GL Transcript Thursday 12/15/05

Guiding Light Transcript Thursday 12/15/05


Provided By Boo
Proofread By Tanya

Buzz: Not bad. Not bad.

Coop: Hey, dad, you going to give me a hand here, or what?

Buzz: Help is on the way.

Coop: Thank you.

Buzz: Hey.

Olivia: Hi. It's cold out there.

Buzz: That sounds like a cry for hot chocolate.

Olivia: Actually, make it stronger and you got yourself a deal.

Buzz: I have just the thing. You can either drink it or pour it down your boots. ( Olivia laughs ) your mother had those made for you.

Coop: I remember.

Buzz: You do?

Coop: Yeah, she got them at the Christmas store at the mall. Rocky cried so much because she wouldn't let him touch all of the glitter.

Buzz: You're missing her.

Coop: Well, it's right around this time.

Buzz: How can I forget?


Lizzie: Oh, wow. Roxy, this is so us. Oh, I miss this. I really, really miss this.

Quinn: ( Laughs ) you look good there. Oh, please, don't get up on my account.


Jonathan: Well, you certainly are not the best-looking Christmas tree I've ever seen, but I kind of like you, a bit scraggly, but you've got fight in you! ( Laughs ) and you're certainly not the first tree anybody would pick for Tammy, but I think she'll like you, too.


Cassie: I don't want him in this house, I don't want him in our lives. As of now, Jonathan Randall does not exist.

Jeffrey: Hey there.

Tammy: Hey.

Jeffrey: What are you doing, some Christmas shopping?

Tammy: Well, obviously, you are.

Jeffrey: Well, I might have gotten a little carried away getting stuff for the party.

Tammy: My mom said you were getting a little out of control in a good way.

Jeffrey: I am, actually, but I got this really, really cool basketball game for R.J.'S set up. And, oh, I found this scarf for your mom. We were looking at it through the window at Egan's the other week. She pretended like she didn't like it, but I knew better.

Tammy: You know, she has a ton of those ornaments already, right?

Jeffrey: Oh, yeah. Well, I figured it couldn't hurt to start fresh.

Tammy: Yeah, you're right, it can't.

Jeffrey: So, you're just out here walking around?

Tammy: I had some things to figure out.

Jeffrey: Any luck?

Tammy: I think so. Jeffrey, I'm glad that you and mom have a chance at something good. You both really deserve it.


Cassie: There's nothing that anyone knows about Jeffrey that I haven't already heard.

Josh: I just don't want to see you get hurt again, Cassie.

Cassie: So you feel the need to protect me from Jeffrey?

Josh: I don't know, maybe. Look, Jeffrey may have had a reason for coming into your life right now, something he hasn't told you about yet. Now, if you want to open that, open it. If you don't, don't. It's your call.


Quinn: Relax. I know you have a boyfriend.

Lizzie: As if that ever stopped you before.

Quinn: What? I'm a very nice boy. I'm letting you use this place, aren't I?

Lizzie: Yes, you are, and it is amazing. I haven't been in a place like this since...

Quinn: Since mommy cut you off.

Lizzie: What are you doing here?

Quinn: I just came by to make sure everything was in order just in case you happened to stop by. And, well, here you are.

Lizzie: Well, I mean, you know, I had the keys, so I figured it wouldn't hurt to look.

Quinn: Mm-hmm. And you approve?

Lizzie: Oh, yeah, I do. Who did your parents use?

Quinn: I'll be sure to get the name to you.

Lizzie: Okay, I'm waiting. I want this room for me and Coop. What's the catch?

Quinn: No catch.

Lizzie: Last time it was dinner, so what is the payoff this time?

Quinn: Lizzie, Lizzie. We're friends, right? And friends help each other out. Have fun with Coop. And try not to think of me too much.


Buzz: Here you go.

Olivia: Thanks.

Buzz: I'll be right back.

Buzz: Are you okay?

Coop: Yeah. Yeah, I'm okay.

Buzz: I think about her all of the time, you know.

Coop: I know. I just... I just wish I had better memories of her. More memories of her. She was my mom.

Buzz: She was the most beautiful woman in the world. She was the love of my life. I hated that you lost her so young. She loved being your mom.

Coop: Did she?

Buzz: Oh, yeah. Yeah. You know, I used to worry that I domesticated her because she was so glamorous. She had such a luxurious life, but she said that living with us was the grandest adventure she ever had. Do you remember when we lived at the firehouse?

