GL Transcript Wednesday 12/7/05

Guiding Light Transcript Wednesday 12/7/05


Provided By Boo
Proofread By Tanya

Olivia: You know, maybe I wasn't meant to find love.

Josh: You shouldn't think like that, Olivia.

Olivia: I blew it with you, and Bill and I are apart.

Josh: You're just going through a tough time, that's all. I understand because I'm going through a tough time myself, but I have to believe it is still out there for us.

Olivia: Love?

Josh: Yeah.

Olivia: I almost believe it when you say it.

Josh: I shouldn't have let that happen, I'm sorry.

Olivia: I'm not.


Reva: Joshua, hey, it is me. When you get this message, could you call me back. I don't know what you're doing right now, but I'm over at Cassie's. And Cassie and Jeffrey and R.J. went hunting down the perfect Christmas tree, and I was thinking we could finish the talk we started. She also had some of that really bad eggnog you like so much, and I have a story about Jonathan you're probably not going to like so much. You know, it is always Jonathan, and never Marah and Shayne. I've got to go, Tammy is back now. I'll call you back. I was just leaving a message for your uncle.

Tammy: Jonathan call?

Reva: No.

Tammy: I looked at Outskirts, and Company, and his place, and nobody has seen him.

Reva: Maybe he needs a little time. He knows you're with Sandy.

Tammy: That's the thing, aunt Reva. I know who I need to be with, and I need to tell Jonathan.

Reva: Tammy, don't.


R.J.: Look at this tree, mom.

Cassie: Honey, where would we put a tree that size. We would have to move out.

Jeffrey: It looks like a pretty great tree to me, too, R.J.

Cassie: That tree is bigger than our apartment.

Jeffrey: It is our first Christmas together. I want everything to be big.

Cassie: Honey, what about these?

R.J.: Please, I want this one, mom.

Jeffrey: Please.

Cassie: You guys are ganging up on me. And next year I'm leaving you at home.

Jeffrey: Say that again.

Cassie: I'm leaving you at home.

Jeffrey: No, no. The next year part.

Cassie: ( Laughs ) Now if I can just figure out a way to tell him about Christmas.

Jeffrey: That is going to be tough.

Cassie: Maybe not. I know it looks bad now, but maybe Tammy and Sandy will work things out.

R.J.: Mom, Mr. Pine might sell the tree to someone else.

Jeffrey: Well, we can't let that happen, right, mom?


Jonathon: Unbelievable. No matter what Sandy does, he always lands on top.

Ava: Hi, Jonathan. Wow, it's so nice to see a family that's happy for a change, isn't it? Maybe some day you and Tammy can...

Jonathan: No, there is no me and Tammy. We're done, over. Merry freakin' Christmas.


Josh: You just got served with your divorce papers from Bill, and here and I am... I'm just-- I'm really sorry.

Olivia: Don’t. Don't apologize. Please. We were close once, and this is just the natural thing.

Josh: I was out of line, Olivia. We're both going through a difficult time right now. We're both lonely, and that is no excuse.

Olivia: I kissed you. The truth is, it felt good to be held. It felt good to have familiar arms around me.

Josh: Old, familiar arms.

Olivia: Familiar, yes. Old, not in a million years.

Josh: Why don't we just... why don't we just forget about it and move on, okay?

Olivia: Okay. Okay.

Josh: You had some paperwork you wanted me to look at?

Olivia: Yeah, yeah, it is one of those projects.

Josh: Right, the condo thing in Spring Valley.

Olivia: Yeah, it was one of the master bedrooms, and he kept thinking and saying sexy, sexy, sexy.

Josh: Maybe I should assigned this to somebody else.

Olivia: I can handle this.

Josh: The question is: Do you want to? This has Bill's fingerprints all over it.

Olivia: You move on. I learned that when we broke up. I learned a lot from you.

Josh: I'm glad.

Olivia: So, look, why don't we just get to work.


Ava: John!

Jonathan: I'm out of here.

Ava: No, no, I don't think you should be alone right no. I don't think you should be along right now.

Jonathan: I don't need a friend.

Ava: We'll go to Outskirts and I'll buy you a drink.

Jonathan: I don't need a friend and I don't need to talk. And I can drink alone.

Ava: No, not today.

Jonathan: I didn't mean to take this out on the kids.

Ava: It is fine, it is okay, nothing is broken. Why don't you tell me what is going on? Why are you like this?

Jonathan: Tammy wants Sandy. Yeah. It doesn't matter, all the lies and the fact that he married her when he was married to you. She doesn't care. She still wants him.

