GL Transcript Monday 12/26/05

Guiding Light Transcript Monday 12/26/05


Provided By Boo
Proofread By Tanya

Harley: Honey?

Gus: Hmm?

Harley: I had this dream last night.

Gus: Uh-oh.

Harley: I mean it started out kind of like this, you know, we were snuggled in bed. And we were cozy in front of a fireplace...

Gus: Yeah. Yeah.

Harley: ...And the kids were asleep, and safe down the hall...

Gus: Is that where I wake up and I'm all tired out because I've ravished you all night long, and I'm really, really hungry for a big stack of pancakes.

Harley: Well, except my pancakes are terrible.

Gus: That's true. ( Harley laughs ) Kind of like eating little frisbees.

Harley: Hey!

Together: We could order in.

Harley: Hey, would you do me a favor? Would you be the one to call Rick and Mel and see if the boys have broken all of their Christmas toys already?

Gus: Right now?

Harley: Right now.

Gus: Sure.

Harley: Thank you.

Gus: Such a married couple. We sound like that?

Harley: Isn't it great?

Gus: What's they're number? Yeah, it's great. It's great. Oh, yeah.

Harley: Do you want to hear the rest of the dream?

Gus: Yeah, sure I want to hear it, honey, but you just asked me to make the call, and now you want to talk to me. That is a married couple.

Harley: It started out good, but then it became this freakishly insane dream, where Alan got out of his cell and came after us. I know it doesn't make any sense. I know that the man is locked up. I know. I know everything has worked out and that Christmas was great, and that New Year's will be even better. I know everything is finally calming down, right? Alan's out of the picture for good.


Alan: Only a few more days to freedom. Then watch out, Harley, here I come.


Mallet: Oh. Hmm. Hmm. Good morning.

Dinah: Hi.

Mallet: What are you doing on that side of the bed? ( Laughter ) Weren't you on the other side?

Dinah: Yeah, but you wanted to try out the shower? There's a swedish massage hookup. Do you remember?

Mallet: ( Laughing ) Whoa. Yeah. Yeah, actually... that's all coming back to me now. Wow. Wow. We were uh... we were uh... were we drunk?

Dinah: Well, we had some drinks, but weren't exactly tanked, but I think our judgment was pretty impaired.

Mallet: Well you know what I say? Who cares, because that was well worth it. Yeah.

Dinah: Oh. You know, whatever happened last night, it happened. But that is the last time you take advantage of me like that.


Reva: Have you heard from Tammy?

Cassie: No, and I was up all night tossing and turning. I finally broke down at 3:00 in the morning and tried her cell, but I just got her voicemail.

Reva: I know she's fine, Cassie.

Cassie: You don't know that.

Reva: Yes, I do. Jonathan would never hurt her.

Cassie: Jonathan punched Josh last night, Reva. He went flying into a Christmas tree, for God's sake. Who is to say what he would never do?

Reva: I would. He wouldn't hurt Tammy. He'd hurt himself first.

Jeffrey: Hi.

Cassie: Hi. Did you find her?

Jeffrey: We looked everywhere. Jonathan and Tammy don't want to be found, Cassie.

Hawk: Tammy just needs a little time, darling.

Cassie: I have given Tammy way too much space where Jonathan is concerned. Now, I'm telling you, when we find her, I will do whatever it takes to keep her away from him.


Tammy: Jonathan, why did you let me sleep so late? Jonathan? Jonathan? Jonathan? Jonathan?


Gus: Come on.

Harley: I wonder how Beth's Christmas was. I hope she got a big piece of coal in her stocking. I don't care if that's mean. I'm just glad I don't have to deal with her or her husband ever again.

Gus: Honey...

Harley: Hmm? What?

Gus: There's something I got to tell you and I don't want you hearing it from anybody else.

Harley: Okay.

Gus: Alan's lawyers, they're working on trying to get him a hearing.

Harley: What hearing?

Gus: Well, for his release.

Harley: ( Scoffs ) Well, it is going to be a great New Year's for us.

Gus: I don't want you to worry about it because it's not going to happen.

Harley: You sure about that?

Gus: What judge-- babe, what judge is going to let Alan Spaulding, a big powerful guy like him, who killed his own son, back out on the streets.

Harley: He will if he's paid off.

