GL Transcript Friday 12/9/05

Guiding Light Transcript Friday 12/9/05


Provided By Boo 
Proofread By Tanya

Beth: Alex.

Alexandra: Ah, Beth, darling. Good to see you.

Beth: Chet, Alan sends his regards.


Frank: Okay, come on, you guys, you know I love Harley and I'm all about supporting her at Spaulding, but to be quite honest with you, I would rather be watching the ballgame right now.

Buzz: Or drinking bleach.

Marina: Would you two please stop complaining, both of you. You look very handsome, by the way.

Buzz: Thank you. Are you actually enjoying this snob fest?

Marina: Of course I'm not enjoying myself, grandpa. All I'm saying is we might as well enjoy the free food and booze while we can. And who know, maybe it won't be so bad after all.


Harley: This is it. This is it. We're finally going to lower the boom on Beth and Alan, no more faking fights in public.

Gus: That's right, honey. No more sleeping in separate bedrooms.

Harley: Exactly.

Gus: Exactly.

Harley: So, how are we going to do it?

Gus: What?

Harley: You said you had a plan, for nailing Beth? What is it?

Gus: Oh, yes I do. It's a good one.

Harley: Well...

Gus: It's a surprise, okay?

Harley: No, no, it isn't. We're in this together. Gus Aitoro, no, you tell me. I'm going to get it out of you.

Gus: No, you're not.

Harley: You tell me, or we don't move.

Gus: Negatory on the telling story. If you think I have a problem getting stuck in an elevator with you, you have got another thing coming, because I don't.


Beth: Alan, it is Beth.

Alan: Beth, what is all that noise in the background? Sounds like you're at a party or something.

Beth: Yes, the first and last Spaulding Christmas party to be presided over by Harley, now that we have Gus.

Alan-Michael: We do? I mean, he hasn't backed out?

Beth: No, no. He swears that he is going to give Harley a choice, either him or her job. And of course, she'll choose him.

Alan: Well, of course she will. Beth, I want to thank you, this is the best Christmas present ever.


Alan-Michael: Ho-ho-ho. How cold is it on the north pole? It is so cold, the reindeer wear mittens, on their antlers. Ho-ho-ho-ho. You want a two-wheeler, great, I've got you on my list. Merry Christmas! Ho-ho-ho. Who's next? How about you, little girl? What can Santa do to you for Christmas-- I mean, for you?


Jeffrey: Okay, you know what, the rest of this can wait until morning. So why don't you knock off and go home and I'll see you in the morning.

Kandi: Alright, good night. You, you're Sandy Foster.

Sandy: Yeah.

Kandi: Yeah, you have some nerve.

Jeffrey: Women, they're funny about things like bigamy.

Sandy: Have you seen Tammy? I found a divorce lawyer who handled my divorce from Ava and he could tell her the truth, but she hasn't returned my calls.

Jeffrey: Whoa, slow down.

Sandy: Well, I need to talk to her because I need her to understand I was trying to do the right thing, and I never meant to hurt her. Can you help me find her, put in a good word. Anything-- I'll do anything to get her back.


Cassie: Hey, you, when did you get home?

Tammy: Just now. It is a great Christmas tree you guys picked out. What's with the other one I saw out back.

Cassie: I bought it for you and your cottage, in case you and Sandy...

Tammy: It's okay. We can put it outside and put lights on it.

Cassie: Honey, there is something I need to tell you. Last night Jeffrey got a phone call from the police. The house that Sandy was going buy for you...

Tammy: What about it?

Cassie: Well, there was a fire. The whole place burned.

Tammy: Do they know how it started.

Cassie: Their suspicion? It was arson.

Tammy: Arson?

Cassie: Honey, can you think of any reason why someone would want to burn down that house?


Jonathan: Ollie, Ollie...

Reva: Income free. What are we doing here, and where is Tammy?

Jonathan: Who?

Reva: I thought you two would be together. I talked to her yesterday and she told me she made her choice.

Jonathan: Yeah, well, she did make her choice. She chose me. She's just ashamed to admit it.

Reva: If she said she was ashamed to be with you, I don't believe that.

Jonathan: She said she wanted to be with me, she said she wanted to shout it from the rooftops, five minutes later I hear her talking to Lizzie Spaulding, and se says she didn't want to get involved with anyone any time soon, like I didn't exist.

Reva: Oh, honey, I'm sure she just said that because...