Coop: Yeah.

Buzz: You do?

Coop: Yeah, I do. I loved that place.

Buzz: One day she decided she was going to slide town the fire pole. So I had to unboard the whole thing. I had to board it up so you guys would be safe. And she went-- ( whistles )-- she went down. You thought that was the coolest thing you'd ever seen. You thought she was the coolest mother in the world. And you pleaded-- you begged us to let you go down.

Coop: Yeah, I know. But you wouldn't let me.

Buzz: No, you were four years old; you could've cracked your skull. And so I boarded it up. And she said I was being overprotective; it was just like monkey bars.

Coop: Yeah, but it was a lot higher than...

Buzz: It was two stories-- two stories! You, you were a little daredevil. You were the apple of her eye. So she went out and bought three dozen pillows, down pillows, expensive pillows. She put them down and I had to unboard the thing, and she went-- ( whistles )-- she went down. ( Whistles ) you went down, and I was looking... ( laughter ) and you two had the time of your lives. Oh, god, she loved you. I know... I know it has been hard living without her all these years. But you couldn't have a better mother. She was spectacular. God, I was so lucky.

Coop: Hey, she was pretty lucky, too, pops.


Cassie: Jeffrey has been nothing but good to me and my kids.

Josh: I know that.

Cassie: Then why bring this here? Why start trouble?

Josh: That's not what I'm trying to do.

Cassie: Then what are you trying to do, and why now?

Josh: When we came to rescue you in San Cristobel, as Edmund was being locked up...

Cassie: Edmund?

Josh: Hear me out. He tried to tell me there was some kind of connection between Richard and Jeffrey, and I didn't believe him. But I decided to investigate on my own in case there was something he was trying to hold against you.

Cassie: Edmund was desperate. He would've done anything to keep me and Jeffrey apart.

Josh: Probably.

Cassie: Definitely. I'm sorry, you were suckered.

Josh: Cassie, that's not from Edmund. That's something I found on my own. ( Telephone rings )

Cassie: Hello.

Jeffrey: Hey, beautiful. I'm just calling to find out if you need anything else for the party.

Cassie: No, nothing that I can think of.

Jeffrey: Is everything okay? You sound a little-- I don't know-- funny.

Cassie: I'm fine. How was the shopping?

Jeffrey: Shopping was a blast. I can't believe I just said that. ( Laughing ) I don't know what has gotten into me-- actually, I do know what has gotten into me-- you have gotten into me, and us and our life together. And now I'm getting all mushy on a cell phone. You've ruined me, Mrs. Winslow. Cassie?

Cassie: I'm here.

Jeffrey: Are you sure there's nothing else that you need?

Cassie: Just you. Hurry home. I love you.

Jeffrey: I love you, too. I'll see you soon.

Josh: Jeffrey?

Cassie: He's buying Christmas supplies for our family.

Josh: Cassie...

Cassie: Josh, is Jeffrey an axe murderer?

Josh: No, of course not.

Cassie: Is he selling drugs to children in schoolyards?

Josh: No, of course not.

Cassie: Would he hurt me or my kids?

Josh: I don't think so.

Cassie: Then that's all I need to know.


Cassie: As of now, Jonathan Randall does not exist.

Jonathan: ( Laughs ) well, hey. I didn't know you were...

Tammy: You bought a Christmas tree?

Jonathan: Yeah, yeah, I, um, thought we could hang stuff-- I don't know, whatever.

Tammy: Tinsel

Jonathan: Yeah, like that. Like that. This is Peter Collins.

Tammy: Oh, Peter.

Jonathan: Do people usually name their Christmas trees?

Tammy: Not usually, but why not?

Jonathan: Why not? Why not, Peter? How was talking to your mom?

Tammy: Fine.

Jonathan: Yeah? She's getting ready for her tree-trimming party?

Tammy: Yeah.

Jonathan: Did she tell you that she asked Reva to tell me not to come?

Tammy: You could say that.

Jonathan: So what happened?

Tammy: She, um, she knows about the fire, and you're the prime suspect.

Jonathan: Oh.

Tammy: She has decided that it means you're still dangerous, and that it is only a matter of time before you hurt our family again.


Coop: Do you, uh... do you think mom's watching?

Buzz: It's a frightening thought, considering all of the mistakes I made. It was tough on you.

Coop: Did you ever talk to her?

Buzz: All of the time. Haven't you seen me?

Coop: Actually, I have. It is normal, though, I think.

