That's right, and we're going to negotiate and you're going to remember to always...

James: Never take no for an answer. ( Laughter )

Alexandra: Isn't wonderful holiday spirit watching your own grandchildren learn at the knee.

Lillian: Yeah, especially, in this warm, lovely holiday environment.

Alexandra: Yes, I could use a little holiday cheer myself.

Lillian: Egg nog for me.

Beth: James, you are going to say good-bye to Granddad now. We have to get going.

James: Bye, Granddad. Merry Christmas. I love you.

Alan: And I love you, too. Merry Christmas to all of you. Alexandra?

Alexandra: Merry Christmas, Alan dear.

Alan: Lillian, Merry Christmas. Thank you for the decorations.

Lillian: You're welcome. I'm glad you like them.

Beth: I'll be right out.

Lillian: Okay.

Alan: Goodbye! Bye, James!

James: Bye.

Alan: Beth, this is truly a season filled with hope. The Spaulding's next year will be a family once again.


Frank: Hi.

Olivia: Hi, Frank.

Frank: You look great. You really do. That's a very festive holiday skirt.

Olivia: Oh, well thank you. It's a great party.

Frank: Yeah, pop, he went all out this year. The Coopers had a lot to celebrate, so... it's jazz night at the Crown Theater, and Charlie Mason is on piano.

Olivia: Charlie Mason. I love him. I hired him to play at my martini bar.

Frank: That's great. Then I guess you shouldn't miss him?

Olivia: No. I love him.

Frank: So I'll see you there?

Olivia: Sure. I've got to talk to someone. I'll be right back.

Frank: Sure.

Buzz: Well, I see you found Olivia.

Frank: Yeah, I did a lot more than that, pop. I asked her out on a date.


Gus: You're going to have to learn how to drive, my friend. Would you take him, Mom. Oh, my gosh. (Laughter)

Dinah: You know, everything is a changing. I just, for the first time, in a long time, I feel like I have some hope.

Mallet: Hope.

Dinah: Mm-hm.

Mallet: That's not a dirty word.

Dinah: No, no. I just-- I don't want to...

Mallet: You don't want to get hurt again. I can understand that.

Dinah: Yeah. Everything is great with Cassie, I mean it is okay. And Edmund is locked away forever apparently, and I really like my job, I really do. I love working with Harley, and...

Mallet: Yeah, and?

Dinah: I feel like... I feel like everything is coming together, you know. I really do. And I feel like for the first time I am in control of my life, just a little bit. ( Cell phone rings )

Mallet: Excuse me. ( Cell phone ringing ) I have to take this. It is Christmas, so it better be good.

Gus: Yeah, there's a nice little, I guess, party, down at Main Street. Why don't you come on down.

Mallet: Sorry, I'm kind of busy.

Gus: So is Alan, and you're my partner, so I thought you could help me out with this before Harley gets hurt?

Mallet: Yeah, right. It's just that, um...

Gus: You coming or not?

Mallet: Let me get back to you. I'll get back to you on that one. Okay? Hmmm.

Dinah: What's up?

Mallet: Well, that was Gus, and he is calling from some party down on Main Street, and Harley is there, and he was going to talk to me about, you know, the fact that he wanted me to come down.

Dinah: Oh. Well, you should go. You should go. I'm sure everybody will be there.

Mallet: No, I... no, the reason he called me...

Dinah: Go. It is fine. We're through with dinner, and the night is getting late. Go on, really. I'll catch up with you later.


Reva: What is going on here?

Billy: Nothing. Just a heated family discussion, that's all.

Jonathan: Are you kidding me? Reva, look at her; she's almost crying. Why are you doing this to her?

Josh: Jonathan, look, we just care about Tammy, that's all. We're just trying to protect her.

Jonathan: If you guys have issues, why don't you take them up with me?

Hawk: That there is a fine idea.

Reva: Pop, would you just stay out of this.

Hawk: Reva, I just don't want the boy making the mistakes you made.

Reva: You didn't let me make the mistakes. I made them all by myself!

Cassie: Okay, why don't we gather around the tree and sing some Christmas carols?

Jeffrey: Yeah, we can talk about this later.

Billy: Wait a second, all I was saying...

Jonathan: No, I heard what you're saying. Or at least I heard part of it. You're right, I'm a mistake, I need to be fixed. I thought you understood that. I thought that's why we got along. Maybe I was just fooling myself. But unless you start treating Tammy right, I sure as hell will go off.

Josh: All right, let's start calming down.

Jonathan: I am calm, Josh.

Billy: Look at you, ruining the whole damn time for everybody!

Tammy: Billy!

Reva: Jonathan! Stop it! ( Glass breaking )

Jonathan: Come on! You wanted this, since the first day I came into this town!

Reva: Stop, stop, stop. This is Christmas. It is Christmas, stop it! Both of you!

Jonathan: I don't belong here.