Jonathan: Why, please, Reva, finish that thought. Tell me why Tammy can say that she loves me and not even tell her friends.

Reva: You know how hard this is on her.

Jonathan: Yeah, I make things tough on...

Reva: And you and I are used to taking on the world, but Tammy is....

Jonathan: Ashamed. Like I said.

Reva: You remember how I reacted when you told me about your feelings. What do you think Cassie is going to do and what do you think people are going to say to Tammy?

Jonathan: I don't care about people!

Reva: You care about Tammy!

Jonathan: What am I supposed to do? Am I supposed to let her keep me in the dark along with the rest of her feelings?

Reva: You have to understand what she stands to lose. Everything could change for her.

Jonathan: And not for me. Don't you think it cost me anything waiting for her to come around like this, watching her make the mistakes with Sandy. Reva, what more do I have to do to show her I'm right for her, that it is fate. When we are together it's simple-- well, it's not simple, but it's real, and it's right there. As soon as somebody else comes in, her doubts come up, and... I can't-- I can't do that.

Reva: What are you going to do? Jonathan, Jonathan!


Sandy: You won't help me find Tammy? Fine, I'll do it on my own.

Jeffrey: Sandy, it's not that I don't have sympathy for you, but...

Sandy: Whatever. Josh, do you know where Tammy is? I've left her messages, she's not returning my calls.

Josh: Well, maybe that should tell you something, Sandy, like, I don't know, leave her alone.

Sandy: Right. I should have guessed you would say that. You made your feelings very clear the other day. But Josh, I'll tell you this: When everything is straightened out and I'm back together with Tammy, I plan on coming back to the office and pulling my full weight again.

Josh: Yeah-- here's-- see, the thing is though, you don't work for me anymore.

Sandy: You really are firing me.

Josh: Well, Sandy, my company is sort of like my family, and there is no room for people that I can't trust, so, there you have it.

Sandy: You haven't even heard my side of things!

Josh: Actually, I have, and the bottom line is this: Ever since you came to Springfield, it's been one lie after another, after another, and I'm done trying to understand you.

Jeffrey: That's a little harsh, isn't it Josh. The kid made a mistake, an error in judgment.

Josh: He hurt Tammy, and Tammy is Cassie's daughter. Why are you taking his side?


Tammy: I can't imagine why anyone would want to burn the house down. It must have been an accident.

Cassie: I'm sure, wires or something. It's just a shame. It was so cute. You know, the kind of house you could imagine--

Tammy: Mom.

Cassie: What?

Tammy: He bought a tree for a house that I was never going to live in. My dream of that house burned to ashes the day of my wedding. Maybe it didn't for you.

Cassie: I just, I don't want you to make a choice that you might regret.

Tammy: I've already made my choice.

Cassie: To what, be alone? Honey, there are so many things that I wish for you.

Tammy: Like what, mom? The big fancy wedding, the golden retriever, 2.5 kids. Maybe that's not what I want anymore. I tried to tell you, mom, my dream has changed. And I need you to let go of yours, okay? I need you to let go.

Cassie: Well, maybe I'm not ready to let go. That's a mother's prerogative. But I can tell you this: Whatever you want, that is what I want for you. I'm always on your side. I promise. Always.


Marina: F.Y.I., Santa is not a dirty old man.

Alan-Michael: Thanks for the note. You still haven't told me what you want for Christmas.

Marina: What I want for Christmas is my New Year's Eve back.

Alan-Michael: I'm afraid Santa can't oblige you, little girl. I won that date from you fair and square.

Marina: Fair? I was supposed to sit around all night long waiting to be your backup date in case you can't find anything better to do?

Alan-Michael: It sounds fair to me.

Marina: Of course it does. Can't you just make a decision so I can have a life.

Alan-Michael: Wait. You want me to commit to something? Next you'll tell me, there really is a Santa Claus. Ho-ho-ho.

Marina: Ugh!


Alexandra: Happy holidays, Buzz. Oh, dear. ( Laughs )

Buzz: Happy holidays.

Alexandra: What, were you looking for someone?

Buzz: No, no.

Alexandra: Can I help find someone?

Buzz: No.

Frank: Hello, Alex.

Alexandra: Frank.

Frank: Hey, pop, here.

Buzz: Thanks,

Frank: What's the matter, you looking for someone?

Buzz: No, no. Yes, Harley and Gus should be here at the house. So I...


Harley: Okay, I didn't get you to cave about your secret plan, but sure was fun trying.