Buzz: Unless she starts talking back. I was hoping your brother would come around for Christmas. It has been a long time since we spent Christmas together.

Coop: You spoke to him?

Buzz: A couple of times. And you?

Coop: This morning.

Buzz: Did you talk to him about Christmas?

Coop: He said he would have to get back to me. What did he tell you?

Buzz: The same. You know what that means. Girl.

Coop: Girl, yeah.

Buzz: I think your mother would like it if we all got together. I think she would like it if I just got it together.

Coop: Dad, you did the best you could. You loved us. And I think mom knows that.

Buzz: You think?

Lizzie: Wow, you guys are looking intense.

Coop: Yeah, we're just talking about mom, missing her a little bit.

Lizzie: Right, well, your mom was a really cool lady. I wish she could be here.

Buzz: Well, that makes three of us. But, you know, this time of year, we all got somebody to miss.

Lizzie: Okay, we cannot do this. All right, we have got to start thinking about more positive things, like presents, the ones we're going to give, and, better yet, the ones we're going to receive.

Coop: Or even better yet, the ones we're going to make for each other.

Lizzie: Are you really trying to depress me?

Buzz: No one is going to get depressed around here! Come on, we've got each other, we've got this place. We got...

Coop: We got each other? Did you really just say that, Tiny Tim? ( Laughter )

Lizzie: I think we should each get one really great gift a piece.

Buzz: And we've got each other. It's good that you're here. You can help Coop decorate.

Coop: Me?

Buzz: Why me? I'm not going to go up and down that ladder.

Olivia: I thought I could help. Is it okay?


Jonathan: Oh, hi, Peter, I'm Ellen the bucket. That must have been fun for you tonight, huh, sitting there while your mother ripped me apart?

Tammy: Loads.

Jonathan: And what did you say?

Tammy: Nothing. It's hard...

Jonathan: I know, I know.

Tammy: It's going to be tough.

Jonathan: Yeah, yeah, your mom is trying to break us up, and she doesn't even know we're together yet. It's going to be tough.

Tammy: And we were never easy.

Jonathan: No, but this is a whole new level.

Tammy: I want you. I have no doubts.

Jonathan: You sound so sure of yourself.

Tammy: I am, now.

Jonathan: Now? Did something happen that made you change your mind?

Tammy: No. I mean... well, kind of. I saw Jeffrey Christmas- shopping.

Jonathan: Jeffrey O'Neill, president of the Sandy Foster fan club?

Tammy: Forget that. He just looked so cute with all of the presents, and he couldn't stop smiling.

Jonathan: Yeah?

Tammy: He's so happy with my mom. He just wants them to be together no matter what.

Jonathan: Okay. Great. Peter, doesn't that sound great?

Tammy: That's what I want for us. No matter what. You should be at my mom's party tonight, even if we're not ready to face the world. You belong there.

Jonathan: No. No. Peter and I are going to do some thing different.

Tammy: Come with your mom.

Jonathan: No, I'm not going to sit there with my mother and drink eggnog and pretend I'm some distant cousin of yours.

Tammy: Jonathan...

Jonathan: No, I'm not going to do it. It's fine. I know you're not ready to jump in the fire, but...

Tammy: It's not that I'm not ready. My family... my mom has had a really hard time. So let's wait until after the holidays to spring us on them, okay? I promise you...

Jonathan: No promises, that's our deal, right? Come here.


Cassie: Leave it, Josh.

Josh: Cassie...

Cassie: I mean it. Whatever it is you think you found out about Jeffrey and Richard dies here. I don't want to hear another word.

Josh: Okay, all right. That's fine, but I just... I want you to understand that I'm just trying to protect you, that's it.

Cassie: I appreciate that. But you've got to give me a fighting chance here. Just because Edmund said something ridiculous...

Josh: It is not just Edmund.

Cassie: I trust Jeffrey. I do. He has never given me a reason not to. And I am sure as hell not going to go looking for one on my own. So drop it. Or leave. Oh, wow!

Jeffrey: Thanks. I could have made two trips.

Cassie: What did you buy?

Jeffrey: Wait a minute. No, no, no peeking in there. You might see something you're not supposed to. Hi, Josh.

Josh: Hello.

Cassie: Well, then that was your first mistake. You know I can't deal with surprise.

Jeffrey: You're not here for the party already, are you?

Josh: No. No, I was just in the neighborhood. I thought I would stop by to chat.

