Guiding Light Transcript Thursday 12/1/05
Provided By
Proofread By Tanya
Woman: Get off, lady! Get off of me! Off of me! Hey, lady, can't you tell that guy is so hot for you still?
Harley: ( Gasping )
Gus: What happened? You all right?
Harley: Yeah. It was just a dream, just a bad, bad dream.
Frank: All right, as soon as we get that search warrant, I want you to set up
phone tap and put a couple of
guys on it.
Mallet: Gotcha.
Frank: So what about that incident last night?
Mallet: What incident?
Frank: The incident where my sister tackled a female perp in front of the whole squad.
Mallet: That was good. She's still fast on her feet.
Frank: The point is, why is my sister talking to a perp in the first place?
Mallet: She is good at playing bad cop.
Frank: My sister is not a cop anymore. And she is not your partner, that would be her husband, in case you've forgotten.
Mallet: Subtle, Frank.
Frank: You know, you guys still have this little chemistry thing going when you're in a room together, and that worries me.
Mallet: Well, there's no need to worry, Frank. Just save your breath; I've moved on. Good morning, sweetheart. Boy, have I missed you.
Frank: Dinah?
Mallet: Yeah, we're uh... dating.
Josh: If there is information about Jeffrey and his relationship to Richard, why
is that my business? Cassie's happy, she is safe, and she's had more than enough
misery in her life.
Sandy: Yeah, well, you know, sometimes there is a logical reason for people to keep a part of their lives secret.
Josh: Great, more secrets.
Sandy: Josh, I'm glad to see you. I don't think I really got a chance to speak to you at the police station and explain how...
Josh: Actually, you don't have to explain anything at all, Sandy-- assuming, of course, you came here to say good-bye.
Sandy: Josh.
Josh: You're a liar, Sandy. And too many liars have hurt my family.
Cassie: Tammy took off from the wedding, and she never came home last night. So
if you hear from her, would...? Thanks.
Jeffrey: Any leads?
Cassie: I guess that answers my question from you. You don't have anything either?
Jeffrey: Maybe she just needs some time, you know, to process everything.
Cassie: All night, all by herself? Reliving everything, the wedding and Sandy's betrayal, all those eyes on her? I can't imagine what she's going through.
Tammy: Mom must be freaking out.
Jonathan: Yeah, well, I'd be freaking out, too, if I didn't know where you were.
Tammy: Thank you for bringing me home.
Jonathan: Whatever you need, you...
Tammy: I know. What happens now?
Jonathan: Whatever you want to have happen. Hey, we'll figure it out together.
Tammy: Okay. But for now, I think I should go in there. Jonathan...
Jonathan: Oh. You're not ready to go public yet-- not with me.
Sandy: Okay, Josh, I guess I did lie in a way about my marriage to Ava, but I
got a divorce. I did. And I've never lied about my feelings for Tammy. As far as
I'm concerned, we're husband and wife, and I'm not going to lose her on a
Josh: Technicality? Is that what you're calling it now?
Sandy: I love her.
Josh: And yet somehow you managed to make her believe that you're someone other than who you really are. Gee, that's familiar.
Sandy: This is different.
Josh: Than the time you came to Springfield and lied to Reva about being her son, or the time that you tried to steal money from my company? Which, by the way, I seem to be the only one that remembers, except, of course, Jonathan.
Sandy: Oh, your good buddy Jonathan.
Josh: I tried hard to trust you again.
Sandy: I know, I made a bad decision. If I had another chance...
Josh: You don't have another chance. That's the point, Sandy! You blew it. A young woman like that, she opens up to you, you have to be honest with her and tell her the truth-- end of story.
Tammy: Jonathan, I don't...
Jonathan: No, that's not --that's cool.
Tammy: No, it's not. I told you I wanted to do this with the lights on, and now...
Jonathan: Now what?
Tammy: So much has happened, Jonathan. I haven't even talked to my mom since the wedding. You know she's freaking. I just want her to know that I'm okay. And if I go in there with you...
