GL Transcript Tuesday 12/13/05

Guiding Light Transcript Tuesday 12/13/05


Provided By Boo
Proofread By Tanya

Marina: Who are you shopping for in the men's section?

Tammy: Oh, just uncle Josh and Jeffrey.

Marina: Boring.

Tammy: That's me, nothing going on. Who are you shopping for?

Marina: Oh, grandpa, dad, Harley, Coop, Gus, me.

Tammy: Nobody new, like, somebody you might be seeing?

Marina: Why would you ask that?

Tammy: You seem happy, distracted. My new "boy-dar" is sounding an alarm.

Marina: ( Laughs ) Maybe. I don't know. It's too early to talk about it.

Tammy: Afraid to jinx it?

Marina: Well, that, too. He is just not my type, totally the kind of guy I should be steering clear from.

Tammy: But you can't stop thinking about him.


Gus: Wow. Wait a second. Are you the C.E.O. Of Spaulding Enterprises?

Harley: I don't know, it depends on what is it in for me.

Gus: Funny you should say that, because...

Harley: What are you doing? Shouldn't you save this for Christmas?

Gus: Well...

Harley: Oh.

Gus: You see what it is? Little boxing gloves, see?

Harley: Cute.

Gus: In honor of you knocking out Beth and Alan, kicking their butts.

Harley: I love it. And I love you.

Gus: You don't have to worry, you can run this show any way you want to. Don't worry about who is coming after you. No worries at all, okay?


( Cell phone rings )

Alan-Michael: Great idea, calling me at work, dad. Maybe I should put you on speaker so everyone can know we're in this together.

Alan: Look, I'm tired of being stuck in here while Harley Cooper is ruining everything that my family has worked for.

Alan-Michael: Don't worry. I've got it all under control. You just sit tight in your rubber room, o, great and powerful father. Yeah, I've got Harley right where I want her.


Tammy: So about this guy you maybe like.

Marina: I don't want to talk about it yet.

Tammy: Are you afraid to like him because you might get hurt, or maybe because of what other people will think?

Marina: What other people will think?

Tammy: You know, I mean, it is so soon after Danny.

Marina: Oh, you just mean, like, the people screaming rebound. I don't know. Maybe there's a little bit of that.

Tammy: So say everybody is against you and everybody you care about disproves, should that matter?

Marina: No, it shouldn't matter. But how are you supposed to survive as a couple when all of your friends and family want you to fail?

Tammy: Maybe what you're feeling just has to be stronger than what everybody else is saying. Maybe you just have to know in your heart he is the one for you, no matter what.


Reva: Tough, huh? Wanting so much to be together, and not being able to let on?

Jonathan: It will have to be like this for a while. Tammy is not ready to tell everybody yet.

Reva: I think she is mostly worried about her mom.

Jonathan: You came around, and you're my mom.

Reva: Yeah, but Cassie and I are different. Maybe it is harder being the girl's mother. I don't know.

Jonathan: Well, you saw I made Tammy happy. Cassie will see it, too.

Frank: Reva?

Reva: Hey, Frank.

Frank: Jonathan?

Jonathan: What's up, chief?

Frank: I have to ask you a couple of questions. Have you been around Doran Lane recently?

Reva: What is this about?

Frank: I'm sure you heard, there was a major fire. We're suspecting arson.

Jonathan: Yeah, I heard about it, and just like I told your daughter, I had nothing to do with it.

Frank: Well, the house belonged to a friend of yours, Sandy Foster.

Reva: Well, Jonathan just...

Frank: A woman was hurt in the fire. She's a neighbor.

Reva: How badly?

Frank: She survived, but she's still in the hospital, though.

Jonathan: Sorry to hear that.

Frank: Yeah, well, you're going to be really sorry to hear that she gave a good description of someone leaving the scene of the crime. It was a tall, white male, long, brown hair, your build. He was also accompanied by a white female, pretty, blonde hair. Any idea who that could be, Jonathan?