Jeffrey: Oh, yeah? What about?

Cassie: Gift ideas.

Jeffrey: Well I can help you with that. ( Laughs )

Cassie: Actually, I think we were just about finished. You got what you needed, didn't you, Josh?

Josh: Yes, I did. We're finished here.

Jeffrey: Well, we'll see you later, right?

Josh: Yes, you will.

Jeffrey: Finally some alone time. Come here, you.

Cassie: There's something we need to talk about.


Coming up on "Guiding Light"...

Olivia: Oh, so you're just a man who needs a good woman.

Buzz: That's thank you for all of the hard work.

Jonathan: What are you doing here?

Josh: What are you doing here?

Cassie: You're my very bright future.

Josh: That's the thing about the past: You can't really change it.

Buzz: Wow! This is... wow!

Lizzie: Olivia, you did this?

Olivia: What, you didn't think I had it in me?

Lizzie: No.

Buzz: This is great! This is amazing.

Lizzie: Actually, a piece of garland fell down over there, so...

Coop: You know, we'll tack it up, don't worry about it. It's okay.

Olivia: Thanks.

Coop: Come on.

Olivia: You know what? There are more lights in the box. I don't know where to put them.

Buzz: If you're asking me, I'm hopeless.

Olivia: Come on, don't be so hard on yourself.

Buzz: Oh, you've seen the way I dress.

Olivia: I'm looking at you now; you look fine.

Buzz: I have orange socks.

Olivia: You're wearing orange socks.

Buzz: No, I didn't go out and buy orange socks. It's sort of a laundry issue.

Olivia: Oh, so you're just a man who needs a good woman. That's sweet.

Buzz: That was nice.

Olivia: Gee, thanks.

Buzz: I think I can do you one better.

Olivia: What?

Buzz: Um, that's thank you for all of the hard work.

Olivia: You're welcome.

Coop: So the battle between you and Olivia must have been pretty epic because she is your stepmom, right?

Lizzie: She didn't stand a chance.

Coop: So much for peace on earth.

Lizzie: I guess I could've been a little nicer, but I don't like her.

Coop: Well, I do.

Lizzie: That's because guys are dopey that way.

Coop: But I happen to like you a lot more.

Lizzie: Good. Because I got you a Christmas gift and you're going to get it later.

Coop: Really? You're not going to wait for Christmas day or maybe even Christmas eve?

Lizzie: It has an expiration date.


Jeffrey: What's the matter?

Cassie: Nothing, I just need to say something to you.

Jeffrey: All right.

Cassie: I'm glad we have a minute, just the two of us, because I want you to know how I feel.

Jeffrey: Should I be sitting down?

Cassie: No, it's good.

Jeffrey: Good.

Cassie: In a few hours, my whole family is going to be here, and you know how much they mean to me and how much I love them, even though they're all completely crazy.

Jeffrey: Good crazy.

Cassie: Exactly. And what I'm trying to say is that I consider you a part of that now, part of my family.

Jeffrey: You mean I'm crazy?

Cassie: Yes, but that should be a compliment. I'm saying that you are my future, Jeffrey. You're my very bright future, and all that drama is in the past. And let me tell you, that makes me a very happy girl.

Jeffrey: Okay, all of this kind of talk is making me nervous. Am I dying or something?

Cassie: No. I just think you should tell the people you love how much you love them. Why hold back?

Jeffrey: Well, I'm not complaining.

Cassie: Hey.

R.J.: My shoes got wet.

Cassie: Well, how did that happen?

R.J.: I was reaching for a rock by the pond.

Cassie: Honey, you know you're not supposed to be down there by yourself.

Jeffrey: Come on, buddy, let's take them off, and get you warmed up by the fire, okay? If you want, I'll make you some hot chocolate. You want some hot chocolate.

R.J.: Yes, please.

Jeffrey: One hot chocolate coming up.

Cassie: What was I saying?

Jeffrey: You were saying a lot of nice things about me, and you'd better watch out because I might get used to it.

Cassie: And would that be so bad?

Jeffrey: No, not at all. As far as I'm concerned, it is only going to get better.


Tammy: Some day it is always going to be like this.

Jonathan: What is... what are you doing?

Tammy: No, no, no. No.

Jonathan: What's going on, Peter? Are you taking our picture?

Tammy: It is not just any picture. It is for our Christmas card next year. Smile.

Jonathan: Next year?

Tammy: Well, it's too late for this year. Why do you look so surprised?