Gus: There's Beth. You just go ahead and be the C.E.O. That you are, okay. I'll meet you in a minute.

Harley: Yes, okay. Where is the mike?

Dinah: Hey, you look gorgeous.

Harley: Thanks, you, too.

Dinah: Thank you.

Harley: You have everything under control?

Dinah: Yes. Good turnout, huh? Don't you think, you guys?

Gus: Not bad. Don't do that. You see me tripping on that and you don't even help me. I'll take care of this.

Harley: Thank you. He is such a manly man.

Beth: He is.

Gus: Shhh. I'm testing.

Beth: Gus. I tried to get you alone. Look, I've been thinking, we shouldn't wait one more day to set our plan into motion. If you want Harley back, you should take action tonight.


Frank: What are you looking at?

Buzz: The girl in the blue dress, Frank.

Frank: What about her?

Buzz: Buy her a drink, Frank.

Frank: It's an open bar, dad.

Buzz: It's a figure of speech, Frank. Go over and say hello to her.

Alan-Michael: See something you like, Frank?

Frank: If I did, I wouldn't tell you in a million years. Excuse me, pop.

Alan-Michael: Can't say I blame you for that.

Buzz: You two should bury the hatchet. Come on, move on, kiss and make up. Come on.

Frank: That's okay, pop. Thank you.

Alan-Michael: Hey I'm there. In fact, let me prove my good intentions. There is this girl in accounting, Jennifer, I think you'd like her.

Marina: Yes! Tell me you've found someone for my dad.

Alan-Michael: Wow, Frank, I see that finding you a girl is a family project.

Buzz: Is my daughter working you too hard?

Alan-Michael: She is running me ragged, it's good though. It keeps me out of trouble.

Buzz: ( Laughs ) how's your personal life?

Alan-Michael: Not bad.

Buzz: Not bad.

Frank: I have to say, it must be kind of tough looking for female companionship outside the Cooper family. So, you seeing anybody interesting these days, Alan Michael?


Cassie: Was I pushing you just there?

Tammy: It's okay. You weren't.

Cassie: I think I was.

Tammy: Maybe a little. ( Laughs )

Cassie: What was that?

Tammy: The wind.

Cassie: It sounded like footsteps. This old house makes new noises every day. All right, I have to put another load of wash in or R.J. Will have nothing to wear tomorrow.

Tammy: Okay. Jonathan? Are you out here?


Beth: So, we're agreed, you'll tell Harley it's either her job or your marriage, right?

Gus: I don't think I have a choice.

Beth: No, you don't, not unless you like what this job is doing to your marriage.

Gus: I don't know, this is just-- I can't get this thing to work. Let's just do this another night, I'm not really...

Beth: No, no, no. Tonight is-- look, I'm going to be straight with you.

Gus: Oh, yes, please.

Beth: You know, I'm not just concerned about saving your marriage. Harley is well-meaning, but let's face it, she doesn't have what it makes to run a company the size of Spaulding enterprises.

Gus: No, hold on a second. I think she's done a pretty good job, I mean, all said.

Beth: I could do better, much. That's why as soon as she steps down, I'm going to take her place as C.E.O. Not only is it what Alan wants, but I'm the best person for the job, well, aside from Alexandra, but thanks to her stint in prison, she's unelectable. Thank goodness.

Gus: Hold on a second, the board had a chance to elect you and they didn't, I mean....

Beth: That is because Alan and I didn't lay the proper ground work. But we have dug up the right skeletons, twisted the appropriate arms. I'll get my votes, don't you worry.

Gus: Well, I'm not really worried, but you should be.


Jeffrey: Everything okay with you, Josh?

Josh: Yeah, everything is fine. Why do you ask?

Jeffrey: I don't know, you just seem agitated about something.

Josh: I'm just worried about Tammy, that's all. And, of course, I'm worried about Cassie, too, she has been through a lot of disappointments in her life, a lot of pain, a lot of deception. In fact, every man she as ever been with has let her down, except for Richard, of course.

Jeffrey: You mean except for Richard, and me. And I'm going to take very good care of her, Josh, and I'm going to give her everything that she could possibly need.

Josh: Well, that's good. I'm glad to hear that.

Reva: Well, if it isn't two of Springfield's handsomest men.

Jeffrey: Oh, excuse me.

Reva: I heard a little bit of what you were saying, and thank you for being so protective of my sister. I appreciate it.

Josh: I just care about Cassie. That's all.