Jonathan: Then she's going to think that you're not okay.
Tammy: It would just be too much.
Jonathan: So, what happens now?
Tammy: I don't know. But I know that I'm not ready for more drama so soon.
Jonathan: Okay. No problem. Call me?
Tammy: Of course I will.
Mallet: Good morning, honey.
Frank: I didn't know the two of you were together.
Dinah: Well, that makes two of us.
Mallet: You are such a card. I've missed you.
Frank: Excuse me.
Dinah: What the hell was that?
Mallet: Shh.
Dinah: Why'd you kiss me on my mouth like that?
Mallet: Please just play along here, okay? Frank is going to end up demoting me to, like, meter maid or something.
Dinah: Well, I'm sorry, honey. You're going to have to write a lot of tickets because I'm not going to pretend to like you, much less, date you.
Mallet: Could you just suck it up and help me put on a show here? Come on, you have to. You owe me, right? I've saved your life twice. Would it kill you to act like my girlfriend for five lousy minutes?
Dinah: You know what? You don't want me to answer that question.
Frank: Sorry, Mallet. I'll see you back at the station?
Mallet: Yeah, you got it, boss.
Dinah: Wait, wait. I don't know if I can bear to let this wonderful, talented gorgeous man go. Mmm!
Frank: All righty, then.
Dinah: See ya! Good idea, honey.
Mallet: Wow. That was above and beyond.
Dinah: How about "thank you, Dinah"? "Thank you for saving my butt, Dinah"? I cannot believe that I wasted such a good kiss like that on a creep like you.
Gus: Dream really got to you, huh?
Harley: Um, it was upsetting. But I know how to make all of that just go away.
Gus: You do, huh? Wow, should I make arrangements to stay here a little longer?
Harley: That's tempting.
Gus: Whatever the dream was about, I think you should have it more often; it makes you very horny, baby. What was it about, huh? What was it about?
Harley: Um, I don't even remember anymore. I don't need the dream again. I've got everything I need right here.
Gus: Wait a second. Wait. I want one more shot with my wife before we go in there and pretend in public we hate each other's guts. That's what I want.
Harley: Oh...
Gus: I want to hold you in public.
Harley: You already are.
Gus: I want to show you public displays of affection. People are going to be sick; they're going to be sick because we're so happy. I want pimply teenagers across the street saying, "get a room!" That's what I want them to say.
Harley: I want that, too. Just not now, soon. The whole work thing, that's my thing, and I know I'm asking you to sacrifice all of your goals for me, but I do love you. I don't ever want you to doubt that, okay?
Gus: I don't doubt that.
Harley: It's just a figure of speech, right?
Gus: Right. ( Cell phone rings ) my snitch. I've got to talk to him. When we go in, give me that mean face, we're not getting along.
Harley: ( Growls )
Gus: When I go in there, you give it to me. You give it to me! Hey.
Harley: ( Gasps )
Mallet: Jeez. Oh, my God. What the hell is wrong with you?
Harley: Nothing. I'm just a little edgy this morning.
Mallet: I noticed. Why?
Harley: I had a dream. I had a dream-- a bad, bad, bad dream.
Mallet: Uh-huh. About what?
Harley: It's personal.
Mallet: Okay, whatever. Chill out, I was just wondering. Because I keep having the same dream over and over again. It's weird. I'm back in high school, I'm walking into my homeroom, and everybody is there, and all of a sudden I look down, and I don't have any clothes on. I'm naked, buck naked. There is nothing left to the imagination, and I'm just standing there.
Harley: Okay, I get it. I get it! I don't want to hear about you naked. It is early, and I haven't had breakfast.
Mallet: Wow, there once was a time when you liked me naked in the morning.
Harley: Ugh!
Mallet: Would you lighten up? You're all twisted up this morning.
Harley: I just need, um, coffee.
Mallet: Okay, that's a good idea. Maybe decaf?
Cassie: Oh, God, Tammy. Thank God you're home. I was so worried about you. Are
you okay?
Tammy: I'm okay, considering. Hi, Jeffrey.