Reva: Jonathan wasn't anywhere...

Jonathan: No, it's all right. Okay, you ask me anything about the fire, and I'll tell you what you want to know.


Marina: I don't know if any relationship is meant to be. I used to think that Danny and I were... I don't know. Tammy? Tammy. Hey, what's... is something wrong?

Tammy: No. I hope not.


Reva: Jonathan didn't do anything.

Frank: Reva, I'm talking to Jonathan right now. See, this woman, she was going to go to bed, so she got out of her bed to turn off her tv. And while she was up, she smelled smoke, and she decided to go outside and help.

Jonathan: And she saw a guy that could have been me?

Frank: No. She saw a guy who could have been you and a girl. And then she saw the couple fleeing the scene of the crime in a car, a car that matches the description of your vehicle, Jonathan.

Jonathan: Give me a minute, okay?

Reva: Frank, just let him have a minute, okay? Come on.

( Cell phone rings )

Tammy: What are you doing? I can't believe you're calling me from right there.

Jonathan: Don't look in my direction. Just meet me at the fishing shack, okay?

Tammy: Okay. What's going on?

Jonathan: I'll tell you when I get there. Sorry, I had to call Outskirts. We're dealing with a gas leak. So where were we?

Reva: We were just leaving, unless you have a warrant, Frank?

Frank: No, Reva, I don't have a warrant yet, but I do want some answers.

Jonathan: Okay. You got it. I admit it. But those witnesses are crazy. I set that fire all by myself, and I'm not going to share the glory with anyone.


Marina: You have to go?

Tammy: Yeah.

Marina: Is everything okay?

Tammy: I hope so. You know, it's easy to give up and to say that a guy isn't worth it if other people don't understand him. But if you understand him, that's what counts.

Marina: Maybe, I mean, if you're already involved, but I'm not.

Tammy: But there is something about this guy that makes you want to be with him, right?

Marina: He's fun. I mean, I just want to have a good time right now, you know, be able to cut and run at any minute.

Tammy: But what if he is the one?

Marina: But he is not.

Tammy: How will you know if you just walk away?

Marina: You seem a little quick to throw yourself back out there. Is there something you're not telling me?

Tammy: Yes. You?

Marina: Yes.

Tammy: Does it scare you?

Marina: Yeah. You?

Tammy: Totally.

Marina: But you're going to go after it anyway?

Tammy: I have to.

Marina: See, I don't.

Tammy: That doesn't mean that you won't.

Marina: No, it doesn't. So, you got anything else you want to tell me?

Tammy: Yeah, we should both be braver. See you.


Alan: Yes, I know that you're inside, Alan-Michael. I know that no one suspects you, but how long is that going to last? Look, every move with make right now is critical.

Alan-Michael: Thanks for the pep talk, dad, but I know what I'm doing. Besides, I go way back with the C.E.O. I can predict what she is going to do before she even... Harley!

Alan: Alan-Michael. Alan-Michael, hello!

Doctor: How are you feeling today, Mr. Spaulding?

Alan: Well, hello, doctor. I am feeling excellent. As a matter of fact, I think the treatment you're giving me is working wonderfully.


Alan-Michael: How's it going, Gus? Hey, what's up?

Gus: Hey. Do you want to be alone?

Alan-Michael: Don't say anything. Let me guess. You love my report on Syntec Labs. If you need me to go to the factory in Hawaii, just say the word.

Harley: Why don't we take a walk, just you and me?

Gus: Don't worry about me. I can stay and make some calls, hold down the fort.

Harley: Thanks.

Alan-Michael: So you love the report and you want to thank me.

Harley: I did love the report and I do want to thank you, and I also want to let you know that your services are no longer required here.

Alan-Michael: Excuse me?

Harley: How shall I put this? You're fired.


Gus: Hey, what's up, partner? I'll be picking you up today. Because it's my turn to drive, that's why. I'm tired of kids whizzing by us on their scooters. ( Cell phone rings ) yeah, I'll call you back. Little al's phone. What's that? Our daddy is calling. Hello.

