Guiding Light Transcript Monday 12/5/05
Provided By
Proofread By Tanya
Jonathan: I know you're afraid of what everybody is thinking, and believe it or not, I'm not trying to pressure you, but I have an idea that is going to make this-- us-- a lot easier. Go away with me right now.
Cassie: Is Tammy inside?
Jonathan: Yes, she's here.
Cassie: Well, I need to see her.
Jonathan: Cassie, wait.
Cassie: Why?
Jonathan: I think you should give her sometime alone, let her be by herself?
Cassie: No. She was pretty upset, I think she needs me.
Josh: Hello? Olivia, it is Josh, you said you wanted to work and I'm here, let's
Olivia: Oh, Josh? My God!
Marina: Yeah, so I just thought I'd check in, you know.
Buzz: Since when do you check in?
Marina: Well, I just didn't want you to worry.
Buzz: Okay. Where are you?
Marina: Well, I'm actually, sort of, in Paris.
Buzz: Texas.
Marina: France.
Buzz: Now?
Marina: Yeah. It is kind of a long story. This opportunity came up, and I've always wanted to see Paris, even if just for a couple of hours.
Buzz: Hours? So you flew to Europe to have onion soup and a croissant? Where are you really?
Marina: France.
Buzz: Okay, if you say so. How is the weather in Paris?
Marina: Actually, we're still in the air, but--
Buzz: Who is "we"?
Marina: Grandpa... grandpa, I'm sorry, we're breaking up. I love you. I'll see you tomorrow.
Alan-Michael: Squared away with the family?
Marina: I thought I would check in.
Alan-Michael: Right. So you're dad doesn't put out an A.P.B.
Marina: Yeah, I think he would get the wrong idea about this, I mean you. We both know this was about a chance to get on a flight and go anywhere but Springfield.
Alan-Michael: I understand. I offered Paris and you accepted.
Marina: Oh, so much artwork, and so little time.
Alan-Michael: Why read about it when you're going to see it any minute now. Why don't you tell me about what you want to see once we land?
Marina: That's easy. Van Gogh's church in auvers-sur- oise. Every since I saw it in my third grade teacher's art book, I knew I would have to see it some day.
Alan-Michael: And you will, soon. But right now, look... Paris, lights and everything.
Marina: It is beautiful.
Alan-Michael: It sure is.
Marina: Well I should probably get buckled in for the landing. Here we go.
Jeffrey: Reva? Hey.
Reva: Oh, hi. Dare I ask what is in the suitcases?
Jeffrey: My life. Cassie and I have decided we want to live together.
Reva: Oh. Wow. Well, that's great. Congratulations.
Jeffrey: Thank you, but I hear a "but" coming.
Reva: No, no, no. Don't be silly. I was just thinking, with Tammy and everything she has been through lately....
Jeffrey: Yeah. Well, we thought about that, and we figured if she saw how happy we were together, she would think about her own future and realize there is someone out there for her, too?
Reva: I think she knows that.
Cassie: I thought you said you knew she was here.
Jonathan: Well, I did because she was supposed to be.
Jeffrey: Cassie?
Cassie: If she is not in the house, where is she, Jonathan? Where did Tammy go?
Tammy: Sandy.
Sandy: Hi.
Tammy: Thank you for coming. I needed to see you.
Sandy: Is that...
Tammy: It's yours. It's everything you left behind at the farmhouse. You want to check and make sure I got it all?
Sandy: You had me come and meet you here in our home to give me back my stuff, and that's it?
Tammy: That's it, what else?
Sandy: I thought maybe you had...
Tammy: Don't.
Sandy: I'm sorry that I hurt you, and I'm sorry that I'm-- they are just words, but I never meant for any of this to happen.
Tammy: I talked to your wife.
Sandy: Ava.
Tammy: You hurt her, too.
Sandy: I never meant for that to happen, either. But you don't know the whole story.
Tammy: Well, who does? Nobody, right? You didn't mean to hurt Ava, but you did.
Sandy: And I'm sorry.
Tammy: What does that even mean? It is just words, words!
Sandy: I love you!