Jeffrey: Hey, we're glad you're home.
Cassie: I'll take this for you. You probably must be starving, huh? You haven't eaten all night. What if I make pancakes? Or I could draw you a bath, a nice long bath, whatever you need.
Jeffrey: Darling, maybe she just needs to breathe.
Cassie: Sorry I didn't call you, mom.
Cassie: It's okay. We figured you needed some time all by yourself. I'm so sorry, honey. Yesterday should have been the happiest day of your life, and instead Sandy let you down, and he lied to you. Have you talked to him?
Tammy: I don't know what I want anymore.
Cassie: Well, then that's exactly what you have to figure out. I'm just so glad you're home. I hated the thought of you dealing with this all by yourself on your wedding night.
Sandy: Josh, haven't you ever made a mistake? Haven't you ever been forgiven for
one? Haven't you ever forgiven Reva for one? I can tell you one thing for sure:
I will never let Tammy down again. You, either. If you just give me a second
Josh: You have already had your second chance, Sandy!
Sandy: I thought you would be more open-minded.
Josh: Excuse me? Let me tell you something. I am sick of the secrets, and I'm sick of the people I love getting hurt by people like you. Good-bye, Sandy.
Jonathan: Now if you ask for a second chance twice, doesn't that make it a third
chance? By the way, the Bauer cabin was a nice place for a honeymoon. Tammy and
I were very comfy there.
Sandy: Get up!
Jonathan: I'm up.
Sandy: ( Grunts )
Jonathan: ( Laughing )
Tammy: I needed to get away last night. But I know it's time to deal with
reality now. That's why I came back.
Cassie: Where were you, sweetheart? We looked everywhere for you. Tammy?
Tammy: Mom, there's something I need to tell you.
Coming up on "Guiding
Ava: It is the truth, Tammy. Don't look so shocked. You can't have it both ways. What do you care if I'm with Sandy? At the end of the day, you have Jonathan.
Dinah: If you weren't married to Gus right now, you would go ahead and marry Mallet.
Gus: When was my marriage any of your business?
Mallet: I'm just trying to help.
Jonathon: You can pound me all you want, sandman, it ain't going to get you
Tammy back. Thanks.
Sandy: What did you do to her? Where is she? Why isn't she answering my call?
Jonathan: I didn't do anything to Tammy that she didn't want done. As to where she is, well, it's none of your business. And as to why she's not taking your phone calls, take a wild guess, dude. By the way, how was the wedding?
Sandy: You enjoyed every minute of it, didn't you?
Jonathan: Everything except Tammy's pain. But I've got to admit, I did enjoy seeing you get what you deserve.
Sandy: You did it, didn't you? You made that happen.
Jonathan: Wow. Wow, you've got to be joking right now. If I didn't keep my mouth shut, you wouldn't have even made it to the church.
Sandy: What are you talking about?
Jonathan: Ava told me months ago you two were married. I decided to let you tell Tammy. God knows you had enough chances.
Sandy: Well, why didn't you tell Tammy?
Jonathan: Because I wanted Tammy to make her own choice. She chose you, and you blew it anyway, all on your own.
Cassie: Feel better?
Tammy: There's um... there's still something I want to talk to you about. I'm just afraid that you won't understand.
Cassie: Of course I'll understand. Take your time. Say whatever it is you need to say.
Tammy: I'm... I'm sorry.
Cassie: For what?
Tammy: The way this all turned out. For what could happen after all of this.
Cassie: What could happen?
Tammy: For as long as I can remember, I always had this image in my head of the guy that I would marry and what the wedding would be like. And I thought Sandy was my dream come true. But I've seen something else now, and... would you put this back on me? I had trouble with the clasp.
Cassie: Sure. What happened to your pearls?
Tammy: They broke.
Cassie: Honey, I think I know what it is you want to talk to me about.
Tammy: You do?
Cassie: And I blame myself.
Tammy: For what?
Cassie: For pushing you. I think I pushed you into something that you maybe weren't quite ready for.