Alan: Look, I don't like to be locked up, I don't like to be marginalized. I thought I could run things from in here, but I was wrong. Now, I have got to get out of here!


Alan-Michael: Did you just say I was fired?

Harley: Yes, because I feel bad. I feel bad that I'm, like, taking you away from all of the fun you were having before I gave you this do-nothing job. So, what I'm saying to you is go, do nothing. Be a free man, you know. Do all of the stuff you like to do, you know-- drink champagne, seduce models.

Alan-Michael: What if I told you I wanted to stay?

Harley: Then I might get very suspicious.

Alan-Michael: I don't want to make you suspicious, that's for sure.

Harley: What's going on? Is there something around here keeping you here?


Clerk: Can I help you with anything?

Marina: Hi. I was just looking for something to wear for New Year's.

Clerk: Mm-hmm? Hot date?

Marina: Well, maybe. Do you have anything that says "eat your heart out?"


Frank: So, that's it? You don't want an attorney? You are confessing to the arson right now?

Jonathan: Yeah. Why not? Everybody knows I'm a firebug.

Reva: Why are you doing this?

Jonathan: Well, he's going to figure it out, anyway. Look, I'll give you whatever you want on one condition: You just give me an hour to take care of some business.

Frank: No, actually, you're going to do a little business for me right now, and that is I'm going to read you your rights.

Reva: Frank, just wait. You want him to think that you did this. Why?

Jonathan: Well, the evidence is overwhelming. Right, Chief?

Reva: So you just assume that everybody is going to think you're guilty? Let me see that.

Frank: Okay, those are my notes.

Reva: Frank, just let me see it. So this is the time that you claim it happened? The fire started?

Frank: It's not a claim; it is a fact.

Reva: Well, it's not possible. Jonathan couldn't have done it. He was with me at Outskirts, at his bar. We were having drinks, and there were plenty of people there that can back that up.

Frank: But he just said...

Reva: I know what he said, Frank, but don't you get it? People have been pointing their fingers at him since he was a baby. So he's just assuming that you're going to pin this on him, anyway, so he's just going to confess to it. He's not going to fight it. But if he's not going to fight it, I will. Are you going to arrest him now or not?

Frank: No.

Reva: Good. So get out of here.

Jonathan: Reva...

Reva: Just go before you confess to another crime you didn't commit, and I'll take care of the Chief here.

Frank: I'm not advising this.

Reva: Thank you. If you're not gone by the time I get to three... one, two...

Jonathan: Okay. Okay! All right.

Frank: Hey, Jonathan, I'll be in touch.

Reva: So, Frank, who else have you questioned about this besides my son? Exactly. Nobody. You just jumped right to Jonathan, right? He didn't set that fire, and you don't have the evidence to prove it. And if you try to come up with evidence, I'll sue you.

Frank: Fine, Reva.

Reva: Where are you going?

Frank: I'm going to check your alibi.


Tammy: Where are you, Jonathan?


Reva: Hi. I would love some coffee and maybe a piece of that cake.

Cassie: Hey, you.

Reva: Hi, sis. You're doing exactly what I should be doing. Only I'm getting coffee and cake, instead. You want something?

Cassie: Sure, that would be great.

Reva: Good. How you doing?

Cassie: I'm well. How are you?

Reva: I'm fine. Living with Jeffrey?

Cassie: Very well, very well. He's getting settled in. Actually, I wanted to call you. We're having a tree-trimming party and we would both love it if you could be there.

Reva: Well, I'd love that.

Cassie: What about Marah and Shayne? Are they coming home this year?

Reva: Marah has a show in Paris-- three of her original designs.

Cassie: Reva, that's great.

Reva: I know. And Shayne is still in Asia helping out with the Tsunami victims. He promises that he is going to be home next year. I can only keep my fingers crossed.

Cassie: Wow. So, is this what happens when our kids grow up? They move away and we never see them again?