Tammy: They're just words! No more words, it just confuses me and I know what I want.
Cassie: Tammy, it is me. Would you please call me as soon as you get this. We're
all at the house and worried about you. We just want to know that you're okay.
Just call me. She must have taken off again. You were the last one to see her,
did she say anything?
Jonathon: About what?
Cassie: About where she might go, any plans.
Reva: Cassie...
Cassie: She seemed so upset when she left at house. Did she seem that way to you?
Jonathan: Yeah, she has a lot going on.
Reva: I'm sure she'll be back soon.
Jeffrey: Maybe she needs more time to figure it all out.
Jonathan: She was feeling a lot of pressure.
Cassie: From us?
Jonathan: Yeah, I think you should let Tammy make her own decisions from now on.
R.J.: You're home!
Jeffrey: Hey, buddy, how you doing?
R.J.: Mom says you're here to stay?
Jeffrey: Well, maybe. Is that all right with you?
Cassie: Oh, I have a feeling it is. You and Jeffrey have been good pals for a long time, right?
Reva: The truth.
Jonathan: About?
Reva: About Tammy. What is going on?
Jonathan: I don't know.
Reva: What do you know?
Jonathan: That I'm getting out of here.
Reva: We'll be right outside, sis.
Cassie: We'll be here.
Reva: Jonathan, Cassie is worried. Does she have reason to be?
Jonathan: I think Tammy split so her mom wouldn't figure it out.
Reva: Figure what out?
Jonathan: We're leaving together today, we're getting out of here.
Reva: Oh, God.
Jonathan: Hey, it's what we both want. It is what she needs, and you're not going to say a word.
Olivia: Sorry, you got here fast. I was trying to take a shower.
Josh: Make sure this door is locked before you take a shower.
Olivia: I was distracted.
Josh: By what?
Olivia: Everything. Tammy and the wedding and Cassie. And my own marital situation isn't helping me a whole lot.
Josh: Maybe this isn't a good time to work. I'll tell you what--
Olivia: Josh, wait, don't go, please. Just work. Let's work. It will take my mind off of things. If I actually accomplish something today, I'll be happy.
Josh: You're sure?
Olivia: Yeah. Besides, it is not like you haven't seen it before.
Marina: This was Hemmingway's favorite cafe.
Alan-Michael: Yeah, until they tossed him out after he tried to pay for his expresso with a handwritten draft of short stories.
Marina: Wow. You should read this.
Alan-Michael: Reading time is over. Look. look at the real thing.
Marina: I can't believe I'm not dreaming. A couple of hours ago we were in Springfield, and now we're here, we're here! I'm here! I want to see everything. Where's the Musee D'Orsay? Let's go.
Alan-Michael: I'm sorry, but I can't. I told you, I've got plans of my own. But you can tell me about it on the ride home.
Marina: Right, the meeting.
Alan-Michael: Well, I don't know if I'd call it a meeting.
Woman: ( With french accent ) Alain-Michel!
Alan-Michael: That's Brigitte. Guidebook, chapter nine: Map of the metro. You won't have a hard time finding the door. Brigitte. Oh, Marina Cooper, Brigitte.
Marina: How's it going?
Brigitte: Naturellement. You're so late.
Alan-Michael: I'll spend the day making it up to you.
Marina: So what does Brigitte do?
Briggitte: Do? Oh, I'm a supermodel.
Marina: Wow. Super.
Briggitte: Thank you.
Marina: So, Brigitte super usually means you've got some kind of special powers. What's your story? Can you leap Notre Dam in a single bound? Stretch all the way to Versailles?
Briggitte: Je ne comprends pas.
Marina: Never mind. You guys have a good day.
Alan-Michael: We'll find you later.
Marina: If you're lucky. Am I crazy? I came to Paris to see Paris, the church in Auvers-Sur-Oise. I said this wasn't a date, and it is not. I don't need a man to have a good time. I've got everything I need right here in my book. I'll find my way around. That's the wrong way.
Josh: Hey, are you absolutely certain that we can stick to this schedule?
Olivia: Put me in charge and stand back.