Gus: Honey, I'm telling you because you need to know, not because you need to get yourself all upset about it, okay? And you need to know I'm going to do whatever I have to do, within the boundaries of the law, of course, to make sure he stays locked up.

Harley: Really?

Gus: Honey, come on, you know I'm... I'm a little bit off, but I'm not crazy, right? You know that about me, right?

Harley: I do know you.

Gus: All right, good.

Harley: Can I have that in writing?

Gus: Come on.

Harley: Uh-uh. Are you trying to shut me up?

Gus: Is it working?

Harley: Listen to me. Don't do this. Let the law handle Alan, please.

Gus: Yeah, of course.


Mallet: So are you saying that I uh, suckered you into bed last night?

Dinah: Well, I was in a vulnerable place.

Mallet: Vulnerable? Have you seen the marks on my back from your nails?

Dinah: Oh, I'm sorry. I'm sorry. No, no, I'm not saying I didn't enjoy myself considering the circumstances, but I think I just needed someone to hold me.

Mallet: Uh-huh. So is that what we're... what we're calling this?

Dinah: You know what, I just... look, I don't want us to look too much into what happened last night, and, you know, get our expectations way up there about this start of whatever is happening between the two of us.

Mallet: Isn't that usually the guy's line?

Dinah: Yeah, usually. But this time it's mine. And I'm going to stick with it.

Mallet: Okay, fine.

Dinah: Fine.

Mallet: Okay. So this meant nothing for either one of us.

Dinah: Well, yeah, I mean, you know, just a blip on the screen. Very hot blip, but a blip nonetheless.

Mallet: Uh-huh. Never to be repeated.

Dinah: Never.

Mallet: Okay. I can live with that. Can you?

Dinah: Me what?

Mallet: Can you live with that?

Dinah: Well, yeah, I'm the one who said it.

Mallet: Okay, this is I guess where we get up and we start our day, and we go back to the way things were pre... pre-whatever this was?

Dinah: Right. I'm going to, um, get in the shower first. But, you know, Mallet, for the record, I've had worse Christmases.

Mallet: The same, for the record.


Jeffrey: I'm not sure what we can do to keep Jonathan and Tammy apart.

Reva: And what do you think they'll do with everyone ganging up on them. Thanks, pop. It was good when we were all trying.

Cassie: It was fake, Reva, for them and for us.

Reva: No it wasn't. You were happy to see her; she wanted to be there.

Cassie: Not enough to stay, and now I don't even know where she is.

Hawk: She'll check in. She is a smart girl.

Cassie: I know she is, Hawk, but you saw her with Jonathan last night. He's changing her.

Reva: No, Cassie, do you remember what you were like when you were her age?

Cassie: Exactly, and I practically ruined my life with the choices I made, so I can't let that happen to her. Can you press charges against Jonathan for hitting Josh.

Reva: Cassie!

Cassie: Can you?

Jeffrey: Well, technically, yes, but you don't want to go that route, Cassie.

Hawk: He's right, Cassie, this could get a whole lot uglier.

Cassie: Then what am I supposed to do, just sit back sweetly and watch her throw her life away? Or worse, have it taken from her?

Reva: Okay, now you're really...

Cassie: Exaggerating? Is that what you're thinking?

Reva: Yeah, uh-huh.

Cassie: Well what about if the next time Jonathan gets mad, he hits Tammy, will you defend him then?


Tammy: Oh, I thought you were...

Jonathan: Here.

Tammy: Oh.

Jonathan: Here.

Tammy: A muffin.

Jonathan: You like cranberry, right?

Tammy: Yes. Um, thank you.

Jonathan: No problem. It's the morning. People eat muffins in the morning, right?

Tammy: Yeah, right. Yeah. It's actually nice having you bring breakfast.

Jonathan: Good.

Tammy: What about yours?

Jonathan: There was only one.

Tammy: Where did you get it? Jonathan?

Jonathan: I, um -- I got it from a stand at the bus station. I, uh, thought about the mess I caused last night with the family and everything, and uh... I don't know, I figured that I better get out of here so that you could have your life back.


Harley: Uh-uh. No. I am not going to let you get to me again. Never.

Dinah: Never what?

Harley: Never go back to work the day after Christmas. >From now on, I'm taking the whole week off.