Reva: I know you do. And it's nice to know that, well, that with everything going on about us, she can still be a part of her family.

Josh: Of course she is, and so are her kids. That will never change.

Reva: It's nice she can lean on you, and that all of us can, still.

Josh: Is there something you need to lean on me for right now?

Reva: Ah, I just feel like this whole mess with Tammy and Sandy could turn into more rough times for all of us. But then, I could just be being paranoid, at least I hope so.

Josh: I hope so, too. I would like to think there are happy times ahead, I just feel like I've had enough of lies and secrets and family drama.


Cassie: All right, already, I said I'm coming.

Sandy: Is Tammy here?

Cassie: Sandy, no, she's not.

Sandy: Do you know where she is?

Cassie: No.

Sandy: Look, Tammy is my wife.

Cassie: Actually, she's not, not according to the police. And she told me she doesn't want to be with you anymore.


Tammy: Jonathan? Are you here? You scared me. Why didn't you say anything?

Jonathan: I think you've been saying enough for both of us. I heard you talking to Lizzie Spaulding... she asked you if you were dating, and you didn't say a damn thing about me.

Tammy: Jonathan.

Jonathan: You tell me you love me and then you act like nothing happened.

Tammy: No, that's not what happened. Okay, okay. I said that to Lizzie, but only because you know what a blabbermouth she is and if I told her about us, then everyone would have known it in five minutes.

Jonathan: So what? Who cares? Who cares? What if you were talking to someone else... Marina, your mom? Would you have told them? No, I didn't think so. You're ashamed.

Tammy: No, Jonathan, I'm not ashamed. I'm scared, Jonathan. I'm so scared.


Coming up on "Guiding Light"...

Lizzie: Wow, mom, you're really starting to be just like granddad.

Alan: Believe me, Beth, I will have the last laugh.

Josh: Okay, Jeffrey, let's see what your secret is.

Cassie: It's over. It is what it is, you have to let her go.

Sandy: Don't tell me what I have to do! You don't know! It is not over!


Harley: Nice work, Beth. Really, really, really nice work. And Merry Christmas to you, too.

Beth: Harley, I didn't mean... you set me up.

Harley: Nobody did anything to you. You dug your own grave. On the contrary, I happen to know exactly what this company needs, and it doesn't need you. You're fired. Ooh, that was fun.

Beth: You're so out of your league, it's pathetic, Harley.

Harley: You keep telling yourself that on the way out the door.

Beth: This isn't over.

Dinah: Honey, you hit it out of the ballpark.

Harley: Oh, thanks. You want her office?

Dinah: Yeah. Can I have her office?

Harley: Yeah. ( Laughter )

Beth: Get out of my way, Buzz.

Buzz: Hey, need a ride?

Beth: No, I have a car of my own. So why don't you go in and join your family and celebrate my public humiliation.

Buzz: Look, we all have made mistakes, who hasn't?

Beth: When are you people going to understand, I'm trying to get my life...

Buzz: You married a Spaulding. You're not going to be in control of your life. You're a beautiful young woman. You need a life of your own. I mean, you're gorgeous.

Beth: You're drunk, Buzz. Good night and happy holidays.

Buzz: I'm drunk?

Lizzie: Wow, mom, you're really starting to be just like granddad.

Beth: Well, Lizzie, if Harley runs this company into the ground and you lose your trust fund, you won't have to play at being poor anymore. You really will have no money and no options, and maybe then you'll remember this conversation.


Harley: Stop. I hope you understand why we had to do that.

Alan-Michael: Harley, Harley, it was a classic Spaulding move. Nice work. Welcome to the family.

Harley: Thank you.


Cassie: Tammy has made up her mind. It's over. We all wish it could be different, but it is what it is. You have to let her go.

Sandy: Don't tell me what I have to do. You don't know! It's not over! It is not!

Cassie: You had better leave.

Sandy: Cassie, look, I'm sorry I snapped. I'm desperate to see Tammy.

Cassie: I got that. Look, Sandy, I don't think you're a bad person, but you made a huge mistake, and you lied too many times. I'd like you to leave.

Sandy: Like I said, it's not over.


Tammy: I do want to be with you. I do, more than anything. I just don't know how people are going to react.

Jonathan: So what, who cares about that?

Tammy: I care. Maybe I shouldn't, but I do. I just left my mom's. She knows about the fire.

Jonathan: What about it?