Ava: Are you sure?

Jonathan: Yeah. Yeah, she went to go meet him, and they're going to work things out, so... here, you want something to throw, too?


Jeffrey: Well, Cassie, that is a huge tree. How will we get it home?

Cassie: I don't know. Okay, we'll take it.

R.J.: Yes!

Jeffrey: Yay!

R.J.: Excellent!

Mr. Pine: All right, another Christmas miracle. Come on, kid, let's go talk money.

Jeffrey: Uh-oh, come on now, we already chose the big one. No second-guessing.

Cassie: No, I'm just thinking, maybe we should get another tree for Tammy and Sandy, you know just in case, to put in that new house.


Jonathan: I found that house.

Ava: Okay, come on, let's go.


Jeffrey: No, you go. What happened to letting the kids work it out for themselves?

Cassie: It is just a tree.

Jeffrey: You're right, let's buy it.

Cassie: Yeah? ( Laughing )

Jonathan: Well, golly gee. That sounds like a great idea. Let's buy a Christmas tree for everybody's favorite perfect little couple.

Ava: Jonathan, let's go. Let's have some coffee.

Jonathan: No. You know what? Cassie was right. Sandy and Tammy's place needs to be decorated proper for Christmas.


Sandy: Please, is it because of him? Are you in love with Jonathan?

Tammy: I love you both, Sandy. I love both of you!

Sandy: He'll never have her-- not while breathing.


Reva: Tammy, how well do you know my son?

Tammy: Well enough.

Reva: Then you know how he reacts when he feels he is being rejected.

Tammy: Yes, but--

Reva: He has a tendency to lash out. He wants to hurt people because he has been hurt so much, and he has lost so much between Marisa and Nate, and now the thought of losing you, too. I have done everything in my power to help you make the decision between Sandy and Jonathan, and I know how difficult that will be because I love them both, too.

Tammy: I know.

Reva: Jonathan's going to have a hard time handling this that's why I should be the one to tell him you're going back to Sandy.

Tammy: I'm not going back to Sandy.

Reva: Maybe not right away, but once you...

Tammy: Aunt Reva, you don't understand. I don't want to be with Sandy. I want to be with Jonathan. I have to. Please don't try to stop me.

Reva: Stop you? Oh, honey. Of course. We have to find him.


Jonathan: Hey! Anybody home? Sandy! Tammy! It's father Christmas! Wow. They must have had some celebration. I guess there's none left for me. Yep. It must have been some party. ( Glass breaking )


Ava: Hi.

Sandy: Great. ( Sighs ) just great.

Ava: I thought you'd be at that new place with Tammy.

Sandy: Think again.


Jonathan: Ho-ho-ho, Merry Christmas! We have ourselves a perfect little dream house here! Mr. And Mrs. Sandy Foster on the mailbox! A genuine pair of his and her bedroom slippers! We got a dog. We got a baby! Could you want anything more? I don't think so. How about we uh... how about we carve our initials into this table? Oh. What's Christmas without a cozy little fire.


Olivia: See the master bath is off about an eighth of an inch.

Josh: Good catch.

Olivia: Once Bill and I were such a good team. I was a perfectionist and he was just about the people. He said for the people, we're building dreams.

Josh: That sounds like Bill.

Olivia: Yeah, he always had a solution to simplify things, you know, and... sorry.

Josh: Olivia, don't be sorry, okay? I understand what it feels like to be divorced. I've been through it more than a few times myself.

Olivia: Don't you hate those people who get it right the first time?

Josh: Actually, I don't think I know anybody like that. Look, do you... do you want to go downstairs and get something to eat?

Olivia: No, we have work to do.

Josh: We're always going to have work to do. Come on, you look like you could use a good solid shot of apple pie a la mode. Come on.

Olivia: Thank you. I should have fought a lot harder to keep you.

Josh: Yeah, because I'm such a catch, right? ( Laughter )

Reva: Hello.


R.J.: Thank you.

Cassie: How long until the carolers...

Mr. Pine: Oh, it be should soon. I'll go and arrange delivery of those trees there. You know, we have roasted chestnuts to go with that cider.

Cassie: I know you want to stay, but it is getting kind of late.

Jeffrey: I think we're going to have to gang up on her again, R.J.

Cassie: Okay, okay, we'll stay.

Jeffrey: Wow, that was easy. Go get some chestnuts, R.J. Look, you made his night. Wow, what was that for?

Cassie: For making me forget about Tammy’s problems for a little while. You know, you are a fun guy, Mr. O'Neill.