Dinah: Oh, come on, tell me your favorite employee would get that perk, too.

Harley: Well, my favorite employee would get that perk, too if she'd be extra, extra nice to me. Did you just get up?

Dinah: Sorry.

Harley: Did you just get up, you lazy bones.

Dinah: No, you know what? I didn't get a lot of sleep last night.

Harley: So it was good?

Dinah: What?

Harley: Your Christmas. I was worried about you. You said no to the Cooper bash, and then with your dad gone and Bill, I thought you'd be lonely.

Dinah: Oh, that's sweet of you. You know what? I was lonely at first, but you know my mom came to town. She surprised me, which was great, and then I spent the rest of the evening with a friend.

Harley: A friend?

Dinah: Yes. I miraculously have one or two of those.

Harley: I know you have one or two friends. I'm one of your friends.

Dinah: Yeah, I know.

Harley: So, is it a friend or a friend?

Dinah: You know what? We spent Christmas together, that's all. That's it.

Harley: Oh, so who is he? Oh. Come on, give me a clue, give me a name. Just a first name. Is it anybody I know?

Dinah: Yeah, it is somebody you know. It's A.C.

Harley: That's great. You and Mallet spent Christmas together like buddies. That's good, fun. I hope he took you some place better than some bar serving pizza and beer.

Dinah: Actually, we didn't get a chance to go anywhere. We never left the room.


Gus: Hey.

Mallet: Hey, partner.

Gus: I thought I was going to go to the-- it doesn't matter.

Mallet: No, that's fine, bro. You didn't get it wrong, this is-- never mind. I-aye-aye. Crap.

Gus: Yeah, everybody in town knows.

Mallet: You better tell Harley about this before she sees this.

Gus: I already told Harley about that.

Mallet: How did she take it?

Gus: Better than me.

Mallet: Well, listen, man, they print this garbage to sell newspapers, that's it. No judge in his right mind is going to let Spaulding walk out of prison.

Gus: Yeah, that's what I said to Harley, but I don't really believe it myself.

Mallet: No, come on, think about it. The odds of this happening are slim. Can I have some coffee? Have some coffee.

Gus: I don't want any odds. I want a sure thing. Maybe you don't understand; Alan wrecked our lives. We finally got our lives back to where we want it to be and I don't want him getting out and taking all away from us again.

Mallet: Okay, okay. So we go to the hearing, we corner O'Neill, okay? And tell him we have to testify against Alan.

Gus: Oh, right.

Mallet: And then we work through the--

Gus: Yeah, we do everything through the proper channels because we're cops and we sworn to do so? Yeah, I figured you say something like that.

Mallet: Well you agree, don't you?

Gus: Actually, when it comes to my wife, no, I don't.

Mallet: Well, listen, Gus, I of all people understand what you going through.

Gus: You understand, so that's why you help me take Alan down by any means necessary, right?


Reva: I know Jonathan isn't perfect. I mean, he’s got all of the worst Shayne qualities.

Hawk: Watch it.

Reva: Including a short fuse. But he's come such a long way, Pop, he's come such a long. And Tammy means everything to him. He would never do anything to hurt her, never! And now that they've come this far...

Hawk: Sis, are you telling me that you think Tammy and Jonathan should be together?

Reva: I think maybe they could be. I see so much of Josh and me in them.

Hawk: You and Josh never had an easy time of it.

Reva: And now that we’re maybe at the end of this rollercoaster ride of a relationship, when I look back at it, Pop, I wouldn't change a thing because there was so much love and there was so much passion.

Hawk: Then why are you two apart?

Reva: If I don't stick up for Jonathan and Tammy, then all that means is that that love and that passion doesn't matter. And it does! Sometimes it is all that matters.

Cassie: How can Reva be so blind?

Jeffrey: He's her son, Cassie. You know, I do agree with her on one thing, though: Jonathan is not going to hurt your daughter.

Cassie: He already has hurt her. He doesn't know how to stop himself from hurting people. I think as long as she's with him, she is in danger. I know you don't agree.

Reva: Well, it doesn't really matter what I think. But if Tammy heard you talking about Jonathan like that, I guarantee she won't be home any sooner, or that you could make her listen to you.

Cassie: You know, you're right. I'm not going to talk about it anymore. I'm going to do something. Does someone need to press charges in the case of arson or can you do that yourself as the D.A.?