Tammy: Nothing, really. But it made her think about the house, how it would have been perfect.

Jonathan: Yeah, for you and Sandy.

Tammy: Sandy's not even the point. It's about what she thinks of me, and... I don't want that anymore. I don't want to be that person anymore.

Jonathan: Then don't be that person anymore.

Tammy: But that's the person my mom still thinks I am. I've changed, but the people around me, the people around us, they haven't, and they still have these expectations and these ideas about who we are, and what we should and shouldn't...

Jonathan: That's their problem.

Tammy: No, Jonathan, it's our problem. We can't just pretend like the rest of the world doesn't exist.

Jonathan: Why? It's worked for me so far.

Tammy: Really?

Jonathan: Yeah.

Tammy: I don't think so.

Jonathan: Your life can be whatever you want it to be. It's your choice.

Tammy: I know, I know, and I chose you. I did. All I'm asking is that you give me a little bit of time, please.

Jonathan: Why? So you can change your feelings again and run away?

Tammy: No. I'm just scared. I told you, I don’t... I don't know how else to say it. I'm scared.

Jonathan: You want to see scared... I'll show you scared.

Tammy: Hey! Jonathan!


Harley: Aren't you the sneaky one.

Gus: Well, I have my moments.

Harley: You had your plan, you went for it, and bam, we 86'd that.

Gus: I swear, she was on to us.

Harley: Naw, she didn't suspect a thing. I used to be a cop, too. I had to fake somebody out.

Gus: Oh, I know that.

Harley: Oh, really? So how come you don't trust me?

Gus: I do trust you. I trust you more now than I ever have in my life.

Harley: You sure about that?

Gus: Yes, I'm absolutely positive about that.

Harley: Is this thing off?

Gus: Of course it is off.

Harley: I want to wish for something to dream about.


Mcmullen: This is not the way business should be conducted. This is what happens when inferior people get a toehold inside...

Marina: I'm sorry, you said inferior.

Mcmullen: Harley Cooper and that low-rent, Spaulding husband. Alan may be crazy, but at least he had class. Right, Alan-Michael?

Alan-Michael: I don't know, how classy is it to kill your own son. I go way back with the Coopers, and frankly I think Harley has more class in her left pinky than my dad will ever have. And by the way, this is Harley's niece, Marina Cooper. Nice chatting with you.

Marina: Hi.


Alan-Michael: Guys, sorry, I just wanted to tell you again, congratulations, brilliant work. Beth is no longer a threat.

Harley: I could tell you, I thought you'd be in Beth's corner.

Alan-Michael: I'm in the corner of the woman I trust to lead Spaulding enterprises. My favorite ex-wife.

Harley: Thank you.

Alan: Have a good night.

Gus: Little Al.

Harley: Hey, we're okay tonight, aren't we?

Gus: Okay, yeah, I'd say so. We should blow this little clam bake and go home and make sweet monkey love. ( Laughter ) what do you say?


Beth: They beat us, Alan. Gus and Harley were on to us the entire time. They humiliated me in front of the entire company. It is over. It is done. We'll never get Spaulding back now.

Alan: Tell me everything that happened.

Beth: Oh, what does it matter? The point is, it is over.

Alan: Well, that is unfortunate.

Beth: Is that all you have to say?

Alan: Beth, I know that you're upset, but I have been at this game for a long time, and I know that things are never truly over. That's why I don't celebrate victory, nor do I take defeat personally. Things could get worse or things could get much better.

Beth: How? How? How could they possibly get better?

Alan: Sweetheart, you're very upset right now, and I think what you need to do is to go home, fix yourself a good, stiff drink, and get in the jacuzzi, and let me worry about all of this, all right?

Beth: They humiliated me, Alan.

Alan: I know they did, but, believe me, Beth, I will have the last laugh.

Beth: You and I, you mean?

Alan: Yes. We, will have the last laugh. Now, I think you should go home, get some rest, and let me worry about all of this, sweetheart. Go on.


Tammy: Are you crazy! That water is freezing, and you can barely swim. Here.

Jonathan: Ooh. I did that to show you a point. You have got to face your fears. You can't run from them. I was scared to go in that water, and I promise I'm just as scared as you are to find out what happens when everybody finds out about us.

Tammy: You are?

Jonathan: Yeah, I am. But it is not going to keep me from you. Fire, water, hell, bring it on. I just want to be with you.

Tammy: I want to be with you, too.