Reva: Well, Jonathan is still here, and I'm sure he would love to come to the party.

Cassie: Right. Actually, I wanted to talk to you about Jonathan.


Tammy: Jonathan, where have you been? I was so worried about you. I saw you talking to Frank earlier, and I thought for a minute that maybe.

Jonathan: Mm-hmm. You thought right. He was asking me about the fire at Sandy's place.

Tammy: Is he talking about arson?

Jonathan: Yeah. Apparently, some neighbor-lady came over to try and help. She kind of got hurt. She's in the hospital.

Tammy: Oh, no.


Cassie: Reva, I don't want to hurt you or anyone. I really don't want to do that. But I have to ask a favor...

Reva: Sure.

Cassie: I don't want you to bring Jonathan to the party, and I don't think he should spend Christmas with us, either.


Jonathan: Don't worry about it. I told them that I did it and I was there alone.

Tammy: What?

Jonathan: I don't want him coming after you, so I owned up to it. And then Reva came in and gave me this alibi, but I don't know if I'm going to let it stand yet or not.

Tammy: You have to. You'll go to jail.

Jonathan: Look, the only thing I care about is you getting blamed for this. You had nothing to do with the fire.

Tammy: Neither did you. It was an accident.

Jonathan: I lit the torch.

Tammy: You also tried to put it out.

Jonathan: It doesn't matter. Come on. I mean... besides, we just left. We didn't even call the fire department.

Tammy: You freaked out.

Jonathan: You have to promise me you'll never tell anybody that we were together that night.

Tammy: Jonathan...

Jonathan: I don't want you getting blamed for something that I did.

Tammy: I won't lose you to something like that. We have to figure out what to do.

Jonathan: Hey, it's okay. I did it.

Tammy: I can't believe you're taking the blame just to protect me.

Jonathan: Tammy, I'd do anything to protect you.

Tammy: See, this is the Jonathan I wish everyone else could see, the Jonathan nobody knows. If they did, they would know why I love you.


Coming up on "Guiding Light."

Alan: Everyone thinks that Alan Spaulding will always be locked up in here. What a surprise.

Alan-Michael: I just love it here.

Reva: You don't want to go. I want to know why.

Cassie: He is so impulsive. You never know what he is going to do.

Reva: Like start a fire?

Jonathan: Did you ever think I might have a plan?

Alan: See, everyone thinks that Alan Spaulding will always be locked up in here. I know better.


Gus: Hey.

Harley: Hey.

Gus: Your phone, man.

Alan-Michael: Oh, thank you.

Gus: Right. Hey, I've got to go.

Harley: Where?

Gus: I'm a detective. I need to detect something.

Harley: Okay, have fun.

Gus: See you around?

Alan-Michael: It looks like it. ( Laughter )

Gus: Well, I wish I had gotten to know you a little better.

Alan-Michael: Yeah, you, too.

Gus: Yeah. All right, I'll look out for Alan.

Alan-Michael: You do that.

Harley: All right, sweetie. Why are you still standing here?

Alan-Michael: I just love it here. I mean, the three-hour staff meetings, they're great for getting in naps. Not to mention the free doughnuts and day-old coffee.

Harley: You don't want to go. I want to know why.

Alan-Michael: You're right, Harley. I thought you needed me, but you don't. There is nothing keeping me here, so I should just pack up and jet off. That's weird.

Marina: Harley.

Harley: Hi.

Marina: Hi.

Harley: What are you doing here?

Marina: Well, some of this mail is stacking up over at Company, so I thought I would drop it off.

Harley: Thank you. ( Cell phone rings ) oh, my phone. Excuse me.

Marina: Well, it's funny that I ran into you here.

Alan-Michael: Is it?

Marina: Yeah. I wanted to talk to you about New Year's Eve.


Reva: It's Christmas, Cassie, and Jonathan... I'm all he has.

Cassie: I know, and I know you love him, and I know he suffered a lot as a child. But I don't want him around my daughter at this particular time.