Jonathan: I am a little.

Tammy: Why?

Jonathan: You say it like you're pretty sure it's going to work.

Tammy: Well, I'm not making any promises.

Jonathan: No, no, I didn't think that you were.

Tammy: We'll see how it goes, right?

Jonathan: Yeah, we'll see.

Tammy: And then next year, we'll be prepared. Ready?

Jonathan: Yeah. Okay.

Tammy: Perfect.

Jonathan: Perfect is a good word.

Tammy: Don't you think you're a little biased?

Jonathan: Okay. Come on, you've got to go. Over the river and through the woods, and all that jazz.

Tammy: Isn't that Thanksgiving?

Jonathan: I don't know.

Tammy: Yeah, I've still got a few minutes.

Jonathan: Look, your mom, she'll come around, okay? And we have Reva on our side, and that's pretty good.

Tammy: I hope so. I don't want anyone to get hurt, that's all.

Jonathan: I don't want you to get hurt.

Tammy: I wish you were coming with me.

Jonathan: Me, too. You walk much? It's all right, it will only be a few hours, and then I'll see you after. I'll get your coat.

Tammy: Okay.

Tammy: Hey, Josh, what are you doing here?

Josh: Well, I'm here to meet a city guy to talk about possible renovations. What are you doing here? Are you okay?

Tammy: Uh-huh, yeah. I came out here just for a walk.

Jonathan: Yeah, she was walking on the dock, and I was walking on the dock, and then... so here we are.

Josh: Uh-huh.

Tammy: Yeah. We get along okay now.

Josh: You do?

Tammy: Yeah. Nobody would get that.

Josh: No, I don't think anybody would. But, then again, that's not really my business, is it? So you guys do whatever you want to do as long as you're okay.

Tammy: Thank you, uncle Josh.

Josh: For what?

Tammy: For being so cool. ( Laughter )

Josh: I'm cool. What do you think about that, huh?

Jonathan: You're freaking me out. Look, I wasn't planning on doing anything bad to her. You've got to know that.

Josh: Okay.

Jonathan: I was actually thinking that maybe I could kind of fix some of the things that I did in the past, you know?

Josh: Yeah, well, that's the tough thing about the past, you know? You can't really change it.

Jonathan: No, but you can try and make up for it. You can try.

Josh: Yeah, you can try.

Jonathan: I'm serious, Josh. I would never hurt Tammy again.

Josh: What the hell? If Tammy can forgive you, I guess I can forgive you, too.

Jonathan: Yeah?

Josh: Why not?

Jonathan: I wish everybody thought like that.

Josh: Yeah, well, you know, what other people think, that's not really your problem. It's their problem, right?

Jonathan: ( Laughter ) my old motto.

Josh: An oldie, but a goodie. You can never make everybody happy. That's just the way it is.


R.J.: Look what I found.

Cassie: Careful, honey, this is really hot.

R.J.: But, look.

Cassie: I will in just one minute.

Jeffrey: Tammy says you have a ton of these already, but I figure there can never be too many.

Cassie: Nope, never can. Oh, I just realized we're out of marshmallows. Is whipped cream okay?

Jeffrey: Yeah, it would be great.

Cassie: I meant R.J.

Jeffrey: Hang on, R.J., I've got to get the cups.

R.J.: But Jeffrey...

Jeffrey: Let me help your mom first. I'll be right there.

Cassie: Where are you going? What about the hot chocolate?

R.J.: I'll drink it later.

Cassie: Later? It will be cold later.

Jeffrey: That's what microwaves are for.

Cassie: Jeffrey O'Neill, look at you, secret agent man making hot chocolate.

Jeffrey: Secret agent man?

Cassie: Yeah, well, you know, you've got to admit, you're not the guy I first met.

Jeffrey: Well, I haven't changed that much, Mrs. Winslow.

Tammy: Hey there, tough guy.

R.J.: Tammy!

Tammy: Ready to decorate the Christmas tree?

R.J.: Yeah.

Tammy: Me, too.

R.J.: Wait, Tammy. I want to show you something.

Tammy: Okay, show me later. I need to see mom.

R.J.: But it's two dads.


Buzz: Where'd the kids go?

Olivia: I think they went in the back.

Buzz: I'm sure they're cooking up a storm. They meant to get away from us.

Olivia: Oh, come on. They're young; they're in love.

Buzz: Yeah, I remember that feeling, sort of, barely, way back when.

Olivia: It's a one-of-a-kind feeling.