Jeffrey: That's me, fun.

Cassie: Especially for somebody who hates Christmas.

Jeffrey: I don't hate Christmas.

Cassie: Oh, come on. Who was it that said Christmas is just an occasion to hawk junk.

Jeffrey: Well it is, but...

Cassie: But? Is the grinch starting to grow a heart?

Jeffrey: I have no problem with the holiday. I just have a problem with it being shoved down our throats all the time. But we're not... uh, we're taking it easy. We're not going too fast. We're not trying to create an instant family here.

R.J.: Mom, dad, the music is going to start.

Jeffrey: Did he just call me...

Cassie: Now's your chance to run.


Sandy: I don't need another attorney. I need Vince Russo. He handled the divorce, he has the paperwork, and I need proof. So find him and have him call me. I should sue that guy!

Ava: Just relax and tell me what happened with Tammy.

Sandy: Jonathan happened. She chose him.

Ava: She did.

Sandy: Let me ask you something now. If a guy completely wrecks your life, trashes it, could you still love him?

Ava: Yes.

Sandy: I think she's just confused. As soon as I find Russo and get this straightened out, we'll be back to where we started.

Ava: Xander...

Sandy: I will be okay.

Ava: Don't go, stay.

Sandy: No!

Ava: Yes. Come on, stay. Sit here. Just relax, okay? Take deep breaths. You remember when I used to do this to you when your mother was so sick. You used to get so stressed out.

Sandy: I do remember. You had the touch.

Ava: I still do.


Jonathan: It would be a real shame if I missed and one of these matches lands on a rug, or a curtain. The whole place goes up in smoke. Just like me and Tammy. But she made her decision. Sandy Foster, no spark there. No flame. No fire. Well, I hope that you enjoy your perfect little life. But it is not going to be here. I found this place before Sandy. This is supposed to be ours, but now it is going to be toast.

Tammy: Jonathan!


Coming up on "Guiding Light"...

Man: I'm just wondering if you read the research I gave you? On Jeffrey O'Neill -- lots of surprises.

Ava: I'll take care of you.

Sandy: He's got a hold on her.

Ava: Maybe tomorrow things will look differently.


Josh: Olivia and I were working on a project.

Reva: ( Laughs ) Is that what they're calling it these days.

Olivia: Why don't you just tell her? I was upset, I came over...

Reva: Because Bill is divorcing you. I know all about it. Wanda told me.

Olivia: I'll bet she did.

Reva: So naturally you felt the need to come rushing over here to cry on my husband's shoulder.

Josh: Reva, it wasn't like that, okay?

Olivia: Funny how he's your husband when other people need him, otherwise...

Reva: Otherwise, what? He's fair game?

Olivia: The two of you are separated.

Reva: It is not like he is wearing a big sign saying, "available". Not that has ever stopped you before.

Josh: Excuse me, could you not talk about me as a third person like I'm not standing here in the room.

Reva: It is a little hard not to notice you with that lipstick smeared on your lips.

Josh: Can we just try to get along.

Reva: All get along? Hmm.

Josh: Are you here for a reason?

Reva: Yeah, I came because of Tammy. I was hoping that you had spoken to Sandy.

Josh: Actually, I don't feel like speaking to Sandy right now.

Olivia: I don't blame you, the guy's a jerk. Stringing Tammy along while he is married to Ava. I fired Ava, by the way, and I kicked her out of the Beacon.

Reva: I don't like what Sandy did, but it was hardly Ava's fault.

Olivia: If she hid the fact, what else is she hiding?

Reva: What else is she hiding?

Olivia: Exactly.

Reva: They were kids when they got married. Not that that's going to matter any more.

Josh: To whom?

Reva: To Tammy. When she decides what she wants, it may be Sandy who needs our sympathy.

Olivia: I can't see giving Sandy any sympathy.

Josh: I've got to say I'm with Olivia on this. You betray somebody, you've got to pay the consequences.

Olivia: You sure do.


Jeffrey: You know, I've never been called that before. I've been called a lot of things, but never dad.

Cassie: Yes, I know. R.J. just feels comfortable with you, that's all. Okay, what are you feeling? Panic, terror, nausea, all of the above?

Jeffrey: Actually, I feel good.

Cassie: Good?

Jeffrey: Yeah. Okay, better than good. I feel great.

Cassie: Really?

Jeffrey: Yeah, I feel absolutely great.

Cassie: I love you!

Jeffrey: Whoa! It is not like I want to run out and adopt, you know, a dozen kids right away. I just happen to like the kids that you have already.

Cassie: Darn, and I had such plans.