Reva: You invited him to the wedding, and he behaved himself.

Cassie: I know I did. I know.

Reva: I thought you two were getting along, that everything was fine, that you'd forgiven him for what happened.

Cassie: I know, but my daughter needs some space right now. That's all.

Reva: Have you talked to Tammy about this?

Cassie: No, not yet, but it is my job to protect her. Sandy broke her heart, her wedding was ruined, she is just getting back up on her feet, and the last thing she needs is to see Jonathan.

Reva: Why?

Cassie: Because he brings up bad memories, he complicates things, and he is so impulsive you never know what he is going to do.

Reva: Like start a fire? Is that what this is? You heard about Sandy’s house?

Cassie: Yes.

Reva: So, naturally, since the police suspect Jonathan, you do, too.

Cassie: He burned down his parents' place...

Reva: There are still some questions about that fire.

Cassie: You're the only one who still questions that, Reva. I understand that you are Jonathan's mother. Of course, you desperately want to give him the benefit of the doubt, but I don’t. I can't afford to. I really am sorry.

Reva: Well, I'm sorry, too, because Jonathan is a part of this family.

Cassie: I understand that. I love you, Reva, but I don't want Jonathan at our party or at our home. I'm asking you not to bring him.

Reva: I don't think you really understand the situation.

Cassie: Just do this for me, please.


Tammy: I wish everyone else could see what I see when I look at you.

Jonathan: ( Laughs ) I wish I was the person that you saw.

Tammy: Stop. Hey...

Jonathan: Hmm?

Tammy: You are. You make mistakes sometimes, but you're good. You wanted to stay and put out that fire, but I was scared and I made you leave.

Jonathan: Stop. This is something that I did. Let me deal with it, okay?

Tammy: You want to protect me.

Jonathan: I have to.

Tammy: How can you keep giving and giving, and I don't give back?

Jonathan: What are you talking about?

Tammy: People should know about us. I should tell them, but every time I start to...

Jonathan: You tell them when you're ready. It's okay.

Tammy: It is not okay. It is not fair to you. We're out here hiding, and we should be out there.

Jonathan: It's enough. It's more than enough. ( Cell phone rings ) it's okay.

Tammy: It's my mom.

Jonathan: Yeah.

Tammy: Hey, what's up?

Cassie: Are you busy right now?

Tammy: Not really, why?

Cassie: Can you come over? I need to talk to you about something.

Tammy: What? Is this about the party?

Cassie: Sort of. Can you come or not?

Tammy: Yeah, sure. I'll be there soon. I have to go. I'm sorry.

Jonathan: I'm sorry, too.

Tammy: Someday, my mom will call and ask us both to come over.

Jonathan: Hmm, someday. That's enough. Well, I don't know. I think I'm always going to want more.


Marina: So, about this whole New Year's Eve date thing...

Alan-Michael: Marina.

Marina: I know that the New Year's Eve date business was just about a stupid bet and that it wasn't actually supposed to be a real date, just like the trip to Paris wasn't a real date and that ride around in your car wasn't a real date. But anyway, I was just thinking that maybe we could forget about the bet, and maybe about the other...

Harley: Are you saying good-bye to our friend, Alan-Michael?

Marina: Good-bye?

Harley: Yeah. He didn't tell you? I canned him, terminated him, let him go.

Marina: You fired him?

Harley: That, too. ( Laughs ) yes. And if I know him, he's going to be on the Spaulding jet in just a couple of hours headed to some tropical island with a girl who's name he can barely remember.


Gus: So, doc, I was just wondering if you could tell me about Alan Spaulding.

Doctor: What about him?

Gus: How is he doing? Is he as crazy as ever?

Doctor: Actually, Mr. Spaulding is making miraculous strides. His mental health improves each day.

Gus: Great. That's just great.

Alan: Well, what a surprise.

Gus: So now your telling Alan-Michael you're getting out?

Alan: What are you doing? Listening in on Alan-Michael's conversations?