Josh: Okay. I'll tell you what, give me 48 hours, and I'll have an answer for you. How does that sound?
Olivia: Great. Speaking of answers, did you find anything else about Jeffrey O'Neill? The whole Richard connection, San Cristobel? I can't believe he would have a pass down there, and no one would know about it.
Josh: That guy you put me in touch with, he gave me an envelope that had some information in it about Jeffrey, despite the fact I tried to cancel the order.
Olivia: Well, stuff like that is hard to call off. What is in it?
Josh: I decided not to get into it.
Olivia: You didn't look?
Josh: No, I didn't look. I'm not sure there is anything in there that Cassie needs to know. Because, she seems happy, and he needs to be taken care of, and he seems to take care of her.
Olivia: She is lucky to have a brother-in-law to look after her. You want some wine?
Josh: No, I don't think so.
Olivia: Mind if I indulge?
Josh: Actually, what I wouldn't mind at all is if you got dressed. It doesn't feel comfortable for me. I think I should go. We can finish this work up in the office. Ooh. Sorry.
Olivia: That's okay. You know, that's not...
Josh: Why didn't you tell me about that?
Olivia: What?
Josh: About this. Bill is divorcing you?
Jonathan: Reva, you are not going to blow this for me. I'm not going to lose
Tammy a second time.
Reva: So, what, you're just going to take her and run away?
Jonathan: It is not running away.
Reva: Then what is it?
Jonathan: Going somewhere until...
Reva: Until what?
Jonathan: She feels like she can take it all on.
Reva: Take what on?
Jonathan: You, Cassie, the family, the whole town. Do you think we want to be here when the town figures out what is going on with me and Tammy? Do you think we need that?
Reva: No. No, I don't. Look, I know you want to protect her, and I believe you want what is best for her.
Jonathan: I do.
Reva: Prove it. You take her away from the people who love her, from the people that she loves, and that is only going to prove you don't love her at all. It only proves that you care about yourself.
Jeffrey: What's the matter, R.J.? You can tell me, what is going on? What's up?
R.J.: Well, Edmund moved in, but he is gone now. And...
Jeffrey: And what?
R.J.: What if you go away, too?
Jonathan: You think you can guilt me into saying it.
Reva: You know what? I don't care. Stay, go, the decision is yours. But if you take Tammy and you run away now, it is only going to make things worse. She needs to decide what makes her happy.
Jonathan: She knows.
Reva: Then where is she?
Jonathan: I don't know. She needed some space. I don't care, Tammy is the one I care about.
Reva: Tammy loves her mother.
Jonathan: Yeah, go figure.
Reva: Jonathan, I want you to be happy, but taking Tammy now, running away, and shutting yourself off from us, that is not real. That is not what you're real life is going to be.
Jonathan: Reva, what if that makes her happy?
Reva: Tammy shouldn't have turn her life upside down to be with you. Running may fix things now, but what about later? What about when she resents her decision and resents you for pushing her into it?
Sandy: I made the biggest mistake of my life. I don't know what to do here. I
loved you. Love you. That's why I kept my marriage to Ava a secret. I didn't
want to hurt you.
Tammy: Hurt me. But that's exactly what you did, Sandy. You broke my heart. You humiliated me.
Sandy: I know. But our marriage is nothing like the one with Ava. I wasn't thinking straight when my mom died, and she asked me to take care of Ava, who she thought of her as a daughter. I promised I would.
Tammy: So you had to marry her?
Sandy: I cared about her, and I tried to make everyone happy... everyone else happy and I felt like my life was slipping away, and there was no way out. And this feeling kept building until one day I just walked out.
Tammy: Just like that.
Sandy: And I didn't look back and I didn't give a damn about anything or anyone until I met you. When I met you, everything changed. It mattered then. So I went and I tried to get a divorce.
Tammy: You want points for trying.
Sandy: Don't punish me. I did my best.
Tammy: I'm punishing you, that's what you think.
Sandy: What can I do to make up for this. Can I say anything? Can I do anything? I'm just a guy who loves you and I'm sorry! No!
Tammy: Don’t.