Jeffrey: Well then you'll have to work on me.

Cassie: Really? ( Laughing )

Jeffrey: Hey, buddy. Where are the carolers?

Mr. Pine: He changed his mind and says he wants to go ice skating.

Cassie: Honey, I don't know. You haven't been on the ice yet this year.

R.J.: Please, mom.

Cassie: Honey, why don't we go home and roast some marshmallows.

R.J.: I want to skate.

Jeffrey: The kid wants to skate, let him skate.

Cassie: Great, good cop, bad cop. I just don't want you to fall.

Jeffrey: Take it easy, mom. It is going to be all right, even if he does fall. If he falls, he gets back up, just like life.


Ava: Did Tammy tell you she wanted to be with Jonathan?

Sandy: He's got a hold on her.

Ava: I know all about people having a hold on one another. And if you want to save what you have with Tammy, then you need to let her have some space. You need to give her some space, or you'll lose her for sure, Xander.

Sandy: You're right. I should let it go.

Ava: Perfect, let it go and get some sleep.

Sandy: Sleep.

Ava: Sleepy.

Sandy: That is what I need.

Ava: That is what you need. Good. And maybe tomorrow things will look differently.


Jonathan: Well, look who's here. Did you forget something, maybe a little knick-knack that you and your husband left behind?

Tammy: Pipe down and let me explain.

Jonathan: Save it. You guys had a heck of a party.

Tammy: Set it down before you light something on fire.

Jonathan: What was it like, huh? Did Sandy start crying? Did he beg your forgiveness? Did he put on that sweet huckleberry face, "shucks, I'm sorry, I'll get rid of my other wife, I promise."

Tammy: Stop. I need to talk to you, but I can't do it with you waving that thing around. You're scaring me.

Jonathan: That's me, scary.

Tammy: Stop acting that way.

Jonathan: Like what! Like what way! This way! This is me, this is all there is. Did you think you could civilize me, treat me like your pet, huh? Having me licking your hand, then you throw me out to the curb, and I come running back?! If you're going to apologize, save it! Save it for someone who wants to hear it!

Tammy: I wasn't going to apologize; I had to see Sandy. There were things to talk about.

Jonathan: Start over with him, you're already married to him, who cares if he has a wife. Who cares if he gets arrested in the aisle of the church where he is getting married. You don’t. You go running back to him anyway.

Tammy: I wasn't running back to him. I had to see him, to tell him we were over, that I want you! Only you!


R.J.: I can't find any that big. Let's go home.

Cassie: Good idea.

Jeffrey: Hold on a second there. The R.J. I know is not a quitter. Don't you have a birthday coming up, R.J.?

R.J.: On Christmas.

Jeffrey: On Christmas. While you and Mr. Pine were trying to find something to fit you there, look what I found.

R.J.: Thanks, Jeffrey!

Jeffrey: And you can keep them, too. Happy birthday, buddy. Let's get these on you so we can get on the ice.


Reva: Boy, it must be nice to have everything figured out. You both are very lucky.

Josh: Reva.

Reva: Look, we made mistakes when we were that age.

Josh: I don't want to talk about Sandy.

Reva: Obviously, because you're otherwise engaged.

Josh: You can't decide you want more time alone and start telling me who I can see.

Reva: I don't remember telling you how you spend your time.

Josh: You've been all over Olivia--

Reva: No, no, no, you are all over Olivia.

Josh: Are you ready to go?

Olivia: Oh, yes.

Josh: Hey, you want to come with us?

Reva: You two run along and have a good night.

Josh: Okay, I know what you think you saw, but you're wrong. Olivia is just having a tough time, and I'm trying to help her out. ( Cell phone rings ) I have to take this, I'm sorry. Don't break all of the furniture, okay? Hello.

Man: Mr. Lewis, it is...

Josh: Yeah, I know who it is.

Man: I was just wondering if you read the research I gave you on Jeffrey O'Neill?

Josh: No, I decided not to.

Man: I think you should. Quite a background, lots of surprises. He looks like quite the family man right now.

Josh: Where are you?

Man: Christmas tree lot on main street. O’Neill and the girl, they're all snuggled up together.

Josh: What is this about?

Man: Information. I can get you more on them, O’Neill. And why he's lying to his pretty lady about that dead husband of hers, I'm on to something, but it won't come cheap.

Josh: I told you, I'm not interested.

Man: Yeah, that's what you said the last time.

Josh: Look, Robards...

Robards: I'll be waiting for your call.

Josh: Hello. I've got to take a rain check.