Gus: So that's what this is all about. No.

Alan: I'm serving my time in here and I'm ready to go out and face the world.

Gus: Just like that, huh?

Alan: Yeah. Just like that, Gus. You see, you put me in here because I was insane, so all I have to do is show them that I'm not crazy anymore.


Jonathan: Tammy?

Reva: Try again.

Jonathan: Hello, mother.

Reva: Why did you confess to Frank?

Jonathan: Why did you butt in with the phony alibi? Did you ever think I had a plan?

Reva: Oh, I know what your plan was: To protect that pretty, blonde accomplice Frank mentioned?

Jonathan: Tammy had nothing to do with the fire. Her showing up probably stopped me from doing something else.

Reva: Burning Sandy’s house down?

Jonathan: Yeah, well, the point is I didn't do it. A spark must have caught on the curtains or something, but it was an accident.

Reva: Then why didn't you say that?

Jonathan: Who is going to believe that? Come on. I lit a torch in the house. Besides, it's better to take the rap and keep Tammy out of it.

Reva: Too late. Cassie knows that the police already suspect you, and so now she suspects you, too.

Jonathan: Does she know about...

Reva: Tammy? Not yet, but it is only a matter of time before she figures it out.

Jonathan: Oh, man. It shouldn't be like this. I want Tammy. That's all. She is everything to me, and when we're here alone, I can keep her safe.

Reva: I can keep you safe. Let me help you, but we have to get this whole fire thing straightened out first.

Jonathan: Too late, Reva. I confessed.

Reva: I can handle the cops and I can get things smoothed over with Cassie, too.

Jonathan: How?

Reva: I don't know. I don't know. I haven't figured it out yet.


Cassie: Hi, honey.

Tammy: Hi.

Cassie: Remember this one? Third grade. Mr. Stern's class.

Tammy: I guess I was always artistically challenged.

Cassie: Well, I love it. These ornaments bring back so many memories, and sharing them with our family and friends tonight while we hang them...

Tammy: They're beautiful. You're really excited about this party, aren't you?

Cassie: So is Jeffrey. He has turned into some sort of freakish holiday elf. ( Laughs )

Tammy: He is cute.

Cassie: Cute, Jeffrey O'Neill? Yeah, life is crazy.

Tammy: Oh, let me do that.

Cassie: I hate these things. Just when you think you've got it all straightened out, there's another mess, another tangle worse than the last one.

Tammy: Okay, what are we really talking about here?

Cassie: Jonathan.

Tammy: What about him?

Cassie: We were wrong about him, Tammy. I thought he was trying to change, but he's not. Maybe he can't.

Tammy: Mom...

Cassie: I know what I know, Tammy. Jonathan's the same dangerous kid he was when he tried to ruin your life.


 Alan-Michael: So, what were you going to say about New Year's Eve?

Marina: I was... I found another date, so I'm backing out as your backup, bet or no bet.

Alan-Michael: That's okay. You're off the hook. I'm tearing up the I.O.U.

Marina: Oh, because you're leaving town.

Alan-Michael: Right.

Marina: Right. Off to some new location with Brigitte or whoever.

Alan-Michael: Whoever.

Marina: Right. Well, have fun.

Alan-Michael: Yeah, I will. You, too. Have a good New Year's with your date.

Marina: Thanks. Alan-Michael?

Alan-Michael: Yes, Marina?

Marina: You didn't even say good-bye.

Alan Michael: You're right, and good-bye is probably a good idea. I mean, we had some fun, some laughs, but we both know I'm not what you're looking for. You deserve someone more like... what was his name? The guy who went back to his wife and kids?

Marina: Danny?

Alan Michael: Danny, right. As for me, it's time to move on. So, if I don't see you, have a good life, Marina Cooper.

Marina: Yeah, you, too.

Alan-Michael: It's me. I need you to make something happen in the Spaulding London branch, something I can fix to show Harley how much she needs me around.