Sandy: We're married, please don't give up on us. Please!
Tammy: Fine. Don't take it, fine.
Sandy: Is it because of him. Is that why you're doing this?
Tammy: Him?
Sandy: Tell me the truth, Tammy. Are you in love with Jonathan?
Coming up on "Guiding
Alan-Michael: Private door, just for the two of us.
Marina: He opened it just for us?
Alan-Michael: It's fun to be rich.
Olivia: I want to be alone.
Jonathan: Tammy wants to be with me. I know it.
Tammy: I love both of you.
Jonathan: If she can just ditch me like this, if she can just snap her fingers and walk off, then forget the whole damn thing.
Jonathan, I'm on your side about this. But you have this thing, you know, this
knee jerk thing, you get an impulse, and you jump. You have to be careful about
how you handle this if you really do love her the way you say you do.
Jonathan: No. Reva, we need to get out of here and clear our heads. I mean, if Tammy stays here, then Sandy gets a chance to mess with her-- no, we have to go, Tammy wants to be with me. I know it. And the longer we stay here, the more people have a chance to convince her that she doesn't.
Sandy: You want everything out in the open, you want some truth. Good, You, say
you love Jonathan, and that's why you're pushing me away. Say you're waiting for
a reason to walk and now you finally have one!
Tammy: That isn't true. I wasn't expecting this to happen.
Sandy: Go and run to him and see what happens. You have no idea what you're getting yourself into. I see the misery he brings. If you take his hand, you're throwing away your whole future, you're dreams, your joy, your happiness.
Tammy: You don't get it.
Sandy: I'm just telling you the way it is.
Tammy: I love you both, Sandy!
Sandy: What?
Tammy: I love both of you. And that's why there is no answer. That's why there's no way to resolve this.
Sandy: Wait, Tammy! Tammy!
Jeffrey: Now listen, buddy, come here. I want to talk serious with you for a
second. You and me, we were friends way before even your mom and me were
friends. So I'm here for you and for her. You got it?
R.J.: I got it.
( Cell phone rings )
Cassie: That may be Tammy.
Jonathan: Tammy should have been back by now.
Reva: She'll be back.
Jonathan: And then what?
Reva: I don't know, you tell me.
Cassie: Reva, Ava just called looking for Sandy. Apparently he left her a note, saying he was going to meet Tammy somewhere. I guess she called him and asked him to meet her.
Josh: This is dated today, Olivia.
Olivia: I know, I saw...
Josh: Wait a minute, wait a minute, Bill decides to divorce you and you get the papers today and you call me. Are you all right?
Olivia: I'm fine.
Josh: Are you sure?
Olivia: I don’t... I don't want that face. I don't want your pity. That's why I didn't say anything.
Josh: No, I'm not-- I'm just sorry. Genuinely, I'm sorry, Olivia.
Olivia: I think maybe I would just like to be alone right now.
Josh: You sure about that?
Olivia: No, but, yeah.
Josh: You going to be okay?
Olivia: Good night, Josh.
Waiter: Mam'selle?
Marina: What is the point of having all this amazing art if no one is allowed to see it?
Waiter: Pardon?
Marina: It is some kind of holiday that I certainly have never heard of, and all of the museums are closed. It is so frustrating.
Alan-Michael: Bon soir.
Marina: Oh, yeah, right back at you. Is this your idea of a joke?
Alan-Michael: I'm not one for jokes.
Marina: Good because this isn't funny. All of the museums are closed.
Alan-Michael: I know, I just found out. So I made a few calls; let's go.
Marina: Where?
Alan-Michael: I just told you. I made a few calls, put in a substantial donation, and what do you know, a private tour, and the doors open just the two of us.
Marina: Are you serious? They opened it just for us?
Alan-Michael: Sometimes it's fun to be the rich-- actually, most of the time. Well, there is a painting I know that is waiting for you.
Marina: Okay. Let's go. What are we waiting for? Wait a second. What about Brigitte?
Alan-Michael: Right, Brigitte. I have great respect for her, a fine use of color, all sit on a fabulous frame, but I'm not an art-lover, though. Come on.