Reva: Cassie, for the love of God, would you just...

Cassie: Jonathan started a fire that injured someone and destroyed property. He committed a crime, Jeffrey. Arrest him.


Tammy: Don't leave me.

Jonathan: I just thought that leaving would be better.

Tammy: You're upset about last night?

Jonathan: If you get hurt over something that I do, especially something stupid like last night, I wouldn't be able to forgive myself.

Tammy: Why?

Jonathan: Because. Without you, I have nothing. And I don't want to live my life like that, you know, all alone, not anymore.

Tammy: So you're going to run away, and do that to yourself. Admit it: You need me. And I need you. We're stuck. You promise me you will never ever think about leaving me again.

Jonathan: You have to promise me that if I make things worse instead of better, you have to promise me that you'll leave.

Tammy: That's not going to happen.

Jonathan: Promise me.

Tammy: I want us. I want this.

Jonathan: Even if we're stuck in here forever because I don't know how to mix with normal people.

Tammy: Yes, you do. Yes, you do. We're going to go out and mix right now.

Jonathan: What?

Tammy: Come on, let's go.

Jonathan: Wait. Where? What?

Tammy: You'll see.


Coming up on "Guiding Light"...

Gus: Alan tried to kill her! What's going to stop him from doing it again?

Tammy: Listen up, I'm Tammy Winslow, and I'm in love with Jonathan Randall!

Reva: She was there with him that night, at the house when the fired started.

Cassie: I have some information about a crime.


Mallet: By any means necessary, did you hear what you were saying. Who are you, Steven Segal? Are you listening to yourself?

Gus: Let me ask you something. You seem like you do. Do you care about Harley?

Mallet: I'm not answering that question; I told you that the other day because whatever I say, you'll slug me.

Gus: Alan tried to kill her! Do we understand each other? He tried to kill her. What's going to stop him from doing it again?

Mallet: Us! You and me-- us, Gus, but not as vigilantes, okay? As cops. First, we will work to keep him in prison. If he happens to get out for some reason...

Gus: If he gets out?!

Mallet: We'll get a restraining order.

Gus: Listen to me. He's a very powerful man, Mallet. If he gets out, he'll do it again. What's to stop him from doing that? I'm just saying that if he gets out-- we have to-- before that happens, we have to be proactive and go after him. You know what, forget it. It's cool because I'm going to take care of it myself. I'm going to protect her myself.

Mallet: You know what? Listen to me. Listen to me. It's your turn to listen to me now, okay? You keep talking about wanting to protect this beautiful life you and Harley have, right? I have got news for you, pal: You do something stupid and you're going to end up in prison, okay? You're not going to have a life. And it will be Harley and the kids visiting you. Is that what you want? Huh? Is that what you want? Is it?

Gus: No, it's not.

Mallet: Okay. Listen, you're scared for your wife, I get that. And you're furious at Alan, I get that. Listen to me, but if you go off and do something crazy, you're going to make things worse.

Gus: Fine, you're right. I just have this image-- do you understand?-- Of him walking free from that hearing, walking out a free man. I can't...

Mallet: It ain't going to happen. It ain't going to happen. All right? I told you, I will not break the law, but I will bend it and twist it, and I will turn it every way I can...

Gus: Do I have your word on that?

Mallet: ... To protect Harley.

Gus: I have your word?

Mallet: Yeah, you do, as an officer and a gentleman.

Gus: Well, the officer part I get, but the gentleman part. Let me ask you something: Whose room are we in? Huh?


Harley: Wow, you and Mallet in that room all night. Wow! So don't tell me, he made you order in pizza and watch wrestling all night. That guy, I really ought to... what?

Dinah: We were the ones wrestling.

Harley: Wow! That is more information than I need to know, Dinah.

Dinah: Harley. Look, it's not like we planned it, you know. I mean it just-- Mallet and I were arguing one minute, and the next we just were...

Harley: That's great. Uh-huh.

Dinah: You know what, this is a disaster.

Harley: It's not a disaster. It's great. It's great. How long have I been trying to push you guys together, huh?

Dinah: Yeah, and how long have I been telling you no, no, no. I don't need or want a guy in my life right now.

Harley: Dinah this isn't just any guy, you know. Mallet is...

Dinah: Your ex.