Buzz: Yes, it is.

Olivia: I'm sorry about your wife. What was her name?

Buzz: Jenna.

Olivia: Jenna; that's beautiful.

Buzz: She was beautiful inside and out. She died around this time of the year.

Olivia: It makes getting through the holidays especially hard.

Buzz: This will be your first year without your sister.

Olivia: Whenever we were together, we would talk on the phone for hours. Racked up some huge bills. I miss that.

Buzz: What about Sam? Will he be dropping by?

Olivia: No. He's got this really cool internship in London. So it's just going to be Emma and me.

Buzz: Well, then there are the Coopers; you always have the Coopers.


Coop: What are we doing?

Lizzie: Hang on.

Coop: Can I take this thing off, please?

Lizzie: No, no.

Coop: I can't see you.

Lizzie: Wait right here.

Coop: All right. Lizzie, what are you doing?

Lizzie: Don't worry about it.

Coop: I can't see a damn thing. Wait, where are you going now?

Lizzie: I'm still here. Don't worry. What's with all the questions? This is supposed to be a surprise.

Coop: Is this supposed to be my Christmas gift, or something?

Lizzie: Okay. That's enough of the questions, Mr. Bradshaw.

Coop: All right.

Lizzie: Okay, I think...

Coop: There are some flowers here.

Lizzie: I think that's about it.

Coop: Lizzie, what are you doing? All right, well, can I take this off?

Lizzie: Wait, wait, wait, no. Hang on.

Coop: Okay. I like that.

Lizzie: ( Laughs )

Coop: Uh, where are we?

Lizzie: We are in luxury. What do you think?

Coop: This is great, Lizzie, but this is really expensive.

Lizzie: Looks are deceiving.

Coop: I know all of this, this is not my gift, so what are you doing?

Lizzie: No, this isn't your gift, you're right. I am. You like it?

Coop: Uh-huh. You are my gift?

Lizzie: I am your gift.

Coop: So all of this, the room?

Lizzie: Just the backdrop.

Coop: Just a backdrop. Well, this is a pretty pricey backdrop.

Lizzie: Yeah, except I'm not paying for it.

Coop: Well, then...

Lizzie: A girl can't give away all of her secrets.

Coop: Okay, Lizzie, please.

Lizzie: Okay, stop being righteous. It's simple.

Coop: It is?

Lizzie: Yes, it is. How do I look?

Coop: Amazing. Incredible. You look...

Lizzie: That's good. So for Christmas I'm giving you me, all of me.


Buzz: Oplah!

Olivia: So you are inviting me to spend Christmas with you and your family?

Buzz: We've got enough food to feed an army. We've got oozo, we've got music, we got... it'll be a great time!

Olivia: I don't know what to say.

Buzz: "Yes" would be lovely. Hold on to that thought.

Josh: Hey, Buzz.

Buzz: Josh!

Josh: I'm here to pick up the thing... the... yeah.

Olivia: I was just thinking of you.

Josh: You were?

Olivia: We never finished the Marston proposal.

Josh: Yes, that's true. But it's going to have to wait because I have a party I have to get to.

Olivia: Cassie's party?

Josh: Yeah.

Olivia: Well, I was invited to that. Do you want to just go together?

Josh: Sure. Yeah. Buzz!

Buzz: Huh?

Josh: What's up with the baklava?

Buzz: The what?

Josh: The baklava.

Buzz: The baklava?

Josh: Yeah.

Buzz: Oh, I must have been distracted by somebody, by a beautiful lady. I'll get the baklava.


Cassie: I'm really glad you're here, sweetie.

Tammy: Me, too.

Cassie: You want some hot chocolate? We just made it.

Tammy: Not right now. Thanks.

Cassie: Would you do me a favor? Would you help me get the food ready? I'm a little behind.

Tammy: Yeah. Mom, I need to talk to you about something.

Cassie: Can it wait until later?

Tammy: No, it can’t.

Cassie: Okay. What's up?

Tammy: It's about the fire at the cottage.

Cassie: What about the fire?

Tammy: You need to know what really happened that night.

Cassie: What really happened?

Tammy: The truth. I need to tell you the truth.


Next on "Guiding Light"...

This time I had an urge to come to Springfield for Christmas.

Josh: Hello, Reva.

Reva: Joshua. What an interesting crowd.

Cassie: There's room for everyone.

Sandy: Do you think Jonathan will ever fit in with your family on nights like these?

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