Reva: Yes, you do, sweetie.

Jonathan: Never did, right?

Reva: You belong here, sweetie, you always...

Jonathan: Don't, don't. Maybe I'm not a member of this family, but Tammy is. And she's worth the ten of every one of you, and don't you forget it.

Reva: Jonathan, stay.

Cassie: Tammy.

Tammy: I can't stay here. I love you, mom, Merry Christmas.

Cassie: Honey, please don't go, please.

Tammy: I don't want to.


Mallet: Look, Dinah, I don't really want to do this.

Dinah: Uh-uh, that's fine.

Mallet: No, really I hate to run out on you...

Dinah: You tell Gus and Harley I said hello, give them a great big hug from me, okay?

It will be Christmas before you know it

we'll all be together again it's good to be near my family and my friends

before you know it...

Mallet: Merry Christmas.

The sky's looking sorry and bright

strolling along to a holiday song

caroling into the night girls and boys wish for toys...


Buzz: So that's it? You're moving on?

Olivia: Well I know it is the season and all of that, but if it is okay with you, I'll take it one day at a time.

Buzz: I think you're going to be okay.

Olivia: Yeah?

Buzz: Yeah.

Olivia: I keep saying that to myself, but then I always end up standing alone in the snow. So what are you doing?

Buzz: I'll make you a deal. You meet me here exactly six months from now. And if you're not an incredibly happy woman with a handsome man on your arm, I'll give you this.

Olivia: ( Laughs ) you're going to give me your restaurant?

Buzz: Yeah, I'm that confident. Girl, it is going to be your year, I promise you.

Olivia: You always know what to say.

Woman: It's mistletoe.

Olivia: Just what I need. Thank you.

Buzz: Merry Christmas.

Olivia: Merry Christmas.


Reva: I'm so sorry. I mean, I really thought that... well... it's Christmas. Maybe we should all pray for peace. And goodwill towards each other.

Hawk: Amen, sister. ( "Noel" playing in the background )


Jonathan: Come on, Petey. Ha! You know, it's not much, but...

Tammy: Come here. Merry Christmas, Jonathan.

Jonathan: Merry Christmas, Tammy!

Born is the king of Israel.


Buzz: To anyone who is a Cooper, or anyone's who related to a Cooper, or who knows a Cooper or who has met a Cooper or knows what a Cooper is. ( Laughter ) gather around, I want to make a toast to my family and friends and all you beautiful, wonderful familiar faces. This is the Christmas spirit. I mean, it's... what is it? It's reminding ourselves how blessed we are, how lucky we are to have each other this holiday. Because you know, you never know. I know I'm not going to take it for granted. You know, it's not the big screen tv that I so desperately wanted. Or, Frank, your ties you give me every Christmas. And what's with those ties? ( Laughter) I think it's a night-- just a night when I love you is said in two words, instead of three: Merry Christmas.

Everyone: Merry Christmas.

Frank: Merry Christmas.

Olivia: Merry Christmas, Frank. ( Knocking at the door )


Dinah: Go away! I'm finished. Just pick it up tomorrow, okay? ( Knocking ) Okay, I'm coming. What are you doing here?

Here we are as in olden days happy golden days or yore...


Marina: Yay! I need some eggnog.

Alan-Michael: Are you talking to yourself? Or do you have an imaginary friend?

Marina: Alan-Michael, I thought that you weren't--

Alan-Michael: I thought I wasn't coming either, but I had a delivery to make. It's for you.

Marina: Oh, but I didn't get you anything.

Alan-Michael: You can make up for it New Year's Eve. Open it. Okay.

Marina: Oh, my gosh. I don't know what to say. I love it.

Alan-Michael: It will do. Merry Christmas, Marina.

Marina: You, too. Wait a minute! Where you going? The party is over here.

Alan-Michael: I still have a lot of work to do.

Marina: Oh, come on. We're having a good time. ( Laughter )

Alan-Michael: Oh, okay. You talked me into it.

Marina: Okay.

Alan-Michael: Did I ever tell you that Santa is actually a woman?

Marina: What?

Alan-Michael: It is true. I had an encounter.

All come, all yee faithful joyful and triumphant

o come yee, o come yee to Bethlehem

come and behold him, born the king of angels

o come let us adore him o come let us adore him

o come let us adore him Christ, the lord

sing choirs of angels sing in exultation

sing all yee citizens of heaven above

glory to God in the highest

o come let us adore him o come let us adore him

o come let us adore him, Christ, the lord.


Next on" Guiding Light"...

Harley: Alan's out of the picture for good.

Alan: Watch out Harley, here I come.

Harley: Let the law handle Alan.

Mallet: This meant nothing for either one of us.

Dinah: I've had worst Christmases.

Mallet: The same.

Cassie: When we find her, I will do whatever it takes to keep him away from her.

Tammy: Jonathan!

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