Harley: That, but he's wonderful. He is a wonderful, wonderful, wonderful guy, and you know that, you do.

Dinah: You know what? Yeah, he has his moments, okay? And he was super tender last night and caring, and available, and extremely hot.

Harley: Okay...

Dinah: But, he thinks we have a relationship right now, which means he is bonkers, because we don’t.

Harley: So what are you saying, that what you had last night was what, a one-night stand?

Dinah: Come on, yeah. It's a distant memory already.

Harley: ( Whispers ) I don't think so.


Tammy: What are you doing? Stop it.

Jonathan: Dinah and Harley are right over there.

Tammy: I see them. So what? We came here for a specific purpose, remember?

Jonathan: No, you came here with a purpose. I still have no idea what we're doing here.

Tammy: Every time we go out, we hide. And up until now, that's been because I was afraid to go public.

Jonathan: So?

Tammy: So I want you to stop doubting how much I love you. Right here, right now. Can you handle that? Or are you going to take off again?

Jonathan: Can I handle that?

Tammy: You have to stop thinking that it's Jonathan Randall against the world. From now on, we're a team, Jonathan. A couple. So I think we should stay here and enjoy the sunny day, get a cup of coffee. And if Dinah and Harley see us together, so what?

Jonathan: You're right. All right, so what? You know what, let's make sure that Dinah and Harley see us. Let's walk over there and say hello. I'm ready if you are.


Jeffrey: We have no good reason to arrest Jonathan. Besides, he has an alibi. You said he was with you the night of the fire.

Reva: He was. What?

Cassie: I'm not sure I believe you.

Reva: Cassie, drop this.

Cassie: Were you really with him, Reva? The truth now. If you have nothing to hide, if you're not afraid of the truth...

Reva: Okay, Cassie, you want the truth? I'll tell you the truth. If you keep pushing this thing about the fire, then Tammy will be in just as much trouble as Jonathan because she was there with him that night, at the house, when the fire started.

Cassie: Tammy was there? With Jonathan? And how would you know that, Reva?


Gus: So how long have you known this little 34a?

Mallet: "B." It was a lot of fun, okay? It was a one-night stand. Nobody is in for a do-over.

Gus: Mm-hmm.

Mallet: Are you trying to change the subject on me? Weren't we just talking about Alan?

Gus: No. You made your point. From now on, I do everything by the book.

Mallet: Yeah? Did you just agree with me? Huh? Gus, that is worrisome.

Gus: I can see you have other things on your mind, and it's good stuff. Good stuff. Thanks for talking me down off the cliff. I appreciate it.


Dinah: Why do you think I should be with Mallet?

Harley: Because you need someone.

Dinah: No, I don’t.

Harley: Someone you can count on. Dinah, and so does he. He needs somebody to focus on, to help him get past all the other stuff, you know. And he needs to... he needs to fall in love again.

Dinah: Oh, good Lord.

Harley: Okay, you don't have to listen to me, and I know it's none of my business, so I'll stay out of it. But just hear this, okay?

Dinah: Stop.

Harley: You never know what's around the corner. Dinah. So if you find somebody in this whole world that you feel something for, you have to go for it.

Tammy: She's right, Dinah. Hi, guys. Merry day after Christmas.

Harley: Hi. Jonathan.

Jonathan: Hi. Hi, Dynamite.

Dinah: Hi. Merry Christmas. Did you guys have a good one?

Tammy: The best.

Dinah: Well, good. Did you spend it together?

Tammy: Yep.

Dinah: That's real good.

Jonathan: What did you do?

Dinah: Well, I hung out with a friend, which was nice, too.

Jonathan: Good. That's good.

Harley: I didn't know that you two were...

Tammy: Well, now you do.

Dinah: You know what, guys? I don't want to be rude, but I need to run some errands, and if I don't see you guys, you have a good New Year's, okay?

Jonathan: You, too.

Dinah: Tomorrow, right?

Harley: Right.

Dinah: Call me.

Harley: Do you guys want to have small talk or should we just cut right past it? Does your mom know about this?

Tammy: About me and Jonathan? Yes. And so does the rest of the family. Harley, stop looking at me like that. You know what? Hey Springfield, listen up. I am Tammy Winslow and I have an announcement: I'm in love with Jonathan Randall! Deal with it! I am in love with Jonathan Randall! Yeah, that's right. Here we are. Here we are!