Josh: Jeffrey! Okay, this is crazy. Or not... hello! Okay, Jeffrey. Let's see what your secret is.


Jeffrey: All right, give me the description again. Have you processed the scene? All right. Keep me posted. Thanks. Jeffrey O'Neill.

Cassie: Is this the same Jeffrey O'Neill who is about to turn into a country bumpkin?

Jeffrey: Yes, it would.

Cassie: Well, where are you? And you better say you're on your way out here?

Jeffrey: I'm afraid I still have a bunch of work to do.

Cassie: Okay, well, make it quick. I want you to go to your suite, put in the boxes, get them in the car and come out here and officially move in. And I'm going to make us a really special dinner tonight. Sound good?

Jeffrey: It sounds amazing. You know what? Give me a half hour, and I'll see how much I can get done and I'll call you back, okay?

Cassie: Okay, no problem. Bye. Huh, sounds like someone is getting cold feet. Well, you may be too busy to drive your stuff out here tonight, Jeffrey, but guess what? I'm not.


Reva: Jeffrey, what are you still doing here? Don't you have a girlfriend to get home to?

Jeffrey: Hi, Reva. Do you think it is possible to ruin a good thing?

Reva: You bet. I'm the expert. But what good thing are you talking about ruining? Not you and Cassie?

Jeffrey: You know, some guys can't be domesticated. We may want to be but when we try, we mess it up.

Reva: Well, no, that's-- you're not one of those guys. Is that why you're not moving in with Cassie, you're afraid you're going to screw it all up?

Jeffrey: What about Jonathan?

Reva: What about him?

Jeffrey: Do you think he is the kind of guy that is going to stay on the straight and narrow and be a regular, law-abiding type of guy?

Reva: He already is.

Jeffrey: You know that house Sandy bought for Tammy. Someone set fire to it and burned it down last night.

Reva: What?

Jeffrey: Yeah. And there was a young man seen fleeing the scene of the crime and the description sounded a lot like Jonathan.


Frank: Okay, who's having fun now? Seriously, let's rate this party one to ten, ten being the best. What do you think? Okay, that's what I thought. At least our New Year's Eve bash will be a whole hell of a lot better.

Buzz: It better be a lot better.

Marina: New Year's Eve?

Frank: Pop and I were thinking about have Co2 sponsor a big bash, and bring in big space heaters and a band and have fireworks on the water at midnight and you can invite all of your friends.

Marina: I can't. I mean it sounds like fun, but...

Frank: What are you talking about? You've got plans for New Year's Eve, honey?

Marina: Well, maybe.


Gus: What, you want to go? I don't think so.

Harley: I still haven't made my big holiday speech yet. Maybe I should get everybody's attention.

Gus: I have you in my arms, I'm enjoying it is what I'm trying to say.

Harley: I am so loving being here with you. And I'm so glad we don't have to look over our shoulders anymore.

Harley: Yeah. ( Laughs )


Alan: International sales are down. Harley Cooper is ruining my business.

Alan-Michael: You mean our business.

Alan: Alan-Michael, I was hoping you would pay me a visit. I hear that Beth was outed at the Christmas party.

Alan-Michael: I felt bad for her, but it had to be done. Now Gus and Harley think they've rid themselves of the traitor in their midst, when all they've really done is welcome him into the fold.


Reva: Hey, look, I know you have to do your job, but I don't think you have to question Jonathan about this right now. You know, I mean, he-- he's been under a lot of pressure lately.

Jeffrey: Why?

Reva: Well, I don't know, really. It just-- if you accuse him of something now, I don't think he's going to handle it very well.

Jeffrey: I'm not going to accuse him of anything unless there is a reason to accuse him.

Reva: Well, there won't be. Let's talk about the things that are really important, like why you're dragging your feet and not going and shacking up with my sister.


If you could love someone like me...

Tammy: I'm sorry, I didn't tell Lizzie about you.

Jonathan: It's okay. It doesn't matter.

Hope and dreams push away the pain and regret

but loving you just let's me know ...


Next on "Guiding Light"...

Alan Michael: They fell for it, hook line and sinker.

Alan: Welcome back to the family, son.

Frank: I don't want you to see anybody at Spaulding.

Josh: Did you ever wonder, yourself, how Jeffrey got here?

Jeffrey: There are a lot of things she doesn't know about me.

Reva: Now you're scaring me.

Jonathan: I will be right back.

Reva: I helped you and Tammy get together, and now I'm wondering if I made a huge mistake.

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