( knocking at the door )
Olivia: Un momento por favor. That better be my dinner.
Buzz: A burger well done, a large order of fries...
Olivia: Buzz?
Buzz: ...An order of baklava. On the house.
Olivia: Was that you when I called in?
Buzz: No, that was the waiter in training. I was on the extension and I thought you sounded down, so I thought you'd have the special: Dinner and someone to chat with.
Olivia: You checking up on me?
Buzz: Is that bad?
Olivia: That's love. Okay, well if you're going to stay, you have to share my dinner with me, okay?
Buzz: Okay, but you've got to tell me what's got you down. I'm listening.
Olivia: I ordered from a restaurant, not from a psychiatrist's office. But if you must know, I'm going to be a free woman soon.
Buzz: What?
Olivia: Oh, yeah. Read 'em and I'll weep. Bill’s is giving me the boot. Sounds like a country song, doesn't it?
Buzz: I'm sorry.
Olivia: Me, too. You know, I think I'm just going to drink my dinner tonight, and I would be so grateful if you didn't lecture me and tell me the wine is really bad for me and won't solve all of my problems.
Buzz: No. As a matter of fact, I was going to ask you to open a bottle for me and I'll probably drink you under the table.
Olivia: I'd like to see you try. Go ahead, say when.
Buzz: Whenever! Thank you.
Olivia: Thank you.
Buzz: To... the party of the first part.
Olivia: Amen.
Jonathan: Tammy's with Sandy. They probably have a lot of stuff to talk about.
Cassie: Yeah, they do. This whole thing is such a mess.
Jonathan: Yeah, it is. But, they've worked stuff out before, and I'm sure they can work this out.
Cassie: Maybe.
R.J.: Mom!
Cassie: Excuse me. Fan club. Well, I guess we'll find out the whole story as soon as she gets back.
Jonathan: I guess we will.
Reva: Tammy meeting with Sandy doesn't mean anything.
Jonathan: Right.
Reva: Just listen to me. If you love her the way you say you do...
Jonathan: Damn it! I don't just say it.
Reva: Then why are you so surprised. Tammy has to go and see Sandy, that is who she is. That's her heart. And if you knew her well enough...
Jonathan: Well, then I guess I don’t. You know Josh, Reva, up and down, and he knows you, too, all of your nooks and crannies. If she can just ditch me like this, if she can just snap her fingers and walk off, forget the whole damn thing!!
Reva: No.
Josh: What was that about?
Reva: What everything else in this town is about. Pure heartbreak.
Marina: Oh, and the colors. I mean I've seen that painting in a book a thousand
times, but...
Alan-Michael: Like you were seeing it for the first time.
Marina: Yes.
Alan-Michael: Because you were. Hi, Remington. We'll be ready to take off, as soon as I make us a couple of drinks. Thanks.
Marina: Oh, no, you don’t. I have this one. It is time for you to sit back and relax and embrace yourself for the world's greatest martinis.
Alan-Michael: Uh, bar, I've had a lot of martinis in the past few months.
Marina: None as good at this one because the way the bartender's feeling goes into the drink. And right now, this bartender is very, very happy. Oh, I will never forget this day. I really mean that. You made me feel special, when I really needed to feel that way. I don't know. I -- you know one other thing. I know I have kind of been a jerk to you, and if I knew why, I would say so. But honestly, I really don't, and that is the honest truth. I mean, I guess I put up a wall kind of quickly, but I guess it is because of that whole thing with Danny, which was -- well, you know, a long story. Anyway, what you did today, Alan-Michael, was nothing short of... well heroic. And for that, I will be forever grateful. So in return, I offer you the world's greatest martini. Ah, hi. We're ready to go home now.
Olivia: So long.
Buzz: To Bill.
Olivia: No. No more the idea of Bill.
Buzz: The concept of Bill.
Olivia: Bill, as anchor, and harbor, as someone out there who is connected to me, in his way, my way, our way. And now even that's...
Buzz: It is all gone.
Olivia: Yup. It's back to the future. She is free, she's Available. Did I say she is free?