Jonathan: Oh! ( Laughing )


Cassie: Tammy was there the night of the fire? She was with Jonathan weeks ago and you knew about it?

Jeffrey: Do you know what you're saying, Reva?

Reva: The fire was an accident.

Jeffrey: So Jonathan was in the house, not with you, as you claimed in your official statement.

Hawk: Whoa, whoa. No more talking about this until Reva gets a lawyer.

Reva: I don't need a lawyer, Pop, do I?

Jeffrey: Reva, you lied to the cops to protect Jonathan.

Reva: To protect Jonathan and Tammy, to protect both of our children! Now if you want to charge me with something, then be my guest! But Jonathan and Tammy both swore to me that that fire started accidentally.

Cassie: What else did she tell you?

Reva: Nothing.

Cassie: They were together alone, and you knew about it. Did you know then they were a couple?

Reva: We never could have stopped them from falling in love, Cassie. They feel what they feel, and we are where we are. But if we try to dictate to them...

Jeffrey: All right, we're not going to solve this, this morning, and you need to revise your statement.

Reva: Right now?

Jeffrey: Unless you want to take it down to the station? Hey, you all right?

Cassie: Yeah.

Reva: Cassie, I did what I thought was best for both our children. That's what we both want, right?

Cassie: Yes, may I speak with Chief Frank Cooper. I have some information about a crime.


Harley: Help me! Help me, please! Gus? Gus, where you?

Gus: Harley!

Harley: Where are you? I need you. Help me. Help me, please where are you? I need you.

Gus: Harley!

Harley: Gus! Gus, where you are? Help me, help me, please! Please, Gus, where are you? Gus, where are you? I need you. I need you.

Mallet: Gus, don't stand there, do something! Do something! Save her, save her! Come on.

Gus: No!

Harley: Are you okay?

Gus: Yeah, I'm fine.


Mallet: Hey.

Dinah: Hey. The last time I checked, this was my room.

Mallet: Yeah, I was just cleaning up.

Dinah: What are you talking about, there's housekeeping. This is a hotel?

Mallet: Yeah, I know. I just-- you left stuff when I got here.

Dinah: What are you going to do with this, keep it as a souvenir?

Mallet: I was just kind of, um, hanging out. I thought I would try to shower massager thing again, you know. Do you have a problem with that?

Dinah: Nope. No problem at all. Knock yourself out. Merry Christmas.

Mallet: Christmas is, um, over.

Dinah: Right. ( Door shuts )


Jeffrey: All right, Reva, that's enough for now.

Hawk: But if no crime is committed, then she didn't do anything wrong.

Jeffrey: Hawk, she gave a false statement. For now I'm going to give you and Jonathan the benefit of the doubt and believe that that fire was an accident. But if there's any evidence to the contrary...

Cassie: Then you'll have to do your job. That's all any of us can do, really, what we believe is right.


Jonathan: Tammy, you are amazing! Whoa, the look on Harley's face!

Tammy: Oh, yes! She was shocked. You know, deep down I think she's happy for us.

Jonathan: Yeah, well, I don't know about that. I mean this is your mom's best friend, but... you know what we haven't done? No, not that. Well, we haven't done that yet, either, but we haven't exchanged Christmas gifts yet?

Tammy: You're right. Oh, my God.

Jonathan: No, me first. Me first, me first.

Tammy: Here you go.

Jonathan: Thank you. Okay. Here.

Tammy: I wonder what this is. A bikini. Your first gift to me is a bikini. ( Laughter )

Jonathan: You're kidding. A very, very tiny, little bikini. However, I didn't put the whole gift and the box. Also included for your Christmas gift is tickets for two to the Caribbean. Would you like to go to the Caribbean with me for New Year's Eve?

Tammy: Hmm... um, yeah. Yeah. Yes, yes, yes, yes. ( Knocking at the door )

Jonathan: Go away!

Frank: I can't do that, Jonathan. You're under arrest.


Next on "Guiding Light"...

Gus: Are you going to tell me who sent you?

Beth: I want to know what you have planned.

Alan: It's already taken care of.

Cassie: I did something, Josh, something that may cost me my daughter forever.

Tammy: Who did this to us?

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