Gus: Let me explain something to you, dad: You're not getting out of here for a million years.

Alan: No, but I need to get out of here, Gus. See, I have to fix things that are wrong with our family and our business.

Gus: Oh, and everything that's wrong is Harley's fault, right? Right?

Alan: How is Harley? You know, Gus, I haven't seen Harley in a long time. Does she miss me? Does she worry about what I might do to her when I get out of here?

Gus: Let me explain something to you, dad. This road that you're going down, this line of thought, this is the biggest mistake of your life. Are we clear? Are you okay?

Doctor: Dectective...

Gus: Are you all right?

Doctor: I'm going to have to ask you to leave.

Gus: Are you all right, dad? I'm so sorry you're not well. I hate that you're in here.

Alan: Thanks for stopping by. Oh, give my regards to your wife.


( Cell phone rings )

Gus: Hello.

Harley: Hey, are you on a case?

Gus: Yeah, yeah. How did everything go with Alan-Michael?

Harley: Actually, it was okay. I think he was happy to get his freedom. And you know, I can get used to this firing thing. First my assistant, then Beth, now Alan-Michael. It feels good to tell myself that I'm on my own, you know.

Gus: Well, you're never on your own, not as long as I'm around.

Reva: Well, you know what I mean. It's me, this company. I'm in charge of this company and of my life. I feel strong now, safe, unbeatable.

Gus: You are safe. You are.


Jonathan: Hey, is that one of those hot-flash things?

Reva: Shh. I'm thinking. I'm trying to figure out how I'm going to handle the police.

Jonathan: Wow. Did you ever hear about spontaneous combustion? When someone just bursts into flames and they melt?

Reva: Jonathan, please. Stop it. Stop. Stop. You don't know it all.

Jonathan: Oh. What does that mean?

Reva: Cassie doesn't want you at her home.

Jonathan: She said that?

Cassie: She is having some holiday party with family and friends. She didn't want me to invite you. Did Tammy mention anything about it?

Jonathan: No.

Reva: She probably can't decide what to do.

Jonathan: Well, it's not like I care about some stupid party...

Reva: I do! You belong there!

Jonathan: No, not if it is going to hurt Tammy. Reva, I'm tired of seeing the people that she loves tear her apart. If she asks me, I'm going to say no.

Reva: And what? You'll sit out in the snow again like you did last year?

Jonathan: Hey, the snow is good for those hot-flashes. You should join me.

Reva: One day, everyone is going to accept you as a part of this family.

Jonathan: I want that. I want that for me and you and for Tammy. Especially for Tammy. Come here.


Tammy: Mom, Jonathan is not the person that we thought he was.

Cassie: Oh, Jonathan is just as twisted as he ever was.

Tammy: No, he's been good to me.

Cassie: Well, if so, then it was an act. I really think it was an act. Because the fire at the house, Jeffrey thinks Jonathan set it.

Tammy: Thinks or knows?

Cassie: It doesn't matter. Jonathan is trouble, Tammy, period. You remember what he did to you? What he took from you? It took you months and months to recover from that. What about what he did to me. He tried to ruin my wedding. He ripped this family to shreds, Tammy.

Tammy: And he's sorry. He would never do that again. It was a mistake.

Cassie: I think he is the mistake, and I wish he would just disappear.

Tammy: Mom, how... how can you say that?

Cassie: Listen to me. You are just starting to get over what happened at your wedding. You're starting to smile again, and I will not let Jonathan take that away from you.

Tammy: He won't do that, mom.

Cassie: That's right he won't, because you are going to stay away from him, and I'm going to make sure he stays away from you. I don't want him in our house. I don't want him in our lives. As of now, Jonathan Randall does not exist.


Next on "Guiding Light".

Coop: That's sexy? How about something like this?

Lizzie: That's more like it.

Harley: You and Dinah? Me and mallet?

Mallet: You and me. Deja vu all over again.

Josh: Is that Jeffrey or is that Richard? Jeffrey is going to let down Cassie big time.

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