Olivia: Okay. Something wrong?

Josh: It is something I have to do.

Reva: Who was on the phone? Was is it one of the kids?

Josh: No, it wasn't one of the kids.

Olivia: He'll be fine.

Reva: I feel so much better, Olivia, thank you.

Olivia: Okay, you know what? I've got work to do, so if you wouldn't mind leaving.

Reva: I'm not going anywhere until we get a few things straightened out.


R.J.: That was fun. And I only fell once.

Cassie: I know, you were great. But now it really is time for us to get going.

Jeffrey: Come on, we'll get your skates off in the car.

Cassie: You are so wonderful.

Jeffrey: Come on, let's get him home.


Ava: Don't worry, everything is going to be fine. I'll take care of you.


Jonathan: What did you just say to me?

Tammy: I want to be with you. I came here to give Sandy the ring back. You would have known that if you had waited for me, but you didn't trust me enough. You didn't think that I could possibly choose you and not Sandy.

Jonathan: The ring, you gave it back?

Tammy: Yes. I told him that it was over.

Jonathan: How did he take that?

Tammy: Does it matter? I'm here.

Jonathan: What's the catch?

Tammy: There is no catch.

Jonathan: No, there has got to be a catch. Something like that...

Tammy: Stop, listen. Look at me. Do I look like I want to be with somebody else? Anybody else?

Jonathan: You really want to be with me?

Tammy: Yes. When aunt Reva told me how upset you are, I was crazy to find you because...

Jonathan: You were afraid I was going to do something stupid?

Tammy: I know what happens when you get hurt. I don't want to hurt you ever again!

Jonathan: Me either.

Tammy: I can't imagine spending my life with anybody else.

Jonathan: Say that again. Say that again.

Tammy: I can't imagine...


Olivia: I'm not in the mood for a lecture.

Reva: Good, because I don't have one prepared, and I'm also confident Josh knows what he is doing.

Olivia: What is he doing?

Reva: Being charitable.

Olivia: Charitable?

Reva: Do you honestly think it's more than that? Come on, Olivia, his nephew, Bill, is divorcing you, and knowing Josh the way I do, I think he needs to show you some support.

Olivia: It kills you to see the two of us together, doesn't it?

Reva: Snap out of it! You honestly think you and Josh are together? You know what? If I were you, I would look beyond the Lewis men, start casting my line somewhere else.

Olivia: Oh, yes, because I hate to be someone going after all of the Lewis men.

Reva: But I was young and I had time. You don’t. Why squander whatever life you have left, hoping to kindle some fire out of simple kindness and obligation.

Olivia: I so appreciate your concern. If I turn out to be Joshua's favorite charity, I will make sure he gives until it hurts. ( Laughter ) so, bye-bye.

Reva: I'll see you soon.


Cassie: Just put him down on the couch for now. I'll go up and get his pajamas.

Jeffrey: All right, okay. Buddy. Wake up, you're big tree is coming. And we can all decorate it together, okay. Someone is happy?

Cassie: Yes, I think we're all happy. This is going to be the best Christmas ever, ever.


Sandy: You feel good.

Ava: You, too.


Tammy: Oh, Jonathan!

Jonathan: Get back, I'll put it out. It is all right, you got to get out of here.

Tammy: What about you?

Jonathan: I'm going to put it out.

I can bless the water but it wouldn't turn to wine

and a picture of the sunset hanging there in your eyes

and it just needs some compromise


Sandy: Tammy...

I could write a million verses, of words you've heard before

still some of Dylan's best, but it leaves me wanting to say more

'cause there is so much more

baby, if you could love someone like me

there's no end to the possibilities

hopes and dreams push away the pain and regret


Tammy: You can't. This is too big.

Jonathan: Go. Get out of here.

Tammy: I'm not going anywhere without you. It was an accident. You stay, they'll think it is your fault.

There might be hope for me There might be hope for me yet hope for me yet sometimes when I look back, I don't even know myself it blows my mind to think that I found grace in someone else baby, you're grace is something else yeah, yes if you could love someone like me there's no end to the possibilities hopes and dreams push away the pain and regret loving you just let's me know there might be hope for me yet for a man who has done nothing, I've been blessed with so much more than I deserve I'm smart enough to know that I've been handed something you can't put a price on what it's worth...


Next on "Guiding Light"...

Jonathan: There are no mistakes when it comes to us.

Gus: Look at him, he is pouting because we're not going to talk about Harley anymore.

Harley: I have to stop this.

Coop: You look good though-- great, you look great.

Ava: Thank you, I thought you would like it.

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