Tammy: Mom...
Cassie: It's because of who you are to me. You've always been this bright light to hold onto when everything else is dark. It's not fair, it's not fair to expect that of you. Now, what did you want to say to me?
Tammy: I wanted to tell you that you've been that for me. And I wanted to heal this family, too. The last thing I want is to make anything worse for you or anyone in this family.
Cassie: You never could.
Jeffrey: Tammy, have you talked to Sandy? I mean I'm not taking his side or anything, but I'm just saying, maybe you should, you know, let him explain why he did what he did before you give him the boot.
Cassie: Jeffrey was with Sandy last night at the station.
Tammy: You were? What did he say?
Jeffrey: Well, he was pretty torn up about it. He swears that he divorced Ava, and, you know, well, the fact of the matter is that legal paperwork can sometimes get misplaced or lost. I mean, you've just got to give him a chance.
Tammy: I can't. I'm not ready to talk to him yet. No, wait. I am. I'll call him.
Cassie: Tammy? Tammy!
Tammy: I want the truth. ( Cell phone rings ) Start talking.
Mallet: Mm-hmm. Yeah, that's what I'm talking about right there.
Harley: What are you talking about?
Mallet: The look between you and Gus seemed a little strained.
Harley: It's not.
Mallet: Then what was that look all about?
Harley: There's no look. You're making something up.
Mallet: I'm not making it up.
Harley: You're imagining things.
Mallet: Am I imagining you and Gus are sleeping in separate bedrooms at the big house?
Harley:( Gasps ) who told you that?
Mallet: It doesn't matter.
Harley: Who told you?
Mallet: Beth.
Harley: I didn't realize you and Beth were so cozy.
Mallet: Is it true?
Harley: What did I just say?
Mallet: Nothing. You're being very vague, and you're not very good at it. Well? I'm just concerned, okay? I'm concerned that maybe I'm part of the problem.
Harley: What?
Mallet: The tension between you and Gus.
Harley: You know, that is just so typical of you. You know, how could a woman possibly get over you, and how could anybody possibly resist you?
Mallet: I know. I think about that stuff all of the time.
Dinah: This is me leaving.
Harley: I'm joining you.
Dinah: Oh, good. Looking for an excuse to get away from Mallet? I don't blame you. You will never guess what happened a little bit ago when your brother was here.
Harley: What?
Dinah: Mallet told Frank that we were dating. Is that not hysterical?
Harley: Hysterical.
Dinah: Yeah. Yeah, obviously he wants Frank to think he's not interested in you anymore.
Harley: Did he say that?
Dinah: Well, I believe that it's because he is still interested in you.
Mallet: Partner. What's going on?
Gus: I'm swell, thank you.
Mallet: Ooh, man, it is cold out here.
Gus: I like the cold.
Mallet: Really? Not me. I think it was that time I spent in Florida, heat is the thing. I don't know if I could survive a winter anymore.
Gus: That's an idea for you-- move back to Florida.
Mallet: Right. I know we're off the clock, but do you want to go to the station and maybe catch up on some stuff? Maybe it'd be a healthy distraction.
Gus: From what?
Mallet: Nothing. Never mind.
Harley: You know, Dinah...
Dinah: Hmm?
Harley: I think you're wrong about Mallet.
Dinah: About what?
Harley: I think... I think you guys would be good together-- great, in fact. I think you should go out with him.
Gus: Why do I get the overwhelming feeling that you're dying to ask me a
Mallet: Me?
Gus: Yeah, you. I see you with your beady little eyes darting from there to there. I see what you're doing.
Mallet: My eyes are not beady.
Gus: Whatever you say, beady boy.
Mallet: Okay, listen up, here, shaggy. How about if I told you my spider sensors were picking up a little bit of tension between you and Harley?
Gus: I would say, I'm sorry. When was my marriage any of your business, partner?
Mallet: Because I don't want to get into a jam out on the street and have to worry about whether you've got my back or not.
Gus: Well, visa versa.