Buzz: He doesn't know what he is losing.
Olivia: I think he knows exactly what he is giving up.
Buzz: It is his loss.
Olivia: Yeah, yeah that's right.
Buzz: Are you a survivor?
Olivia: Yeah. Nine lives, I'm still on my feet. To survival?
Buzz: To survival.
Olivia: And to finding the next handsome deeply ambitious, makes my heart pound every night man.
Buzz: You're looking for the same kind of guy as...
Olivia: It's what I need.
Buzz: Well, you'll find him.
Olivia: Says who?
Buzz: Me.
Olivia: You want something more to drink? You thirsty?
Buzz: I'm thirsty. Dry as a bone.
Olivia: Well, then, stay here. I'm going to find my new guy. I'm going to find him in record time because I'm motivated. You just watch me.
Buzz: I'll just... I'll just watch.
Reva: Well, don't let me keep you.
Josh: From what?
Reva: Ah, whatever you are here for. You came to see Cassie, right?
Josh: Actually, I'm not sure why I'm here. I just came from Olivia's. Bill has filed for divorce. No surprise there, I guess.
Reva: Wow. Hmm. Bill and Olivia. Sandy and Tammy. Us.
Josh: Do me a favor? Don't put us on that list just yet.
Reva: At least not in ink.
Josh: As far as I know, neither one of us hired a lawyer, right?
Reva: We can't, they're all taken.
Josh: Well, how do you feel about giving the lawyers a break, at least for tonight?
Reva: I like that idea. It's such a beautiful night. You know, it's not nearly as cold as it has been.
Josh: No, it is not.
R.J.: You lose. You lose again.
Jeffrey: No, no, no, no!! You always win. How do you always win?
Cassie: I don't know, he is the king.
Jeffrey: I want a rematch.
Cassie: Tammy? Hey, how did it go?
Tammy: Go?
Cassie: Yeah, with Sandy.
Tammy: How did you know?
Cassie: Mom radar. Baby, are you okay?
Tammy: I don't know. I told him it was too much, that it is too complicated.
Cassie: Honey, I'm so sorry. Did you see Jonathan and Reva on your way in?
Tammy: No, it was Reva and Josh. What did Jonathan say?
Cassie: I don't know, he just said I should let you make your own decisions.
Tammy: Mom, did you tell him I was at Sandy's
Cassie: Yeah, why?
Tammy: Nothing. I just need to make a phone call.
( Telephone rings )
Jonathan: Yeah, Outskirts, we're closed now, go get sloshed some place else. Beep.
Tammy: Jonathan, pick up. It's me. I know, okay. I know I should have talked to you first.
Jonathan: You think?
Tammy: I still can't believe I left without saying anything.
Jonathan: Yeah, me, too.
Tammy: Things have been happening all day, and now I'm just...
Jonathan: What?
Tammy: I'm just...
Jonathan: You're what?
Tammy: I had to see Sandy. I had things I needed to work out with Sandy.
Jonathan: Good for you. Because I don't want to hear it.
Tammy: And we talked. We were supposed to leave right away. I know.
Jonathan: Shut up. ( Beeps ) you worked things out. Good for you, good for him.
Tammy: There is more than I can leave in a message, please call me back. There are a lot of things we need to start figuring out somehow, so call me back, please. Call me. Call.
I can bless the water, but it wouldn't turn to wine a picture of the sunset hanging in there in your eyes and it just needs some compromisexd some times when I look back I don't even know myself it blows my mind to think that I found grace in someone else baby, your grace is something else hey, yes if you could love someone like me there's no end to the possibilities hopes and dreams push away the pain and regret but loving you just let's me know there might hope for me, hope for me yet.
Next on "Guiding Light"...
Alan-Michael: Let's get you on the ground, asap.
Marina: A parachute?
Alan-Michael: You up for it?
Billy: You're addicted to women -- no, you're addicted to wild women.
Olivia: I'm going to go see if Josh is in his suite.
Harley: You were the one who tried to push those two together in the first place, to get him out of my hair, remember.
Gus: It is not your hair I'm worried about.
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