Mallet: I've got to be able to count on you. And I can't do that if you're distracted with personal problems. I mean, I've got that problem with Marina right now...
Gus: First of all, my marriage is not your concern.
Mallet and Gus: ( Talking over each other )
Gus: So thanks for your concern, and pass the gravy, mommy.
Mallet: Just trying to help, fuzzy. Man.
Harley: Dinah, I just feel like you should really give Mallet a chance.
Dinah: Harley, you want Mallet to go out with me so that he's out of your orbit. So Gus can stop being jealous.
Harley: Gus has nothing to worry about.
Dinah: Oh, really? Then why is he pushing him on me, too? And now you're helping him.
Harley: Because we see the chemistry between you guys. When I came in, he was on top of you. That was hot.
Dinah: Yeah, nuts. He came through a window. He jumped on me. He barely... he cracked my sternum, okay? That is not chemistry; that is assault.
Harley: Okay, I'm just saying that I think you guys... I don't know, I'm just saying.
Dinah: Why are you pushing your ex on me like this? What's in it for you?
Sandy: So you think Tammy has real feelings for you?
Jonathan: She was with me last night. She chose me.
Sandy: Really? Well, where is she right now? If she's so Jonathan-crazy, how come she's not with you?
Jonathan: She had things to do.
Sandy: Maybe. Or maybe she's missing the guy she loved enough to marry, in front of God and family and friends.
Jonathan: ( Laughing ) and your wife.
Sandy: The cops made a mistake.
Jonathan: You're living in a dream world. I don't know where you get your facts.
Sandy: Tammy deserves more than a consolation prize. She knows it will never work with you and so does her whole family.
Jonathan: We'll see.
Ava: You're asking me questions I can't answer, Tammy.
Tammy: Try.
Ava: Okay. Um... I don't know why Sandy left me. He was there one minute, and the next minute he took off to look for another life because the one he was living wasn't good enough.
Tammy: You must have had a hint or something.
Ava: I have gone over this a million times in my head, and I've been wondering all kinds of things. What went wrong? Did I say something to turn him off? Was he bored? Was there someone else? To be honest with you, I think he just got overwhelmed, and he bailed.
Tammy: And he never got in touch with you again? Never?
Ava: He just disappeared. It was like the ground opened up and it swallowed him.
Tammy: You must have been so upset.
Ava: I don't know how you feel about Sandy, but I know how I feel about him. And if you decide to cut him free and to let him go, you'd better be sure about it, because I want him back. And I'm not going to let him get away from me again.
Tammy: Wow. That was...
Ava: It's the truth. It's the truth, Tammy. Don't look so shocked. You can't have it both ways.
Tammy: Both ways?
Ava: What do you care if I'm with Sandy anyway? At the end of the day, you still have Jonathan.
Cassie: You're right. My life is a disaster movie. Why do you put up with me?
Jeffrey: Hmm...
Cassie: Jeffrey?
Jeffrey: I'm thinking. I don't. I don't put up with you. It's just called going through the ups and downs of life with someone that you love. ( Laughter )
Cassie: I love you, too. And I'm so grateful to have you in my life.
Jeffrey: Aw, shucks.
Cassie: Really, I mean it. When we first started dating, everyone told me you were a confirmed bachelor, a man of mystery, and I shouldn't let my guard down and depend on you. But it seems all I ever do is depend on you, and you have never let me down.
Jeffrey: If you really feel that way...
Cassie: I do.
Jeffrey: What would you think, I mean, if we moved in together?
Cassie: What did you just say?
Jeffrey: I just asked you if we should move in together. Say something.
Harley: I'm not. This isn't about Mallet and me.
Dinah: Oh, come on, Harley; you're only fooling yourself.
Harley: This is about Mallet and you. It's time you had a guy in your life, a good guy.
Dinah: Oh, please. And Mallet is a good guy?
Harley: He's terrific.
Dinah: The one who cheated on you?
Harley: That was a mistake. He regrets that.
Dinah: I'm sure he does, after ten years of solitude, yeah.
Harley: We were both younger then and I wasn't perfect myself, that's for sure.
Dinah: So you're good that he cheated on you?
Harley: Could we stop with the cheating? I'm just saying to you...
Dinah: What are you saying?
Harley: I'm just saying to you that he's a good guy. He is one in a million; he really is. And I think you would be a fool not to give him a chance.
Dinah: So you would if you were me? If you weren't married to Gus right now, right here and now, you would go ahead and marry Mallet all over again?
Harley: Sure, why not?
Jeffrey: I mean I practically live here already, right? I mean I do still have
some stuff at the hotel, and I do have the hotel room and the rehearsal space.
And I'm not nervous at all asking this. Can you tell? Look, I really want to be
here with you-- no safety net, no toe in the water. I'm all in if you are. Are
( Knock at the door )
Cassie: It's open.
Josh: Cassie, it's Josh, just... hello, Jeffrey.
Jeffrey: Hey.
Josh: I didn't see your car. I was just checking to see if Tammy made it home.
Cassie: Hey, Josh.
Josh: Am I interrupting something?
Cassie: Sort of.
Josh: Good or bad?
Cassie: Very good. Tammy has come home and she is okay-- as okay as can be expected, anyway. And Jeffrey here, well, I was just about to tell him I would love for him to move in with me. And for once, he finds himself at a loss for words. ( Laughs )
Jeffrey: You really mean it?
Cassie: I mean it if you mean it?
Jeffrey: Oh, I mean it.
Cassie: Well, then, start packing.
Jeffrey: Oh, yes!
Cassie: Are you sure about this, though? Because this farmhouse gets very cold and drafty.
Jeffrey: I'll remember to bring my electric blanket.
Cassie: Excellent. Josh, I'm sorry. You must be wondering what in the world you came into.
Josh: No, not at all. It's pretty obvious. Congratulations to both of you. I think it's great.
Cassie: Thanks. But does it seem weird, a little weird because of what happened last night?
Josh: It's not really for me to say.
Cassie: Maybe we should hold off on telling Tammy. No, she'll be happy for us and glad there is some good news.
Josh: I'm guessing you two want to be on your own, so I'll say good-bye. Once again, congratulations.
Jeffrey: Thanks.
Cassie: Josh, did you just come by to say hi?
Josh: Oh, I was driving by and I just wanted to see how things were going with Tammy, whether or not she made it home.
Cassie: She did, and she's out again and we think she's talking to Sandy.
Josh: Does Reva know? That she's back?
Cassie: No.
Josh: I'll get in touch with her and fill her in, okay? So...
Cassie: Thanks.
Josh: Give Tammy my love.
Cassie: I will. Okay. Bye.
Josh: Bye.
Jonathan: Before you go getting all high and mighty on me, you might want to
actually go and get a divorce. I know you're feeling really confident right now
that you're definitely going to get Tammy back, probably the same way you felt
confident I wasn't going to crawl off that mountain when you left me for dead.
Look how that turned out.
Sandy: I'll be divorced by tomorrow, Jon!
Jonathan: Hey, Sand, by tomorrow she'll be mine!
I could write a million verses of words you heard before...
Cassie: Tammy, how did you sleep? I couldn't sleep at all. I'm so excited. It's
your big day.
Tammy: Mom, there's something I need to tell you.
Cassie: Sure, what is it?
Tammy: I'm in love with Jonathan. Before you say anything, yes, I know you don't approve of him. I know he tricked me into bed and tried to destroy our whole family; he drugged you the night before your wedding and made sure you slept with him, but... but... he's changed. I'm in love with my cousin...
the pain and regret but loving you just let's me know there might be hope for me yet. hope for me yet.
( Cell phone ringing )
Jonathan: Come on, Tammy, pick up.
Next on "Guiding Light,"
Olivia: It worked once before; we can work again.
Olivia: Josh, it’s Olivia, meet me in our room.
Sandy: I want to get this mess about our marriage cleared up once and for all.
Tammy: Sometimes a dream has to change.
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